As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 370

Representative Bacon 

Cosponsors: Representatives Hughes, Wagoner, Peterson, Brown, Flowers, Williams, S., Fessler, Beatty, Zehringer, Oelslager, Boyd 

To amend sections 5739.02 and 5739.05 of the Revised 1
Code to provide a three-day period in August each 2
year during which sales of clothing, footwear, 3
school supplies, and personal computers are 4
exempt from sales and use taxes.5


       Section 1. That sections 5739.02 and 5739.05 of the Revised 6
Code be amended to read as follows:7

       Sec. 5739.02.  For the purpose of providing revenue with8
which to meet the needs of the state, for the use of the general9
revenue fund of the state, for the purpose of securing a thorough10
and efficient system of common schools throughout the state, for11
the purpose of affording revenues, in addition to those from12
general property taxes, permitted under constitutional13
limitations, and from other sources, for the support of local14
governmental functions, and for the purpose of reimbursing the15
state for the expense of administering this chapter, an excise tax16
is hereby levied on each retail sale made in this state.17

       (A)(1) The tax shall be collected as provided in section 18
5739.025 of the Revised Code, provided that on and after July 1, 19
2003, and on or before June 30, 2005, the rate of tax shall be six 20
per cent. On and after July 1, 2005, the rate of the tax shall be 21
five and one-half per cent. The tax applies and is collectible 22
when the sale is made, regardless of the time when the price is 23
paid or delivered.24

        (2) In the case of the lease or rental, with a fixed term of 25
more than thirty days or an indefinite term with a minimum period 26
of more than thirty days, of any motor vehicles designed by the 27
manufacturer to carry a load of not more than one ton, watercraft, 28
outboard motor, or aircraft, or of any tangible personal property, 29
other than motor vehicles designed by the manufacturer to carry a 30
load of more than one ton, to be used by the lessee or renter 31
primarily for business purposes, the tax shall be collected by the 32
vendor at the time the lease or rental is consummated and shall be 33
calculated by the vendor on the basis of the total amount to be 34
paid by the lessee or renter under the lease agreement. If the 35
total amount of the consideration for the lease or rental includes 36
amounts that are not calculated at the time the lease or rental is 37
executed, the tax shall be calculated and collected by the vendor 38
at the time such amounts are billed to the lessee or renter. In 39
the case of an open-end lease or rental, the tax shall be 40
calculated by the vendor on the basis of the total amount to be 41
paid during the initial fixed term of the lease or rental, and for 42
each subsequent renewal period as it comes due. As used in this 43
division, "motor vehicle" has the same meaning as in section 44
4501.01 of the Revised Code, and "watercraft" includes an outdrive 45
unit attached to the watercraft.46

       A lease with a renewal clause and a termination penalty or 47
similar provision that applies if the renewal clause is not 48
exercised is presumed to be a sham transaction. In such a case, 49
the tax shall be calculated and paid on the basis of the entire 50
length of the lease period, including any renewal periods, until 51
the termination penalty or similar provision no longer applies. 52
The taxpayer shall bear the burden, by a preponderance of the 53
evidence, that the transaction or series of transactions is not a 54
sham transaction.55

       (3) Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, in 56
the case of a sale, the price of which consists in whole or in 57
part of the lease or rental of tangible personal property, the tax 58
shall be measured by the installments of that lease or rental.59

       (4) In the case of a sale of a physical fitness facility 60
service or recreation and sports club service, the price of which 61
consists in whole or in part of a membership for the receipt of 62
the benefit of the service, the tax applicable to the sale shall 63
be measured by the installments thereof.64

       (B) The tax does not apply to the following:65

       (1) Sales to the state or any of its political subdivisions,66
or to any other state or its political subdivisions if the laws of67
that state exempt from taxation sales made to this state and its68
political subdivisions;69

       (2) Sales of food for human consumption off the premises70
where sold;71

       (3) Sales of food sold to students only in a cafeteria,72
dormitory, fraternity, or sorority maintained in a private,73
public, or parochial school, college, or university;74

