As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 205

Senator Fedor 

Cosponsors: Senators Goodman, Roberts, Gardner, Boccieri, Cafaro, Kearney, Mason, Miller, D., Miller, R., Morano, Sawyer, Smith, Wilson 

To amend sections 109.42, 109.73, 2317.02, 2743.191, 1
2901.13, 2921.22, 2923.01, 2923.31, and 2929.18 2
and to enact sections 109.421, 109.745, 109.746, 3
109.747, 2305.117, 2307.54, 2905.31, 2905.32, 4
2905.33, 2905.34, 2905.35, 2905.36, 2929.181, 5
2930.21, 2930.22, and 2930.23 of the Revised Code 6
relative to trafficking in persons. 7


       Section 1. That sections 109.42, 109.73, 2317.02, 2743.191, 8
2901.13, 2921.22, 2923.01, 2923.31, and 2929.18 be amended and 9
sections 109.421, 109.745, 109.746, 109.747, 2305.117, 2307.54, 10
2905.31, 2905.32, 2905.33, 2905.34, 2905.35, 2905.36, 2929.181, 11
2930.21, 2930.22, and 2930.23 of the Revised Code be enacted to 12
read as follows:13

       Sec. 109.42.  (A) The attorney general shall prepare and have 14
printed a pamphlet that contains a compilation of all statutes 15
relative to victim's rights in which the attorney general lists 16
and explains the statutes in the form of a victim's bill of17
rights. The attorney general shall distribute the pamphlet to all18
sheriffs, marshals, municipal corporation and township police19
departments, constables, and other law enforcement agencies, to20
all prosecuting attorneys, city directors of law, village21
solicitors, and other similar chief legal officers of municipal22
corporations, and to organizations that represent or provide23
services for victims of crime. The victim's bill of rights set24
forth in the pamphlet shall contain a description of all of the25
rights of victims that are provided for in Chapter 2930. or in any26
other section of the Revised Code and shall include, but not be27
limited to, all of the following:28

       (1) The right of a victim or a victim's representative to29
attend a proceeding before a grand jury, in a juvenile case, or in30
a criminal case pursuant to a subpoena without being discharged31
from the victim's or representative's employment, having the32
victim's or representative's employment terminated, having the33
victim's or representative's pay decreased or withheld, or34
otherwise being punished, penalized, or threatened as a result of35
time lost from regular employment because of the victim's or36
representative's attendance at the proceeding pursuant to the37
subpoena, as set forth in section 2151.211, 2930.18, 2939.121, or38
2945.451 of the Revised Code;39

       (2) The potential availability pursuant to section 2151.35940
or 2152.61 of the Revised Code of a forfeited recognizance to pay41
damages caused by a child when the delinquency of the child or42
child's violation of probation or community control is found to be43
proximately caused by the failure of the child's parent or44
guardian to subject the child to reasonable parental authority or45
to faithfully discharge the conditions of probation or community46

       (3) The availability of awards of reparations pursuant to48
sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code for injuries49
caused by criminal offenses;50

       (4) The right of the victim in certain criminal or juvenile51
cases or a victim's representative to receive, pursuant to section52
2930.06 of the Revised Code, notice of the date, time, and place53
of the trial or delinquency proceeding in the case or, if there54
will not be a trial or delinquency proceeding, information from55
the prosecutor, as defined in section 2930.01 of the Revised Code,56
regarding the disposition of the case;57

       (5) The right of the victim in certain criminal or juvenile58
cases or a victim's representative to receive, pursuant to section59
2930.04, 2930.05, or 2930.06 of the Revised Code, notice of the60
name of the person charged with the violation, the case or docket61
number assigned to the charge, and a telephone number or numbers62
that can be called to obtain information about the disposition of63
the case;64

       (6) The right of the victim in certain criminal or juvenile65
cases or of the victim's representative pursuant to section66
2930.13 or 2930.14 of the Revised Code, subject to any reasonable67
terms set by the court as authorized under section 2930.14 of the68
Revised Code, to make a statement about the victimization and, if69
applicable, a statement relative to the sentencing or disposition70
of the offender;71

       (7) The opportunity to obtain a court order, pursuant to72
section 2945.04 of the Revised Code, to prevent or stop the73
commission of the offense of intimidation of a crime victim or74
witness or an offense against the person or property of the75
complainant, or of the complainant's ward or child;76

       (8) The right of the victim in certain criminal or juvenile77
cases or a victim's representative pursuant to sections 2151.38,78
2929.20, 2930.10, 2930.16, and 2930.17 of the Revised Code to79
receive notice of a pending motion for judicial release or early80
release of the person who committed the offense against the81
victim, to make an oral or written statement at the court hearing82
on the motion, and to be notified of the court's decision on the83

       (9) The right of the victim in certain criminal or juvenile85
cases or a victim's representative pursuant to section 2930.16,86
2967.12, 2967.26, or 5139.56 of the Revised Code to receive notice87
of any pending commutation, pardon, parole, transitional control,88
discharge, other form of authorized release, post-release control,89
or supervised release for the person who committed the offense90
against the victim or any application for release of that person91
and to send a written statement relative to the victimization and92
the pending action to the adult parole authority or the release93
authority of the department of youth services;94

       (10) The right of the victim to bring a civil action pursuant 95
to sections 2969.01 to 2969.06 of the Revised Code to obtain money 96
from the offender's profit fund;97

       (11) The right, pursuant to section 3109.09 of the Revised98
Code, to maintain a civil action to recover compensatory damages99
not exceeding ten thousand dollars and costs from the parent of a100
minor who willfully damages property through the commission of an101
act that would be a theft offense, as defined in section 2913.01102
of the Revised Code, if committed by an adult;103

       (12) The right, pursuant to section 3109.10 of the Revised104
Code, to maintain a civil action to recover compensatory damages105
not exceeding ten thousand dollars and costs from the parent of a106
minor who willfully and maliciously assaults a person;107

       (13) The possibility of receiving restitution from an108
offender or a delinquent child pursuant to section 2152.20,109
2929.18, 2929.181, or 2929.28 of the Revised Code;110

       (14) The right of the victim in certain criminal or juvenile111
cases or a victim's representative, pursuant to section 2930.16 of112
the Revised Code, to receive notice of the escape from confinement113
or custody of the person who committed the offense, to receive114
that notice from the custodial agency of the person at the115
victim's last address or telephone number provided to the116
custodial agency, and to receive notice that, if either the117
victim's address or telephone number changes, it is in the118
victim's interest to provide the new address or telephone number119
to the custodial agency;120

       (15) The right of a victim of domestic violence to seek the 121
issuance of a civil protection order pursuant to section 3113.31122
of the Revised Code, the right of a victim of a violation of 123
section 2903.14, 2909.06, 2909.07, 2911.12, 2911.211, or 2919.22 124
of the Revised Code, a violation of a substantially similar 125
municipal ordinance, or an offense of violence who is a family or 126
household member of the offender at the time of the offense to 127
seek the issuance of a temporary protection order pursuant to 128
section 2919.26 of the Revised Code, and the right of both types 129
of victims to be accompanied by a victim advocate during court130

       (16) The right of a victim of a sexually oriented offense132
that is not a registration-exempt sexually oriented offense or of 133
a child-victim oriented offense that is committed by a person who 134
is convicted of or pleads guilty to an aggravated sexually 135
oriented offense, by a person who is adjudicated a sexual predator 136
or child-victim predator, or, in certain cases, by a person who is 137
determined to be a habitual sex offender or habitual child-victim 138
offender to receive, pursuant to section 2950.10 of the Revised 139
Code, notice that the person has registered with a sheriff under 140
section 2950.04, 2950.041, or 2950.05 of the Revised Code and141
notice of the person's name, the person's residence that is 142
registered, and the offender's school, institution of higher 143
education, or place of employment address or addresses that are 144
registered, the person's photograph, and a summary of the manner 145
in which the victim must make a request to receive the notice. As 146
used in this division, "sexually oriented offense," "adjudicated a 147
sexual predator," "habitual sex offender," "registration-exempt 148
sexually oriented offense," "aggravated sexually oriented 149
offense," "child-victim oriented offense," "adjudicated a 150
child-victim predator," and "habitual child-victim offender" have 151
the same meanings as in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code.152

       (17) The right of a victim of certain sexually violent153
offenses committed by an offender who also is convicted of or 154
pleads guilty to a sexually violent predator specification and who 155
is sentenced to a prison term pursuant to division (A)(3) of 156
section 2971.03 of the Revised Code, of a victim of a violation of 157
division (A)(1)(b) of section 2907.02 of the Revised Code 158
committed on or after the effective date of this amendmentJanuary 159
2, 2007, by an offender who is sentenced for the violation 160
pursuant to division (B)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of section 2971.03 of 161
the Revised Code, and of a victim of an attempted rape committed 162
on or after the effective date of this amendmentJanuary 2, 2007,163
by an offender who also is convicted of or pleads guilty to a 164
specification of the type described in section 2941.1418, 165
2941.1419, or 2941.1420 of the Revised Code and is sentenced for 166
the violation pursuant to division (B)(2)(a), (b), or (c) of 167
section 2971.03, to receive, pursuant to section 2930.16 of the168
Revised Code, notice of a hearing to determine whether to modify169
the requirement that the offender serve the entire prison term in170
a state correctional facility, whether to continue, revise, or171
revoke any existing modification of that requirement, or whether172
to terminate the prison term. As used in this division, "sexually173
violent offense" and "sexually violent predator specification" 174
have the same meanings as in section 2971.01 of the Revised Code.175

       (B)(1)(a) Subject to division (B)(1)(c) of this section, a176
prosecuting attorney, assistant prosecuting attorney, city177
director of law, assistant city director of law, village178
solicitor, assistant village solicitor, or similar chief legal179
officer of a municipal corporation or an assistant of any of those180
officers who prosecutes an offense committed in this state, upon181
first contact with the victim of the offense, the victim's family,182
or the victim's dependents, shall give the victim, the victim's183
family, or the victim's dependents a copy of the pamphlet prepared184
pursuant to division (A) of this section and explain, upon185
request, the information in the pamphlet to the victim, the186
victim's family, or the victim's dependents.187

       (b) Subject to division (B)(1)(c) of this section, a law188
enforcement agency that investigates an offense or delinquent act189
committed in this state shall give the victim of the offense or190
delinquent act, the victim's family, or the victim's dependents a191
copy of the pamphlet prepared pursuant to division (A) of this192
section at one of the following times:193

       (i) Upon first contact with the victim, the victim's family,194
or the victim's dependents;195

       (ii) If the offense or delinquent act is an offense of196
violence, if the circumstances of the offense or delinquent act197
and the condition of the victim, the victim's family, or the198
victim's dependents indicate that the victim, the victim's family,199
or the victim's dependents will not be able to understand the200
significance of the pamphlet upon first contact with the agency,201
and if the agency anticipates that it will have an additional202
contact with the victim, the victim's family, or the victim's203
dependents, upon the agency's second contact with the victim, the204
victim's family, or the victim's dependents.205

       If the agency does not give the victim, the victim's family,206
or the victim's dependents a copy of the pamphlet upon first207
contact with them and does not have a second contact with the208
victim, the victim's family, or the victim's dependents, the209
agency shall mail a copy of the pamphlet to the victim, the210
victim's family, or the victim's dependents at their last known211

       (c) In complying on and after December 9, 1994, with the213
duties imposed by division (B)(1)(a) or (b) of this section, an214
official or a law enforcement agency shall use copies of the215
pamphlet that are in the official's or agency's possession on216
December 9, 1994, until the official or agency has distributed all217
of those copies. After the official or agency has distributed all218
of those copies, the official or agency shall use only copies of219
the pamphlet that contain at least the information described in 220
divisions (A)(1) to (17) of this section.221

       (2) The failure of a law enforcement agency or of a222
prosecuting attorney, assistant prosecuting attorney, city223
director of law, assistant city director of law, village224
solicitor, assistant village solicitor, or similar chief legal225
officer of a municipal corporation or an assistant to any of those226
officers to give, as required by division (B)(1) of this section,227
the victim of an offense or delinquent act, the victim's family,228
or the victim's dependents a copy of the pamphlet prepared229
pursuant to division (A) of this section does not give the victim,230
the victim's family, the victim's dependents, or a victim's231
representative any rights under section 2743.51 to 2743.72, 232
2945.04, 2967.12, 2969.01 to 2969.06, 3109.09, or 3109.10 of the 233
Revised Code or under any other provision of the Revised Code and 234
does not affect any right under those sections.235

       (3) A law enforcement agency, a prosecuting attorney or236
assistant prosecuting attorney, or a city director of law,237
assistant city director of law, village solicitor, assistant238
village solicitor, or similar chief legal officer of a municipal239
corporation that distributes a copy of the pamphlet prepared240
pursuant to division (A) of this section shall not be required to241
distribute a copy of an information card or other printed material242
provided by the clerk of the court of claims pursuant to section243
2743.71 of the Revised Code.244

       (C) The cost of printing and distributing the pamphlet245
prepared pursuant to division (A) of this section shall be paid246
out of the reparations fund, created pursuant to section 2743.191247
of the Revised Code, in accordance with division (D) of that248

       (D) As used in this section:250

       (1) "Victim's representative" has the same meaning as in251
section 2930.01 of the Revised Code;252

       (2) "Victim advocate" has the same meaning as in section253
2919.26 of the Revised Code.254

       Sec. 109.421.  (A) The attorney general, with assistance from 255
the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, annually 256
shall publish statistical data on violations of section 2905.32 of 257
the Revised Code. The first annual publication of this data shall 258
occur one year after the effective date of this section.259

       (B) Each state agency and each agency of each political 260
subdivision that investigates violations of section 2905.32 of the 261
Revised Code shall collect and submit to the bureau of criminal 262
identification and investigation the following information 263
relevant to those violations:264

       (1) The number of investigations, arrests, prosecutions, and 265
successful convictions of persons for a violation of that section;266

       (2) The estimated number and demographic characteristics of 267
persons violating section 2905.32 of the Revised Code, as well as 268
those persons who purchase or receive a commercial sex act, 269
sexually explicit performance, labor, or services from victims of 270
violations of that section;271

       (3) Statistics on the number of victims of violations of that 272
section and statistics on the nationality, age, method of 273
recruitment, and country, state, or city of origin of the victims 274
of violations of that section;275

       (4) Trafficking routes and trafficking patterns used in 276
violations of that section;277

       (5) Methods of transportation used in violations of that 278

       (6) Social and economic factors that contribute to and foster 280
the demand for all forms of exploitation of persons that leads to 281
trafficking in persons;282

       (7) The number of victims of a violation of section 2905.32 283
of the Revised Code who received or who were refused continuous 284
presence in the United States pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 7105, who 285
received or who were refused a visa for an alien classified as a 286
nonimmigrant under 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(T) or (U), or whose 287
request or application for continued presence in the United States 288
pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 7105 or that visa is in process.289

       (C) As used in this section, "commercial sex act," "labor," 290
"services," and "sexually explicit performance" have the same 291
meanings as in section 2905.31 of the Revised Code.292

       Sec. 109.73.  (A) The Ohio peace officer training commission293
shall recommend rules to the attorney general with respect to all294
of the following:295

       (1) The approval, or revocation of approval, of peace officer 296
training schools administered by the state, counties, municipal 297
corporations, public school districts, technical college298
districts, and the department of natural resources;299

       (2) Minimum courses of study, attendance requirements, and300
equipment and facilities to be required at approved state, county,301
municipal, and department of natural resources peace officer302
training schools;303

       (3) Minimum qualifications for instructors at approved state, 304
county, municipal, and department of natural resources peace 305
officer training schools;306

       (4) The requirements of minimum basic training that peace307
officers appointed to probationary terms shall complete before308
being eligible for permanent appointment, which requirements shall309
include a minimum of fifteen hours of training in the handling of310
the offense of domestic violence, other types of domestic311
violence-related offenses and incidents, and protection orders and312
consent agreements issued or approved under section 2919.26 or313
3113.31 of the Revised Code; a minimum of six hours of crisis314
intervention training; and a specified amount of training in the315
handling of missing children and child abuse and neglect cases; 316
and a specified amount of training in handling violations of 317
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code; and the time within which 318
such basic training shall be completed following appointment to a 319
probationary term;320

