As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 308

Representatives Domenick, Combs 

Cosponsors: Representatives Seitz, Mallory, Webster 

To amend sections 3333.31, 4507.01, 4507.06, 4507.09, 1
4507.50, 4507.51, and 4507.52 and to enact 2
sections 8.01 to 8.10, 4507.092, and 5747.027 of 3
the Revised Code to require in specified 4
situations the verification of immigration status 5
of persons who are not United States citizens, to 6
impose state income taxes at a rate of six per 7
cent per annum on the compensation of specified 8
independent contractors who fail to document such 9
verification, and to restrict the employment, 10
transport, post-secondary education benefits, 11
driver's licenses and identification cards, and 12
receipt of public benefits of persons who are not 13
legal residents of the United States.14


       Section 1. That sections 3333.31, 4507.01, 4507.06, 4507.09, 15
4507.50, 4507.51, and 4507.52 be amended and sections 8.01, 8.02, 16
8.03, 8.04, 8.05, 8.06, 8.07, 8.08, 8.09, 8.10, 4507.092, and 17
5747.027 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:18

       Sec. 8.01.  As used in any section of the Revised Code:19

       (A) "Alien" means a person who is not a United States citizen 20
or a United States national. 21

       (B) "Illegal alien" means an alien who is deportable if 22
apprehended because of one of the following:23

       (1) The alien entered the United States illegally without the 24
proper authorization and documents.25

       (2) The alien once entered the United States legally and has 26
since violated the terms of the status under which the alien 27
entered the United States, making that alien an "out of status" 28

       (3) The alien once entered the United States legally but has 30
overstayed the time limits of the original legal status. 31

       (C) "Immigrant" and "legal permanent resident alien" mean an 32
alien who has been granted the right by the United States bureau 33
of citizenship and immigration services to reside permanently in 34
the United States and to work without restrictions in the United 35
States. 36

       (D) "Nonimmigrant" and "legal resident alien" mean an alien 37
who has been granted the right by the United States bureau of 38
citizenship and immigration services to reside temporarily in the 39
United States and the period of that temporary residence has not 40

       (E) "Public employer" means any department, agency, or 42
instrumentality of the state or a political subdivision of the 43

       (F) "Status verification system" means any electronic system 45
the federal government operates to enable a person to verify or 46
ascertain the citizenship or immigration status of any individual. 47
"Status verification system" includes all of the following:48

       (1) The electronic verification of work authorization program 49
known as the "basic pilot program," 8 U.S.C. 1324a, operated by 50
the United States department of homeland security, and any 51
equivalent federal program that the United States department of 52
homeland security or other federal agency designates to verify 53
the work eligibility status of newly hired employees, pursuant to 54
the "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986," P. Law 99-603, 55
100 Stat. 3360.56

       (2) Any independent, third-party system with an equal or 57
higher degree of reliability as the programs, systems, or 58
processes described division (A)(1) of this section. 59

       (3) The social security number verification service, or any 60
similar online verification process the United States social 61
security administration operates. 62

        (G) "Subcontractor" means a subcontractor, contract employee, 63
staffing agency, or any contractor regardless of its tier. 64

       (H) "Unauthorized alien" means an alien who is not authorized 65
to be employed as determined in accordance with section 101(a) of 66
the "Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986," 100 Stat. 3360, 67
8 U.S.C. 1324a.68

       Sec. 8.02. (A) No person shall transport, move, or attempt to 69
transport in this state any illegal alien, knowing or acting in 70
reckless disregard of the fact that the alien has come to, 71
entered, or remained in the United States in violation of law, or 72
in furtherance of the illegal presence of the alien in the United 73

       (B) No person knowingly shall conceal or shelter from 75
detection any illegal alien in any place within this state, 76
including any building or means of transportation, knowing or in 77
reckless disregard of the fact that the alien has come to, 78
entered, or remained in the United States in violation of law.79

       (C) Nothing in this section shall be construed in a manner to 80
prohibit or restrict any state or local public benefit described 81
in 8 U.S.C. 1621(b), or any public health service that a private 82
charity provides with private funds.83

       (D) A violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is 84
punishable by imprisonment for not less than one year or by a fine 85
of not less than one thousand dollars, or both.86

       Sec. 8.03. (A) Every entity that operates a jail in this 87
state shall designate an official, who may be a jail keeper, 88
sheriff, or other person the entity designates, to act on its 89
behalf in carrying out this section.90

       (B) When a person charged with a felony or with driving under 91
the influence is confined in a jail for any period of time, the 92
official designated pursuant to division (A) of this section shall 93
make a reasonable effort to determine the citizenship status of 94
the confined person.95

       (C) If the designated official determines that the confined 96
person is an alien, the official shall make a reasonable effort to 97
verify that the person has been lawfully admitted to the United 98
States and that any lawful status has not expired. If the official 99
cannot verify the person's lawful status based on documents in the 100
person's possession, the official shall within forty-eight hours 101
make a query to the law enforcement support center of the United 102
States department of homeland security or other office or agency 103
that the United States department of homeland security designates 104
for that purpose. If the official cannot verify the lawful 105
immigration status of the confined person based on that query, the 106
official shall notify the United States department of homeland 107