       (4) Sales of newspapers and of magazine subscriptions and75
sales or transfers of magazines distributed as controlled76
circulation publications;77

       (5) The furnishing, preparing, or serving of meals without78
charge by an employer to an employee provided the employer records79
the meals as part compensation for services performed or work80

       (6) Sales of motor fuel upon receipt, use, distribution, or82
sale of which in this state a tax is imposed by the law of this83
state, but this exemption shall not apply to the sale of motor84
fuel on which a refund of the tax is allowable under division (A) 85
of section 5735.14 of the Revised Code; and the tax commissioner 86
may deduct the amount of tax levied by this section applicable to 87
the price of motor fuel when granting a refund of motor fuel tax 88
pursuant to division (A) of section 5735.14 of the Revised Code 89
and shall cause the amount deducted to be paid into the general 90
revenue fund of this state;91

       (7) Sales of natural gas by a natural gas company, of water92
by a water-works company, or of steam by a heating company, if in93
each case the thing sold is delivered to consumers through pipes94
or conduits, and all sales of communications services by a 95
telegraph company, all terms as defined in section 5727.01 of the 96
Revised Code, and sales of electricity delivered through wires;97

       (8) Casual sales by a person, or auctioneer employed directly 98
by the person to conduct such sales, except as to such sales of99
motor vehicles, watercraft or outboard motors required to be100
titled under section 1548.06 of the Revised Code, watercraft101
documented with the United States coast guard, snowmobiles, and102
all-purpose vehicles as defined in section 4519.01 of the Revised103

       (9)(a) Sales of services or tangible personal property, other105
than motor vehicles, mobile homes, and manufactured homes, by106
churches, organizations exempt from taxation under section107
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or nonprofit108
organizations operated exclusively for charitable purposes as109
defined in division (B)(12) of this section, provided that the110
number of days on which such tangible personal property or111
services, other than items never subject to the tax, are sold does112
not exceed six in any calendar year, except as otherwise provided 113
in division (B)(9)(b) of this section. If the number of days on114
which such sales are made exceeds six in any calendar year, the115
church or organization shall be considered to be engaged in116
business and all subsequent sales by it shall be subject to the117
tax. In counting the number of days, all sales by groups within a118
church or within an organization shall be considered to be sales119
of that church or organization.120

       (b) The limitation on the number of days on which tax-exempt 121
sales may be made by a church or organization under division 122
(B)(9)(a) of this section does not apply to sales made by student 123
clubs and other groups of students of a primary or secondary 124
school, or a parent-teacher association, booster group, or similar 125
organization that raises money to support or fund curricular or 126
extracurricular activities of a primary or secondary school.127

       (c) Divisions (B)(9)(a) and (b) of this section do not apply128
to sales by a noncommercial educational radio or television129
broadcasting station.130

       (10) Sales not within the taxing power of this state under131
the Constitution of the United States;132

       (11) Except for transactions that are sales under division 133
(B)(3)(r) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, the 134
transportation of persons or property, unless the transportation 135
is by a private investigation and security service;136

       (12) Sales of tangible personal property or services to137
churches, to organizations exempt from taxation under section138
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and to any other139
nonprofit organizations operated exclusively for charitable140
purposes in this state, no part of the net income of which inures141
to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, and no142
substantial part of the activities of which consists of carrying143
on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation;144
sales to offices administering one or more homes for the aged or145
one or more hospital facilities exempt under section 140.08 of the146
Revised Code; and sales to organizations described in division (D)147
of section 5709.12 of the Revised Code.148

