As Introduced

125th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 152

Representatives Reinhard, Aslanides 

To amend sections 307.204, 505.266, 903.01, 903.02, 1
903.04, 903.08, 903.09, 903.10, 903.16, and 903.20 2
and to enact sections 903.081 and 903.082 of the 3
Revised Code to revise the statutes governing 4
animal feeding facilities.5


       Section 1. That sections 307.204, 505.266, 903.01, 903.02, 6
903.04, 903.08, 903.09, 903.10, 903.16, and 903.20 be amended and 7
sections 903.081 and 903.082 of the Revised Code be enacted to 8
read as follows:9

       Sec. 307.204.  (A) As used in this section:10

       (1) "Animal unit," "concentratedConcentrated animal feeding 11
facility," and "major concentrated animal feeding facility" have 12
the same meanings as in section 903.01 of the Revised Code.13

       (2) "Facility" means a proposed new or expanded major14
concentrated animal feeding facility.15

       (3) "Improvement" means the construction, modification, or16
both of county infrastructure.17

       (B) A person who proposes to do any of the following shall18
provide written notification as required under division (C) of19
this section to the board of county commissioners of the county in 20
which a facility is or is to be located:21

       (1) Establish a new major concentrated animal feeding22

       (2) Increase the number of animal units of design capacity of 24
an existing major concentrated animal feeding facility by ten per 25
cent or more in excess of the design capacity set forth in the26
current permit for construction or modification of the facility or27
for installation or modification of the disposal system for manure28
at the facility issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of29
section 6111.03 of the Revised Code, as applicable;30

       (3) Increase the number of animal units of design capacity of 31
an existing concentrated animal feeding facility by ten per cent 32
or more in excess of the design capacity set forth in the current 33
permit for construction or modification of the facility or for 34
installation or modification of the disposal system for manure at 35
the facility issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of36
section 6111.03 of the Revised Code, as applicable, and to a37
design capacity of more than ten thousand animal unitstimes the 38
number of animals specified in any of the categories in division 39
(H) of section 903.01 of the Revised Code.40

       (C) The person shall notify the board in writing by certified 41
mail of the proposed construction or expansion of the facility and 42
include the following information:43

       (1) The anticipated travel routes of motor vehicles to and44
from the facility;45

       (2) The anticipated number and weights of motor vehicles46
traveling to and from the facility.47

       (D) At the request of the board, the county engineer may48
review the written notification and advise the board on both of49
the following:50

       (1) Improvements and maintenance of improvements that are51
reasonably needed in order to accommodate the impact on county52
infrastructure that is anticipated as a result of the facility,53
including increased travel or the types of vehicles on county54

       (2) The projected costs of the improvements and maintenance.56

       Not later than ten days after receiving the written57
notification, the board may request the person to provide58
additional reasonable and relevant information regarding the59
impact of the facility on county infrastructure. The person shall60
provide the information not later than ten days after the request61
is made.62

       (E)(1) Not later than thirty days after the initial written63
notification is received by the board, the board shall submit to64
the person its recommendations, if any, concerning the65
improvements that will be needed as a result of the facility and66
the cost of those improvements.67

       (2) Not later than fifteen days after receipt of the board's68
recommendations, the person shall notify the board either that the69
person agrees with the recommendations and will implement them or70
that the person is submitting reasonable alternative71
recommendations or modifications to the board. If the person72
agrees with the recommendations, they shall be considered to be73
the board's final recommendations.74

       (3) If the board receives alternative recommendations or75
modifications under division (E)(2) of this section, the board76
shall select final recommendations and submit them to the person77
not later than thirty days after the receipt of the alternative78
recommendations or modifications.79

       (F) The board shall prepare a written, dated statement80
certifying that the written notification required under this81
section was submitted and that final recommendations were selected82
regarding needed improvements and the costs of those improvements.83
The board shall provide the person with the original of the84
statement so that the person can include it with the application85
for a permit to install for the facility as required under86
division (C)(4) of section 903.02 of the Revised Code. The board87
shall retain a copy of the statement for its records.88

       (G) The person shall construct, modify, and maintain or89
finance the construction, modification, and maintenance of90
improvements as provided in the board's final recommendations and91
with the approval and oversight of the county engineer. If the92
person fails to do so, the board shall notify the person by93
certified mail that the board intends to initiate mediation with94
the person if the person remains out of compliance with the final95

       The board shall allow sufficient time for the person to apply97
for and proceed to obtain, for the purpose of financing the98
construction, modification, or maintenance of the improvements,99
exemptions from taxation under sections 5709.63, 5709.632,100
5709.73, and 5709.78 of the Revised Code or state or federal101
grants that may be available.102

       If the person remains out of compliance with the final103
recommendations, the board may initiate mediation with the person104
in order to resolve the differences between them. If mediation105
fails to resolve the differences, the board and the person first106
shall attempt to resolve the differences through any legal107
remedies before seeking redress through a court of common pleas.108

       (H) If the person subsequently submits an application under109
section 903.02 of the Revised Code for a permit to modify the110
facility, or if the routes of travel to or from the facility111
change for any reason other than road construction conducted by112
the county, the board or the person may request that additional113
information be provided in writing and shall proceed as provided114
in this section for the notification and recommendation115

       Sec. 505.266.  (A) As used in this section:117

       (1) "Animal unit," "concentratedConcentrated animal feeding 118
facility," and "major concentrated animal feeding facility" have 119
the same meanings as in section 903.01 of the Revised Code.120

       (2) "Facility" means a proposed new or expanded major121
concentrated animal feeding facility.122

       (3) "Improvement" means the construction, modification, or123
both of township infrastructure.124

       (B) A person who proposes to do any of the following shall125
provide written notification as required under division (C) of126
this section to the board of township trustees of the township in127
which a facility is or is to be located:128

       (1) Establish a new major concentrated animal feeding129

       (2) Increase the number of animal units of design capacity of 131
an existing major concentrated animal feeding facility by ten per 132
cent or more in excess of the design capacity set forth in the133
current permit for construction or modification of the facility or134
for installation or modification of the disposal system for manure135
at the facility issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of136
section 6111.03 of the Revised Code, as applicable;137

       (3) Increase the number of animal units of design capacity of 138
an existing concentrated animal feeding facility by ten per cent 139
or more in excess of the design capacity set forth in the current 140
permit for construction or modification of the facility or for 141
installation or modification of the disposal system for manure at 142
the facility issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of143
section 6111.03 of the Revised Code, as applicable, and to a144
design capacity of more than ten thousand animal unitstimes the 145
number of animals specified in any of the categories in division 146
(M) of section 903.01 of the Revised Code.147

       (C) The person shall notify the board in writing by certified148
mail of the proposed construction or expansion of the facility and 149
include the following information:150

       (1) The anticipated travel routes of motor vehicles to and151
from the facility;152

       (2) The anticipated number and weights of motor vehicles153
traveling to and from the facility.154

       (D) At the request of the board, the county engineer may155
review the written notification and advise the board on both of156
the following:157

       (1) Improvements and maintenance of improvements that are158
reasonably needed in order to accommodate the impact on township159
infrastructure that is anticipated as a result of the facility,160
including increased travel or the types of vehicles on township161

       (2) The projected costs of the improvements and maintenance.163

       Not later than ten days after receiving the written164
notification, the board may request the person to provide165
additional reasonable and relevant information regarding the166
impact of the facility on township infrastructure. The person167
shall provide the information not later than ten days after the168
request is made.169

       (E)(1) Not later than thirty days after the initial written170
notification is received by the board, the board shall submit to171
the person its recommendations, if any, concerning the172
improvements that will be needed as a result of the facility and173
the cost of those improvements.174

       (2) Not later than fifteen days after receipt of the board's175
recommendations, the person shall notify the board either that the176
person agrees with the recommendations and will implement them or177
that the person is submitting reasonable alternative178
recommendations or modifications to the board. If the person179
agrees with the recommendations, they shall be considered to be180
the board's final recommendations.181

       (3) If the board receives alternative recommendations or182
modifications under division (E)(2) of this section, the board183
shall select final recommendations and submit them to the person184
not later than thirty days after the receipt of the alternative185
recommendations or modifications.186

       (F) The board shall prepare a written, dated statement187
certifying that the written notification required under this188
section was submitted and that final recommendations were selected189
regarding needed improvements and the costs of those improvements.190
The board shall provide the person with the original of the191
statement so that the person can include it with the application192
for a permit to install for the facility as required under193
division (C)(4) of section 903.02 of the Revised Code. The board194
shall retain a copy of the statement for its records.195

