As Passed by the House

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
Am. H. B. No. 295

Representative Wagoner 

Cosponsors: Representatives Ujvagi, Szollosi, Peterson, Latta, Stebelton, Brown, Uecker, Chandler, McGregor, J., Combs, Celeste, Yuko, Fende, Mallory, Bolon, Bacon, Collier, Dyer, Evans, Flowers, Foley, Gardner, Garrison, Goyal, Hagan, R., Harwood, Hughes, Letson, Lundy, Otterman, J., Patton, Sayre, Setzer, Stewart, J., Williams, B., Williams, S., Zehringer 

To amend sections 133.20 and 307.041 of the Revised 1
Code to require that the amount spent by counties 2
on energy conservation measures be unlikely to 3
exceed the amount saved in energy and operating 4
costs over the average system life of the 5
measures, and to require that financed measures be 6
paid for within the lesser of their average system 7
life or thirty years.8


       Section 1. That sections 133.20 and 307.041 of the Revised 9
Code be amended to read as follows:10

       Sec. 133.20.  (A) This section applies to bonds that are11
general obligation Chapter 133. securities. If the bonds are12
payable as to principal by provision for annual installments, the13
period of limitations on their last maturity, referred to as their14
maximum maturity, shall be measured from a date twelve months15
prior to the first date on which provision for payment of16
principal is made. If the bonds are payable as to principal by17
provision for semiannual installments, the period of limitations18
on their last maturity shall be measured from a date six months19
prior to the first date on which provision for payment of20
principal is made.21

       (B) Bonds issued for the following permanent improvements or22
for permanent improvements for the following purposes shall have23
maximum maturities not exceeding the number of years stated:24

       (1) Fifty years:25

       (a) The clearance and preparation of real property for26
redevelopment as an urban redevelopment project;27

       (b) Acquiring, constructing, widening, relocating, enlarging, 28
extending, and improving a publicly owned railroad or line of 29
railway or a light or heavy rail rapid transit system, including 30
related bridges, overpasses, underpasses, and tunnels, but not 31
including rolling stock or equipment;32

       (c) Pursuant to section 307.675 of the Revised Code,33
constructing or repairing a bridge using long life expectancy34
material for the bridge deck, and purchasing, installing, and35
maintaining any performance equipment to monitor the physical36
condition of a bridge so constructed or repaired. Additionally,37
the average maturity of the bonds shall not exceed the expected38
useful life of the bridge deck as determined by the county39
engineer under that section.40

       (2) Forty years:41

       (a) General waterworks or water system permanent42
improvements, including buildings, water mains, or other43
structures and facilities in connection therewith;44

       (b) Sewers or sewage treatment or disposal works or45
facilities, including fireproof buildings or other structures in46
connection therewith;47

       (c) Storm water drainage, surface water, and flood prevention 48

       (3) Thirty-five years:50

       (a) An arena, a convention center, or a combination of an 51
arena and convention center under section 307.695 of the Revised 52

        (b) Sports facilities.54

       (4) Thirty years:55

       (a) Municipal recreation, excluding recreational equipment;56

       (b) Urban redevelopment projects;57

       (c) Acquisition of real property;58

       (d) Street or alley lighting purposes or relocating overhead59
wires, cables, and appurtenant equipment underground.60

       (5) Twenty years: constructing, reconstructing, widening,61
opening, improving, grading, draining, paving, extending, or62
changing the line of roads, highways, expressways, freeways,63
streets, sidewalks, alleys, or curbs and gutters, and related64
bridges, viaducts, overpasses, underpasses, grade crossing65
eliminations, service and access highways, and tunnels.66

       (6) Fifteen years:67

       (a) Resurfacing roads, highways, streets, or alleys;68

       (b) Alarm, telegraph, or other communications systems for69
police or fire departments or other emergency services;70

       (c) Passenger buses used for mass transportation;71

       (d) Energy conservation measures as authorized by section72
133.06 of the Revised Code.73

       (7) Ten years:74

       (a) Water meters;75

       (b) Fire department apparatus and equipment;76

       (c) Road rollers and other road construction and servicing77

       (d) Furniture, equipment, and furnishings;79

       (e) Landscape planting and other site improvements;80

       (f) Playground, athletic, and recreational equipment and81

       (g) Energy conservation measures as authorized by section83
307.041, 505.264, or 717.02 of the Revised Code.84

       (8) Five years: New motor vehicles other than those described 85
in any other division of this section and those for which 86
provision is made in other provisions of the Revised Code.87

