As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 226

Representative Batchelder 

Cosponsors: Representatives Webster, Wachtmann, Williams, S., Jones, Stebelton 

To amend sections 3317.01, 3317.02, 3317.021, 1
3317.03, 3770.06, and 5747.03, to enact new 2
sections 3317.022, 3317.023, and 3317.16, and to 3
repeal sections 3317.012, 3317.013, 3317.022, 4
3317.023, 3317.0212, 3317.0213, 3317.0214, 5
3317.0215, 3317.0216, 3317.0217, 3317.05, 6
3317.051, 3317.052, 3317.053, and 3317.16 of the 7
Revised Code to earmark 88% of the personal income 8
tax for primary and secondary education 9
expenditures, in addition to all lottery profits, 10
and to create a new method for distributing state 11
aid among school districts.12


       Section 1.  That sections 3317.01, 3317.02, 3317.021, 13
3317.03, 3770.06, and 5747.03 be amended and new sections 14
3317.022, 3317.023, and 3317.16 of the Revised Code be enacted to 15
read as follows:16

       Sec. 3317.01.  As used in this section and section 3317.01117
of the Revised Code, "school district," unless otherwise18
specified, means any city, local, exempted village, joint19
vocational, or cooperative education school district and any20
educational service center.21

       This chapter shall be administered by the state board of22
education. The superintendent of public instruction shall23
calculate the amounts payable to each school district and shall24
certify the amounts payable to each eligible district to the25
treasurer of the district as provided by this chapter. As soon as 26
possible after such amounts are calculated, the superintendent 27
shall certify to the treasurer of each school district the 28
district's adjusted charge-off increase, as defined in section 29
5705.211 of the Revised Code. No moneys shall be distributed 30
pursuant to this chapter without the approval of the controlling 31

       The state board of education shall, in accordance with33
appropriations made by the general assembly, meet the financial34
obligations of this chapter.35

       Annually, the department of education shall calculate and36
report to each school district the district's total state and37
local funds for providing an adequate basic education to the38
district's nonhandicapped students, utilizing the determination in39
section 3317.012 of the Revised Code. In addition, the department40
shall calculate and report separately for each school district the41
district's total state and local funds for providing an adequate42
education for its handicapped students, utilizing the43
determinations in both sections 3317.012 and 3317.013 of the44
Revised Code.45

       Not later than the thirty-first day of August of each fiscal46
year, the department of education shall provide to each school47
district and county MR/DD board a preliminary estimate of the48
amount of funding that the department calculates the district will49
receive under each of divisions (C)(1) and (4) of section 3317.02250
of the Revised Code. No later than the first day of December of51
each fiscal year, the department shall update that preliminary52

       Moneys distributed pursuant to this chapter shall be54
calculated and paid on a fiscal year basis, beginning with the55
first day of July and extending through the thirtieth day of June.56
The moneys appropriated for each fiscal year shall be distributed57
at least monthly to each school district unless otherwise provided58
for. The state board shall submit a yearly distribution plan to59
the controlling board at its first meeting in July. The state60
board shall submit any proposed midyear revision of the plan to61
the controlling board in January. Any year-end revision of the62
plan shall be submitted to the controlling board in June. If63
moneys appropriated for each fiscal year are distributed other64
than monthly, such distribution shall be on the same basis for65
each school district.66

       The total amounts paid each month shall constitute, as nearly67
as possible, one-twelfth of the total amount payable for the68
entire year.69

       Until fiscal year 2007, paymentsPayments made during the 70
first six months of the fiscal year may be based on an estimate of 71
the amounts payable for the entire year. Payments made in the last 72
six months shall be based on the final calculation of the amounts73
payable to each school district for that fiscal year. Payments74
made in the last six months may be adjusted, if necessary, to75
correct the amounts distributed in the first six months, and to76
reflect enrollment increases when such are at least three per77

       Beginning in fiscal year 2007, payments shall be calculated 79
to reflect the biannual reporting of average daily membership. In 80
fiscal year 2007 and in each fiscal year thereafter, annualized 81
periodic payments for each school district shall be based on the 82
district's student counts certified pursuant to section 3317.03 of 83
the Revised Code as follows:84

the sum of one-half of the number of students reported

for the first full week in October plus one-half of the

average of the numbers reported for the first full week

in October and for the first full week in February

       Except as otherwise provided, payments under this chapter89
shall be made only to those school districts in which:90

       (A) The school district, except for any educational service91
center and any joint vocational or cooperative education school92
district, levies for current operating expenses at least twenty93
mills. Levies for joint vocational or cooperative education94
school districts or county school financing districts, limited to95
or to the extent apportioned to current expenses, shall be96
included in this qualification requirement. School district income 97
tax levies under Chapter 5748. of the Revised Code, limited to or 98
to the extent apportioned to current operating expenses, shall be99
included in this qualification requirement to the extent100
determined by the tax commissioner under division (D) of section101
3317.021 of the Revised Code.102

       (B) The school year next preceding the fiscal year for which103
such payments are authorized meets the requirement of section104
3313.48 or 3313.481 of the Revised Code, with regard to the105
minimum number of days or hours school must be open for106
instruction with pupils in attendance, for individualized107
parent-teacher conference and reporting periods, and for108
professional meetings of teachers. This requirement shall be109
waived by the superintendent of public instruction if it had been110
necessary for a school to be closed because of disease epidemic,111
hazardous weather conditions, inoperability of school buses or112
other equipment necessary to the school's operation, damage to a113
school building, or other temporary circumstances due to utility114
failure rendering the school building unfit for school use,115
provided that for those school districts operating pursuant to116
section 3313.48 of the Revised Code the number of days the school117
was actually open for instruction with pupils in attendance and118
for individualized parent-teacher conference and reporting periods119
is not less than one hundred seventy-five, or for those school120
districts operating on a trimester plan the number of days the121
school was actually open for instruction with pupils in attendance122
not less than seventy-nine days in any trimester, for those school123
districts operating on a quarterly plan the number of days the124
school was actually open for instruction with pupils in attendance125
not less than fifty-nine days in any quarter, or for those school126
districts operating on a pentamester plan the number of days the127
school was actually open for instruction with pupils in attendance128
not less than forty-four days in any pentamester.129

       A school district shall not be considered to have failed to130
comply with this division or section 3313.481 of the Revised Code131
because schools were open for instruction but either twelfth grade132
students were excused from attendance for up to three days or only133
a portion of the kindergarten students were in attendance for up134
to three days in order to allow for the gradual orientation to135
school of such students.136

       The superintendent of public instruction shall waive the137
requirements of this section with reference to the minimum number138
of days or hours school must be in session with pupils in139
attendance for the school year succeeding the school year in which140
a board of education initiates a plan of operation pursuant to141
section 3313.481 of the Revised Code. The minimum requirements of142
this section shall again be applicable to such a district143
beginning with the school year commencing the second July144
succeeding the initiation of one such plan, and for each school145
year thereafter.146

       A school district shall not be considered to have failed to147
comply with this division or section 3313.48 or 3313.481 of the148
Revised Code because schools were open for instruction but the149
length of the regularly scheduled school day, for any number of150
days during the school year, was reduced by not more than two151
hours due to hazardous weather conditions.152

       (C) The school district has on file, and is paying in153
accordance with, a teachers' salary schedule which complies with154
section 3317.13 of the Revised Code.155

       A board of education or governing board of an educational156
service center which has not conformed with other law and the157
rules pursuant thereto, shall not participate in the distribution158
of funds authorized by sections 3317.022 to 3317.0211, 3317.11,159
3317.16, 3317.17, and 3317.19 of the Revised Code, except for good160
and sufficient reason established to the satisfaction of the state161
board of education and the state controlling board.162

       All funds allocated to school districts under this chapter,163
except those specifically allocated for other purposes, shall be164
used to pay current operating expenses only.165

       Sec. 3317.02.  As used in this chapter:166

       (A) Unless otherwise specified, "school district" means city,167
local, and exempted village school districts.168

       (B) "Formula amount" means the base cost for the fiscal year169
specified in division (B)(4) of section 3317.012 of the Revised 170

       (C) "FTE basis" means a count of students based on full-time172
equivalency, in accordance with rules adopted by the department of173
education pursuant to section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. In174
adopting its rules under this division, the department shall175
provide for counting any student in category one, two, three,176
four, five, or six special education ADM or in category one or two177
vocational education ADM in the same proportion the student is178
counted in formula ADM.179

       (D) "Formula"District ADM" means, for a city, local, or 180
exempted village school district, the number reported pursuant to181
division (A) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code, and for a 182
joint vocational school district, the number reported pursuant to183
division (D)(C) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. Beginning 184
in fiscal year 2007, for payments in which formula ADM is a 185
factor, the formula ADM for each school district for the fiscal 186
year is the sum of one-half of the number reported for October of 187
that fiscal year plus one-half of the average of the numbers 188
reported for October and February of that fiscal year.189

       (E) "Three-year average formula ADM" means the average of190
formula ADMs for the current and preceding two fiscal years.191

       (F)(1) "Category one special education ADM" means the average192
daily membership of handicapped children receiving special193
education services for the handicap specified in division (A) of194
section 3317.013 of the Revised Code and reported under division195
(B)(5) or (D)(2)(b) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. 196
Beginning in fiscal year 2007, the district's category one special 197
education ADM for a fiscal year is the sum of one-half of the 198
number reported for October of that fiscal year plus one-half of 199
the average of the numbers reported for October and February of 200
that fiscal year.201

       (2) "Category two special education ADM" means the average202
daily membership of handicapped children receiving special203
education services for those handicaps specified in division (B)204
of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code and reported under205
division (B)(6) or (D)(2)(c) of section 3317.03 of the Revised206
Code. Beginning in fiscal year 2007, the district's category two 207
special education ADM for a fiscal year is the sum of one-half of 208
the number reported for October of that fiscal year plus one-half 209
of the average of the numbers reported for October and February of 210
that fiscal year.211

       (3) "Category three special education ADM" means the average212
daily membership of students receiving special education services213
for those handicaps specified in division (C) of section 3317.013214
of the Revised Code, and reported under division (B)(7) or215
(D)(2)(d) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. Beginning in 216
fiscal year 2007, the district's category three special education 217
ADM for a fiscal year is the sum of one-half of the number 218
reported for October of that fiscal year plus one-half of the 219
average of the numbers reported for October and February of that 220
fiscal year.221

       (4) "Category four special education ADM" means the average222
daily membership of students receiving special education services223
for those handicaps specified in division (D) of section 3317.013224
of the Revised Code and reported under division (B)(8) or225
(D)(2)(e) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. Beginning in 226
fiscal year 2007, the district's category four special education 227
ADM for a fiscal year is the sum of one-half of the number 228
reported for October of that fiscal year plus one-half of the 229
average of the numbers reported for October and February of that 230
fiscal year.231

       (5) "Category five special education ADM" means the average232
daily membership of students receiving special education services233
for the handicap specified in division (E) of section 3317.013 of234
the Revised Code and reported under division (B)(9) or (D)(2)(f)235
of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. Beginning in fiscal year 236
2007, the district's category five special education ADM for a 237
fiscal year is the sum of one-half of the number reported for 238
October of that fiscal year plus one-half of the average of the 239
numbers reported for October and February of that fiscal year.240