       (5) The requirements of minimum basic training that peace321
officers not appointed for probationary terms but appointed on322
other than a permanent basis shall complete in order to be323
eligible for continued employment or permanent appointment, which324
requirements shall include a minimum of fifteen hours of training325
in the handling of the offense of domestic violence, other types326
of domestic violence-related offenses and incidents, and327
protection orders and consent agreements issued or approved under328
section 2919.26 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code, a minimum of six329
hours of crisis intervention training, and a specified amount of330
training in the handling of missing children and child abuse and331
neglect cases, and a specified amount of training in handling 332
violations of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code, and the time 333
within which such basic training shall be completed following 334
appointment on other than a permanent basis;335

       (6) Categories or classifications of advanced in-service336
training programs for peace officers, including programs in the337
handling of the offense of domestic violence, other types of338
domestic violence-related offenses and incidents, and protection339
orders and consent agreements issued or approved under section340
2919.26 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code, in crisis intervention,341
and in the handling of missing children and child abuse and342
neglect cases, and in handling violations of section 2905.32 of 343
the Revised Code, and minimum courses of study and attendance344
requirements with respect to such categories or classifications;345

       (7) Permitting persons, who are employed as members of a346
campus police department appointed under section 1713.50 of the347
Revised Code; who are employed as police officers by a qualified348
nonprofit corporation police department pursuant to section349
1702.80 of the Revised Code; who are appointed and commissioned as 350
bank, savings and loan association, savings bank, credit union, or 351
association of banks, savings and loan associations, savings 352
banks, or credit unions police officers, as railroad police 353
officers, or as hospital police officers pursuant to sections 354
4973.17 to 4973.22 of the Revised Code; or who are appointed and 355
commissioned as amusement park police officers pursuant to section 356
4973.17 of the Revised Code, to attend approved peace officer 357
training schools, including the Ohio peace officer training 358
academy, and to receive certificates of satisfactory completion of 359
basic training programs, if the private college or university that 360
established the campus police department; qualified nonprofit 361
corporation police department; bank, savings and loan association, 362
savings bank, credit union, or association of banks, savings and 363
loan associations, savings banks, or credit unions; railroad 364
company; hospital; or amusement park sponsoring the police365
officers pays the entire cost of the training and certification366
and if trainee vacancies are available;367

       (8) Permitting undercover drug agents to attend approved368
peace officer training schools, other than the Ohio peace officer369
training academy, and to receive certificates of satisfactory370
completion of basic training programs, if, for each undercover371
drug agent, the county, township, or municipal corporation that372
employs that undercover drug agent pays the entire cost of the373
training and certification;374

       (9)(a) The requirements for basic training programs for375
bailiffs and deputy bailiffs of courts of record of this state and376
for criminal investigators employed by the state public defender377
that those persons shall complete before they may carry a firearm378
while on duty;379

       (b) The requirements for any training received by a bailiff380
or deputy bailiff of a court of record of this state or by a381
criminal investigator employed by the state public defender prior382
to June 6, 1986, that is to be considered equivalent to the383
training described in division (A)(9)(a) of this section.384

       (10) Establishing minimum qualifications and requirements for 385
certification for dogs utilized by law enforcement agencies;386

       (11) Establishing minimum requirements for certification of387
persons who are employed as correction officers in a full-service388
jail, five-day facility, or eight-hour holding facility or who389
provide correction services in such a jail or facility;390

       (12) Establishing requirements for the training of agents of 391
a county humane society under section 1717.06 of the Revised Code, 392
including, without limitation, a requirement that the agents 393
receive instruction on traditional animal husbandry methods and 394
training techniques, including customary owner-performed 395

       (B) The commission shall appoint an executive director, with397
the approval of the attorney general, who shall hold office during398
the pleasure of the commission. The executive director shall399
perform such duties assigned by the commission. The executive 400
director shall receive a salary fixed pursuant to Chapter 124. of 401
the Revised Code and reimbursement for expenses within the amounts402
available by appropriation. The executive director may appoint403
officers, employees, agents, and consultants as the executive404
director considers necessary, prescribe their duties, and provide 405
for reimbursement of their expenses within the amounts available 406
for reimbursement by appropriation and with the approval of the407

       (C) The commission may do all of the following:409

       (1) Recommend studies, surveys, and reports to be made by the 410
executive director regarding the carrying out of the objectives 411
and purposes of sections 109.71 to 109.77 of the Revised Code;412

       (2) Visit and inspect any peace officer training school that413
has been approved by the executive director or for which414
application for approval has been made;415

       (3) Make recommendations, from time to time, to the executive 416
director, the attorney general, and the general assembly regarding 417
the carrying out of the purposes of sections 109.71 to 109.77 of 418
the Revised Code;419

       (4) Report to the attorney general from time to time, and to420
the governor and the general assembly at least annually,421
concerning the activities of the commission;422

       (5) Establish fees for the services the commission offers423
under sections 109.71 to 109.79 of the Revised Code, including,424
but not limited to, fees for training, certification, and testing;425

       (6) Perform such other acts as are necessary or appropriate426
to carry out the powers and duties of the commission as set forth427
in sections 109.71 to 109.77 of the Revised Code.428

       (D) In establishing the requirements, under division (A)(12) 429
of this section, the commission may consider any portions of the 430
curriculum for instruction on the topic of animal husbandry 431
practices, if any, of the Ohio state university college of 432
veterinary medicine. No person or entity that fails to provide 433
instruction on traditional animal husbandry methods and training 434
techniques, including customary owner-performed practices, shall 435
qualify to train a humane agent for appointment under section 436
1717.06 of the Revised Code.437

       Sec. 109.745.  (A) The attorney general shall provide 438
training for peace officers in investigating and handling 439
violations of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code. The training 440
shall include all of the following:441

       (1) Identifying violations of section 2905.32 of the Revised 442

       (2) Methods used in identifying victims of violations of that 444
section who are citizens of the United States or a foreign 445
country, including preliminary interviewing techniques and 446
appropriate questioning methods;447

       (3) Methods for prosecuting persons who violate section 448
2905.32 of the Revised Code;449

       (4) Methods of increasing effective collaboration with 450
nongovernmental organizations and other social service 451
organizations in the course of a criminal action regarding a 452
violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code;453

       (5) Methods for protecting the rights of victims of 454
violations of that section, including the need to consider human 455
rights and the special needs of women and children who are victims 456
of violations of that section and to treat victims as victims 457
rather than as criminals;458

       (6) Methods for promoting the safety of victims of violations 459
of that section, including the training of peace officers to 460
quickly recognize victims of a violation of that section who are 461
citizens of the United States or citizens of a foreign country.462

       (B) Any organization, person, or other governmental agency 463
with an interest and expertise in trafficking in persons may 464
submit information or materials to the attorney general regarding 465
the development and presentation of the training required under 466
this section. The attorney general, in developing the training 467
required by this section, shall consider any information submitted 468
pursuant to this division.469

       Sec. 109.746.  (A) The attorney general shall prepare public 470
awareness programs that are designed to educate potential victims 471
of violations of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code and their 472
families of the risks of becoming a victim of a violation of that 473
section. The public awareness programs shall include the following 474

       (1) Information about the risks of becoming a victim of a 476
violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code, including 477
information about common recruitment techniques, use of debt 478
bondage and other coercive tactics, the risk of maltreatment, 479
rape, exposure to HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted 480
diseases, and the psychological harm related to being a victim of 481
a violation of that section;482

       (2) Information about the risks of engaging in a commercial 483
sex act and the possible consequences;484

       (3) Information about victim's rights as well as methods for 485
reporting suspected recruitment activities regarding a violation 486
of that section;487

       (4) Information on telephone hotlines for victims of 488
violations of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code and available 489
services to victims of a violation of that section.490

       (B) The attorney general shall prepare and disseminate public 491
awareness materials to educate the public on the extent of 492
trafficking in persons within the United States and to discourage 493
the demand that fosters the exploitation of persons and that leads 494
to trafficking in persons. The public awareness materials may 495
include information on the impact of trafficking in persons on 496
individual victims who are either citizens of the United States or 497
citizens of a foreign country, aggregate information on 498
trafficking worldwide and domestically, as well as warnings of the 499
potential for criminal consequences for participating in 500
trafficking in persons. The materials may include pamphlets, 501
brochures, posters, advertisements, and any other appropriate 502

       (C) The programs and materials described in this section may 504
include information on the impact of trafficking in persons on 505
individual victims, but any information regarding the experiences 506
of those individual victims shall be confidential.507

       (D) The attorney general shall periodically evaluate all 508
public awareness programs and materials under this section to 509
ensure the programs' and materials' effectiveness.510

       (E) Any organization, person, or other governmental agency 511
with an interest and expertise in trafficking in persons may 512
submit information or materials to the attorney general regarding 513
the preparation of the programs and materials required under this 514
section. The attorney general, in developing the programs and 515
materials required by this section, shall consider any information 516
submitted pursuant to this division.517

       (F) As used in this section, "commercial sex act" and "debt 518
bondage" have the same meanings as in section 2905.31 of the 519
Revised Code.520

       Sec. 109.747.  To ensure that a victim of a violation of 521
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code is able to access any 522
available federal benefits and programs for victims of a violation 523
of that section, the attorney general shall do all of the 524

       (A) Inform the appropriate federal authorities about cases 526
known to the attorney general that involve a violation of section 527
2905.32 of the Revised Code;528

       (B) Within seventy-two hours after receipt of a written 529
request from a person identified by a peace officer as a victim of 530
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code for submission of a request 531
for continued presence in the United States, or a written request 532
from that person's representative for submission of a request for 533
continued presence of the victim in the United States, submit a 534
written request to the appropriate federal authorities requesting 535
that the victim be permitted continued presence in the United 536
States pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 7105;537

       (C) Within seventy-two hours of a written request from a 538
person identified by a peace officer as a victim of a violation of 539
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code for a law enforcement agency's 540
endorsement that the person is a victim of that section, or a 541
written request from that person's representative for an 542
endorsement of that nature, provide the person with an endorsement 543
of the person's victim status on Supplement B, Declaration of Law 544
Enforcement Officer for Victim of Trafficking in Persons, of Form 545
I-914 in accordance with 8 C.F.R. 214.11(f)(1) in support of that 546
person's application for a visa for an alien classified as a 547
nonimmigrant under 8 U.S.C. 1101(T);548

       (D) Within seventy-two hours after receipt of a request from 549
a person identified by a peace officer as a victim of a violation 550
of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code for documentation to 551
support the person's request for the benefits and services 552
described in this division, or a written request from that 553
person's representative for documentation of that nature, provide 554
the person with documentation in support of that person's request 555
for benefits and services to be provided to trafficking victims by 556
the office of refugee and resettlement in the United States 557
department of health and human services and by other federal 558
agencies pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 7105.559

       Sec. 2305.117.  An action brought pursuant to section 2307.54 560
of the Revised Code shall be brought within ten years after the 561
cause of action accrues. If the person bringing the action is a 562
disabled person, there is no limitation on when the action may be 563
brought. For purposes of this section, if the victim of a 564
violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code is a minor at the 565
time of the violation, a cause of action brought pursuant to 566
section 2307.54 of the Revised Code accrues upon the date on which 567
the victim reaches the age of majority. 568

       Sec. 2307.54. A person who suffers injury or loss to person 569
or property as a result of an act committed in violation of 570
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code has a civil action against the 571
offender and may recover in that action full compensatory damages, 572
punitive or exemplary damages, court costs, other reasonable 573
expenses incurred in maintaining that action, and the reasonable 574
attorney's fees incurred in maintaining that action.575

       Sec. 2317.02.  The following persons shall not testify in576
certain respects:577

       (A) An attorney, concerning a communication made to the578
attorney by a client in that relation or the attorney's advice to579
a client, except that the attorney may testify by express consent580
of the client or, if the client is deceased, by the express581
consent of the surviving spouse or the executor or administrator582
of the estate of the deceased client. However, if the client 583
voluntarily testifies or is deemed by section 2151.421 of the 584
Revised Code to have waived any testimonial privilege under this 585
division, the attorney may be compelled to testify on the same 586

       The testimonial privilege established under this division 588
does not apply concerning a communication between a client who has 589
since died and the deceased client's attorney if the communication 590
is relevant to a dispute between parties who claim through that 591
deceased client, regardless of whether the claims are by testate 592
or intestate succession or by inter vivos transaction, and the 593
dispute addresses the competency of the deceased client when the 594
deceased client executed a document that is the basis of the 595
dispute or whether the deceased client was a victim of fraud, 596
undue influence, or duress when the deceased client executed a 597
document that is the basis of the dispute.598

       (B)(1) A physician or a dentist concerning a communication599
made to the physician or dentist by a patient in that relation or600
the physician's or dentist's advice to a patient, except as601
otherwise provided in this division, division (B)(2), and division602
(B)(3) of this section, and except that, if the patient is deemed603
by section 2151.421 of the Revised Code to have waived any604
testimonial privilege under this division, the physician may be605
compelled to testify on the same subject.606

       The testimonial privilege established under this division607
does not apply, and a physician or dentist may testify or may be608
compelled to testify, in any of the following circumstances:609

       (a) In any civil action, in accordance with the discovery610
provisions of the Rules of Civil Procedure in connection with a611
civil action, or in connection with a claim under Chapter 4123. of612
the Revised Code, under any of the following circumstances:613

       (i) If the patient or the guardian or other legal614
representative of the patient gives express consent;615

       (ii) If the patient is deceased, the spouse of the patient or 616
the executor or administrator of the patient's estate gives617
express consent;618

       (iii) If a medical claim, dental claim, chiropractic claim,619
or optometric claim, as defined in section 2305.113 of the Revised620
Code, an action for wrongful death, any other type of civil621
action, or a claim under Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code is622
filed by the patient, the personal representative of the estate of623
the patient if deceased, or the patient's guardian or other legal624

       (b) In any civil action concerning court-ordered treatment or 626
services received by a patient, if the court-ordered treatment or 627
services were ordered as part of a case plan journalized under628
section 2151.412 of the Revised Code or the court-ordered629
treatment or services are necessary or relevant to dependency,630
neglect, or abuse or temporary or permanent custody proceedings631
under Chapter 2151. of the Revised Code.632

       (c) In any criminal action concerning any test or the results 633
of any test that determines the presence or concentration of 634
alcohol, a drug of abuse, a combination of them, a controlled 635
substance, or a metabolite of a controlled substance in the 636
patient's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, urine, or 637
other bodily substance at any time relevant to the criminal 638
offense in question.639

       (d) In any criminal action against a physician or dentist. In 640
such an action, the testimonial privilege established under this 641
division does not prohibit the admission into evidence, in642
accordance with the Rules of Evidence, of a patient's medical or643
dental records or other communications between a patient and the644
physician or dentist that are related to the action and obtained645
by subpoena, search warrant, or other lawful means. A court that646
permits or compels a physician or dentist to testify in such an647
action or permits the introduction into evidence of patient648
records or other communications in such an action shall require649
that appropriate measures be taken to ensure that the650
confidentiality of any patient named or otherwise identified in651
the records is maintained. Measures to ensure confidentiality that 652
may be taken by the court include sealing its records or deleting 653
specific information from its records.654

       (e)(i) If the communication was between a patient who has 655
since died and the deceased patient's physician or dentist, the 656
communication is relevant to a dispute between parties who claim 657
through that deceased patient, regardless of whether the claims 658
are by testate or intestate succession or by inter vivos 659
transaction, and the dispute addresses the competency of the 660
deceased patient when the deceased patient executed a document 661
that is the basis of the dispute or whether the deceased patient 662
was a victim of fraud, undue influence, or duress when the 663
deceased patient executed a document that is the basis of the 664

       (ii) If neither the spouse of a patient nor the executor or 666
administrator of that patient's estate gives consent under 667
division (B)(1)(a)(ii) of this section, testimony or the 668
disclosure of the patient's medical records by a physician, 669
dentist, or other health care provider under division (B)(1)(e)(i) 670
of this section is a permitted use or disclosure of protected 671
health information, as defined in 45 C.F.R. 160.103, and an 672
authorization or opportunity to be heard shall not be required.673

