As Reported by the House Financial Institutions, Real Estate and Securities Committee

126th General Assembly
Regular Session
Sub. H. B. No. 71

Representatives J. Stewart, Martin, Hartnett, Seitz, Faber, Seaver, Reidelbach, White, Taylor, D. Evans, Bubp, Barrett, C. Evans, Latta, Perry, Ujvagi, Carano, Coley, G. Smith, Wagoner, T. Patton, Hagan, Gibbs, Widener 

To amend sections 145.30, 145.301, 3307.751, 1
3309.021, and 5505.25 of the Revised Code to 2
permit a member of the Public Employees Retirement 3
System, State Teachers Retirement System, School 4
Employees Retirement System, or State Highway 5
Patrol Retirement System to purchase military 6
service credit for duty in the Ohio National Guard 7
or reserves.8


       Section 1. That sections 145.30, 145.301, 3307.751, 3309.021, 9
and 5505.25 of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:10

       Sec. 145.30.  (A) As used in this section and section 145.301 11
of the Revised Code:12

       (1) "Armed forces" of the United States includes the 13

       (a) Army, navy, air force, marine corps, coast guard, 15
auxiliary corps as established by congress, red cross nurse 16
serving with the army, navy, air force, or hospital service of the 17
United States, army nurse corps, navy nurse corps, full-time 18
service with the American red cross in a combat zone, and such 19
other service as may be designated by congress as included 20

       (b) Personnel of the Ohio national guard and the reserve 22
components of any of the armed forces enumerated in division 23
(A)(1) of this section who are called to active duty pursuant to 24
an executive order issued by the president of the United States or 25
an act of congress;26

       (c) Persons on whom United States merchant marine veteran 27
status has been conferred for service aboard oceangoing merchant 28
ships in service to the United States during World War II.29

       (2) "State retirement system" means any of the following: the30
Ohio police and fire pension fund, public employees retirement 31
system, school employees retirement system, state highway patrol 32
retirement system, or the state teachers retirement system.33

       (B) Upon reemployment in the public service and completion of 34
one year of service credit as covered by a state retirement system 35
or the Cincinnati retirement system, within two years after 36
service in the armed forces that is terminated in a manner other 37
than as described in section 4304 of Title 38 of the United States 38
Code, "Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act 39
of 1994," 108 Stat. 3149, 38 U.S.C.A. 4304, and presentation of 40
documentation of the service and subject to rules adopted by the 41
retirement board, any member of the public employees retirement 42
system who was a member with not less than one year of payroll 43
deductions before entering active duty with the armed forces and 44
maintained membership in the public employees retirement system as 45
provided by section 145.41 of the Revised Code, and who was or is 46
out of active service as a public employee by reason of having 47
become a member of the armed forces of the United States on active 48
duty or service shall have such service, not in excess of ten49
years, considered as the equivalent of prior service. Service in 50
the armed forces as established by documentation of the service, 51
not in excess of ten years, shall also be considered prior service 52
for a person who was a public employee and who has acquired 53
service credit for five years prior to, and within the one year 54
preceding, the date of entering on active duty in the armed forces 55
of the United States if such person was reemployed in the public 56
service within one year after service in the armed forces that is 57
terminated in a manner other than as described in section 4304 of 58
Title 38 of the United States Code, "Uniformed Services Employment 59
and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994," 108 Stat. 3149, 38 U.S.C.A. 60
4304, and established total service credit as defined in section 61
145.01 of the Revised Code of twenty years exclusive of credit for62
service in the uniformed services, as defined in section 145.302 63
of the Revised Code. This division shall not serve to cancel any 64
military service credit earned or granted prior to November 1, 65

