As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 343

Senator Roberts 

Cosponsor: Senator Miller, D. 

To amend sections 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.11, 1
2925.14, and 3781.32 and to enact sections 2
2925.41, 2925.43, 2925.44, 2925.45, 3728.01, 3
3728.02, 3728.03, 3728.04, 3728.05, 3728.06, 4
3728.07, 3728.08, 3728.10, 3728.11, 3728.12, 5
3728.13, 3728.14, 3728.15, 3728.16, 3728.17, 6
3728.18, 3728.20, 3728.21, 3728.22, 3728.25, 7
3728.26, 3728.27, 3728.28, 3728.29, 3728.30, 8
3728.35, 3728.36, 3728.37, 3728.371, 3728.372, 9
3728.373, 3728.38, 3728.381, 3728.382, 3728.40, 10
3728.41, 3728.42, 3728.43, 3728.45, 3728.47, and 11
3728.99 of the Revised Code regarding the medical 12
use of cannabis.13


       Section 1. That sections 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.11, 14
2925.14, and 3781.32 be amended and sections 2925.41, 2925.43, 15
2925.44, 2925.45, 3728.01, 3728.02, 3728.03, 3728.04, 3728.05, 16
3728.06, 3728.07, 3728.08, 3728.10, 3728.11, 3728.12, 3728.13, 17
3728.14, 3728.15, 3728.16, 3728.17, 3728.18, 3728.20, 3728.21, 18
3728.22, 3728.25, 3728.26, 3728.27, 3728.28, 3728.29, 3728.30, 19
3728.35, 3728.36, 3728.37, 3728.371, 3728.372, 3728.373, 3728.38, 20
3728.381, 3728.382, 3728.40, 3728.41, 3728.42, 3728.43, 3728.45, 21
3728.47, and 3728.99 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as 22

       Sec. 2925.02.  (A) No person shall knowingly do any of the24

       (1) By force, threat, or deception, administer to another or26
induce or cause another to use a controlled substance;27

       (2) By any means, administer or furnish to another or induce28
or cause another to use a controlled substance with purpose to29
cause serious physical harm to the other person, or with purpose30
to cause the other person to become drug dependent;31

       (3) By any means, administer or furnish to another or induce32
or cause another to use a controlled substance, and thereby cause33
serious physical harm to the other person, or cause the other34
person to become drug dependent;35

       (4) By any means, do any of the following:36

       (a) Furnish or administer a controlled substance to a37
juvenile who is at least two years the offender's junior, when the38
offender knows the age of the juvenile or is reckless in that39

       (b) Induce or cause a juvenile who is at least two years the41
offender's junior to use a controlled substance, when the offender42
knows the age of the juvenile or is reckless in that regard;43

       (c) Induce or cause a juvenile who is at least two years the44
offender's junior to commit a felony drug abuse offense, when the45
offender knows the age of the juvenile or is reckless in that46

       (d) Use a juvenile, whether or not the offender knows the age 48
of the juvenile, to perform any surveillance activity that is49
intended to prevent the detection of the offender or any other50
person in the commission of a felony drug abuse offense or to51
prevent the arrest of the offender or any other person for the52
commission of a felony drug abuse offense.53

       (B)(1) Division (A)(1), (3), or (4) of this section does not54
apply to manufacturers, wholesalers, licensed health professionals55
authorized to prescribe drugs, pharmacists, owners of pharmacies,56
and other persons whose conduct is in accordance with Chapters57
3719., 4715., 4723., 4729., 4730., 4731., and 4741. of the Revised 58

       (2) Division (A)(3) or (4) of this section does not apply to 60
a holder of a valid registry identification card issued under 61
section 3728.13 of the Revised Code or to a physician who provides 62
a practitioner's written certification under section 3728.08 of 63
the Revised Code to the extent and under the circumstances 64
described in Chapter 3728. of the Revised Code.65

       (C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of corrupting66
another with drugs. The penalty for the offense shall be67
determined as follows:68

       (1) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the69
drug involved is any compound, mixture, preparation, or substance70
included in schedule I or II, with the exception of marihuana,71
corrupting another with drugs is a felony of the second degree,72
and, subject to division (E) of this section, the court shall73
impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms74
prescribed for a felony of the second degree. If the drug involved 75
is any compound, mixture, preparation, or substance included in76
schedule I or II, with the exception of marihuana, and if the 77
offense was committed in the vicinity of a school, corrupting 78
another with drugs is a felony of the first degree, and, subject 79
to division (E) of this section, the court shall impose as a 80
mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a 81
felony of the first degree.82

       (2) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the83
drug involved is any compound, mixture, preparation, or substance84
included in schedule III, IV, or V, corrupting another with drugs85
is a felony of the second degree, and there is a presumption for a86
prison term for the offense. If the drug involved is any compound, 87
mixture, preparation, or substance included in schedule III, IV, 88
or V and if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school,89
corrupting another with drugs is a felony of the second degree, 90
and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the 91
prison terms prescribed for a felony of the second degree.92

       (3) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the93
drug involved is marihuana, corrupting another with drugs is a94
felony of the fourth degree, and division (C) of section 2929.1395
of the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a96
prison term on the offender. If the drug involved is marihuana and 97
if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school,98
corrupting another with drugs is a felony of the third degree, and99
division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in100
determining whether to impose a prison term on the offender.101

       (D) In addition to any prison term authorized or required by102
division (C) or (E) of this section and sections 2929.13 and103
2929.14 of the Revised Code and in addition to any other sanction104
imposed for the offense under this section or sections 2929.11 to105
2929.18 of the Revised Code, the court that sentences an offender106
who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of division107
(A) of this section or the clerk of that court shall do all of the108
following that are applicable regarding the offender:109

       (1)(a) If the violation is a felony of the first, second, or110
third degree, the court shall impose upon the offender the111
mandatory fine specified for the offense under division (B)(1) of112
section 2929.18 of the Revised Code unless, as specified in that113
division, the court determines that the offender is indigent.114

       (b) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of section 3719.21 115
of the Revised Code, any mandatory fine imposed pursuant to 116
division (D)(1)(a) of this section and any fine imposed for a117
violation of this section pursuant to division (A) of section118
2929.18 of the Revised Code shall be paid by the clerk of the119
court in accordance with and subject to the requirements of, and120
shall be used as specified in, division (F) of section 2925.03 of121
the Revised Code.122

       (c) If a person is charged with any violation of this section 123
that is a felony of the first, second, or third degree, posts 124
bail, and forfeits the bail, the forfeited bail shall be paid by125
the clerk of the court pursuant to division (D)(1)(b) of this 126
section as if it were a fine imposed for a violation of this127

       (2) The court shall suspend for not less than six months nor129
more than five years the offender's driver's or commercial130
driver's license or permit. If an offender's driver's or131
commercial driver's license or permit is suspended pursuant to132
this division, the offender, at any time after the expiration of133
two years from the day on which the offender's sentence was134
imposed or from the day on which the offender finally was released135
from a prison term under the sentence, whichever is later, may136
file a motion with the sentencing court requesting termination of137
the suspension. Upon the filing of the motion and the court's138
finding of good cause for the termination, the court may terminate139
the suspension.140

       (3) If the offender is a professionally licensed person, in141
addition to any other sanction imposed for a violation of this142
section, the court immediately shall comply with section 2925.38143
of the Revised Code.144

       (E) Notwithstanding the prison term otherwise authorized or145
required for the offense under division (C) of this section and146
sections 2929.13 and 2929.14 of the Revised Code, if the violation147
of division (A) of this section involves the sale, offer to sell,148
or possession of a schedule I or II controlled substance, with the149
exception of marihuana, and if the court imposing sentence upon150
the offender finds that the offender as a result of the violation151
is a major drug offender and is guilty of a specification of the152
type described in section 2941.1410 of the Revised Code, the153
court, in lieu of the prison term that otherwise is authorized or154
required, shall impose upon the offender the mandatory prison term155
specified in division (D)(3)(a) of section 2929.14 of the Revised156
Code and may impose an additional prison term under division157
(D)(3)(b) of that section.158

       Sec. 2925.03.  (A) No person shall knowingly do any of the159

       (1) Sell or offer to sell a controlled substance;161

       (2) Prepare for shipment, ship, transport, deliver, prepare162
for distribution, or distribute a controlled substance, when the163
offender knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the164
controlled substance is intended for sale or resale by the165
offender or another person.166

       (B) This section does not apply to any of the following:167

       (1) Manufacturers, licensed health professionals authorized168
to prescribe drugs, pharmacists, owners of pharmacies, and other169
persons whose conduct is in accordance with Chapters 3719., 4715.,170
4723., 4729., 4730., 4731., and 4741. of the Revised Code;171

       (2) If the offense involves an anabolic steroid, any person172
who is conducting or participating in a research project involving173
the use of an anabolic steroid if the project has been approved by174
the United States food and drug administration;175

       (3) Any person who sells, offers for sale, prescribes,176
dispenses, or administers for livestock or other nonhuman species177
an anabolic steroid that is expressly intended for administration178
through implants to livestock or other nonhuman species and179
approved for that purpose under the "Federal Food, Drug, and180
Cosmetic Act," 52 Stat. 1040 (1938), 21 U.S.C.A. 301, as amended,181
and is sold, offered for sale, prescribed, dispensed, or182
administered for that purpose in accordance with that act;183

       (4) A holder of a valid registry identification card under 184
section 3728.13 of the Revised Code to the extent and under the 185
circumstances described in Chapter 3728. of the Revised Code.186

       (C) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty187
of one of the following:188

       (1) If the drug involved in the violation is any compound,189
mixture, preparation, or substance included in schedule I or190
schedule II, with the exception of marihuana, cocaine, L.S.D.,191
heroin, and hashish, whoever violates division (A) of this section192
is guilty of aggravated trafficking in drugs. The penalty for the193
offense shall be determined as follows:194