       "Charitable purposes" means the relief of poverty; the149
improvement of health through the alleviation of illness, disease,150
or injury; the operation of an organization exclusively for the151
provision of professional, laundry, printing, and purchasing152
services to hospitals or charitable institutions; the operation of153
a home for the aged, as defined in section 5701.13 of the Revised154
Code; the operation of a radio or television broadcasting station155
that is licensed by the federal communications commission as a156
noncommercial educational radio or television station; the157
operation of a nonprofit animal adoption service or a county158
humane society; the promotion of education by an institution of159
learning that maintains a faculty of qualified instructors,160
teaches regular continuous courses of study, and confers a161
recognized diploma upon completion of a specific curriculum; the162
operation of a parent-teacher association, booster group, or163
similar organization primarily engaged in the promotion and164
support of the curricular or extracurricular activities of a165
primary or secondary school; the operation of a community or area166
center in which presentations in music, dramatics, the arts, and167
related fields are made in order to foster public interest and168
education therein; the production of performances in music,169
dramatics, and the arts; or the promotion of education by an170
organization engaged in carrying on research in, or the171
dissemination of, scientific and technological knowledge and172
information primarily for the public.173

       Nothing in this division shall be deemed to exempt sales to174
any organization for use in the operation or carrying on of a175
trade or business, or sales to a home for the aged for use in the176
operation of independent living facilities as defined in division177
(A) of section 5709.12 of the Revised Code.178

       (13) Building and construction materials and services sold to 179
construction contractors for incorporation into a structure or180
improvement to real property under a construction contract with181
this state or a political subdivision of this state, or with the182
United States government or any of its agencies; building and183
construction materials and services sold to construction184
contractors for incorporation into a structure or improvement to185
real property that are accepted for ownership by this state or any186
of its political subdivisions, or by the United States government187
or any of its agencies at the time of completion of the structures 188
or improvements; building and construction materials sold to 189
construction contractors for incorporation into a horticulture 190
structure or livestock structure for a person engaged in the 191
business of horticulture or producing livestock; building192
materials and services sold to a construction contractor for193
incorporation into a house of public worship or religious194
education, or a building used exclusively for charitable purposes195
under a construction contract with an organization whose purpose196
is as described in division (B)(12) of this section; building197
materials and services sold to a construction contractor for198
incorporation into a building under a construction contract with199
an organization exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of200
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 when the building is to be used201
exclusively for the organization's exempt purposes; building and202
construction materials sold for incorporation into the original203
construction of a sports facility under section 307.696 of the204
Revised Code; and building and construction materials and services205
sold to a construction contractor for incorporation into real206
property outside this state if such materials and services, when207
sold to a construction contractor in the state in which the real208
property is located for incorporation into real property in that209
state, would be exempt from a tax on sales levied by that state;210

       (14) Sales of ships or vessels or rail rolling stock used or211
to be used principally in interstate or foreign commerce, and212
repairs, alterations, fuel, and lubricants for such ships or213
vessels or rail rolling stock;214

       (15) Sales to persons primarily engaged in any of the 215
activities mentioned in division (B)(42)(a) or (g) of this 216
section, to persons engaged in making retail sales, or to persons 217
who purchase for sale from a manufacturer tangible personal 218
property that was produced by the manufacturer in accordance with 219
specific designs provided by the purchaser, of packages, including 220
material, labels, and parts for packages, and of machinery, 221
equipment, and material for use primarily in packaging tangible 222
personal property produced for sale, including any machinery,223
equipment, and supplies used to make labels or packages, to 224
prepare packages or products for labeling, or to label packages or 225
products, by or on the order of the person doing the packaging, or 226
sold at retail. "Packages" includes bags, baskets, cartons, 227
crates, boxes, cans, bottles, bindings, wrappings, and other 228
similar devices and containers, but does not include motor 229
vehicles or bulk tanks, trailers, or similar devices attached to 230
motor vehicles. "Packaging" means placing in a package. Division 231
(B)(15) of this section does not apply to persons engaged in 232
highway transportation for hire.233

       (16) Sales of food to persons using food stamp benefits to234
purchase the food. As used in this division, "food" has the same 235
meaning as in the "Food Stamp Act of 1977," 91 Stat. 958, 7 U.S.C. 236
2012, as amended, and federal regulations adopted pursuant to that 237

       (17) Sales to persons engaged in farming, agriculture,239
horticulture, or floriculture, of tangible personal property for240
use or consumption directly in the production by farming,241
agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture of other tangible242
personal property for use or consumption directly in the243
production of tangible personal property for sale by farming,244
agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture; or material and parts245
for incorporation into any such tangible personal property for use246
or consumption in production; and of tangible personal property247
for such use or consumption in the conditioning or holding of248
products produced by and for such use, consumption, or sale by249
persons engaged in farming, agriculture, horticulture, or250
floriculture, except where such property is incorporated into real251