       (C) A member of the public employees retirement system is 67
ineligible to receive service credit under this section for any 68
year of military service credit used in the calculation of any 69
retirement benefit currently being paid to the member or payable 70
in the future under any other retirement program, except social 71
security, or used to obtain service credit pursuant to section72
145.301 or 145.302 of the Revised Code. At the time such credit is 73
requested, the member shall certify on a form supplied by the 74
retirement board that the member does and will conform to this 75
requirement. This division does not cancel any military service 76
credit earned prior to March 15, 1979.77

       Sec. 145.301.  (A) As used in this section:78

       (1) "Armed forces of the United States" includes both of the 79

       (a) Army, navy, air force, marine corps, coast guard, 81
auxiliary corps as established by congress, red cross nurse 82
serving with the army, navy, air force, or hospital service of the 83
United States, army nurse corps, navy nurse corps, full-time 84
service with the American red cross in a combat zone, and such 85
other service as may be designated by congress as included 86

       (b) Persons on whom United States merchant marine veteran 88
status has been conferred for service aboard oceangoing merchant 89
ships in service to the United States during World War II.90

       (2) "Prisoner of war" means any regularly appointed, 91
enrolled, enlisted, or inducted member of the armed forces of the 92
United States, reserves, or Ohio national guard who was captured, 93
separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of the United States.94

       (3) "Reserves" means personnel of the reserve components of 95
any of the armed forces of the United States enumerated in 96
division (A)(1)(a) of this section.97

       (B) A member may purchase service credit that shall be 98
considered as the equivalent of Ohio service for each year or 99
portion of a year of service incurred by reason of having been on 100
active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, 101
as defined in section 145.30 of the Revised Codea member of the 102
reserves, or a member of the Ohio national guard on presentation 103
of documentation of the service and subject to public employees 104
retirement board rules. TheFor purposes of this section, active 105
duty in the reserves or the Ohio national guard includes assembly 106
for drill and instruction; training at encampments, maneuvers, 107
outdoor target practice, or other exercises; and any training or 108
duty in this state ordered by the governor.109

       Credit shall not be granted for any period of duty during 110
which the member was contributing to the retirement system. The111
credit may be purchased at any time prior to receipt of a 112
retirement allowance. The number of years purchased shall not113
exceed five. The member may choose to purchase only part of such114
credit in any one payment, subject to public employees retirement 115
board rules.116

       (B) For the purposes of this division, "prisoner of war"117
means any regularly appointed, enrolled, enlisted, or inducted118
member of the armed forces of the United States who was captured,119
separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of the United States.120

       (C) A member may purchase service credit that shall be121
considered as the equivalent of Ohio service for each year of122
service such member was a prisoner of war. The number of years123
purchased under this division shall not exceed five. Service124
credit may be purchased under this division for the same years of125
service used to purchase service credit under division (A)(B) of126
this section. The member may choose to purchase only part of such 127
credit in any one payment, subject to board rules.128

       (C)(D) The total number of years purchased under this section129
shall not exceed the member's total accumulated number of years of 130
Ohio service.131

       (D)(E) For each year or portion of a year of service 132
purchased under division (A)(B) or (B)(C) of this section, the 133
member shall pay to the public employees retirement system for 134
credit to the member's accumulated account an amount specified by 135
the retirement board that shall be not less than the following:136

       (1) Except as provided in division (E)(2) of this section, if 137
the service credit is for active duty in the armed forces of the 138
United States or for service as a prisoner of war, fifty per cent 139
of the additional liability resulting from the purchase of that 140
year of service as determined by an actuary employed by the board;141

       (2) If the service credit is for active duty in the reserves 142
or Ohio national guard that consists of assembly for drill and 143
instruction; training at encampments, maneuvers, outdoor target 144
practice, or other exercises; or any training or duty in this 145
state ordered by the governor, one hundred per cent of the 146
additional liability resulting from the purchase of that year of 147
service as determined by an actuary employed by the board. The 148
retirement system shall calculate the number of years or portions 149
of a year of credit the member is eligible to purchase under 150
division (E)(2) of this section by dividing the number of days 151
actually served by three hundred sixty-five.152