       (D) "Jail" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the 109
Revised Code.110

       Sec. 8.04. When any judge or court determines the matter of a 111
grant or issuance of bond, it is a rebuttable presumption that a 112
person who is an illegal alien is at risk of flight.113

       Sec. 8.05. (A) Every public employer shall register with a 114
status verification system and use that system to verify the 115
employment authorization status of all new employees.116

       (B)(1) After July 1, 2008, no public employer shall enter 117
into a contract for the physical performance of services within 118
this state unless the contractor registers and participates in a 119
status verification system.120

       (2) After July 1, 2008, no contractor or subcontractor shall 121
enter into any contract to provide a public employer with the 122
physical performance of services in this state unless the 123
contractor or subcontractor registers and participates in a status 124
verification system to verify information of all new employees.125

       (3) This division does not apply to any contract entered into 126
prior to the effective date of this section even if the service or 127
labor is performed after July 1, 2008.128

       (C) The director of commerce shall adopt rules pursuant to 129
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code under which the director 130
administers sections 8.05 to 8.07 of the Revised Code.131

       Sec. 8.06. (A) Any individual who acts as an independent 132
contractor and contracts to provide the physical performance of 133
services in this state shall document the employment authorization 134
of persons who perform labor for that independent contractor.135

       (B) If a contractor fails to provide the contracting entity 136
with documentation of employment authorization as division (A) of 137
this section requires, the contracting entity shall withhold from 138
that contractor's compensation an amount for state income taxes at 139
the rate of six per cent of the total amount of compensation paid 140
to the contractor. The Ohio income taxes imposed on any such 141
compensation shall be computed pursuant to section 5747.027 of the 142
Revised Code. 143

       (C) Any contracting entity that fails to comply with the 144
withholding division (B) of this section requires is liable for 145
the income taxes imposed pursuant to that section unless the 146
contracting entity is exempt from federal withholding with respect 147
to the contractor pursuant to a properly filed internal revenue 148
service form 8233 or its equivalent.149

       (D) Nothing in this section shall be construed as creating an 150
employer-employee relationship between a contracting entity and an 151
individual independent contractor.152

       Sec. 8.07. (A) No employer shall discharge an employee who is 153
a United States citizen or legal permanent resident alien while 154
that employer retains an employee whom the employer knows, or 155
reasonably should have known, is an unauthorized alien hired after 156
July 1, 2008 and who works for the employer in a job category 157
that, as defined by 29 U.S.C. 206(d)(1), requires equal skill, 158
effort, and responsibility and is performed under similar working 159
conditions as the job category of the discharged employee.160

       (B) An employer is exempt from liability, investigation, or 161
suit arising from any action under this division if on the date of 162
a discharge that is alleged to violate division (A) of this 163
section, the employer was enrolled in and used a status 164
verification system to verify the employment eligibility of its 165

       (C) A violation of this section does not give rise to any 167
cause of action except as provided in this section.168

       Sec. 8.08. (A) No individual fourteen years of age or older 169
shall qualify for a public assistance program a state agency or 170
political subdivision administers unless the individual or another 171
individual on that person's behalf verifies that the individual is 172
a United States citizen or meets the program's requirements 173
concerning alien status.174

       (B)(1) Any agency or political subdivision that provides 175
local or state public benefits shall require that any applicant 176
for those benefits execute, under penalty of perjury, an affidavit 177
the agency or political subdivision provides. In the affidavit, 178
the applicant shall affirm that the applicant is a United States 179
citizen or an alien qualified to receive the public benefit under 180
the federal immigration and nationality act, and that the person 181
is lawfully present in the United States.182

       (2) The agency or political subdivision providing the public 183
benefits shall provide notary public services at no cost to the 184

       (C) Any agency or political subdivision that provides state 186
or local public benefits shall use the "Systematic Alien 187
Verification for Entitlements" (SAVE) program operated by the 188
United States department of homeland security, or an equivalent 189
program the department designates, to verify the eligibility of 190
any applicant who executes the affidavit division (B) of this 191
section describes. Until the agency receives verification of 192
eligibility, the affidavit is presumed to be proof of lawful 193
presence for the purpose of receiving the public benefit.194

       (D) Agencies and political subdivisions of this state may 195
adopt any variation to the requirements of this section if the 196
variation demonstrably improves the efficiency or reduces delay in 197
the verification process, or enables the adjudication of unique 198
individual circumstances where the verification procedures in this 199
section would impose unusual hardship on a legal resident.200

       (E) Divisions (A) to (C) of this section do not apply to any 201
of the following:202

       (1) Any purpose for which lawful presence in the United 203
States is not restricted by law, ordinance, or regulation;204

       (2) Assistance for health care items and services that are 205
necessary for treating an emergency medical condition as defined 206
in 42 U.S.C. 1396b(v)(3) and that are not related to an organ 207
transplant procedure;208

       (3) Short-term, non-cash, in-kind emergency disaster relief;209

       (4) Public health assistance for immunizations with respect 210
to diseases and for testing and treatment of symptoms of 211
communicable diseases whether or not such symptoms are caused by a 212
communicable disease; 213

