As Passed by the House

124th General Assembly
Regular Session
Sub. S. B. No. 107

SENATORS Armbruster, Jacobson, Johnson, Blessing, Austria, Amstutz, Hottinger, DiDonato, Harris, Spada, Mumper, Ryan

REPRESENTATIVES Willamowski, Seitz, Latta, Manning, Lendrum, Damschroder, Reinhard, Grendell, Widowfield, Clancy, Coates, Schmidt, Distel, Trakas, Setzer, Faber, Metzger, Collier, Perry, Cirelli, Calvert, Young, Sferra, Otterman, Flowers, Hagan, Key, Woodard, DeBose, Roman, Reidelbach, Olman, Buehrer, Hughes, G. Smith, McGregor, Schaffer, Niehaus, Hollister

To amend sections 2307.60, 2307.61, 2307.62, and1
4399.18 of the Revised Code to specify the2
circumstances that would bar the recovery of3
damages in tort actions commenced by criminal4


       Section 1. That sections 2307.60, 2307.61, 2307.62, and6
4399.18 of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:7

       Sec. 2307.60. (A) Anyone injured in person or property by a8
criminal act has, and may recover full damages in, a civil action9
unless specifically excepted by law, may recover the costs of10
maintaining the civil action and attorney's fees if authorized by11
any provision of the Rules of Civil Procedure or another section12
of the Revised Code or under the common law of this state, and may13
recover punitive or exemplary damages if authorized by section14
2315.21 or another section of the Revised Code. No record of a15
conviction, unless obtained by confession in open court, shall be16
used as evidence in a civil action brought pursuant to division17
(A) of this section.18

       (B)(1) As used in division (B) of this section, "tort action"19
means a civil action for damages for injury, death, or loss to20
person or property other than a civil action for damages for a21
breach of contract or another agreement between persons. "Tort22
action" includes, but is not limited to, a product liability23
claim, an action for wrongful death under Chapter 2125. of the24
Revised Code, and an action based on derivative claims for relief.25

        (2) Recovery on a claim for relief in a tort action is26
barred to any person or the person's legal representative if the27
person has been convicted of or has pleaded guilty to a felony, or28
to a misdemeanor that is an offense of violence, arising out of29
criminal conduct that was a proximate cause of the injury or loss30
for which relief is claimed in the action.31

        (3) Division (B) of this section does not apply to civil32
claims based upon alleged intentionally tortious conduct, alleged33
violations of the United States Constitution, or alleged34
violations of statutes of the United States pertaining to civil35
rights. 36

       Sec. 2307.61.  (A) If a property owner brings a civil action37
pursuant to division (A) of section 2307.60 of the Revised Code38
to recover damages from any person who willfully damages the39
owner's property or who commits a theft offense, as defined in40
section 2913.01 of the Revised Code, involving the owner's41
property, the property owner may recover as follows:42

       (1) In the civil action, the property owner may elect to43
recover moneys as described in division (A)(1)(a) or (b) of this44

       (a) Compensatory damages that may include, but are not46
limited to, the value of the property and liquidated damages in47
whichever of the following amounts applies:48

       (i) Fifty dollars, if the value of the property was fifty49
dollars or less at the time it was willfully damaged or was the50
subject of a theft offense;51

       (ii) One hundred dollars, if the value of the property was52
more than fifty dollars, but not more than one hundred dollars, at53
the time it was willfully damaged or was the subject of a theft54

       (iii) One hundred fifty dollars, if the value of the56
property was more than one hundred dollars at the time it was57
willfully damaged or was the subject of a theft offense.58

       (b) Liquidated damages in whichever of the following amounts59
is greater:60

       (i) Two hundred dollars;61

       (ii) Three times the value of the property at the time it62
was willfully damaged or was the subject of a theft offense,63
irrespective of whether the property is recovered by way of64
replevin or otherwise, is destroyed or otherwise damaged, is65
modified or otherwise altered, or is resalable at its full market66
price. This division does not apply to a check, negotiable order67
of withdrawal, share draft, or other negotiable instrument that68
was returned or dishonored for insufficient funds by a financial69
institution if the check, negotiable order of withdrawal, share70
draft, or other negotiable instrument was presented by an71
individual borrower to a check-cashing business licensed pursuant72
to sections 1315.35 to 1315.44 of the Revised Code for a73
check-cashing loan transaction.74

