As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 242

Representative Brinkman 

Cosponsors: Representatives Adams, Wachtmann 

To amend sections 9.81, 4113.02, 4117.03, 4117.05, 1
4117.09, and 4117.11; to amend, for the purpose of 2
adopting a new section number as indicated in 3
parentheses, section 4113.02 (4119.04); and to 4
enact sections 4117.031, 4117.081, 4119.01, 5
4119.02, 4119.03, 4119.05, 4119.06, 4119.07, and 6
4119.99 of the Revised Code to remove any 7
requirement under the Public Employees Collective 8
Bargaining Law that public employees join or pay9
dues to any employee organization, to expand the 10
scope of unfair labor practices under that law, to 11
make other changes in the Public Employees 12
Collective Bargaining Law, to prohibit any13
requirement that employees of private employers14
join or pay dues to any employee organization and 15
to require public and private employers to post 16
notices to that effect, to prohibit certain 17
actions by private employers relative to employee18
organization membership, and to establish civil 19
and criminal penalties against private employers 20
who violate those prohibitions.21


       Section 1.  That sections 9.81, 4113.02, 4117.03, 4117.05, 22
4117.09, and 4117.11 be amended; section 4113.02 (4119.04) be 23
amended for the purpose of adopting a new section number as 24
indicated in parentheses; and sections 4117.031, 4117.081, 25
4119.01, 4119.02, 4119.03, 4119.05, 4119.06, 4119.07, and 4119.99 26
of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:27

       Sec. 9.81.  After an authorization adopted under section 9.80 28
of the Revised Code, any public officer or employee of any29
department or division of the state, any political subdivision or30
school district thereof, or of any institution supported in whole31
or in part by the state, a county, or municipal corporation, who32
desires to make a contribution by the payroll deduction plan to33
one or more of the specified charitable agencies which are34
corporations not for profit, community chests, united funds, or35
other similar united community fund organizations, may be36
permitted to have such contribution payments deducted from the37
salary or wages due such public officer or employee by filing a38
written request and authorization signed by such public officer or 39
employee and specifying the amount of the deduction in each40
payroll period with the fiscal officer of the state, political41
subdivision, or school district, or institution by which such42
public officer or employee is employed. Such authorization may be 43
withdrawn in writing by such public officer or employee at any44
time. No funds may be withheld from the salary or wages of any45
such public officer or employee for the purposes permitted by46
sections 9.80 and 9.81 of the Revised Code unless the withholding47
is specifically, freely, and voluntarily authorized by that public 48
officer or employee in writing.49

       Upon receipt of evidence of such request by the appropriate50
fiscal officer, or upon receipt of a written deduction51
authorization under division (B)(2) or (C) of section 4117.09 of52
the Revised Code, such fiscal officer shall make such deduction53
and shall, at periodic intervals to the extent of the amount54
collected, pay the designated charitable agencies which are55
corporations not for profit, community chests, united funds, or56
other similar united community fund organizations, or the57
exclusive representative designated under section 4117.05 of the 58
Revised Code.59

       Sec. 4117.03.  (A) Public employees have the right to:60

       (1) Form, join, assist, or participate in, or refrain from61
forming, joining, assisting, or participating in, except as62
otherwise provided in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code, any63
employee organization of their own choosing;64

       (2) Engage in, and refrain from engaging in, other concerted 65
activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other 66
mutual aid and protection;67

       (3) Representation by an employee organization;68

       (4) Bargain collectively with their public employers to69
determine wages, hours, terms and other conditions of employment70
and the continuation, modification, or deletion of an existing71
provision of a collective bargaining agreement, and enter into72
collective bargaining agreements;73

       (5) Present grievances and have them adjusted, without the74
intervention of the bargaining representative, as long as the75
adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of the collective76
bargaining agreement then in effect and as long as the bargaining77
representatives have the opportunity to be present at the78

       (6) Refuse any representation by an exclusive representative 80
or an employee organization;81

       (7) Authorize their public employers to deduct from their82
wages, earnings, or compensation any dues, fees, assessments, or83
other charges of any kind to be held for or paid over to an 84
exclusive representative. The authorization shall be in writing 85
and signed by the employee.86