       (5) Programs, services, or assistance such as soup kitchens, 214
crisis counseling and intervention, and short-term shelter, 215
provided through public and private nonprofit agencies that do not 216
condition the provision of assistance, the amount of assistance, 217
or the cost of assistance on the income or resources of the 218
individual recipient, and the program, service, or assistance is 219
necessary for the protection of life or safety, including programs 220
the United States attorney general specifies.221

       (F) Any person who knowingly and willfully makes a false, 222
fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation in an 223
affidavit executed pursuant to division (B) of this section is 224
subject to criminal penalties for fraudulently obtaining public 225
assistance program benefits. If the affidavit constitutes a false 226
claim of U.S. citizenship under 18 U.S.C. 911, the agency shall 227
file a complaint with the United States attorney general.228

       (G) No agency or political subdivision shall provide any 229
state, local, or federal benefit, as defined in 8 U.S.C. 1621 and 230
8 U.S.C. 1611, in violation of this section.231

       Sec. 8.09. (A) Any agency that administers a program of state 232
or local public benefits annually shall report its compliance with 233
this section to the governor, the president of the senate, and the 234
speaker of the house of representatives.235

       (B) Each agency shall monitor the systematic alien 236
verification for entitlements program for application verification 237
errors and significant delays. The agency annually shall report to 238
the United States department of homeland security any errors or 239
significant delays it encounters and make any recommendation it 240
deems appropriate to ensure that the program does not erroneously 241
deny benefits to legal residents of this state.242

       Sec. 8.10. (A) No institution of higher education shall 243
provide any postsecondary education benefit, including, but not 244
limited to, scholarships and financial aid, grants, loans, 245
resident in-state tuition, or any other type of monetary 246
assistance to any person who is an illegal alien.247

       (B) This section does not apply to a student enrolled in a 248
degree program at a postsecondary educational institution during 249
the 2007-2008 school year or any prior year who received a tuition 250
benefit on the basis of residency status determined pursuant to 251
section 3333.31 of the Revised Code.252

       (C) Any benefit a public institution grants shall be made 253
pursuant to the procedures set forth in section 3333.31 of the 254
Revised Code and rules the board of regents adopts pursuant to 255
that section.256

       (D) As used in this section, "institution of higher 257
education" means any of the following:258

       (1) A state university or college as defined in division 259
(A)(1) of section 3345.12 of the Revised Code, community college, 260
state community college, university branch, or technical college;261

       (2) A private, nonprofit college, university or other 262
post-secondary institution located in this state that possesses a 263
certificate of authorization issued by the Ohio board of regents 264
pursuant to Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code;265

       (3) A post-secondary institution with a certificate of 266
registration issued by the state board of career colleges and 267
schools under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code.268

       Sec. 3333.31.  (A) For state subsidy and tuition surcharge269
purposes, status as a resident of Ohio shall be defined by the 270
chancellor of the Ohio board of regents by rule promulgated 271
pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. No adjudication as 272
to the status of any person under such rule, however, shall be 273
required to be made pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. 274
The term "resident" for these purposes shall not be equated with 275
the definition of that term as it is employed elsewhere under the276
laws of this state and other states, and shall not carry with it277
any of the legal connotations appurtenant thereto. Rather, for278
such purposes, the rule promulgated under this section shall have 279
the objective of excluding from treatment as residents those who 280
are present in the state primarily for the purpose of attending a 281
state-supported or state-assisted institution of higher education, 282
and may prescribe presumptive rules, rebuttable or conclusive, as 283
to such purpose based upon the source or sources of support of the 284
student, residence prior to first enrollment, evidence of 285
intention to remain in the state after completion of studies, or 286
such other factors as the chancellor deems relevant.287

       (B) The rules of the chancellor for determining student 288
residency shall not deny residency status to a student who is 289
either a dependent child of a parent, or the spouse of a person 290
who, as of the first day of a term of enrollment in an institution 291
of higher education, has accepted full-time employment and 292
established domicile in this state for reasons other than gaining 293
the benefit of favorable tuition rates.294

       Documentation of full-time employment and domicile shall295
include both of the following documents:296

       (1) A sworn statement from the employer or the employer's297
representative on the letterhead of the employer or the employer's 298
representative certifying that the parent or spouse of the student 299
is employed full-time in Ohio;300

       (2) A copy of the lease under which the parent or spouse is 301
the lessee and occupant of rented residential property in the302
state, a copy of the closing statement on residential real303
property of which the parent or spouse is the owner and occupant304
in this state or, if the parent or spouse is not the lessee or305
owner of the residence in which the parent or spouse has306
established domicile, a letter from the owner of the residence 307
certifying that the parent or spouse resides at that residence.308

Residency officers may also evaluate, in accordance with the 309
chancellor's rule, requests for immediate residency status from 310
dependent students whose parents are not living and whose domicile 311
follows that of a legal guardian who has accepted full-time 312
employment and established domicile in the state for reasons other 313
than gaining the benefit of favorable tuition rates.314

