As Passed by the House

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 160

Representative Bubp 

Cosponsors: Representatives Latta, Seitz, Book, Adams, Batchelder, Blessing, Brown, Budish, Chandler, Coley, Combs, Daniels, DeBose, Domenick, Fende, Gibbs, Harwood, Hite, Huffman, Hughes, Letson, Luckie, Otterman, Raussen, Schindel, Schneider, Stebelton, Wagoner, Zehringer 

To amend section 5815.36 of the Revised Code to 1
clarify and modify the law relating to disclaimers 2
under the Ohio Trust Code.3


       Section 1. That section 5815.36 of the Revised Code be 4
amended to read as follows:5

       Sec. 5815.36.  (A) As used in this section:6

       (1) "Disclaimant" means any person, any guardian or personal7
representative of a person or estate of a person, or any8
attorney-in-fact or agent of a person having a general or specific9
authority to act granted in a written instrument, who is any of10
the following:11

       (a) With respect to testamentary instruments and intestate12
succession, an heir, next of kin, devisee, legatee, donee, person13
succeeding to a disclaimed interest, surviving joint tenant,14
surviving tenant by the entireties, surviving tenant of a tenancy15
with a right of survivorship, beneficiary under a testamentary16
instrument, or person designated to take pursuant to a power of17
appointment exercised by a testamentary instrument;18

       (b) With respect to nontestamentary instruments, a grantee,19
donee, person succeeding to a disclaimed interest, surviving joint20
tenant, surviving tenant by the entireties, surviving tenant of a21
tenancy with a right of survivorship, beneficiary under a22
nontestamentary instrument, or person designated to take pursuant23
to a power of appointment exercised by a nontestamentary24

       (c) With respect to fiduciary rights, privileges, powers, and 26
immunities, a fiduciary under a testamentary or nontestamentary 27
instrument. ThisDivision (A)(1)(c) of this section does not 28
authorize a fiduciary who disclaims fiduciary rights, privileges, 29
powers, and immunities to disclaimcause the rights of 30
beneficiariesany beneficiary to be disclaimed unless the31
instrument creating the fiduciary relationship authorizes the 32
fiduciary to make such a disclaimer.33

       (d) Any person entitled to take an interest in property upon34
the death of a person or upon the occurrence of any other event.35

       (2) "Personal representative" includes any fiduciary as 36
defined in section 2109.01 of the Revised Code and any executor, 37
trustee, guardian, or other person or entity having a fiduciary 38
relationship with regard to any interest in property passing to 39
the fiduciary, executor, trustee, guardian, or other person or 40
entity by reason of a disclaimant's death.41

        (3) "Property" means all forms of property, real and42
personal, tangible and intangible.43

       (B)(1) A disclaimant, other than a fiduciary under an44
instrument who is not authorized by the instrument to disclaim the45
interest of a beneficiary, may disclaim, in whole or in part, the46
succession to any property by executing and by delivering, filing,47
or recording a written disclaimer instrument in the manner48
provided in this section.49

       (2) A disclaimant who is a fiduciary under an instrument may50
disclaim, in whole or in part, any right, power, privilege, or51
immunity, by executing and by delivering, filing, or recording a52
written disclaimer instrument in the manner provided in this53

       (3) The written instrument of disclaimer shall be signed and55
acknowledged by the disclaimant and shall contain all of the56

       (a) A reference to the donative instrument;58

       (b) A description of the property, part of property, or59
interest disclaimed, and of any fiduciary right, power, privilege,60
or immunity disclaimed;61

       (c) A declaration of the disclaimer and its extent.62

       (4) The guardian of the estate of a minor or an incompetent,63
or the personal representative of a deceased person, whether or 64
not authorized by the instrument to disclaim, with the consent of 65
the probate division of the court of common pleas, may disclaim, 66
in whole or in part, the succession to any property, or interest 67
in property, that the ward, if an adult and competent, or the 68
deceased, if living, might have disclaimed. The guardian or69
personal representative, or any interested person may file an70
application with the probate division of the court of common pleas71
that has jurisdiction of the estate, asking that the court order72
the guardian or personal representative to execute and deliver,73
file, or record the disclaimer on behalf of the ward or, estate, 74
or deceased person. The court shall order the guardian or personal75
representative to execute and deliver, file, or record the76
disclaimer if the court finds, upon hearing after notice to77
interested parties and such other persons as the court shall78
direct, that:79

       (a) It is in the best interests of those interested in the80
estate of the person and of those who will take the disclaimed81

       (b) It would not materially, adversely affect the minor or83
incompetent, or the beneficiaries of the estate of the decedent,84
taking into consideration other available resources and the age,85
probable life expectancy, physical and mental condition, and86
present and reasonably anticipated future needs of the minor or87
incompetent or the beneficiaries of the estate of the decedent.88