       (B) Persons on active duty or acting in any capacity as87
members of the organized militia do not have collective bargaining 88

       (C) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, 90
nothing in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Codethis chapter91
prohibits public employers from electing to engage in collective92
bargaining, to meet and confer, to hold discussions, or to engage 93
in any other form of collective negotiations with public employees 94
who are not subject to Chapter 4117. of the Revised Codethis 95
chapter pursuant to division (C) of section 4117.01 of the Revised 96

       (D) A public employer shall not engage in collective 98
bargaining or other forms of collective negotiations with the 99
employees of county boards of elections referred to in division 100
(C)(12) of section 4117.01 of the Revised Code.101

       (E) Every public employer that receives a written 102
authorization from a public employee pursuant to division (A)(7) 103
of this section shall promptly notify the employee, in writing, 104
that the employee may revoke the authorization at any time by 105
providing the employer with a written notice of the revocation. 106
The revocation becomes effective thirty days after the public 107
employer receives the revocation.108

       Sec. 4117.031.  No public employer shall do any of the109

       (A) Require any person, as a condition of employment or of 111
the continuation of employment, to become or remain a member of 112
any exclusive representative;113

       (B) Require any person, as a condition of employment or of 114
the continuation of employment, to pay any dues, fees, 115
assessments, or other charges of any kind, including fair share 116
fees, to an exclusive representative unless the person is a member 117
of that exclusive representative;118

       (C) Require any person engaged in agricultural labor to be 119
referred, recommended, or approved by an exclusive representative 120
as a condition of employment or of the continuation of employment;121

       (D) Deduct from the wages, earnings, or compensation of any 122
public employee any dues, fees, assessments, or other charges of 123
any kind, including fair share fees, to be held for or paid over 124
to an exclusive representative unless the public employer first 125
receives a written authorization for those deductions in 126
accordance with division (A)(7) of section 4117.03 of the Revised127

       Sec. 4117.05.  (A) An employee organization becomes the129
exclusive representative of all the public employees in an130
appropriate unit for the purposes of collective bargaining by131

       (1) Being certified by the state employment relations board 133
when a majority of the voting employees in the unit select the 134
employee organization as their representative in a board-conducted 135
election under section 4117.07 of the Revised Code;136

       (2) Filing a request with a public employer with a copy to137
the state employment relations board for recognition as an138
exclusive representative. In the request for recognition, the139
employee organization shall describe the bargaining unit, shall140
allege that a majority of the employees in the bargaining unit141
wish to be represented by the employee organization, and shall142
support the request with substantial evidence based on, and in143
accordance with, rules prescribed by the board demonstrating that144
a majority of the employees in the bargaining unit wish to be145
represented by the employee organization. Immediately upon receipt 146
of a request, the public employer shall either request an election 147
under division (A)(2) of section 4117.07 of the Revised Code, or 148
take the following action:149

       (a) Post notice in each facility at which employees in the150
proposed unit are employed, setting forth the description of the151
bargaining unit, the name of the employee organization requesting152
recognition, and the date of the request for recognition, and153
advising employees that objections to certification must be filed154
with the state employment relations board not later than the155
twenty-first day following the date of the request for156

       (b) Immediately notify the state employment relations board 158
of the request for recognition.159

       The state employment relations board shall certify the160
employee organization filing the request for recognition on the161
twenty-second day following the filing of the request for162
recognition, unless by the twenty-first day following the filing163
of the request for recognition it receives at least one of the164

       (i) A petition for an election from the public employer166
pursuant to division (A)(2) of section 4117.07 of the Revised167

       (ii) Substantial evidence based on, and in accordance with, 169
rules prescribed by the board demonstrating that a majority of the 170
employees in the described bargaining unit do not wish to be 171
represented by the employee organization filing the request for 172

       (iii) Substantial evidence based on, and in accordance with, 174
rules prescribed by the board from another employee organization 175
demonstrating that at least ten per cent of the employees in the 176
described bargaining unit wish to be represented by such other 177
employee organization; or178

