As Reported by the House Education Committee

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 406

Representatives Peterson, Williams, B. 

Cosponsors: Representatives Sykes, Chandler, Foley, Harwood, Okey, DeGeeter, Heard, Celeste 

To amend sections 3314.03, 3319.088, 3319.41, and 1
3326.11 of the Revised Code to prohibit corporal 2
punishment in all public schools.3


       Section 1. That sections 3314.03, 3319.088, 3319.41, and 4
3326.11 of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:5

       Sec. 3314.03.  A copy of every contract entered into under 6
this section shall be filed with the superintendent of public 7

       (A) Each contract entered into between a sponsor and the 9
governing authority of a community school shall specify the 10

       (1) That the school shall be established as either of the12

       (a) A nonprofit corporation established under Chapter 1702.14
of the Revised Code, if established prior to April 8, 2003;15

       (b) A public benefit corporation established under Chapter16
1702. of the Revised Code, if established after April 8, 2003;17

       (2) The education program of the school, including the18
school's mission, the characteristics of the students the school19
is expected to attract, the ages and grades of students, and the20
focus of the curriculum;21

       (3) The academic goals to be achieved and the method of22
measurement that will be used to determine progress toward those23
goals, which shall include the statewide achievement tests;24

       (4) Performance standards by which the success of the school25
will be evaluated by the sponsor;26

       (5) The admission standards of section 3314.06 of the Revised 27
Code and, if applicable, section 3314.061 of the Revised Code;28

       (6)(a) Dismissal procedures;29

       (b) A requirement that the governing authority adopt an30
attendance policy that includes a procedure for automatically31
withdrawing a student from the school if the student without a32
legitimate excuse fails to participate in one hundred five33
consecutive hours of the learning opportunities offered to the34

       (7) The ways by which the school will achieve racial and36
ethnic balance reflective of the community it serves;37

       (8) Requirements for financial audits by the auditor of 38
state. The contract shall require financial records of the school 39
to be maintained in the same manner as are financial records of 40
school districts, pursuant to rules of the auditor of state, and 41
the audits shall be conducted in accordance with section 117.10 of 42
the Revised Code.43

       (9) The facilities to be used and their locations;44

       (10) Qualifications of teachers, including a requirement that 45
the school's classroom teachers be licensed in accordance with 46
sections 3319.22 to 3319.31 of the Revised Code, except that a 47
community school may engage noncertificated persons to teach up to 48
twelve hours per week pursuant to section 3319.301 of the Revised 49

       (11) That the school will comply with the following51

       (a) The school will provide learning opportunities to a53
minimum of twenty-five students for a minimum of nine hundred54
twenty hours per school year;55

       (b) The governing authority will purchase liability56
insurance, or otherwise provide for the potential liability of the57

       (c) The school will be nonsectarian in its programs,59
admission policies, employment practices, and all other60
operations, and will not be operated by a sectarian school or61
religious institution;62

       (d) The school will comply with sections 9.90, 9.91, 109.65,63
121.22, 149.43, 2151.357, 2151.421, 2313.18, 3301.0710, 3301.0711,64
3301.0712, 3301.0715, 3313.472, 3313.50, 3313.536, 3313.608, 65
3313.6012, 3313.6013, 3313.6014, 3313.643, 3313.648, 3313.66, 66
3313.661, 3313.662, 3313.666, 3313.667, 3313.67, 3313.671,67
3313.672, 3313.673, 3313.69, 3313.71, 3313.716, 3313.718, 3313.80,68
3313.96, 3319.073, 3319.313, 3319.314, 3319.315, 3319.321, 69
3319.39, 3319.41, 3321.01, 3321.13, 3321.14, 3321.17, 3321.18, 70
3321.19, 3321.191, 3327.10, 4111.17, 4113.52, and 5705.391 and71
Chapters 117., 1347., 2744., 3365., 3742., 4112., 4123., 4141., 72
and 4167. of the Revised Code as if it were a school district and 73
will comply with section 3301.0714 of the Revised Code in the 74
manner specified in section 3314.17 of the Revised Code;75