       (C)(1) The rules of the board of regents shall require a 315
student who desires any benefit available only to residents of 316
Ohio to provide to the state institution of higher education 317
documentation that is evidence of citizenship or lawful 318
immigration status. If the student cannot provide such 319
documentation, the student may provide a copy of a true and 320
correct application or petition filed with the United States 321
citizenship and immigration services to legalize the student's 322
immigration status, or an affidavit stating that the student will 323
file an application to receive legal immigration status at the 324
earliest opportunity the student is eligible to do so but in no 325
case later than one year after the date on which the student 326
enrolls for study at the institution.327

       (2) Any student who files an affidavit pursuant to this 328
division shall present to the institution a copy of a true and 329
correct copy of that application or petition, which copy shall be 330
maintained in the institution's records for that student.331

       (3) Any student who complies with this division may not be 332
disqualified on the basis of immigration status from any 333
scholarships or financial aid this state provides.334

       (4) This division shall not be construed to impose any 335
additional conditions to maintain resident tuition status at a 336
postsecondary educational institution within this state on a 337
student who was enrolled in a degree program and first received 338
tuition status as a resident of Ohio at that institution during 339
the 2007-2008 school year or any prior year.340

       (D) "Dependent," "domicile," "institution of higher341
education," and "residency officer" have the meanings ascribed in342
the chancellor's rules adopted under this section.343

       Sec. 4507.01.  (A) As used in this chapter, "motor vehicle," 344
"motorized bicycle," "state," "owner," "operator," "chauffeur," 345
and "highways" have the same meanings as in section 4501.01 of the 346
Revised Code.347

       "Driver's license" means a class D license issued to any348
person to operate a motor vehicle or motor-driven cycle, other349
than a commercial motor vehicle, and includes "probationary350
license," "restricted license," and any operator's or chauffeur's351
license issued before January 1, 1990.352

       "Probationary license" means the license issued to any person 353
between sixteen and eighteen years of age to operate a motor 354

       "Restricted license" means the license issued to any person356
to operate a motor vehicle subject to conditions or restrictions357
imposed by the registrar of motor vehicles.358

       "Commercial driver's license" means the license issued to a359
person under Chapter 4506. of the Revised Code to operate a360
commercial motor vehicle.361

       "Commercial motor vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 362
4506.01 of the Revised Code.363

       "Motorized bicycle license" means the license issued under364
section 4511.521 of the Revised Code to any person to operate a365
motorized bicycle including a "probationary motorized bicycle366

       "Probationary motorized bicycle license" means the license368
issued under section 4511.521 of the Revised Code to any person369
between fourteen and sixteen years of age to operate a motorized370

       "Identification card" means a card issued under sections372
4507.50 and 4507.51 of the Revised Code.373

       "Resident" means a person who, in accordance with standards 374
prescribed in rules adopted by the registrar, resides in this 375
state on a permanent basis.376

       "Temporary resident" means a person who, in accordance with 377
standards prescribed in rules adopted by the registrar, resides in 378
this state on a temporary basis. "Temporary resident" includes any 379
person who is not a United States citizen, national, or legal 380
permanent resident alien.381

       (B) In the administration of this chapter and Chapter 4506. 382
of the Revised Code, the registrar has the same authority as is 383
conferred on the registrar by section 4501.02 of the Revised Code. 384
Any act of an authorized deputy registrar of motor vehicles under 385
direction of the registrar is deemed the act of the registrar.386

       To carry out this chapter, the registrar shall appoint such387
deputy registrars in each county as are necessary.388

       The registrar also shall provide at each place where an389
application for a driver's or commercial driver's license or390
identification card may be made the necessary equipment to take a391
color photograph of the applicant for such license or card as392
required under section 4506.11 or 4507.06 of the Revised Code, and 393
to conduct the vision screenings required by section 4507.12 of 394
the Revised Code, and equipment to laminate licenses, motorized 395
bicycle licenses, and identification cards as required by sections 396
4507.13, 4507.52, and 4511.521 of the Revised Code.397

       The registrar shall assign one or more deputy registrars to398
any driver's license examining station operated under the399
supervision of the state highway patrol, whenever the registrar400
considers such assignment possible. Space shall be provided in the 401
driver's license examining station for any such deputy registrar 402
so assigned. The deputy registrars shall not exercise the powers 403
conferred by such sections upon the registrar, unless they are 404
specifically authorized to exercise such powers by such sections.405

       (C) No agent for any insurance company, writing automobile406
insurance, shall be appointed deputy registrar, and any such407
appointment is void. No deputy registrar shall in any manner408
solicit any form of automobile insurance, nor in any manner409
advise, suggest, or influence any licensee or applicant for410
license for or against any kind or type of automobile insurance,411
insurance company, or agent, nor have the deputy registrar's412
office directly connected with the office of any automobile 413
insurance agent, nor impart any information furnished by any 414
applicant for a license or identification card to any person, 415
except the registrar. This division shall not apply to any 416
nonprofit corporation appointed deputy registrar.417

       (D) The registrar shall immediately remove a deputy registrar 418
who violates the requirements of this chapter.419

       (E) The registrar shall periodically solicit bids and enter 420
into a contract for the provision of laminating equipment and 421
laminating materials to the registrar and all deputy registrars. 422
The registrar shall not consider any bid that does not provide for 423
the supplying of both laminating equipment and laminating 424
materials. The laminating materials selected shall contain a 425
security feature so that any tampering with the laminating 426
material covering a license or identification card is readily 427
apparent. In soliciting bids and entering into a contract for the 428
provision of laminating equipment and laminating materials, the 429
registrar shall observe all procedures required by law.430