       (18) Sales of drugs for a human being that may be dispensed 253
only pursuant to a prescription; insulin as recognized in the 254
official United States pharmacopoeia; urine and blood testing 255
materials when used by diabetics or persons with hypoglycemia to 256
test for glucose or acetone; hypodermic syringes and needles when 257
used by diabetics for insulin injections; epoetin alfa when 258
purchased for use in the treatment of persons with medical 259
disease; hospital beds when purchased by hospitals, nursing homes, 260
or other medical facilities; and medical oxygen and medical 261
oxygen-dispensing equipment when purchased by hospitals, nursing 262
homes, or other medical facilities;263

       (19) Sales of prosthetic devices, durable medical equipment 264
for home use, or mobility enhancing equipment, when made pursuant 265
to a prescription and when such devices or equipment are for use 266
by a human being.267

       (20) Sales of emergency and fire protection vehicles and268
equipment to nonprofit organizations for use solely in providing269
fire protection and emergency services, including trauma care and270
emergency medical services, for political subdivisions of the271

       (21) Sales of tangible personal property manufactured in this 273
state, if sold by the manufacturer in this state to a retailer for 274
use in the retail business of the retailer outside of this state 275
and if possession is taken from the manufacturer by the purchaser276
within this state for the sole purpose of immediately removing the 277
same from this state in a vehicle owned by the purchaser;278

       (22) Sales of services provided by the state or any of its279
political subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities, institutions,280
or authorities, or by governmental entities of the state or any of281
its political subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities,282
institutions, or authorities;283

       (23) Sales of motor vehicles to nonresidents of this state 284
under the circumstances described in division (B) of section 285
5739.029 of the Revised Code;286

       (24) Sales to persons engaged in the preparation of eggs for287
sale of tangible personal property used or consumed directly in288
such preparation, including such tangible personal property used289
for cleaning, sanitizing, preserving, grading, sorting, and290
classifying by size; packages, including material and parts for291
packages, and machinery, equipment, and material for use in292
packaging eggs for sale; and handling and transportation equipment293
and parts therefor, except motor vehicles licensed to operate on294
public highways, used in intraplant or interplant transfers or295
shipment of eggs in the process of preparation for sale, when the296
plant or plants within or between which such transfers or297
shipments occur are operated by the same person. "Packages"298
includes containers, cases, baskets, flats, fillers, filler flats,299
cartons, closure materials, labels, and labeling materials, and300
"packaging" means placing therein.301

       (25)(a) Sales of water to a consumer for residential use,302
except the sale of bottled water, distilled water, mineral water,303
carbonated water, or ice;304

       (b) Sales of water by a nonprofit corporation engaged305
exclusively in the treatment, distribution, and sale of water to306
consumers, if such water is delivered to consumers through pipes307
or tubing.308

       (26) Fees charged for inspection or reinspection of motor309
vehicles under section 3704.14 of the Revised Code;310

       (27) Sales to persons licensed to conduct a food service311
operation pursuant to section 3717.43 of the Revised Code, of312
tangible personal property primarily used directly for the313

       (a) To prepare food for human consumption for sale;315

       (b) To preserve food that has been or will be prepared for316
human consumption for sale by the food service operator, not317
including tangible personal property used to display food for318
selection by the consumer;319

       (c) To clean tangible personal property used to prepare or320
serve food for human consumption for sale.321

       (28) Sales of animals by nonprofit animal adoption services322
or county humane societies;323

       (29) Sales of services to a corporation described in division 324
(A) of section 5709.72 of the Revised Code, and sales of tangible 325
personal property that qualifies for exemption from taxation under 326
section 5709.72 of the Revised Code;327

       (30) Sales and installation of agricultural land tile, as328
defined in division (B)(5)(a) of section 5739.01 of the Revised329