       (6) "Category six special education ADM" means the average241
daily membership of students receiving special education services242
for the handicap specified in division (F) of section 3317.013 of243
the Revised Code and reported under division (B)(10) or (D)(2)(g)244
of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. Beginning in fiscal year 245
2007, the district's category six special education ADM for a 246
fiscal year is the sum of one-half of the number reported for 247
October of that fiscal year plus one-half of the average of the 248
numbers reported for October and February of that fiscal year.249

       (7) "Category one vocational education ADM" means the average250
daily membership of students receiving vocational education251
services described in division (A) of section 3317.014 of the252
Revised Code and reported under division (B)(11) or (D)(2)(h) of253
section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. Beginning in fiscal year 254
2007, the district's category one vocational education ADM for a 255
fiscal year is the sum of one-half of the number reported for 256
October of that fiscal year plus one-half of the average of the 257
numbers reported for October and February of that fiscal year.258

       (8) "Category two vocational education ADM" means the average259
daily membership of students receiving vocational education260
services described in division (B) of section 3317.014 of the261
Revised Code and reported under division (B)(12) or (D)(2)(i) of262
section 3317.03 of the Revised Code. Beginning in fiscal year 263
2007, the district's category two vocational education ADM for a 264
fiscal year is the sum of one-half of the number reported for 265
October of that fiscal year plus one-half of the average of the 266
numbers reported for October and February of that fiscal year.267

       (G) "Handicapped preschool child" means a handicapped child,268
as defined in section 3323.01 of the Revised Code, who is at least269
age three but is not of compulsory school age, as defined in270
section 3321.01 of the Revised Code, and who is not currently271
enrolled in kindergarten.272

       (H)(C) "County MR/DD board" means a county board of mental273
retardation and developmental disabilities.274

       (I) "Recognized valuation" means the amount calculated for a275
school district pursuant to section 3317.015 of the Revised Code.276

       (J) "Transportation ADM" means the number of children277
reported under division (B)(13) of section 3317.03 of the Revised278

       (K) "Average efficient transportation use cost per student"280
means a statistical representation of transportation costs as281
calculated under division (D)(2) of section 3317.022 of the282
Revised Code.283

       (L)(D) "County ADM" means the sum of the district ADMs for 284
all school districts having the principal administrative offices 285
in the county.286

       (E) "State ADM" means the sum of the district ADMs for all 287
school districts in the state.288

       (F) "District valuation" means the sum of recognized 289
valuation and the amount certified under division (A)(2) of 290
section 3317.021 of the Revised Code for a school district.291

       (G) "County valuation" means the sum of recognized valuation 292
and the amount certified under division (A)(2) of section 3317.021 293
of the Revised Code for each school district having its principal 294
administrative office situated in the county.295

       (H) "District valuation per pupil" means the district 296
valuation divided by the district ADM.297

       (I) "County valuation per pupil" means the county valuation 298
divided by the county ADM.299

       (J) "Recognized valuation" means the amount computed for a 300
school district for a fiscal year under section 3317.015 of the 301
Revised Code.302

       (K) "District expenditure" means the total amount expended by 303
a school district from all state, federal, and local funding 304
sources for the preceding fiscal year.305

       (L) "District per pupil expenditure" means the total district 306
expenditure divided by the district ADM.307

       (M) "State per pupil expenditure" means the sum of the 308
district expenditures for all school districts in the state 309
divided by the state ADM.310

       (N) "State aid for fiscal year 2007" means all payments made 311
to the district in fiscal year 2007 under the main operating 312
appropriations act or under any supplemental appropriations act of 313
the 126th or 127th general assembly.314

       (O) "Taxes charged and payable" means the taxes charged and315
payable against real and public utility property after making the316
reduction required by section 319.301 of the Revised Code, plus317
the taxes levied against tangible personal property.318

       (M) "Total taxable value" means the sum of the amounts319
certified for a city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational320
school district under divisions (A)(1) and (2) of section 3317.021321
of the Revised Code.322

       (N) "Cost-of-doing-business factor" means the amount323
indicated in division (N)(1) or (2) of this section for the county 324
in which a city, local, exempted village, or joint vocational 325
school district is located. If a city, local, or exempted village 326
school district is located in more than one county, the factor is 327
the amount indicated for the county to which the district is 328
assigned by the state department of education. If a joint329
vocational school district is located in more than one county, the 330
factor is the amount indicated for the county in which the joint 331
vocational school with the greatest formula ADM operated by the 332
district is located.333

       (1) In fiscal year 2006, the cost-of-doing-business factor 334
for each county is:335

Adams 1.00233 338
Allen 1.01373 339
Ashland 1.01980 340
Ashtabula 1.02647 341
Athens 1.00093 342
Auglaize 1.01647 343
Belmont 1.00427 344
Brown 1.01180 345
Butler 1.04307 346
Carroll 1.00913 347
Champaign 1.02973 348
Clark 1.02980 349
Clermont 1.03607 350
Clinton 1.02193 351
Columbiana 1.01427 352
Coshocton 1.01153 353
Crawford 1.01093 354
Cuyahoga 1.04173 355
Darke 1.02253 356
Defiance 1.00973 357
Delaware 1.03520 358
Erie 1.02587 359
Fairfield 1.02440 360
Fayette 1.02127 361
Franklin 1.04053 362
Fulton 1.0220 363
Gallia 1.00000 364
Geauga 1.03340 365
Greene 1.02960 366
Guernsey 1.00440 367
Hamilton 1.05000 368
Hancock 1.01433 369
Hardin 1.02373 370
Harrison 1.00493 371
Henry 1.02120 372
Highland 1.00987 373
Hocking 1.01253 374
Holmes 1.01187 375
Huron 1.01953 376
Jackson 1.00920 377
Jefferson 1.00487 378
Knox 1.01860 379
Lake 1.03493 380
Lawrence 1.00540 381
Licking 1.02540 382
Logan 1.02567 383
Lorain 1.03433 384
Lucas 1.02600 385
Madison 1.03253 386
Mahoning 1.02307 387
Marion 1.02040 388
Medina 1.03573 389
Meigs 1.00173 390
Mercer 1.01353 391
Miami 1.02740 392
Monroe 1.00333 393
Montgomery 1.03020 394
Morgan 1.00593 395
Morrow 1.02007 396
Muskingum 1.00847 397
Noble 1.00487 398
Ottawa 1.03240 399
Paulding 1.00767 400
Perry 1.01067 401
Pickaway 1.02607 402
Pike 1.00687 403
Portage 1.03147 404
Preble 1.02947 405
Putnam 1.01440 406
Richland 1.01327 407
Ross 1.01007 408
Sandusky 1.02140 409
Scioto 1.00080 410
Seneca 1.01487 411
Shelby 1.01853 412
Stark 1.01700 413
Summit 1.03613 414
Trumbull 1.02340 415
Tuscarawas 1.00593 416
Union 1.03333 417
Van Wert 1.00887 418
Vinton 1.00633 419
Warren 1.04387 420
Washington 1.00400 421
Wayne 1.02320 422
Williams 1.01520 423
Wood 1.02400 424
Wyandot 1.01140 425

       (2) In fiscal year 2007, the cost-of-doing-business factor 426
for each county is:427

Adams 1.00117 430
Allen 1.00687 431
Ashland 1.00990 432
Ashtabula 1.01323 433
Athens 1.00047 434
Auglaize 1.00823 435
Belmont 1.00213 436
Brown 1.00590 437
Butler 1.02153 438
Carroll 1.00457 439
Champaign 1.01487 440
Clark 1.01490 441
Clermont 1.01803 442
Clinton 1.01097 443
Columbiana 1.00713 444
Coshocton 1.00577 445
Crawford 1.00547 446
Cuyahoga 1.02087 447
Darke 1.01127 448
Defiance 1.00487 449
Delaware 1.01760 450
Erie 1.01293 451
Fairfield 1.01220 452
Fayette 1.01063 453
Franklin 1.02027 454
Fulton 1.01100 455
Gallia 1.00000 456
Geauga 1.01670 457
Greene 1.01480 458
Guernsey 1.00220 459
Hamilton 1.02500 460
Hancock 1.00717 461
Hardin 1.01187 462
Harrison 1.00247 463
Henry 1.01060 464
Highland 1.00493 465
Hocking 1.00627 466
Holmes 1.00593 467
Huron 1.00977 468
Jackson 1.00460 469
Jefferson 1.00243 470
Knox 1.00930 471
Lake 1.01747 472
Lawrence 1.00270 473
Licking 1.01270 474
Logan 1.01283 475
Lorain 1.01717 476
Lucas 1.01300 477
Madison 1.01627 478
Mahoning 1.01153 479
Marion 1.01020 480
Medina 1.01787 481
Meigs 1.00087 482
Mercer 1.00677 483
Miami 1.01370 484
Monroe 1.00167 485
Montgomery 1.01510 486
Morgan 1.00297 487
Morrow 1.01003 488
Muskingum 1.00423 489
Noble 1.00243 490
Ottawa 1.01620 491
Paulding 1.00383 492
Perry 1.00533 493
Pickaway 1.01303 494
Pike 1.00343 495
Portage 1.01573 496
Preble 1.01473 497
Putnam 1.00720 498
Richland 1.00663 499
Ross 1.00503 500
Sandusky 1.01070 501
Scioto 1.00040 502
Seneca 1.00743 503
Shelby 1.00927 504
Stark 1.00850 505
Summit 1.01807 506
Trumbull 1.01170 507
Tuscarawas 1.00297 508
Union 1.01667 509
Van Wert 1.00443 510
Vinton 1.00317 511
Warren 1.02193 512
Washington 1.00200 513
Wayne 1.01160 514
Williams 1.00760 515
Wood 1.01200 516
Wyandot 1.00570 517

       (O) "Tax exempt value" of a school district means the amount518
certified for a school district under division (A)(4) of section519
3317.021 of the Revised Code.520

       (P) "Potential value" of a school district means the 521
recognized valuation of a school district plus the tax exempt522
value of the district.523

       (Q) "District median income" means the median Ohio adjusted524
gross income certified for a school district. On or before the525
first day of July of each year, the tax commissioner shall certify526
to the department of education for each city, exempted village,527
and local school district the median Ohio adjusted gross income of528
the residents of the school district determined on the basis of529
tax returns filed for the second preceding tax year by the530
residents of the district.531

       (R) "Statewide median income" means the median district532
median income of all city, exempted village, and local school533
districts in the state.534

       (S) "Income factor" for a city, exempted village, or local535
school district means the quotient obtained by dividing that536
district's median income by the statewide median income.537

       (T) "Medically fragile child" means a child to whom all of538
the following apply:539

       (1) The child requires the services of a doctor of medicine540
or osteopathic medicine at least once a week due to the541
instability of the child's medical condition.542

       (2) The child requires the services of a registered nurse on543
a daily basis.544

       (3) The child is at risk of institutionalization in a545
hospital, skilled nursing facility, or intermediate care facility546
for the mentally retarded.547