       Sec. 4507.06.  (A)(1) Every application for a driver's431
license or motorcycle operator's license or endorsement, or432
duplicate of any such license or endorsement, shall be made upon433
the approved form furnished by the registrar of motor vehicles and434
shall be signed by the applicant.435

       Every application shall state the following:436

       (a) The applicant's name, date of birth, social security437
number if such has been assigned, sex, general description,438
including height, weight, color of hair, and eyes, residence439
address, including county of residence, duration of residence in440
this state, and country of citizenship;441

       (b) Whether the applicant previously has been licensed as an442
operator, chauffeur, driver, commercial driver, or motorcycle443
operator and, if so, when, by what state, and whether such license444
is suspended or canceled at the present time and, if so, the date445
of and reason for the suspension or cancellation;446

       (c) Whether the applicant is now or ever has been afflicted447
with epilepsy, or whether the applicant now is suffering from any448
physical or mental disability or disease and, if so, the nature449
and extent of the disability or disease, giving the names and450
addresses of physicians then or previously in attendance upon the451

       (d) Whether an applicant for a duplicate driver's license, or 453
duplicate license containing a motorcycle operator endorsement has 454
pending a citation for violation of any motor vehicle law or455
ordinance, a description of any such citation pending, and the456
date of the citation;457

       (e) Whether the applicant wishes to certify willingness to458
make an anatomical gift under section 2108.04 of the Revised Code,459
which shall be given no consideration in the issuance of a license460
or endorsement;461

       (f) Whether the applicant has executed a valid durable power462
of attorney for health care pursuant to sections 1337.11 to463
1337.17 of the Revised Code or has executed a declaration464
governing the use or continuation, or the withholding or465
withdrawal, of life-sustaining treatment pursuant to sections466
2133.01 to 2133.15 of the Revised Code and, if the applicant has467
executed either type of instrument, whether the applicant wishes468
the applicant's license to indicate that the applicant has469
executed the instrument.470

       (2) Every applicant for a driver's license shall be471
photographed in color at the time the application for the license472
is made. The application shall state any additional information473
that the registrar requires.474

       (3) If the applicant is not a United States citizen, 475
national, or legal permanent resident alien, the applicant shall 476
provide valid documentary evidence that the applicant's status has 477
been continued or extended by the United States citizenship and 478
immigration services or other authorized agency of the United 479
States department of homeland security.480

       (B) The registrar or a deputy registrar, in accordance with481
section 3503.11 of the Revised Code, shall register as an elector482
any person who applies for a driver's license or motorcycle483
operator's license or endorsement under division (A) of this484
section, or for a renewal or duplicate of the license or485
endorsement, if the applicant is eligible and wishes to be486
registered as an elector. The decision of an applicant whether to487
register as an elector shall be given no consideration in the488
decision of whether to issue the applicant a license or489
endorsement, or a renewal or duplicate.490

       (C) The registrar or a deputy registrar, in accordance with491
section 3503.11 of the Revised Code, shall offer the opportunity492
of completing a notice of change of residence or change of name to493
any applicant for a driver's license or endorsement under division494
(A) of this section, or for a renewal or duplicate of the license495
or endorsement, if the applicant is a registered elector who has496
changed the applicant's residence or name and has not filed such a497

       Sec. 4507.09.  (A) Except as provided in division (B) of this 499
section, every driver's license issued to a resident of this state500
expires on the birthday of the applicant in the fourth year after 501
the date it is issued and every driver's license issued to a502
temporary resident expires in accordance with rules adopted by the503
registrar of motor vehicles. In no event shall any license be504
issued for a period longer than four years and ninety days. Any505

       Subjectrenewal is subject to the requirements of section 506
4507.12 of the Revised Code, every.507

       A driver's license issued to a resident is renewable at any 508
time prior to its expiration and any license of a temporary509
resident is nonrenewable. A nonrenewable license may be replaced510
with a new license within ninety days prior to its expiration in511
accordance with division (E) of this section. No refund shall be512
made or credit given for the unexpired portion of theany driver's513
license that is renewed. The registrar of motor vehicles shall514
notify each person whose driver's license has expired within515
forty-five days after the date of expiration. Notification shall516
be made by regular mail sent to the person's last known address as517
shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles. Failure to518
provide such notification shall not be construed as a renewal or519
extension of any license. For the purposes of this section, the520
date of birth of any applicant born on the twenty-ninth day of521
February shall be deemed to be the first day of March in any year522
in which there is no twenty-ninth day of February.523

       (B) Every driver's license or renewal of a driver's license524
issued to an applicant who is sixteen years of age or older, but525
less than twenty-one years of age, expires on the twenty-first526
birthday of the applicant, except that an applicant who applies no527
more than thirty days before the applicant's twenty-first birthday528
shall be issued a license in accordance with division (A) of this529