       (E)(F) A member is ineligible to purchase service credit153
under this section for any year of military service that was:154

       (1) Used in the calculation of any retirement benefit 155
currently being paid to the member or payable in the future under 156
any other retirement program, except social security, or for 157
retired pay for nonregular service under Chapter 1223 of Section 158
1662 of Title XVI of the "National Defense Authorization Act for 159
Fiscal Year 1995," 108 Stat. 2998 (1994), 10 U.S.C.A. 12731 to 160
12739; 161

       (2) Used to obtain service credit pursuant to section 145.30 162
or 145.302 of the Revised Code. 163

       At the time the credit is purchased, the member shall certify 164
on a form furnished by the retirement board that the member does 165
and will conform to this requirement.166

       (F)(G) A member who, on March 17, 2000, is purchasing service 167
credit under this section by making installment payments to the 168
system or by a payroll deduction plan authorized under section 169
145.294 of the Revised Code may elect, on a form provided by the 170
board, to have a portion of the cost of the service credit 171
recalculated under division (D)(E) of this section as amended by 172
House Bill 186 of the 123rd general assembly. The recalculation 173
shall apply only to the amount still owed by the member as of the 174
date the election is filed with the board.175

       For each member who makes an election, the board shall do all 176
of the following:177

       (1) Determine the amount of the total cost of the service 178
credit still owed by the member as of the date the election is 179
filed with the board and the number of years or portion of a year 180
of service credit attributable to that amount;181

       (2) Recalculate under division (D)(E) of this section the 182
cost of the service credit described in division (F)(G)(1) of this 183

       (3) Notify the member of the recalculated amount.185

       If the recalculated amount is less than the amount still owed 186
by the member as of the date the election is filed, the 187
recalculated amount shall be the amount owed by the member.188

       (G)(H) Credit purchased under this section may be combined189
pursuant to section 145.37 with credit for military service190
purchased under sections 3307.751 and 3309.021, except that not191
more than an aggregate total of five years of credit purchased192
under division (A)(B) of this section, division (A) of section193
3307.751, and division (A) of section 3309.021, and not more than194
an aggregate total of five years of credit purchased under195
division (B)(C) of this section, division (B) of section 3307.751,196
and division (B) of section 3309.021 shall be used in determining197
retirement eligibility or calculating benefits under section198
145.37 of the Revised Code.199

       Sec. 3307.751.  (A) A member participating in the plan 200
described in sections 3307.50 to 3307.79 of the Revised Code may 201
purchase service credit that shall be considered as the equivalent 202
of Ohio service for each year or portion of a year of service 203
incurred by reason of having been on active duty as a member of 204
the armed forces of the United States, as defined in section 205
3307.75 of the Revised Code. TheFor purposes of this section, 206
active duty in the reserves or the Ohio national guard includes 207
assembly for drill and instruction; training at encampments, 208
maneuvers, outdoor target practice, or other exercises; and any 209
training or duty in this state ordered by the governor.210

       Credit shall not be granted for any period of duty during 211
which the member was contributing to the retirement system.212

       The credit may be purchased at any time prior to the 213
effective date of a benefit. The number of years purchased under214
this division shall not exceed five.215

       (B) For the purposes of this division, "prisoner of war"216
means any regularly appointed, enrolled, enlisted, or inducted217
member of the armed forces of the United States who was captured,218
separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of the United States.219

       A member participating in the plan described in sections 220
3307.50 to 3307.79 of the Revised Code may purchase service credit 221
that shall be considered as the equivalent of Ohio service for 222
each year of service such member was a prisoner of war. The number 223
of years purchased under this division shall not exceed five. 224
Service credit may be purchased under this division for the same 225
years of service used to purchase service credit under division 226
(A) of this section.227

       (C) The total number of years purchased under this section228
shall not exceed the member's total accumulated number of years of 229
Ohio service.230