       (iii) Division (B)(1)(e)(i) of this section does not require 674
a mental health professional to disclose psychotherapy notes, as 675
defined in 45 C.F.R. 164.501.676

       (iv) An interested person who objects to testimony or 677
disclosure under division (B)(1)(e)(i) of this section may seek a 678
protective order pursuant to Civil Rule 26.679

       (v) A person to whom protected health information is 680
disclosed under division (B)(1)(e)(i) of this section shall not 681
use or disclose the protected health information for any purpose 682
other than the litigation or proceeding for which the information 683
was requested and shall return the protected health information to 684
the covered entity or destroy the protected health information, 685
including all copies made, at the conclusion of the litigation or 686

       (2)(a) If any law enforcement officer submits a written688
statement to a health care provider that states that an official689
criminal investigation has begun regarding a specified person or690
that a criminal action or proceeding has been commenced against a691
specified person, that requests the provider to supply to the692
officer copies of any records the provider possesses that pertain693
to any test or the results of any test administered to the694
specified person to determine the presence or concentration of695
alcohol, a drug of abuse, a combination of them, a controlled 696
substance, or a metabolite of a controlled substance in the 697
person's whole blood, blood serum or plasma, breath, or urine at 698
any time relevant to the criminal offense in question, and that 699
conforms to section 2317.022 of the Revised Code, the provider, 700
except to the extent specifically prohibited by any law of this 701
state or of the United States, shall supply to the officer a copy 702
of any of the requested records the provider possesses. If the 703
health care provider does not possess any of the requested 704
records, the provider shall give the officer a written statement 705
that indicates that the provider does not possess any of the 706
requested records.707

       (b) If a health care provider possesses any records of the708
type described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section regarding the709
person in question at any time relevant to the criminal offense in710
question, in lieu of personally testifying as to the results of711
the test in question, the custodian of the records may submit a712
certified copy of the records, and, upon its submission, the713
certified copy is qualified as authentic evidence and may be714
admitted as evidence in accordance with the Rules of Evidence.715
Division (A) of section 2317.422 of the Revised Code does not716
apply to any certified copy of records submitted in accordance717
with this division. Nothing in this division shall be construed to 718
limit the right of any party to call as a witness the person who719
administered the test to which the records pertain, the person720
under whose supervision the test was administered, the custodian721
of the records, the person who made the records, or the person722
under whose supervision the records were made.723

       (3)(a) If the testimonial privilege described in division724
(B)(1) of this section does not apply as provided in division725
(B)(1)(a)(iii) of this section, a physician or dentist may be726
compelled to testify or to submit to discovery under the Rules of727
Civil Procedure only as to a communication made to the physician728
or dentist by the patient in question in that relation, or the729
physician's or dentist's advice to the patient in question, that730
related causally or historically to physical or mental injuries731
that are relevant to issues in the medical claim, dental claim,732
chiropractic claim, or optometric claim, action for wrongful733
death, other civil action, or claim under Chapter 4123. of the734
Revised Code.735

       (b) If the testimonial privilege described in division (B)(1) 736
of this section does not apply to a physician or dentist as737
provided in division (B)(1)(c) of this section, the physician or738
dentist, in lieu of personally testifying as to the results of the739
test in question, may submit a certified copy of those results,740
and, upon its submission, the certified copy is qualified as741
authentic evidence and may be admitted as evidence in accordance742
with the Rules of Evidence. Division (A) of section 2317.422 of743
the Revised Code does not apply to any certified copy of results744
submitted in accordance with this division. Nothing in this745
division shall be construed to limit the right of any party to746
call as a witness the person who administered the test in747
question, the person under whose supervision the test was748
administered, the custodian of the results of the test, the person749
who compiled the results, or the person under whose supervision750
the results were compiled.751

       (4) The testimonial privilege described in division (B)(1) of 752
this section is not waived when a communication is made by a753
physician to a pharmacist or when there is communication between a754
patient and a pharmacist in furtherance of the physician-patient755

       (5)(a) As used in divisions (B)(1) to (4) of this section,757
"communication" means acquiring, recording, or transmitting any758
information, in any manner, concerning any facts, opinions, or759
statements necessary to enable a physician or dentist to diagnose,760
treat, prescribe, or act for a patient. A "communication" may761
include, but is not limited to, any medical or dental, office, or762
hospital communication such as a record, chart, letter,763
memorandum, laboratory test and results, x-ray, photograph,764
financial statement, diagnosis, or prognosis.765

       (b) As used in division (B)(2) of this section, "health care766
provider" means a hospital, ambulatory care facility, long-term767
care facility, pharmacy, emergency facility, or health care768

       (c) As used in division (B)(5)(b) of this section:770

       (i) "Ambulatory care facility" means a facility that provides771
medical, diagnostic, or surgical treatment to patients who do not772
require hospitalization, including a dialysis center, ambulatory773
surgical facility, cardiac catheterization facility, diagnostic774
imaging center, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy center, home775
health agency, inpatient hospice, birthing center, radiation776
therapy center, emergency facility, and an urgent care center.777
"Ambulatory health care facility" does not include the private778
office of a physician or dentist, whether the office is for an779
individual or group practice.780

       (ii) "Emergency facility" means a hospital emergency781
department or any other facility that provides emergency medical782

       (iii) "Health care practitioner" has the same meaning as in784
section 4769.01 of the Revised Code.785

       (iv) "Hospital" has the same meaning as in section 3727.01 of786
the Revised Code.787

       (v) "Long-term care facility" means a nursing home,788
residential care facility, or home for the aging, as those terms789
are defined in section 3721.01 of the Revised Code; an adult care790
facility, as defined in section 3722.01 of the Revised Code; a791
nursing facility or intermediate care facility for the mentally792
retarded, as those terms are defined in section 5111.20 of the793
Revised Code; a facility or portion of a facility certified as a794
skilled nursing facility under Title XVIII of the "Social Security795
Act," 49 Stat. 286 (1965), 42 U.S.C.A. 1395, as amended.796

       (vi) "Pharmacy" has the same meaning as in section 4729.01 of797
the Revised Code.798

       (d) As used in divisions (B)(1) and (B)(2) of this section, 799
"drug of abuse" has the same meaning as in section 4506.01 of the 800
Revised Code.801

       (6) Divisions (B)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of this section802
apply to doctors of medicine, doctors of osteopathic medicine,803
doctors of podiatry, and dentists.804

       (7) Nothing in divisions (B)(1) to (6) of this section805
affects, or shall be construed as affecting, the immunity from806
civil liability conferred by section 307.628 of the Revised Code 807
or the immunity from civil liability conferred by section 2305.33 808
of the Revised Code upon physicians who report an employee's use 809
of a drug of abuse, or a condition of an employee other than one810
involving the use of a drug of abuse, to the employer of the811
employee in accordance with division (B) of that section. As used812
in division (B)(7) of this section, "employee," "employer," and813
"physician" have the same meanings as in section 2305.33 of the814
Revised Code.815

       (C)(1) A cleric, when the cleric remains accountable to the 816
authority of that cleric's church, denomination, or sect, 817
concerning a confession made, or any information confidentially 818
communicated, to the cleric for a religious counseling purpose in 819
the cleric's professional character. The cleric may testify by820
express consent of the person making the communication, except821
when the disclosure of the information is in violation of a sacred822
trust and except that, if the person voluntarily testifies or is 823
deemed by division (A)(4)(c) of section 2151.421 of the Revised 824
Code to have waived any testimonial privilege under this division, 825
the cleric may be compelled to testify on the same subject except 826
when disclosure of the information is in violation of a sacred 827

       (2) As used in division (C) of this section:829

        (a) "Cleric" means a member of the clergy, rabbi, priest, 830
Christian scienceScience practitioner, or regularly ordained, 831
accredited, or licensed minister of an established and legally 832
cognizable church, denomination, or sect.833

        (b) "Sacred trust" means a confession or confidential 834
communication made to a cleric in the cleric's ecclesiastical 835
capacity in the course of discipline enjoined by the church to 836
which the cleric belongs, including, but not limited to, the 837
Catholic Church, if both of the following apply:838

        (i) The confession or confidential communication was made 839
directly to the cleric.840

        (ii) The confession or confidential communication was made in 841
the manner and context that places the cleric specifically and 842
strictly under a level of confidentiality that is considered 843
inviolate by canon law or church doctrine.844

       (D) Husband or wife, concerning any communication made by one 845
to the other, or an act done by either in the presence of the846
other, during coverture, unless the communication was made, or act847
done, in the known presence or hearing of a third person competent848
to be a witness; and such rule is the same if the marital relation849
has ceased to exist;850

       (E) A person who assigns a claim or interest, concerning any851
matter in respect to which the person would not, if a party, be852
permitted to testify;853

       (F) A person who, if a party, would be restricted under854
section 2317.03 of the Revised Code, when the property or thing is855
sold or transferred by an executor, administrator, guardian,856
trustee, heir, devisee, or legatee, shall be restricted in the857
same manner in any action or proceeding concerning the property or858

       (G)(1) A school guidance counselor who holds a valid educator 860
license from the state board of education as provided for in 861
section 3319.22 of the Revised Code, a trafficking-in-persons 862
caseworker, a person licensed under Chapter 4757. of the Revised 863
Code as a professional clinical counselor, professional counselor,864
social worker, independent social worker, marriage and family 865
therapist or, independent marriage and family therapist, or a 866
person registered under Chapter 4757. of the Revised Code as a867
social work assistant concerning a confidential communication 868
received from a client in that relation or the person's advice to 869
a client unless any of the following applies:870

       (a) The communication or advice indicates clear and present871
danger to the client or other persons. For the purposes of this872
division, cases in which there are indications of present or past873
child abuse or neglect of the client constitute a clear and874
present danger.875

       (b) The client gives express consent to the testimony.876

       (c) If the client is deceased, the surviving spouse or the877
executor or administrator of the estate of the deceased client878
gives express consent.879

       (d) The client voluntarily testifies, in which case the880
school guidance counselor, trafficking-in-persons caseworker, or 881
person licensed or registered under Chapter 4757. of the Revised 882
Code may be compelled to testify on the same subject.883

       (e) The court in camera determines that the information884
communicated by the client is not germane to the counselor-client, 885
trafficking-in-persons caseworker-client, marriage and family 886
therapist-client, or social worker-client relationship.887

       (f) A court, in an action brought against a school, its888
administration, or any of its personnel by the client, rules after889
an in-camera inspection that the testimony of the school guidance890
counselor is relevant to that action.891

       (g) The testimony is sought in a civil action and concerns892
court-ordered treatment or services received by a patient as part893
of a case plan journalized under section 2151.412 of the Revised894
Code or the court-ordered treatment or services are necessary or895
relevant to dependency, neglect, or abuse or temporary or896
permanent custody proceedings under Chapter 2151. of the Revised897

       (2) Nothing in division (G)(1) of this section shall relieve899
a school guidance counselor, trafficking-in-persons caseworker, or 900
a person licensed or registered under Chapter 4757. of the Revised 901
Code from the requirement to report information concerning child 902
abuse or neglect under section 2151.421 of the Revised Code.903

       (3) As used in this section, "trafficking-in-persons 904
caseworker" means a person who has received specialized training 905
in the counseling of victims of a violation of section 2905.32 of 906
the Revised Code and who meets one of the following requirements:907

       (a) The person has a master's degree in counseling or a 908
related field or has one year of counseling experience, at least 909
six months of which is in the counseling of victims of a violation 910
of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code.911

       (b) The person has at least forty hours of training in 912
counseling victims of a violation of section 2905.32 of the 913
Revised Code and is supervised by an individual who satisfies 914
division (G)(3)(a) of this section.915

       (c) The person is a psychotherapist.916

       (H) A mediator acting under a mediation order issued under917
division (A) of section 3109.052 of the Revised Code or otherwise918
issued in any proceeding for divorce, dissolution, legal919
separation, annulment, or the allocation of parental rights and920
responsibilities for the care of children, in any action or921
proceeding, other than a criminal, delinquency, child abuse, child922
neglect, or dependent child action or proceeding, that is brought923
by or against either parent who takes part in mediation in924
accordance with the order and that pertains to the mediation925
process, to any information discussed or presented in the926
mediation process, to the allocation of parental rights and927
responsibilities for the care of the parents' children, or to the928
awarding of parenting time rights in relation to their children;929

       (I) A communications assistant, acting within the scope of930
the communication assistant's authority, when providing931
telecommunications relay service pursuant to section 4931.35 of932
the Revised Code or Title II of the "Communications Act of 1934,"933
104 Stat. 366 (1990), 47 U.S.C. 225, concerning a communication934
made through a telecommunications relay service. Nothing in this935
section shall limit the obligation of a communications assistant936
to divulge information or testify when mandated by federal law or937
regulation or pursuant to subpoena in a criminal proceeding.938

       Nothing in this section shall limit any immunity or privilege939
granted under federal law or regulation.940

       (J)(1) A chiropractor in a civil proceeding concerning a941
communication made to the chiropractor by a patient in that942
relation or the chiropractor's advice to a patient, except as943
otherwise provided in this division. The testimonial privilege944
established under this division does not apply, and a chiropractor945
may testify or may be compelled to testify, in any civil action,946
in accordance with the discovery provisions of the Rules of Civil947
Procedure in connection with a civil action, or in connection with948
a claim under Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code, under any of the949
following circumstances:950

       (a) If the patient or the guardian or other legal951
representative of the patient gives express consent.952

       (b) If the patient is deceased, the spouse of the patient or953
the executor or administrator of the patient's estate gives954
express consent.955

       (c) If a medical claim, dental claim, chiropractic claim, or956
optometric claim, as defined in section 2305.113 of the Revised957
Code, an action for wrongful death, any other type of civil958
action, or a claim under Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code is959
filed by the patient, the personal representative of the estate of960
the patient if deceased, or the patient's guardian or other legal961

       (2) If the testimonial privilege described in division (J)(1) 963
of this section does not apply as provided in division (J)(1)(c) 964
of this section, a chiropractor may be compelled to testify or to 965
submit to discovery under the Rules of Civil Procedure only as to 966
a communication made to the chiropractor by the patient in 967
question in that relation, or the chiropractor's advice to the968
patient in question, that related causally or historically to969
physical or mental injuries that are relevant to issues in the970
medical claim, dental claim, chiropractic claim, or optometric971
claim, action for wrongful death, other civil action, or claim972
under Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code.973

       (3) The testimonial privilege established under this division 974
does not apply, and a chiropractor may testify or be compelled to 975
testify, in any criminal action or administrative proceeding.976

       (4) As used in this division, "communication" means977
acquiring, recording, or transmitting any information, in any978
manner, concerning any facts, opinions, or statements necessary to979
enable a chiropractor to diagnose, treat, or act for a patient. A980
communication may include, but is not limited to, any981
chiropractic, office, or hospital communication such as a record,982
chart, letter, memorandum, laboratory test and results, x-ray,983
photograph, financial statement, diagnosis, or prognosis.984

       (K)(1) Except as provided under division (K)(2) of this 985
section, a critical incident stress management team member 986
concerning a communication received from an individual who 987
receives crisis response services from the team member, or the 988
team member's advice to the individual, during a debriefing 989

        (2) The testimonial privilege established under division 991
(K)(1) of this section does not apply if any of the following are 992

        (a) The communication or advice indicates clear and present 994
danger to the individual who receives crisis response services or 995
to other persons. For purposes of this division, cases in which 996
there are indications of present or past child abuse or neglect of 997
the individual constitute a clear and present danger.998

        (b) The individual who received crisis response services 999
gives express consent to the testimony.1000

       (c) If the individual who received crisis response services 1001
is deceased, the surviving spouse or the executor or administrator 1002
of the estate of the deceased individual gives express consent.1003

        (d) The individual who received crisis response services 1004
voluntarily testifies, in which case the team member may be 1005
compelled to testify on the same subject.1006

        (e) The court in camera determines that the information 1007
communicated by the individual who received crisis response 1008
services is not germane to the relationship between the individual 1009
and the team member.1010

       (f) The communication or advice pertains or is related to any 1011
criminal act.1012