       (C) Each person licensed as a driver under this chapter shall 531
notify the registrar of any change in the person's address within 532
ten days following that change. The notification shall be in 533
writing on a form provided by the registrar and shall include the 534
full name, date of birth, license number, county of residence,535
social security number, and new address of the person.536

       (D) No driver's license shall be renewed when renewal is537
prohibited by division (A) of section 4507.091 of the Revised538

       (E) A nonrenewable license may be replaced with a new license540
within ninety days prior to its expiration upon the applicant's541
presentation of documentation verifying the applicant's legal542
presence in the United States. A nonrenewable license expires on543
the same date listed on the legal presence documentation, or on544
the same date in the fourth year after the date the nonrenewable545
license is issued, whichever comes first unless there is no 546
definite end to the applicant's authorized stay, in which case the 547
expiration date is one year from the issuance of the license. A 548
nonrenewable license is not transferable, and the applicant may 549
not rely on it to obtain a driver's license in another state.550

       In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the551
registrar of motor vehicles shall adopt rules governing552
nonrenewable licenses for temporary residents. At a minimum, the553
rules shall include provisions specifying all of the following:554

       (1) That no nonrenewable license may extend beyond the555
duration of the applicant's temporary residence in this state;556

       (2) That no nonrenewable license may be replaced by a new557
license unless the applicant provides acceptable documentation of558
the person's identity and of the applicant's continued temporary559
residence in this state;. If the applicant for a new license to 560
replace a nonrenewable license is not a United States citizen, 561
national, or legal permanent resident alien, the applicant shall 562
provide valid documentary evidence that the applicant's status has 563
been continued or extended by the United States citizenship and 564
immigration services or other authorized agency of the United 565
States department of homeland security.566

       (3) That no nonrenewable license is valid to apply for a567
driver's license in any other state;568

       (4) That every nonrenewable license may contain any security569
features that the registrar prescribes;570

       (5) That a nonrenewable license is the only type of license 571
that may be issued to a person who is not a United States citizen, 572
national, or legal permanent resident alien.573

       Sec. 4507.092. (A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall 574
adopt rules governing the issuance of a driver's license or 575
identification card to an individual who is not a United States 576
citizen, national, or legal permanent resident alien. The rules 577
shall include all of the following:578

       (1) No individual other than a United States citizen or 579
national shall receive any type of driver's license, probationary 580
license, or identification card unless that individual presents, 581
in person, valid documentary evidence of any of the following:582

       (a) A valid, unexpired immigrant or nonimmigrant visa status 583
for admission into the United States;584

       (b) A pending or approved application for asylum in the 585
United States;586

       (c) Admission into the United States in refugee status;587

       (d) A pending or approved application for temporary protected 588
status in the United States;589

       (e) Approved deferred action status; 590

       (f) A pending application for adjustment of status to legal 591
permanent residence status or conditional resident status.592

       (2) Any person who is not a United States citizen, national, 593
or legal permanent resident alien is deemed to be a temporary 594
resident and only a nonrenewable license or identification card 595
may be issued to that person.596

       (B) Any license or identification card issued to a person who 597
is not a United States citizen, national, or legal permanent 598
resident alien is valid only during the period of time of the 599
applicant's authorized stay in the United States or, if there is 600
no definite end to the period of authorized stay, a period of one 601
year. The document shall indicate clearly that the document is 602
temporary and state the date that it expires. Except as otherwise 603
provided in this section, the document may be renewed only upon 604
presentation of valid documentary evidence that the applicant's 605
status has been extended by the United States citizenship and 606
immigration services or other authorized agency of the United 607
States department of homeland security.608

       (C) Any driver's license that is not expired, cancelled, 609
suspended, or revoked is presumed to have been issued in 610
accordance with division (B) of this section when an application 611
is made for its renewal. If the registrar receives notice that a 612
local, state, or federal government agency provided the department 613
of public safety with information that indicates a reasonable 614
suspicion that the individual seeking the renewal or reissuance is 615
present in the United States in violation of law, the rules shall 616
require the applicant to follow the procedures in division (B) of 617
this section for the renewal or reissuance of the license.618

       Sec. 4507.50.  (A) The registrar of motor vehicles or a619
deputy registrar, upon receipt of an application filed in620
compliance with section 4507.51 of the Revised Code by any person621
who is a resident or a temporary resident of this state and,622
except as otherwise provided in this section, is not licensed as623
an operator of a motor vehicle in this state or another licensing624
jurisdiction, and, except as provided in division (B) of this625
section, upon receipt of a fee of three dollars and fifty cents,626
shall issue an identification card to that person.627

       Any person who is a resident or temporary resident of this628
state whose Ohio driver's or commercial driver's license has been629
suspended or canceled, upon application in compliance with section630
4507.51 of the Revised Code and, except as provided in division631
(B) of this section, payment of a fee of three dollars and fifty632
cents, may be issued a temporary identification card. The633
temporary identification card shall be identical to an634
identification card, except that it shall be printed on its face635
with a statement that the card is valid during the effective dates636
of the suspension or cancellation of the cardholder's license, or637
until the birthday of the cardholder in the fourth year after the638
date on which it is issued, whichever is shorter. A temporary 639
identification card issued to a person who is a temporary resident 640
shall indicate clearly that the document is temporary and state 641
its expiration date. The expiration date for a temporary resident 642
is the earlier of four years or the last day of the applicant's 643
authorized stay in the United States unless there is no definite 644
end to the applicant's authorized stay, in which case the 645
expiration date is one year from the card's issuance. The 646
cardholder shall surrender the identification card to the647
registrar or any deputy registrar before the cardholder's driver's648
or commercial driver's license is restored or reissued.649

       Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the650
deputy registrar shall be allowed a fee of two dollars and 651
seventy-five cents commencing on July 1, 2001, three dollars and652
twenty-five cents commencing on January 1, 2003, and three dollars653
and fifty cents commencing on January 1, 2004, for each654
identification card issued under this section. The fee allowed to655
the deputy registrar shall be in addition to the fee for issuing656
an identification card.657

       Neither the registrar nor any deputy registrar shall charge a658
fee in excess of one dollar and fifty cents for laminating an659
identification card or temporary identification card. A deputy660
registrar laminating such a card shall retain the entire amount of661
the fee charged for lamination, less the actual cost to the662
registrar of the laminating materials used for that lamination, as663
specified in the contract executed by the bureau for the664
laminating materials and laminating equipment. The deputy665
registrar shall forward the amount of the cost of the laminating666
materials to the registrar for deposit as provided in this667

       The fee collected for issuing an identification card under669
this section, except the fee allowed to the deputy registrar,670
shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the state671
bureau of motor vehicles fund created in section 4501.25 of the672
Revised Code.673

       (B) A disabled veteran who has a service-connected disability 674
rated at one hundred per cent by the veterans' administration may 675
apply to the registrar or a deputy registrar for the issuance to 676
that veteran of an identification card or a temporary 677
identification card under this section without payment of any fee 678
prescribed in division (A) of this section, including any 679
lamination fee.680

       An application made under division (B) of this section shall681
be accompanied by such documentary evidence of disability as the682
registrar may require by rule.683

       Sec. 4507.51.  (A)(1) Every application for an identification 684
card or duplicate shall be made on a form furnished by the 685
registrar of motor vehicles, shall be signed by the applicant, and 686
by the applicant's parent or guardian if the applicant is under 687
eighteen years of age, and shall contain the following information 688
pertaining to the applicant: name, date of birth, sex, general 689
description including the applicant's height, weight, hair color, 690
and eye color, address, county of residence, duration of residence 691
in this state, country of citizenship, and social security number. 692
The application also shall state whether an applicant wishes to693
certify willingness to make an anatomical gift under section694
2108.04 of the Revised Code and shall include information about695
the requirements of that section that apply to persons who are696
less than eighteen years of age. The statement regarding697
willingness to make such a donation shall be given no698
consideration in the decision of whether to issue an699
identification card. Each applicant shall be photographed in color 700
at the time of making application.701

       (2) The application also shall state whether the applicant702
has executed a valid durable power of attorney for health care703
pursuant to sections 1337.11 to 1337.17 of the Revised Code or has704
executed a declaration governing the use or continuation, or the705
withholding or withdrawal, of life-sustaining treatment pursuant706
to sections 2133.01 to 2133.15 of the Revised Code and, if the707
applicant has executed either type of instrument, whether the708
applicant wishes the identification card issued to indicate that709
the applicant has executed the instrument.710

       (3) The registrar or deputy registrar, in accordance with711
section 3503.11 of the Revised Code, shall register as an elector712
any person who applies for an identification card or duplicate if713
the applicant is eligible and wishes to be registered as an714
elector. The decision of an applicant whether to register as an715
elector shall be given no consideration in the decision of whether716
to issue the applicant an identification card or duplicate.717

       (B) The application for an identification card or duplicate718
shall be filed in the office of the registrar or deputy registrar.719
Each applicant shall present documentary evidence as required by720
the registrar of the applicant's age and identity, and the 721
applicant shall swear that all information given is true.722

       All applications for an identification card or duplicate723
shall be filed in duplicate, and if submitted to a deputy724
registrar, a copy shall be forwarded to the registrar. The725
registrar shall prescribe rules for the manner in which a deputy726
registrar is to file and maintain applications and other records.727
The registrar shall maintain a suitable, indexed record of all728
applications denied and cards issued or canceled.729

       Sec. 4507.52.  (A) Each identification card issued by the730
registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar shall display a731
distinguishing number assigned to the cardholder, and shall732
display the following inscription:733


       This card is not valid for the purpose of operating a motor735
vehicle. It is provided solely for the purpose of establishing the 736
identity of the bearer described on the card, who currently is not 737
licensed to operate a motor vehicle in the state of Ohio."738

       The identification card shall display substantially the same739
information as contained in the application and as described in740
division (A)(1) of section 4507.51 of the Revised Code, but shall741
not display the cardholder's social security number unless the742
cardholder specifically requests that the cardholder's social743
security number be displayed on the card. If federal law requires 744
the cardholder's social security number to be displayed on the745
identification card, the social security number shall be displayed746
on the card notwithstanding this section. The identification card 747
also shall display the color photograph of the cardholder. If the 748
cardholder has executed a durable power of attorney for health749
care or a declaration governing the use or continuation, or the750
withholding or withdrawal, of life-sustaining treatment and has751
specified that the cardholder wishes the identification card to752
indicate that the cardholder has executed either type of753
instrument, the card also shall display any symbol chosen by the754
registrar to indicate that the cardholder has executed either type755
of instrument. The card shall be sealed in transparent plastic or756
similar material and shall be so designed as to prevent its757
reproduction or alteration without ready detection.758