       (U) A child may be identified as "other health548
handicapped-major" if the child's condition meets the definition549
of "other health impaired" established in rules adopted by the550
state board of education prior to July 1, 2001, and if either of 551
the following apply:552

       (1) The child is identified as having a medical condition553
that is among those listed by the superintendent of public554
instruction as conditions where a substantial majority of cases555
fall within the definition of "medically fragile child." The556
superintendent of public instruction shall issue an initial list557
no later than September 1, 2001.558

       (2) The child is determined by the superintendent of public559
instruction to be a medically fragile child. A school district560
superintendent may petition the superintendent of public561
instruction for a determination that a child is a medically562
fragile child.563

       (V) A child may be identified as "other health564
handicapped-minor" if the child's condition meets the definition565
of "other health impaired" established in rules adopted by the566
state board of education prior to July 1, 2001, but the child's 567
condition does not meet either of the conditions specified in 568
division (U)(1) or (2) of this section.569

       (W) "SF-3 payment" means the sum of the payments to a school 570
district in a fiscal year under divisions (A), (C)(1), (C)(4), 571
(D), (E), and (F) of section 3317.022, divisions (G), (L), and (N) 572
of section 3317.024, and sections 3317.029, 3317.0216, 3317.0217, 573
3317.04, 3317.05, 3317.052, and 3317.053 of the Revised Code after 574
making the adjustments required by sections 3313.981 and 3313.979 575
of the Revised Code, divisions (B), (C), (D), (E), (K), (L), (M), 576
(N), and (O) of section 3317.023, and division (C) of section 577
3317.20 of the Revised Code.578

       (X) "Property exemption value" means zero in fiscal year 579
2006, and in fiscal year 2007 and each fiscal year thereafter, the 580
amount certified for a school district under divisions (A)(6) and 581
(7) of section 3317.021 of the Revised Code.582

       Sec. 3317.021.  (A) On or before the first day of June of583
each year, the tax commissioner shall certify to the department of584
education the information described in divisions (A)(1) to (8)585
division (A) of this section for each city, exempted village, and 586
local school district, and the information required by divisions 587
(A)(1) and (2)division (A) of this section for each joint588
vocational school district, and it shall be used, along with the589
information certified under division (B) of this section, in590
making the computations for the district under sections 3317.022, 591
3317.0216, and 3317.0217 or section 3317.022 or 3317.16 of the 592
Revised Code.593

       (1) The taxable value of real and public utility real594
property in the school district subject to taxation in the595
preceding tax year, by class and by county of location.596

       (2) The taxable value of tangible personal property,597
including public utility personal property, subject to taxation by598
the district for the preceding tax year.599

       (3)(a) The total property tax rate and total taxes charged600
and payable for the current expenses for the preceding tax year601
and the total property tax rate and the total taxes charged and602
payable to a joint vocational district for the preceding tax year603
that are limited to or to the extent apportioned to current604

       (b) The portion of the amount of taxes charged and payable606
reported for each city, local, and exempted village school607
district under division (A)(3)(a) of this section attributable to608
a joint vocational school district.609

       (4) The value of all real and public utility real property in 610
the school district exempted from taxation minus both of the611

       (a) The value of real and public utility real property in the 613
district owned by the United States government and used614
exclusively for a public purpose;615

       (b) The value of real and public utility real property in the 616
district exempted from taxation under Chapter 725. or 1728. or617
section 3735.67, 5709.40, 5709.41, 5709.62, 5709.63, 5709.632,618
5709.73, or 5709.78 of the Revised Code.619

       (5) The total federal adjusted gross income of the residents620
of the school district, based on tax returns filed by the621
residents of the district, for the most recent year for which this622
information is available.623

       (6) The sum of the school district compensation value as 624
indicated on the list of exempted property for the preceding tax 625
year under section 5713.08 of the Revised Code as if such property 626
had been assessed for taxation that year and the other 627
compensation value for the school district, minus the amounts 628
described in divisions (A)(6)(c) to (i) of this section. The 629
portion of school district compensation value or other 630
compensation value attributable to an incentive district exemption 631
may be subtracted only once even if that incentive district 632
satisfies more than one of the criteria in divisions (A)(6)(c) to 633
(i) of this section.634

       (a) "School district compensation value" means the aggregate 635
value of real property in the school district exempted from 636
taxation pursuant to an ordinance or resolution adopted under 637
division (C) of section 5709.40, division (C) of section 5709.73, 638
or division (B) of section 5709.78 of the Revised Code to the 639
extent that the exempted value results in the charging of payments 640
in lieu of taxes required to be paid to the school district under 641
division (D)(1) or (2) of section 5709.40, division (D) of section 642
5709.73, or division (C) of section 5709.78 of the Revised Code.643

       (b) "Other compensation value" means the quotient that 644
results from dividing (i) the dollar value of compensation 645
received by the school district during the preceding tax year 646
pursuant to division (B), (C), or (D) of section 5709.82 of the 647
Revised Code and the amounts received pursuant to an agreement as 648
specified in division (D)(2) of section 5709.40, division (D) of 649
section 5709.73, or division (C) of section 5709.78 of the Revised 650
Code to the extent those amounts were not previously reported or 651
included in division (A)(6)(a) of this section, and so that any 652
such amount is reported only once under division (A)(6)(b) of this 653
section, in relation to exemptions from taxation granted pursuant 654
to an ordinance or resolution adopted under division (C) of 655
section 5709.40, division (C) of section 5709.73, or division (B) 656
of section 5709.78 of the Revised Code, by (ii) the real property 657
tax rate in effect for the preceding tax year for 658
nonresidential/agricultural real property after making the 659
reductions required by section 319.301 of the Revised Code.660

       (c) The portion of school district compensation value or 661
other compensation value that was exempted from taxation pursuant 662
to such an ordinance or resolution for the preceding tax year, if 663
the ordinance or resolution is adopted prior to January 1, 2006, 664
and the legislative authority or board of township trustees or 665
county commissioners, prior to January 1, 2006, executes a 666
contract or agreement with a developer, whether for-profit or 667
not-for-profit, with respect to the development of a project 668
undertaken or to be undertaken and identified in the ordinance or 669
resolution, and upon which parcels such project is being, or will 670
be, undertaken;671

        (d) The portion of school district compensation value that 672
was exempted from taxation for the preceding tax year and for 673
which payments in lieu of taxes for the preceding tax year were 674
provided to the school district under division (D)(1) of section 675
5709.40 of the Revised Code.676

       (e) The portion of school district compensation value that 677
was exempted from taxation for the preceding tax year pursuant to 678
such an ordinance or resolution, if and to the extent that, on or 679
before April 1, 2006, the fiscal officer of the municipal 680
corporation that adopted the ordinance, or of the township or 681
county that adopted the resolution, certifies and provides 682
appropriate supporting documentation to the tax commissioner and 683
the director of development that, based on hold-harmless 684
provisions in any agreement between the school district and the 685
legislative authority of the municipal corporation, board of 686
township trustees, or board of county commissioners that was 687
entered into on or before June 1, 2005, the ability or obligation 688
of the municipal corporation, township, or county to repay bonds, 689
notes, or other financial obligations issued or entered into prior 690
to January 1, 2006, will be impaired, including obligations to or 691
of any other body corporate and politic with whom the legislative 692
authority of the municipal corporation or board of township 693
trustees or county commissioners has entered into an agreement 694
pertaining to the use of service payments derived from the 695
improvements exempted;696

        (f) The portion of school district compensation value that 697
was exempted from taxation for the preceding tax year pursuant to 698
such an ordinance or resolution, if the ordinance or resolution is 699
adopted prior to January 1, 2006, in a municipal corporation with 700
a population that exceeds one hundred thousand, as shown by the 701
most recent federal decennial census, that includes a major 702
employment center and that is adjacent to historically distressed 703
neighborhoods, if the legislative authority of the municipal 704
corporation that exempted the property prepares an economic 705
analysis that demonstrates that all taxes generated within the 706
incentive district accruing to the state by reason of improvements 707
constructed within the district during its existence exceed the 708
amount the state pays the school district under section 3317.022 709
of the Revised Code attributable to such property exemption from 710
the school district's recognized valuation. The analysis shall be 711
submitted to and approved by the department of development prior 712
to January 1, 2006, and the department shall not unreasonably 713
withhold approval.714

        (g) The portion of school district compensation value that 715
was exempted from taxation for the preceding tax year under such 716
an ordinance or resolution, if the ordinance or resolution is 717
adopted prior to January 1, 2006, and if service payments have 718
been pledged to be used for mixed-use riverfront entertainment 719
development in any county with a population that exceeds six 720
hundred thousand, as shown by the most recent federal decennial 721

        (h) The portion of school district compensation value that 723
was exempted from taxation for the preceding tax year under such 724
an ordinance or resolution, if, prior to January 1, 2006, the 725
legislative authority of a municipal corporation, board of 726
township trustees, or board of county commissioners has pledged 727
service payments for a designated transportation capacity project 728
approved by the transportation review advisory council under 729
Chapter 5512. of the Revised Code;730

        (i) The portion of school district compensation value that 731
was exempted from taxation for the preceding tax year under such 732
an ordinance or resolution if the legislative authority of a 733
municipal corporation, board of township trustees, or board of 734
county commissioners have, by January 1, 2006, pledged proceeds 735
for designated transportation improvement projects that involve 736
federal funds for which the proceeds are used to meet a local 737
share match requirement for such funding.738

       As used in division (A)(6) of this section, "project" has the 739
same meaning as in section 5709.40 of the Revised Code.740

       (7) The aggregate value of real property in the school 741
district for which an exemption from taxation is granted by an 742
ordinance or resolution adopted on or after January 1, 2006, under 743
Chapter 725. or 1728., sections 3735.65 to 3735.70, or section 744
5709.62, 5709.63, 5709.632, 5709.84, or 5709.88 of the Revised 745
Code, as indicated on the list of exempted property for the 746
preceding tax year under section 5713.08 of the Revised Code and 747
as if such property had been assessed for taxation that year, 748
minus the product determined by multiplying (a) the aggregate 749
value of the real property in the school district exempted from 750
taxation for the preceding tax year under any of the chapters or 751
sections specified in this division, by (b) a fraction, the 752
numerator of which is the difference between (i) the amount of 753
anticipated revenue such school district would have received for 754
the preceding tax year if the real property exempted from taxation 755
had not been exempted from taxation and (ii) the aggregate amount 756
of payments in lieu of taxes on the exempt real property for the 757
preceding tax year and other compensation received for the 758
preceding tax year by the school district pursuant to any 759
agreements entered into on or after January 1, 2006, under section 760
5709.82 of the Revised Code between the school district and the 761
legislative authority of a political subdivision that acted under 762
the authority of a chapter or statute specified in this division, 763
that were entered into in relation to such exemption, and the 764
denominator of which is the amount of anticipated revenue such 765
school district would have received in the preceding fiscal year 766
if the real property exempted from taxation had not been exempted.767

       (8) For each school district receiving payments under 768
division (B) or (C) of section 3317.0216 of the Revised Code 769
during the current fiscal year, as included on the most recent 770
list of such districts sent to the tax commissioner under division 771
(F) of that section, the following:772