       (D)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (D)(2) or (3)231
of this section, for each year or portion of a year of service 232
purchased under division (A) or (B) of this section, the member 233
shall pay to the state teachers retirement system for credit to 234
the member's accumulated account an amount determined by the 235
member rate of contribution in effect at the time the military 236
service began multiplied by the member's annual compensation for 237
full-time employment during the first year of service in Ohio 238
following termination of military service. If, however, a limit on 239
maximum salary or maximum contribution was in effect at the time 240
the military service began, the limit shall be applied to the 241
salary received during the first year of service in Ohio to 242
calculate the amount of payment. To this amount shall be added an 243
amount equal to compound interest at a rate established by the 244
state teachers retirement board from the date active military 245
service terminated to date of payment.246

       (2) For each year of service purchased under division (A) or 247
(B) of this section for military service that commenced on or248
after July 1, 1989, and, without regard to when the military249
service commenced, for each year of service purchased under250
division (A) or (B) of this section by a member who first251
established membership in the retirement system on or after July252
1, 1989, the member shall pay to the retirement system for credit253
to the member's individual account an amount specified by the 254
state teachers retirement board that shall be not less than fifty 255
per cent of the additional liability resulting from the purchase 256
of that year of service as determined by an actuary employed by 257
the board.258

       (3) For each year or portion of a year of service in the 259
reserves or Ohio national guard purchased under division (A) of 260
this section that consists of assembly for drill and instruction; 261
training at encampments, maneuvers, outdoor target practice, or 262
other exercises; or any training or duty in this state ordered by 263
the governor, the member shall pay to the retirement system for 264
credit to the member's individual account an amount specified by 265
the state teachers retirement board that shall not be less than 266
one hundred per cent of the additional liability resulting from 267
the purchase of that year of service as determined by an actuary 268
employed by the board. The retirement system shall calculate the 269
number of years or portions of a year of credit the member is 270
eligible to purchase under division (D)(3) of this section by 271
dividing the number of days actually served by three hundred 272

       (4) A member may choose to purchase only part of the credit 274
the member is eligible to purchase under this section in any one275
payment, subject to board rules.276

       (E) A member of the state teachers retirement system is277
ineligible to purchase service credit under this section for any278
year of military service that was:279

       (1) Used in the calculation of any retirement benefit 280
currently being paid to such member or payable in the future under 281
any other retirement program, except for retired pay for 282
non-regular service under Chapter 1223 of Section 1662 of Title 283
XVI of the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 284
1995," 108 Stat. 2998 (1994), 10 U.S.C.A. 12731 to 12739, or 285
social security;286

       (2) Used to obtain service credit pursuant to section 3307.75 287
or 3307.752 of the Revised Code. 288

       At the time the credit is purchased, the member shall certify 289
on a form furnished by the board that the member does and will 290
conform to this requirement.291

       (F) Credit purchased under this section may be combined292
pursuant to section 3307.57 of the Revised Code with credit for293
military service purchased under sections 145.301 and 3309.021 of294
the Revised Code, except that not more than a total of five years295
of credit purchased under division (A) of this section, division296
(A)(B) of section 145.301, and division (A) of section 3309.021 297
and not more than a total of five years of credit purchased under298
division (B) of this section, division (B)(C) of section 145.301,299
and division (B) of section 3309.021 of the Revised Code shall be300
used in determining retirement eligibility or calculating benefits 301
under section 3307.57 of the Revised Code.302

       Sec. 3309.021.  (A) A member may purchase service credit that 303
shall be considered as the equivalent of Ohio service for each 304
year or portion of a year of service incurred by reason of having 305
been on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United 306
States, as defined in section 3309.02 of the Revised Code. AllFor 307
purposes of this section, active duty in the reserves or the Ohio 308
national guard includes assembly for drill and instruction; 309
training at encampments, maneuvers, outdoor target practice, or 310
other exercises; and any training or duty in this state ordered by 311
the governor.312