       The identification card for persons under twenty-one years of759
age shall have characteristics prescribed by the registrar760
distinguishing it from that issued to a person who is twenty-one761
years of age or older, except that an identification card issued762
to a person who applies no more than thirty days before the763
applicant's twenty-first birthday shall have the characteristics764
of an identification card issued to a person who is twenty-one765
years of age or older.766

       Any identification card issued to a person who is a temporary 767
resident shall indicate clearly that the document is temporary and 768
state the date that it expires. The expiration date for a 769
temporary resident is the earlier of four years or the last day of 770
the applicant's authorized stay in the United States unless there 771
is no definite end to the applicant's authorized stay, in which 772
case the expiration date is one year from the card's issuance.773

       Every identification card issued to a resident of this state774
shall expire, unless canceled or surrendered earlier, on the775
birthday of the cardholder in the fourth year after the date on776
which it is issued. Every identification card issued to a777
temporary resident shall expire in accordance with rules adopted778
by the registrar and is nonrenewable, but may be replaced with a779
new identification card upon the applicant's compliance with all780
applicable requirements. A cardholder may renew the cardholder's781
identification card within ninety days prior to the day on which782
it expires by filing an application and paying the prescribed fee783
in accordance with section 4507.50 of the Revised Code.784

       If a cardholder applies for a driver's or commercial driver's785
license in this state or another licensing jurisdiction, the786
cardholder shall surrender the cardholder's identification card to787
the registrar or any deputy registrar before the license is788

       (B) If a card is lost, destroyed, or mutilated, the person to790
whom the card was issued may obtain a duplicate by doing both of791
the following:792

       (1) Furnishing suitable proof of the loss, destruction, or793
mutilation to the registrar or a deputy registrar;794

       (2) Filing an application and presenting documentary evidence 795
under section 4507.51 of the Revised Code.796

       Any person who loses a card and, after obtaining a duplicate,797
finds the original, immediately shall surrender the original to798
the registrar or a deputy registrar.799

       A cardholder may obtain a replacement identification card800
that reflects any change of the cardholder's name by furnishing801
suitable proof of the change to the registrar or a deputy802
registrar and surrendering the cardholder's existing card.803

       When a cardholder applies for a duplicate or obtains a804
replacement identification card, the cardholder shall pay a fee of805
two dollars and fifty cents. A deputy registrar shall be allowed806
an additional fee of two dollars and seventy-five cents commencing 807
on July 1, 2001, three dollars and twenty-five cents commencing on 808
January 1, 2003, and three dollars and fifty cents commencing on 809
January 1, 2004, for issuing a duplicate or replacement 810
identification card. A disabled veteran who is a cardholder and 811
has a service-connected disability rated at one hundred per cent 812
by the veterans' administration may apply to the registrar or a 813
deputy registrar for the issuance of a duplicate or replacement 814
identification card without payment of any fee prescribed in this 815
section, and without payment of any lamination fee if the disabled 816
veteran would not be required to pay a lamination fee in 817
connection with the issuance of an identification card or 818
temporary identification card as provided in division (B) of 819
section 4507.50 of the Revised Code.820

       A duplicate or replacement identification card shall expire821
on the same date as the card it replaces.822

       (C) The registrar shall cancel any card upon determining that823
the card was obtained unlawfully, issued in error, or was altered.824
The registrar also shall cancel any card that is surrendered to825
the registrar or to a deputy registrar after the holder has826
obtained a duplicate, replacement, or driver's or commercial827
driver's license.828

       (D)(1) No agent of the state or its political subdivisions829
shall condition the granting of any benefit, service, right, or830
privilege upon the possession by any person of an identification831
card. Nothing in this section shall preclude any publicly operated 832
or franchised transit system from using an identification card for 833
the purpose of granting benefits or services of the system.834

       (2) No person shall be required to apply for, carry, or835
possess an identification card.836

       (E) Except in regard to an identification card issued to a837
person who applies no more than thirty days before the applicant's838
twenty-first birthday, neither the registrar nor any deputy839
registrar shall issue an identification card to a person under840
twenty-one years of age that does not have the characteristics841
prescribed by the registrar distinguishing it from the842
identification card issued to persons who are twenty-one years of843
age or older.844

       (F) Whoever violates division (E) of this section is guilty845
of a minor misdemeanor.846

       Sec. 5747.027. In the case of an independent contractor who 847
fails to provide documentation of employment authorization to a 848
contracting entity as section 8.06 of the Revised Code requires, 849
the tax imposed on the total compensation the independent 850
contractor receives from the contracting entity shall be at the 851
rate of six per cent.852

       Section 2.  That existing sections 3333.31, 4507.01, 4507.06, 853
4507.09, 4507.50, 4507.51, and 4507.52 of the Revised Code are 854
hereby repealed.855