       A written instrument of disclaimer ordered by the court under89
this division shall be executed and be delivered, filed, or90
recorded within the time and in the manner in which the person91
could have disclaimed if the person were living, an adult, and92

       (C) A partial disclaimer of property that is subject to a94
burdensome interest created by the donative instrument is not95
effective unless the disclaimed property constitutes a gift that96
is separate and distinct from undisclaimed gifts.97

       (D) The disclaimant shall deliver, file, or record the98
disclaimer, or cause the same to be done, not later than nine99
monthsprior to accepting any benefits of the disclaimed interest 100
and at any time after the latest of the following dates:101

       (1) The effective date of the donative instrument if both the 102
taker and the taker's interest in the property are finally103
ascertained on that date;104

       (2) The date of the occurrence of the event upon which both105
the taker and the taker's interest in the property become finally106

       (3) The date on which the disclaimant attains twenty-one108
eighteen years of age or is no longer an incompetent, without 109
tendering or repaying any benefit received while the disclaimant 110
was under twenty-oneeighteen years of age or an incompetent, and 111
even if a guardian of a minor or incompetent had filed an 112
application pursuant to division (B)(4) of this section and the 113
probate division of the court of common pleas involved did not 114
consent to the guardian executing a disclaimer.115

       (E) No disclaimer instrument is effective under this section116
if either of the following applies under the terms of the117
disclaimer instrument:118

       (1) The disclaimant has power to revoke the disclaimer.119

       (2) The disclaimant may transfer, or direct to be120
transferred, to self the entire legal and equitable ownership of121
the property subject to the disclaimer instrument.122

       (F)(1) Subject to division (F)(2) of this section, if the123
interest disclaimed is created by a nontestamentary instrument,124
the disclaimer instrument shall be delivered personally or by125
certified mail to the trustee or other person who has legal title126
to, or possession of, the property disclaimed.127

       (2) If the interest disclaimed is created by a testamentary128
instrument, by intestate succession, by a transfer on death deed129
pursuant to section 5302.22 of the Revised Code, or by a130
certificate of title to a motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard131
motor that evidences ownership of the motor vehicle, watercraft,132
or outboard motor that is transferable on death pursuant to133
section 2131.13 of the Revised Code, the disclaimer instrument134
shall be filed in the probate division of the court of common135
pleas in the county in which proceedings for the administration of136
the decedent's estate have been commenced, and an executed copy of137
the disclaimer instrument shall be delivered personally or by138
certified mail to the personal representative of the decedent's139

       (3) If no proceedings for the administration of the141
decedent's estate have been commenced, the disclaimer instrument142
shall be filed in the probate division of the court of common143
pleas in the county in which proceedings for the administration of144
the decedent's estate might be commenced according to law. The145
disclaimer instrument shall be filed and indexed, and fees146
charged, in the same manner as provided by law for an application147
to be appointed as personal representative to administer the148
decedent's estate. The disclaimer is effective whether or not149
proceedings thereafter are commenced to administer the decedent's150
estate. If proceedings thereafter are commenced for the151
administration of the decedent's estate, they shall be filed152
under, or consolidated with, the case number assigned to the153
disclaimer instrument.154

       (4) If an interest in real estate is disclaimed, an executed155
copy of the disclaimer instrument also shall be recorded in the156
office of the recorder of the county in which the real estate is157
located. The disclaimer instrument shall include a description of158
the real estate with sufficient certainty to identify it, and159
shall contain a reference to the record of the instrument that160
created the interest disclaimed. If title to the real estate is161
registered under Chapters 5309. and 5310. of the Revised Code, the162
disclaimer interest shall be entered as a memorial on the last163
certificate of title. A spouse of a disclaimant has no dower or164
other interest in the real estate disclaimed.165

       (G) Unless theIf a donative instrument expressly provides166
that, if there isfor the distribution of property, part of 167
property, or interest in property if there is a disclaimer, there 168
shall not be any acceleration of remainders or other interests,169
the property, part of property, or interest disclaimed shall be 170
distributed or disposed of, and accelerated or not accelerated, in 171
accordance with the donative instrument. In the absence of express 172
provisions to the contrary in the donative instrument, the 173
property, part of property, or interest in property disclaimed, 174
and any future interest that is to take effect in possession or 175
enjoyment at or after the termination of the interest disclaimed, 176
shall descend, be distributed, or otherwise be disposed of, and 177
shall be accelerated, in the following manner:178

       (1) If intestate or testate succession is disclaimed, as if179
the disclaimant had predeceased the decedent;180