       (31) Sales and erection or installation of portable grain331
bins, as defined in division (B)(5)(b) of section 5739.01 of the332
Revised Code;333

       (32) The sale, lease, repair, and maintenance of, parts for,334
or items attached to or incorporated in, motor vehicles that are335
primarily used for transporting tangible personal property 336
belonging to others by a person engaged in highway transportation 337
for hire, except for packages and packaging used for the 338
transportation of tangible personal property;339

       (33) Sales to the state headquarters of any veterans'340
organization in this state that is either incorporated and issued341
a charter by the congress of the United States or is recognized by342
the United States veterans administration, for use by the343

       (34) Sales to a telecommunications service vendor, mobile 345
telecommunications service vendor, or satellite broadcasting 346
service vendor of tangible personal property and services used 347
directly and primarily in transmitting, receiving, switching, or 348
recording any interactive, one- or two-way electromagnetic 349
communications, including voice, image, data, and information, 350
through the use of any medium, including, but not limited to, 351
poles, wires, cables, switching equipment, computers, and record 352
storage devices and media, and component parts for the tangible 353
personal property. The exemption provided in this division shall354
be in lieu of all other exemptions under division (B)(42)(a) of 355
this section to which the vendor may otherwise be entitled, based 356
upon the use of the thing purchased in providing the 357
telecommunications, mobile telecommunications, or satellite 358
broadcasting service.359

       (35)(a) Sales where the purpose of the consumer is to use or360
consume the things transferred in making retail sales and361
consisting of newspaper inserts, catalogues, coupons, flyers, gift362
certificates, or other advertising material that prices and363
describes tangible personal property offered for retail sale.364

       (b) Sales to direct marketing vendors of preliminary365
materials such as photographs, artwork, and typesetting that will366
be used in printing advertising material; of printed matter that367
offers free merchandise or chances to win sweepstake prizes and368
that is mailed to potential customers with advertising material369
described in division (B)(35)(a) of this section; and of equipment370
such as telephones, computers, facsimile machines, and similar371
tangible personal property primarily used to accept orders for372
direct marketing retail sales.373

       (c) Sales of automatic food vending machines that preserve374
food with a shelf life of forty-five days or less by refrigeration375
and dispense it to the consumer.376

       For purposes of division (B)(35) of this section, "direct377
marketing" means the method of selling where consumers order378
tangible personal property by United States mail, delivery379
service, or telecommunication and the vendor delivers or ships the380
tangible personal property sold to the consumer from a warehouse,381
catalogue distribution center, or similar fulfillment facility by382
means of the United States mail, delivery service, or common383

       (36) Sales to a person engaged in the business of385
horticulture or producing livestock of materials to be386
incorporated into a horticulture structure or livestock structure;387

       (37) Sales of personal computers, computer monitors, computer 388
keyboards, modems, and other peripheral computer equipment to an 389
individual who is licensed or certified to teach in an elementary 390
or a secondary school in this state for use by that individual in 391
preparation for teaching elementary or secondary school students;392

       (38) Sales to a professional racing team of any of the393

       (a) Motor racing vehicles;395

       (b) Repair services for motor racing vehicles;396

       (c) Items of property that are attached to or incorporated in 397
motor racing vehicles, including engines, chassis, and all other 398
components of the vehicles, and all spare, replacement, and399
rebuilt parts or components of the vehicles; except not including400
tires, consumable fluids, paint, and accessories consisting of401
instrumentation sensors and related items added to the vehicle to402
collect and transmit data by means of telemetry and other forms of403

       (39) Sales of used manufactured homes and used mobile homes,405
as defined in section 5739.0210 of the Revised Code, made on or406
after January 1, 2000;407