       (3) As used in division (K) of this section:1013

       (a) "Crisis response services" means consultation, risk 1014
assessment, referral, and on-site crisis intervention services 1015
provided by a critical incident stress management team to 1016
individuals affected by crisis or disaster.1017

       (b) "Critical incident stress management team member" or 1018
"team member" means an individual specially trained to provide 1019
crisis response services as a member of an organized community or 1020
local crisis response team that holds membership in the Ohio 1021
critical incident stress management network.1022

       (c) "Debriefing session" means a session at which crisis 1023
response services are rendered by a critical incident stress 1024
management team member during or after a crisis or disaster.1025

       (L)(1) Subject to division (L)(2) of this section and except1026
as provided in division (L)(3) of this section, an employee1027
assistance professional, concerning a communication made to the1028
employee assistance professional by a client in the employee1029
assistance professional's official capacity as an employee1030
assistance professional.1031

        (2) Division (L)(1) of this section applies to an employee1032
assistance professional who meets either or both of the following1033

        (a) Is certified by the employee assistance certification1035
commission to engage in the employee assistance profession;1036

        (b) Has education, training, and experience in all of the1037

        (i) Providing workplace-based services designed to address1039
employer and employee productivity issues;1040

        (ii) Providing assistance to employees and employees'1041
dependents in identifying and finding the means to resolve1042
personal problems that affect the employees or the employees'1043

       (iii) Identifying and resolving productivity problems1045
associated with an employee's concerns about any of the following1046
matters: health, marriage, family, finances, substance abuse or1047
other addiction, workplace, law, and emotional issues;1048

       (iv) Selecting and evaluating available community resources;1049

        (v) Making appropriate referrals;1050

        (vi) Local and national employee assistance agreements;1051

        (vii) Client confidentiality.1052

        (3) Division (L)(1) of this section does not apply to any of 1053
the following:1054

        (a) A criminal action or proceeding involving an offense1055
under sections 2903.01 to 2903.06 of the Revised Code if the1056
employee assistance professional's disclosure or testimony relates1057
directly to the facts or immediate circumstances of the offense;1058

        (b) A communication made by a client to an employee1059
assistance professional that reveals the contemplation or1060
commission of a crime or serious, harmful act;1061

        (c) A communication that is made by a client who is an1062
unemancipated minor or an adult adjudicated to be incompetent and1063
indicates that the client was the victim of a crime or abuse;1064

       (d) A civil proceeding to determine an individual's mental1065
competency or a criminal action in which a plea of not guilty by1066
reason of insanity is entered;1067

        (e) A civil or criminal malpractice action brought against1068
the employee assistance professional;1069

        (f) When the employee assistance professional has the express 1070
consent of the client or, if the client is deceased or disabled, 1071
the client's legal representative;1072

        (g) When the testimonial privilege otherwise provided by1073
division (L)(1) of this section is abrogated under law.1074

       Sec. 2743.191.  (A)(1) There is hereby created in the state1075
treasury the reparations fund, which shall be used only for the1076
following purposes:1077

       (a) The payment of awards of reparations that are granted by1078
the attorney general;1079

       (b) The compensation of any personnel needed by the attorney1080
general to administer sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised1081

       (c) The compensation of witnesses as provided in division (J)1083
of section 2743.65 of the Revised Code;1084

       (d) Other administrative costs of hearing and determining1085
claims for an award of reparations by the attorney general;1086

       (e) The costs of administering sections 2907.28 and 2969.011087
to 2969.06 of the Revised Code;1088

       (f) The costs of investigation and decision-making as1089
certified by the attorney general;1090

       (g) The provision of state financial assistance to victim1091
assistance programs in accordance with sections 109.91 and 109.921092
of the Revised Code;1093

       (h) The costs of paying the expenses of sex offense-related1094
examinations and antibiotics pursuant to section 2907.28 of the1095
Revised Code;1096

       (i) The cost of printing and distributing the pamphlet1097
prepared by the attorney general pursuant to section 109.42 of the1098
Revised Code;1099

       (j) Subject to division (D) of section 2743.71 of the Revised1100
Code, the costs associated with the printing and providing of1101
information cards or other printed materials to law enforcement1102
agencies and prosecuting authorities and with publicizing the1103
availability of awards of reparations pursuant to section 2743.711104
of the Revised Code;1105

       (k) The payment of costs of administering a DNA specimen1106
collection procedure pursuant to sections 2152.74 and 2901.07 of 1107
the Revised Code, of performing DNA analysis of those DNA1108
specimens, and of entering the resulting DNA records regarding1109
those analyses into the DNA database pursuant to section 109.5731110
of the Revised Code;1111

       (l) The payment of actual costs associated with initiatives 1112
by the attorney general for the apprehension, prosecution, and 1113
accountability of offenders, and the enhancing of services to 1114
crime victims. The amount of payments made pursuant to division 1115
(A)(1)(l) of this section during any given fiscal year shall not 1116
exceed five per cent of the balance of the reparations fund at the 1117
close of the immediately previous fiscal year;1118

       (m) The costs of administering the adult parole authority's 1119
supervision pursuant to division (E) of section 2971.05 of the 1120
Revised Code of sexually violent predators who are sentenced to a 1121
prison term pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 2971.03 of the 1122
Revised Code, of offenders who are sentenced to a prison term 1123
pursuant to division (B)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of that section for a 1124
violation of division (A)(1)(b) of section 2907.02 of the Revised 1125
Code, and of offenders who are sentenced to a prison term pursuant 1126
to division (B)(2)(a), (b), or (c) of section 2971.03 of the 1127
Revised Code for attempted rape and a specification of the type 1128
described in section 2941.1418, 2941.1419, or 2941.1420 of the 1129
Revised Code.1130

       (n) The costs of providing the services to victims of 1131
violations of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code pursuant to 1132
sections 2930.22 and 2930.23 of the Revised Code.1133

       (2) All costs paid pursuant to section 2743.70 of the Revised1134
Code, the portions of license reinstatement fees mandated by1135
division (F)(2)(b) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code to be1136
credited to the fund, the portions of the proceeds of the sale of1137
a forfeited vehicle specified in division (C)(2) of section1138
4503.234 of the Revised Code, payments collected by the department1139
of rehabilitation and correction from prisoners who voluntarily1140
participate in an approved work and training program pursuant to1141
division (C)(8)(b)(ii) of section 5145.16 of the Revised Code, and1142
all moneys collected by the state pursuant to its right of1143
subrogation provided in section 2743.72 of the Revised Code shall1144
be deposited in the fund.1145

       (B) In making an award of reparations, the attorney general1146
shall render the award against the state. The award shall be1147
accomplished only through the following procedure, and the1148
following procedure may be enforced by writ of mandamus directed1149
to the appropriate official:1150

       (1) The attorney general shall provide for payment of the1151
claimant or providers in the amount of the award only if the 1152
amount of the award is fifty dollars or more.1153

       (2) The expense shall be charged against all available1154
unencumbered moneys in the fund.1155

       (3) If sufficient unencumbered moneys do not exist in the1156
fund, the attorney general shall make application for payment of1157
the award out of the emergency purposes account or any other1158
appropriation for emergencies or contingencies, and payment out of1159
this account or other appropriation shall be authorized if there1160
are sufficient moneys greater than the sum total of then pending1161
emergency purposes account requests or requests for releases from1162
the other appropriations.1163

       (4) If sufficient moneys do not exist in the account or any1164
other appropriation for emergencies or contingencies to pay the1165
award, the attorney general shall request the general assembly to1166
make an appropriation sufficient to pay the award, and no payment1167
shall be made until the appropriation has been made. The attorney1168
general shall make this appropriation request during the current1169
biennium and during each succeeding biennium until a sufficient1170
appropriation is made. If, prior to the time that an appropriation 1171
is made by the general assembly pursuant to this division, the 1172
fund has sufficient unencumbered funds to pay the award or part of 1173
the award, the available funds shall be used to pay the award or 1174
part of the award, and the appropriation request shall be amended 1175
to request only sufficient funds to pay that part of the award 1176
that is unpaid.1177

       (C) The attorney general shall not make payment on a decision1178
or order granting an award until all appeals have been determined 1179
and all rights to appeal exhausted, except as otherwise provided 1180
in this section. If any party to a claim for an award of1181
reparations appeals from only a portion of an award, and a1182
remaining portion provides for the payment of money by the state,1183
that part of the award calling for the payment of money by the1184
state and not a subject of the appeal shall be processed for1185
payment as described in this section.1186

       (D) The attorney general shall prepare itemized bills for the 1187
costs of printing and distributing the pamphlet the attorney1188
general prepares pursuant to section 109.42 of the Revised Code.1189
The itemized bills shall set forth the name and address of the1190
persons owed the amounts set forth in them.1191

       (E) As used in this section, "DNA analysis" and "DNA1192
specimen" have the same meanings as in section 109.573 of the1193
Revised Code.1194

       Sec. 2901.13.  (A)(1) Except as provided in division (A)(2) 1195
or (3) of this section or as otherwise provided in this section, a 1196
prosecution shall be barred unless it is commenced within the 1197
following periods after an offense is committed:1198

       (a) For a felony, six years;1199

       (b) For a misdemeanor other than a minor misdemeanor, two1200

       (c) For a minor misdemeanor, six months.1202

       (2) There is no period of limitation for the prosecution of a 1203
violation of section 2903.01 or 2903.02 of the Revised Code or a 1204
violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code if the victim is 1205
a disabled person.1206

       (3) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (B) to (H) of 1207
this section, a prosecution of any of the following offenses shall 1208
be barred unless it is commenced within twenty years after the 1209
offense is committed:1210

       (a) A violation of section 2903.03, 2903.04, 2905.01, 1211
2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.04, 2907.05, 2907.21, 2909.02, 2909.22, 1212
2909.23, 2909.24, 2909.26, 2909.27, 2909.28, 2909.29, 2911.01, 1213
2911.02, 2911.11, 2911.12, or 2917.02 of the Revised Code, a 1214
violation of section 2903.11 or 2903.12 of the Revised Code if the 1215
victim is a peace officer, a violation of section 2903.13 of the 1216
Revised Code that is a felony, a violation of section 2905.32 of 1217
the Revised Code, or a violation of former section 2907.12 of the 1218
Revised Code;1219

       (b) A conspiracy to commit, attempt to commit, or complicity 1220
in committing a violation set forth in division (A)(3)(a) of this 1221

       (B) If the period of limitation provided in division (A)(1)1223
or (3) of this section has expired, prosecution shall be commenced 1224
for an offense of which an element is fraud or breach of a 1225
fiduciary duty, within one year after discovery of the offense 1226
either by an aggrieved person, or by the aggrieved person's legal1227
representative who is not a party to the offense.1228

       (C) If the period of limitation provided in division (A)(1)1229
or (3) of this section has expired, prosecution shall be commenced 1230
for an offense involving misconduct in office by a public servant 1231
as defined in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code, at any time 1232
while the accused remains a public servant, or within two years1233

       (D) An offense is committed when every element of the offense 1235
occurs. In the case of an offense of which an element is a 1236
continuing course of conduct, the period of limitation does not1237
begin to run until such course of conduct or the accused's1238
accountability for it terminates, whichever occurs first.1239

       (E) A prosecution is commenced on the date an indictment is 1240
returned or an information filed, or on the date a lawful arrest 1241
without a warrant is made, or on the date a warrant, summons, 1242
citation, or other process is issued, whichever occurs first. A 1243
prosecution is not commenced by the return of an indictment or the 1244
filing of an information unless reasonable diligence is exercised 1245
to issue and execute process on the same. A prosecution is not 1246
commenced upon issuance of a warrant, summons, citation, or other 1247
process, unless reasonable diligence is exercised to execute the 1248

       (F) The period of limitation shall not run during any time1250
when the corpus delicti remains undiscovered.1251

       (G) The period of limitation shall not run during any time1252
when the accused purposely avoids prosecution. Proof that the1253
accused departed this state or concealed the accused's identity or 1254
whereabouts is prima-facie evidence of the accused's purpose to1255
avoid prosecution.1256

       (H) The period of limitation shall not run during any time a 1257
prosecution against the accused based on the same conduct is1258
pending in this state, even though the indictment, information, or 1259
process which commenced the prosecution is quashed or the1260
proceedings thereon are set aside or reversed on appeal.1261

       (I) The period of limitation for a violation of any provision 1262
of Title XXIX of the Revised Code that involves a physical or 1263
mental wound, injury, disability, or condition of a nature that 1264
reasonably indicates abuse or neglect of a child under eighteen 1265
years of age or of a mentally retarded, developmentally disabled, 1266
or physically impaired child under twenty-one years of age shall 1267
not begin to run until either of the following occurs:1268

       (1) The victim of the offense reaches the age of majority.1269

       (2) A public children services agency, or a municipal or 1270
county peace officer that is not the parent or guardian of the 1271
child, in the county in which the child resides or in which the 1272
abuse or neglect is occurring or has occurred has been notified 1273
that abuse or neglect is known, suspected, or believed to have 1274

       (J) The period of limitation for a violation of section 1276
2905.32 of the Revised Code that involves a child under eighteen 1277
years of age shall not begin to run until the victim of the 1278
offense reaches the age of majority.1279

       (K) As used in this section, "peace officer" has the same 1280
meaning as in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code.1281

       Sec. 2905.31.  As used in sections 2905.31 to 2905.36 of the 1282
Revised Code:1283

       (A) "Commercial sex act" means any sex act on account of 1284
which anything of value is directly or indirectly given, promised 1285
to, or received by any person.1286

       (B) "Debt coercion" means the exploitation of the status or 1287
condition of a debtor arising from a pledge by the debtor of the 1288
debtor's personal services or those of a person under the debtor's 1289
control as security for a debt if the value of those services as 1290
reasonably assessed is not applied toward the liquidation of the 1291
debt, if the length or nature of those services is not limited and 1292
defined, or if the principal amount of the debt does not 1293
reasonably reflect the value of the items or services for which 1294
the debt was incurred.1295

       (C) "Financial harm" includes activity that would be a 1296
violation of section 2905.22 of the Revised Code and employment 1297
contracts that violate Chapter 1335. of the Revised Code.1298

       (D) "Labor" means work of economic or financial value.1299

       (E) "Organization" has the same meaning as in section 2901.23 1300
of the Revised Code.1301

       (F) "Pattern of trafficking in persons" means that both of 1302
the following apply:1303

       (1) A person has committed two or more instances of 1304
trafficking in persons, whether or not there has been a prior 1305
conviction or guilty plea, that are not so closely related to each 1306
other and connected in time and place that they constitute a 1307
single event.1308

       (2) At least one of the incidents forming the pattern of 1309
trafficking in persons occurs on or after the effective date of 1310
this section. 1311

       (G) "Services" means an ongoing relationship between persons 1312
in which a person performs activities at the behest of, under the 1313
supervision of, or for the benefit of another person.1314

       (H) "Sexually explicit performance" means a live, public, 1315
private, photographed, recorded, or videotaped act intended to 1316
sexually arouse, satisfy the sexual desires of, or appeal to the 1317
prurient interests of any person.1318

       (I) "Trafficking in persons" means that a person knowingly 1319
does either of the following:1320

       (1) Engages in, attempts to engage in, conspires to engage 1321
in, or recruits, lures, entices, harbors, transports, provides, or 1322
obtains or attempts to recruit, lure, entice, harbor, transport, 1323
provide, or obtain another person to engage in a violation of 1324
section 2905.01, 2905.02, 2907.21, 2907.22, 2907.32, 2907.321, 1325
2907.322, or 2907.323 of the Revised Code or a violation of any 1326
former law of this state, any existing or former municipal 1327
ordinance or law of another state or the United States, or any 1328
existing or former law of any nation other than the United States 1329
that is or was substantially equivalent to one of these offenses 1330
and either of the following applies:1331

       (a) For an adult victim, the offender recruited, lured, 1332
enticed, harbored, transported, provided, or obtained or attempted 1333
to recruit, lure, entice, harbor, transport, provide, or obtain 1334
the victim for the purpose of engaging in a commercial sex act, a 1335
sexually explicit performance, labor, or services by doing one of 1336
the following: 1337