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(1)(b), (c),195
(d), (e), or (f) of this section, aggravated trafficking in drugs196
is a felony of the fourth degree, and division (C) of section197
2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in determining whether to198
impose a prison term on the offender.199

       (b) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(1)(c), (d),200
(e), or (f) of this section, if the offense was committed in the201
vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, aggravated202
trafficking in drugs is a felony of the third degree, and division203
(C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in determining204
whether to impose a prison term on the offender.205

       (c) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the206
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds the bulk amount but207
is less than five times the bulk amount, aggravated trafficking in208
drugs is a felony of the third degree, and the court shall impose209
as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for210
a felony of the third degree. If the amount of the drug involved211
is within that range and if the offense was committed in the212
vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, aggravated213
trafficking in drugs is a felony of the second degree, and the214
court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison215
terms prescribed for a felony of the second degree.216

       (d) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the217
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five times the bulk218
amount but is less than fifty times the bulk amount, aggravated219
trafficking in drugs is a felony of the second degree, and the220
court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison221
terms prescribed for a felony of the second degree. If the amount222
of the drug involved is within that range and if the offense was223
committed in the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a224
juvenile, aggravated trafficking in drugs is a felony of the first225
degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one226
of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the first degree.227

       (e) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds228
fifty times the bulk amount but is less than one hundred times the229
bulk amount and regardless of whether the offense was committed in230
the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile,231
aggravated trafficking in drugs is a felony of the first degree,232
and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the233
prison terms prescribed for a felony of the first degree.234

       (f) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one235
hundred times the bulk amount and regardless of whether the236
offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in the237
vicinity of a juvenile, aggravated trafficking in drugs is a238
felony of the first degree, the offender is a major drug offender,239
and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term the maximum240
prison term prescribed for a felony of the first degree and may241
impose an additional prison term prescribed for a major drug242
offender under division (D)(3)(b) of section 2929.14 of the243
Revised Code.244

       (2) If the drug involved in the violation is any compound,245
mixture, preparation, or substance included in schedule III, IV,246
or V, whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of247
trafficking in drugs. The penalty for the offense shall be248
determined as follows:249

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(2)(b), (c),250
(d), or (e) of this section, trafficking in drugs is a felony of251
the fifth degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13 of the252
Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison253
term on the offender.254

       (b) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(2)(c), (d),255
or (e) of this section, if the offense was committed in the256
vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking257
in drugs is a felony of the fourth degree, and division (C) of258
section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in determining whether259
to impose a prison term on the offender.260

       (c) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the261
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds the bulk amount but262
is less than five times the bulk amount, trafficking in drugs is a263
felony of the fourth degree, and there is a presumption for a264
prison term for the offense. If the amount of the drug involved is 265
within that range and if the offense was committed in the vicinity 266
of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in drugs 267
is a felony of the third degree, and there is a presumption for a 268
prison term for the offense.269

       (d) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the270
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five times the bulk271
amount but is less than fifty times the bulk amount, trafficking272
in drugs is a felony of the third degree, and there is a273
presumption for a prison term for the offense. If the amount of274
the drug involved is within that range and if the offense was275
committed in the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a276
juvenile, trafficking in drugs is a felony of the second degree,277
and there is a presumption for a prison term for the offense.278

       (e) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the279
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds fifty times the bulk280
amount, trafficking in drugs is a felony of the second degree, and281
the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the282
prison terms prescribed for a felony of the second degree. If the283
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds fifty times the bulk284
amount and if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a285
school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in drugs is a286
felony of the first degree, and the court shall impose as a287
mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a288
felony of the first degree.289

       (3) If the drug involved in the violation is marihuana or a290
compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing marihuana291
other than hashish, whoever violates division (A) of this section292
is guilty of trafficking in marihuana. The penalty for the offense 293
shall be determined as follows:294

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(3)(b), (c),295
(d), (e), (f), or (g) of this section, trafficking in marihuana is296
a felony of the fifth degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13297
of the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a298
prison term on the offender.299

       (b) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(3)(c), (d),300
(e), (f), or (g) of this section, if the offense was committed in301
the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile,302
trafficking in marihuana is a felony of the fourth degree, and303
division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in304
determining whether to impose a prison term on the offender.305

       (c) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the306
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds two hundred grams307
but is less than one thousand grams, trafficking in marihuana is a308
felony of the fourth degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13309
of the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a310
prison term on the offender. If the amount of the drug involved is 311
within that range and if the offense was committed in the vicinity 312
of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in 313
marihuana is a felony of the third degree, and division (C) of314
section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in determining whether315
to impose a prison term on the offender.316

       (d) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the317
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one thousand grams318
but is less than five thousand grams, trafficking in marihuana is319
a felony of the third degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13320
of the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a321
prison term on the offender. If the amount of the drug involved is 322
within that range and if the offense was committed in the vicinity 323
of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in 324
marihuana is a felony of the second degree, and there is a325
presumption that a prison term shall be imposed for the offense.326

       (e) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the327
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five thousand grams328
but is less than twenty thousand grams, trafficking in marihuana329
is a felony of the third degree, and there is a presumption that a330
prison term shall be imposed for the offense. If the amount of the 331
drug involved is within that range and if the offense was332
committed in the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a333
juvenile, trafficking in marihuana is a felony of the second334
degree, and there is a presumption that a prison term shall be335
imposed for the offense.336

       (f) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the337
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds twenty thousand338
grams, trafficking in marihuana is a felony of the second degree,339
and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term the maximum340
prison term prescribed for a felony of the second degree. If the341
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds twenty thousand342
grams and if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school343
or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in marihuana is a344
felony of the first degree, and the court shall impose as a345
mandatory prison term the maximum prison term prescribed for a346
felony of the first degree.347

       (g) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the348
offense involves a gift of twenty grams or less of marihuana,349
trafficking in marihuana is a minor misdemeanor upon a first350
offense and a misdemeanor of the third degree upon a subsequent351
offense. If the offense involves a gift of twenty grams or less of 352
marihuana and if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a353
school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in marihuana354
is a misdemeanor of the third degree.355

       (4) If the drug involved in the violation is cocaine or a356
compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing cocaine,357
whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of358
trafficking in cocaine. The penalty for the offense shall be359
determined as follows:360

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(4)(b), (c),361
(d), (e), (f), or (g) of this section, trafficking in cocaine is a362
felony of the fifth degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13 of363
the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison364
term on the offender.365

       (b) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(4)(c), (d),366
(e), (f), or (g) of this section, if the offense was committed in367
the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile,368
trafficking in cocaine is a felony of the fourth degree, and369
division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in370
determining whether to impose a prison term on the offender.371

       (c) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the372
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five grams but is373
less than ten grams of cocaine that is not crack cocaine or equals374
or exceeds one gram but is less than five grams of crack cocaine,375
trafficking in cocaine is a felony of the fourth degree, and there376
is a presumption for a prison term for the offense. If the amount377
of the drug involved is within one of those ranges and if the378
offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in the379
vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in cocaine is a felony of the380
third degree, and there is a presumption for a prison term for the381

       (d) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the383
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds ten grams but is384
less than one hundred grams of cocaine that is not crack cocaine385
or equals or exceeds five grams but is less than ten grams of386
crack cocaine, trafficking in cocaine is a felony of the third387
degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one388
of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the third degree.389
If the amount of the drug involved is within one of those ranges390
and if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in391
the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in cocaine is a felony of392
the second degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory393
prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the394
second degree.395

       (e) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the396
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one hundred grams397
but is less than five hundred grams of cocaine that is not crack398
cocaine or equals or exceeds ten grams but is less than399
twenty-five grams of crack cocaine, trafficking in cocaine is a400
felony of the second degree, and the court shall impose as a401
mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a402
felony of the second degree. If the amount of the drug involved is 403
within one of those ranges and if the offense was committed in the 404
vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking 405
in cocaine is a felony of the first degree, and the court shall 406
impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms 407
prescribed for a felony of the first degree.408

       (f) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 409
hundred grams but is less than one thousand grams of cocaine that 410
is not crack cocaine or equals or exceeds twenty-five grams but is 411
less than one hundred grams of crack cocaine and regardless of 412
whether the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or 413
in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in cocaine is a felony 414
of the first degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory 415
prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the 416
first degree.417

       (g) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one418
thousand grams of cocaine that is not crack cocaine or equals or419
exceeds one hundred grams of crack cocaine and regardless of420
whether the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or421
in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in cocaine is a felony422
of the first degree, the offender is a major drug offender, and423
the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term the maximum424
prison term prescribed for a felony of the first degree and may425
impose an additional mandatory prison term prescribed for a major426
drug offender under division (D)(3)(b) of section 2929.14 of the427
Revised Code.428

       (5) If the drug involved in the violation is L.S.D. or a429
compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing L.S.D.,430
whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of431
trafficking in L.S.D. The penalty for the offense shall be432
determined as follows:433

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(5)(b), (c),434
(d), (e), (f), or (g) of this section, trafficking in L.S.D. is a435
felony of the fifth degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13 of436
the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison437
term on the offender.438

       (b) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(5)(c), (d),439
(e), (f), or (g) of this section, if the offense was committed in440
the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile,441
trafficking in L.S.D. is a felony of the fourth degree, and442
division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in443
determining whether to impose a prison term on the offender.444