       (40) Sales of tangible personal property and services to a408
provider of electricity used or consumed directly and primarily in409
generating, transmitting, or distributing electricity for use by410
others, including property that is or is to be incorporated into411
and will become a part of the consumer's production, transmission,412
or distribution system and that retains its classification as413
tangible personal property after incorporation; fuel or power used414
in the production, transmission, or distribution of electricity;415
and tangible personal property and services used in the repair and416
maintenance of the production, transmission, or distribution417
system, including only those motor vehicles as are specially418
designed and equipped for such use. The exemption provided in this 419
division shall be in lieu of all other exemptions in division420
(B)(42)(a) of this section to which a provider of electricity may 421
otherwise be entitled based on the use of the tangible personal 422
property or service purchased in generating, transmitting, or423
distributing electricity.424

       (41) Sales to a person providing services under division 425
(B)(3)(r) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code of tangible 426
personal property and services used directly and primarily in 427
providing taxable services under that section.428

       (42) Sales where the purpose of the purchaser is to do any of 429
the following:430

       (a) To incorporate the thing transferred as a material or a 431
part into tangible personal property to be produced for sale by 432
manufacturing, assembling, processing, or refining; or to use or 433
consume the thing transferred directly in producing tangible 434
personal property for sale by mining, including, without 435
limitation, the extraction from the earth of all substances that 436
are classed geologically as minerals, production of crude oil and 437
natural gas, farming, agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture, 438
or directly in the rendition of a public utility service, except 439
that the sales tax levied by this section shall be collected upon 440
all meals, drinks, and food for human consumption sold when 441
transporting persons. Persons engaged in rendering farming, 442
agricultural, horticultural, or floricultural services, and 443
services in the exploration for, and production of, crude oil and 444
natural gas, for others are deemed engaged directly in farming, 445
agriculture, horticulture, and floriculture, or exploration for, 446
and production of, crude oil and natural gas. This paragraph does 447
not exempt from "retail sale" or "sales at retail" the sale of 448
tangible personal property that is to be incorporated into a 449
structure or improvement to real property.450

       (b) To hold the thing transferred as security for the 451
performance of an obligation of the vendor;452

       (c) To resell, hold, use, or consume the thing transferred as 453
evidence of a contract of insurance;454

       (d) To use or consume the thing directly in commercial 455

       (e) To incorporate the thing transferred as a material or a 457
part into, or to use or consume the thing transferred directly in 458
the production of, magazines distributed as controlled circulation 459

       (f) To use or consume the thing transferred in the production 461
and preparation in suitable condition for market and sale of 462
printed, imprinted, overprinted, lithographic, multilithic, 463
blueprinted, photostatic, or other productions or reproductions of 464
written or graphic matter;465

       (g) To use the thing transferred, as described in section 466
5739.011 of the Revised Code, primarily in a manufacturing 467
operation to produce tangible personal property for sale;468

       (h) To use the benefit of a warranty, maintenance or service 469
contract, or similar agreement, as described in division (B)(7) of 470
section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, to repair or maintain 471
tangible personal property, if all of the property that is the 472
subject of the warranty, contract, or agreement would not be 473
subject to the tax imposed by this section;474

       (i) To use the thing transferred as qualified research and 475
development equipment;476

       (j) To use or consume the thing transferred primarily in 477
storing, transporting, mailing, or otherwise handling purchased 478
sales inventory in a warehouse, distribution center, or similar 479
facility when the inventory is primarily distributed outside this 480
state to retail stores of the person who owns or controls the 481
warehouse, distribution center, or similar facility, to retail 482
stores of an affiliated group of which that person is a member, or 483
by means of direct marketing. This division does not apply to 484
motor vehicles registered for operation on the public highways. As 485
used in this division, "affiliated group" has the same meaning as 486
in division (B)(3)(e) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code and 487
"direct marketing" has the same meaning as in division (B)(35) of 488
this section.489

       (k) To use or consume the thing transferred to fulfill a 490
contractual obligation incurred by a warrantor pursuant to a 491
warranty provided as a part of the price of the tangible personal 492
property sold or by a vendor of a warranty, maintenance or service 493
contract, or similar agreement the provision of which is defined 494
as a sale under division (B)(7) of section 5739.01 of the Revised 495

       (l) To use or consume the thing transferred in the production 497
of a newspaper for distribution to the public;498