       (i) By causing or threatening to cause serious bodily harm to 1338
the victim or another person;1339

       (ii) By physically restraining or threatening to physically 1340
restrain the victim or another person;1341

       (iii) By knowingly destroying, concealing, removing, 1342
confiscating, or possessing any actual or purported passport or 1343
other immigration document or any other actual or purported 1344
government identification document of another person;1345

       (iv) By means of the abuse or threatened abuse of the law or 1346
legal process;1347

       (v) By committing a violation of section 2905.11 of the 1348
Revised Code;1349

       (vi) By deception or fraud;1350

       (vii) By debt coercion;1351

       (viii) By causing or threatening to cause financial harm to 1352
any person;1353

       (ix) By facilitating or controlling a person's access to any 1354
addictive controlled substance;1355

       (x) By causing any scheme, plan, or pattern to cause a person 1356
to believe that if the person does not perform a commercial sex 1357
act, sexually explicit performance, labor, or services that person 1358
will suffer serious physical harm or unlawful restraint.1359

       (b) If the victim is a minor, the offender recruited, lured, 1360
enticed, harbored, transported, provided, or obtained or attempted 1361
to recruit, lure, entice, harbor, transport, provide, or obtain 1362
the victim for the purpose of engaging in a commercial sex act, a 1363
sexually explicit performance, labor, or services by any means.1364

       (2) Benefits financially or receives anything of value from 1365
participation as an organizer, supervisor, financier, or manager 1366
in a scheme or course of conduct described in division (I)(1) of 1367
this section.1368

       Sec. 2905.32.  No person shall engage in a pattern of 1369
trafficking in persons.1370

       (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of trafficking in 1371
persons, a felony of the first degree.1372

       (C) Evidence of any of the following does not constitute a 1373
defense to a violation of this section:1374

       (1) The victim's sexual history or history of performing a 1375
commercial sex act;1376

       (2) The victim's connection by blood or marriage to the 1377

       (3) Consent of or permission by the victim or any other 1379
person on the victim's behalf to performing a commercial sex act 1380
or a sexually explicit performance;1381

       (4) The victim's age.1382

       Sec. 2905.33. (A) No person shall knowingly sell or offer to 1383
sell travel-related services that include or facilitate in-state 1384
or out-of-state travel that would result in a violation of section 1385
2907.23 or 2907.24 of the Revised Code.1386

       (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of promoting sex 1387
tourism, a felony of the section degree.1388

       Sec. 2905.34.  (A) An organization that knowingly aids a 1389
person in or participates in a violation of section 2905.32 of the 1390
Revised Code is criminally liable in accordance with section 1391
2901.23 of the Revised Code.1392

       (B) In addition to any fine imposed under section 2901.23 of 1393
the Revised Code, if an organization is convicted of violating 1394
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code, the court may do any of the 1395

       (1) Order the dissolution or reorganization of the 1397

       (2) Order the suspension or revocation of any license, 1399
permit, or prior approval granted to the organization by any state 1400

       (3) Order the surrender of the organization's charter if the 1402
organization is organized under the laws of this state or the 1403
revocation of the organization's certificate to conduct business 1404
in this state if the organization is not organized under the laws 1405
of this state.1406

       Sec. 2905.35.  (A) In addition to any other penalty or 1407
disposition authorized or required by law, the court shall order 1408
any person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of 1409
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code to criminally forfeit to the 1410
state any personal or real property to which the person has an 1411
interest and that was used in the course of or intended for use in 1412
the course of a violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code 1413
or that was derived from or realized through conduct in violation 1414
of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code.1415

       (B) All property ordered forfeited pursuant to this section 1416
shall be held by the law enforcement agency for distribution and 1417
disposal pursuant to section 2933.41 of the Revised Code. The 1418
agency shall maintain an accurate record of each item of property 1419
so seized and held. The record shall include the date on which 1420
each item was seized, the manner and date of disposition by the 1421
agency, and, if applicable, the name of the person who received 1422
the item. The record shall not identify or enable the 1423
identification of the individual officer who seized the property. 1424
The record is a public record open for inspection under section 1425
149.43 of the Revised Code. Each law enforcement agency that 1426
seizes and holds in any calendar year any item of property that is 1427
ordered forfeited pursuant to this section shall prepare a report 1428
covering the calendar year that cumulates all of the information 1429
contained in all of the records kept by the agency pursuant to 1430
this division for that calendar year and shall send the cumulative 1431
report, not later than the first day of March in the calendar year 1432
following the calendar year covered by the report, to the attorney 1433
general. Each report received by the attorney general is a public 1434
record open for inspection under section 149.43 of the Revised 1435
Code. Not later than the fifteenth day of April in the calendar 1436
year in which the reports were received, the attorney general 1437
shall send to the president of the senate and the speaker of the 1438
house of representatives a written notification that does all of 1439
the following:1440

       (1) Indicates that the attorney general has received from law 1441
enforcement agencies reports of the type described in this 1442
division that cover the previous calendar year and indicates that 1443
the reports were received under this division;1444

       (2) Indicates that the reports are open for inspection under 1445
section 149.43 of the Revised Code;1446

       (3) Indicates that the attorney general will provide a copy 1447
of any or all of the reports to the president of the senate or the 1448
speaker of the house of representatives upon request.1449

       (C) Notwithstanding the notice and procedure prescribed by 1450
division (E) of this section, an order of criminal forfeiture 1451
entered under division (A) of this section shall authorize an 1452
appropriate law enforcement agency to seize the property declared 1453
forfeited under this section upon the terms and conditions 1454
relating to the time and manner of seizure that the court 1455
determines proper.1456

       (D)(1) Upon entry of a judgment of forfeiture pursuant to 1457
division (A) of this section, the court shall cause notice of the 1458
judgment to be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, 1459
to all persons known to have, or appearing to have, an interest in 1460
the property that was acquired pursuant to division (A) of this 1461
section. If the notices cannot be given to those persons in that 1462
manner, the court shall cause publication of the notice of the 1463
judgment of forfeiture pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure.1464

       (2) Within thirty days after receipt of a notice or after the 1465
date of publication of a notice under division (D)(1) of this 1466
section, any person, other than the defendant, who claims an 1467
interest in the property that is subject to forfeiture may 1468
petition the court for a hearing to determine the validity of the 1469
claim. The petition shall be signed and sworn to by the petitioner 1470
and shall set forth the nature and extent of the petitioner's 1471
interest in the property, the date and circumstances of the 1472
petitioner's acquisition of the interest, any additional 1473
allegations supporting the claim, and the relief sought. The 1474
petitioner shall furnish the prosecuting attorney with a copy of 1475
the petition.1476

       (3) The court, to the extent practicable and consistent with 1477
the interests of justice, shall hold the hearing described in 1478
division (D)(2) of this section within thirty days from the filing 1479
of the petition. The court may consolidate the hearings on all 1480
petitions filed by third party claimants under this section. At 1481
the hearing, the petitioner may testify and present evidence on 1482
the petitioner's own behalf and cross-examine witnesses. The 1483
prosecuting attorney may present evidence and witnesses in 1484
rebuttal and in defense of the claim of the state to the property 1485
and cross-examine witnesses. The court, in making its 1486
determination, shall consider the testimony and evidence presented 1487
at the hearing and the relevant portions of the record of the 1488
criminal proceeding that resulted in the judgment of forfeiture. 1489

       (4) If at a hearing held under division (E)(3) of this 1490
section the court, by a preponderance of the evidence, determines 1491
either that the petitioner has a legal right, title, or interest 1492
in the property that, at the time of the commission of the acts 1493
giving rise to the forfeiture of the property, was vested in the 1494
petitioner and not in the defendant or was superior to the right, 1495
title, or interest of the defendant, or that the petitioner is a 1496
bona fide purchaser for value of the right, title, or interest in 1497
the property and was at the time of the purchase reasonably 1498
without cause to believe that the property was subject to 1499
forfeiture under this section, the court shall amend, in 1500
accordance with its determination, the judgment of forfeiture to 1501
protect the rights of innocent persons.1502

       (E) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, no 1503
person claiming an interest in property that is subject to 1504
forfeiture under this section shall do either of the following:1505

       (1) Intervene in a trial or appeal of a criminal case that 1506
involves the forfeiture of property;1507

       (2) File an action against the state concerning the validity 1508
of the person's alleged interest in the property subsequent to the 1509
filing of the indictment, count in the indictment, or information 1510
that alleges that the property is subject to forfeiture under this 1511

       (F) Unclaimed or forfeited property in the custody of a law 1513
enforcement agency shall be disposed of pursuant to the procedure 1514
in section 2933.41 of the Revised Code, except that the proceeds 1515
from property disposed of pursuant to section 2933.41 of the 1516
Revised Code shall first be used to pay restitution to the victim 1517
of a violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code as provided 1518
in section 2929.181 of the Revised Code, as well as to pay any 1519
punitive or exemplary damages awarded to that victim in a civil 1520
action filed pursuant to section 2307.54 of the Revised Code.1521

       Sec. 2905.36. No provision of Title XXIX of the Revised Code 1522
that prohibits a person from engaging in specified criminal 1523
activity applies to a victim of a violation of section 2905.32 of 1524
the Revised Code who violated that provision of Title XXIX of the 1525
Revised Code while the victim was under duress or coercion that 1526
resulted from that violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised 1527
Code and the victim committed the violation because of that duress 1528
or coercion.1529

       Sec. 2921.22.  (A) No person, knowing that a felony has been1530
or is being committed, shall knowingly fail to report such1531
information to law enforcement authorities.1532

       (B) Except for conditions that are within the scope of1533
division (E) of this section, no physician, limited practitioner, 1534
nurse, or other person giving aid to a sick or injured person1535
shall negligently fail to report to law enforcement authorities 1536
any gunshot or stab wound treated or observed by the physician, 1537
limited practitioner, nurse, or person, or any serious physical1538
harm to persons that the physician, limited practitioner, nurse, 1539
or person knows or has reasonable cause to believe resulted from 1540
an offense of violence.1541

       (C) No person who discovers the body or acquires the first1542
knowledge of the death of a person shall fail to report the death1543
immediately to a physician whom the person knows to be treating1544
the deceased for a condition from which death at such time would1545
not be unexpected, or to a law enforcement officer, an ambulance1546
service, an emergency squad, or the coroner in a political1547
subdivision in which the body is discovered, the death is believed1548
to have occurred, or knowledge concerning the death is obtained.1549

       (D) No person shall fail to provide upon request of the1550
person to whom a report required by division (C) of this section 1551
was made, or to any law enforcement officer who has reasonable 1552
cause to assert the authority to investigate the circumstances 1553
surrounding the death, any facts within the person's knowledge 1554
that may have a bearing on the investigation of the death.1555

       (E)(1) As used in this division, "burn injury" means any of1556
the following:1557

       (a) Second or third degree burns;1558

       (b) Any burns to the upper respiratory tract or laryngeal1559
edema due to the inhalation of superheated air;1560

       (c) Any burn injury or wound that may result in death;1561

       (d) Any physical harm to persons caused by or as the result1562
of the use of fireworks, novelties and trick noisemakers, and wire1563
sparklers, as each is defined by section 3743.01 of the Revised1564

       (2) No physician, nurse, or limited practitioner who, outside 1566
a hospital, sanitarium, or other medical facility, attends or 1567
treats a person who has sustained a burn injury that is inflicted 1568
by an explosion or other incendiary device or that shows evidence 1569
of having been inflicted in a violent, malicious, or criminal 1570
manner shall fail to report the burn injury immediately to the 1571
local arson, or fire and explosion investigation, bureau, if there 1572
is a bureau of this type in the jurisdiction in which the person 1573
is attended or treated, or otherwise to local law enforcement 1574

       (3) No manager, superintendent, or other person in charge of1576
a hospital, sanitarium, or other medical facility in which a1577
person is attended or treated for any burn injury that is1578
inflicted by an explosion or other incendiary device or that shows 1579
evidence of having been inflicted in a violent, malicious, or 1580
criminal manner shall fail to report the burn injury immediately 1581
to the local arson, or fire and explosion investigation, bureau, 1582
if there is a bureau of this type in the jurisdiction in which the 1583
person is attended or treated, or otherwise to local law1584
enforcement authorities.1585

       (4) No person who is required to report any burn injury under 1586
division (E)(2) or (3) of this section shall fail to file, within 1587
three working days after attending or treating the victim, a 1588
written report of the burn injury with the office of the state1589
fire marshal. The report shall comply with the uniform standard 1590
developed by the state fire marshal pursuant to division (A)(15) 1591
of section 3737.22 of the Revised Code.1592

       (5) Anyone participating in the making of reports under1593
division (E) of this section or anyone participating in a judicial1594
proceeding resulting from the reports is immune from any civil or1595
criminal liability that otherwise might be incurred or imposed as1596
a result of such actions. Notwithstanding section 4731.22 of the1597
Revised Code, the physician-patient relationship is not a ground1598
for excluding evidence regarding a person's burn injury or the1599
cause of the burn injury in any judicial proceeding resulting from1600
a report submitted under division (E) of this section.1601

       (F)(1) Any doctor of medicine or osteopathic medicine,1602
hospital intern or resident, registered or licensed practical1603
nurse, psychologist, social worker, independent social worker,1604
social work assistant, professional clinical counselor, or1605
professional counselor who knows or has reasonable cause to1606
believe that a patient or client has been the victim of domestic1607
violence, as defined in section 3113.31 of the Revised Code, shall1608
note that knowledge or belief and the basis for it in the1609
patient's or client's records.1610

       (2) Notwithstanding section 4731.22 of the Revised Code, the1611
doctor-patient privilege shall not be a ground for excluding any1612
information regarding the report containing the knowledge or1613
belief noted under division (F)(1) of this section, and the1614
information may be admitted as evidence in accordance with the1615
Rules of Evidence.1616

       (G) Divisions (A) and (D) of this section do not require1617
disclosure of information, when any of the following applies:1618

       (1) The information is privileged by reason of the1619
relationship between attorney and client; doctor and patient;1620
licensed psychologist or licensed school psychologist and client;1621
member of the clergy, rabbi, minister, or priest and any person1622
communicating information confidentially to the member of the1623
clergy, rabbi, minister, or priest for a religious counseling 1624
purpose of a professional character; husband and wife; or a1625
communications assistant and those who are a party to a1626
telecommunications relay service call; or a victim of a violation 1627
of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code and a 1628
trafficking-in-persons caseworker, as defined in section 2317.02 1629
of the Revised Code.1630

       (2) The information would tend to incriminate a member of the 1631
actor's immediate family.1632

       (3) Disclosure of the information would amount to revealing a 1633
news source, privileged under section 2739.04 or 2739.12 of the1634
Revised Code.1635

       (4) Disclosure of the information would amount to disclosure1636
by a member of the ordained clergy of an organized religious body1637
of a confidential communication made to that member of the clergy 1638
in that member's capacity as a member of the clergy by a person1639
seeking the aid or counsel of that member of the clergy.1640

       (5) Disclosure would amount to revealing information acquired 1641
by the actor in the course of the actor's duties in connection 1642
with a bona fide program of treatment or services for drug1643
dependent persons or persons in danger of drug dependence, which1644
program is maintained or conducted by a hospital, clinic, person,1645
agency, or organization certified pursuant to section 3793.06 of1646
the Revised Code.1647

       (6) Disclosure would amount to revealing information acquired 1648
by the actor in the course of the actor's duties in connection 1649
with a bona fide program for providing counseling services to1650
victims of crimes that are violations of section 2907.02 or1651
2907.05 of the Revised Code or to victims of felonious sexual 1652
penetration in violation of former section 2907.12 of the Revised 1653
Code. As used in this division, "counseling services" include 1654
services provided in an informal setting by a person who, by 1655
education or experience, is competent to provide those services.1656

       (H) No disclosure of information pursuant to this section1657
gives rise to any liability or recrimination for a breach of1658
privilege or confidence.1659

       (I) Whoever violates division (A) or (B) of this section is1660
guilty of failure to report a crime. Violation of division (A) of1661
this section is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. Violation of1662
division (B) of this section is a misdemeanor of the second1663