       (a) The portion of the total amount of taxes charged and 773
payable for current expenses certified under division (A)(3)(a) of 774
this section that is attributable to each new levy approved and 775
charged in the preceding tax year and the respective tax rate of 776
each of those new levies;777

       (b) The portion of the total taxes collected for current 778
expenses under a school district income tax adopted pursuant to 779
section 5748.03 or 5748.08 of the Revised Code, as certified under 780
division (A)(2) of section 3317.08 of the Revised Code, that is 781
attributable to each new school district income tax first 782
effective in the current taxable year or in the preceding taxable 783

       (B) On or before the first day of May each year, the tax785
commissioner shall certify to the department of education the786
total taxable real property value of railroads and, separately,787
the total taxable tangible personal property value of all public788
utilities for the preceding tax year, by school district and by789
county of location.790

       (C) If a public utility has properly and timely filed a791
petition for reassessment under section 5727.47 of the Revised792
Code with respect to an assessment issued under section 5727.23 of793
the Revised Code affecting taxable property apportioned by the tax794
commissioner to a school district, the taxable value of public795
utility tangible personal property included in the certification796
under divisions (A)(2) and (B) of this section for the school797
district shall include only the amount of taxable value on the798
basis of which the public utility paid tax for the preceding year799
as provided in division (B)(1) or (2) of section 5727.47 of the800
Revised Code.801

       (D) If on the basis of the information certified under802
division (A) of this section, the department determines that any803
district fails in any year to meet the qualification requirement804
specified in division (A) of section 3317.01 of the Revised Code,805
the department shall immediately request the tax commissioner to806
determine the extent to which any school district income tax807
levied by the district under Chapter 5748. of the Revised Code808
shall be included in meeting that requirement. Within five days of 809
receiving such a request from the department, the tax commissioner 810
shall make the determination required by this division and report 811
the quotient obtained under division (D)(3) of this section to the 812
department. This quotient represents the number of mills that the 813
department shall include in determining whether the district meets 814
the qualification requirement of division (A) of section 3317.01 815
of the Revised Code.816

       The tax commissioner shall make the determination required by817
this division as follows:818

       (1) Multiply one mill times the total taxable value of the819
district as determined in divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this820

       (2) Estimate the total amount of tax liability for the822
current tax year under taxes levied by Chapter 5748. of the823
Revised Code that are apportioned to current operating expenses of824
the district;825

       (3) Divide the amount estimated under division (D)(2) of this 826
section by the product obtained under division (D)(1) of this827

       (E)(1) On or before June 1, 2006, and the first day of April 829
of each year thereafter, the director of development shall report 830
to the department of education and the tax commissioner the total 831
amounts of payments received by each city, local, exempted 832
village, or joint vocational school district for the preceding tax 833
year pursuant to division (D) of section 5709.40, division (D) of 834
section 5709.73, division (C) of section 5709.78, or division 835
(B)(1), (B)(2), (C), or (D) of section 5709.82 of the Revised Code 836
in relation to exemptions from taxation granted pursuant to an 837
ordinance adopted by the legislative authority of a municipal 838
corporation under division (C) of section 5709.40 of the Revised 839
Code, or a resolution adopted by a board of township trustees or 840
board of county commissioners under division (C) of section 841
5709.73 or division (B) of section 5709.78 of the Revised Code, 842
respectively. On or before April 1, 2006, and the first day of 843
March of each year thereafter, the treasurer of each city, local, 844
exempted village, or joint vocational school district that has 845
entered into such an agreement shall report to the director of 846
development the total amounts of such payments the district 847
received for the preceding tax year as provided in this section. 848
The state board of education, in accordance with sections 3319.31 849
and 3319.311 of the Revised Code, may suspend or revoke the 850
license of a treasurer found to have willfully reported erroneous, 851
inaccurate, or incomplete data under this division.852

       (2) On or before April 1, 2007, and the first day of April of 853
each year thereafter, the director of development shall report to 854
the department of education and to the tax commissioner the total 855
amounts of payments received by each city, local, exempted 856
village, or joint vocational school district for the preceding tax 857
year pursuant to divisions (B), (C), and (D) of section 5709.82 of 858
the Revised Code in relation to exemptions from taxation granted 859
pursuant to ordinances or resolutions adopted on or after January 860
1, 2006, under Chapter 725. or 1728., sections 3735.65 to 3735.70, 861
or section 5709.62, 5709.63, 5709.632, 5709.84, or 5709.88 of the 862
Revised Code. On or before March 1, 2007, and the first day of 863
March of each year thereafter, the treasurer of each city, local, 864
exempted village, or joint vocational school district that has 865
entered into such an agreement shall report to the director of 866
development the total amounts of such payments the district 867
received for the preceding tax year as provided by this section. 868
The state board of education, in accordance with sections 3319.31 869
and 3319.311 of the Revised Code, may suspend or revoke the 870
license of a treasurer found to have willfully reported erroneous, 871
inaccurate, or incomplete data under this division.872

       Sec. 3317.022.  There is hereby created in the county 873
treasury of each county in the state a county school trust fund. 874
Moneys in the fund shall consist of payments to the fund made 875
under division (A)(1) of section 5747.03 and section 3770.06 of 876
the Revised Code. The county school trust fund shall be used for 877
making the distribution payments required by this section.878

       (A) By the fifteenth day of each month, the county auditor 879
shall certify to the superintendent of public instruction the 880
balance in the county's school trust fund on the last day of the 881
preceding month. Each school district having its principal 882
administrative office situated in the county shall receive a 883
payment computed by the superintendent and certified to the 884
auditor as follows:885

       (1) Multiply the balance in the fund on the last day of the 886
preceding month by the district's ADM divided by the county ADM.887

       (2) Divide the district's valuation per pupil by the county 888
valuation per pupil and subtract the quotient from one.889

       (3) If the district's valuation per pupil is less than the 890
county valuation per pupil, pay the district:891

       (a) The amount computed under division (A)(1) of this 892
section, plus893

       (b) The product obtained by multiplying the amount computed 894
under division (A)(1) of this section by the amount computed under 895
division (A)(2) of this section.896

       (4) If the district's valuation per pupil is greater than the 897
county valuation per pupil, pay the district the following amount, 898
if the computation produces a positive number:899

       (a) The amount computed under division (A)(1) of this 900
section, minus901

       (b) The product obtained by multiplying the amount computed 902
under division (A)(1) of this section by the absolute value of the 903
amount computed under division (A)(2) of this section.904

       If the computation produces a negative amount, the district 905
shall not receive a payment under this division.906

       (5) If the district's valuation per pupil is the same as the 907
county valuation per pupil, pay the district the amount computed 908
under division (A)(1) of this section.909

       (B) If the balance in the county school trust fund on the 910
last day of the preceding month is greater than the sum of the 911
payments required by division (A) of this section, the county 912
auditor shall pay such excess into the state equalization and 913
special program fund established in section 3317.023 of the 914
Revised Code. If the amount required to make the payments under 915
division (A) of this section exceeds the balance in the trust fund 916
on the last day of the preceding month, the county auditor shall 917
certify the amount of such deficiency to the department of 918
education, which shall pay an amount equal to the deficiency to 919
the county's school trust fund from the state equalization and 920
special program fund.921

       (C) If the amount paid to a district under division (A) of 922
this section during a fiscal year from the county school trust 923
fund divided by the district ADM is less than the district's state 924
aid for fiscal year 2007 divided by the district ADM for that 925
fiscal year, the superintendent of public instruction shall pay 926
the district from the state equalization and special program fund 927
an additional amount equal to the difference multiplied by the 928
district ADM.929

       (D) Annually in December, from information that shall be 930
furnished by school districts upon request by the superintendent 931
of public instruction, the superintendent shall compute the state 932
per pupil expenditure and district per pupil expenditure for each 933
school district in the state. If the district per pupil 934
expenditure is less than eighty-five per cent of the state per 935
pupil expenditure, the superintendent shall pay to the district 936
from the fund established in section 3317.023 of the Revised Code 937
the district ADM multiplied by the following difference:938

       (1) Eighty-five per cent of the state per pupil expenditure, 939

       (2) The district's per pupil expenditure. 941

       (E) Notwithstanding divisions (A) and (D) of this section, 942
the amount paid to a district during a fiscal year divided by the 943
district ADM shall not exceed one hundred eight per cent of the 944
amount paid under this section to the district during the previous 945
fiscal year divided by the district ADM for that previous year.946

       (F) The department of education shall adopt rules for the 947
efficient administration of this section, including the adjustment 948
of payments to or the requirement of a reimbursement from a 949
district during the first three months of a fiscal year to make 950
corrections for overpayments or underpayments under divisions (C), 951
(D), and (E) of this section during the preceding fiscal year.952

       Sec. 3317.023.  There is hereby created in the state treasury 953
the state equalization and special program fund, consisting of 954
moneys paid to it under division (B) of section 3317.022 and 955
division (A)(2) of section 5747.03 of the Revised Code and any 956
other moneys credited to it by an act of the general assembly. The 957
fund shall be used to make the payments required by divisions (B), 958
(C), and (D) of section 3317.022, division (J) of section 3313.64, 959
and sections 3317.029, 3317.06, 3317.08, 3317.11, and 3317.16 of 960
the Revised Code and for special education programs of county 961
MR/DD boards and the state institutions mentioned in section 962
3323.091 of the Revised Code. The laws appropriating the moneys to 963
and from the fund may also specify the distribution of moneys for 964
desegregation costs, handicapped preschool programs, vocational 965
education, gifted and special education programs, purchasing of 966
school buses, for administrative costs of the superintendent of 967
public instruction, and paying debt service charges of obligations 968
issued for school district facilities.969

       Sec. 3317.03.  Notwithstanding divisions (A)(1),and (B)(1), 970
and (C) of this section, except as provided in division (A)(2)(h) 971
of this section, any student enrolled in kindergarten more than 972
half time shall be reported as one-half student under this973

       (A) The superintendent of each city and exempted village975
school district and of each educational service center shall, for976
the schools under the superintendent's supervision, certify to the977
state board of education on or before the fifteenth day of October978
in each year for the first full school week in October the formula979
ADM. Beginning in fiscal year 2007, each superintendent also shall 980
certify to the state board, for the schools under the 981
superintendent's supervision, the formula ADM for the first full 982
week in February. If a school under the superintendent's 983
supervision is closed for one or more days during that week due to 984
hazardous weather conditions or other circumstances described in 985
the first paragraph of division (B) of section 3317.01 of the 986
Revised Code, the superintendent may apply to the superintendent 987
of public instruction for a waiver, under which the superintendent 988
of public instruction may exempt the district superintendent from 989
certifying the formula ADM for that school for that week and 990
specify an alternate week for certifying the formula ADM of that 991

       The formula ADM shall consist of the average daily membership 993
during such week of the sum of the following:994

       (1) On an FTE basis, theThe number of students in grades995
kindergarten through twelve receiving any educational services996
from the district, except that the following categories of997
students shall not be included in the determination:998