       (m) To use tangible personal property to perform a service 499
listed in division (B)(3) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code, 500
if the property is or is to be permanently transferred to the 501
consumer of the service as an integral part of the performance of 502
the service.503

       As used in division (B)(42) of this section, "thing" includes 504
all transactions included in divisions (B)(3)(a), (b), and (e) of 505
section 5739.01 of the Revised Code.506

       (43) Sales conducted through a coin operated device that 507
activates vacuum equipment or equipment that dispenses water, 508
whether or not in combination with soap or other cleaning agents 509
or wax, to the consumer for the consumer's use on the premises in 510
washing, cleaning, or waxing a motor vehicle, provided no other 511
personal property or personal service is provided as part of the 512

       (44) Sales of replacement and modification parts for engines, 514
airframes, instruments, and interiors in, and paint for, aircraft 515
used primarily in a fractional aircraft ownership program, and 516
sales of services for the repair, modification, and maintenance of 517
such aircraft, and machinery, equipment, and supplies primarily 518
used to provide those services.519

       (45) Sales of telecommunications service that is used 520
directly and primarily to perform the functions of a call center. 521
As used in this division, "call center" means any physical 522
location where telephone calls are placed or received in high 523
volume for the purpose of making sales, marketing, customer 524
service, technical support, or other specialized business 525
activity, and that employs at least fifty individuals that engage 526
in call center activities on a full-time basis, or sufficient 527
individuals to fill fifty full-time equivalent positions.528

        (46) Sales by a telecommunications service vendor of 900 529
service to a subscriber. This division does not apply to 530
information services, as defined in division (FF) of section 531
5739.01 of the Revised Code.532

        (47) Sales of value-added non-voice data service. This 533
division does not apply to any similar service that is not 534
otherwise a telecommunications service.535

       (48)(a) Sales of the following occurring during the three-day 536
period each year that includes the first Friday, Saturday, and 537
Sunday in August:538

        (i) An article of clothing or footwear intended to be worn on 539
or about the human body, the price of which does not exceed one 540
hundred twenty-five dollars;541

        (ii) An item of school supplies, the price of which does not 542
exceed thirty dollars;543

        (iii) A personal computer system, the price of which does not 544
exceed two thousand five hundred dollars.545

       (b) The lease or rental of clothing, footwear, school 546
supplies, or a personal computer system, or the sale of clothing, 547
footwear, school supplies, or a personal computer system for use 548
in a trade or business, does not qualify for exemption under 549
division (B)(48) of this section.550

       (c) As used in division (B)(48) of this section:551

        (i) "Clothing or footwear" does not include jewelry, watches, 552
handbags, wallets, or umbrellas, or clothing or footwear that is 553
designed primarily for athletic activity or protective use and 554
that is not normally worn except when used for the athletic 555
activity or protective use for which it is designed.556

        (ii) "School supplies" means pens, pencils, binders, 557
notebooks, reference books, book bags, lunch boxes, calculators, 558
and similar items. "School supplies" does not include furniture or 559
school instructional material.560

        (iii) "Personal computer system" means all computer hardware 561
and software sold together in the same retail transaction, 562
including a central processing unit, storage drive, display 563
monitor, keyboard, and random access memory. "Personal computer 564
system" does not include minicomputers, mainframe computers, 565
network servers, local area network hubs, routers and cabling, 566
hardware word processors, personal digital assistants, graphical 567
calculators, hand-held computers, game consoles, internet 568
television devices, network operating systems, multiple-user 569
licensed software and hardware, separate sales or use of internal 570
or external components, or separate sales of add-on components.571

       (C) For the purpose of the proper administration of this572
chapter, and to prevent the evasion of the tax, it is presumed573
that all sales made in this state are subject to the tax until the 574
contrary is established.575

       (D) The levy of this tax on retail sales of recreation and576
sports club service shall not prevent a municipal corporation from577
levying any tax on recreation and sports club dues or on any578
income generated by recreation and sports club dues.579