       (iv) Substantial evidence based on, and in accordance with, 179
rules prescribed by the board indicating that the proposed unit is 180
not an appropriate unit pursuant to section 4117.06 of the Revised 181

       (B) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit a183
public employer to recognize, or the state employment relations184
board to certify, an employee organization as an exclusive185
representative under Chapter 4117. of the Revised Codethis186
chapter if there is in effect a lawful written agreement, 187
contract, or memorandum of understanding between the public 188
employer and another employee organization which, on the effective 189
date of this sectionApril 1, 1984, has been recognized by a 190
public employer as the exclusive representative of the employees 191
in a unit or which by tradition, custom, practice, election, or 192
negotiation has been the only employee organization representing 193
all employees in the unit; this restriction does not apply to that 194
period of time covered by any agreement which exceeds three years. 195
For the purposes of this section, extensions of agreement do not 196
affect the expiration of the original agreement.197

       (C) Nothing in this section shall be construed to infringe 198
upon the rights of individual employees under section 4117.03 of 199
the Revised Code.200

       Sec. 4117.081.  (A) Every public employer shall post in a201
conspicuous place and keep continuously displayed the notice 202
described in division (B) of this section. Each public employer 203
shall provide a copy of the notice to each employee at the time 204
the employee is first hired and at the time of any change in the 205
employee's employment status, including, but not limited to, the 206
promotion, demotion, or lay-off of the employee.207

       (B) The notice required to be posted and displayed pursuant 208
to division (A) of this section shall read as follows:209


       Under Ohio law, public employees are protected in choosing 211
whether to join or to refrain from joining exclusive union 212
representatives. It is unlawful for a public employer and an 213
exclusive representative to enter into a contract or agreement 214
that requires employees to pay dues, fees, assessments, or other 215
charges of any kind as a condition of obtaining or keeping a job. 216
Under the law, a public employer is prohibited from discharging or 217
otherwise discriminating against an employee because that employee 218
joins an exclusive representative or refuses to join or pay dues 219
or other charges to an exclusive representative. This notice is 220
posted pursuant to section 4117.081 of the Revised Code."221

       Sec. 4117.09.  (A) The parties to any collective bargaining 222
agreement shall reduce the agreement to writing and both execute 223

       (B) The agreement shall contain a provision that:225

       (1) Provides for a grievance procedure which may culminate226
with final and binding arbitration of unresolved grievances, and227
disputed interpretations of agreements, and which is valid and228
enforceable under its terms when entered into in accordance with229
this chapter. No publication thereof is required to make it230
effective. A party to the agreement may bring suits for violation 231
of agreements or the enforcement of an award by an arbitrator in 232
the court of common pleas of any county wherein a party resides or 233
transacts business.234

       (2) Authorizes the public employer to deduct the periodic235
dues, initiation fees, and assessments of members of the exclusive 236
representative upon presentation of a written deduction237
authorization by the employee pursuant to division (A)(7) of238
section 4117.03 of the Revised Code.239

       (C) The agreement may contain a provision that requires as a 240
condition of employment, on or after a mutually agreed upon241
probationary period or sixty days following the beginning of242
employment, whichever is less, or the effective date of a243
collective bargaining agreement, whichever is later, that the244
employees in the unit who are not members of the employee245
organization pay to the employee organization a fair share fee.246
The arrangement does not require any employee to become a member247
of the employee organization, nor shall fair share fees exceed248
dues paid by members of the employee organization who are in the249
same bargaining unit. Any public employee organization250
representing public employees pursuant to this chapter shall251
prescribe an internal procedure to determine a rebate, if any, for 252
nonmembers which conforms to federal law, provided a nonmember 253
makes a timely demand on the employee organization. Absent 254
arbitrary and capricious action, such determination is conclusive 255
on the parties except that a challenge to the determination may be 256
filed with the state employment relations board within thirty days 257
of the determination date specifying the arbitrary or capricious 258
nature of the determination and the board shall review the rebate 259
determination and decide whether it was arbitrary or capricious. 260
The deduction of a fair share fee by the public employer from the 261
payroll check of the employee and its payment to the employee 262
organization is automatic and does not require the written 263
authorization of the employee.264