       (J) Whoever violates division (C) or (D) of this section is1665
guilty of failure to report knowledge of a death, a misdemeanor of1666
the fourth degree.1667

       (K)(1) Whoever negligently violates division (E) of this1668
section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.1669

       (2) Whoever knowingly violates division (E) of this section1670
is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree.1671

       Sec. 2923.01.  (A) No person, with purpose to commit or to1672
promote or facilitate the commission of aggravated murder, murder,1673
kidnapping, compelling prostitution, promoting prostitution, 1674
trafficking in persons, aggravated arson, arson, aggravated 1675
robbery, robbery, aggravated burglary, burglary, engaging in a 1676
pattern of corrupt activity, corrupting another with drugs, a 1677
felony drug trafficking, manufacturing, processing, or possession 1678
offense, theft of drugs, or illegal processing of drug documents, 1679
the commission of a felony offense of unauthorized use of a 1680
vehicle, illegally transmitting multiple commercial electronic 1681
mail messages or unauthorized access of a computer in violation of 1682
section 2923.421 of the Revised Code, or the commission of a 1683
violation of any provision of Chapter 3734. of the Revised Code, 1684
other than section 3734.18 of the Revised Code, that relates to 1685
hazardous wastes, shall do either of the following:1686

       (1) With another person or persons, plan or aid in planning1687
the commission of any of the specified offenses;1688

       (2) Agree with another person or persons that one or more of1689
them will engage in conduct that facilitates the commission of any1690
of the specified offenses.1691

       (B) No person shall be convicted of conspiracy unless a1692
substantial overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy is alleged1693
and proved to have been done by the accused or a person with whom1694
the accused conspired, subsequent to the accused's entrance into1695
the conspiracy. For purposes of this section, an overt act is1696
substantial when it is of a character that manifests a purpose on1697
the part of the actor that the object of the conspiracy should be1698

       (C) When the offender knows or has reasonable cause to1700
believe that a person with whom the offender conspires also has1701
conspired or is conspiring with another to commit the same1702
offense, the offender is guilty of conspiring with that other1703
person, even though the other person's identity may be unknown to1704
the offender.1705

       (D) It is no defense to a charge under this section that, in1706
retrospect, commission of the offense that was the object of the1707
conspiracy was impossible under the circumstances.1708

       (E) A conspiracy terminates when the offense or offenses that 1709
are its objects are committed or when it is abandoned by all1710
conspirators. In the absence of abandonment, it is no defense to a 1711
charge under this section that no offense that was the object of1712
the conspiracy was committed.1713

       (F) A person who conspires to commit more than one offense is 1714
guilty of only one conspiracy, when the offenses are the object of 1715
the same agreement or continuous conspiratorial relationship.1716

       (G) When a person is convicted of committing or attempting to 1717
commit a specific offense or of complicity in the commission of or 1718
attempt to commit the specific offense, the person shall not be1719
convicted of conspiracy involving the same offense.1720

       (H)(1) No person shall be convicted of conspiracy upon the1721
testimony of a person with whom the defendant conspired,1722
unsupported by other evidence.1723

       (2) If a person with whom the defendant allegedly has1724
conspired testifies against the defendant in a case in which the1725
defendant is charged with conspiracy and if the testimony is1726
supported by other evidence, the court, when it charges the jury,1727
shall state substantially the following:1728

       "The testimony of an accomplice that is supported by other1729
evidence does not become inadmissible because of the accomplice's1730
complicity, moral turpitude, or self-interest, but the admitted or1731
claimed complicity of a witness may affect the witness'1732
credibility and make the witness' testimony subject to grave1733
suspicion, and require that it be weighed with great caution.1734

       It is for you, as jurors, in the light of all the facts1735
presented to you from the witness stand, to evaluate such1736
testimony and to determine its quality and worth or its lack of1737
quality and worth."1738

       (3) "Conspiracy," as used in division (H)(1) of this section,1739
does not include any conspiracy that results in an attempt to1740
commit an offense or in the commission of an offense.1741

       (I) The following are affirmative defenses to a charge of1742

       (1) After conspiring to commit an offense, the actor thwarted 1744
the success of the conspiracy under circumstances manifesting a 1745
complete and voluntary renunciation of the actor's criminal1746

       (2) After conspiring to commit an offense, the actor1748
abandoned the conspiracy prior to the commission of or attempt to1749
commit any offense that was the object of the conspiracy, either1750
by advising all other conspirators of the actor's abandonment, or1751
by informing any law enforcement authority of the existence of the1752
conspiracy and of the actor's participation in the conspiracy.1753

       (J) Whoever violates this section is guilty of conspiracy,1754
which is one of the following:1755

       (1) A felony of the first degree, when one of the objects of1756
the conspiracy is aggravated murder, murder, trafficking in 1757
persons, or an offense for which the maximum penalty is 1758
imprisonment for life;1759

       (2) A felony of the next lesser degree than the most serious1760
offense that is the object of the conspiracy, when the most1761
serious offense that is the object of the conspiracy is a felony1762
of the first, second, third, or fourth degree;1763

       (3) A felony punishable by a fine of not more than1764
twenty-five thousand dollars or imprisonment for not more than1765
eighteen months, or both, when the offense that is the object of1766
the conspiracy is a violation of any provision of Chapter 3734. of1767
the Revised Code, other than section 3734.18 of the Revised Code,1768
that relates to hazardous wastes;1769

       (4) A misdemeanor of the first degree, when the most serious1770
offense that is the object of the conspiracy is a felony of the1771
fifth degree.1772

       (K) This section does not define a separate conspiracy1773
offense or penalty where conspiracy is defined as an offense by1774
one or more sections of the Revised Code, other than this section.1775
In such a case, however:1776

       (1) With respect to the offense specified as the object of1777
the conspiracy in the other section or sections, division (A) of1778
this section defines the voluntary act or acts and culpable mental1779
state necessary to constitute the conspiracy;1780

       (2) Divisions (B) to (I) of this section are incorporated by1781
reference in the conspiracy offense defined by the other section1782
or sections of the Revised Code.1783

       (L)(1) In addition to the penalties that otherwise are1784
imposed for conspiracy, a person who is found guilty of conspiracy1785
to engage in a pattern of corrupt activity is subject to divisions1786
(B)(2) and (3) of section 2923.32, division (A) of section 1787
2981.04, and division (D) of section 2981.06 of the Revised Code.1788

       (2) If a person is convicted of or pleads guilty to1789
conspiracy and if the most serious offense that is the object of1790
the conspiracy is a felony drug trafficking, manufacturing,1791
processing, or possession offense, in addition to the penalties or1792
sanctions that may be imposed for the conspiracy under division1793
(J)(2) or (4) of this section and Chapter 2929. of the Revised1794
Code, both of the following apply:1795

       (a) The provisions of divisions (D), (F), and (G) of section1796
2925.03, division (D) of section 2925.04, division (D) of section1797
2925.05, division (D) of section 2925.06, and division (E) of1798
section 2925.11 of the Revised Code that pertain to mandatory and1799
additional fines, driver's or commercial driver's license or1800
permit suspensions, and professionally licensed persons and that1801
would apply under the appropriate provisions of those divisions to1802
a person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to the felony drug1803
trafficking, manufacturing, processing, or possession offense that1804
is the most serious offense that is the basis of the conspiracy1805
shall apply to the person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to1806
the conspiracy as if the person had been convicted of or pleaded1807
guilty to the felony drug trafficking, manufacturing, processing,1808
or possession offense that is the most serious offense that is the1809
basis of the conspiracy.1810

       (b) The court that imposes sentence upon the person who is1811
convicted of or pleads guilty to the conspiracy shall comply with1812
the provisions identified as being applicable under division1813
(L)(2) of this section, in addition to any other penalty or1814
sanction that it imposes for the conspiracy under division (J)(2)1815
or (4) of this section and Chapter 2929. of the Revised Code.1816

       (M) As used in this section:1817

       (1) "Felony drug trafficking, manufacturing, processing, or1818
possession offense" means any of the following that is a felony:1819

       (a) A violation of section 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.05, or1820
2925.06 of the Revised Code;1821

       (b) A violation of section 2925.11 of the Revised Code that1822
is not a minor drug possession offense.1823

       (2) "Minor drug possession offense" has the same meaning as1824
in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code.1825

       Sec. 2923.31.  As used in sections 2923.31 to 2923.36 of the1826
Revised Code:1827

       (A) "Beneficial interest" means any of the following:1828

       (1) The interest of a person as a beneficiary under a trust1829
in which the trustee holds title to personal or real property;1830

       (2) The interest of a person as a beneficiary under any other 1831
trust arrangement under which any other person holds title to 1832
personal or real property for the benefit of such person;1833

       (3) The interest of a person under any other form of express1834
fiduciary arrangement under which any other person holds title to1835
personal or real property for the benefit of such person.1836

       "Beneficial interest" does not include the interest of a1837
stockholder in a corporation or the interest of a partner in1838
either a general or limited partnership.1839

       (B) "Costs of investigation and prosecution" and "costs of1840
investigation and litigation" mean all of the costs incurred by1841
the state or a county or municipal corporation under sections1842
2923.31 to 2923.36 of the Revised Code in the prosecution and1843
investigation of any criminal action or in the litigation and1844
investigation of any civil action, and includes, but is not1845
limited to, the costs of resources and personnel.1846

       (C) "Enterprise" includes any individual, sole1847
proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, corporation,1848
trust, union, government agency, or other legal entity, or any1849
organization, association, or group of persons associated in fact1850
although not a legal entity. "Enterprise" includes illicit as well 1851
as licit enterprises.1852

       (D) "Innocent person" includes any bona fide purchaser of1853
property that is allegedly involved in a violation of section1854
2923.32 of the Revised Code, including any person who establishes1855
a valid claim to or interest in the property in accordance with1856
division (E) of section 2981.04 of the Revised Code, and any1857
victim of an alleged violation of that section or of any1858
underlying offense involved in an alleged violation of that1859

       (E) "Pattern of corrupt activity" means two or more incidents 1861
of corrupt activity, whether or not there has been a prior 1862
conviction, that are related to the affairs of the same1863
enterprise, are not isolated, and are not so closely related to1864
each other and connected in time and place that they constitute a1865
single event.1866

       At least one of the incidents forming the pattern shall occur1867
on or after January 1, 1986. Unless any incident was an aggravated 1868
murder or murder, the last of the incidents forming the pattern 1869
shall occur within six years after the commission of any prior 1870
incident forming the pattern, excluding any period of imprisonment 1871
served by any person engaging in the corrupt activity.1872

       For the purposes of the criminal penalties that may be1873
imposed pursuant to section 2923.32 of the Revised Code, at least1874
one of the incidents forming the pattern shall constitute a felony1875
under the laws of this state in existence at the time it was1876
committed or, if committed in violation of the laws of the United1877
States or of any other state, shall constitute a felony under the1878
law of the United States or the other state and would be a1879
criminal offense under the law of this state if committed in this1880

       (F) "Pecuniary value" means money, a negotiable instrument, a 1882
commercial interest, or anything of value, as defined in section1883
1.03 of the Revised Code, or any other property or service that1884
has a value in excess of one hundred dollars.1885

       (G) "Person" means any person, as defined in section 1.59 of1886
the Revised Code, and any governmental officer, employee, or1887

       (H) "Personal property" means any personal property, any1889
interest in personal property, or any right, including, but not1890
limited to, bank accounts, debts, corporate stocks, patents, or1891
copyrights. Personal property and any beneficial interest in1892
personal property are deemed to be located where the trustee of1893
the property, the personal property, or the instrument evidencing1894
the right is located.1895

       (I) "Corrupt activity" means engaging in, attempting to1896
engage in, conspiring to engage in, or soliciting, coercing, or1897
intimidating another person to engage in any of the following:1898

       (1) Conduct defined as "racketeering activity" under the1899
"Organized Crime Control Act of 1970," 84 Stat. 941, 18 U.S.C.1900
1961(1)(B), (1)(C), (1)(D), and (1)(E), as amended;1901

       (2) Conduct constituting any of the following:1902

       (a) A violation of section 1315.55, 1322.02, 2903.01,1903
2903.02, 2903.03, 2903.04, 2903.11, 2903.12, 2905.01, 2905.02,1904
2905.11, 2905.22, 2905.32, 2907.321, 2907.322, 2907.323, 2909.02, 1905
2909.03, 2909.22, 2909.23, 2909.24, 2909.26, 2909.27, 2909.28, 1906
2909.29, 2911.01, 2911.02, 2911.11, 2911.12, 2911.13, 2911.31, 1907
2913.05, 2913.06, 2921.02, 2921.03, 2921.04, 2921.11, 2921.12, 1908
2921.32, 2921.41, 2921.42, 2921.43, 2923.12, or 2923.17; division 1909
(F)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of section 1315.53; division (A)(1) or (2) 1910
of section 1707.042; division (B), (C)(4), (D), (E), or (F) of 1911
section 1707.44; division (A)(1) or (2) of section 2923.20; 1912
division (J)(1) of section 4712.02; section 4719.02, 4719.05, or 1913
4719.06; division (C), (D), or (E) of section 4719.07; section 1914
4719.08; or division (A) of section 4719.09 of the Revised Code.1915

       (b) Any violation of section 3769.11, 3769.15, 3769.16, or1916
3769.19 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to July 1, 1996,1917
any violation of section 2915.02 of the Revised Code that occurs1918
on or after July 1, 1996, and that, had it occurred prior to that1919
date, would have been a violation of section 3769.11 of the1920
Revised Code as it existed prior to that date, or any violation of1921
section 2915.05 of the Revised Code that occurs on or after July1922
1, 1996, and that, had it occurred prior to that date, would have1923
been a violation of section 3769.15, 3769.16, or 3769.19 of the1924
Revised Code as it existed prior to that date.1925

       (c) Any violation of section 2907.21, 2907.22, 2907.31,1926
2913.02, 2913.11, 2913.21, 2913.31, 2913.32, 2913.34, 2913.42,1927
2913.47, 2913.51, 2915.03, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.05, or 2925.371928
of the Revised Code, any violation of section 2925.11 of the1929
Revised Code that is a felony of the first, second, third, or1930
fourth degree and that occurs on or after July 1, 1996, any1931
violation of section 2915.02 of the Revised Code that occurred1932
prior to July 1, 1996, any violation of section 2915.02 of the1933
Revised Code that occurs on or after July 1, 1996, and that, had1934
it occurred prior to that date, would not have been a violation of1935
section 3769.11 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to that1936
date, any violation of section 2915.06 of the Revised Code as it1937
existed prior to July 1, 1996, or any violation of division (B) of1938
section 2915.05 of the Revised Code as it exists on and after July1939
1, 1996, when the proceeds of the violation, the payments made in1940
the violation, the amount of a claim for payment or for any other1941
benefit that is false or deceptive and that is involved in the1942
violation, or the value of the contraband or other property1943
illegally possessed, sold, or purchased in the violation exceeds1944
five hundred dollars, or any combination of violations described1945
in division (I)(2)(c) of this section when the total proceeds of1946
the combination of violations, payments made in the combination of1947
violations, amount of the claims for payment or for other benefits1948
that is false or deceptive and that is involved in the combination1949
of violations, or value of the contraband or other property1950
illegally possessed, sold, or purchased in the combination of1951
violations exceeds five hundred dollars;1952

       (d) Any violation of section 5743.112 of the Revised Code1953
when the amount of unpaid tax exceeds one hundred dollars;1954

       (e) Any violation or combination of violations of section1955
2907.32 of the Revised Code involving any material or performance1956
containing a display of bestiality or of sexual conduct, as1957
defined in section 2907.01 of the Revised Code, that is explicit1958
and depicted with clearly visible penetration of the genitals or1959
clearly visible penetration by the penis of any orifice when the1960
total proceeds of the violation or combination of violations, the1961
payments made in the violation or combination of violations, or1962
the value of the contraband or other property illegally possessed,1963
sold, or purchased in the violation or combination of violations1964
exceeds five hundred dollars;1965