       (G) The person shall construct, modify, and maintain or196
finance the construction, modification, and maintenance of197
improvements as provided in the board's final recommendations and198
with the approval and oversight of the county engineer. If the199
person fails to do so, the board shall notify the person by200
certified mail that the board intends to initiate mediation with201
the person if the person remains out of compliance with the final202

       The board shall allow sufficient time for the person to apply204
for and proceed to obtain, for the purpose of financing the205
construction, modification, or maintenance of the improvements,206
exemptions from taxation under sections 5709.63, 5709.632,207
5709.73, and 5709.78 of the Revised Code or state or federal208
grants that may be available.209

       If the person remains out of compliance with the final210
recommendations, the board may initiate mediation with the person211
in order to resolve the differences between them. If mediation212
fails to resolve the differences, the board and the person first213
shall attempt to resolve the differences through any legal214
remedies before seeking redress through a court of common pleas.215

       (H) If the person subsequently submits an application under216
section 903.02 of the Revised Code for a permit to modify the217
facility, or if the routes of travel to or from the facility218
change for any reason other than road construction conducted by219
the township, the board or the person may request that additional220
information be provided in writing and shall proceed as provided221
in this section for the notification and recommendation222

       Sec. 903.01.  As used in this chapter:224

       (A) "Agricultural animal" means any animal generally used for 225
food or in the production of food, including cattle, sheep, goats, 226
rabbits, poultry, and swine; horses; and any other animal included 227
by the director of agriculture by rule. "Agricultural animal" does 228
not include fish or other aquatic animals regardless of whether 229
they are raised at fish hatcheries, fish farms, or other 230
facilities that raise aquatic animals.231

       (B) "Animal feeding facility" means a lot, or building, or232
structure where both of the following conditions are met:233

       (1) Animals, other than aquaticAgricultural animals, have 234
been, are, or will be stabled or confined and fed or maintained 235
there for a total of forty-five days or more in any twelve-month 236

       (2) Crops, vegetative forage growth, or post-harvest residues238
are not sustained in the normal growing season over any portion of 239
the lot, building, or structure.240

       "Animal feeding facility" also includes land that is owned or241
leased by or otherwise is under the control of the owner or 242
operator of the lot, building, or structure and on which manure 243
originating from agricultural animals in the lot, building, or244
structure or a production area is applied. "Animal feeding 245
facility" does not include a hatchery, fish farm, or other 246
facility that raises aquatic animals.247

       Two or more animal feeding facilities under common ownership248
shall be considered to be a single animal feeding facility for the249
purposes of this chapter if they adjoin each other or if they use250
a common area or system for the disposal of wastesmanure storage 251
or treatment facility.252

       (C) "Animal unit" means a unit of measurement calculated by253
adding the following numbers:254

       (1) The number of slaughter and feeder cattle multiplied by255

       (2) The number of mature dairy cattle whether milked or dry257
multiplied by one and four-tenths;258

       (3) The number of swine each weighing over fifty-five pounds259
multiplied by four-tenths;260

       (4) The number of horses multiplied by two;261

       (5) The number of sheep or lambs multiplied by one-tenth;262

       (6) The number of turkeys multiplied by two-hundredths;263

       (7) The number of laying hens or broilers multiplied by264

       (8) The number of ducks multiplied by two-tenths.266

       (D) "Best management practices" means best management267
practices established in rules.268

       (D) "Cattle" includes, but is not limited to, heifers, 269
steers, bulls, and cow and calf pairs.270

       (E) "Concentrated animal feeding facility" means an animal271
feeding facility with a total design capacity ofequal to or more 272
than one thousand animal unitsthe number of animals specified in 273
any of the categories in division (M) of this section.274

       (F) "Concentrated animal feeding operation" has the same275
meaning as in regulations adopted by the United States276
environmental protection agency under the Federal Water Pollution277
Control Actmeans an animal feeding facility that complies with 278
one of the following:279

       (1) Has a total design capacity equal to or more than the 280
number of animals specified in any of the categories in division 281
(M) of this section;282

       (2) Satisfies the criteria in division (M),(Q), or (EE) of 283
this section;284

       (3) Is designated by the director of agriculture as a medium 285
or small concentrated animal feeding operation pursuant to rules;286

       (4) Is required to be permitted as a medium or small 287
concentrated animal feeding operation under section 903.082 of the 288
Revised Code.289

       (G) "Discharge" means to add from a point source to waters of 290
the state.291

       (H) "Federal Water Pollution Control Act" means the "Federal292
Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972," 86 Stat. 816, 33293
U.S.C. 1251 et. seq., as amended, and regulations adopted under294

       (I) "Finalized," with respect to the programs required under296
division (A)(1) of section 903.02 and division (A)(1) of section297
903.03 of the Revised Code, means that all rules that are298
necessary for the administration of this chapter have been adopted299
and all employees of the department of agriculture that are300
necessary for the administration of this chapter have been301

       (J) "General permit" has the meaning that is established in303

       (K) "Individual permit" has the meaning that is established305
in rules.306

       (L) "Installation permit" means a permit for the installation 307
or modification of a disposal system or any part of a disposal 308
system issued by the director of environmental protection under 309
division (J)(1) of section 6111.03 of the Revised Code.310

       (M) "Large concentrated animal feeding operation" means an 311
animal feeding facility that stables or confines at least the 312
number of animals specified in any of the following categories:313

        (1) Seven hundred mature dairy cattle whether milked or dry;314

        (2) One thousand veal calves;315

        (3) One thousand cattle other than mature dairy cattle or 316
veal calves;317

        (4)Two thousand five hundred swine that each weigh fifty-five 318
pounds or more;319

        (5) Ten thousand swine that each weigh less than fifty-five 320

        (6) Five hundred horses;322

        (7) Ten thousand sheep or lambs;323

        (8) Fifty-five thousand turkeys;324

        (9) Thirty thousand laying hens or broilers if the animal 325
feeding facility uses a liquid manure handling system;326

        (10) One hundred twenty-five thousand chickens, other than 327
laying hens, if the animal feeding facility uses a manure handling 328
system that is not a liquid manure handling system;329

        (11) Eighty-two thousand laying hens if the animal feeding 330
facility uses a manure handling system that is not a liquid manure 331
handling system;332

        (12) Thirty thousand ducks if the animal feeding facility 333
uses a manure handling system that is not a liquid manure handling 334

        (13) Five thousand ducks if the animal feeding facility uses 336
a liquid manure handling system.337

       (N) "Major concentrated animal feeding facility" means a338
concentrated animal feeding facility with a total design capacity339
of more than ten thousand animal unitstimes the number of animals 340
specified in any of the categories in division (M) of this 341

       (N)(O) "Manure" means any of the following wastes used in or343
resulting from the production of agricultural animals or direct344
agricultural products such as milk or eggs: animal excreta,345
discarded products, bedding, process waste water, process346
generated waste water, waste feed, silage drainage, and compost347
products resulting from mortality composting or the composting of348
animal excreta.349

       (O)(P) "Manure storage or treatment facility" means any350
excavated, diked, or walled structure or combination of structures351
designed for the biological stabilization, holding, or storage of352

       (P)(Q) "Medium concentrated animal feeding operation" means 354
an animal feeding facility that satisfies both of the following:355

        (1) The facility stables or confines the number of animals 356
specified in any of the following categories:357

        (a) Two hundred to six hundred ninety-nine mature dairy 358
cattle whether milked or dry;359

        (b) Three hundred to nine hundred ninety nine veal calves;360

        (c) Three hundred to nine hundred ninety nine cattle other 361
than mature dairy cattle or veal calves;362

        (d) Seven hundred fifty to two thousand four hundred ninety 363
nine swine that each weigh fifty-five pounds or more;364

        (e) Three thousand to nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine 365
swine that each weigh less than fifty-five pounds;366

        (f) One hundred fifty to four hundred ninety-nine horses;367

        (g) Three thousand to nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine 368
sheep or lambs;369

        (h) Sixteen thousand five hundred to fifty-four thousand nine 370
hundred ninety-nine turkeys;371

        (i) Nine thousand to twenty-nine thousand nine hundred 372
ninety-nine laying hens or broilers if the animal feeding facility 373
uses a liquid manure handling system;374

        (j) Thirty-seven thousand five hundred to one hundred 375
twenty-four thousand nine hundred ninety-nine chickens, other than 376
laying hens, if the animal feeding facility uses a manure handling 377
system that is not a liquid manure handling system;378

        (k) Twenty-five thousand to eighty-one thousand nine hundred 379
ninety-nine laying hens if the animal feeding facility uses a 380
manure handling system that is not a liquid manure handling 381