       (c) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the445
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds ten unit doses but446
is less than fifty unit doses of L.S.D. in a solid form or equals447
or exceeds one gram but is less than five grams of L.S.D. in a448
liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid distillate form,449
trafficking in L.S.D. is a felony of the fourth degree, and there450
is a presumption for a prison term for the offense. If the amount451
of the drug involved is within that range and if the offense was452
committed in the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a453
juvenile, trafficking in L.S.D. is a felony of the third degree,454
and there is a presumption for a prison term for the offense.455

       (d) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the456
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds fifty unit doses but457
is less than two hundred fifty unit doses of L.S.D. in a solid458
form or equals or exceeds five grams but is less than twenty-five459
grams of L.S.D. in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid460
distillate form, trafficking in L.S.D. is a felony of the third461
degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one462
of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the third degree.463
If the amount of the drug involved is within that range and if the464
offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in the465
vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in L.S.D. is a felony of the466
second degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison467
term one of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the second468

       (e) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the470
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds two hundred fifty471
unit doses but is less than one thousand unit doses of L.S.D. in a472
solid form or equals or exceeds twenty-five grams but is less than473
one hundred grams of L.S.D. in a liquid concentrate, liquid474
extract, or liquid distillate form, trafficking in L.S.D. is a475
felony of the second degree, and the court shall impose as a476
mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a477
felony of the second degree. If the amount of the drug involved is 478
within that range and if the offense was committed in the vicinity 479
of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in480
L.S.D. is a felony of the first degree, and the court shall impose 481
as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for 482
a felony of the first degree.483

       (f) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one484
thousand unit doses but is less than five thousand unit doses of485
L.S.D. in a solid form or equals or exceeds one hundred grams but486
is less than five hundred grams of L.S.D. in a liquid concentrate,487
liquid extract, or liquid distillate form and regardless of488
whether the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or489
in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in L.S.D. is a felony490
of the first degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory491
prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the492
first degree.493

       (g) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 494
thousand unit doses of L.S.D. in a solid form or equals or exceeds 495
five hundred grams of L.S.D. in a liquid concentrate, liquid 496
extract, or liquid distillate form and regardless of whether the 497
offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in the 498
vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in L.S.D. is a felony of the 499
first degree, the offender is a major drug offender, and the court 500
shall impose as a mandatory prison term the maximum prison term 501
prescribed for a felony of the first degree and may impose an 502
additional mandatory prison term prescribed for a major drug 503
offender under division (D)(3)(b) of section 2929.14 of the504
Revised Code.505

       (6) If the drug involved in the violation is heroin or a506
compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing heroin,507
whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of508
trafficking in heroin. The penalty for the offense shall be509
determined as follows:510

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(6)(b), (c),511
(d), (e), (f), or (g) of this section, trafficking in heroin is a512
felony of the fifth degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13 of513
the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison514
term on the offender.515

       (b) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(6)(c), (d),516
(e), (f), or (g) of this section, if the offense was committed in517
the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile,518
trafficking in heroin is a felony of the fourth degree, and519
division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in520
determining whether to impose a prison term on the offender.521

       (c) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the522
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds ten unit doses but523
is less than fifty unit doses or equals or exceeds one gram but is524
less than five grams, trafficking in heroin is a felony of the525
fourth degree, and there is a presumption for a prison term for526
the offense. If the amount of the drug involved is within that527
range and if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school528
or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in heroin is a529
felony of the third degree, and there is a presumption for a530
prison term for the offense.531

       (d) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the532
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds fifty unit doses but533
is less than one hundred unit doses or equals or exceeds five534
grams but is less than ten grams, trafficking in heroin is a535
felony of the third degree, and there is a presumption for a536
prison term for the offense. If the amount of the drug involved537
is within that range and if the offense was committed in the538
vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking539
in heroin is a felony of the second degree, and there is a540
presumption for a prison term for the offense.541

       (e) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the542
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one hundred unit543
doses but is less than five hundred unit doses or equals or544
exceeds ten grams but is less than fifty grams, trafficking in545
heroin is a felony of the second degree, and the court shall546
impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms547
prescribed for a felony of the second degree. If the amount of the 548
drug involved is within that range and if the offense was549
committed in the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a550
juvenile, trafficking in heroin is a felony of the first degree,551
and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the552
prison terms prescribed for a felony of the first degree.553

       (f) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 554
hundred unit doses but is less than two thousand five hundred unit 555
doses or equals or exceeds fifty grams but is less than two556
hundred fifty grams and regardless of whether the offense was557
committed in the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a558
juvenile, trafficking in heroin is a felony of the first degree,559
and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the560
prison terms prescribed for a felony of the first degree.561

       (g) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds two562
thousand five hundred unit doses or equals or exceeds two hundred563
fifty grams and regardless of whether the offense was committed in564
the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile,565
trafficking in heroin is a felony of the first degree, the566
offender is a major drug offender, and the court shall impose as a567
mandatory prison term the maximum prison term prescribed for a568
felony of the first degree and may impose an additional mandatory569
prison term prescribed for a major drug offender under division570
(D)(3)(b) of section 2929.14 of the Revised Code.571

       (7) If the drug involved in the violation is hashish or a572
compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing hashish,573
whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of574
trafficking in hashish. The penalty for the offense shall be575
determined as follows:576

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(7)(b), (c),577
(d), (e), or (f) of this section, trafficking in hashish is a578
felony of the fifth degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13 of579
the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison580
term on the offender.581

       (b) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(7)(c), (d),582
(e), or (f) of this section, if the offense was committed in the583
vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking584
in hashish is a felony of the fourth degree, and division (C) of585
section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in determining whether586
to impose a prison term on the offender.587

       (c) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the588
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds ten grams but is589
less than fifty grams of hashish in a solid form or equals or590
exceeds two grams but is less than ten grams of hashish in a591
liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid distillate form,592
trafficking in hashish is a felony of the fourth degree, and593
division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in594
determining whether to impose a prison term on the offender. If595
the amount of the drug involved is within that range and if the596
offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in the597
vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in hashish is a felony of the598
third degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised599
Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison term on the600

       (d) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the602
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds fifty grams but is603
less than two hundred fifty grams of hashish in a solid form or604
equals or exceeds ten grams but is less than fifty grams of605
hashish in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid606
distillate form, trafficking in hashish is a felony of the third607
degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code608
applies in determining whether to impose a prison term on the609
offender. If the amount of the drug involved is within that range610
and if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in611
the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in hashish is a felony of612
the second degree, and there is a presumption that a prison term613
shall be imposed for the offense.614

       (e) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the615
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds two hundred fifty616
grams but is less than one thousand grams of hashish in a solid617
form or equals or exceeds fifty grams but is less than two hundred618
grams of hashish in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or619
liquid distillate form, trafficking in hashish is a felony of the620
third degree, and there is a presumption that a prison term shall621
be imposed for the offense. If the amount of the drug involved is622
within that range and if the offense was committed in the vicinity623
of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in624
hashish is a felony of the second degree, and there is a625
presumption that a prison term shall be imposed for the offense.626

       (f) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the627
amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one thousand grams628
of hashish in a solid form or equals or exceeds two hundred grams629
of hashish in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid630
distillate form, trafficking in hashish is a felony of the second631
degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term the632
maximum prison term prescribed for a felony of the second degree.633
If the amount of the drug involved is within that range and if the634
offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in the635
vicinity of a juvenile, trafficking in hashish is a felony of the636
first degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison637
term the maximum prison term prescribed for a felony of the first638

       (D) In addition to any prison term authorized or required by640
division (C) of this section and sections 2929.13 and 2929.14 of641
the Revised Code, and in addition to any other sanction imposed642
for the offense under this section or sections 2929.11 to 2929.18643
of the Revised Code, the court that sentences an offender who is644
convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of division (A) of645
this section shall do all of the following that are applicable646
regarding the offender:647

       (1) If the violation of division (A) of this section is a648
felony of the first, second, or third degree, the court shall649
impose upon the offender the mandatory fine specified for the650
offense under division (B)(1) of section 2929.18 of the Revised651
Code unless, as specified in that division, the court determines652
that the offender is indigent. Except as otherwise provided in653
division (H)(1) of this section, a mandatory fine or any other654
fine imposed for a violation of this section is subject to655
division (F) of this section. If a person is charged with a656
violation of this section that is a felony of the first, second,657
or third degree, posts bail, and forfeits the bail, the clerk of658
the court shall pay the forfeited bail pursuant to divisions659
(D)(1) and (F) of this section, as if the forfeited bail was a660
fine imposed for a violation of this section. If any amount of the 661
forfeited bail remains after that payment and if a fine is imposed 662
under division (H)(1) of this section, the clerk of the court 663
shall pay the remaining amount of the forfeited bail pursuant to 664
divisions (H)(2) and (3) of this section, as if that remaining 665
amount was a fine imposed under division (H)(1) of this section.666

       (2) The court shall suspend the driver's or commercial667
driver's license or permit of the offender in accordance with668
division (G) of this section.669

       (3) If the offender is a professionally licensed person, the670
court immediately shall comply with section 2925.38 of the Revised 671

       (E) When a person is charged with the sale of or offer to673
sell a bulk amount or a multiple of a bulk amount of a controlled674
substance, the jury, or the court trying the accused, shall675
determine the amount of the controlled substance involved at the676
time of the offense and, if a guilty verdict is returned, shall677
return the findings as part of the verdict. In any such case, it678
is unnecessary to find and return the exact amount of the679
controlled substance involved, and it is sufficient if the finding680
and return is to the effect that the amount of the controlled681
substance involved is the requisite amount, or that the amount of682
the controlled substance involved is less than the requisite683