       The internal rebate procedure shall provide for a rebate of265
expenditures in support of partisan politics or ideological causes 266
not germaine to the work of employee organizations in the realm of 267
collective bargaining.268

       Any public employee who is a member of and adheres to269
established and traditional tenets or teachings of a bona fide270
religion or religious body which has historically held271
conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting an272
employee organization and which is exempt from taxation under the273
provisions of the Internal Revenue Code shall not be required to274
join or financially support any employee organization as a275
condition of employment. Upon submission of proper proof of276
religious conviction to the board, the board shall declare the277
employee exempt from becoming a member of or financially278
supporting an employee organization. The employee shall be279
required, in lieu of the fair share fee, to pay an amount of money 280
equal to the fair share fee to a nonreligious charitable fund 281
exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal282
Revenue Code mutually agreed upon by the employee and the283
representative of the employee organization to which the employee284
would otherwise be required to pay the fair share fee. The285
employee shall furnish to the employee organization written286
receipts evidencing such payment, and failure to make the payment287
or furnish the receipts shall subject the employee to the same288
sanctions as would nonpayment of dues under the applicable289
collective bargaining agreement.290

       No public employer shall agree to a provision requiring that 291
a public employee become a member of an employee organization as a 292
condition for securing or retaining employment. Any agreement 293
that purports to require that employees join or pay any moneys to 294
any exclusive representative is void and unenforceable.295

       (D) As used in this division, "teacher" means any employee of 296
a school district certified to teach in the public schools of this 297

       The agreement may contain a provision that provides for a299
peer review plan under which teachers in a bargaining unit or300
representatives of an employee organization representing teachers301
may, for other teachers of the same bargaining unit or teachers302
whom the employee organization represents, participate in303
assisting, instructing, reviewing, evaluating, or appraising and304
make recommendations or participate in decisions with respect to305
the retention, discharge, renewal, or nonrenewal of, the teachers306
covered by a peer review plan.307

       The participation of teachers or their employee organization 308
representative in a peer review plan permitted under this division 309
shall not be construed as an unfair labor practice under this 310
chapter or as a violation of any other provision of law or rule 311
adopted pursuant thereto.312

       (E) No agreement shall contain an expiration date that is313
later than three years from the date of execution. The parties may 314
extend any agreement, but the extensions do not affect the315
expiration date of the original agreement.316

       (F) Any agreement, understanding, or practice, written or 317
oral, between a public employer and an exclusive representative 318
that violates this chapter is void and unenforceable.319

       Sec. 4117.11.  (A) It is an unfair labor practice for a320
public employer, its agents, or representatives to:321

       (1) Interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the322
exercise of the rights guaranteed in Chapter 4117. of the Revised323
Codethis chapter or an employee organization in the selection of324
its representative for the purposes of collective bargaining or 325
the adjustment of grievances;326

       (2) Initiate, create, dominate, or interfere with the327
formation or administration of any employee organization, or328
contribute financial or other support to it;, except that a public329
employer may permit employees to confer with it during working330
hours without loss of time or pay, permit the exclusive331
representative to use the facilities of the public employer for332
membership or other meetings, or permit the exclusive333
representative to use the internal mail system or other internal334
communications system;335

       (3) Discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of employment or 336
any term or condition of employment on the basis of the exercise 337
of rights guaranteed by Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code. Nothing 338
precludes any employer from making and enforcing an agreement 339
pursuant to division (C) of section 4117.09 of the Revised Code.340
this chapter;341

       (4) Discharge or otherwise discriminate against an employee 342
because hethe employee has filed charges or given testimony in 343
good faith under Chapter 4117. of the Revised Codethis chapter;344

       (5) Refuse to bargain collectively with the representative of 345
histhe employer's employees recognized as the exclusive 346
representative or certified pursuant to Chapter 4117. of the 347
Revised Codethis chapter;348

       (6) Establish a pattern or practice of repeated failures to 349
timely process grievances and requests for arbitration of350