        (l) Ten thousand to twenty-nine thousand nine hundred 383
ninety-nine ducks if the animal feeding facility uses a manure 384
handling system that is not a liquid manure handling system;385

        (m) One thousand five hundred to four thousand nine hundred 386
ninety-nine ducks if the animal feeding facility uses a liquid 387
manure handling system.388

        (2) The facility does one of the following:389

        (a) Discharges pollutants into waters of the United States 390
through an artificial ditch, an artificial flushing system, or an 391
other similar artificial device;392

        (b) Discharges pollutants directly into waters of the United 393
States that originate outside of and that pass over, across, or 394
through the facility or otherwise come into direct contact with 395
the animals at the facility.396

        "Medium concentrated animal feeding operation" includes an 397
animal feeding facility that is designated by the director as a 398
medium concentrated animal feeding operation pursuant to rules or 399
that is required to be permitted as a medium concentrated animal 400
feeding operation under section 903.082 of the Revised Code.401

        (R) "Mortality composting" means the controlled decomposition 402
of organic solid material consisting of dead animals that 403
stabilizes the organic fraction of the material.404

       (Q)(S) "NPDES permit" means a permit issued under the405
national pollutant discharge elimination system established in 406
section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and 407
includes the renewal of such a permit. "NPDES permit" includes the 408
federally enforceable provisions of a permit to operate into which409
NPDES permit provisions have been incorporated.410

       (R)(T) "Permit" includes an initial, renewed, or modified411
permit to install, permit to operate, NPDES permit, and412
installation permit unless expressly stated otherwise.413

       (S)(U) "Permit to install" means a permit issued under414
section 903.02 of the Revised Code.415

       (T)(V) "Permit to operate" means a permit issued or renewed416
under section 903.03 of the Revised Code and includes incorporated417
NPDES permit provisions, if applicable.418

       (U)(W) "Person" means any legal entity defined as a person419
under section 1.59 of the Revised Code, the state, any political420
subdivision of the state, any interstate body created by compact,421
the United States, or any department, agency, or instrumentality422
of any of those entities.423

       (V)(X) "Point source" has the same meaning as in the Federal424
Water Pollution Control Act.425

       (W)(Y) "Process generated waste water" means water that is426
directly or indirectly used in the operation of an animal feeding427
facility for any of the following:428

       (1) Spillage or overflow from animal watering systems;429

       (2) Washing, cleaning, or flushing pens, barns, manure pits,430
or other areas of an animal feeding facility;431

       (3) Direct contact swimming, washing, or spray cooling of432

       (4) Dust control.434

       (X)(Z) "Process waste water" means any process generated 435
waste water and any precipitation, including rain or snow, that 436
comes into contact with manure, litter, bedding, or any other raw437
material or intermediate or final material or product used in or438
resulting from the production of animals or direct products such439
as milk or eggs.440

       (Y)(AA) "Production area" means any of the following 441
components of an animal feeding facility:442

        (1) Animal confinement areas, including, but not limited to, 443
open lots, housed lots, feedlots, confinement houses, stall barns, 444
free stall barns, milkrooms, milking centers, cowyards, barnyards, 445
medication pens, animal walkways, and stables;446

        (2) Manure storage areas, including, but not limited to, 447
manure storage or treatment facilities;448

        (3) Raw material storage areas, including, but not limited 449
to, feed silos, silage bunkers, commodity buildings, and bedding 450

        (4) Waste containment areas, including, but not limited to, 452
any of the following:453

       (a) An egg washing or egg processing facility;454

       (b) An area used in the storage, handling, treatment, or 455
disposal of mortalities;456

       (c) Settling basins, runoff ponds, liquid impoundments, and 457
areas within berms and diversions that are designed and maintained 458
to separate uncontaminated storm water runoff from contaminated 459
water and to contain and treat contaminated storm water runoff.460

        (BB) "Public meeting" means a nonadversarial public hearing461
at which a person may present written or oral statements for the462
director of agriculture's consideration and includes public463
hearings held under section 6111.12 of the Revised Code.464

       (Z)(CC) "Review compliance certificate" means a certificate465
issued under section 903.04 of the Revised Code.466

       (AA)(DD) "Rule" means a rule adopted under section 903.10 of 467
the Revised Code.468

       (BB)(EE) "Small concentrated animal feeding operation" means 469
an animal feeding facility that is not a large or medium 470
concentrated animal feeding operation and that is designated by 471
the director as a small concentrated animal feeding operation 472
pursuant to rules adopted under section 903.08 of the Revised Code 473
or is permitted as a small concentrated animal feeding operation 474
under section 903.082 of the Revised Code.475

        (FF) "Waters of the state" has the same meaning as in section476
6111.01 of the Revised Code.477

       Sec. 903.02.  (A)(1) Not later than one hundred eighty days478
after the effective date of this sectionMarch 15, 2001, the 479
director of agriculture shall prepare a program for the issuance 480
of permits to install under this section.481

       (2) On and after the date on which the director has finalized 482
the program required under division (A)(1) of this section, no 483
person shall modify an existing or construct a new concentrated 484
animal feeding facility without first obtaining a permit to 485
install issued by the director under this section.486

       (B) The director or the director's authorized representative487
may help an applicant for a permit to install during the488
permitting process by providing guidance and technical assistance.489

       (C) An applicant for a permit to install shall submit an490
application to the director on a form that the director prescribes491
and provides together with a fee in an amount established by rule.492
The applicant shall include with the application all of the493
following information:494

       (1) The name and address of the applicant, of all partners if 495
the applicant is a partnership or of all officers and directors if 496
the applicant is a corporation, and of any other person who has a 497
right to control or in fact controls management of the applicant498
or the selection of officers, directors, or managers of the499

       (2) The type of livestock and the number of animal units501
animals that the concentrated animal feeding facility would have 502
the design capacity to raise or maintain;503

       (3) Designs and plans for the proposed construction of the504
concentrated animal feeding facility that include the proposed505
location of the construction, design and construction plans and506
specifications, anticipated beginning and ending dates for work507
performed, and any other information that the director requires by508

       (4) In the case of an application for a concentrated animal510
feeding facility that meets the criteria established in sections511
307.204 and 505.266 of the Revised Code, written statements from512
the board of county commissioners of the county and the board of513
township trustees of the township in which the concentrated animal514
feeding facility would be located certifying that, in accordance515
with those sections, the applicant has provided the boards with516
the required written notification and that final recommendations517
were selected regarding improvements, if any, to county or518
township infrastructure that are needed as a result of the new or519
expanded concentrated animal feeding facility and the costs of520
those improvements;521

       (5) A statement of the quantity of water that the522
concentrated animal feeding facility will utilize on an average523
daily and annual basis, a detailed description of the basis for524
the calculation utilized in determining the quantity of water525
utilized, and a statement identifying the source for the water;526

       (6) Information concerning the applicant's past compliance527
with the Federal Water Pollution Control Act required to be528
provided under section 903.05 of the Revised Code, if applicable;529

       (7) Any other information required by rule.530

       Information required to be included in an application for the531
modification of a permit to install, together with the applicable532
fee amount, shall be established in rules.533

       (D) The director shall issue permits to install in accordance534
with section 903.09 of the Revised Code. The director shall deny a 535
permit to install if either of the following applies:536

       (1) The permit application contains misleading or false537

       (2) The designs and plans fail to conform to best management539

       Additional grounds for the denial of a permit to install541
shall be those established in this chapter and rules.542

       (E) A permit to install shall expire after a period specified 543
by the director unless the applicant has undertaken a continuing 544
program of construction or has entered into a binding contractual 545
obligation to undertake and complete a continuing program of 546
construction within a reasonable time. The director may extend the 547
expiration date of a permit to install upon request of the 548

       (F) The director may modify, suspend, or revoke a permit to550
install in accordance with rules.551

       (G) Nothing in this chapter affects section 1521.16 of the552
Revised Code.553

       Sec. 903.04.  (A) As used in this section, "existing554
concentrated animal feeding facility" or "existing facility" means555
a concentrated animal feeding facility that was in existence prior556
to the date on which the director of agriculture has finalized the557
program required under division (A)(1) of section 903.03 of the558
Revised Code and that has received an installation permit prior to559
that date.560

       (B) On and after the date on which the director of561
agriculture has finalized the program required under division562
(A)(1) of section 903.02 of the Revised Code, the authority to563
enforce terms and conditions of installation permits that564
previously were issued to animal feeding facilities shall be565
transferred from the director of environmental protection to the566
director of agriculture. Thereafter, the director of environmental 567
protection shall have no authority to enforce the terms and 568
conditions of those installation permits. On and after the date on 569
which the director of agriculture has finalized the program570
required under division (A)(1) of section 903.02 of the Revised 571
Code, an installation permit concerning which enforcement572
authority has been transferred shall be deemed to have been issued573
under this section.574