       (C) Bonds issued for any permanent improvements not within88
the categories set forth in division (B) of this section shall89
have maximum maturities of from five to thirty years as the fiscal90
officer estimates is the estimated life or period of usefulness of91
those permanent improvements. Bonds issued under section 133.51 of 92
the Revised Code for purposes other than permanent improvements93
shall have the maturities, not to exceed forty years, that the94
taxing authority shall specify. Bonds issued for energy 95
conservation measures under section 307.041 of the Revised Code 96
shall have maximum maturities not exceeding the lesser of the 97
average life of the energy conservation measures as detailed in 98
the energy conservation report prepared under that section or 99
thirty years.100

       (D) Securities issued under section 505.265 or 717.07 of the101
Revised Code shall mature not later than December 31, 2035.102

       (E) A securities issue for one purpose may include permanent103
improvements within two or more categories under divisions (B) and104
(C) of this section. The maximum maturity of such a bond issue105
shall not exceed the average number of years of life or period of106
usefulness of the permanent improvements as measured by the107
weighted average of the amounts expended or proposed to be108
expended for the categories of permanent improvements.109

       Sec. 307.041.  (A) As used in this section, "energy110
conservation measure" means an installation or modification of an111
installation in, or remodeling of, an existing building, to reduce 112
energy consumption. It"Energy conservation measure" includes the 113

       (1) Insulation of the building structure and of systems115
within the building;116

       (2) Storm windows and doors, multiglazed windows and doors, 117
heat-absorbing or heat-reflective glazed and coated window and 118
door systems, additional glazing, reductions in glass area, and 119
other window and door system modifications that reduce energy120

       (3) Automatic energy control systems;122

       (4) Heating, ventilating, or air conditioning system123
modifications or replacements;124

       (5) Caulking and weatherstripping;125

       (6) Replacement or modification of lighting fixtures to126
increase the energy efficiency of the system without increasing127
the overall illumination of a facility, unless such an increase in 128
illumination is necessary to conform to the applicable state or 129
local building code for the proposed lighting system;130

       (7) Energy recovery systems;131

       (8) Cogeneration systems that produce steam or forms of132
energy such as heat, as well as electricity, for use primarily133
within a building or complex of buildings;134

       (9) Acquiring, constructing, furnishing, equipping, improving 135
the site of, and otherwise improving a central utility plant to 136
provide heating and cooling services to a building or buildings 137
together with distribution piping and ancillary distribution 138
controls, equipment, and related facilities from the central 139
utility plant to the building or buildings;140

       (10) Any other modification, installation, or remodeling141
approved by the board of county commissioners as an energy142
conservation measure.143

       (B) For the purpose of evaluating county buildings for energy 144
conservation measures, a county may contract with an architect, 145
professional engineer, energy services company, contractor, or 146
other person experienced in the design and implementation of 147
energy conservation measures for aan energy conservation report 148
that analyzes. The report shall include all of the following:149

        (1) Analyses of the buildings' energy needs and presents150
recommendations for building installations, modifications of 151
existing installations, or building remodeling that would 152
significantly reduce energy consumption in the buildings owned by 153
that county. The report shall include estimates;154

       (2) Estimates of all costs of suchthose installations, those155
modifications, or that remodeling, including costs of design, 156
engineering, installation, maintenance, and repairs, and157

       (3) Estimates of the amounts by which energy consumption 159
could be reduced;160

       (4) The interest rate used to estimate the costs of any 161
energy conservation measures that are to be financed;162

        (5) The average system life of the energy conservation 163

        (6) Estimates of the likely savings that will result from the 165
reduction in energy consumption over the average system life of 166
the energy conservation measure, including the methods used to 167
estimate the savings;168

        (7) A certification under the seal of a registered 169
professional engineer that the energy conservation report uses 170
reasonable methods of analysis and estimation.171

       (C)(1) A county desiring to implement energy conservation172
measures may proceed under either of the following methods:173

       (1)(a) Using a report or any part of aan energy conservation174
report prepared under division (B) of this section, advertise for 175
bids and, except as otherwise provided in this section, comply 176
with sections 307.86 to 307.92 of the Revised Code;177

       (2)(b) Notwithstanding sections 307.86 to 307.92 of the178
Revised Code, request proposals from at least three vendors for179
the implementation of energy conservation measures. A request for 180
proposals shall require the installer that is awarded a contract 181
under division (C)(2)(b) of this section to prepare an energy 182
conservation report in accordance with division (B) of this 183
section. Prior to sending any installer of energy conservation 184
measures a copy of any such request for proposals, the county 185
shall advertise its intent to request proposals for the 186
installation of energy conservation measures in a newspaper of 187
general circulation in the county once a week for two consecutive 188
weeks. The notice shall state that the county intends to request 189
proposals for the installation of energy conservation measures; 190
indicate the date, which shall be at least ten days after the 191
second publication, on which the request for proposals will be 192
mailed to installers of energy conservation measures; and state 193
that any installer of energy conservation measures interested in 194
receiving the request for proposalproposals shall submit written 195
notice to the county not later than noon of the day on which the 196
request for proposalproposals will be mailed.197