       (7) Lock out or otherwise prevent employees from performing 352
their regularly assigned duties where an object thereof is to 353
bring pressure on the employees or an employee organization to 354
compromise or capitulate to the employer's terms regarding a labor 355
relations dispute;356

       (8) Cause or attempt to cause an employee organization, its 357
agents, or representatives to violate division (B) of this358

       (9) Encourage or discourage membership in an exclusive360
representative by discriminating in the hiring, tenure, or other361
terms and conditions of employment;362

       (10) Enter into an all-exclusive representative agreement 363
that requires its employees to become members of an exclusive 364

       (11) Violate the terms of a collective bargaining agreement, 366
including a term requiring the acceptance of an arbitration award;367

       (12) Refuse to obey an order issued by a court of competent 368
jurisdiction under this chapter;369

       (13) Deduct dues, fees, assessments, or other charges of any 370
kind, including fair share fees, from an employee's earnings 371
except as provided in section 4117.03 of the Revised Code;372

       (14) Employ or retain any person to observe, covertly or373
otherwise, employees or their representatives when, or to374
determine when, those employees or representatives are exercising375
their rights under this chapter;376

       (15) Make, circulate, or cause to be made or circulated an377
employee blacklist. For purposes of this division, "blacklist"378
means an understanding or agreement by which the names of379
employees or potential employees or a list of their names,380
descriptions, or other means of identification is spoken, written, 381
or implied for the purpose of being communicated or transmitted 382
between two or more employers or their agents in order to prevent 383
or prohibit the identified employees or potential employees from384
securing employment with one of those employers. A "blacklist" 385
does not include either of the following:386

       (a) Job performance information of former or current 387
employees provided by an employer pursuant to section 4113.71 of 388
the Revised Code;389

       (b) Communications concerning employees, prospective 390
employees, or former employees made by an employer, prospective 391
employer, or former employer that are required by law.392

       (16) Commit any crime in connection with any controversy393
regarding employment relations with its employees, an exclusive 394
representative, or an employee organization under this chapter;395

       (17) Fail to conspicuously post and maintain the notice396
required by section 4117.081 of the Revised Code.397

       (B) It is an unfair labor practice for an employee398
organization, its agents, or representatives, or public employees399

       (1) Restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of the401
rights guaranteed in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Codethis402
chapter. This division does not impair the right of an employee 403
organization to prescribe its own rules with respect to the 404
acquisition or retention of membership therein, or an employer in 405
the selection of histhe employer's representative for the purpose 406
of collective brgainingbargaining or the adjustment of 407

       (2) Cause or attempt to cause an employer to violate division 409
(A) of this section;410

       (3) Refuse to bargain collectively with a public employer if 411
the employee organization is recognized as the exclusive412
representative or certified as the exclusive representative of413
public employees in a bargaining unit;414

       (4) Call, institute, maintain, or conduct a boycott against 415
any public employer, or picket any place of business of a public 416
employer, on account of any jurisdictional work dispute;417

       (5) Induce or encourage any individual employed by any person 418
to engage in a strike in violation of Chapter 4117. of the Revised 419
Codethis chapter or refusal to handle goods or perform services; 420
or threaten, coerce, or restrain any person where an object 421
thereof is to force or require any public employee to cease 422
dealing or doing business with any other person, or force or 423
require a public employer to recognize for representation purposes 424
an employee organization not certified by the state employment425
relations board;426

       (6) Fail to fairly represent all public employees in a427
bargaining unit;428

       (7) Induce or encourage any individual in connection with a 429
labor relations dispute to picket the residence or any place of430
private employment of any public official or representative of the 431
public employer;432

       (8) Engage in any picketing, striking, or other concerted433
refusal to work without giving written notice to the public434
employer and to the state employment relations board not less than 435
ten days prior to the action. The notice shall state the date and 436
time that the action will commence and, once the notice is given, 437
the parties may extend it by the written agreement of both.438