       (C) A person to whom an installation permit has been issued575
by the director of environmental protection prior to the date on576
which the director of agriculture has finalized the program577
required under division (A)(1) of section 903.03 of the Revised578
Code may continue to operate under that permit until either of the579
following occurs:580

       (1) The installation permit is terminated through the denial581
of a review compliance certificate under division (F) of this582

       (2) The person is required under division (H) of this section 584
to obtain a permit to operate.585

       (D) Except as otherwise provided in this division, on and586
after the date that is two years after the date on which the587
director has finalized the program required under division (A)(1)588
of section 903.03 of the Revised Code, and until the issuance of a589
permit to operate, no person shall operate an existing590
concentrated animal feeding facility unless the person holds a591
review compliance certificate.592

       This division does not apply to a person who has made a593
timely submittal of the information required under division (E)(2)594
of this section and who is waiting for the director to issue or595
deny a review compliance certificate. Such a person may continue596
the operation of the existing concentrated animal feeding facility597
until, if applicable, the director issues an order denying the598
review compliance certificate.599

       (E) Not later than two years after the date on which the600
director has finalized the program required under division (A)(1)601
of section 903.03 of the Revised Code, both of the following602

       (1) The director shall review the installation permit that604
previously was issued to an existing concentrated animal feeding605
facility and shall inspect the facility to determine if it is in606
compliance with that permit.607

       (2) Except as otherwise provided in division (E)(2) of this608
section, the owner or operator of an existing concentrated animal609
feeding facility shall furnish all of the following to the610
director on a form prescribed by the director:611

       (a) The name and address of the owner, of all partners if the612
owner is a partnership or of all officers and directors if the613
owner is a corporation, and of any other person who has a right to614
control or in fact controls management of the facility or the615
selection of officers, directors, or managers of the facility;616

       (b) The type of livestock and number of animal unitsanimals617
that the facility has the design capacity to raise or maintain;618

       (c) A manure management plan for the facility that conforms619
to best management practices regarding the handling, storage,620
transportation, and land application of manure generated at the621
facility and that contains any other information required by rule;622

       (d) An insect and rodent control plan for the facility that623
conforms to best management practices and is prepared in624
accordance with section 903.06 of the Revised Code;625

       (e) In the case of a major concentrated animal feeding626
facility, written proof that the person who would be responsible627
for the supervision of the management and handling of manure at628
the facility has been issued a livestock manager certification in629
accordance with section 903.07 of the Revised Code.630

       The owner or operator need not furnish any information631
otherwise required under division (E)(2) of this section if that632
information is included in the installation permit that was issued633
for the existing facility.634

       (F) After a review of the existing installation permit, an635
inspection of the facility, and a review of the information636
furnished under division (E)(2) of this section, and upon637
determining that the existing facility is being operated in a638
manner that protects the waters of the state and minimizes the639
presence and negative effects of insects and rodents at the640
facility and in surrounding areas, the director shall issue an641
order issuing a review compliance certificate to the facility. In642
issuing the certificate, the director shall consider technical643
feasibility and economic costs. The director shall not require a644
significant capital expenditure, as defined by rule, by the645
facility before issuing a certificate.646

       The director may issue an order denying a review compliance647
certificate if the facility's insect and rodent control plan or648
manure management plan does not conform to best management649
practices and the requirements established in section 903.06 of650
the Revised Code and in rules. The denial of a review compliance651
certificate terminates the existing installation permit that was652
issued to the facility.653

       The issuance of a review compliance certificate shall not654
require public notice or a public meeting. However, notice shall655
be provided to persons who own property that is contiguous to the 656
production area of the concentrated animal feeding facility for 657
which the review compliance certificate is to be issued. Such 658
persons may submit written comments to the director within a time 659
established by the director.660

       The issuance of a review compliance certificate shall not be661
subject to appeal under Chapter 119. or sections 3745.04 to662
3745.06 of the Revised Code. The denial or revocation of a review663
compliance certificate or the amendment of an installation permit664
resulting from a certificate may be challenged by the applicant in665
an administrative hearing in accordance with Chapter 119. of the666
Revised Code, except that section 119.12 of the Revised Code does667
not apply. An order of the director that denies or revokes a668
certificate or amends an installation permit as a result of a669
certificate may be appealed to the environmental review appeals670
commission under sections 3745.04 to 3745.06 of the Revised Code.671

       (G) Upon the issuance of a review compliance certificate, the672
certificate automatically shall merge and become a part of the673
previously issued installation permit. If any of the terms and674
conditions of the installation permit and the review compliance675
certificate are in conflict, the terms and conditions of the676
review compliance certificate are controlling.677

       (H)(1) A review compliance certificate is valid for a period678
of five years. Not later than one hundred eighty days prior to the 679
expiration date of the review compliance certificate, the owner or 680
operator shall apply for a permit to operate.681

       (2) The director may revoke a review compliance certificate682
issued to an existing facility after the director has issued an683
order as a result of a hearing held under Chapter 119. of the684
Revised Code in which the facility has been found to be in685
violation of the terms and conditions of the review compliance686
certificate. An existing facility whose review compliance687
certificate is revoked shall obtain a permit to operate and, if688
applicable, a NPDES permit in order to resume operating.689

       (I) An existing facility that is issued a review compliance690
certificate shall comply with the previously issued installation691
permit, as amended by the certificate.692

       Sec. 903.08.  (A)(1) The director of agriculture is693
authorized to participate in the national pollutant discharge694
elimination system in accordance with the Federal Water Pollution695
Control Act. Not later than one hundred eighty days after the696
effective date of this sectionMarch 15, 2001, the director shall 697
prepare a state program in accordance with 40 C.F.R. 123.21 for 698
point sources that are subject to this section and shall submit 699
the program to the United States environmental protection agency 700
for approval.701

       (2) On and after the date on which the United States702
environmental protection agency approves the state program703
submitted under division (A)(1) of this section, the authority to704
enforce terms and conditions of NPDES permits previously issued705
under division (J) of section 6111.03 or under section 6111.035 of706
the Revised Code for the discharging, transporting, or handling of707
storm water from an animal feeding facility or of manure is708
transferred from the director of environmental protection to the709
director of agriculture. Thereafter, the director of environmental 710
protection shall have no authority to enforce the terms and 711
conditions of those NPDES permits. After the transfer of authority 712
under division (A)(2) of this section, the NPDES permits 713
concerning which authority has been transferred shall be714
considered to have been issued under this section.715

       (B)(1) On and after the date on which the United States716
environmental protection agency approves the NPDES program717
submitted by the director of agriculture under this section, no718
person shall discharge manure from a point source into waters of719
the state without first obtainingthe owner or operator of a 720
concentrated animal feeding operation shall apply for an 721
individual NPDES permit or for coverage under a general NPDES722
permit issued by the director of agriculture under this section. 723
However, if an owner or operator of a concentrated animal feeding 724
operation receives notice from the director that the director has 725
determined that the concentrated animal feeding operation has no 726
potential to discharge manure, the owner or operator is not 727
required to apply for an individual NPDES permit or for coverage 728
under a general NPDES permit for that operation. The director's 729
determination shall be made in accordance with rules. Violation of730
division (B)(1) of this section is hereby declared to be a public731
nuisance for purposes of state enforcement of this section.732

       (2) Persons that have been issued a permit by the director of733
environmental protection under division (J) of section 6111.03 of734
the Revised Code for the discharge of manure prior to the date on 735
which the United States environmental protection agency approves 736
the NPDES program submitted by the director of agriculture under 737
this section may continue to operate under that permit until it 738
expires or is modified or revoked. Such a permit shall be enforced 739
by the director of agriculture upon the transfer of authority to 740
enforce the terms and conditions of the permit under division 741
(A)(2) of this section.742

       (C)(1) On and after the date on which the United States743
environmental protection agency approves the NPDES program744
submitted by the director of agriculture under this section, no745
person shall discharge storm water resulting from an animal746
feeding facility without first obtaining a NPDES permit issued by747
the director of agriculture in accordance with rules when such a748
permit is required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.749
Violation of division (C)(1) of this section is hereby declared to750
be a public nuisance for purposes of state enforcement of this751