       (2) In a civil action in which the value of the property75
that was willfully damaged or was the subject of a theft offense76
is less than five thousand dollars, the property owner may recover77
damages as described in division (A)(1)(a) or (b) of this section78
and additionally may recover the reasonable administrative costs,79
if any, of the property owner that were incurred in connection80
with actions taken pursuant to division (A)(2) of this section,81
the cost of maintaining the civil action, and reasonable82
attorney's fees, if all of the following apply:83

       (a) The property owner, at least thirty days prior to the84
filing of the civil action, serves a written demand for payment of85
moneys as described in division (A)(1)(a) of this section and the86
reasonable administrative costs, if any, of the property owner87
that have been incurred in connection with actions taken pursuant88
to division (A)(2) of this section, upon the person who willfully89
damaged the property or committed the theft offense.90

       (b) The demand conforms to the requirements of division (C)91
of this section and is sent by certified mail, return receipt92

       (c) Either the person who willfully damaged the property or94
committed the theft offense does not make payment to the property95
owner of the amount specified in the demand within thirty days96
after the date of its service upon that person and does not enter97
into an agreement with the property owner during that thirty-day98
period for that payment or the person who willfully damaged the99
property or committed the theft offense enters into an agreement100
with the property owner during that thirty-day period for that101
payment but does not make that payment in accordance with the102

       (B) If a property owner who brings a civil action pursuant104
to division (A) of section 2307.60 of the Revised Code to recover105
damages for willful damage to property or for a theft offense106
attempts to collect the reasonable administrative costs, if any,107
of the property owner that have been incurred in connection with108
actions taken pursuant to division (A)(2) of this section, the109
cost of maintaining the civil action, and reasonable attorney's110
fees under authority of that division and if the defendant111
prevails in the civil action, the defendant may recover from the112
property owner reasonable attorney's fees, the cost of defending113
the civil action, and any compensatory damages that may be proven.114

       (C) For purposes of division (A)(2) of this section, a115
written demand for payment shall include a conspicuous notice to116
the person upon whom the demand is to be served that indicates all117
of the following:118

       (1) The willful property damage or theft offense that the119
person allegedly committed;120

       (2) That, if the person makes payment of the amount121
specified in the demand within thirty days after its service upon122
the person or enters into an agreement with the property owner123
during that thirty-day period for that payment and makes that124
payment in accordance with the agreement, the person cannot be125
sued by the property owner in a civil action in relation to the126
willful property damage or theft offense;127

       (3) That, if the person fails to make payment of the amount128
specified in the demand within thirty days after the date of its129
service upon the person and fails to enter into an agreement for130
that payment with the property owner during that thirty-day period131
or enters into an agreement for that payment with the property132
owner during that thirty-day period but does not make that payment133
in accordance with the agreement, the person may be sued in a134
civil action in relation to the willful property damage or theft135

       (4) The potential judgment that the person may be required137
to pay if the person is sued in a civil action in relation to the138
willful property damage or theft offense and judgment is rendered139
against the person in that civil action;140

       (5) That, if the person is sued in a civil action by the141
property owner in relation to the willful property damage or theft142
offense, if the civil action requests that the person be required143
to pay the reasonable administrative costs, if any, of the144
property owner that have been incurred in connection with actions145
taken pursuant to division (A)(2) of this section, the cost of146
maintaining the action, and reasonable attorney's fees, and if the147
person prevails in the civil action, the person may recover from148
the property owner reasonable attorney's fees, the cost of149
defending the action, and any compensatory damages that can be150

       (D) If a property owner whose property was willfully damaged152
or was the subject of a theft offense serves a written demand for153
payment upon a person who willfully damaged the property or154
committed the theft offense and if the person makes payment of the155
amount specified in the demand within thirty days after the date156
of its service upon the person or the person enters into an157
agreement with the property owner during that thirty-day period158
for that payment and makes payment in accordance with the159
agreement, the property owner shall not file a civil action160
against the person in relation to the willful property damage or161
theft offense.162