       (C) The determination by the board or any court that a public 439
officer or employee has committed any of the acts prohibited by 440
divisions (A) and (B) of this section shall not be made the basis 441
of any charge for the removal from office or recall of the public 442
officer or the suspension from or termination of employment of or 443
disciplinary acts against an employee, nor shall the officer or 444
employee be found subject to any suit for damages based on such a 445
determination; however, nothing in this division prevents any 446
party to a collective bargaining agreement from seeking 447
enforcement or damages for a violation thereof against the other 448
party to the agreement.449

       (D) As to jurisdictional work disputes, the board shall hear 450
and determine the dispute unless, within ten days after notice to 451
the board by a party to the dispute that a dispute exists, the 452
parties to the dispute submit to the board satisfactory evidence 453
that they have adjusted, or agreed upon the method for the 454
voluntary adjustment of, the dispute.455

       Sec. 4119.01.  As used in this chapter:456

       (A) "Employer" means every person, firm, and private 457
corporation that employs one or more employees regularly in the 458
same business or in or about the same establishment under any 459
contract of hire, whether the contract is express or implied, or 460
oral or written. "Employer" does not include a "public employer" 461
as defined in section 4117.01 of the Revised Code.462

       (B) "Employee" means every person, including an individual 463
engaged in agricultural labor, in the service of any employer.464

       (C) "Employee organization" means any labor or bona fide 465
organization in which employees participate and that exists for 466
the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers 467
concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, hours, terms, and 468
other conditions of employment.469

       Sec. 4119.02.  No employer or agent or representative of an 470
employer, individually or in concert, shall do any of the471

       (A) Require any person, as a condition of employment or of 473
the continuation of employment, to become or remain a member of 474
any employee organization;475

       (B) Require any person, as a condition of employment or of 476
the continuation of employment, to pay any dues, fees, 477
assessments, or other charges of any kind, including fair share 478
fees, to an employee organization unless the person is a member of 479
that employee organization;480

       (C) Require any person engaged in agricultural labor to be 481
referred, recommended, or approved by an employee organization as 482
a condition of employment or of the continuation of employment 483
with the employer;484

       (D) Deduct from the wages, earnings, or compensation of any 485
employee any dues, fees, assessments, or other charges of any 486
kind, including fair share fees, to be held for or paid over to an 487
employee organization unless the employer first receives a written 488
authorization for those deductions as provided in section 4119.03 489
of the Revised Code;490

       (E) Interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the 491
exercise of the rights guaranteed in this chapter;492

       (F) Discharge or otherwise discriminate against an employee 493
because the employee has filed charges or given testimony in good 494
faith under this chapter;495

       (G) Enter into an all-employee organization agreement that 496
requires its employees to become members of an employee 497

       (H) Refuse to obey an order issued by a court of competent 499
jurisdiction under this chapter;500

       (I) Employ or retain any person to observe, covertly or 501
otherwise, employees or their representatives when, or to 502
determine when, those employees or representatives are exercising 503
their rights under this chapter;504

       (J) Make, circulate, or cause to be made or circulated an 505
employee blacklist. For purposes of this division, "blacklist" 506
means an understanding or agreement by which the names of 507
employees or potential employees or a list of their names, 508
descriptions, or other means of identification is spoken, written, 509
or implied for the purpose of being communicated or transmitted 510
between two or more employers or their agents in order to prevent 511
or prohibit the identified employees or potential employees from 512
securing employment with one of those employers. A "blacklist" 513
does not include either of the following:514

       (1) Job performance information of former or current515
employees provided by an employer pursuant to section 4113.71 of516
the Revised Code;517

       (2) Communications concerning employees, prospective518
employees, or former employees made by an employer, prospective519
employer, or former employer that are required by law.520

       (K) Commit any crime in connection with any controversy 521
regarding employment relations with its employees or an employee 522
organization under this chapter;523

       (L) Fail to conspicuously post and maintain the notice 524
required by section 4119.05 of the Revised Code.525

       Sec. 4119.03.  (A) An employee may authorize the employee's 526
employer to deduct from the employee's wages, earnings, or 527
compensation any dues, fees, assessments, or other charges of any 528
kind to be held for or paid over to an employee organization. The 529
authorization shall be in writing and signed by the employee.530