       (2) Persons that have been issued a NPDES permit by the753
director of environmental protection under Chapter 6111. of the754
Revised Code for the discharge of storm water from an animal755
feeding facility prior to the date on which the United States756
environmental protection agency approves the NPDES program757
submitted by the director of agriculture under this section may758
continue to operate under that permit until it expires or is759
modified or revoked. Such a permit shall be enforced by the760
director of agriculture upon the transfer of authority to enforce761
the terms and conditions of the permit under division (A)(2) of762
this section.763

       (D) In accordance with rules, an applicant for a NPDES permit764
issued under this section shall submit a fee in an amount765
established by rule together with, except as otherwise provided in766
division (F) of this section, an application for the permit to the767
director of agriculture on a form prescribed by the director. The768
application shall include any information required by rule. The769
director or the director's authorized representative may help an770
applicant for a NPDES permit during the application process by771
providing guidance and technical assistance.772

       (E) The director of agriculture shall issue NPDES permits in773
accordance with this section and section 903.09 of the Revised774
Code. The director shall deny an application for a NPDES permit if 775
any of the following applies:776

       (1) The application contains misleading or false information.777

       (2) The administrator of the United States environmental778
protection agency objects in writing to the issuance of the NPDES779
permit in accordance with section 402(d) of the Federal Water780
Pollution Control Act.781

       (3) The director determines that the proposed discharge or782
source would conflict with an areawide waste treatment management783
plan adopted in accordance with section 208 of the Federal Water784
Pollution Control Act.785

       Additional grounds for the denial of a NPDES permit shall be786
those established in this chapter and rules.787

       (F) To the extent consistent with the Federal Water Pollution 788
Control Act, the director of agriculture shall issue general NPDES 789
permits that will apply in lieu of individual NPDES permits for 790
categories of point sources for which the director determines that 791
all of the following apply:792

       (1) Any discharges authorized by a general permit will have793
only minimal cumulative adverse effects on the environment when794
the discharges are considered collectively and individually.795

       (2) The discharges are more appropriately authorized by a796
general permit than by an individual permit.797

       (3) Each category of point sources satisfies the criteria798
established in rules.799

       A person who is required to obtain a NPDES permit shall800
submit to the director a notice of the person's intent to be801
covered under an existing general permit or, at the person's802
option, an application for an individual NPDES permit. Upon803
receipt of a notice of intent for coverage under an existing804
general permit, the director shall notify the applicant in writing805
that the person is covered by the general permit if the person806
satisfies the criteria established in rules for eligibility for807
such coverage. If the person is ineligible for coverage under the808
general permit, the director shall require the submission of an809
application for an individual NPDES permit.810

       (G) The director of agriculture shall establish terms and811
conditions of NPDES permits in accordance with rules. Terms and812
conditions shall be designed to achieve and maintain full813
compliance with national effluent limitations, national standards814
of performance for new sources, the most current water quality815
standards adopted under section 6111.041 of the Revised Code, the816
most current antidegradation policy adopted under section 6111.12817
of the Revised Code, and other requirements of the Federal Water818
Pollution Control Act. In establishing the terms and conditions of 819
a NPDES permit, the director, to the extent consistent with that 820
act, shall consider technical feasibility and economic costs and 821
shall allow a reasonable period of time for coming into compliance 822
with the permit.823

       (H) An animal feeding facility that is required to obtain824
both a NPDES permit and a permit to operate shall be issued a825
single permit to operate incorporating the terms and conditions826
established by both permits. The permit to operate expressly shall 827
designate the terms and conditions required under the NPDES828
program as federally enforceable. All other provisions are829
enforceable under state law only and expressly shall be designated830

       (I) A NPDES permit may be issued under this section for a832
period not to exceed five years.833

       (J) A NPDES permit issued under this section may be renewed.834
An application for renewal of a NPDES permit shall be submitted to835
the director of agriculture at least one hundred eighty days prior836
to the expiration date of the permit and shall comply with the837
requirements governing applications for NPDES permits established838
under this section and by rule.839

       (K)(1) No person shall make any false statement,840
representation, or certification in an application for a NPDES841
permit or in any form, notice, or report required to be submitted842
to the director pursuant to terms and conditions established in a843
NPDES permit issued under this section.844

       (2) No person shall render inaccurate any monitoring method845
or device that is required under the terms and conditions of a846
NPDES permit issued under this section.847

       (L) The director may modify, suspend, or revoke a NPDES848
permit issued under this section for cause as established by rule.849
No NPDES permit issued under this section shall be modified,850
suspended, or revoked without a written order stating the findings851
that led to the modification, suspension, or revocation. In852
addition, the permittee has a right to an administrative hearing853
in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, except that854
section 119.12 of the Revised Code does not apply. Further, an855
order of the director modifying, suspending, or revoking a NPDES856
permit may be appealed to the environmental review appeals857
commission under sections 3745.04 to 3745.06 of the Revised Code.858

       (M)(1) No person shall violate any effluent limitation859
established by rule.860

       (2) No person shall violate any other provision of a NPDES861
permit issued under this section.862

       (3) Compliance with a NPDES permit issued under this section863
constitutes compliance with this section.864

       (N) This section, including the state program authorized in865
division (A)(1) of this section, shall be administered in a manner866
consistent with the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.867

       Sec. 903.081. (A) For purposes of section 903.08 of the 868
Revised Code, no person shall issue a NPDES permit if the person 869
receives or has received during the two years prior to the receipt 870
of an application for an NPDES permit a significant portion of 871
income from a NPDES permittee or an applicant for a NPDES permit. 872
In addition, no person who, pursuant to an appeal of an action 873
regarding a NPDES permit, has the authority to require the 874
director of agriculture to issue or modify a NPDES permit shall 875
require the director to issue or modify a NPDES permit if the 876
person receives or has received during the two years prior to the 877
filing of the appeal a significant portion of income from a NPDES 878
permittee or an applicant for a NPDES permit.879

        (B) As used in this section:880

        (1) "Significant portion of income" means ten per cent or 881
more of gross personal income in a calendar year or fifty per cent 882
or more of gross personal income in a calendar year if the 883
recipient of the income is more than sixty years of age and is 884
receiving that portion of income under retirement benefits, 885
including a pension or similar arrangement.886

        (2) "Income" includes retirement benefits, consultant fees, 887
and stock dividends. "Income" does not include mutual fund 888
payments or other diversified investments for which the recipient 889
does not know the identity of the primary sources of the income.890

        (3) "Permittee" and "applicant for a NPDES permit" does not 891
include any department or agency of the state. 892

       Sec. 903.082. (A) Notwithstanding divisions (Q) and (EE) of 893
section 903.01 of the Revised Code, the director of agriculture 894
may determine that an animal feeding facility shall be required to 895
be permitted as a medium or small concentrated animal feeding 896
operation when all of the following apply:897

        (1) The director has received a written notification from the 898
chief of the division of soil and water conservation in the 899
department of natural resources that specifies that the animal 900
feeding facility has a record of noncompliance with Chapter 1511. 901
of the Revised Code and rules adopted under it.902

        (2) The director or the director's authorized representative 903
has inspected the animal feeding facility.904

        (3) The director or the director's authorized representative 905
finds that the facility is not being operated in a manner that 906
protects the waters of the state.907

        (B) If an animal feeding facility is required to be permitted 908
in accordance with this section, the owner or operator of the 909
facility shall apply to the director for an individual NPDES 910
permit or for coverage under a general NPDES permit and shall 911
apply for a permit to install, permit to operate, or both, 912
whichever is applicable, to operate as a concentrated animal 913
feeding operation. 914

       Sec. 903.09. (a)(A) Prior to issuing or modifying a permit to915
install, permit to operate, or NPDES permit, the director of916
agriculture shall issue a draft permit. The director or the917
director's representative shall mail notice of the issuance of a918
draft permit to the applicant and shall publish the notice once in919
a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the920
concentrated animal feeding facility or discharger is located or921
proposed to be located. The director shall mail notice of the922
issuance of a draft permit and a copy of the draft permit to the923
board of county commissioners of the county and the board of924
township trustees of the township in which the concentrated animal925
feeding facility or discharger is located or proposed to be926
located. The director or the director's representative also shall927
provide notice of the issuance of a draft NPDES to any other928
persons that are entitled to notice under the Federal Water929
Pollution Control Act. Notice of the issuance of a draft permit to 930
install, permit to operate, or NPDES permit shall include the931
address where written comments concerning the draft permit may be932
submitted and the period of time during which comments will be933
accepted as established by rule.934

       If the director receives written comments in an amount that935
demonstrates significant public interest, as defined by rule, in936
the draft permit, the director shall schedule one public meeting937
to provide information to the public and to hear comments938
pertinent to the draft permit. The notice of the public meeting939
shall be provided in the same manner as the notice of the issuance940
of the draft permit.941