       (e) The school shall comply with Chapter 102. and section 76
2921.42 of the Revised Code;77

       (f) The school will comply with sections 3313.61, 3313.611,78
and 3313.614 of the Revised Code, except that for students who 79
enter ninth grade for the first time before July 1, 2010, the80
requirement in sections 3313.61 and 3313.611 of the Revised Code 81
that a person must successfully complete the curriculum in any 82
high school prior to receiving a high school diploma may be met by 83
completing the curriculum adopted by the governing authority of 84
the community school rather than the curriculum specified in Title 85
XXXIII of the Revised Code or any rules of the state board of 86
education. Beginning with students who enter ninth grade for the 87
first time on or after July 1, 2010, the requirement in sections 88
3313.61 and 3313.611 of the Revised Code that a person must 89
successfully complete the curriculum of a high school prior to 90
receiving a high school diploma shall be met by completing the 91
Ohio core curriculum prescribed in division (C) of section 92
3313.603 of the Revised Code, unless the person qualifies under 93
division (D) or (F) of that section. Each school shall comply with 94
the plan for awarding high school credit based on demonstration of 95
subject area competency, adopted by the state board of education 96
under division (J) of section 3313.603 of the Revised Code.97

       (g) The school governing authority will submit within four 98
months after the end of each school year a report of its 99
activities and progress in meeting the goals and standards of100
divisions (A)(3) and (4) of this section and its financial status101
to the sponsor and the parents of all students enrolled in the102

       (h) The school, unless it is an internet- or computer-based 104
community school, will comply with section 3313.801 of the Revised 105
Code as if it were a school district.106

       (12) Arrangements for providing health and other benefits to107

       (13) The length of the contract, which shall begin at the109
beginning of an academic year. No contract shall exceed five years110
unless such contract has been renewed pursuant to division (E) of 111
this section.112

       (14) The governing authority of the school, which shall be113
responsible for carrying out the provisions of the contract;114

       (15) A financial plan detailing an estimated school budget115
for each year of the period of the contract and specifying the116
total estimated per pupil expenditure amount for each such year.117
The plan shall specify for each year the base formula amount that118
will be used for purposes of funding calculations under section119
3314.08 of the Revised Code. This base formula amount for any year 120
shall not exceed the formula amount defined under section 3317.02121
of the Revised Code. The plan may also specify for any year a 122
percentage figure to be used for reducing the per pupil amount of 123
the subsidy calculated pursuant to section 3317.029 of the Revised 124
Code the school is to receive that year under section 3314.08 of 125
the Revised Code.126

       (16) Requirements and procedures regarding the disposition of127
employees of the school in the event the contract is terminated or 128
not renewed pursuant to section 3314.07 of the Revised Code;129

       (17) Whether the school is to be created by converting all or 130
part of an existing public school or is to be a new start-up131
school, and if it is a converted public school, specification of132
any duties or responsibilities of an employer that the board of133
education that operated the school before conversion is delegating134
to the governing board of the community school with respect to all135
or any specified group of employees provided the delegation is not136
prohibited by a collective bargaining agreement applicable to such137

       (18) Provisions establishing procedures for resolving139
disputes or differences of opinion between the sponsor and the140
governing authority of the community school;141

       (19) A provision requiring the governing authority to adopt a 142
policy regarding the admission of students who reside outside the 143
district in which the school is located. That policy shall comply 144
with the admissions procedures specified in sections 3314.06 and 145
3314.061 of the Revised Code and, at the sole discretion of the 146
authority, shall do one of the following:147

       (a) Prohibit the enrollment of students who reside outside148
the district in which the school is located;149

       (b) Permit the enrollment of students who reside in districts150
adjacent to the district in which the school is located;151

