As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 273

Senator Niehaus 

Cosponsors: Senators Mumper, Buehrer 

To calculate an alternate equity list for fiscal year 1
2008 for purposes of determining school 2
districts' eligibility for assistance under the 3
Classroom Facilities Assistance Program and their 4
local shares in fiscal year 2009.5


       Section 1. (A) As used in this section, "equity list" means 6
the school district percentile rankings calculated under section 7
3318.011 of the Revised Code.8

       (B) Not later than thirty days after the effective date of 9
this section, the Department of Education shall create an 10
alternate equity list for fiscal year 2008 by recalculating each 11
school district's percentile ranking under section 3318.011 of the 12
Revised Code and shall certify the alternate equity list to the 13
Ohio School Facilities Commission. For this purpose, the 14
Department shall recalculate every school district's percentile 15
ranking using the district's "valuation per pupil" as that term is 16
defined in the version of section 3318.011 of the Revised Code in 17
effect on and after September 29, 2007. When recalculating the 18
percentile rankings, the Department shall use the same values for 19
"average taxable value," "formula ADM," and "income factor," as 20
those terms are defined in section 3318.011 of the Revised Code, 21
that it used in calculating the original equity list for fiscal 22
year 2008 certified to the Commission on September 5, 2007, and 23
shall not use any updated values for those variables.24

       (C) The Commission shall use the alternate equity list 25
certified under division (B) of this section to determine the 26
priority for assistance under sections 3318.01 to 3318.20 of the 27
Revised Code in fiscal year 2009 for each school district that has 28
not previously been offered funding under those sections. The 29
alternate equity list shall not affect any school district's 30
eligibility for the Exceptional Needs School Facilities Assistance 31
Program under section 3318.37 of the Revised Code.32

       (D) Notwithstanding any provision of Chapter 3318. of the 33
Revised Code to the contrary, for each school district that 34
receives the Commission's conditional approval of the district's 35
project under sections 3318.01 to 3318.20 or section 3318.37 of 36
the Revised Code in fiscal year 2009, the district's portion of 37
the basic project cost shall be the lesser of the following:38

       (1) The amount required under section 3318.032 of the Revised 39
Code calculated using the percentile in which the district ranks 40
on the alternate equity list certified under division (B) of this 41

       (2) The amount required under section 3318.032 of the Revised 43
Code calculated using the percentile in which the district ranks 44
on the original equity list for fiscal year 2008.45