       (E) The tax collected by the vendor from the consumer under 580
this chapter is not part of the price, but is a tax collection for 581
the benefit of the state, and of counties levying an additional 582
sales tax pursuant to section 5739.021 or 5739.026 of the Revised 583
Code and of transit authorities levying an additional sales tax 584
pursuant to section 5739.023 of the Revised Code. Except for the 585
discount authorized under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code and 586
the effects of any rounding pursuant to section 5703.055 of the 587
Revised Code, no person other than the state or such a county or 588
transit authority shall derive any benefit from the collection or 589
payment of the tax levied by this section or section 5739.021, 590
5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code.591

       Sec. 5739.05.  (A)(1) The tax commissioner shall enforce and592
administer sections 5739.01 to 5739.31 of the Revised Code, which593
are hereby declared to be sections whichthat the commissioner is594
required to administer within the meaning of sections 5703.17 to595
5703.37, 5703.39, 5703.41, and 5703.45 of the Revised Code. The596
commissioner may adopt and promulgate, in accordance with sections597
119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code, such rules as the598
commissioner deems necessary to administer sections 5739.01 to599
5739.31 of the Revised Code.600

       (2) The commissioner, in accordance with section 5703.14 of 601
the Revised Code, shall adopt rules necessary to implement the 602
three-day tax exemption provided by division (B)(48) of section 603
5739.02 of the Revised Code. Before each exemption period required 604
under that section, the commissioner shall make available to 605
vendors informational bulletins explaining the exemption.606

       (B) Upon application, the commissioner may authorize a vendor 607
to pay on a predetermined basis the tax levied by or pursuant to 608
section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised 609
Code upon sales of things produced or distributed or services 610
provided by such vendor, and the commissioner may waive the 611
collection of the tax from the consumer. The commissioner shall 612
not grant such authority unless the commissioner finds that the 613
granting of the authority would improve compliance and increase 614
the efficiency of the administration of the tax. The person to 615
whom such authority is granted shall post a notice, if required by 616
the commissioner, at the location where the product is offered for617
sale, that the tax is included in the selling price. The618
comissionercommissioner may adopt rules to administer this 619

       (C) The commissioner may authorize a vendor to pay, on the621
basis of a prearranged agreement under this division, the tax622
levied by section 5739.02 or pursuant to section 5739.021,623
5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, and waive the624
requirement that the vendor maintain the complete and accurate625
record of individual taxable sales and tax collected thereon626
required by section 5739.11 of the Revised Code, upon application 627
of the vendor, if the commissioner finds that the conditions of628
the vendor-applicant's business are such that the maintenance of629
such records of individual taxable sales and tax collected thereon630
would impose an unreasonable burden upon the vendor. If the631
commissioner determines that such unreasonable burden has been632
imposed, the vendor and the commissioner shall agree to the terms633
and conditions of a test check to be conducted. If the parties are634
unable to agree to the terms and conditions of the test check, the635
application shall be denied. The test check conducted shall636
determine the proportion that taxable retail sales bear to all of 637
the vendor's retail sales and the ratio which the tax required to638
be collected under sections 5739.02, 5739.021, and 5739.023 of the639
Revised Code bears to the receipts from the vendor's taxable640
retail sales.641

       The vendor shall collect the tax on the vendor's taxable642
sales and the vendor's liability for collecting or remitting shall 643
be based upon the proportions and ratios established by the test 644
check, and not upon any other basis of determination, until such 645
time as a subsequent test check is made at the request of either 646
the vendor or the commissioner where either party believes that 647
the nature of the vendor's business has so changed as to make the 648
prior or existing test check no longer representative. The649
commissioner may give notice to the vendor at any time that the650
authorization is revoked or the vendor may notify the commissioner651
that the vendor no longer elects to report under the652
authorization. Such notice shall be delivered to the other party653
personally or by registered mail. The revocation or cancellation654
is not effective prior to the date of receipt of such notice.655

       Section 2. That existing sections 5739.02 and 5739.05 of the 656
Revised Code are hereby repealed.657

       Section 3. The first three-day sales and use tax exemption 658
period under division (B)(48) of section 5739.02 of the Revised 659
Code, as amended by this act, shall begin August 1, 2008.660