       (F)(1) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of section685
3719.21 of the Revised Code and except as provided in division (H)686
of this section, the clerk of the court shall pay any mandatory687
fine imposed pursuant to division (D)(1) of this section and any688
fine other than a mandatory fine that is imposed for a violation689
of this section pursuant to division (A) or (B)(5) of section690
2929.18 of the Revised Code to the county, township, municipal691
corporation, park district, as created pursuant to section 511.18692
or 1545.04 of the Revised Code, or state law enforcement agencies693
in this state that primarily were responsible for or involved in694
making the arrest of, and in prosecuting, the offender. However,695
the clerk shall not pay a mandatory fine so imposed to a law696
enforcement agency unless the agency has adopted a written697
internal control policy under division (F)(2) of this section that698
addresses the use of the fine moneys that it receives. Each agency 699
shall use the mandatory fines so paid to subsidize the agency's 700
law enforcement efforts that pertain to drug offenses, in701
accordance with the written internal control policy adopted by the702
recipient agency under division (F)(2) of this section.703

       (2)(a) Prior to receiving any fine moneys under division704
(F)(1) of this section or division (B) of section 2925.42 of the 705
Revised Code, a law enforcement agency shall adopt a written706
internal control policy that addresses the agency's use and707
disposition of all fine moneys so received and that provides for708
the keeping of detailed financial records of the receipts of those709
fine moneys, the general types of expenditures made out of those710
fine moneys, and the specific amount of each general type of711
expenditure. The policy shall not provide for or permit the712
identification of any specific expenditure that is made in an713
ongoing investigation. All financial records of the receipts of714
those fine moneys, the general types of expenditures made out of715
those fine moneys, and the specific amount of each general type of716
expenditure by an agency are public records open for inspection717
under section 149.43 of the Revised Code. Additionally, a written718
internal control policy adopted under this division is such a719
public record, and the agency that adopted it shall comply with720

       (b) Each law enforcement agency that receives in any calendar 722
year any fine moneys under division (F)(1) of this section or 723
division (B) of section 2925.42 of the Revised Code shall prepare 724
a report covering the calendar year that cumulates all of the 725
information contained in all of the public financial records kept 726
by the agency pursuant to division (F)(2)(a) of this section for 727
that calendar year, and shall send a copy of the cumulative 728
report, no later than the first day of March in the calendar year 729
following the calendar year covered by the report, to the attorney 730
general. Each report received by the attorney general is a public 731
record open for inspection under section 149.43 of the Revised 732
Code. Not later than the fifteenth day of April in the calendar 733
year in which the reports are received, the attorney general shall 734
send to the president of the senate and the speaker of the house 735
of representatives a written notification that does all of the 736

       (i) Indicates that the attorney general has received from law 738
enforcement agencies reports of the type described in this739
division that cover the previous calendar year and indicates that740
the reports were received under this division;741

       (ii) Indicates that the reports are open for inspection under 742
section 149.43 of the Revised Code;743

       (iii) Indicates that the attorney general will provide a copy 744
of any or all of the reports to the president of the senate or the 745
speaker of the house of representatives upon request.746

       (3) As used in division (F) of this section:747

       (a) "Law enforcement agencies" includes, but is not limited748
to, the state board of pharmacy and the office of a prosecutor.749

       (b) "Prosecutor" has the same meaning as in section 2935.01750
of the Revised Code.751

       (G) When required under division (D)(2) of this section or752
any other provision of this chapter, the court shall suspend for753
not less than six months or more than five years the driver's or754
commercial driver's license or permit of any person who is755
convicted of or pleads guilty to any violation of this section or756
any other specified provision of this chapter. If an offender's757
driver's or commercial driver's license or permit is suspended758
pursuant to this division, the offender, at any time after the759
expiration of two years from the day on which the offender's760
sentence was imposed or from the day on which the offender finally761
was released from a prison term under the sentence, whichever is762
later, may file a motion with the sentencing court requesting763
termination of the suspension; upon the filing of such a motion764
and the court's finding of good cause for the termination, the765
court may terminate the suspension.766

       (H)(1) In addition to any prison term authorized or required767
by division (C) of this section and sections 2929.13 and 2929.14768
of the Revised Code, in addition to any other penalty or sanction769
imposed for the offense under this section or sections 2929.11 to770
2929.18 of the Revised Code, and in addition to the forfeiture of771
property in connection with the offense as prescribed in Chapter 772
2981. of the Revised Code, the court that sentences an offender 773
who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of division 774
(A) of this section may impose upon the offender an additional 775
fine specified for the offense in division (B)(4) of section776
2929.18 of the Revised Code. A fine imposed under division (H)(1) 777
of this section is not subject to division (F) of this section and 778
shall be used solely for the support of one or more eligible 779
alcohol and drug addiction programs in accordance with divisions780
(H)(2) and (3) of this section.781

       (2) The court that imposes a fine under division (H)(1) of782
this section shall specify in the judgment that imposes the fine783
one or more eligible alcohol and drug addiction programs for the784
support of which the fine money is to be used. No alcohol and drug785
addiction program shall receive or use money paid or collected in 786
satisfaction of a fine imposed under division (H)(1) of this 787
section unless the program is specified in the judgment that 788
imposes the fine. No alcohol and drug addiction program shall be 789
specified in the judgment unless the program is an eligible 790
alcohol and drug addiction program and, except as otherwise 791
provided in division (H)(2) of this section, unless the program is 792
located in the county in which the court that imposes the fine is 793
located or in a county that is immediately contiguous to the 794
county in which that court is located. If no eligible alcohol and 795
drug addiction program is located in any of those counties, the 796
judgment may specify an eligible alcohol and drug addiction 797
program that is located anywhere within this state.798

       (3) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of section 3719.21 799
of the Revised Code, the clerk of the court shall pay any fine 800
imposed under division (H)(1) of this section to the eligible801
alcohol and drug addiction program specified pursuant to division802
(H)(2) of this section in the judgment. The eligible alcohol and803
drug addiction program that receives the fine moneys shall use the804
moneys only for the alcohol and drug addiction services identified805
in the application for certification under section 3793.06 of the806
Revised Code or in the application for a license under section807
3793.11 of the Revised Code filed with the department of alcohol808
and drug addiction services by the alcohol and drug addiction809
program specified in the judgment.810

       (4) Each alcohol and drug addiction program that receives in811
a calendar year any fine moneys under division (H)(3) of this812
section shall file an annual report covering that calendar year813
with the court of common pleas and the board of county814
commissioners of the county in which the program is located, with815
the court of common pleas and the board of county commissioners of816
each county from which the program received the moneys if that817
county is different from the county in which the program is818
located, and with the attorney general. The alcohol and drug819
addiction program shall file the report no later than the first820
day of March in the calendar year following the calendar year in821
which the program received the fine moneys. The report shall822
include statistics on the number of persons served by the alcohol823
and drug addiction program, identify the types of alcohol and drug824
addiction services provided to those persons, and include a825
specific accounting of the purposes for which the fine moneys826
received were used. No information contained in the report shall827
identify, or enable a person to determine the identity of, any828
person served by the alcohol and drug addiction program. Each829
report received by a court of common pleas, a board of county830
commissioners, or the attorney general is a public record open for831
inspection under section 149.43 of the Revised Code.832

       (5) As used in divisions (H)(1) to (5) of this section:833

       (a) "Alcohol and drug addiction program" and "alcohol and834
drug addiction services" have the same meanings as in section835
3793.01 of the Revised Code.836

       (b) "Eligible alcohol and drug addiction program" means an837
alcohol and drug addiction program that is certified under section838
3793.06 of the Revised Code or licensed under section 3793.11 of839
the Revised Code by the department of alcohol and drug addiction840

       Sec. 2925.04.  (A) No person shall knowingly cultivate842
marihuana or knowingly manufacture or otherwise engage in any part843
of the production of a controlled substance.844

       (B) This section does not apply to any person listed in845
division (B)(1), (2), or (3) of section 2925.03 of the Revised846
Code to the extent and under the circumstances described in those847
divisions or to a holder of a valid registry identification card 848
issued under section 3728.13 of the Revised Code to the extent and 849
under the circumstances described in Chapter 3728. of the Revised 850

       (C)(1) Whoever commits a violation of division (A) of this852
section that involves any drug other than marihuana is guilty of853
illegal manufacture of drugs, and whoever commits a violation of854
division (A) of this section that involves marihuana is guilty of855
illegal cultivation of marihuana.856

       (2) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the857
drug involved in the violation of division (A) of this section is858
any compound, mixture, preparation, or substance included in859
schedule I or II, with the exception of methamphetamine or 860
marihuana, illegal manufacture of drugs is a felony of the second 861
degree, and, subject to division (E) of this section, the court 862
shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms 863
prescribed for a felony of the second degree.864

       If the drug involved in the violation is any compound, 865
mixture, preparation, or substance included in schedule I or II, 866
with the exception of methamphetamine or marihuana, and if the 867
offense was committed in the vicinity of a juvenile or in the 868
vicinity of a school, illegal manufacture of drugs is a felony of 869
the first degree, and, subject to division (E) of this section, 870
the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the 871
prison terms prescribed for a felony of the first degree.872

       (3) If the drug involved in the violation of division (A) of 873
this section is methamphetamine, the penalty for the violation 874
shall be determined as follows:875

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(3)(b) of 876
this section, if the drug involved in the violation is 877
methamphetamine, illegal manufacture of drugs is a felony of the 878
second degree, and, subject to division (E) of this section, the 879
court shall impose a mandatory prison term on the offender 880
determined in accordance with this division. Except as otherwise 881
provided in this division, the court shall impose as a mandatory 882
prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the 883
second degree that is not less than three years. If the offender 884
previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation 885
of division (A) of this section, a violation of division (B)(6) of 886
section 2919.22 of the Revised Code, or a violation of division 887
(A) of section 2925.041 of the Revised Code, the court shall 888
impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms 889
prescribed for a felony of the second degree that is not less than 890
five years.891

