As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 137

Senator Austria 

Cosponsors: Senators Carey, Clancy, Coughlin, Goodman, Schaffer, Cafaro, Boccieri 

To amend section 2903.13 of the Revised Code to 1
increase the penalty for assault when the victim 2
of the offense is seventy years of age or older.3


       Section 1. That section 2903.13 of the Revised Code be 4
amended to read as follows:5

       Sec. 2903.13.  (A) No person shall knowingly cause or attempt 6
to cause physical harm to another or to another's unborn.7

       (B) No person shall recklessly cause serious physical harm to 8
another or to another's unborn.9

       (C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of assault. 10
Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(1), (2), (3), (4), or11
(5), or (6) of this section, assault is a misdemeanor of the first12

       (1) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the14
offense is committed by a caretaker against a functionally15
impaired person under the caretaker's care, assault is a felony of16
the fourth degree. If the offense is committed by a caretaker17
against a functionally impaired person under the caretaker's care,18
if the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty19
to a violation of this section or section 2903.11 or 2903.16 of20
the Revised Code, and if in relation to the previous conviction21
the offender was a caretaker and the victim was a functionally22
impaired person under the offender's care, assault is a felony of23
the third degree.24

       (2) If the offense is committed in any of the following25
circumstances, assault is a felony of the fifth degree:26

       (a) The offense occurs in or on the grounds of a state27
correctional institution or an institution of the department of28
youth services, the victim of the offense is an employee of the29
department of rehabilitation and correction, the department of30
youth services, or a probation department or is on the premises of31
the particular institution for business purposes or as a visitor,32
and the offense is committed by a person incarcerated in the state33
correctional institution, by a person institutionalized in the34
department of youth services institution pursuant to a commitment35
to the department of youth services, by a parolee, by an offender 36
under transitional control, under a community control sanction, or 37
on an escorted visit, by a person under post-release control, or 38
by an offender under any other type of supervision by a government 39

       (b) The offense occurs in or on the grounds of a local41
correctional facility, the victim of the offense is an employee of42
the local correctional facility or a probation department or is on43
the premises of the facility for business purposes or as a44
visitor, and the offense is committed by a person who is under45
custody in the facility subsequent to the person's arrest for any46
crime or delinquent act, subsequent to the person's being charged47
with or convicted of any crime, or subsequent to the person's48
being alleged to be or adjudicated a delinquent child.49

       (c) The offense occurs off the grounds of a state50
correctional institution and off the grounds of an institution of51
the department of youth services, the victim of the offense is an52
employee of the department of rehabilitation and correction, the53
department of youth services, or a probation department, the54
offense occurs during the employee's official work hours and while55
the employee is engaged in official work responsibilities, and the56
offense is committed by a person incarcerated in a state57
correctional institution or institutionalized in the department of58
youth services who temporarily is outside of the institution for59
any purpose, by a parolee, by an offender under transitional 60
control, under a community control sanction, or on an escorted 61
visit, by a person under post-release control, or by an offender 62
under any other type of supervision by a government agency.63

       (d) The offense occurs off the grounds of a local64
correctional facility, the victim of the offense is an employee of65
the local correctional facility or a probation department, the66
offense occurs during the employee's official work hours and while67
the employee is engaged in official work responsibilities, and the68
offense is committed by a person who is under custody in the69
facility subsequent to the person's arrest for any crime or70
delinquent act, subsequent to the person being charged with or71
convicted of any crime, or subsequent to the person being alleged72
to be or adjudicated a delinquent child and who temporarily is73
outside of the facility for any purpose or by a parolee, by an 74
offender under transitional control, under a community control 75
sanction, or on an escorted visit, by a person under post-release76
control, or by an offender under any other type of supervision by 77
a government agency.78

       (e) The victim of the offense is a school teacher or79
administrator or a school bus operator, and the offense occurs in80
a school, on school premises, in a school building, on a school81
bus, or while the victim is outside of school premises or a school82
bus and is engaged in duties or official responsibilities83
associated with the victim's employment or position as a school84
teacher or administrator or a school bus operator, including, but85
not limited to, driving, accompanying, or chaperoning students at86
or on class or field trips, athletic events, or other school87
extracurricular activities or functions outside of school88

       (3) If the victim of the offense is a peace officer or an 90
investigator of the bureau of criminal identification and 91
investigation, a firefighter, or a person performing emergency92
medical service, while in the performance of their official 93
duties, assault is a felony of the fourth degree.94

       (4) If the victim of the offense is a peace officer or an 95
investigator of the bureau of criminal identification and 96
investigation and if the victim suffered serious physical harm as 97
a result of the commission of the offense, assault is a felony of 98
the fourth degree, and the court, pursuant to division (F) of 99
section 2929.13 of the Revised Code, shall impose as a mandatory 100
prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the 101
fourth degree that is at least twelve months in duration.102

       (5) If the victim of the offense is an officer or employee of 103
a public children services agency or a private child placing104
agency and the offense relates to the officer's or employee's105
performance or anticipated performance of official106
responsibilities or duties, assault is either a felony of the107
fifth degree or, if the offender previously has been convicted of108
or pleaded guilty to an offense of violence, the victim of that109
prior offense was an officer or employee of a public children110
services agency or private child placing agency, and that prior111
offense related to the officer's or employee's performance or112
anticipated performance of official responsibilities or duties, a113
felony of the fourth degree.114

       (6) If the victim of the offense is seventy years of age or 115
older, assault is a felony of the fifth degree.116

       (D) As used in this section:117

       (1) "Peace officer" has the same meaning as in section118
2935.01 of the Revised Code.119

       (2) "Firefighter" has the same meaning as in section 3937.41120
of the Revised Code.121

       (3) "Emergency medical service" has the same meaning as in122
section 4765.01 of the Revised Code.123

       (4) "Local correctional facility" means a county,124
multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal125
jail or workhouse, a minimum security jail established under126
section 341.23 or 753.21 of the Revised Code, or another county,127
multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal128
facility used for the custody of persons arrested for any crime or129
delinquent act, persons charged with or convicted of any crime, or130
persons alleged to be or adjudicated a delinquent child.131

       (5) "Employee of a local correctional facility" means a132
person who is an employee of the political subdivision or of one133
or more of the affiliated political subdivisions that operates the134
local correctional facility and who operates or assists in the135
operation of the facility.136

       (6) "School teacher or administrator" means either of the137

       (a) A person who is employed in the public schools of the139
state under a contract described in section 3319.08 of the Revised140
Code in a position in which the person is required to have a141
certificate issued pursuant to sections 3319.22 to 3319.311 of the142
Revised Code.143

       (b) A person who is employed by a nonpublic school for which144
the state board of education prescribes minimum standards under145
section 3301.07 of the Revised Code and who is certificated in146
accordance with section 3301.071 of the Revised Code.147

       (7) "Community control sanction" has the same meaning as in148
section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.149

       (8) "Escorted visit" means an escorted visit granted under150
section 2967.27 of the Revised Code.151

       (9) "Post-release control" and "transitional control" have152
the same meanings as in section 2967.01 of the Revised Code.153

       (10) "Investigator of the bureau of criminal identification 154
and investigation" has the same meaning as in section 2903.11 of 155
the Revised Code.156

       Section 2. That existing section 2903.13 of the Revised Code 157
is hereby repealed.158