       (f) Any combination of violations described in division1966
(I)(2)(c) of this section and violations of section 2907.32 of the1967
Revised Code involving any material or performance containing a1968
display of bestiality or of sexual conduct, as defined in section1969
2907.01 of the Revised Code, that is explicit and depicted with1970
clearly visible penetration of the genitals or clearly visible1971
penetration by the penis of any orifice when the total proceeds of1972
the combination of violations, payments made in the combination of1973
violations, amount of the claims for payment or for other benefits1974
that is false or deceptive and that is involved in the combination1975
of violations, or value of the contraband or other property1976
illegally possessed, sold, or purchased in the combination of1977
violations exceeds five hundred dollars.1978

       (3) Conduct constituting a violation of any law of any state1979
other than this state that is substantially similar to the conduct1980
described in division (I)(2) of this section, provided the1981
defendant was convicted of the conduct in a criminal proceeding in1982
the other state;1983

       (4) Animal or ecological terrorism.1984

       (J) "Real property" means any real property or any interest1985
in real property, including, but not limited to, any lease of, or1986
mortgage upon, real property. Real property and any beneficial1987
interest in it is deemed to be located where the real property is1988

       (K) "Trustee" means any of the following:1990

       (1) Any person acting as trustee under a trust in which the1991
trustee holds title to personal or real property;1992

       (2) Any person who holds title to personal or real property1993
for which any other person has a beneficial interest;1994

       (3) Any successor trustee.1995

       "Trustee" does not include an assignee or trustee for an1996
insolvent debtor or an executor, administrator, administrator with1997
the will annexed, testamentary trustee, guardian, or committee,1998
appointed by, under the control of, or accountable to a court.1999

       (L) "Unlawful debt" means any money or other thing of value2000
constituting principal or interest of a debt that is legally2001
unenforceable in this state in whole or in part because the debt2002
was incurred or contracted in violation of any federal or state2003
law relating to the business of gambling activity or relating to2004
the business of lending money at an usurious rate unless the2005
creditor proves, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the2006
usurious rate was not intentionally set and that it resulted from2007
a good faith error by the creditor, notwithstanding the2008
maintenance of procedures that were adopted by the creditor to2009
avoid an error of that nature.2010

       (M) "Animal activity" means any activity that involves the 2011
use of animals or animal parts, including, but not limited to, 2012
hunting, fishing, trapping, traveling, camping, the production, 2013
preparation, or processing of food or food products, clothing or 2014
garment manufacturing, medical research, other research, 2015
entertainment, recreation, agriculture, biotechnology, or service 2016
activity that involves the use of animals or animal parts.2017

        (N) "Animal facility" means a vehicle, building, structure, 2018
nature preserve, or other premises in which an animal is lawfully 2019
kept, handled, housed, exhibited, bred, or offered for sale, 2020
including, but not limited to, a zoo, rodeo, circus, amusement 2021
park, hunting preserve, or premises in which a horse or dog event 2022
is held.2023

        (O) "Animal or ecological terrorism" means the commission of 2024
any felony that involves causing or creating a substantial risk of 2025
physical harm to any property of another, the use of a deadly 2026
weapon or dangerous ordnance, or purposely, knowingly, or 2027
recklessly causing serious physical harm to property and that 2028
involves an intent to obstruct, impede, or deter any person from 2029
participating in a lawful animal activity, from mining, foresting, 2030
harvesting, gathering, or processing natural resources, or from 2031
being lawfully present in or on an animal facility or research 2032

       (P) "Research facility" means a place, laboratory, 2034
institution, medical care facility, government facility, or public 2035
or private educational institution in which a scientific test, 2036
experiment, or investigation involving the use of animals or other 2037
living organisms is lawfully carried out, conducted, or attempted.2038

       Sec. 2929.18.  (A) Except as otherwise provided in this2039
division and in addition to imposing court costs pursuant to2040
section 2947.23 of the Revised Code, the court imposing a sentence2041
upon an offender for a felony may sentence the offender to any2042
financial sanction or combination of financial sanctions2043
authorized under this section or, in the circumstances specified2044
in section 2929.32 of the Revised Code, may impose upon the2045
offender a fine in accordance with that section. Financial2046
sanctions that may be imposed pursuant to this section include,2047
but are not limited to, the following:2048

       (1) RestitutionExcept as otherwise provided in section 2049
2929.181 of the Revised Code, restitution by the offender to the 2050
victim of the offender's crime or any survivor of the victim, in 2051
an amount based on the victim's economic loss. If the court 2052
imposes restitution, the court shall order that the restitution be 2053
made to the victim in open court, to the adult probation 2054
department that serves the county on behalf of the victim, to the 2055
clerk of courts, or to another agency designated by the court. If 2056
the court imposes restitution, at sentencing, the court shall 2057
determine the amount of restitution to be made by the offender. If 2058
the court imposes restitution, the court may base the amount of 2059
restitution it orders on an amount recommended by the victim, the 2060
offender, a presentence investigation report, estimates or 2061
receipts indicating the cost of repairing or replacing property, 2062
and other information, provided that the amount the court orders 2063
as restitution shall not exceed the amount of the economic loss 2064
suffered by the victim as a direct and proximate result of the 2065
commission of the offense. If the court decides to impose 2066
restitution, the court shall hold a hearing on restitution if the 2067
offender, victim, or survivor disputes the amount. All restitution 2068
payments shall be credited against any recovery of economic loss 2069
in a civil action brought by the victim or any survivor of the 2070
victim against the offender.2071

        If the court imposes restitution, the court may order that 2072
the offender pay a surcharge of not more than five per cent of the 2073
amount of the restitution otherwise ordered to the entity 2074
responsible for collecting and processing restitution payments.2075

       The victim or survivor may request that the prosecutor in the 2076
case file a motion, or the offender may file a motion, for2077
modification of the payment terms of any restitution ordered. If2078
the court grants the motion, it may modify the payment terms as it2079
determines appropriate.2080

       (2) Except as provided in division (B)(1), (3), or (4) of2081
this section, a fine payable by the offender to the state, to a2082
political subdivision, or as described in division (B)(2) of this2083
section to one or more law enforcement agencies, with the amount2084
of the fine based on a standard percentage of the offender's daily2085
income over a period of time determined by the court and based2086
upon the seriousness of the offense. A fine ordered under this2087
division shall not exceed the maximum conventional fine amount 2088
authorized for the level of the offense under division (A)(3) of 2089
this section.2090

       (3) Except as provided in division (B)(1), (3), or (4) of2091
this section, a fine payable by the offender to the state, to a2092
political subdivision when appropriate for a felony, or as2093
described in division (B)(2) of this section to one or more law2094
enforcement agencies, in the following amount:2095

       (a) For a felony of the first degree, not more than twenty2096
thousand dollars;2097

       (b) For a felony of the second degree, not more than fifteen2098
thousand dollars;2099

       (c) For a felony of the third degree, not more than ten2100
thousand dollars;2101

       (d) For a felony of the fourth degree, not more than five2102
thousand dollars;2103

       (e) For a felony of the fifth degree, not more than two2104
thousand five hundred dollars.2105

       (4) A state fine or costs as defined in section 2949.111 of2106
the Revised Code.2107

       (5)(a) Reimbursement by the offender of any or all of the2108
costs of sanctions incurred by the government, including the2109

       (i) All or part of the costs of implementing any community2111
control sanction, including a supervision fee under section2112
2951.021 of the Revised Code;2113

       (ii) All or part of the costs of confinement under a sanction 2114
imposed pursuant to section 2929.14, 2929.142, or 2929.16 of the2115
Revised Code, provided that the amount of reimbursement ordered2116
under this division shall not exceed the total amount of2117
reimbursement the offender is able to pay as determined at a2118
hearing and shall not exceed the actual cost of the confinement.2119

       (b) If the offender is sentenced to a sanction of confinement 2120
pursuant to section 2929.14 or 2929.16 of the Revised Code that is 2121
to be served in a facility operated by a board of county 2122
commissioners, a legislative authority of a municipal corporation, 2123
or another local governmental entity, if, pursuant to section 2124
307.93, 341.14, 341.19, 341.23, 753.02, 753.04, 753.16, 2301.56, 2125
or 2947.19 of the Revised Code and section 2929.37 of the Revised 2126
Code, the board, legislative authority, or other local2127
governmental entity requires prisoners to reimburse the county, 2128
municipal corporation, or other entity for its expenses incurred2129
by reason of the prisoner's confinement, and if the court does not 2130
impose a financial sanction under division (A)(5)(a)(ii) of this2131
section, confinement costs may be assessed pursuant to section2132
2929.37 of the Revised Code. In addition, the offender may be2133
required to pay the fees specified in section 2929.38 of the2134
Revised Code in accordance with that section.2135

       (c) Reimbursement by the offender for costs pursuant to2136
section 2929.71 of the Revised Code.2137

       (B)(1) For a first, second, or third degree felony violation2138
of any provision of Chapter 2925., 3719., or 4729. of the Revised2139
Code, the sentencing court shall impose upon the offender a2140
mandatory fine of at least one-half of, but not more than, the2141
maximum statutory fine amount authorized for the level of the2142
offense pursuant to division (A)(3) of this section. If an2143
offender alleges in an affidavit filed with the court prior to2144
sentencing that the offender is indigent and unable to pay the2145
mandatory fine and if the court determines the offender is an2146
indigent person and is unable to pay the mandatory fine described2147
in this division, the court shall not impose the mandatory fine2148
upon the offender.2149

       (2) Any mandatory fine imposed upon an offender under2150
division (B)(1) of this section and any fine imposed upon an2151
offender under division (A)(2) or (3) of this section for any2152
fourth or fifth degree felony violation of any provision of2153
Chapter 2925., 3719., or 4729. of the Revised Code shall be paid2154
to law enforcement agencies pursuant to division (F) of section2155
2925.03 of the Revised Code.2156

       (3) For a fourth degree felony OVI offense and for a third2157
degree felony OVI offense, the sentencing court shall impose upon2158
the offender a mandatory fine in the amount specified in division2159
(G)(1)(d) or (e) of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code, whichever2160
is applicable. The mandatory fine so imposed shall be disbursed as 2161
provided in the division pursuant to which it is imposed.2162

       (4) Notwithstanding any fine otherwise authorized or required 2163
to be imposed under division (A)(2) or (3) or (B)(1) of this 2164
section or section 2929.31 of the Revised Code for a violation of 2165
section 2925.03 of the Revised Code, in addition to any penalty or 2166
sanction imposed for that offense under section 2925.03 or 2167
sections 2929.11 to 2929.18 of the Revised Code and in addition to 2168
the forfeiture of property in connection with the offense as2169
prescribed in Chapter 2981. of the Revised Code, the court that 2170
sentences an offender for a violation of section 2925.03 of the 2171
Revised Code may impose upon the offender a fine in addition to 2172
any fine imposed under division (A)(2) or (3) of this section and 2173
in addition to any mandatory fine imposed under division (B)(1) of 2174
this section. The fine imposed under division (B)(4) of this 2175
section shall be used as provided in division (H) of section 2176
2925.03 of the Revised Code. A fine imposed under division (B)(4) 2177
of this section shall not exceed whichever of the following is 2178

       (a) The total value of any personal or real property in which 2180
the offender has an interest and that was used in the course of, 2181
intended for use in the course of, derived from, or realized2182
through conduct in violation of section 2925.03 of the Revised2183
Code, including any property that constitutes proceeds derived2184
from that offense;2185

       (b) If the offender has no interest in any property of the2186
type described in division (B)(4)(a) of this section or if it is2187
not possible to ascertain whether the offender has an interest in2188
any property of that type in which the offender may have an2189
interest, the amount of the mandatory fine for the offense imposed2190
under division (B)(1) of this section or, if no mandatory fine is2191
imposed under division (B)(1) of this section, the amount of the2192
fine authorized for the level of the offense imposed under2193
division (A)(3) of this section.2194

       (5) Prior to imposing a fine under division (B)(4) of this2195
section, the court shall determine whether the offender has an2196
interest in any property of the type described in division2197
(B)(4)(a) of this section. Except as provided in division (B)(6)2198
or (7) of this section, a fine that is authorized and imposed2199
under division (B)(4) of this section does not limit or affect the2200
imposition of the penalties and sanctions for a violation of2201
section 2925.03 of the Revised Code prescribed under those2202
sections or sections 2929.11 to 2929.18 of the Revised Code and2203
does not limit or affect a forfeiture of property in connection2204
with the offense as prescribed in Chapter 2981. of the Revised 2205

       (6) If the sum total of a mandatory fine amount imposed for a 2207
first, second, or third degree felony violation of section 2925.032208
of the Revised Code under division (B)(1) of this section plus the2209
amount of any fine imposed under division (B)(4) of this section 2210
does not exceed the maximum statutory fine amount authorized for 2211
the level of the offense under division (A)(3) of this section or2212
section 2929.31 of the Revised Code, the court may impose a fine 2213
for the offense in addition to the mandatory fine and the fine 2214
imposed under division (B)(4) of this section. The sum total of 2215
the amounts of the mandatory fine, the fine imposed under division 2216
(B)(4) of this section, and the additional fine imposed under 2217
division (B)(6) of this section shall not exceed the maximum 2218
statutory fine amount authorized for the level of the offense 2219
under division (A)(3) of this section or section 2929.31 of the 2220
Revised Code. The clerk of the court shall pay any fine that is 2221
imposed under division (B)(6) of this section to the county, 2222
township, municipal corporation, park district as created pursuant 2223
to section 511.18 or 1545.04 of the Revised Code, or state law 2224
enforcement agencies in this state that primarily were responsible 2225
for or involved in making the arrest of, and in prosecuting, the2226
offender pursuant to division (F) of section 2925.03 of the2227
Revised Code.2228

       (7) If the sum total of the amount of a mandatory fine2229
imposed for a first, second, or third degree felony violation of2230
section 2925.03 of the Revised Code plus the amount of any fine2231
imposed under division (B)(4) of this section exceeds the maximum2232
statutory fine amount authorized for the level of the offense2233
under division (A)(3) of this section or section 2929.31 of the2234
Revised Code, the court shall not impose a fine under division2235
(B)(6) of this section.2236

       (C)(1) The offender shall pay reimbursements imposed upon the 2237
offender pursuant to division (A)(5)(a) of this section to pay the 2238
costs incurred by the department of rehabilitation and correction 2239
in operating a prison or other facility used to confine offenders 2240
pursuant to sanctions imposed under section 2929.14, 2929.142, or2241
2929.16 of the Revised Code to the treasurer of state. The2242
treasurer of state shall deposit the reimbursements in the2243
confinement cost reimbursement fund that is hereby created in the2244
state treasury. The department of rehabilitation and correction2245
shall use the amounts deposited in the fund to fund the operation2246
of facilities used to confine offenders pursuant to sections2247
2929.14, 2929.142, and 2929.16 of the Revised Code.2248

       (2) Except as provided in section 2951.021 of the Revised2249
Code, the offender shall pay reimbursements imposed upon the2250
offender pursuant to division (A)(5)(a) of this section to pay the2251
costs incurred by a county pursuant to any sanction imposed under2252
this section or section 2929.16 or 2929.17 of the Revised Code or2253
in operating a facility used to confine offenders pursuant to a2254
sanction imposed under section 2929.16 of the Revised Code to the2255
county treasurer. The county treasurer shall deposit the2256
reimbursements in the sanction cost reimbursement fund that each2257
board of county commissioners shall create in its county treasury.2258
The county shall use the amounts deposited in the fund to pay the2259
costs incurred by the county pursuant to any sanction imposed2260
under this section or section 2929.16 or 2929.17 of the Revised2261
Code or in operating a facility used to confine offenders pursuant2262
to a sanction imposed under section 2929.16 of the Revised Code.2263

       (3) Except as provided in section 2951.021 of the Revised2264
Code, the offender shall pay reimbursements imposed upon the2265
offender pursuant to division (A)(5)(a) of this section to pay the2266
costs incurred by a municipal corporation pursuant to any sanction2267
imposed under this section or section 2929.16 or 2929.17 of the2268
Revised Code or in operating a facility used to confine offenders2269
pursuant to a sanction imposed under section 2929.16 of the2270
Revised Code to the treasurer of the municipal corporation. The2271
treasurer shall deposit the reimbursements in a special fund that2272
shall be established in the treasury of each municipal2273
corporation. The municipal corporation shall use the amounts2274
deposited in the fund to pay the costs incurred by the municipal2275
corporation pursuant to any sanction imposed under this section or2276
section 2929.16 or 2929.17 of the Revised Code or in operating a2277
facility used to confine offenders pursuant to a sanction imposed2278
under section 2929.16 of the Revised Code.2279