       (2) If the disclaimant is one designated to take pursuant to181
a power of appointment exercised by a testamentary instrument, as182
if the disclaimant had predeceased the donee of the power;183

       (3) If the donative instrument is a nontestamentary184
instrument, as if the disclaimant had died before the effective185
date of the nontestamentary instrument;186

       (4) If the disclaimer is of a fiduciary right, power,187
privilege, or immunity, as if the right, power, privilege, or188
immunity was never in the donative instrument.189

       (H) A disclaimer pursuant to this section is effective as of, 190
and relates back for all purposes to, the date upon which the191
taker and the taker's interest have been finally ascertained.192

       (I) A disclaimant who has a present and future interest in193
property, and disclaims the disclaimant's present interest in194
whole or in part, is considered to have disclaimed the195
disclaimant's future interest to the same extent, unless a196
contrary intention appears in the disclaimer instrument or the197
donative instrument. A disclaimant is not precluded from198
receiving, as an alternative taker, a beneficial interest in the199
property disclaimed, unless a contrary intention appears in the200
disclaimer instrument or in the donative instrument.201

       (J) The disclaimant's right to disclaim under this section is 202
barred if, before the expiration of the period within which the203
disclaimant may disclaim the interest, the disclaimant does any of204
the following:205

       (1) Assigns, conveys, encumbers, pledges, or transfers, or206
contracts to assign, convey, encumber, pledge, or transfer, the207
property or any interest in it;208

       (2) Waives in writing the disclaimant's right to disclaim and 209
executes and delivers, files, or records the waiver in the manner 210
provided in this section for a disclaimer instrument;211

       (3) Accepts the property or an interest in it;212

       (4) Permits or suffers a sale or other disposition of the213
property pursuant to judicial action against the disclaimant.214

       (K) ANeither a fiduciary's application for appointment or215
assumption of duties as a fiduciary does not waivenor a 216
beneficiary's application for appointment as a personal 217
representative or fiduciary waives or barbars the disclaimant's218
right to disclaim a right, power, privilege, or immunity as a 219
personal representative or fiduciary or the beneficiary's right to 220
disclaim property.221

       (L) The right to disclaim under this section exists222
irrespective of any limitation on the interest of the disclaimant223
in the nature of a spendthrift provision or similar restriction.224

       (M) A disclaimer instrument or written waiver of the right to 225
disclaim that has been executed and delivered, filed, or recorded 226
as required by this section is final and binding upon all persons.227

       (N) The right to disclaim and the procedures for disclaimer228
established by this section are in addition to, and do not exclude229
or abridge, any other rights or procedures existingthat exist or 230
formerly existed under any other section of the Revised Code or at 231
common law to assign, convey, release, refuse to accept, renounce, 232
waive, or disclaim property.233

       (O)(1) No person is liable for distributing or disposing of234
property in a manner inconsistent with the terms of a valid235
disclaimer if the distribution or disposition is otherwise proper236
and the person has no actual knowledge of the disclaimer.237

       (2) No person is liable for distributing or disposing of238
property in reliance upon the terms of a disclaimer that is239
invalid because the right of disclaimer has been waived or barred240
if the distribution or disposition is otherwise proper and the241
person has no actual knowledge of the facts that constitute a242
waiver or bar to the right to disclaim.243

       (P)(1) A disclaimant may disclaim pursuant to this section244
any interest in property that is in existence on September 27,245
1976, if either the interest in the property or the taker of the246
interest in the property is not finally ascertained on that date.247

       (2) No disclaimer executed pursuant to this section destroys248
or diminishes an interest in property that exists on September 27,249
1976, in any person other than the disclaimant.250

       (Q) This section may be applied separately to different 251
interests or powers created in the disclaimant by the same 252
testamentary or nontestamentary instrument.253

       Section 2. That existing section 5815.36 of the Revised Code 254
is hereby repealed.255

       Section 3. The amendments to divisions (A), (B), (G), (K), 256
(N), and (Q) of section 5815.36 of the Revised Code contained in 257
Section 1 of this act are intended to clarify and be declaratory 258
of the law as it existed prior to the enactment of this act and 259
shall be construed accordingly.260

       Section 4. The General Assembly recognizes that section 2518 261
of the Internal Revenue Code defines a qualified disclaimer, in 262
part, as a written refusal by a person to accept an interest in 263
property that is received by the transferor of the interest within 264
nine months after the later of the date on which the transfer 265
creating the interest is made and the date on which the person 266
attains twenty-one years of age. By amending division (D) of 267
section 5815.36 of the Revised Code to eliminate a reference to 268
the nine-month period, the General Assembly intends to create the 269
possibility that some disclaimers governed by the law of this 270
state will be qualified under section 2518 of the Internal Revenue 271
Code and some will not be qualified under that section.272