        Credit shall not be granted for any period of duty during 313
which the member was contributing to the retirement system.314

       All or part of the credit may be purchased at any time prior 315
to receipt of a retirement allowance. The number of years316
purchased under this division shall not exceed five.317

       (B) For the purposes of this division, "prisoner of war"318
means any regularly appointed, enrolled, enlisted, or inducted319
member of the armed forces of the United States who was captured,320
separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of the United States.321

       A member may purchase service credit that shall be considered 322
as the equivalent of Ohio service for each year of service such 323
member was a prisoner of war. The number of years purchased under 324
this division shall not exceed five. Service credit may be 325
purchased under this division for the same years of service used 326
to purchase service credit under division (A) of this section. The 327
member may choose to purchase only part of such credit in any one 328
payment, subject to board rules.329

       (C) The total number of years purchased under this section330
shall not exceed the member's total accumulated number of years of 331
Ohio service.332

       (D) For(1) Except as provided in division (D)(2) of this 333
section, for each year or portion of a year of service purchased 334
under division (A) or (B) of this section, the member shall pay to 335
the school employees retirement system for credit to the member's336
accumulated account an amount determined by the member rate of 337
contribution in effect at the time the military service began 338
multiplied by the annual compensation for full-time employment 339
during the first year of service covered by the school employees 340
retirement system, public employees retirement system, or state 341
teachers retirement system following termination of military 342
service. If, however, a limit on maximum salary or maximum 343
contribution was in effect at the time the military service began, 344
the limit shall be applied to the salary received during the first 345
year of service in Ohio to calculate the amount of payment. To 346
this amount shall be added an amount equal to compound interest at 347
a rate established by the school employees retirement board from 348
the date of the member's first service covered by the school349
employees retirement system, public employees retirement system, 350
or state teachers retirement system following termination of the 351
military service to date of payment.352

       (2) For each year or portion of a year of service in the 353
reserves or Ohio national guard purchased under division (A) of 354
this section that consists of assembly for drill and instruction; 355
training at encampments, maneuvers, outdoor target practice, or 356
other exercises; or any training or duty in this state ordered by 357
the governor, the member shall pay to the retirement system for 358
credit to the member's individual account an amount specified by 359
the school employees retirement board that shall not be less than 360
one hundred per cent of the additional liability resulting from 361
the purchase of that year of service as determined by an actuary 362
employed by the board. The retirement system shall calculate the 363
number of years or portions of a year of credit the member is 364
eligible to purchase under division (D)(2) of this section by 365
dividing the number of days actually served by three hundred 366

       (E) A member of the school employees retirement system is368
ineligible to purchase service credit under this section for any369
year of military service that was:370

       (1) Used in the calculation of any retirement benefit 371
currently being paid to the member or payable in the future under 372
any other retirement program, except for retired pay for 373
nonregular service under Chapter 1223 of Section 1662 of Title XVI 374
of the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995,"375
108 Stat. 2998 (1994), 10 U.S.C.A. 12731 to 12739, or social376

       (2) Used to obtain service credit pursuant to section 3309.02 378
or 3309.022 of the Revised Code. 379

       At the time such credit is purchased, the member shall 380
certify on a form furnished by the retirement board that the 381
member does and will conform to this requirement.382

       (F) Credit purchased under this section may be combined383
pursuant to section 3309.35 of the Revised Code with credit for384
military service purchased under sections 145.301 and 3307.751 of385
the Revised Code, except that not more than an aggregate total of386
five years of credit purchased under division (A) of this section, 387
division (A)(B) of section 145.301, and division (A) of section 388
3307.751 of the Revised Code, and not more than an aggregate total 389
of five years of credit purchased under division (B) of this 390
section, division (B)(C) of section 145.301, and division (B) of 391
section 3307.751 of the Revised Code shall be used in determining 392
retirement eligibility or calculating benefits under section 393
3309.35 of the Revised Code.394