       (B) If a person is required to obtain both a permit to942
install and a permit to operate, including any permit to operate943
with NPDES provisions, and public meetings are required for both944
permits, the public meetings for the permits shall be combined.945

       (C) The director shall apply the antidegradation policy946
adopted under section 6111.12 of the Revised Code to permits947
issued under this chapter to the same degree and under the same948
circumstances as it applies to permits issued under Chapter 6111.949
of the Revised Code. The director shall hold one public meeting to 950
consider antidegradation issues when such a meeting is required by 951
the antidegradation policy. When allowed by the antidegradation 952
policy, the director shall hold the public meeting on 953
antidegradation issues concurrently with any public meeting held 954
for the draft permit.955

       (D) The director or the director's representative shall956
publish notice of the issuance of a final permit to install,957
permit to operate, or NPDES permit once in a newspaper of general958
circulation in the county in which the concentrated animal feeding959
facility or discharger is located.960

       (E) Failure of the director to provide notice or a public961
meeting shall invalidate a permit only if the failure is raised962
by, and was relied upon to the detriment of, a person that is963
entitled to appeal the permit. Notice or a public meeting is not964
required for the modification of a permit made with the consent of965
the permittee for the correction of typographical errors.966

       (F) The denial, modification, suspension, or revocation of a967
permit to install, permit to operate, or NPDES permit without the968
consent of the applicant or permittee shall be preceded by a969
proposed action stating the director's intention to issue an order970
with respect to the permit and the reasons for it. The971

       The director shall mail to the applicant or the permittee 972
notice of the director's proposed action to deny, suspend, or 973
revoke a permit to install, permit to operate, or NPDES permit. 974
The director shall publish the notice once in a newspaper of 975
general circulation in the county in which the concentrated animal 976
feeding facility or concentrated animal feeding operation is 977
located or proposed to be located. The director shall mail a copy 978
of the notice of the proposed action to the board of county 979
commissioners of the county and to the board of township trustees 980
of the township in which the concentrated animal feeding facility 981
or concentrated animal feeding operation is located or proposed to 982
be located. The director also shall provide notice of the 983
director's proposed action to deny, suspend, or revoke a permit to 984
install, permit to operate, or NPDES permit to any other person 985
that is entitled to notice under the Federal Water Pollution 986
Control Act. The notice of the director's proposed action to deny, 987
suspend, or revoke a permit to install, permit to operate, or 988
NPDES permit shall include the address where written comments 989
concerning the director's proposed action may be submitted and the 990
period of time during which comments will be accepted as 991
established by rule. If the director receives written comments in 992
an amount that demonstrates significant public interest, as 993
defined by rule, the director shall schedule one public meeting to 994
provide information to the public and to hear comments pertinent 995
to the proposed action. The notice of the public meeting shall be 996
provided in the same manner as the notice of the director's 997
proposed action.998

       The director shall not issue an order that makes the proposed 999
action final until the applicant or permittee has had an 1000
opportunity for an adjudication hearing in accordance with Chapter 1001
119. of the Revised Code, except that section 119.12 of the 1002
Revised Code does not apply. An order of the director that1003
finalizes the proposed action or an order issuing a permit without1004
a prior proposed action may be appealed to the environmental1005
review appeals commission under sections 3745.04 to 3745.06 of the1006
Revised Code.1007

       (G)(1) The director shall issue an order issuing or denying1008
an application for a permit to operate that contains NPDES1009
provisions or for a NPDES permit, as well as any application for a1010
permit to install that is submitted simultaneously, not later than1011
one hundred eighty days after receiving the application.1012

       (2) In the case of an application for a permit to install or1013
permit to operate that is not connected with an application for a1014
NPDES permit, the director shall issue or propose to deny the1015
permit not later than ninety days after receiving the application.1016
If the director has proposed to deny the permit to install or1017
permit to operate under division (G)(2) of this section, the1018
director shall issue an order denying the permit or, if the1019
director decides against the proposed denial, issuing the permit1020
not later than one hundred eighty days after receiving the1021
application. If the director denies the permit, the director shall 1022
notify the applicant in writing of the reason for the denial.1023

       (H) All rulemaking and the issuance of civil penalties under1024
this chapter shall comply with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.1025

       (I) Upon the transfer of ownership of an animal feeding1026
facility for which a permit to install, an installation permit, a1027
review compliance certificate, or a permit to operate that1028
contains no NPDES provisions has been issued, the permit or1029
certificate shall be transferred to the new owner of the animal1030
feeding facility except as provided in division (C) of section1031
903.05 of the Revised Code. In the case of the transfer of1032
ownership of a point source for which a NPDES permit or a permit1033
to operate that contains NPDES provisions has been issued, the1034
permit shall be transferred in accordance with rules.1035

       (J) Applications for installation permits for animal feeding1036
facilities pending before the director of environmental protection1037
on the date on which the director of agriculture has finalized the1038
programs required under division (A)(1) of section 903.02 and1039
division (A)(1) of section 903.03 of the Revised Code shall be1040
transferred to the director of agriculture. In the case of an1041
applicant who is required to obtain a permit to install and a1042
permit to operate under sections 903.02 and 903.03, respectively,1043
of the Revised Code, the director of agriculture shall process the1044
pending application for an installation permit as an application1045
for a permit to install and a permit to operate.1046

       (K) Applications for NPDES permits for either of the1047
following that are pending before the director of environmental1048
protection on the date on which the United States environmental1049
protection agency approves the NPDES program submitted by the1050
director of agriculture under section 903.08 of the Revised Code1051
shall be transferred to the director of agriculture:1052

       (1) The discharge of manure;1053

       (2) The discharge of storm water resulting from an animal1054
feeding facility. In the case of an applicant who is required to1055
obtain a NPDES permit under section 903.08 of the Revised Code,1056
the director of agriculture shall process the pending application1057
as an application for a NPDES permit under that section.1058

       Sec. 903.10.  The director of agriculture shall adopt rules1059
in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that do all of1060
the following:1061

       (A) Establish all of the following concerning permits to1062
install and permits to operate:1063

       (1) A description of what constitutes a modification of a1064
concentrated animal feeding facility;1065

       (2) The amount of the fee that must be submitted with each1066
permit application and each application for a permit modification;1067

       (3) Information that must be included in the designs and1068
plans required to be submitted with an application for a permit to1069
install and criteria for approving, disapproving, or requiring1070
modification of the designs and plans;1071

       (4) Information that must be included in a manure management1072
plan required to be submitted with an application for a permit to1073

       (5) Information that must be included in an application for1075
the modification of an installation permit, a permit to install,1076
or a permit to operate;1077

       (6) Any additional information that must be included with a1078
permit application;1079

       (7) Procedures for the issuance, denial, modification,1080
transfer, suspension, and revocation of permits to install and1081
permits to operate, including general permits;1082

       (8) Grounds for the denial, modification, suspension, or1083
revocation of permits to install and permits to operate in1084
addition to the grounds established in division (D) of section1085
903.02 and division (D) of section 903.03 of the Revised Code;1086

       (9) A requirement that a person that is required to obtain1087
both a permit to install and a permit to operate submit1088
applications for those permits simultaneously;1089

       (10) A definition of "general permit to operate" that1090
establishes categories of concentrated animal feeding facilities1091
to be covered under such a permit and a definition of "individual1092
permit to operate" together with the criteria for issuing a1093
general permit to operate and the criteria for determining a1094
person's eligibility to operate under a general permit to operate.1095

       (B) Establish all of the following for the purposes of review 1096
compliance certificates issued under section 903.04 of the Revised 1097

       (1) The form of a certificate;1099

       (2) Criteria for what constitutes a significant capital1100
expenditure under division (D) of that section;1101

       (3) Deadlines and procedures for submitting information under 1102
division (E)(2) of that section.1103

       (C) Establish best management practices that minimize water1104
pollution, odors, insects, and rodents, that govern the land1105
application of manure that originated at a concentrated animal1106
feeding facility, and that govern all of the following activities1107
that occur at a concentrated animal feeding facility:1108

       (1) Manure management, including the storage, handling,1109
transportation, and land application of manure. Rules adopted1110
under division (C)(1) of this section shall include practices that1111
prevent surface and ground water contamination caused by the1112
storage of manure or the land application of manure and prevent1113
the contamination of water in drainage tiles that may be caused by1114
that application.1115