       (a) Students enrolled in adult education classes;999

       (b) Adjacent or other district students enrolled in the1000
district under an open enrollment policy pursuant to section1001
3313.98 of the Revised Code;1002

       (c) Students receiving services in the district pursuant to a 1003
compact, cooperative education agreement, or a contract, but who1004
are entitled to attend school in another district pursuant to1005
section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code;1006

       (d) Students for whom tuition is payable pursuant to sections 1007
3317.081 and 3323.141 of the Revised Code;1008

       (e) Students receiving services in the district through a 1009
scholarship awarded under section 3310.41 of the Revised Code.1010

       (2) On an FTE basis, exceptExcept as provided in division 1011
(A)(2)(h) of this section, the number of students entitled to1012
attend school in the district pursuant to section 3313.64 or1013
3313.65 of the Revised Code, but receiving educational services in1014
grades kindergarten through twelve from one or more of the1015
following entities:1016

       (a) A community school pursuant to Chapter 3314. of the1017
Revised Code, including any participation in a college pursuant to1018
Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code while enrolled in such community1019

       (b) An alternative school pursuant to sections 3313.974 to1021
3313.979 of the Revised Code as described in division (I)(H)(2)(a) 1022
or (b) of this section;1023

       (c) A college pursuant to Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code,1024
except when the student is enrolled in the college while also1025
enrolled in a community school pursuant to Chapter 3314. of the1026
Revised Code;1027

       (d) An adjacent or other school district under an open1028
enrollment policy adopted pursuant to section 3313.98 of the1029
Revised Code;1030

       (e) An educational service center or cooperative education1031

       (f) Another school district under a cooperative education1033
agreement, compact, or contract;1034

       (g) A chartered nonpublic school with a scholarship paid 1035
under section 3310.08 of the Revised Code;1036

        (h) An alternative public provider or a registered private 1037
provider with a scholarship awarded under section 3310.41 of the 1038
Revised Code. Each such scholarship student who is enrolled in 1039
kindergarten shall be counted as one full-time-equivalent student.1040

       As used in this section, "alternative public provider" and 1041
"registered private provider" have the same meanings as in section 1042
3310.41 of the Revised Code.1043

       (3) Twenty per cent of the number of students enrolled in a 1044
joint vocational school district or under a vocational education1045
compact, excluding any students entitled to attend school in the1046
district under section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code who1047
are enrolled in another school district through an open enrollment1048
policy as reported under division (A)(2)(d) of this section and1049
then enroll in a joint vocational school district or under a1050
vocational education compact;1051

       (4) The number of handicapped children, other than1052
handicapped preschool children, entitled to attend school in the1053
district pursuant to section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised1054
Code who are placed by the district with a county MR/DD board, 1055
minus the number of such children placed with a county MR/DD board 1056
in fiscal year 1998. If this calculation produces a negative 1057
number, the number reported under division (A)(4) of this section 1058
shall be zero.1059

       (5) Beginning in fiscal year 2007, in the case of the report 1060
submitted for the first full week in February, or the alternative 1061
week if specified by the superintendent of public instruction, the 1062
number of students reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this 1063
section for the first full week of the preceding October but who 1064
since that week have received high school diplomas.1065

       (B) To enable the department of education to obtain the data1066
needed to complete the calculation of payments pursuant to this1067
chapter, in addition to the formula ADMamounts certified under 1068
division (A) of this section, each superintendent shall report 1069
separately the following student counts for the same week for 1070
which formula ADM is certified:1071

       (1) The total average daily membership in regular day classes 1072
included in the report under division (A)(1) or (2) of this1073
section for kindergarten, and each of grades one through twelve in1074
schools under the superintendent's supervision;1075

       (2) The number of all handicapped preschool children enrolled 1076
as of the first day of December in classes in the district that 1077
are eligible for approval under division (B) of section 3317.05 1078
of the Revised Code and the number of those classes, which shall 1079
be reported not later than the fifteenth day of December, in 1080
accordance with rules adopted under that section;1081

       (3) The number of children entitled to attend school in the1082
district pursuant to section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised1083
Code who are:1084

       (a) Participating in a pilot project scholarship program1085
established under sections 3313.974 to 3313.979 of the Revised1086
Code as described in division (I)(H)(2)(a) or (b) of this section;1087

       (b) Enrolled in a college under Chapter 3365. of the Revised 1088
Code, except when the student is enrolled in the college while 1089
also enrolled in a community school pursuant to Chapter 3314. of 1090
the Revised Code;1091

       (c) Enrolled in an adjacent or other school district under 1092
section 3313.98 of the Revised Code;1093

       (d) Enrolled in a community school established under Chapter 1094
3314. of the Revised Code that is not an internet- or 1095
computer-based community school as defined in section 3314.02 of 1096
the Revised Code, including any participation in a college1097
pursuant to Chapter 3365. of the Revised Code while enrolled in 1098
such community school;1099

       (e) Enrolled in an internet- or computer-based community 1100
school, as defined in section 3314.02 of the Revised Code, 1101
including any participation in a college pursuant to Chapter 3365. 1102
of the Revised Code while enrolled in the school;1103

        (f) Enrolled in a chartered nonpublic school with a 1104
scholarship paid under section 3310.08 of the Revised Code;1105

       (g) Enrolled in kindergarten through grade twelve in an 1106
alternative public provider or a registered private provider with 1107
a scholarship awarded under section 3310.41 of the Revised Code;1108

        (h) Enrolled as a handicapped preschool child in an 1109
alternative public provider or a registered private provider with 1110
a scholarship awarded under section 3310.41 of the Revised Code;1111

       (i) Participating in a program operated by a county MR/DD 1112
board or a state institution.1113

       (4) The number of pupils enrolled in joint vocational1114

       (5) The average daily membership of handicapped children1116
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving1117
special education services for the category one handicap described1118
in division (A) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code;1119

       (6) The average daily membership of handicapped children1120
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving1121
special education services for category two handicaps described in 1122
division (B) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code;1123

       (7) The average daily membership of handicapped children1124
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving1125
special education services for category three handicaps described1126
in division (C) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code;1127

       (8) The average daily membership of handicapped children1128
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving1129
special education services for category four handicaps described1130
in division (D) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code;1131

       (9) The average daily membership of handicapped children1132
reported under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section receiving1133
special education services for the category five handicap1134
described in division (E) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code;1135

       (10) The combined average daily membership of handicapped 1136
children reported under division (A)(1) or (2) and under division 1137
(B)(3)(h) of this section receiving special education services for 1138
category six handicaps described in division (F) of section 1139
3317.013 of the Revised Code, including children attending a 1140
special education program operated by an alternative public 1141
provider or a registered private provider with a scholarship 1142
awarded under section 3310.41 of the Revised Code;1143

       (11) The average daily membership of pupils reported under1144
division (A)(1) or (2) of this section enrolled in category one1145
vocational education programs or classes, described in division1146
(A) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code, operated by the1147
school district or by another district, other than a joint1148
vocational school district, or by an educational service center, 1149
excluding any student reported under division (B)(3)(e) of this 1150
section as enrolled in an internet- or computer-based community 1151
school, notwithstanding division (C) of section 3317.02 of the 1152
Revised Code and division (C)(3) of this section;1153

       (12) The average daily membership of pupils reported under1154
division (A)(1) or (2) of this section enrolled in category two1155
vocational education programs or services, described in division1156
(B) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code, operated by the1157
school district or another school district, other than a joint1158
vocational school district, or by an educational service center, 1159
excluding any student reported under division (B)(3)(e) of this 1160
section as enrolled in an internet- or computer-based community 1161
school, notwithstanding division (C) of section 3317.02 of the 1162
Revised Code and division (C)(3) of this section;1163

       (13) The average number of children transported by the school 1164
district on board-owned or contractor-owned and -operated buses,1165
reported in accordance with rules adopted by the department of 1166

       (14)(6)(a) The number of children, other than handicapped1168
preschool children, the district placed with a county MR/DD board1169
in fiscal year 1998;1170

       (b) The number of handicapped children, other than1171
handicapped preschool children, placed with a county MR/DD board1172
in the current fiscal year to receive special education services1173
for the category one handicap described in division (A) of section1174
3317.013 of the Revised Code;1175

       (c) The number of handicapped children, other than1176
handicapped preschool children, placed with a county MR/DD board1177
in the current fiscal year to receive special education services1178
for category two handicaps described in division (B) of section1179
3317.013 of the Revised Code;1180

       (d) The number of handicapped children, other than1181
handicapped preschool children, placed with a county MR/DD board1182
in the current fiscal year to receive special education services1183
for category three handicaps described in division (C) of section 1184
3317.013 of the Revised Code;1185

       (e) The number of handicapped children, other than1186
handicapped preschool children, placed with a county MR/DD board1187
in the current fiscal year to receive special education services1188
for category four handicaps described in division (D) of section1189
3317.013 of the Revised Code;1190

       (f) The number of handicapped children, other than1191
handicapped preschool children, placed with a county MR/DD board1192
in the current fiscal year to receive special education services1193
for the category five handicap described in division (E) of1194
section 3317.013 of the Revised Code;1195

       (g) The number of handicapped children, other than1196
handicapped preschool children, placed with a county MR/DD board1197
in the current fiscal year to receive special education services1198
for category six handicaps described in division (F) of section1199
3317.013 of the Revised Code.1200

       (C)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section for1201
kindergarten students, the average daily membership in divisions1202
(B)(1) to (12) of this section shall be based upon the number of1203
full-time equivalent students. The state board of education shall1204
adopt rules defining full-time equivalent students and for1205
determining the average daily membership therefrom for the1206
purposes of divisions (A), (B), and (D) of this section.1207

       (2) A student enrolled in a community school established1208
under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code shall be counted in the1209
formula ADM and, if applicable, the category one, two, three,1210
four, five, or six special education ADM of the school district in1211
which the student is entitled to attend school under section1212
3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code for the same proportion of1213
the school year that the student is counted in the enrollment of1214
the community school for purposes of section 3314.08 of the1215
Revised Code.1216

       (3) No child shall be counted as more than a total of one1217
child in the sum of the average daily memberships of a school1218
district under division (A), divisions (B)(1) to (12), or division1219
(D) of this section, except as follows:1220

       (a) A child with a handicap described in section 3317.013 of1221
the Revised Code may be counted both in formula ADM and in1222
category one, two, three, four, five, or six special education ADM 1223
and, if applicable, in category one or two vocational education1224
ADM. As provided in division (C) of section 3317.02 of the Revised 1225
Code, such a child shall be counted in category one, two, three, 1226
four, five, or six special education ADM in the same proportion 1227
that the child is counted in formula ADM.1228

       (b) A child enrolled in vocational education programs or1229
classes described in section 3317.014 of the Revised Code may be1230
counted both in formula ADM and category one or two vocational1231
education ADM and, if applicable, in category one, two, three,1232
four, five, or six special education ADM. Such a child shall be1233
counted in category one or two vocational education ADM in the1234
same proportion as the percentage of time that the child spends in1235
the vocational education programs or classes.1236

       (4) Based on the information reported under this section, the1237
department of education shall determine the total student count,1238
as defined in section 3301.011 of the Revised Code, for each1239
school district.1240