       (b) If the drug involved in the violation is methamphetamine 892
and if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a juvenile, in 893
the vicinity of a school, or on public premises, illegal 894
manufacture of drugs is a felony of the first degree, and, subject 895
to division (E) of this section, the court shall impose a 896
mandatory prison term on the offender determined in accordance 897
with this division. Except as otherwise provided in this division, 898
the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the 899
prison terms prescribed for a felony of the first degree that is 900
not less than four years. If the offender previously has been 901
convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of division (A) of 902
this section, a violation of division (B)(6) of section 2919.22 of 903
the Revised Code, or a violation of division (A) of section 904
2925.041 of the Revised Code, the court shall impose as a 905
mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a 906
felony of the first degree that is not less than five years.907

       (4) If the drug involved in the violation of division (A) of908
this section is any compound, mixture, preparation, or substance909
included in schedule III, IV, or V, illegal manufacture of drugs910
is a felony of the third degree or, if the offense was committed 911
in the vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, a 912
felony of the second degree, and there is a presumption for a913
prison term for the offense.914

       (5) If the drug involved in the violation is marihuana, the915
penalty for the offense shall be determined as follows:916

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(5)(b), (c),917
(d), (e), or (f) of this section, illegal cultivation of marihuana918
is a minor misdemeanor or, if the offense was committed in the 919
vicinity of a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, a 920
misdemeanor of the fourth degree.921

       (b) If the amount of marihuana involved equals or exceeds one 922
hundred grams but is less than two hundred grams, illegal923
cultivation of marihuana is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree or, 924
if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in the 925
vicinity of a juvenile, a misdemeanor of the third degree.926

       (c) If the amount of marihuana involved equals or exceeds two 927
hundred grams but is less than one thousand grams, illegal928
cultivation of marihuana is a felony of the fifth degree or, if 929
the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in the 930
vicinity of a juvenile, a felony of the fourth degree, and931
division (B) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in932
determining whether to impose a prison term on the offender.933

       (d) If the amount of marihuana involved equals or exceeds one 934
thousand grams but is less than five thousand grams, illegal935
cultivation of marihuana is a felony of the third degree or, if 936
the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in the 937
vicinity of a juvenile, a felony of the second degree, and938
division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in939
determining whether to impose a prison term on the offender.940

       (e) If the amount of marihuana involved equals or exceeds941
five thousand grams but is less than twenty thousand grams,942
illegal cultivation of marihuana is a felony of the third degree 943
or, if the offense was committed in the vicinity of a school or in 944
the vicinity of a juvenile, a felony of the second degree, and 945
there is a presumption for a prison term for the offense.946

       (f) Except as otherwise provided in this division, if the 947
amount of marihuana involved equals or exceeds twenty thousand 948
grams, illegal cultivation of marihuana is a felony of the second 949
degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term the 950
maximum prison term prescribed for a felony of the second degree. 951
If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds twenty 952
thousand grams and if the offense was committed in the vicinity of 953
a school or in the vicinity of a juvenile, illegal cultivation of 954
marihuana is a felony of the first degree, and the court shall 955
impose as a mandatory prison term the maximum prison term 956
prescribed for a felony of the first degree.957

       (D) In addition to any prison term authorized or required by958
division (C) or (E) of this section and sections 2929.13 and959
2929.14 of the Revised Code and in addition to any other sanction960
imposed for the offense under this section or sections 2929.11 to961
2929.18 of the Revised Code, the court that sentences an offender962
who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of division963
(A) of this section shall do all of the following that are964
applicable regarding the offender:965

       (1) If the violation of division (A) of this section is a966
felony of the first, second, or third degree, the court shall967
impose upon the offender the mandatory fine specified for the968
offense under division (B)(1) of section 2929.18 of the Revised969
Code unless, as specified in that division, the court determines970
that the offender is indigent. The clerk of the court shall pay a971
mandatory fine or other fine imposed for a violation of this972
section pursuant to division (A) of section 2929.18 of the Revised973
Code in accordance with and subject to the requirements of974
division (F) of section 2925.03 of the Revised Code. The agency975
that receives the fine shall use the fine as specified in division976
(F) of section 2925.03 of the Revised Code. If a person is charged 977
with a violation of this section that is a felony of the first, 978
second, or third degree, posts bail, and forfeits the bail, the 979
clerk shall pay the forfeited bail as if the forfeited bail were a 980
fine imposed for a violation of this section.981

       (2) The court shall suspend the offender's driver's or982
commercial driver's license or permit in accordance with division983
(G) of section 2925.03 of the Revised Code. If an offender's984
driver's or commercial driver's license or permit is suspended in985
accordance with that division, the offender may request986
termination of, and the court may terminate, the suspension in987
accordance with that division.988

       (3) If the offender is a professionally licensed person, the989
court immediately shall comply with section 2925.38 of the Revised990

       (E) Notwithstanding the prison term otherwise authorized or992
required for the offense under division (C) of this section and993
sections 2929.13 and 2929.14 of the Revised Code, if the violation994
of division (A) of this section involves the sale, offer to sell,995
or possession of a schedule I or II controlled substance, with the996
exception of marihuana, and if the court imposing sentence upon997
the offender finds that the offender as a result of the violation998
is a major drug offender and is guilty of a specification of the999
type described in section 2941.1410 of the Revised Code, the1000
court, in lieu of the prison term otherwise authorized or1001
required, shall impose upon the offender the mandatory prison term1002
specified in division (D)(3)(a) of section 2929.14 of the Revised1003
Code and may impose an additional prison term under division1004
(D)(3)(b) of that section.1005

       (F) It is an affirmative defense, as provided in section1006
2901.05 of the Revised Code, to a charge under this section for a1007
fifth degree felony violation of illegal cultivation of marihuana1008
that the marihuana that gave rise to the charge is in an amount,1009
is in a form, is prepared, compounded, or mixed with substances1010
that are not controlled substances in a manner, or is possessed or1011
cultivated under any other circumstances that indicate that the1012
marihuana was solely for personal use.1013

       Notwithstanding any contrary provision of division (F) of1014
this section, if, in accordance with section 2901.05 of the1015
Revised Code, a person who is charged with a violation of illegal1016
cultivation of marihuana that is a felony of the fifth degree1017
sustains the burden of going forward with evidence of and1018
establishes by a preponderance of the evidence the affirmative1019
defense described in this division, the person may be prosecuted1020
for and may be convicted of or plead guilty to a misdemeanor1021
violation of illegal cultivation of marihuana.1022

       (G) Arrest or conviction for a minor misdemeanor violation of 1023
this section does not constitute a criminal record and need not be 1024
reported by the person so arrested or convicted in response to any 1025
inquiries about the person's criminal record, including any1026
inquiries contained in an application for employment, a license,1027
or any other right or privilege or made in connection with the1028
person's appearance as a witness.1029

       Sec. 2925.11.  (A) No person shall knowingly obtain, possess, 1030
or use a controlled substance.1031

       (B) This section does not apply to any of the following:1032

       (1) Manufacturers, licensed health professionals authorized1033
to prescribe drugs, pharmacists, owners of pharmacies, and other1034
persons whose conduct was in accordance with Chapters 3719.,1035
4715., 4723., 4729., 4730., 4731., and 4741. of the Revised Code;1036

       (2) If the offense involves an anabolic steroid, any person1037
who is conducting or participating in a research project involving1038
the use of an anabolic steroid if the project has been approved by1039
the United States food and drug administration;1040

       (3) Any person who sells, offers for sale, prescribes,1041
dispenses, or administers for livestock or other nonhuman species1042
an anabolic steroid that is expressly intended for administration1043
through implants to livestock or other nonhuman species and1044
approved for that purpose under the "Federal Food, Drug, and1045
Cosmetic Act," 52 Stat. 1040 (1938), 21 U.S.C.A. 301, as amended,1046
and is sold, offered for sale, prescribed, dispensed, or1047
administered for that purpose in accordance with that act;1048

       (4) Any person who obtained the controlled substance pursuant 1049
to a prescription issued by a licensed health professional 1050
authorized to prescribe drugs;1051

       (5) A holder of a valid registry identification card issued 1052
under section 3728.13 of the Revised Code to the extent and under 1053
the circumstances described in Chapter 3728. of the Revised Code.1054

       (C) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty1055
of one of the following:1056

       (1) If the drug involved in the violation is a compound,1057
mixture, preparation, or substance included in schedule I or II,1058
with the exception of marihuana, cocaine, L.S.D., heroin, and1059
hashish, whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty1060
of aggravated possession of drugs. The penalty for the offense1061
shall be determined as follows:1062

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(1)(b), (c),1063
(d), or (e) of this section, aggravated possession of drugs is a1064
felony of the fifth degree, and division (B) of section 2929.13 of1065
the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison1066
term on the offender.1067

       (b) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds the1068
bulk amount but is less than five times the bulk amount,1069
aggravated possession of drugs is a felony of the third degree,1070
and there is a presumption for a prison term for the offense.1071

       (c) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 1072
times the bulk amount but is less than fifty times the bulk1073
amount, aggravated possession of drugs is a felony of the second1074
degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one1075
of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the second degree.1076

       (d) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds1077
fifty times the bulk amount but is less than one hundred times the1078
bulk amount, aggravated possession of drugs is a felony of the1079
first degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison1080
term one of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the first1081

       (e) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one1083
hundred times the bulk amount, aggravated possession of drugs is a1084
felony of the first degree, the offender is a major drug offender,1085
and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term the maximum1086
prison term prescribed for a felony of the first degree and may1087
impose an additional mandatory prison term prescribed for a major1088
drug offender under division (D)(3)(b) of section 2929.14 of the1089
Revised Code.1090