       (c) Permit the enrollment of students who reside in any other152
district in the state.153

       (20) A provision recognizing the authority of the department154
of education to take over the sponsorship of the school in155
accordance with the provisions of division (C) of section 3314.015156
of the Revised Code;157

       (21) A provision recognizing the sponsor's authority to158
assume the operation of a school under the conditions specified in159
division (B) of section 3314.073 of the Revised Code;160

        (22) A provision recognizing both of the following:161

       (a) The authority of public health and safety officials to162
inspect the facilities of the school and to order the facilities163
closed if those officials find that the facilities are not in164
compliance with health and safety laws and regulations;165

       (b) The authority of the department of education as the166
community school oversight body to suspend the operation of the167
school under section 3314.072 of the Revised Code if the168
department has evidence of conditions or violations of law at the169
school that pose an imminent danger to the health and safety of170
the school's students and employees and the sponsor refuses to171
take such action;172

        (23) A description of the learning opportunities that will be 173
offered to students including both classroom-based and174
non-classroom-based learning opportunities that is in compliance175
with criteria for student participation established by the176
department under division (L)(2) of section 3314.08 of the Revised177

       (24) The school will comply with section 3302.04 of the 179
Revised Code, including division (E) of that section to the extent 180
possible, except that any action required to be taken by a school 181
district pursuant to that section shall be taken by the sponsor of 182
the school. However, the sponsor shall not be required to take any 183
action described in division (F) of that section.184

       (25) Beginning in the 2006-2007 school year, the school will 185
open for operation not later than the thirtieth day of September 186
each school year, unless the mission of the school as specified 187
under division (A)(2) of this section is solely to serve dropouts. 188
In its initial year of operation, if the school fails to open by 189
the thirtieth day of September, or within one year after the 190
adoption of the contract pursuant to division (D) of section 191
3314.02 of the Revised Code if the mission of the school is solely 192
to serve dropouts, the contract shall be void.193

       (B) The community school shall also submit to the sponsor a194
comprehensive plan for the school. The plan shall specify the195

       (1) The process by which the governing authority of the197
school will be selected in the future;198

       (2) The management and administration of the school;199

       (3) If the community school is a currently existing public200
school, alternative arrangements for current public school201
students who choose not to attend the school and teachers who202
choose not to teach in the school after conversion;203

       (4) The instructional program and educational philosophy of204
the school;205

       (5) Internal financial controls.206

       (C) A contract entered into under section 3314.02 of the207
Revised Code between a sponsor and the governing authority of a208
community school may provide for the community school governing209
authority to make payments to the sponsor, which is hereby210
authorized to receive such payments as set forth in the contract211
between the governing authority and the sponsor. The total amount212
of such payments for oversight and monitoring of the school shall213
not exceed three per cent of the total amount of payments for214
operating expenses that the school receives from the state.215

       (D) The contract shall specify the duties of the sponsor216
which shall be in accordance with the written agreement entered217
into with the department of education under division (B) of218
section 3314.015 of the Revised Code and shall include the219

        (1) Monitor the community school's compliance with all laws221
applicable to the school and with the terms of the contract;222

        (2) Monitor and evaluate the academic and fiscal performance 223
and the organization and operation of the community school on at 224
least an annual basis;225

        (3) Report on an annual basis the results of the evaluation226
conducted under division (D)(2) of this section to the department227
of education and to the parents of students enrolled in the228
community school;229

        (4) Provide technical assistance to the community school in 230
complying with laws applicable to the school and terms of the231

        (5) Take steps to intervene in the school's operation to233
correct problems in the school's overall performance, declare the234
school to be on probationary status pursuant to section 3314.073235
of the Revised Code, suspend the operation of the school pursuant236
to section 3314.072 of the Revised Code, or terminate the contract237
of the school pursuant to section 3314.07 of the Revised Code as238
determined necessary by the sponsor;239

        (6) Have in place a plan of action to be undertaken in the240
event the community school experiences financial difficulties or241
closes prior to the end of a school year.242