       (D)(C)(1) The superintendent of each joint vocational school1241
district shall certify to the superintendent of public instruction1242
on or before the fifteenth day of October in each year for the1243
first full school week in October the formula ADM. Beginning in 1244
fiscal year 2007, each superintendent also shall certify to the 1245
state superintendent the formula ADM for the first full week in 1246
February. If a school operated by the joint vocational school 1247
district is closed for one or more days during that week due to 1248
hazardous weather conditions or other circumstances described in 1249
the first paragraph of division (B) of section 3317.01 of the 1250
Revised Code, the superintendent may apply to the superintendent 1251
of public instruction for a waiver, under which the superintendent 1252
of public instruction may exempt the district superintendent from 1253
certifying the formula ADM for that school for that week and 1254
specify an alternate week for certifying the formula ADM of that 1255

       The formula ADM, except as otherwise provided in this 1257
division, shall consist of the average daily membership during 1258
such week, on an FTE basis, of the number of students receiving 1259
any educational services from the district, including students 1260
enrolled in a community school established under Chapter 3314. of 1261
the Revised Code who are attending the joint vocational district 1262
under an agreement between the district board of education and the1263
governing authority of the community school and are entitled to1264
attend school in a city, local, or exempted village school1265
district whose territory is part of the territory of the joint1266
vocational district. Beginning in fiscal year 2007, in the case of 1267
the report submitted for the first week in February, or the 1268
alternative week if specified by the superintendent of public 1269
instruction, the superintendent of the joint vocational school 1270
district may include the number of students reported under 1271
division (D)(1) of this section for the first full week of the 1272
preceding October but who since that week have received high 1273
school diplomas.1274

        The following categories of students shall not be included in 1275
the determination made under division (D)(C)(1) of this section:1276

       (a) Students enrolled in adult education classes;1277

       (b) Adjacent or other district joint vocational students1278
enrolled in the district under an open enrollment policy pursuant1279
to section 3313.98 of the Revised Code;1280

       (c) Students receiving services in the district pursuant to a 1281
compact, cooperative education agreement, or a contract, but who1282
are entitled to attend school in a city, local, or exempted1283
village school district whose territory is not part of the1284
territory of the joint vocational district;1285

       (d) Students for whom tuition is payable pursuant to sections1286
3317.081 and 3323.141 of the Revised Code.1287

       (2) To enable the department of education to obtain the data1288
needed to complete the calculation of payments pursuant to this1289
chapter, in addition to the formula ADM, each superintendent shall1290
report separately the average daily membership included in the1291
report under division (D)(C)(1) of this section for each of the1292
following categories of students for the same week for which 1293
formula ADM is certified:1294

       (a) Students enrolled in each grade included in the joint1295
vocational district schools;1296

       (b) Handicapped children receiving special education services1297
for the category one handicap described in division (A) of section 1298
3317.013 of the Revised Code;1299

       (c) Handicapped children receiving special education services1300
for the category two handicaps described in division (B) of 1301
section 3317.013 of the Revised Code;1302

       (d) Handicapped children receiving special education services 1303
for category three handicaps described in division (C) of section 1304
3317.013 of the Revised Code;1305

       (e) Handicapped children receiving special education services1306
for category four handicaps described in division (D) of section1307
3317.013 of the Revised Code;1308

       (f) Handicapped children receiving special education services 1309
for the category five handicap described in division (E) of1310
section 3317.013 of the Revised Code;1311

       (g) Handicapped children receiving special education services 1312
for category six handicaps described in division (F) of section 1313
3317.013 of the Revised Code;1314

       (h) Students receiving category one vocational education1315
services, described in division (A) of section 3317.014 of the1316
Revised Code;1317

       (i) Students receiving category two vocational education1318
services, described in division (B) of section 3317.014 of the1319
Revised Code.1320

       The superintendent of each joint vocational school district1321
shall also indicate the city, local, or exempted village school1322
district in which each joint vocational district pupil is entitled1323
to attend school pursuant to section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the1324
Revised Code.1325

       (E)(D) In each school of each city, local, exempted village,1326
joint vocational, and cooperative education school district there1327
shall be maintained a record of school membership, which record1328
shall accurately show, for each day the school is in session, the1329
actual membership enrolled in regular day classes. For the purpose 1330
of determining average daily membership, the membership figure of 1331
any school shall not include any pupils except those pupils 1332
described by division (A) of this section. The record of1333
membership for each school shall be maintained in such manner that1334
no pupil shall be counted as in membership prior to the actual1335
date of entry in the school and also in such manner that where for1336
any cause a pupil permanently withdraws from the school that pupil1337
shall not be counted as in membership from and after the date of1338
such withdrawal. There shall not be included in the membership of1339
any school any of the following:1340

       (1) Any pupil who has graduated from the twelfth grade of a1341
public or nonpublic high school;1342

       (2) Any pupil who is not a resident of the state;1343

       (3) Any pupil who was enrolled in the schools of the district 1344
during the previous school year when tests were administered under 1345
section 3301.0711 of the Revised Code but did not take one or more 1346
of the tests required by that section and was not excused pursuant 1347
to division (C)(1) or (3) of that section;1348

       (4) Any pupil who has attained the age of twenty-two years,1349
except for veterans of the armed services whose attendance was1350
interrupted before completing the recognized twelve-year course of1351
the public schools by reason of induction or enlistment in the1352
armed forces and who apply for reenrollment in the public school1353
system of their residence not later than four years after1354
termination of war or their honorable discharge.1355

       If, however, any veteran described by division (E)(D)(4) of1356
this section elects to enroll in special courses organized for1357
veterans for whom tuition is paid under the provisions of federal1358
laws, or otherwise, that veteran shall not be included in average1359
daily membership.1360

       Notwithstanding division (E)(D)(3) of this section, the1361
membership of any school may include a pupil who did not take a1362
test required by section 3301.0711 of the Revised Code if the1363
superintendent of public instruction grants a waiver from the1364
requirement to take the test to the specific pupil and a parent is 1365
not paying tuition for the pupil pursuant to section 3313.6410 of 1366
the Revised Code. The superintendent may grant such a waiver only 1367
for good cause in accordance with rules adopted by the state board 1368
of education.1369

       Except as provided in divisions (B)(2) and (F)(E) of this 1370
section, the average daily membership figure of any local, city,1371
exempted village, or joint vocational school district shall be1372
determined by dividing the figure representing the sum of the1373
number of pupils enrolled during each day the school of attendance1374
is actually open for instruction during the week for which the 1375
formula ADMaverage daily membership is being certified by the 1376
total number of days the school was actually open for instruction 1377
during that week. For purposes of state funding, "enrolled" 1378
persons are only those pupils who are attending school, those who 1379
have attended school during the current school year and are absent 1380
for authorized reasons, and those handicapped children currently1381
receiving home instruction.1382

       The average daily membership figure of any cooperative1383
education school district shall be determined in accordance with1384
rules adopted by the state board of education.1385

       (F)(1) If the formula ADM for the first full school week in1386
February is at least three per cent greater than that certified1387
for the first full school week in the preceding October, the1388
superintendent of schools of any city, exempted village, or joint1389
vocational school district or educational service center shall1390
certify such increase to the superintendent of public instruction.1391
Such certification shall be submitted no later than the fifteenth1392
day of February. For the balance of the fiscal year, beginning1393
with the February payments, the superintendent of public1394
instruction shall use the increased formula ADM in calculating or1395
recalculating the amounts to be allocated in accordance with 1396
section 3317.022 or 3317.16 of the Revised Code. In no event shall 1397
the superintendent use an increased membership certified to the 1398
superintendent after the fifteenth day of February. Division 1399
(F)(1) of this section does not apply after fiscal year 2006.1400

       (2) If on the first school day of April the total number of1401
classes or units for handicapped preschool children that are1402
eligible for approval under division (B) of section 3317.05 of the1403
Revised Code exceeds the number of units that have been approved1404
for the year under that division, the superintendent of schools of1405
any city, exempted village, or cooperative education school1406
district or educational service center shall make the1407
certifications required by this section for that day. If the 1408
department determines additional units can be approved for the1409
fiscal year within any limitations set forth in the acts1410
appropriating moneys for the funding of such units, the department 1411
shall approve additional units for the fiscal year on the basis of 1412
such average daily membership. For each unit so approved, the 1413
department shall pay an amount computed in the manner prescribed 1414
in section 3317.052 or 3317.19 and section 3317.053 of the Revised 1415

       (3)(E) If a student attending a community school under 1417
Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code is not included in the formula 1418
ADMaverage daily membership certified for the school district in 1419
which the student is entitled to attend school under section 1420
3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code, the department of1421
education shall adjust the formula ADMaverage daily membership of 1422
that school district to include the community school student in 1423
accordance with division (C)(2) of this sectionstudents, and 1424
shall recalculate the school district's payments under this 1425
chapter for the entire fiscal year on the basis of that adjusted 1426
formula ADMaverage daily membership. This requirement applies 1427
regardless of whether the student was enrolled, as defined in 1428
division (E)(D) of this section, in the community school during1429
the week for which the formula ADMaverage daily membership is 1430
being certified.1431

       (4) If a student awarded an educational choice scholarship is 1432
not included in the formula ADMaverage daily membership of the 1433
school district from which the department deducts funds for the 1434
scholarship under section 3310.08 of the Revised Code, the 1435
department shall adjust the formula ADMaverage daily membership1436
of that school district to include the student to the extent 1437
necessary to account for the deduction, and shall recalculate the 1438
school district's payments under this chapter for the entire 1439
fiscal year on the basis of that adjusted formula ADMaverage 1440
daily membership. This requirement applies regardless of whether 1441
the student was enrolled, as defined in division (E)(D) of this 1442
section, in the chartered nonpublic school, the school district, 1443
or a community school during the week for which the formula ADM1444
average daily membership is being certified.1445

       (G)(F)(1)(a) The superintendent of an institution operating a1446
special education program pursuant to section 3323.091 of the1447
Revised Code shall, for the programs under such superintendent's1448
supervision, certify to the state board of education, in the 1449
manner prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction, 1450
both of the following:1451

       (i) The average daily membership of all handicapped children 1452
other than handicapped preschool children receiving services at 1453
the institution for each category of handicap described in 1454
divisions (A) to (F) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code;1455

       (ii) The average daily membership of all handicapped 1456
preschool children in classes or programs approved annually by the 1457
department of education for unit funding under section 3317.05 of 1458
the Revised Code.1459

       (b) The superintendent of an institution withproviding1460
vocational education units approved under division (A) of section 1461
3317.05 of the Revised Codeservices shall, for the units under1462
the superintendent's supervision, certify to the state board of1463
education the average daily membership in those unitsof children 1464
receiving such services, in the manner prescribed by the1465
superintendent of public instruction.1466

       (2) The superintendent of each county MR/DD board that1467
maintainsprovides special education classes under section 3317.20 1468
of the Revised Code or units approved pursuant to section 3317.05 1469
of the Revised Codeservices shall do both of the following:1470

