As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 313

Senator Amstutz 

Cosponsors: Senators Carey, Buehrer 

To amend section 3770.03 of the Revised Code to 1
prohibit the State Lottery Commission from 2
establishing a lottery game that has more than two 3
announcements of prize winners per day or that is 4
played on a slot machine, including a game of 5


       Section 1. That section 3770.03 of the Revised Code be 7
amended to read as follows:8

       Sec. 3770.03.  (A) The state lottery commission shall9
promulgate rules under which a statewide lottery may be conducted. 10
The rules shall be promulgated pursuant to Chapter 119. of the11
Revised Code, except that instant game rules shall be promulgated12
pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code but are not subject13
to division (D) of that section. Subjects covered in these rules14
shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:15

       (1) The type of lottery to be conducted;16

       (2) The prices of tickets in the lottery.;17

       (3) The number, nature, and value of prize awards, the manner 18
and frequency of prize drawings, and the manner in which prizes 19
shall be awarded to holders of winning tickets.20

       No rule shall authorize a lottery game that has more than two 21
announcements of prize winners per day or is played on a slot 22
machine as defined in section 2915.01 of the Revised Code, 23
including, but not limited to, a game of keno.24

       (B) The commission shall promulgate rules, in addition to25
those described in division (A) of this section, pursuant to26
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code under which a statewide lottery27
and statewide joint lottery games may be conducted. Subjects28
covered in these rules shall include, but not be limited to, the29

       (1) The locations at which lottery tickets may be sold and31
the manner in which they are to be sold. These rules may authorize32
the sale of lottery tickets by commission personnel or other 33
licensed individuals from traveling show wagons at the state fair, 34
and at any other expositions the director of the commission35
considers acceptable. These rules shall prohibit commission36
personnel or other licensed individuals from soliciting from an37
exposition the right to sell lottery tickets at that exposition,38
but shall allow commission personnel or other licensed individuals39
to sell lottery tickets at an exposition if the exposition40
requests commission personnel or licensed individuals to do so. 41
These rules may also address the accessibility of sales agent42
locations to commission products in accordance with the "Americans43
with Disabilities Act of 1990," 104 Stat. 327, 42 U.S.C.A. 1210144
et seq.45

       (2) The manner in which lottery sales revenues are to be46
collected, including authorization for the director to impose47
penalties for failure by lottery sales agents to transfer revenues48
to the commission in a timely manner;49

       (3) The amount of compensation to be paid licensed lottery50
sales agents;51

       (4) The substantive criteria for the licensing of lottery52
sales agents consistent with section 3770.05 of the Revised Code,53
and procedures for revoking or suspending their licenses54
consistent with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. If55
circumstances, such as the nonpayment of funds owed by a lottery56
sales agent, or other circumstances related to the public safety,57
convenience, or trust, require immediate action, the director may58
suspend a license without affording an opportunity for a prior59
hearing under section 119.07 of the Revised Code.60

       (5) Special game rules to implement any agreements signed by61
the governor that the director enters into with other lottery62
jurisdictions under division (J) of section 3770.02 of the Revised63
Code to conduct statewide joint lottery games. The rules shall64
require that the entire net proceeds of those games that remain,65
after associated operating expenses, prize disbursements, lottery66
sales agent bonuses, commissions, and reimbursements, and any67
other expenses necessary to comply with the agreements or the68
rules are deducted from the gross proceeds of those games, be69
transferred to the lottery profits education fund under division70
(B) of section 3770.06 of the Revised Code.71

       (C) The commission may promulgate rules, in addition to those 72
described in divisions (A) and (B) of this section, that establish 73
standards governing the display of advertising and celebrity 74
images on lottery tickets and on other items that are used in the 75
conduct of, or to promote, the statewide lottery and statewide 76
joint lottery games. Any revenue derived from the sale of 77
advertising displayed on lottery tickets and on those other items 78
shall be considered, for purposes of section 3770.06 of the 79
Revised Code, to be related proceeds in connection with the 80
statewide lottery or gross proceeds from statewide joint lottery 81
games, as applicable.82

       (D)(1) The commission shall meet with the director at least 83
once each month and shall convene other meetings at the request of 84
the chairperson or any five of the members. No action taken by the 85
commission shall be binding unless at least five of the members 86
present vote in favor of the action. A written record shall be 87
made of the proceedings of each meeting and shall be transmitted 88
forthwith to the governor, the president of the senate, the senate 89
minority leader, the speaker of the house of representatives, and 90
the house minority leader.91

       (2) The director shall present to the commission a report92
each month, showing the total revenues, prize disbursements, and93
operating expenses of the state lottery for the preceding month.94
As soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, the95
commission shall prepare and transmit to the governor and the96
general assembly a report of lottery revenues, prize97
disbursements, and operating expenses for the preceding fiscal98
year and any recommendations for legislation considered necessary99
by the commission.100

       Section 2. That existing section 3770.03 of the Revised Code 101
is hereby repealed.102