       Sec. 5505.25.  (A) A member of the state highway patrol395
retirement system who is not receiving a pension from the system 396
may purchase service credit for each year or portion of a year of 397
service incurred by reason of having been on active duty as a398
member of the uniformed services of the United States if the 399
member is honorably discharged. For purposes of this section, 400
active duty in the reserves or the Ohio national guard includes 401
assembly for drill and instruction; training at encampments, 402
maneuvers, outdoor target practice, or other exercises; and any 403
training or duty in this state ordered by the governor.404

        Credit shall not be granted for any period of duty during 405
which the member was contributing to the retirement system.406
Credits that are not authorized under division (D) of section 407
5505.16 of the Revised Code may be purchased at any time. The 408
number of years purchased under this division shall not exceed 409

       (B) For the purposes of this division, "prisoner of war"411
means any regularly appointed, enrolled, enlisted, or inducted412
member of the uniformed services of the United States who was 413
captured, separated, and incarcerated by an enemy of the United 414

       A member may purchase service credit for each year of service 416
such member was a prisoner of war. The number of years purchased 417
under this division shall not exceed five. Service credit may be 418
purchased under this division for the same years of service used 419
to purchase service credit under division (A) of this section. The 420
member may choose to purchase only part of such credit in any one 421
payment, subject to board rules.422

       (C) The total number of years purchased under this section423
shall not exceed the member's total accumulated number of years in 424
the service of the state highway patrol.425

       Credit purchased by a member under this section shall be used 426
to determine the member's eligibility for retirement under 427
sections 5505.16 and 5505.17 of the Revised Code.428

       (D) For(1) Except as provided in division (D)(2) of this 429
section, for each year or portion of a year of service purchased 430
under division (A) or (B) of this section, the member shall pay to 431
the system for credit to the member's accumulated account an 432
amount determined by the member rate of contribution in effect at 433
the time the military service began multiplied by the annual 434
compensation for full-time employment during the first year of 435
service in Ohio following termination of military service. To this 436
amount shall be added an amount equal to compound interest at a 437
rate established by the state highway patrol retirement board from 438
the date active military service terminated to date of payment.439

       A(2) For each year or portion of a year of service in the 440
reserves or Ohio national guard purchased under division (A) of 441
this section that consists of assembly for drill and instruction; 442
training at encampments, maneuvers, outdoor target practice, or 443
other exercises; or any training or duty in this state ordered by 444
the governor, the member shall pay to the retirement system for 445
credit to the member's individual account an amount specified by 446
the state highway patrol retirement board that shall not be less 447
than one hundred per cent of the additional liability resulting 448
from the purchase of that year of service as determined by an 449
actuary employed by the board. The retirement system shall 450
calculate the number of years or portions of a year of credit the 451
member is eligible to purchase under division (D)(2) of this 452
section by dividing the number of days actually served by three 453
hundred sixty-five.454

        (E) A member is ineligible to purchase service credit under455
this section for any year of military service that was:456

       (1) Used in the calculation of any retirement benefit 457
currently being paid to the member or payable in the future under 458
any other retirement program, except for retired pay for 459
nonregular service under Chapter 1223 of Section 1662 of Title XVI 460
of the "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995," 461
108 Stat. 2998 (1994), 10 U.S.C.A. 12731 to 12739, or social 462

       (2) Used to obtain service credit pursuant to section 5505.16 464
of the Revised Code. 465

       At the time the credit is purchased, the member shall certify 466
on a form furnished by the board that the member does and will467
conform to this requirement. Any benefit paid under this section 468
to which the member is not entitled shall be recovered by any 469
recovery procedures available under this chapter.470

       As used in this section, "uniformed services" of the United 471
States has the same meaning as in division (D) of section 5505.16 472
of the Revised Code.473

       Section 2. That existing sections 145.30, 145.301, 3307.751, 474
3309.021, and 5505.25 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.475