       (a) Certify to the state board, in the manner prescribed by1471
the board, the average daily membership in classes under section 1472
3317.20 of the Revised Codeof children receiving such services1473
for each school district that has placed children in the classes;1474

       (b) Certify to the state board, in the manner prescribed by1475
the board, the number of all handicapped preschool children1476
enrolled as of the first day of December in classes eligible for1477
approval under division (B) of section 3317.05 of the Revised1478
Code, and the number of those classes.1479

       (3)(a) If on the first school day of April the number of1480
classes or units maintained for handicapped preschool children by1481
the county MR/DD board that are eligible for approval under1482
division (B) of section 3317.05 of the Revised Code is greater1483
than the number of units approved for the year under that1484
division, the superintendent shall make the certification required1485
by this section for that day.1486

       (b) If the department determines that additional classes or1487
units can be approved for the fiscal year within any limitations1488
set forth in the acts appropriating moneys for the funding of the1489
classes and units described in division (G)(3)(a) of this section, 1490
the department shall approve and fund additional units for the1491
fiscal year on the basis of such average daily membership. For1492
each unit so approved, the department shall pay an amount computed 1493
in the manner prescribed in sections 3317.052 and 3317.053 of the 1494
Revised Code.1495

       (H)(G) Except as provided in division (I)(H) of this section, 1496
when any city, local, or exempted village school district provides1497
instruction for a nonresident pupil whose attendance is1498
unauthorized attendance as defined in section 3327.06 of the1499
Revised Code, that pupil's membership shall not be included in1500
that district's membership figure used in the calculation of that1501
district's formuladistrict ADM or included in the determination 1502
of any unit approved for the district under section 3317.05 of the1503
Revised Code. The reporting official shall report separately the1504
average daily membership of all pupils whose attendance in the1505
district is unauthorized attendance, and the membership of each1506
such pupil shall be credited to the school district in which the1507
pupil is entitled to attend school under division (B) of section1508
3313.64 or section 3313.65 of the Revised Code as determined by1509
the department of education.1510

       (I)(H)(1) A city, local, exempted village, or joint 1511
vocational school district admitting a scholarship student of a 1512
pilot project district pursuant to division (C) of section 1513
3313.976 of the Revised Code may count such student in its average 1514
daily membership.1515

       (2) In any year for which funds are appropriated for pilot1516
project scholarship programs, a school district implementing a1517
state-sponsored pilot project scholarship program that year1518
pursuant to sections 3313.974 to 3313.979 of the Revised Code may 1519
count in average daily membership:1520

       (a) All children residing in the district and utilizing a1521
scholarship to attend kindergarten in any alternative school, as1522
defined in section 3313.974 of the Revised Code;1523

       (b) All children who were enrolled in the district in the1524
preceding year who are utilizing a scholarship to attend any such1525
alternative school.1526

       (J)(I) The superintendent of each cooperative education 1527
school district shall certify to the superintendent of public1528
instruction, in a manner prescribed by the state board of1529
education, the applicable average daily memberships for all1530
students in the cooperative education district, also indicating1531
the city, local, or exempted village district where each pupil is1532
entitled to attend school under section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the1533
Revised Code.1534

       Sec. 3317.16. (A) As used in this section, "valuation per 1535
pupil" means the sum of the recognized valuations of the school 1536
districts composing a joint vocational school district divided by 1537
the average daily membership of the joint vocational school 1538

        (B) For fiscal years 2009 and thereafter, each joint 1540
vocational school district shall receive under this section an 1541
amount per pupil equal to the amount per pupil the district 1542
received for fiscal year 2008, plus any supplemental payment under 1543
division (C) of this section and any additional amount 1544
appropriated specifically for the purpose by an act of the general 1545

        (C) For fiscal years 2009 and thereafter, in addition to any 1547
amount distributed to joint vocational school districts, each 1548
joint vocational school district for which the valuation per pupil 1549
is not more than $600,000 shall receive a supplemental payment 1550
computed as a percentage of the amount distributed under division 1551
(B) of this section. The percentage shall be determined as 1552

        (1) If the valuation per pupil of the district is not more 1554
than three hundred thousand dollars, the percentage is twelve and 1555
one-half per cent;1556

        (2) If the valuation per pupil of the district is more than 1557
three hundred thousand dollars but not more than four hundred 1558
thousand dollars, the percentage is ten per cent;1559

        (3) If the valuation per pupil of the district is more than 1560
four hundred thousand dollars but not more than five hundred 1561
thousand dollars, the percentage is seven and one-half per cent;1562

        (4) If the valuation per pupil of the district is more than 1563
five hundred thousand dollars but not more than six hundred 1564
thousand dollars, the percentage is five per cent.1565

       Sec. 3770.06.  (A) There is hereby created the state lottery1566
gross revenue fund, which shall be in the custody of the treasurer1567
of state but shall not be part of the state treasury. All gross1568
revenues received from sales of lottery tickets, fines, fees, and1569
related proceeds in connection with the statewide lottery and all1570
gross proceeds from statewide joint lottery games shall be1571
deposited into the fund. The treasurer of state shall invest any1572
portion of the fund not needed for immediate use in the same1573
manner as, and subject to all provisions of law with respect to1574
the investment of, state funds. The treasurer of state shall1575
disburse money from the fund on order of the director of the state1576
lottery commission or the director's designee.1577

       Except for gross proceeds from statewide joint lottery games,1578
all revenues of the state lottery gross revenue fund that are not1579
paid to holders of winning lottery tickets, that are not required1580
to meet short-term prize liabilities, that are not credited to1581
lottery sales agents in the form of bonuses, commissions, or1582
reimbursements, that are not paid to financial institutions to1583
reimburse those institutions for sales agent nonsufficient funds,1584
and that are collected from sales agents for remittance to1585
insurers under contract to provide sales agent bonding services1586
shall be transferred to the state lottery fund, which is hereby1587
created in the state treasury. In addition, all revenues of the1588
state lottery gross revenue fund that represent the gross proceeds1589
from the statewide joint lottery games and that are not paid to1590
holders of winning lottery tickets, that are not required to meet1591
short-term prize liabilities, that are not credited to lottery1592
sales agents in the form of bonuses, commissions, or1593
reimbursements, and that are not necessary to cover operating1594
expenses associated with those games or to otherwise comply with1595
the agreements signed by the governor that the director enters1596
into under division (J) of section 3770.02 of the Revised Code or1597
the rules the commission adopts under division (B)(5) of section1598
3770.03 of the Revised Code shall be transferred to the state1599
lottery fund. All investment earnings of the fund shall be1600
credited to the fund. Moneys shall be disbursed from the fund1601
pursuant to vouchers approved by the director. Total disbursements 1602
for monetary prize awards to holders of winning lottery tickets in 1603
connection with the statewide lottery and purchases of goods and 1604
services awarded as prizes to holders of winning lottery tickets 1605
shall be of an amount equal to at least fifty per cent of the 1606
total revenue accruing from the sale of lottery tickets.1607

       (B) Pursuant to Section 6 of Article XV, Ohio Constitution,1608
there is hereby established in the state treasury the lottery1609
profits education fund. Whenever, in the judgment of the director1610
of budget and management, the amount to the credit of the state1611
lottery fund that does not represent proceeds from statewide joint1612
lottery games is in excess of that needed to meet the maturing1613
obligations of the commission and as working capital for its1614
further operations, the director shall transfer the excess to the1615
lottery profits education fund in connection with the statewide1616
lottery. In addition, whenever, in the judgment of the director of 1617
budget and management, the amount to the credit of the state1618
lottery fund that represents proceeds from statewide joint lottery1619
games equals the entire net proceeds of those games as described1620
in division (B)(5) of section 3770.03 of the Revised Code and the1621
rules adopted under that division, the director shall transfer1622
those proceeds to the lottery profits education fund. There shall1623
also be credited to the fund any repayments of moneys loaned from1624
the educational excellence investment fund. Investment earnings of 1625
the lottery profits education fund shall be credited to the fund.1626

       The lottery profits education fund shall be used solely for1627
the support of elementary, secondary, vocational, and special1628
education programs as determined in appropriations made by the1629
general assembly, or as provided in applicable bond proceedings1630
for the payment of debt service on obligations issued to pay costs1631
of capital facilities, including those for a system of common1632
schools throughout the state pursuant to section 2n of Article1633
VIII, Ohio Constitution.On or before the tenth day of each month, 1634
and as often as may be otherwise needed for the purposes of 1635
distributing payments under division (A) of section 3317.022 of 1636
the Revised Code, the director of budget and management shall 1637
transfer all moneys credited to the lottery profits education fund 1638
to the county school trust funds of the state. Each county fund 1639
shall receive an amount equal to the moneys credited to the 1640
lottery profits education fund multiplied by the county ADM, as 1641
defined in section 3317.02 of the Revised Code, divided by the 1642
state ADM. When determining the availability of money in the 1643
lottery profits education fund, the director of budget and1644
management may consider all balances and estimated revenues of the 1645

       From the amounts thatcredited to the state lottery fund, the 1647
director of budget and management transfers in any fiscal year 1648
from the state lottery fund to the lottery profits education fund, 1649
the director shall transfer the initial ten million dollars of 1650
those amounts from the lottery profits education fund to the 1651
school building program bond service fund created in division (Q) 1652
of section 3318.26 of the Revised Code to be pledged for the 1653
purpose of paying bond service charges as defined in division (C) 1654
of section 3318.21 of the Revised Code on one or more issuances of 1655
obligations, which obligations are issued to provide moneys for 1656
the school building program assistance fund created in section 1657
3318.25 of the Revised Code.1658

       (C) There is hereby established in the state treasury the1659
deferred prizes trust fund. With the approval of the director of1660
budget and management, an amount sufficient to fund annuity prizes1661
shall be transferred from the state lottery fund and credited to1662
the trust fund. The treasurer of state shall credit all earnings1663
arising from investments purchased under this division to the1664
trust fund. Within sixty days after the end of each fiscal year,1665
the director of budget and management shall certify the amount of1666
investment earnings necessary to have been credited to the trust1667
fund during the fiscal year just ending to provide for continued1668
funding of deferred prizes. Any earnings credited in excess of1669
this certified amount shall be transferred to the lottery profits1670
education fund.1671

       To provide all or a part of the amounts necessary to fund1672
deferred prizes awarded by the commission in connection with the1673
statewide lottery, the treasurer of state, in consultation with1674
the commission, may invest moneys contained in the deferred prizes1675
trust fund which represents proceeds from the statewide lottery in1676
obligations of the type permitted for the investment of state1677
funds but whose maturities are thirty years or less.1678
Notwithstanding the requirements of any other section of the1679
Revised Code, to provide all or part of the amounts necessary to1680
fund deferred prizes awarded by the commission in connection with1681
statewide joint lottery games, the treasurer of state, in1682
consultation with the commission, may invest moneys in the trust1683
fund which represent proceeds derived from the statewide joint1684
lottery games in accordance with the rules the commission adopts1685
under division (B)(5) of section 3770.03 of the Revised Code.1686
Investments of the trust fund are not subject to the provisions of 1687
division (A)(10) of section 135.143 of the Revised Code limiting 1688
to twenty-five per cent the amount of the state's total average1689
portfolio that may be invested in debt interests and limiting to1690
one-half of one per cent the amount that may be invested in debt1691
interests of a single issuer.1692