       (2) Disposal of dead livestock;1116

       (3) Any other activity that the director considers1117

       Best management practices established in rules adopted under1119
division (C) of this section shall not conflict with best1120
management practices established in rules that have been adopted1121
under any other section of the Revised Code and that are in effect1122
on the effective date of this sectionMarch 15, 2001. The rules 1123
adopted under division (C) of this section shall establish 1124
guidelines that require owners or operators of concentrated animal 1125
feeding facilities to consult with and work with local officials,1126
including boards of county commissioners and boards of township1127
trustees, in addressing issues related to local government1128
infrastructure needs and the financing of that infrastructure.1129

       (D) Establish all of the following concerning insect and1130
rodent control plans required under section 903.06 of the Revised1131

       (1) The information to be included in an insect and rodent1133
control plan;1134

       (2) Criteria for approving, disapproving, or requiring1135
modification of an insect and rodent control plan;1136

       (3) Criteria for determining compliance with or violation of1137
an insect and rodent control plan;1138

       (4) Procedures and standards for monitoring insect and rodent 1139
control plans;1140

       (5) Procedures and standards for enforcing insect and rodent1141
control plans at concentrated animal feeding facilities at which1142
insects or rodents constitute a nuisance or adversely affect1143
public health;1144

       (6) The amount of civil penalties for violation of an insect1145
and rodent control plan assessed by the director of agriculture1146
under division (B) of section 903.16 of the Revised Code, provided1147
that the rules adopted under division (D)(6) of this section shall1148
not establish a civil penalty of more than ten thousand dollars1149
for a violation involving a concentrated animal feeding facility1150
with a total design capacity of ten thousand or fewer animal units1151
that is not a major concentrated animal feeding facility and shall 1152
not establish a civil penalty of more than twenty-five thousand 1153
dollars for a violation involving a major concentrated animal 1154
feeding facility;1155

       (7) The time period within which the director must approve or1156
deny an insect and rodent control plan after receiving it;1157

       (8) Any other provisions necessary to administer and enforce1158
section 903.12 of the Revised Code.1159

       (E) Establish all of the following concerning livestock1160
manager certification required under section 903.07 of the Revised1161

       (1) The information to be included in an application for a1163
livestock manager certification and the amount of the application1164

       (2) The content of the training required to be completed and1166
of the examination required to be passed by an applicant for a1167
livestock manager certification. The training shall include and1168
the examination shall test the applicant's knowledge of1169
information on topics that include calculating nutrient values in1170
manure, devising and implementing a plan for the land application1171
of manure, removing manure held in a manure storage or treatment1172
facility, and following best management practices established in1173
rules for disposal of dead animals and manure management,1174
including practices that control odor and protect the environment.1175
The director may specify other types of recognized training1176
programs that, if completed, are considered to satisfy the1177
training and examination requirement.1178

       (3) Criteria and procedures for the issuance, denial,1179
suspension, revocation, or reinstatement of a livestock manager1180

       (4) The length of time during which livestock manager1182
certifications will be valid and procedures for their renewal;1183

       (5) The volume of manure that must be transported, bought, or 1184
sold annually by a person in order for the person to be required 1185
to obtain a livestock manager certification under division (A)(2) 1186
of section 903.07 of the Revised Code;1187

       (6) Any other provisions necessary to administer and enforce1188
section 903.07 of the Revised Code.1189

       (F) Establish all of the following concerning NPDES permits:1190

       (1) The designation of concentrated animal feeding operations1191
that are subject to NPDES permit requirements under section 903.08 1192
of the Revised Code. This designation shall include only those1193
point sources for which the issuance of NPDES permits is required 1194
under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.1195

       (2) Effluent limitations governing discharges into waters of1196
the state that are authorized by permits;1197

       (3) Variances from effluent limitations and other permit1198
requirements to the extent that the variances are consistent with1199
the Federal Water Pollution Control Act;1200

       (4) Terms and conditions to be included in a permit,1201
including, as applicable, best management practices; installation1202
of discharge or water quality monitoring methods or equipment;1203
creation and retention of records; submission of periodic reports;1204
schedules of compliance; net volume, net weight, and, where1205
necessary, concentration and mass loading limits of manure that1206
may be discharged into waters of the state; and authorized1207
duration and frequency of any discharges into waters of the state;1208

       (5) Procedures for the submission of applications for permits 1209
and notices of intent to be covered by general permits, including1210
information that must be included in the applications and notices;1211

       (6) The amount of the fee that must be submitted with an1212
application for a permit;1213

       (7) Procedures for processing permit applications, including1214
public notice and participation requirements;1215

       (8) Procedures for notifying the United States environmental1216
protection agency of the submission of permit applications, the1217
director's action on those applications, and any other reasonable1218
and relevant information;1219

       (9) Procedures for notifying and receiving and responding to1220
recommendations from other states whose waters may be affected by1221
the issuance of a permit;1222

       (10) Procedures for the transfer of permits to new owners or1223

       (11) Grounds and procedures for the issuance, denial,1225
modification, suspension, or revocation of permits, including1226
general permits;1227

       (12) A definition of "general NPDES permit" that establishes1228
categories of point sources to be covered under such a permit and1229
a definition of "individual NPDES permit" together with the1230
criteria for issuing a general NPDES permit and the criteria for1231
determining a person's eligibility to discharge under a general1232
NPDES permit.1233

       The rules adopted under division (F) of this section shall be1234
consistent with the requirements of the Federal Water Pollution1235
Control Act.1236

       (G) Establish public notice and participation requirements,1237
in addition to the procedures established in rules adopted under1238
division (F)(7) of this section, for the issuance, denial,1239
modification, transfer, suspension, and revocation of permits to1240
install, permits to operate, and NPDES permits consistent with1241
section 903.09 of the Revised Code, including a definition of what1242
constitutes significant public interest for the purposes of1243
divisiondivisions (A) and (F) of section 903.09 of the Revised 1244
Code and procedures for public meetings. The rules shall require 1245
that information that is presented at such a public meeting be 1246
limited to the criteria that are applicable to the permit1247
application that is the subject of the public meeting.1248

       (H) Establish the amount of civil penalties assessed by the1249
director of agriculture under division (B) of section 903.16 of1250
the Revised Code for violation of the terms and conditions of a1251
permit to install, permit to operate, or review compliance1252
certificate, provided that the rules adopted under this division1253
shall not establish a civil penalty of more than ten thousand1254
dollars per day for each violation;1255

       (I) Establish procedures for the protection of trade secrets1256
from public disclosure. The procedures shall authorize the release 1257
of trade secrets to officers, employees, or authorized1258
representatives of the state, another state, or the United States1259
when necessary for an enforcement action brought under this1260
chapter or when otherwise required by the Federal Water Pollution1261
Control Act. The rules shall require at least ten days' written1262
notice to the person to whom a trade secret applies prior to the1263
release of the trade secret. Rules adopted under this division do1264
not apply to any information that is contained in applications,1265
including attachments, for NPDES permits and that is required to1266
be submitted under section 903.08 of the Revised Code or rules1267
adopted under division (F) of this section.1268

       (J) Establish any other provisions necessary to administer1269
and enforce this chapter.1270

       Sec. 903.16.  (A) The director of agriculture may propose to1271
require corrective actions and assess a civil penalty against an1272
owner or operator of a concentrated animal feeding facility if the1273
director or the director's authorized representative determines1274
that the owner or operator is not in compliance with section 1275
903.02, 903.03, or 903.04 of the Revised Code, the terms and1276
conditions of a permit to install, permit to operate, or review1277
compliance certificate issued for the concentrated animal feeding1278
facility, including the requirements established under division1279
(C) of section 903.06 or division (A) of section 903.07 of the1280
Revised Code, or rules adopted under division (A) of section 1281
903.10 of the Revised Code. However, the director may impose a1282
civil penalty only if all of the following occur:1283

       (1) The owner or operator is notified in writing of the1284
deficiencies resulting in noncompliance, the actions that the1285
owner or operator must take to correct the deficiencies, and the1286
time period within which the owner or operator must correct the1287
deficiencies and attain compliance.1288

       (2) After the time period specified in the notice has1289
elapsed, the director or the director's duly authorized1290
representative has inspected the concentrated animal feeding1291
facility, determined that the owner or operator is still not in1292
compliance, and issued a notice of an adjudication hearing.1293

       (3) The director affords the owner or operator an opportunity 1294
for an adjudication hearing under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code 1295
to challenge the director's determination that the owner or 1296
operator is not in compliance or the imposition of the civil 1297
penalty, or both. However, the owner or operator may waive the 1298
right to an adjudication hearing.1299