       (2)(a) Upon receiving the proposalsbids under division 198
(C)(1)(a) of this section, the county shall analyze them and 199
select the proposal or proposalslowest and best bid or bids most 200
likely to result in the greatest energy savings considering the 201
cost of the project and the county's ability to pay for the 202
improvements with current revenues or by financing the 203
improvements. The204

       (b) Upon receiving proposals under division (C)(1)(b) of this 205
section, the county shall analyze the proposals and the 206
installers' qualifications and select the most qualified installer 207
to prepare an energy conservation report in accordance with 208
division (B) of this section. After receipt and review of the 209
energy conservation report, the county may award a contract to the 210
selected installer to install the energy conservation measures 211
that are most likely to result in the greatest energy savings 212
considering the cost of the project and the county's ability to 213
pay for the improvements with current revenues or by financing the 214

        (c) The awarding of a contract to install energy conservation 216
measures under division (C)(2)(a) or (b) of this section shall be 217
conditioned upon a finding by the contracting authority that the 218
amount of money spent on the energy savingsconservation measures 219
is not likely to exceed the amount of money the county would save 220
in energy and, operating, maintenance, and avoided capital costs 221
over ten years or a lesser period as determined by the contracting 222
authority or, in the case of contracts for cogeneration systems, 223
over five years or a lesser period as determined by the 224
contracting authorityaverage system life of the energy 225
conservation measures as specified in the energy conservation 226
report. In making such a finding, the contracting authority may 227
take into account increased costs due to inflation as shown in the 228
energy conservation report. Nothing in this sectiondivision229
prohibits a county from rejecting all bids or proposals under 230
division (C)(1)(a) or (b) of this section or from selecting more 231
than one bid or proposal.232

       (D) A board of county commissioners may enter into an233
installment payment contract for the purchase and installation of234
energy conservation measures. Those provisionsProvisions of such235
installment payment contracts that deal with interest charges and236
financing terms shall not be subject to the competitive bidding237
requirements of section 307.86 of the Revised Code, and shall be238
on the following terms:239

       (1) Not less than one-tentha specified percentage, as 240
determined and approved by the board of county commissioners, of 241
the costs of the contract shall be paid within two years from the 242
date of purchase.243

       (2) The remaining balance of the costs of the contract shall 244
be paid within ten years from the date of purchase or, in the case 245
of contracts for cogeneration systems, within five years fromthe 246
lesser of the date of purchaseaverage system life of the energy 247
conservation measures as specified in the energy conservation 248
report or thirty years.249

       Unless otherwise approved by a resolution of the board, an250
installment payment contract entered into by a board of county251
commissioners under this section shall require the board to252
contract in accordance with section 307.86 of the Revised Code for 253
the installation, modification, or remodeling of energy254
conservation measures pursuant to this section.255

       (E) The board of county commissioners may issue the notes of 256
the county specifying the terms of thea purchase of energy 257
conservation measures under this section and securing theany258
deferred payments provided for in division (D) of this section,. 259
The notes shall be payable at the times provided and bearingbear260
interest at a rate not exceeding the rate determined as provided 261
in section 9.95 of the Revised Code. The notes may contain an 262
option for prepayment and shall not be subject to Chapter 133. of 263
the Revised Code. Revenues derived from local taxes or otherwise,264
for the purpose of conserving energy or for defraying the current 265
operating expenses of the county, may be pledged and applied to 266
the payment of interest and the retirement of suchthe notes. The 267
notes may be sold at private sale or given to the contractor under 268
thean installment payment contract authorized by division (D) of 269
this section.270

       (F) Debt incurred under this section shall not be included in 271
the calculation of the net indebtedness of a county under section 272
133.07 of the Revised Code.273

       Section 2.  That existing sections 133.20 and 307.041 of the 274
Revised Code are hereby repealed.275

       Section 3. The amendments to sections 133.20 and 307.041 of 276
the Revised Code by this act apply to any proceedings commenced 277
after the effective date of this act and, so far as the provisions 278
thereof support the actions taken, to any proceedings pending or 279
in progress on, or completed prior to, the effective date of this 280
act. The authority provided by sections 133.20 and 307.041 of the 281
Revised Code as amended by this act is supplemental to and not in 282
derogation of any similar authority provided by, derived from, or 283
implied by any law, the Constitution, or any charter, resolution, 284
or ordinance, and no inference shall be drawn to negate the 285
authority thereunder by reason of the express provisions contained 286
in sections 133.20 and 307.041 of the Revised Code as amended by 287
this act.288