       (2) If the drug involved in the violation is a compound,1091
mixture, preparation, or substance included in schedule III, IV,1092
or V, whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of1093
possession of drugs. The penalty for the offense shall be1094
determined as follows:1095

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(2)(b), (c),1096
or (d) of this section, possession of drugs is a misdemeanor of1097
the third degree or, if the offender previously has been convicted1098
of a drug abuse offense, a misdemeanor of the second degree. If1099
the drug involved in the violation is an anabolic steroid included1100
in schedule III and if the offense is a misdemeanor of the third1101
degree under this division, in lieu of sentencing the offender to1102
a term of imprisonment in a detention facility, the court may1103
place the offender under a community control sanction, as defined 1104
in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code, that requires the offender 1105
to perform supervised community service work pursuant to division1106
(B) of section 2951.02 of the Revised Code.1107

       (b) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds the1108
bulk amount but is less than five times the bulk amount,1109
possession of drugs is a felony of the fourth degree, and division1110
(C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in determining1111
whether to impose a prison term on the offender.1112

       (c) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 1113
times the bulk amount but is less than fifty times the bulk1114
amount, possession of drugs is a felony of the third degree, and1115
there is a presumption for a prison term for the offense.1116

       (d) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds1117
fifty times the bulk amount, possession of drugs is a felony of1118
the second degree, and the court shall impose upon the offender as1119
a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a1120
felony of the second degree.1121

       (3) If the drug involved in the violation is marihuana or a1122
compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing marihuana1123
other than hashish, whoever violates division (A) of this section1124
is guilty of possession of marihuana. The penalty for the offense1125
shall be determined as follows:1126

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(3)(b), (c),1127
(d), (e), or (f) of this section, possession of marihuana is a1128
minor misdemeanor.1129

       (b) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one1130
hundred grams but is less than two hundred grams, possession of1131
marihuana is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.1132

       (c) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds two1133
hundred grams but is less than one thousand grams, possession of1134
marihuana is a felony of the fifth degree, and division (B) of1135
section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in determining whether1136
to impose a prison term on the offender.1137

       (d) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one1138
thousand grams but is less than five thousand grams, possession of1139
marihuana is a felony of the third degree, and division (C) of1140
section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in determining whether1141
to impose a prison term on the offender.1142

       (e) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 1143
thousand grams but is less than twenty thousand grams, possession 1144
of marihuana is a felony of the third degree, and there is a 1145
presumption that a prison term shall be imposed for the offense.1146

       (f) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds1147
twenty thousand grams, possession of marihuana is a felony of the1148
second degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison1149
term the maximum prison term prescribed for a felony of the second1150

       (4) If the drug involved in the violation is cocaine or a1152
compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing cocaine,1153
whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of1154
possession of cocaine. The penalty for the offense shall be1155
determined as follows:1156

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(4)(b), (c),1157
(d), (e), or (f) of this section, possession of cocaine is a1158
felony of the fifth degree, and division (B) of section 2929.13 of1159
the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison1160
term on the offender.1161

       (b) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 1162
grams but is less than twenty-five grams of cocaine that is not 1163
crack cocaine or equals or exceeds one gram but is less than five 1164
grams of crack cocaine, possession of cocaine is a felony of the 1165
fourth degree, and there is a presumption for a prison term for 1166
the offense.1167

       (c) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds1168
twenty-five grams but is less than one hundred grams of cocaine1169
that is not crack cocaine or equals or exceeds five grams but is1170
less than ten grams of crack cocaine, possession of cocaine is a1171
felony of the third degree, and the court shall impose as a1172
mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a1173
felony of the third degree.1174

       (d) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one1175
hundred grams but is less than five hundred grams of cocaine that1176
is not crack cocaine or equals or exceeds ten grams but is less1177
than twenty-five grams of crack cocaine, possession of cocaine is1178
a felony of the second degree, and the court shall impose as a1179
mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a1180
felony of the second degree.1181

       (e) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 1182
hundred grams but is less than one thousand grams of cocaine that 1183
is not crack cocaine or equals or exceeds twenty-five grams but is 1184
less than one hundred grams of crack cocaine, possession of1185
cocaine is a felony of the first degree, and the court shall1186
impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms1187
prescribed for a felony of the first degree.1188

       (f) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one1189
thousand grams of cocaine that is not crack cocaine or equals or1190
exceeds one hundred grams of crack cocaine, possession of cocaine1191
is a felony of the first degree, the offender is a major drug1192
offender, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term1193
the maximum prison term prescribed for a felony of the first1194
degree and may impose an additional mandatory prison term1195
prescribed for a major drug offender under division (D)(3)(b) of1196
section 2929.14 of the Revised Code.1197

       (5) If the drug involved in the violation is L.S.D., whoever1198
violates division (A) of this section is guilty of possession of1199
L.S.D. The penalty for the offense shall be determined as follows:1200

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(5)(b), (c),1201
(d), (e), or (f) of this section, possession of L.S.D. is a felony1202
of the fifth degree, and division (B) of section 2929.13 of the1203
Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison1204
term on the offender.1205

       (b) If the amount of L.S.D. involved equals or exceeds ten1206
unit doses but is less than fifty unit doses of L.S.D. in a solid1207
form or equals or exceeds one gram but is less than five grams of1208
L.S.D. in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid1209
distillate form, possession of L.S.D. is a felony of the fourth1210
degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code1211
applies in determining whether to impose a prison term on the1212

       (c) If the amount of L.S.D. involved equals or exceeds fifty1214
unit doses, but is less than two hundred fifty unit doses of1215
L.S.D. in a solid form or equals or exceeds five grams but is less1216
than twenty-five grams of L.S.D. in a liquid concentrate, liquid1217
extract, or liquid distillate form, possession of L.S.D. is a1218
felony of the third degree, and there is a presumption for a1219
prison term for the offense.1220

       (d) If the amount of L.S.D. involved equals or exceeds two1221
hundred fifty unit doses but is less than one thousand unit doses1222
of L.S.D. in a solid form or equals or exceeds twenty-five grams1223
but is less than one hundred grams of L.S.D. in a liquid1224
concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid distillate form, possession1225
of L.S.D. is a felony of the second degree, and the court shall1226
impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison terms1227
prescribed for a felony of the second degree.1228

       (e) If the amount of L.S.D. involved equals or exceeds one1229
thousand unit doses but is less than five thousand unit doses of1230
L.S.D. in a solid form or equals or exceeds one hundred grams but1231
is less than five hundred grams of L.S.D. in a liquid concentrate,1232
liquid extract, or liquid distillate form, possession of L.S.D. is1233
a felony of the first degree, and the court shall impose as a1234
mandatory prison term one of the prison terms prescribed for a1235
felony of the first degree.1236

       (f) If the amount of L.S.D. involved equals or exceeds five1237
thousand unit doses of L.S.D. in a solid form or equals or exceeds1238
five hundred grams of L.S.D. in a liquid concentrate, liquid1239
extract, or liquid distillate form, possession of L.S.D. is a1240
felony of the first degree, the offender is a major drug offender,1241
and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term the maximum1242
prison term prescribed for a felony of the first degree and may1243
impose an additional mandatory prison term prescribed for a major1244
drug offender under division (D)(3)(b) of section 2929.14 of the1245
Revised Code.1246

       (6) If the drug involved in the violation is heroin or a1247
compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing heroin,1248
whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of1249
possession of heroin. The penalty for the offense shall be1250
determined as follows:1251

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(6)(b), (c),1252
(d), (e), or (f) of this section, possession of heroin is a felony1253
of the fifth degree, and division (B) of section 2929.13 of the1254
Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison1255
term on the offender.1256

       (b) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds ten1257
unit doses but is less than fifty unit doses or equals or exceeds1258
one gram but is less than five grams, possession of heroin is a1259
felony of the fourth degree, and division (C) of section 2929.131260
of the Revised Code applies in determining whether to impose a1261
prison term on the offender.1262

       (c) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds1263
fifty unit doses but is less than one hundred unit doses or equals1264
or exceeds five grams but is less than ten grams, possession of1265
heroin is a felony of the third degree, and there is a presumption1266
for a prison term for the offense.1267

       (d) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one1268
hundred unit doses but is less than five hundred unit doses or1269
equals or exceeds ten grams but is less than fifty grams,1270
possession of heroin is a felony of the second degree, and the1271
court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one of the prison1272
terms prescribed for a felony of the second degree.1273

       (e) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 1274
hundred unit doses but is less than two thousand five hundred unit 1275
doses or equals or exceeds fifty grams but is less than two1276
hundred fifty grams, possession of heroin is a felony of the first1277
degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory prison term one1278
of the prison terms prescribed for a felony of the first degree.1279

       (f) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds two1280
thousand five hundred unit doses or equals or exceeds two hundred1281
fifty grams, possession of heroin is a felony of the first degree,1282
the offender is a major drug offender, and the court shall impose1283
as a mandatory prison term the maximum prison term prescribed for1284
a felony of the first degree and may impose an additional1285
mandatory prison term prescribed for a major drug offender under1286
division (D)(3)(b) of section 2929.14 of the Revised Code.1287

       (7) If the drug involved in the violation is hashish or a1288
compound, mixture, preparation, or substance containing hashish,1289
whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of1290
possession of hashish. The penalty for the offense shall be1291
determined as follows:1292

       (a) Except as otherwise provided in division (C)(7)(b), (c),1293
(d), (e), or (f) of this section, possession of hashish is a minor1294

       (b) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds five 1296
grams but is less than ten grams of hashish in a solid form or 1297
equals or exceeds one gram but is less than two grams of hashish 1298
in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid distillate 1299
form, possession of hashish is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.1300

