As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 479

Representatives Evans, Foley 

Cosponsor: Representative Williams, B. 

To amend section 742.03 of the Revised Code 1
regarding election of the chairperson of the Ohio 2
Police and Fire Pension Board of Trustees.3


       Section 1. That section 742.03 of the Revised Code be 4
amended to read as follows:5

       Sec. 742.03.  (A) As used in this section and in sections6
742.04 and 742.05 of the Revised Code:7

       (1) "Police officer" means a member of the fund who is or has 8
been an employee of a police department and is not a police9

       (2) "Firefighter" means a member of the fund who is or has11
been an employee of a fire department and is not a firefighter12

       (3) "Firefighter retirant" means a member of the fund who is14
receiving an age and service or disability benefit as a result of15
service in a fire department or a surviving spouse of a deceased16
member who is receiving a benefit as a result of the deceased17
member's service in a fire department. "Firefighter retirant" does18
not include a member of the fund who is participating in the19
deferred retirement option plan established under section 742.4320
of the Revised Code.21

       (4) "Police retirant" means a member of the fund who is22
receiving an age and service or disability benefit as a result of23
service in a police department or a surviving spouse of a deceased24
member who is receiving a benefit as a result of the deceased25
member's service in a police department. "Police retirant" does26
not include a member of the fund who is participating in the27
deferred retirement option plan established under section 742.4328
of the Revised Code.29

       (B) The administration, control, and management of the Ohio30
police and fire pension fund, created under section 742.02 of the31
Revised Code, is vested in a board of trustees of the Ohio police32
and fire pension fund, which shall consist of the following 33

       (1) One member, known as the treasurer of state's investment 35
designee, who shall be appointed by the treasurer of state for a 36
term of four years and have the following qualifications:37

       (a) The member is a resident of this state.38

       (b) Within the three years immediately preceding the 39
appointment, the member has not been employed by the public 40
employees retirement system, police and fire pension fund, state 41
teachers retirement system, school employees retirement system, or 42
state highway patrol retirement system or by any person, 43
partnership, or corporation that has provided to one of those 44
retirement systems services of a financial or investment nature, 45
including management, analysis, supervision, or investment of 46

       (c) The member has direct experience in the management, 48
analysis, supervision, or investment of assets.49

       (d) The member is not currently employed by the state or a 50
political subdivision of the state.51

        (2) Two members, known as the investment expert members, who 52
shall be appointed for four-year terms. One investment expert 53
member shall be appointed by the governor, and one investment 54
expert member shall be jointly appointed by the speaker of the 55
house of representatives and the president of the senate. Each 56
investment expert member shall have the following qualifications:57

       (a) Each member shall be a resident of this state.58

       (b) Within the three years immediately preceding the 59
appointment, each member shall not have been employed by the 60
public employees retirement system, police and fire pension fund, 61
state teachers retirement system, school employees retirement 62
system, or state highway patrol retirement system or by any 63
person, partnership, or corporation that has provided to one of 64
those retirement systems services of a financial or investment 65
nature, including the management, analysis, supervision, or 66
investment of assets.67

       (c) Each member shall have direct experience in the 68
management, analysis, supervision, or investment of assets.69

       Any investment expert member appointed to fill a vacancy 70
occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the 71
member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office until the end 72
of such term. The member shall continue in office subsequent to 73
the expiration date of the member's term until the member's 74
successor takes office, or until a period of sixty days has 75
elapsed, whichever occurs first.76

       (3) Four members known as employee members.77

       Two employee members shall be police officers elected by78
police officers. Two employee members shall be firefighters 79
elected by firefighters. Employee members of the board shall be80
elected for terms of four years as provided by section 742.04 of81
the Revised Code.82

       (4) One member known as the firefighter retirant member, who83
shall be a resident of this state elected by the firefighter84
retirants. The firefighter retirant member shall be elected for a85
term of four years as provided by section 742.04 of the Revised86

       (5) One member known as the police retirant member, who shall 88
be a resident of this state elected by the police retirants. The 89
police retirant member shall be elected for a term of four years 90
as provided by section 742.04 of the Revised Code.91

       (C) The board shall annually elect a chairperson from among 92
its employee members and retirant members who shall serve a term 93
of one year in that office. Every third year, the board shall 94
elect a retirant member to serve as chairperson.95

        (D) No employee member of the board who retires while a96
member of the board shall be eligible to become a retirant member97
for three years after the date of the member's retirement.98

       (D)(E) Any investment expert member appointed to fill a 99
vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which 100
the member's predecessor was appointed holds office until the end 101
of such term. The member continues in office subsequent to the 102
expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor 103
takes office, or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, 104
whichever occurs first.105

       Section 2. That existing section 742.03 of the Revised Code 106
is hereby repealed.107