       (E) If a property owner whose property was willfully damaged163
or was the subject of a theft offense serves a written demand for164
payment upon a person who willfully damaged the property or165
committed the theft offense and if the person, within thirty days166
after the date of service of the demand upon the person, enters167
into an agreement with the property owner for the payment of the168
amount specified in the demand but does not make that payment in169
accordance with the agreement, the time between the entering of170
the agreement and the failure to make that payment shall not be171
computed as any part of the period within which a civil action172
based on the willful property damage or theft offense must be173
brought under the Revised Code.174

       (F) A civil action to recover damages for willful property175
damage or for a theft offense may be joined with a civil action176
that is brought pursuant to Chapter 2737. of the Revised Code to177
recover the property. If the two actions are joined, any178
compensatory damages recoverable by the property owner shall be179
limited to the value of the property.180

       (G)(1) In a civil action to recover damages for willful181
property damage or for a theft offense, the trier of fact may182
determine that an owner's property was willfully damaged or that a183
theft offense involving the owner's property has been committed,184
whether or not any person has pleaded guilty to or has been185
convicted of any criminal offense or has been adjudicated a186
delinquent child in relation to any act involving the owner's187

       (2) This section does not affect the prosecution of any189
criminal action or proceeding or any action to obtain a delinquent190
child adjudication in connection with willful property damage or a191
theft offense.192

       (H) As used in this section:193

       (1) "Administrative costs" includes the costs of written194
demands for payment and associated postage under division (A)(2)195
of this section.196

       (2) "Value of the property" means one of the following:197

       (a) The retail value of any property that is offered for198
sale by a mercantile establishment, irrespective of whether the199
property is destroyed or otherwise damaged, is modified or200
otherwise altered, or otherwise is not resalable at its full201
market price;202

       (b) The face value of any check or other negotiable203
instrument that is not honored due to insufficient funds in the204
drawer's account, the absence of any drawer's account, or another205
reason, and all charges imposed by a bank, savings and loan206
association, credit union, or other financial institution upon the207
holder of the check or other negotiable instrument;208

       (c) The replacement value of any property not described in209
division (H)(1) or (2) of this section.210

       Sec. 2307.62.  (A) As used in this section:211

       (1) "Trier of fact" means the jury or, in a nonjury trial,212
the court.213

       (2) "Profits" derived from a violation of division (A) or214
(B) of section 2913.041 of the Revised Code are equal to whichever215
of the following applies:216

       (a) The gross revenue derived from the violation by the217
persons who violated division (A) or (B) of section 2913.041 of218
the Revised Code, as established by a preponderance of the219
evidence by the owner or operator of the cable television system220
or other similar closed circuit coaxial cable communications221
system who is aggrieved by the violation;222

       (b) The gross revenue derived from the violation by the223
persons who violated division (A) or (B) of section 2913.041 of224
the Revised Code, as established by a preponderance of the225
evidence by the owner or operator of the cable television system226
or other similar closed circuit coaxial cable communications227
system who is aggrieved by the violation, minus deductible228
expenses and other elements of profit that are not attributable to229
the violation of division (A) or (B) of section 2913.041 of the230
Revised Code, as established by a preponderance of the evidence by231
the persons who violated either or both of those divisions.232

       (B)(1) An owner or operator of a cable television system or233
other similar closed circuit coaxial cable communications system234
who is aggrieved by conduct that is prohibited by division (A) or235
(B) of section 2913.041 of the Revised Code may elect to commence236
a civil action for damages in accordance with division (A) of237
section 2307.60 or section 2307.61 of the Revised Code or to238
commence a civil action under this section in the appropriate239
municipal court, county court, or court of common pleas to recover240
damages and other specified moneys described in division241
(B)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section and, if applicable, damages242
described in division (B)(2) of this section from the persons who243
violated division (A) or (B) of section 2913.041 of the Revised244
Code. If the owner or operator elects to commence a civil action245
for damages and other specified moneys under this section, the246
owner or operator shall specify in its complaint which of the247
following categories of damages and other specified moneys the248
owner or operator seeks to recover from the persons who violated249
division (A) or (B) of section 2913.041 of the Revised Code:250