       (c) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds ten1301
grams but is less than fifty grams of hashish in a solid form or1302
equals or exceeds two grams but is less than ten grams of hashish1303
in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or liquid distillate1304
form, possession of hashish is a felony of the fifth degree, and1305
division (B) of section 2929.13 of the Revised Code applies in1306
determining whether to impose a prison term on the offender.1307

       (d) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds1308
fifty grams but is less than two hundred fifty grams of hashish in1309
a solid form or equals or exceeds ten grams but is less than fifty1310
grams of hashish in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract, or1311
liquid distillate form, possession of hashish is a felony of the1312
third degree, and division (C) of section 2929.13 of the Revised1313
Code applies in determining whether to impose a prison term on the1314

       (e) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds two1316
hundred fifty grams but is less than one thousand grams of hashish1317
in a solid form or equals or exceeds fifty grams but is less than1318
two hundred grams of hashish in a liquid concentrate, liquid1319
extract, or liquid distillate form, possession of hashish is a1320
felony of the third degree, and there is a presumption that a1321
prison term shall be imposed for the offense.1322

       (f) If the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeds one1323
thousand grams of hashish in a solid form or equals or exceeds two1324
hundred grams of hashish in a liquid concentrate, liquid extract,1325
or liquid distillate form, possession of hashish is a felony of1326
the second degree, and the court shall impose as a mandatory1327
prison term the maximum prison term prescribed for a felony of the1328
second degree.1329

       (D) Arrest or conviction for a minor misdemeanor violation of 1330
this section does not constitute a criminal record and need not be 1331
reported by the person so arrested or convicted in response to any 1332
inquiries about the person's criminal record, including any1333
inquiries contained in any application for employment, license, or1334
other right or privilege, or made in connection with the person's1335
appearance as a witness.1336

       (E) In addition to any prison term or jail term authorized or1337
required by division (C) of this section and sections 2929.13, 1338
2929.14, 2929.22, 2929.24, and 2929.25 of the Revised Code and in1339
addition to any other sanction that is imposed for the offense1340
under this section, sections 2929.11 to 2929.18, or sections 1341
2929.21 to 2929.28 of the Revised Code, the court that sentences 1342
an offender who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of1343
division (A) of this section shall do all of the following that 1344
are applicable regarding the offender:1345

       (1)(a) If the violation is a felony of the first, second, or1346
third degree, the court shall impose upon the offender the1347
mandatory fine specified for the offense under division (B)(1) of1348
section 2929.18 of the Revised Code unless, as specified in that1349
division, the court determines that the offender is indigent.1350

       (b) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of section 3719.21 1351
of the Revised Code, the clerk of the court shall pay a mandatory 1352
fine or other fine imposed for a violation of this section 1353
pursuant to division (A) of section 2929.18 of the Revised Code in 1354
accordance with and subject to the requirements of division (F) of 1355
section 2925.03 of the Revised Code. The agency that receives the 1356
fine shall use the fine as specified in division (F) of section1357
2925.03 of the Revised Code.1358

       (c) If a person is charged with a violation of this section1359
that is a felony of the first, second, or third degree, posts1360
bail, and forfeits the bail, the clerk shall pay the forfeited1361
bail pursuant to division (E)(1)(b) of this section as if it were1362
a mandatory fine imposed under division (E)(1)(a) of this section.1363

       (2) The court shall suspend for not less than six months or1364
more than five years the offender's driver's or commercial1365
driver's license or permit.1366

       (3) If the offender is a professionally licensed person, in1367
addition to any other sanction imposed for a violation of this1368
section, the court immediately shall comply with section 2925.381369
of the Revised Code.1370

       (F) It is an affirmative defense, as provided in section1371
2901.05 of the Revised Code, to a charge of a fourth degree felony1372
violation under this section that the controlled substance that1373
gave rise to the charge is in an amount, is in a form, is1374
prepared, compounded, or mixed with substances that are not1375
controlled substances in a manner, or is possessed under any other1376
circumstances, that indicate that the substance was possessed1377
solely for personal use. Notwithstanding any contrary provision1378
of this section, if, in accordance with section 2901.05 of the1379
Revised Code, an accused who is charged with a fourth degree1380
felony violation of division (C)(2), (4), (5), or (6) of this1381
section sustains the burden of going forward with evidence of and1382
establishes by a preponderance of the evidence the affirmative1383
defense described in this division, the accused may be prosecuted1384
for and may plead guilty to or be convicted of a misdemeanor1385
violation of division (C)(2) of this section or a fifth degree1386
felony violation of division (C)(4), (5), or (6) of this section1387

       (G) When a person is charged with possessing a bulk amount or1389
multiple of a bulk amount, division (E) of section 2925.03 of the 1390
Revised Code applies regarding the determination of the amount of 1391
the controlled substance involved at the time of the offense.1392

       Sec. 2925.14.  (A) As used in this section, "drug1393
paraphernalia" means any equipment, product, or material of any1394
kind that is used by the offender, intended by the offender for1395
use, or designed for use, in propagating, cultivating, growing,1396
harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing,1397
processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging,1398
storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling,1399
or otherwise introducing into the human body, a controlled1400
substance in violation of this chapter. "Drug paraphernalia"1401
includes, but is not limited to, any of the following equipment,1402
products, or materials that are used by the offender, intended by1403
the offender for use, or designed by the offender for use, in any1404
of the following manners:1405

       (1) A kit for propagating, cultivating, growing, or1406
harvesting any species of a plant that is a controlled substance1407
or from which a controlled substance can be derived;1408

       (2) A kit for manufacturing, compounding, converting,1409
producing, processing, or preparing a controlled substance;1410

       (3) Any object, instrument, or device for manufacturing,1411
compounding, converting, producing, processing, or preparing1412

       (4) An isomerization device for increasing the potency of any 1414
species of a plant that is a controlled substance;1415

       (5) Testing equipment for identifying, or analyzing the1416
strength, effectiveness, or purity of, a controlled substance;1417

       (6) A scale or balance for weighing or measuring a controlled 1418

       (7) A diluent or adulterant, such as quinine hydrochloride,1420
mannitol, mannite, dextrose, or lactose, for cutting a controlled1421

       (8) A separation gin or sifter for removing twigs and seeds1423
from, or otherwise cleaning or refining, marihuana;1424

       (9) A blender, bowl, container, spoon, or mixing device for1425
compounding a controlled substance;1426

       (10) A capsule, balloon, envelope, or container for packaging 1427
small quantities of a controlled substance;1428

       (11) A container or device for storing or concealing a1429
controlled substance;1430

       (12) A hypodermic syringe, needle, or instrument for1431
parenterally injecting a controlled substance into the human body;1432

       (13) An object, instrument, or device for ingesting,1433
inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body, marihuana,1434
cocaine, hashish, or hashish oil, such as a metal, wooden,1435
acrylic, glass, stone, plastic, or ceramic pipe, with or without a1436
screen, permanent screen, hashish head, or punctured metal bowl;1437
water pipe; carburetion tube or device; smoking or carburetion1438
mask; roach clip or similar object used to hold burning material,1439
such as a marihuana cigarette, that has become too small or too1440
short to be held in the hand; miniature cocaine spoon, or cocaine1441
vial; chamber pipe; carburetor pipe; electric pipe; air driver1442
pipe; chillum; bong; or ice pipe or chiller.1443

       (B) In determining if any equipment, product, or material is 1444
drug paraphernalia, a court or law enforcement officer shall1445
consider, in addition to other relevant factors, the following:1446

       (1) Any statement by the owner, or by anyone in control, of1447
the equipment, product, or material, concerning its use;1448

       (2) The proximity in time or space of the equipment, product, 1449
or material, or of the act relating to the equipment, product, or 1450
material, to a violation of any provision of this chapter;1451

       (3) The proximity of the equipment, product, or material to1452
any controlled substance;1453

       (4) The existence of any residue of a controlled substance on 1454
the equipment, product, or material;1455

       (5) Direct or circumstantial evidence of the intent of the1456
owner, or of anyone in control, of the equipment, product, or1457
material, to deliver it to any person whom the owner or person in1458
control of the equipment, product, or material knows intends to1459
use the object to facilitate a violation of any provision of this1460
chapter. A finding that the owner, or anyone in control, of the 1461
equipment, product, or material, is not guilty of a violation of1462
any other provision of this chapter does not prevent a finding1463
that the equipment, product, or material was intended or designed1464
by the offender for use as drug paraphernalia.1465

       (6) Any oral or written instruction provided with the 1466
equipment, product, or material concerning its use;1467

       (7) Any descriptive material accompanying the equipment,1468
product, or material and explaining or depicting its use;1469

       (8) National or local advertising concerning the use of the 1470
equipment, product, or material;1471

       (9) The manner and circumstances in which the equipment,1472
product, or material is displayed for sale;1473

       (10) Direct or circumstantial evidence of the ratio of the1474
sales of the equipment, product, or material to the total sales of 1475
the business enterprise;1476

       (11) The existence and scope of legitimate uses of the 1477
equipment, product, or material in the community;1478

       (12) Expert testimony concerning the use of the equipment,1479
product, or material.1480

       (C)(1) No person shall knowingly use, or possess with purpose 1481
to use, drug paraphernalia.1482

       (2) No person shall knowingly sell, or possess or manufacture 1483
with purpose to sell, drug paraphernalia, if the person knows or1484
reasonably should know that the equipment, product, or material 1485
will be used as drug paraphernalia.1486

       (3) No person shall place an advertisement in any newspaper,1487
magazine, handbill, or other publication that is published and1488
printed and circulates primarily within this state, if the person1489
knows that the purpose of the advertisement is to promote the1490
illegal sale in this state of the equipment, product, or material1491
that the offender intended or designed for use as drug1492