        (E) Upon the expiration of a contract entered into under this 243
section, the sponsor of a community school may, with the approval 244
of the governing authority of the school, renew that contract for245
a period of time determined by the sponsor, but not ending earlier246
than the end of any school year, if the sponsor finds that the247
school's compliance with applicable laws and terms of the contract248
and the school's progress in meeting the academic goals prescribed249
in the contract have been satisfactory. Any contract that is 250
renewed under this division remains subject to the provisions of 251
sections 3314.07, 3314.072, and 3314.073 of the Revised Code.252

       (F) If a community school fails to open for operation within 253
one year after the contract entered into under this section is 254
adopted pursuant to division (D) of section 3314.02 of the Revised 255
Code or permanently closes prior to the expiration of the 256
contract, the contract shall be void and the school shall not 257
enter into a contract with any other sponsor. A school shall not 258
be considered permanently closed because the operations of the 259
school have been suspended pursuant to section 3314.072 of the 260
Revised Code. Any contract that becomes void under this division 261
shall not count toward any statewide limit on the number of such 262
contracts prescribed by section 3314.013 of the Revised Code.263

       Sec. 3319.088.  As used in this section, "educational264
assistant" means any nonteaching employee in a school district who265
directly assists a teacher as defined in section 3319.09 of the266
Revised Code, by performing duties for which a license issued267
pursuant to sections 3319.22 to 3319.30 of the Revised Code is not268

       (A) The state board of education shall issue educational aide 270
permits and educational paraprofessional licenses for educational271
assistants and shall adopt rules for the issuance and renewal of 272
such permits and licenses which shall be consistent with the273
provisions of this section. Educational aide permits and274
educational paraprofessional licenses may be of several types and275
the rules shall prescribe the minimum qualifications of education,276
health, and character for the service to be authorized under each277
type. The prescribed minimum qualifications may require special278
training or educational courses designed to qualify a person to279
perform effectively the duties authorized under an educational280
aide permit or educational paraprofessional license.281

       (B)(1) Any application for a permit or license, or a renewal282
or duplicate of a permit or license, under this section shall be283
accompanied by the payment of a fee in the amount established284
under division (A) of section 3319.51 of the Revised Code. Any285
fees received under this division shall be paid into the state286
treasury to the credit of the state board of education licensure287
fund established under division (B) of section 3319.51 of the288
Revised Code.289

       (2) Any person applying for or holding a permit or license290
pursuant to this section is subject to sections 3123.41 to 3123.50291
of the Revised Code and any applicable rules adopted under section292
3123.63 of the Revised Code and sections 3319.31 and 3319.311 of293
the Revised Code.294

       (C) Educational assistants shall at all times while in the295
performance of their duties be under the supervision and direction296
of a teacher as defined in section 3319.09 of the Revised Code.297
Educational assistants may assist a teacher to whom assigned in298
the supervision of pupils, in assisting with instructional tasks,299
and in the performance of duties which, in the judgment of the300
teacher to whom the assistant is assigned, may be performed by a301
person not licensed pursuant to sections 3319.22 to 3319.30 of the302
Revised Code and for which a teaching license, issued pursuant to303
sections 3319.22 to 3319.30 of the Revised Code is not required.304
The duties of an educational assistant shall not include the305
assignment of grades to pupils. The duties of an educational306
assistantsassistant need not be performed in the physical 307
presence of the teacher to whom assigned, but the activity of an 308
educational assistant shall at all times be under the direction of 309
the teacher to whom assigned. The assignment of an educational 310
assistant need not be limited to assisting a single teacher. In 311
the event an educational assistant is assigned to assist more than 312
one teacher the assignments shall be clearly delineated and so 313
arranged that the educational assistant shall never be subject to 314
simultaneous supervision or direction by more than one teacher.315