       (4) Except as provided in section 2951.021 of the Revised2280
Code, the offender shall pay reimbursements imposed pursuant to2281
division (A)(5)(a) of this section for the costs incurred by a2282
private provider pursuant to a sanction imposed under this section2283
or section 2929.16 or 2929.17 of the Revised Code to the provider.2284

       (D) Except as otherwise provided in this division, a2285
financial sanction imposed pursuant to division (A) or (B) of this2286
section is a judgment in favor of the state or a political2287
subdivision in which the court that imposed the financial sanction2288
is located, and the offender subject to the financial sanction is 2289
the judgment debtor. A financial sanction of reimbursement imposed 2290
pursuant to division (A)(5)(a)(ii) of this section upon an2291
offender who is incarcerated in a state facility or a municipal2292
jail is a judgment in favor of the state or the municipal2293
corporation, and the offender subject to the financial sanction is 2294
the judgment debtor. A financial sanction of reimbursement imposed2295
upon an offender pursuant to this section for costs incurred by a2296
private provider of sanctions is a judgment in favor of the2297
private provider, and the offender subject to the financial 2298
sanction is the judgment debtor. A financial sanction of 2299
restitution imposed pursuant to this section is an order in favor 2300
of the victim of the offender's criminal act that can be collected 2301
through execution as described in division (D)(1) of this section 2302
or through an order as described in division (D)(2) of this 2303
section, and the offender shall be considered for purposes of the 2304
collection as the judgment debtor. Imposition of a financial2305
sanction and execution on the judgment does not preclude any other2306
power of the court to impose or enforce sanctions on the offender.2307
Once the financial sanction is imposed as a judgment or order 2308
under this division, the victim, private provider, state, or2309
political subdivision may bring an action to do any of the 2310

       (1) Obtain execution of the judgment or order through any2312
available procedure, including:2313

       (a) An execution against the property of the judgment debtor2314
under Chapter 2329. of the Revised Code;2315

       (b) An execution against the person of the judgment debtor2316
under Chapter 2331. of the Revised Code;2317

       (c) A proceeding in aid of execution under Chapter 2333. of2318
the Revised Code, including:2319

       (i) A proceeding for the examination of the judgment debtor2320
under sections 2333.09 to 2333.12 and sections 2333.15 to 2333.272321
of the Revised Code;2322

       (ii) A proceeding for attachment of the person of the2323
judgment debtor under section 2333.28 of the Revised Code;2324

       (iii) A creditor's suit under section 2333.01 of the Revised2325

       (d) The attachment of the property of the judgment debtor2327
under Chapter 2715. of the Revised Code;2328

       (e) The garnishment of the property of the judgment debtor2329
under Chapter 2716. of the Revised Code.2330

       (2) Obtain an order for the assignment of wages of the2331
judgment debtor under section 1321.33 of the Revised Code.2332

       (E) A court that imposes a financial sanction upon an2333
offender may hold a hearing if necessary to determine whether the2334
offender is able to pay the sanction or is likely in the future to2335
be able to pay it.2336

       (F) Each court imposing a financial sanction upon an offender 2337
under this section or under section 2929.32 of the Revised Code 2338
may designate the clerk of the court or another person to collect2339
the financial sanction. The clerk or other person authorized by 2340
law or the court to collect the financial sanction may enter into 2341
contracts with one or more public agencies or private vendors for 2342
the collection of, amounts due under the financial sanction 2343
imposed pursuant to this section or section 2929.32 of the Revised 2344
Code. Before entering into a contract for the collection of2345
amounts due from an offender pursuant to any financial sanction 2346
imposed pursuant to this section or section 2929.32 of the Revised 2347
Code, a court shall comply with sections 307.86 to 307.92 of the2348
Revised Code.2349

       (G) If a court that imposes a financial sanction under2350
division (A) or (B) of this section finds that an offender2351
satisfactorily has completed all other sanctions imposed upon the2352
offender and that all restitution that has been ordered has been2353
paid as ordered, the court may suspend any financial sanctions2354
imposed pursuant to this section or section 2929.32 of the Revised2355
Code that have not been paid.2356

       (H) No financial sanction imposed under this section or2357
section 2929.32 of the Revised Code shall preclude a victim from2358
bringing a civil action against the offender.2359

       Sec. 2929.181.  (A) The court shall require an offender who 2360
violated section 2905.32 of the Revised Code to pay restitution to 2361
the victim of the offender's crime or to any survivor of that 2362
victim. 2363

       (B) Restitution under this section shall include all of the 2364

       (1) The cost of medical and psychological treatment for the 2366

       (2) The cost of physical and occupational therapy and 2368
rehabilitation for the victim;2369

       (3) The cost of necessary transportation, temporary housing, 2370
and child care for the victim;2371

       (4) Attorney's fees and other costs;2372

       (5) The greater of the following:2373

       (a) The gross income or value to the defendant of all 2374
commercial sex acts, sexually explicit performances, labor, or 2375
services of the victim that were performed as a result of the 2376

       (b) The value of the victim's labor that was performed as a 2378
result of the offense as guaranteed under the minimum wage and 2379
overtime provisions of the "Fair Labor Standards Act," 52 Stat. 2380
1062, 29 U.S.C.A. 201, as amended, and state labor laws.2381

       (6) The return of property of the victim, the cost of damage 2382
to property of the victim, or full value of the property if the 2383
property is destroyed;2384

       (7) Compensation for emotional distress, pain, and suffering;2385

       (8) Expenses incurred by an adult victim in relocating away 2386
from the defendant, including, but not limited to, deposits for 2387
utilities and telephone service, deposits for rental housing, 2388
temporary lodging, food expenses, clothing, and personal items. 2389
Expenses incurred pursuant to this division shall be verified by a 2390
law enforcement agency to be necessary for the personal safety of 2391
the victim or by a mental health treatment provider to be 2392
necessary for the emotional well-being of the victim.2393

       (C) The offender shall promptly pay restitution to the victim 2394
upon the conviction of the offender, with the proceeds from 2395
property forfeited pursuant to section 2905.34 of the Revised Code 2396
applied first to the payment of restitution. The return of the 2397
victim to the victim's home country or other absence of the victim 2398
from the jurisdiction shall not prevent the victim from receiving 2399

       (D) As used in this section, "commercial sex act," "labor," 2401
"services," and "sexually explicit performance" have the same 2402
meanings as in section 2905.31 of the Revised Code.2403

       Sec. 2930.21.  A law enforcement agency shall take all steps 2404
necessary to identify victims of violations of section 2905.32 of 2405
the Revised Code, including interviewing all persons charged with 2406
a violation of section 2907.25 of the Revised Code. A law 2407
enforcement agency that identifies a victim of a violation of 2408
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code shall provide reasonable 2409
protection to the victim to prevent recapture of the victim by the 2410
person who committed the violation or the associates of that 2411
person, secure the victim and the victim's family from threats, 2412
reprisals, or intimidation by the person who committed the 2413
violation or the associates of that person, and ensure that the 2414
victim has an opportunity to consult with a victim advocate or 2415
other appropriate person to develop a safety plan for the victim.2416

       Sec. 2930.22.  (A) Within one hundred eighty days of the 2417
effective date of this section, the Ohio prevention of trafficking 2418
in persons task force, in consultation with interested 2419
not-for-profit organizations, shall develop a plan for the 2420
provision of appropriate services for victims of violations of 2421
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code and dependent children 2422
accompanying the victims, including, but not limited to, the 2423

       (1) Appropriate housing, considering the person's status as a 2425
victim of crime, and including safe conditions for sleeping, 2426
eating, and personal hygiene;2427

       (2) Psychological counseling in a language the victim can 2428

       (3) Medical assistance in a language the victim can 2430

       (4) Employment, educational, and training opportunities for 2432
the victim;2433

       (5) Legal assistance in a language the victim can comprehend.2434

       (B) A victim's residence in a shelter or other facility shall 2435
be voluntary.2436

       (C) A victim of a violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised 2437
Code shall be given the option to communicate with and receive 2438
visits from family, friends, an attorney, and victim's rights 2439

       (D) Whenever possible, a victim of a violation of section 2441
2905.32 of the Revised Code shall not be housed in a prison or 2442
other detention facility for accused or convicted offenders. A 2443
child victim of a violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code 2444
shall not be housed in a prison or other detention facility for 2445
accused or convicted offenders under any circumstances.2446

       (E) The attorney general shall take into consideration the 2447
age, gender, and special needs of a victim of a violation of 2448
section 2905.32 of the Revised Code and the victim's dependent 2449
children in creating a plan to provide services to victims of 2450
violations of that section and in delivering services to those 2451
victims and children.2452

       (F) To the extent that other sources of funding for victim 2453
services are unavailable, the costs of providing the services to 2454
victims of a violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code 2455
described in this section shall be paid out of funds from the 2456
reparations fund created pursuant to section 2743.191 of the 2457
Revised Code.2458

       Sec. 2930.23.  (A) A victim of a violation of section 2905.32 2459
of the Revised Code who is a minor shall be provided with 2460
appropriate services, which may include an explanation of the 2461
victim's rights, privacy, housing, care, and age-appropriate 2462
support and rights.2463

       (B) The Ohio Supreme court shall develop special procedures 2464
to accommodate witnesses who are minors, including procedures for 2465
taking the testimony of a minor outside a court setting or by 2466
video and procedures to ensure that all testimony of a minor 2467
witness and all court proceedings otherwise involving a minor take 2468
place with the minor's parent, legal guardian, or foster parent 2469

       (C) The department of job and family services shall develop 2471
procedures for reuniting the minor with family members in the 2472
minor's country of origin or destination country whenever it is 2473
possible and safe to do so.2474

       (D) The departments of health and mental health shall develop 2475
procedures for providing special physical and mental health care 2476
tailored to the minor's needs.2477

       (E) To the extent that other sources of funding for victim 2478
services are unavailable, the costs of providing the services to 2479
victims of a violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code 2480
described in this section shall be paid out of funds from the 2481
reparations fund created pursuant to section 2743.191 of the 2482
Revised Code.2483

       Section 2.  That existing sections 109.42, 109.73, 2317.02, 2484
2743.191, 2901.13, 2921.22, 2923.01, 2923.31, and 2929.18 of the 2485
Revised Code are hereby repealed.2486

       Section 3.  (A) There is hereby created the Ohio Prevention 2487
of Trafficking in Persons Task Force, consisting of twelve members 2488
to be appointed by the Governor. The task force shall develop and 2489
implement a plan for the prevention of trafficking in persons. The 2490
task force shall study all aspects of trafficking, including, but 2491
not limited to, sex trafficking and labor trafficking of citizens 2492
of the United States and citizens of foreign countries.2493

       (B) The task force shall include the following members:2494

       (1) A representative from the Attorney General's office;2495

       (2) A representative from the Ohio Association of Chiefs of 2496

       (3) A representative from the Buckeye State Sheriffs 2498

       (4) A representative from the Department of Public Safety, 2500
representing the State Highway Patrol;2501

       (5) A representative from the Department of Health;2502

       (6) A representative from the Department of Job and Family 2503

       (7) A representative from the Supreme Court;2505

       (8) A representative from the Office of Criminal Justice 2506

       (9) Four persons with experience in the private sector or 2508
academic institutions with the issues involved in trafficking in 2509
persons, children's services, and runaway services.2510

       (C) The task force shall carry out the following activities:2511

       (1) Develop a state plan for the prevention of trafficking in 2512

       (2) Explore the establishment of state policies for time 2514
limits for the issuance of the law enforcement agency endorsement 2515
regulations, 8 C.F.R. 214.11(f)(1)(2006);2516

       (3) Recommend policies to enable the state to work with 2517
nongovernmental organizations to prevent trafficking in persons 2518
and provide assistance to citizens of the United States and 2519
foreign nations who are victims of trafficking in persons;2520

       (4) Review the existing services and facilities that aid 2521
victims of trafficking in persons and recommend a system that 2522
would coordinate those services, including, but not limited to, 2523
health services, housing, education and job training, English as a 2524
second language courses, interpreting services, legal and 2525
immigration services, and victim compensation;2526

       (5) Evaluate various approaches used by other state and local 2527
governments to increase public awareness of the offense of 2528
trafficking in persons;2529

       (6) Recommend ways to protect a victim of trafficking in 2530
persons who is a witness to the offense, including evaluating the 2531
feasibility of witness relocation, new employment or work permits, 2532
protection of the victim's identity and location, and providing 2533
the victim with a new identity;2534

       (7) Determine the best way to provide a victim of trafficking 2535
in persons with all of the following:2536

       (a) An application for a visa for an alien classified as a 2537
nonimmigrant under 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(T) or (U);2538

       (b) An application for legal permanent residence for an 2539
eligible recipient of a visa for an alien classified as a 2540
nonimmigrant under 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(T) or (U);2541

       (c) Identification of and application for available public 2542
benefits, including, but not limited to, temporary financial 2543
assistance, refugee match grants, refugee cash assistance, food 2544
stamps, child care, and medical assistance;2545

       (d) Access to both short-term and long-term safe and 2546
appropriate housing;2547

       (e) Access to necessary medical and dental care and mental 2548
health treatment, including, but not limited to, care or treatment 2549
for victims of a sex offense, free optional testing for the HIV 2550
infection and other sexually transmitted diseases, and a 2551
counseling session by a medically trained professional on the 2552
accuracy of those tests and the risk of the transmission of 2553
sexually transmitted diseases;2554

       (f) Access to language translation services in the victim's 2555
native language or language of fluency;2556

       (g) Access to education or English as a second language 2557

       (h) Access to any other services necessary to safeguard the 2559
health and well-being of a victim of trafficking in persons.2560

       (8) Developing a method for assisting a victim of trafficking 2561
in persons with the application for a visa for an alien classified 2562
as a nonimmigrant under 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(15)(T) or (U), assisting 2563
a victim of trafficking in persons with completing a written 2564
request to the appropriate authorities requesting that the victim 2565
be granted temporary immigration status known as "continued 2566
presence," completing, or assisting a victim of trafficking in 2567
persons with completing, a written request to the Attorney General 2568
for documents necessary to support an application for a visa for 2569
an alien classified as a nonimmigrant under 8 U.S.C. 2570
1101(a)(15)(T) or (U), including an endorsement of person's victim 2571
status on Supplement B, Declaration of Law Enforcement Officer for 2572
Victim of Trafficking in Persons, of Form I-914, and assisting a 2573
victim of trafficking in persons with completing a written request 2574
to the Attorney General for the documentation necessary to support 2575
the victim's request for benefits and services authorized under 2576
the "Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000," 2577
22 U.S.C. 7105, et. seq.2578

       (9) Evaluate available funding streams, including but not 2579
limited to, federal grants that may be available to assist the 2580
state in establishing or expanding programs for victims of 2581
trafficking in persons, to provide services to victims of 2582
trafficking in persons, and to create and disseminate training and 2583
educational materials on trafficking in persons and technical 2584
assistance to state agencies that are applying for that funding.2585

       (E) The task force shall submit a report of its findings and 2586
recommendations to the Governor, the Speaker of the House of 2587
Representatives, and the President of the Senate by December 31, 2588
2008. Upon submission of the report, the task force shall cease to 2589

       Section 4.  Section 2317.02 of the Revised Code is presented 2591
in this act as a composite of the section as amended by Sub. H.B. 2592
144, Sub. S.B. 8, and Am. Sub. S.B. 17 of the 126th General 2593
Assembly. Section 2929.18 of the Revised Code is presented in this 2594
act as a composite of the section as amended by both Sub. H.B. 241 2595
and Am. Sub. H.B. 461 of the 126th General Assembly. The General 2596
Assembly, applying the principle stated in division (B) of section 2597
1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be harmonized if 2598
reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds that the 2599
composites are the resulting versions of the sections in effect 2600
prior to the effective date of the sections as presented in this 2601