       (a) Full compensatory damages, punitive or exemplary damages251
if authorized by section 2315.21 of the Revised Code, and the252
reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, and other reasonable253
expenses incurred in maintaining the civil action under this254

       (b) Damages equal to the actual loss suffered by the owner256
or operator as a proximate result of the conduct that violated257
division (A) or (B) of section 2913.041 of the Revised Code and,258
in addition, damages equal to the profits derived by the persons259
who violated either or both of those divisions as a proximate260
result of the prohibited conduct.261

       (c) Liquidated damages in an amount of not less than two262
hundred fifty dollars and not more than ten thousand dollars, as263
determined by the trier of fact, for each separate violation of264
division (A) or (B) of section 2913.041 of the Revised Code as265
described in division (D) of that section.266

       (2) The trier of fact shall determine the amount of any267
compensatory damages to be awarded pursuant to division (B)(1)(a)268
of this section, and the court shall determine the amount of any269
punitive or exemplary damages authorized by section 2315.21 of the270
Revised Code and the amount of reasonable attorney's fees, court271
costs, and other reasonable expenses to be awarded pursuant to272
division (B)(1)(a) of this section. The trier of fact shall273
determine the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or274
operator under division (B)(1)(b) of this section.275

       (3) In a civil action under this section, if an owner or276
operator of a cable television system or other similar closed277
circuit coaxial cable communications system establishes by a278
preponderance of the evidence that the persons who violated279
division (A) or (B) of section 2913.041 of the Revised Code280
engaged in the prohibited conduct for the purpose of direct or281
indirect commercial advantage or private financial gain, the trier282
of fact may award to the owner or operator damages in an amount283
not to exceed fifty thousand dollars in addition to any amount284
recovered pursuant to division (B)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this285
section, whichever of those divisions applies to the owner or286

       (C) A person may join a civil action under this section with288
a civil action under Chapter 2737. of the Revised Code to recover289
any property of the owner or operator of a cable television system290
or other similar closed circuit coaxial cable communications291
system that was the subject of the violation of division (A) or292
(B) of section 2913.041 of the Revised Code. A person may293
commence a civil action under this section regardless of whether294
any person who allegedly violated either or both of those295
divisions has pleaded guilty to or has been convicted of a296
violation of either or both of those divisions or has been297
adjudicated a delinquent child for the commission of any act that298
constitutes a violation of either or both of those divisions.299

       Sec. 4399.18.  Notwithstanding division (A) of section300
2307.60 of the Revised Code and except as otherwise provided in301
this section and in section 4399.01 of the Revised Code, no302
person, and no executor or administrator of the person, who303
suffers personal injury, death, or property damage as a result of304
the actions of an intoxicated person has a cause of action against305
any liquor permit holder or an employee of a liquor permit holder306
who sold beer or intoxicating liquor to the intoxicated person307
unless the injury, death, or property damage occurred on the308
permit holder's premises or in a parking lot under the control of309
the permit holder and was proximately caused by the negligence of310
the permit holder or an employee of the permit holder. A person311
has a cause of action against a permit holder or an employee of a312
permit holder for personal injury, death, or property damage313
caused by the negligent actions of an intoxicated person occurring314
off the premises or away from a parking lot under the permit315
holder's control only when both of the following can be shown by a316
preponderance of the evidence:317

       (A) The permit holder or an employee of the permit holder318
knowingly sold an intoxicating beverage to at least one of the319

       (1) A noticeably intoxicated person in violation of division321
(B) of section 4301.22 of the Revised Code;322

       (2) A person in violation of division (C) of section 4301.22323
of the Revised Code;324

       (3) A person in violation of section 4301.69 of the Revised325

       (B) The person's intoxication proximately caused the327
personal injury, death, or property damage.328

       Notwithstanding sections 4399.02 and 4399.05 of the Revised329
Code, no person, and no executor or administrator of the person,330
who suffers personal injury, death, or property damage as a result331
of the actions of an intoxicated person has a cause of action332
against the owner of a building or premises who rents or leases333
the building or premises to a liquor permit holder against whom a334
cause of action may be brought under this section, except when the335
owner and the permit holder are the same person.336

       Section 2. That existing sections 2307.60, 2307.61, 2307.62,337
and 4399.18 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.338