       Educational assistants assigned to supervise children shall,316
when the teacher to whom assigned is not physically present,317
maintain the degree of control and discipline whichthat would be318
maintained by the teacher, but an educational assistant may not319
render corporal punishment.320

       Except when expressly permitted solely for the purposes of321
section 3317.029 of the Revised Code, educational assistants may322
not be used in place of classroom teachers or other employees and323
any payment of compensation by boards of education to educational324
assistants for such services is prohibited. The ratio between the325
number of licensed teachers and the pupils in a school district326
may not be decreased by utilization of educational assistants and327
no grouping, or other organization of pupils, for utilization of328
educational assistants shall be established which is inconsistent329
with sound educational practices and procedures. A school district 330
may employ up to one full time equivalent educational assistant 331
for each six full time equivalent licensed employees of the 332
district. Educational assistants shall not be counted as licensed 333
employees for purposes of state support in the school foundation 334
program and no grouping or regrouping of pupils with educational 335
assistants may be counted as a class or unit for school foundation 336
program purposes. Neither special courses required by the 337
regulations of the state board of education, prescribing minimum 338
qualifications of education for an educational assistant, nor 339
years of service as an educational assistant shall be counted in 340
any way toward qualifying for a teacher license, for a teacher341
contract of any type, or for determining placement on a salary 342
schedule in a school district as a teacher.343

       (D) Educational assistants employed by a board of education344
shall have all rights, benefits, and legal protection available to345
other nonteaching employees in the school district, except that346
provisions of Chapter 124. of the Revised Code shall not apply to347
any person employed as an educational assistant, and shall be348
members of the school employees retirement system. Educational349
assistants shall be compensated according to a salary plan adopted350
annually by the board.351

       Except as provided in this section nonteaching employees352
shall not serve as educational assistants without first obtaining353
an appropriate educational aide permit or educational354
paraprofessional license from the state board of education. A355
nonteaching employee who is the holder of a valid educational aide356
permit or educational paraprofessional license shall neither357
render nor be required to render services inconsistent with the358
type of services authorized by the permit or license held. No359
person shall receive compensation from a board of education for360
services rendered as an educational assistant in violation of this361

       Nonteaching employees whose functions are solely363
secretarial-clerical and who do not perform any other duties as364
educational assistants, even though they assist a teacher and work365
under the direction of a teacher shall not be required to hold a366
permit or license issued pursuant to this section. Students367
preparing to become licensed teachers or educational assistants368
shall not be required to hold an educational aide permit or369
paraprofessional license for such periods of time as such students370
are assigned, as part of their training program, to work with a371
teacher in a school district. Such students shall not be372
compensated for such services.373

       Following the determination of the assignment and general job374
description of an educational assistant and subject to supervision375
by the teacher's immediate administrative officer, a teacher to376
whom an educational assistant is assigned shall make all final377
determinations of the duties to be assigned to such assistant.378
Teachers shall not be required to hold a license designated for379
being a supervisor or administrator in order to perform the380
necessary supervision of educational assistants.381

       (E) No person who is, or who has been employed as an382
educational assistant shall divulge, except to the teacher to whom383
assigned, or the administrator of the school in the absence of the384
teacher to whom assigned, or when required to testify in a court385
or proceedings, any personal information concerning any pupil in386
the school district which was obtained or obtainable by the387
educational assistant while so employed. Violation of this388
provision is grounds for disciplinary action or dismissal, or389

       Sec. 3319.41.  (A)(1) Beginning September 1, 1994, and except 391
as provided in division (C) of this section, noNo person employed 392
or engaged as a teacher, principal, administrator, nonlicensed 393
school employee, or bus driver in a public school may inflict or 394
cause to be inflicted corporal punishment as a means of discipline 395
upon a pupil attending such school, unless the board of education 396
of the school district in which the school is located adopts a 397
resolution no later than September 1, 1994, to permit corporal 398
punishment as a means of discipline and does not adopt a 399
resolution prohibiting corporal punishment pursuant to division 400
(B) of this section. No board shall adopt a resolution permitting 401
corporal punishment before receiving and studying the report of 402
the local discipline task force appointed under division (A)(2) of 403
this section.404