       (B) If the opportunity for an adjudication hearing is waived1300
or if, after an adjudication hearing, the director determines that1301
a violation has occurred or is occurring, the director may issue1302
an order requiring compliance and assess the civil penalty. The1303
order and the assessment of the civil penalty may be appealed in1304
accordance with section 119.12 of the Revised Code.1305

       Civil penalties shall be assessed under this division as1306

       (1) A person who has violated section 903.02, 903.03, or 1308
903.04 of the Revised Code, the terms and conditions of a permit 1309
to install, permit to operate, or review compliance certificate, 1310
or rules adopted under division (A) of section 903.10 of the 1311
Revised Code shall pay a civil penalty in an amount established in1312
rules unless the violation is of the requirements established1313
under division (C) of section 903.06 or division (A) of section1314
903.07 of the Revised Code.1315

       (2) A person who has violated the requirements established1316
under division (C) of section 903.06 of the Revised Code shall pay1317
a civil penalty in an amount established in rules for each1318
violation. Each seven-day period during which a violation1319
continues constitutes a separate violation.1320

       (3) A person who has violated the requirements established1321
under division (A) of section 903.07 of the Revised Code shall pay1322
a civil penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars for each1323
violation. Each thirty-day period during which a violation1324
continues constitutes a separate violation.1325

       (C) The attorney general, upon the written request of the1326
director, shall bring an action for an injunction in any court of1327
competent jurisdiction against any person violating or threatening1328
to violate section 903.02, 903.03, or 903.04 of the Revised Code;1329
the terms and conditions of a permit to install, permit to1330
operate, or review compliance certificate, including the1331
requirements established division (C) of section 903.06 or1332
division (A) of section 903.07 of the Revised Code; rules adopted1333
under division (A) of section 903.10 of the Revised Code; or an1334
order issued under division (B) of this section.1335

       (D)(1) In lieu of seeking civil penalties under division (A)1336
of this section, the director may request the attorney general, in1337
writing, to bring an action for a civil penalty in a court of1338
competent jurisdiction against any person that has violated or is1339
violating the terms and conditions of a permit to install, permit1340
to operate, or review compliance certificate, including the1341
requirements established under division (C) of section 903.06 or1342
division (A) of section 903.07 of the Revised Code.1343

       (2) The director may request the attorney general, in1344
writing, to bring an action for a civil penalty in a court of1345
competent jurisdiction against any person that has violated or is1346
violating section 903.02, 903.03, or 903.04 of the Revised Code,1347
rules adopted under division (A) of section 903.10 of the Revised1348
Code, or an order issued under division (B) of this section.1349

       (3) A person who has committed a violation for which the1350
attorney general may bring an action for a civil penalty under1351
division (D)(1) or (2) of this section shall pay a civil penalty1352
of not more than ten thousand dollars per violation. Each day that 1353
a violation continues constitutes a separate violation.1354

       Sec. 903.20.  (A) There is hereby created the concentrated1355
animal feeding facility advisory committee consisting of the1356
directors of agriculture, development, environmental protection,1357
and natural resources and the dean of the college of food,1358
agricultural, and environmental sciences of the Ohio state1359
university, or their designees, as members ex officio, and sixteen1360
members to be appointed by the director of agriculture. Of the1361
appointed members, one shall be an elected local government1362
official whose jurisdiction has a concentrated animal feeding1363
facility located in it at the time that the official is appointed1364
to the committee, one shall be a person who is licensed to1365
practice veterinary medicine under Chapter 4741. of the Revised1366
Code, one shall represent the interests of poultry producers, one1367
shall represent the interests of swine producers, one shall1368
represent the interests of dairy farmers, one shall represent the1369
interests of beef cattle producers, one shall represent the1370
interests of sheep producers, one shall represent the interests of1371
drinking water utilities, one shall represent the interests of1372
wastewater utilities, one shall represent the Ohio environmental1373
health association, two shall represent the interests of statewide1374
environmental advocacy organizations, and four shall represent the1375
interests of the public. Prior to making the appointment of the1376
member who is an elected local government official, the director1377
shall solicit a list of suggested candidates from the appropriate1378
statewide associations that represent the interests of local1379
governments. Prior to making an appointment of a member1380
representing the interests of poultry, swine, beef cattle, or1381
sheep producers or dairy farmers, the director shall solicit from1382
the appropriate statewide trade associations a list of suggested1383
candidates to represent the interests of the species category on1384
the committee. The members representing the public shall not be1385
owners or operators of concentrated animal feeding facilities or1386
associated with such facilities by contract.1387

       Not later than thirty days after the effective date of this1388
sectionMarch 15, 2001, the director shall make appointments to 1389
the committee. Of the initial appointments, six shall be for terms 1390
ending one year after the effective date of this sectionMarch 15, 1391
2001, five shall be for terms ending two years after the effective 1392
date of this sectionMarch 15, 2001, and five shall be for terms1393
ending three years after the effective date of this sectionMarch 1394
15, 2001. Thereafter, terms of office shall be for three years, 1395
with each term ending on the same day of the same month as did the 1396
term that it succeeds. Each member shall hold office from the date1397
of appointment until the end of the term for which the member was 1398
appointed. Members may be reappointed. Vacancies shall be filled 1399
in the manner provided for original appointments. Any member 1400
appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration date 1401
of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall 1402
hold office for the remainder of that term. A member shall 1403
continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the 1404
member's term until the member's successor takes office or until a 1405
period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.1406

       The committee shall meet at times that the chairperson or a1407
majority of the committee members considers appropriate, provided1408
that no meeting shall be held on the call of the chairperson1409
unless at least seven days' written notice first is provided to1410
all members of the committee. At the first meeting of the1411
committee in each calendar year, the director of agriculture shall1412
designate one member of the committee to serve as its chairperson1413
and one member to serve as its vice-chairperson. A majority vote1414
of the members of the committee is necessary to take action on any1415
matter. A vacancy on the committee does not impair the right of1416
the other members to exercise all of the committee's powers.1417

       Serving as an appointed member of the committee does not1418
constitute holding a public office or position of employment under1419
the laws of this state and does not constitute grounds for removal1420
of public officers or employees from their offices or positions of1421
employment. The director of agriculture, after notice and a public 1422
meeting, may remove any appointed member of the committee for 1423
misfeasance, nonfeasance, or malfeasance in office.1424

       Appointed members of the committee shall serve without1425
compensation for attending committee meetings. Members of the1426
committee shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary1427
expenses incurred in the performance of official duties as members1428
of the committee.1429

       (B) The committee may do either or both of the following:1430

       (1) Adopt rules or procedures governing the conduct of its1431
internal affairs;1432

       (2) Request from the director of agriculture, and the1433
director shall provide, meeting space, staff support, services,1434
and data to enable it to carry out its functions.1435

       (C) The committee shall do all of the following:1436

       (1) Advise the director of agriculture in the administration1437
of this chapter;1438

       (2) Keep abreast of advances in manure management practices1439
and annually advise the directors of agriculture, environmental1440
protection, and natural resources of the recent advances in those1441
areas and regarding the need for amending what constitutes best1442
management practices;1443

       (3) In consultation with the director of agriculture, prepare1444
and, upon request, distribute written materials designed to assist 1445
persons who propose to establish a new or modify an existing 1446
concentrated animal feeding facility in applying for a permit to 1447
install or permit to operate. The materials also shall include 1448
information stating that, in addition to obtaining a permit to 1449
operate, it may be necessary to obtain a NPDES permit for the1450
discharge of manure or storm water. In addition, the written 1451
materials shall include information on the meaning of a "complete 1452
application" for all of the permits, information on the public 1453
meeting process in connection with the relevant permits issued 1454
under this chapter, and a summary of the antidegradation policy1455
established under section 6111.12 of the Revised Code together 1456
with an indication of the possibility that the owner's or1457
operator's proposed new or modified disposal system for manure or1458
discharges may be subject to that policy.1459

       (4) Not later than twelve months after the effective date of1460
this section, conduct an examination of the scientific1461
appropriateness of the definition of "animal unit" in section1462
903.01 of the Revised Code and prepare and submit to the general1463
assembly, the governor, and the directors of agriculture,1464
environmental protection, and natural resources the committee's1465
findings and any recommendations for legislative changes in that1466
definition that are necessary or appropriate to reflect on a more1467
scientific basis manure generation rates among livestock species1468
and types of concentrated animal feeding facilities.1469

       (D) Section 101.84Sections 101.82 to 101.87 of the Revised 1470
Code doesdo not apply to the committee.1471

       Section 2. That existing sections 307.204, 505.266, 903.01, 1472
903.02, 903.04, 903.08, 903.09, 903.10, 903.16, and 903.20 of the 1473
Revised Code are hereby repealed.1474