       All purchases made under this division shall be effected on a1693
delivery versus payment method and shall be in the custody of the1694
treasurer of state.1695

       The treasurer of state may retain an investment advisor, if1696
necessary. The commission shall pay any costs incurred by the1697
treasurer of state in retaining an investment advisor.1698

       (D) The auditor of state shall conduct annual audits of all1699
funds and any other audits as the auditor of state or the general1700
assembly considers necessary. The auditor of state may examine all 1701
records, files, and other documents of the commission, and records 1702
of lottery sales agents that pertain to their activities as 1703
agents, for purposes of conducting authorized audits.1704

       The state lottery commission shall establish an internal1705
audit program before the beginning of each fiscal year, subject to1706
the approval of the auditor of state. At the end of each fiscal1707
year, the commission shall prepare and submit an annual report to1708
the auditor of state for the auditor of state's review and1709
approval, specifying the internal audit work completed by the end1710
of that fiscal year and reporting on compliance with the annual1711
internal audit program. The form and content of the report shall1712
be prescribed by the auditor of state under division (C) of1713
section 117.20 of the Revised Code.1714

       (E) Whenever, in the judgment of the director of budget and1715
management, an amount of net state lottery proceeds is necessary1716
to be applied to the payment of debt service on obligations, all1717
as defined in sections 151.01 and 151.03 of the Revised Code, the1718
director shall transfer that amount directly from the state1719
lottery fund or from the lottery profits education fund to the1720
bond service fund defined in those sections. The provisions of1721
this division are subject to any prior pledges or obligation of1722
those amounts to the payment of bond service charges as defined in1723
division (C) of section 3318.21 of the Revised Code, as referred1724
to in division (B) of this section.1725

       Sec. 5747.03.  (A) AllFor purposes of this section, "net 1726
amount" means taxes, penalties, and interest minus refunds and 1727
interest thereon.1728

       From the money collected under this chapter arising from the 1729
taxes imposed by section 5747.02 or 5747.41 of the Revised Code 1730
shall be credited to the general revenue fund, except that the 1731
treasurer of state shall:1732

       (1) Creditthe treasurer of state shall credit to the Ohio 1733
political party fund, at the beginning of each calendar quarter 1734
pursuant to section 3517.16 of the Revised Code, an amount equal 1735
to the total dollar value realized from the taxpayer exercise of 1736
the income tax checkoff option on tax forms processed during the 1737
preceding calendar quarter. The amount credited shall be 1738
subtracted from the amount of taxes collected during the preceding 1739
month under this chapter. The amount remaining shall be credited 1740
as follows:1741

       (1) Each month, the treasurer of state shall credit sixty-six 1742
per cent of the net amount collected from residents of this state 1743
during the preceding month into the state school trust fund, which 1744
is hereby created in the state treasury. By the fifteenth day of 1745
each month the tax commissioner shall provide for payment from 1746
that fund to the county treasurer of each county the net amount 1747
collected from residents of a city, local, or exempted village 1748
school district having its principal administrative office 1749
situated in the county. Each county treasurer shall credit the 1750
payment to the county school trust fund established by section 1751
3317.022 of the Revised Code.1752

       (2) By the fifteenth day of each month, the treasurer of 1753
state shall credit to the state equalization and special program 1754
fund created by section 3317.023 of the Revised Code twenty-two 1755
per cent of the net amount collected from residents and 1756
nonresidents of this state.1757

       (3) The treasurer of state shall credit an amount equal to 1758
four and two-tenths per cent of those taxes collected under this 1759
chapterthe net amount collected from residents and nonresidents 1760
of this state to the local government fund, which is hereby 1761
created in the state treasury, for distribution in accordance with 1762
section 5747.50 of the Revised Code;.1763

       (2) Credit(4) The treasurer of state shall credit an amount 1764
equal to five and seven-tenths per cent of those taxes collected 1765
under this chapterthe net amount collected from residents and 1766
nonresidents of this state to the library and local government 1767
support fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury, for 1768
distribution in accordance with section 5747.47 of the Revised 1769

       (3) At the beginning of each calendar quarter, credit to the 1771
Ohio political party fund, pursuant to section 3517.16 of the1772
Revised Code, an amount equal to the total dollar value realized1773
from the taxpayer exercise of the income tax checkoff option on1774
tax forms processed during the preceding calendar quarter;1775

       (4) Credit(5) The treasurer of state shall credit an amount 1776
equal to six-tenths of one per cent of those taxes collected under 1777
this chapterthe net amount collected from residents and 1778
nonresidents of this state to the local government revenue 1779
assistance fund for distribution in accordance with section 1780
5747.61 of the Revised Code.1781

       (6) After crediting amounts to the Ohio political party fund 1782
and the funds identified in divisions (A)(1) to (5) of this 1783
section, the treasurer of state shall credit the remaining amount 1784
to the general revenue fund.1785

       (B)(1) Following the crediting of moneys pursuant to division 1786
(A) of this section, the remainder deposited in the general 1787
revenue fund shall be distributed pursuant to division (F) of 1788
section 321.24 and section 323.156 of the Revised Code; to make 1789
subsidy payments to institutions of higher education from1790
appropriations to the Ohio board of regents; to support1791
expenditures for programs and services for the mentally ill,1792
mentally retarded, developmentally disabled, and elderly; for1793
primary and secondary education; for medical assistance; and for1794
any other purposes authorized by law, subject to the limitation1795
that at least fifty per cent of the income tax collected by the1796
state from the tax imposed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code1797
shall be returned pursuant to Section 9 of Article XII, Ohio1798

       (2) To ensure that such constitutional requirement is1800
satisfied the tax commissioner shall, on or before the thirtieth1801
day of June of each year, from the best information available to1802
the tax commissioner, determine and certify for each county to the 1803
director of budget and management the amount of taxes collected 1804
under this chapter from the tax imposed under section 5747.02 of 1805
the Revised Code during the preceding calendar year that are 1806
required to be returned to the county by Section 9 of Article XII, 1807
Ohio Constitution. The director shall provide for payment from the1808
general revenue fund to the county in the amount, if any, that the 1809
sum of the amount so certified for that county exceeds the sum of 1810
the following:1811

       (a) The sum of the payments from the general revenue fund for 1812
the preceding calendar year to the credit of the county's1813
undivided income tax fund pursuant to division (F) of section1814
321.24 and section 323.156 of the Revised Code;1815

       (b) The sum of the amounts from the general revenue fund1816
distributed in the county during the preceding calendar year for1817
subsidy payments to institutions of higher education from1818
appropriations to the Ohio board of regents; for programs and1819
services for mentally ill, mentally retarded, developmentally1820
disabled, and elderly persons; for primary and secondary1821
education; and for medical assistance.1822

       (c) The payments during the preceding calendar year to the 1823
county's school trust fund;1824

       (d) The amount distributed to the county during the preceding 1825
calendar year from the local government fund;1826

       (d)(e) The amount distributed to the county during the1827
preceding calendar year from the library and local government1828
support fund;1829

       (e)(f) The amount distributed to the county during the1830
preceding calendar year from the local government revenue1831
assistance fund;1832

       (g) Amounts distributed to a school district having its 1833
administrative office located in the county from the fund 1834
established by section 3317.023 of the Revised Code.1835

       Payments under this division shall be credited to the1836
county's undivided income tax fund, except that, notwithstanding1837
section 5705.14 of the Revised Code, such payments may be1838
transferred by the board of county commissioners to the county1839
general fund by resolution adopted with the affirmative vote of1840
two-thirds of the members thereof.1841

       (C) All payments received in each month from taxes imposed1842
under Chapter 5748. of the Revised Code and any penalties or1843
interest thereon shall be paid into the school district income tax 1844
fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury, except that 1845
an amount equal to the following portion of such payments shall be 1846
paid into the general school district income tax administrative 1847
fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury:1848

       (1) One and three-quarters of one per cent of those received 1849
in fiscal year 1996;1850

       (2) One and one-half per cent of those received in fiscal1851
year 1997 and thereafter.1852

       Money in the school district income tax administrative fund1853
shall be used by the tax commissioner to defray costs incurred in1854
administering the school district's income tax, including the cost 1855
of providing employers with information regarding the rate of tax 1856
imposed by any school district. Any moneys remaining in the fund 1857
after such use shall be deposited in the school district income 1858
tax fund.1859

       All interest earned on moneys in the school district income 1860
tax fund shall be credited to the fund.1861

       (D)(1)(a) Within thirty days of the end of each calendar1862
quarter ending on the last day of March, June, September, and1863
December, the director of budget and management shall make a1864
payment from the school district income tax fund to each school1865
district for which school district income tax revenue was received 1866
during that quarter. The amount of the payment shall equal the 1867
balance in the school district's account at the end of that 1868

       (b) After a school district ceases to levy an income tax, the1870
director of budget and management shall adjust the payments under 1871
division (D)(1)(a) of this section to retain sufficient money in1872
the school district's account to pay refunds. For the calendar 1873
quarters ending on the last day of March and December of the 1874
calendar year following the last calendar year the tax is levied, 1875
the director shall make the payments in the amount required under 1876
division (D)(1)(a) of this section. For the calendar quarter 1877
ending on the last day of June of the calendar year following the 1878
last calendar year the tax is levied, the director shall make a 1879
payment equal to nine-tenths of the balance in the account at the 1880
end of that quarter. For the calendar quarter ending on the last 1881
day of September of the calendar year following the last calendar 1882
year the tax is levied, the director shall make no payment. For 1883
the second and succeeding calendar years following the last 1884
calendar year the tax is levied, the director shall make one 1885
payment each year, within thirty days of the last day of June, in 1886
an amount equal to the balance in the district's account on the 1887
last day of June.1888

       (2) Moneys paid to a school district under this division1889
shall be deposited in its school district income tax fund. All1890
interest earned on moneys in the school district income tax fund1891
shall be apportioned by the tax commissioner pro rata among the1892
school districts in the proportions and at the times the districts 1893
are entitled to receive payments under this division.1894

       Section 2.  That existing sections 3317.01, 3317.02, 1895
3317.021, 3317.03, 3770.06, and 5747.03 and sections 3317.012, 1896
3317.013, 3317.022, 3317.023, 3317.0212, 3317.0213, 3317.0214, 1897
3317.0215, 3317.0216, 3317.0217, 3317.05, 3317.051, 3317.052, 1898
3317.053, and 3317.16 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.1899

       Section 3. The amendments, enactments, and repeals made in 1900
Sections 1 and 2 of this act apply to fiscal years 2009 and 1901

       Section 4.  Section 3317.03 of the Revised Code is presented 1903
in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Am. 1904
Sub. H.B. 79 and Am. Sub. H.B. 699 of the 126th General Assembly. 1905
The General Assembly, applying the principle stated in division 1906
(B) of section 1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be 1907
harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds 1908
that the composite is the resulting version of the section in 1909
effect prior to the effective date of the section as presented in 1910
this act.1911