       (2) The board of education of each city, local, exempted405
village, and joint vocational school district that has not adopted 406
a rule prohibiting corporal punishment under section 3313.20 of 407
the Revised Code prior to the effective date of this amendment 408
shall appoint, and any board that has adopted a rule under that 409
section prior to the effective date of this amendment may appoint, 410
no later than April 1, 1994, a local discipline task force to 411
conduct a study of effective discipline measures that are 412
appropriate for that school district. Members of the task force 413
shall include teachers, administrators, nonlicensed school 414
employees, school psychologists, members of the medical415
profession, pediatricians when available, and representatives of416
parents' organizations.417

       The task force shall hold meetings regularly. All meetings of 418
the task force shall be open to the public and at least one of the 419
meetings shall be for the purpose of inviting public420
participation. The board of education shall provide public notice 421
of any public meeting of the task force in newspapers or other 422
periodicals of general circulation in the school district. The 423
task force shall report its findings and recommendations in424
writing to the board of education no later than July 15, 1994. The 425
task force's written report must be available for inspection by 426
the public at the board's offices for at least five years after 427
being submitted to the board.428

       (B)(1) At any time after September 1, 1996, the board of429
education of any city, local, exempted village, or joint430
vocational school district in which corporal punishment is431
permitted may adopt a resolution to prohibit corporal punishment.432
After the adoption of a resolution prohibiting corporal punishment 433
pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section, the board of 434
education of any city, local, exempted village, or joint435
vocational school district may adopt a resolution permitting436
corporal punishment after complying with division (B)(3) of this437

       (2) At any time after September 1, 1998, the board of439
education of any city, local, exempted village, or joint440
vocational school district that did not adopt a resolution441
permitting corporal punishment as a means of discipline pursuant442
to division (A)(1) of this section may adopt a resolution443
permitting corporal punishment after complying with division444
(B)(3) of this section.445

       (3)(a) The board of education of each city, local, exempted 446
village, and joint vocational school district that intends to 447
adopt a resolution permitting corporal punishment as a means of 448
discipline pursuant to division (B)(1) or (2) of this section may 449
adopt that resolution permitting corporal punishment as a means of 450
discipline only after receiving and studying the report of the 451
secondary local discipline task force appointed under division 452
(B)(3)(b) of this section.453

       (b) Any board of education described in division (B)(1) or454
(2) of this section that intends to adopt a resolution permitting455
corporal punishment as a means of discipline shall appoint a456
secondary local discipline task force to conduct a study of457
effective discipline measures that are appropriate for that school 458
district. Membership on the secondary local discipline task force 459
shall consist of the same types of persons that are required to be 460
included as members of the local discipline task force pursuant to 461
division (A)(2) of this section. The secondary local discipline 462
task force shall follow the same procedures with respect to 463
holding meetings, the provision of public notice, and the 464
production and inspection of a written report of findings and465
recommendations that are applicable to the local discipline task466
force pursuant to division (A)(2) of this section, except that the 467
secondary local discipline task force is not required to present 468
its written report to the board of education on a date that is no 469
later than July 15, 1994.470

       (C) The prohibition of corporal punishment by division (A) of 471
this section or by a resolution adopted under division (B) of this 472
section does not prohibit the use of reasonable force or restraint 473
in accordance with division (G) of this section.474

       (D) If the board of education of any city, local, exempted475
village, or joint vocational school district does not prohibit476
corporal punishment on the effective date of this amendment but at 477
any time after that date corporal punishment will be prohibited in 478
the district pursuant to division (A)(1) or (B) of this section, 479
the board shall do both of the following prior to the date on 480
which the prohibition takes effect:481

       (1) Adopt a disciplinary policy for the district that482
includes alternative disciplinary measures;483