       (B) Every employer that receives a written authorization from 531
an employee pursuant to division (A) of this section shall 532
promptly notify the employee, in writing, that the employee may 533
revoke the authorization at any time by providing the employer 534
with a written notice of the revocation. The revocation becomes 535
effective thirty days after the employer receives the revocation.536

       Sec. 4113.02.        Sec. 4119.04. (A) Every undertaking or promise, 537
whether written or oral, express or implied, constituting, or 538
contained in, any contract or agreement of hiring or employment 539
between any individual, firm, association, or corporation, and any 540
employee or prospective employee of the same, whereby either party 541
to such contract or agreement undertakes or promises not to join, 542
become, or remain a member of any laboremployee organization or 543
of any organization of employers, or either party to such contract 544
or agreement undertakes or promises that hethe party will545
withdraw from the employment relation in the event that hethe546
party joins, becomes, or remains a member of any laboremployee547
organization or of any organization of employers, is contrary to 548
public policy and void.549

       (B) Any agreement, understanding, or practice, written or 550
oral, between an employer and an employee organization that 551
violates this chapter is void and unenforceable.552

       Sec. 4119.05.  (A) Every employer shall post in a conspicuous 553
place and keep continuously displayed the notice described in 554
division (B) of this section. Each employer shall provide a copy 555
of the notice to each employee at the time the employee is first 556
hired and at the time of any change in the employee's employment 557
status, including, but not limited to, the promotion, demotion, or 558
lay-off of the employee.559

       (B) The notice required to be posted and displayed pursuant 560
to division (A) of this section shall read as follows:561


       Under Ohio law, employees are protected in choosing whether 563
to join or to refrain from joining an employee organization. It is 564
unlawful for an employer and an employee organization to enter 565
into a contract or agreement that requires employees to pay dues, 566
fees, assessments, or charges of any kind as a condition of 567
obtaining or keeping a job. Under the law, an employer is 568
prohibited from discharging or otherwise discriminating against an 569
employee because that employee joins an employee organization or 570
refuses to join or pay dues or other charges to an employee 571
organization. This notice is posted pursuant to section 4119.05 of 572
the Revised Code."573

       Sec. 4119.06.  Any person who is injured or is likely to be 574
injured as a result of a violation of this chapter may bring an 575
action for injunctive relief in the court of common pleas in the 576
county in which the violation is alleged to have occurred, and may 577
recover any actual damages the person sustained as a result of the 578
violation or threatened violation.579

       Sec. 4119.07.  Any person may file a complaint alleging a580
violation of this chapter with the attorney general and the county 581
prosecutor of the county in which the violation is alleged to have 582
occurred. The attorney general and the county prosecutor shall 583
investigate any complaints of an alleged violation of this 584

       Sec. 4119.99.  Any person, employer, or employee organization 586
who violates this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first 587

       Section 2.  That existing sections 9.81, 4113.02, 4117.03, 589
4117.05, 4117.09, and 4117.11 of the Revised Code are hereby 590

       Section 3.  Sections 9.81, 4117.03, 4117.05, 4117.09, and 592
4117.11 of the Revised Code, as they existed before the effective 593
date of this act, shall apply to all collective bargaining 594
agreements in existence before the effective date of this act. 595
Sections 9.81, 4117.03, 4117.05, 4117.09, and 4117.11 of the 596
Revised Code, as amended by this act, and sections 4117.031 and 597
4117.081 of the Revised Code, as enacted by this act, shall apply 598
to all collective bargaining agreements entered into on or after 599
the effective date of this act.600

       Section 4.  (A) Chapter 4119. of the Revised Code, as enacted 601
by this act, applies only to collective bargaining agreements and 602
extensions and renewals of those agreements entered into on or 603
after the effective date of this act.604

       (B) Nothing in Chapter 4119. of the Revised Code abrogates, 605
annuls, or modifies, or may be construed as abrogating, annulling, 606
or modifying, any valid collective bargaining agreement between an 607
employer and employee organization except as provided in division 608
(A) of this section.609