       (2) Consider what in-service training, if any, school484
district employees might need as part of implementing the policy485
adopted under division (D)(1) of this section.486

       (E) A person employed or otherwise engaged as a teacher,487
principal, or administrator by a board of education permitting488
corporal punishment pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section or 489
by a nonpublic school, except as otherwise provided by the490
governing authority of the nonpublic school, may inflict or cause491
to be inflicted reasonable corporal punishment upon a pupil492
attending the school to which the person is assigned whenever such 493
punishment is reasonably necessary in order to preserve discipline 494
while the student is subject to school authority.495

       (F) A board of education of a school district that permits496
the use of corporal punishment as a means of discipline pursuant497
to a resolution adopted by the board pursuant to division (A)(1)498
of this section shall permit as part of its discipline policy the499
parents, guardian, or custodian of a child that is attending any500
school within the school district to request that corporal501
punishment not be used as a means of discipline on that child;502
upon the receipt of a request of that nature, shall ensure that an 503
alternative disciplinary measure is applied with respect to that 504
child; and shall include a procedure for the exercise of that 505
option in the resolution adopted pursuant to division (A)(1) of 506
this section.507

       (G) Persons employed or engaged as teachers, principals, or 508
administrators in a school, whether public or private, and509
nonlicensed school employees and school bus drivers may, within 510
the scope of their employment, use and apply such amount of force 511
and restraint as is reasonable and necessary to quell a512
disturbance threatening physical injury to others, to obtain513
possession of weapons or other dangerous objects upon the person514
or within the control of the pupil, for the purpose of515
self-defense, or for the protection of persons or property.516

       Sec. 3326.11. Each science, technology, engineering, and 517
mathematics school established under this chapter and its 518
governing body shall comply with sections 9.90, 9.91, 109.65,519
121.22, 149.43, 2151.357, 2151.421, 2313.18, 2921.42, 2921.43,520
3301.0712, 3301.0714, 3301.0715, 3313.14, 3313.15, 3313.16, 521
3313.18, 3313.201, 3313.26, 3313.472, 3313.48, 3313.481, 3313.482, 522
3313.50, 3313.536, 3313.608, 3313.6012, 3313.6013, 3313.6014, 523
3313.61, 3313.611, 3313.614, 3313.615, 3313.643, 3313.648, 524
3313.66, 3313.661, 3313.662, 3313.666, 3313.667, 3313.67,525
3313.671, 3313.672, 3313.673, 3313.69, 3313.71, 3313.716, 526
3313.718, 3313.80, 3313.801, 3313.96, 3319.073, 3319.21, 3319.313, 527
3319.314, 3319.315, 3319.32, 3319.321, 3319.35, 3319.39, 3319.41,528
3319.45, 3321.01, 3321.13, 3321.14, 3321.17, 3321.18, 3321.19, 529
3321.191, 3327.10, 4111.17, 4113.52, and 5705.391 and Chapters 530
102., 117., 1347., 2744., 3307., 3309., 3365., 3742., 4112., 531
4123., 4141., and 4167. of the Revised Code as if it were a 532
school district.533

       Section 2. That existing sections 3314.03, 3319.088, 3319.41, 534
and 3326.11 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.535

       Section 3.  Section 3314.03 of the Revised Code is presented 536
in this act as a composite of the section as amended by Am. Sub. 537
H.B. 79, Am. Sub. H.B. 137, Sub. H.B. 184, Am. Sub. H.B. 276, 538
Sub. H.B. 422, Am. Sub. H.B. 530, Sub. S.B. 164, and Am. Sub. 539
S.B. 311 of the 126th General Assembly. The General Assembly, 540
applying the principle stated in division (B) of section 1.52 of 541
the Revised Code that amendments are to be harmonized if 542
reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds that the 543
composite is the resulting version of the section in effect prior 544
to the effective date of the section as presented in this act.545