       (D)(1) This section does not apply to manufacturers, licensed1494
health professionals authorized to prescribe drugs, pharmacists,1495
owners of pharmacies, and other persons whose conduct is in1496
accordance with Chapters 3719., 4715., 4723., 4729., 4730., 4731., 1497
and 4741. of the Revised Code. This section shall not be construed 1498
to prohibit the possession or use of a hypodermic as authorized by1499
section 3719.172 of the Revised Code.1500

       (2) This section does not apply to a holder of a valid 1501
registry identification card issued under section 3728.13 of the 1502
Revised Code to the extent and under the circumstances described 1503
in Chapter 3728. of the Revised Code.1504

       (E) Notwithstanding Chapter 2981. of the Revised Code, any 1505
drug paraphernalia that was used, possessed, sold, or manufactured 1506
in a violation of this section shall be seized, after a conviction 1507
for that violation shall be forfeited, and upon forfeiture shall 1508
be disposed of pursuant to division (B) of section 2981.12 of the 1509
Revised Code.1510

       (F)(1) Whoever violates division (C)(1) of this section is1511
guilty of illegal use or possession of drug paraphernalia, a1512
misdemeanor of the fourth degree.1513

       (2) Except as provided in division (F)(3) of this section,1514
whoever violates division (C)(2) of this section is guilty of1515
dealing in drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor of the second degree.1516

       (3) Whoever violates division (C)(2) of this section by1517
selling drug paraphernalia to a juvenile is guilty of selling drug1518
paraphernalia to juveniles, a misdemeanor of the first degree.1519

       (4) Whoever violates division (C)(3) of this section is1520
guilty of illegal advertising of drug paraphernalia, a misdemeanor1521
of the second degree.1522

       (G) In addition to any other sanction imposed upon an1523
offender for a violation of this section, the court shall suspend1524
for not less than six months or more than five years the1525
offender's driver's or commercial driver's license or permit. If1526
the offender is a professionally licensed person, in addition to1527
any other sanction imposed for a violation of this section, the1528
court immediately shall comply with section 2925.38 of the Revised1529

       Sec. 2925.41.  (A) As used in sections 2925.41 to 2925.45 of 1531
the Revised Code, "cannabis," "cardholder," "medical use of 1532
cannabis," "practitioner," "registered primary caregiver," and 1533
"registered qualifying patient" have the same meanings as in 1534
section 3728.01 of the Revised Code.1535

       (B) The following persons are not subject to arrest, 1536
prosecution, or any criminal or civil penalty and shall not be 1537
denied any right or privilege for engaging in any of the following 1538
specified activities:1539

       (1) A registered qualifying patient for engaging in the 1540
medical use of cannabis;1541

       (2) A registered primary caregiver for engaging in an 1542
activity authorized by section 3728.03 of the Revised Code;1543

       (3) A cardholder for engaging in an activity authorized by 1544
section 3728.06 of the Revised Code;1545

       (4) Any person for engaging in an activity authorized by 1546
section 3728.07 of the Revised Code;1547

       (5) A practitioner for engaging in an activity authorized by 1548
section 3728.08 of the Revised Code.1549

       (C)(1) There is a presumption that a registered qualifying 1550
patient is engaged in the medical use of cannabis if the patient 1551
is in possession of a valid registry identification card and an 1552
amount of usable cannabis or number of mature cannabis plants that 1553
does not exceed the limit established by division (B)(1) of 1554
section 3728.02 of the Revised Code or rules adopted under section 1555
3728.371 of the Revised Code. The presumption may be rebutted by 1556
evidence that conduct related to cannabis was not for the purpose 1557
of treating or alleviating the registered qualifying patient's 1558
debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the 1559
debilitating medical condition.1560

       (2) There is a presumption that a registered primary 1561
caregiver is engaging in an activity authorized by section 3728.03 1562
of the Revised Code if the registered primary caregiver is in 1563
possession of a valid registry identification card and an amount 1564
of usable cannabis or number of mature cannabis plants that does 1565
not exceed the limit established by division (B)(1) of section 1566
3728.02 of the Revised Code or rules adopted under section 1567
3728.371 of the Revised Code. The presumption may be rebutted by 1568
evidence that conduct related to cannabis was not for the purpose 1569
of treating or alleviating the debilitating medical condition or 1570
symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition of a 1571
registered qualifying patient for whom the registered primary 1572
caregiver serves as a registered primary caregiver.1573

       Sec. 2925.43.  (A) Possession of or application for a 1574
registry identification card shall not constitute probable cause 1575
or reasonable suspicion to search or seize the person or property 1576
of the person possessing or applying for the card.1577

       (B) No person shall be subject to arrest, prosecution, or any 1578
criminal or civil penalty or shall be denied any right or 1579
privilege solely for being in the presence or vicinity of a 1580
registered primary caregiver engaging in the medical use of 1581
cannabis or for assisting a registered qualifying patient's use or 1582
administration of cannabis, regardless of whether the person is a 1583
registered primary caregiver. 1584

       (C) No law enforcement officer or law enforcement agency 1585
shall seize any cannabis, cannabis paraphernalia, licit property, 1586
or interest in licit property that is possessed, owned, or used in 1587
connection with a registered qualifying patient's medical use of 1588
cannabis or in connection with acts incidental to a registered 1589
qualifying patient's medical use of cannabis. No court shall order 1590
the forfeiture of any cannabis, cannabis paraphernalia, licit 1591
property, or interest in licit property that is so possessed, 1592
owned, or used. If a law enforcement officer seizes and does not 1593
return cannabis that is possessed by a cardholder in accordance 1594
with section 3728.02 or 3728.03 of the Revised Code, the agency 1595
that employs the officer shall be liable to the cardholder for the 1596
value of the cannabis.1597

       Sec. 2925.44.  If an individual being investigated by a law 1598
enforcement officer employed by a state-funded or locally funded 1599
law enforcement agency credibly asserts during the course of the 1600
investigation that he or she is a registered qualifying patient or 1601
registered primary caregiver, neither the law enforcement officer 1602
nor the law enforcement agency shall provide any information, 1603
except as required by federal law or the United States 1604
Constitution, from any cannabis-related investigation of the 1605
person to any law enforcement authority that does not recognize 1606
the protections of sections 2925.41 to 2925.44 of the Revised 1607
Code. Any prosecution of the individual for a violation of this 1608
chapter shall be conducted pursuant to the laws of this state.1609

       Sec. 2925.45.  (A) Except as provided in division (B) of 1610
section 3728.02 of the Revised Code, a person who is not a 1611
registered qualifying patient may assert the medical purpose for 1612
using cannabis as a defense to any prosecution involving cannabis, 1613
and this defense shall be presumed valid if the evidence shows 1614
that all of the following apply:1615

       (1) A practitioner has stated that in the practitioner's 1616
professional opinion and scope of practice and after having 1617
completed a full assessment of the person's medical history and 1618
current medical condition made in the course of a bona fide 1619
practitioner-patient relationship the person is likely to receive 1620
therapeutic or palliative benefit from the medical use of cannabis 1621
to treat or alleviate the person's serious or debilitating medical 1622
condition or symptoms associated with the person's serious or 1623
debilitating medical condition.1624

       (2) The person was in possession of a quantity of cannabis 1625
that was not more than was reasonably necessary to ensure the 1626
uninterrupted availability of cannabis for the purpose of treating 1627
or alleviating the person's serious or debilitating medical 1628
condition or symptoms associated with the person's serious or 1629
debilitating medical condition.1630

       (3) The person was engaged in the acquisition, possession, 1631
cultivation, manufacture, use, delivery, transfer, or 1632
transportation of cannabis or paraphernalia relating to the 1633
administration of cannabis to treat or alleviate the serious or 1634
debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the 1635
serious or debilitating medical condition.1636

       (B) If a person who is not a registered qualifying patient 1637
demonstrates the person's medical purpose for using cannabis 1638
pursuant to this section, the person shall not be subject to 1639
either of the following:1640

       (1) Disciplinary action by a business or licensing agency;1641

       (2) Forfeiture of any interest in or right to property.1642

       Sec. 3728.01.  As used in this chapter:1643

       (A) "Cannabis" means marihuana as defined in section 3719.01 1644
of the Revised Code.1645

       (B) "Cannabis plant" means female individuals of the cannabis 1646
genus or their cultivars.1647

       (C) "Cardholder" means a registered qualifying patient or 1648
registered primary caregiver.1649

       (D) "Debilitating medical condition" means one or more of the 1650

       (1) Cancer; glaucoma; positive status for human 1652
immunodeficiency virus; acquired immune deficiency syndrome; 1653
hepatitis C; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Crohn's disease; 1654
agitation of Alzheimer's disease; nail patella; multiple 1655
sclerosis; injury or disease to the spinal cord, spinal column, or 1656
vertebra; mylomalacia; celiac disease; or the treatment of these 1657

       (2) A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or 1659
its treatment that produces one or more of the following:1660

       (a) Cachexia or wasting syndrome;1661

       (b) Severe or chronic pain;1662

       (c) Severe or chronic nausea;1663

       (d) Seizures, including those characteristic of epilepsy;1664

       (e) Severe or persistent muscle spasms.1665

       (3) Any other medical condition or its treatment added as a 1666
debilitating medical condition pursuant to section 3728.371 of the 1667
Revised Code.1668

       (E) "Law enforcement officer" has the same meaning as in 1669
section 2901.01 of the Revised Code.1670

       (F) "Licensing agency" means a department, division, board, 1671
section of a board, or other state governmental unit authorized by 1672
the Revised Code to issue a license, certificate, permit, card, or 1673
other authority to engage in a specific profession, occupation, or 1674
occupational activity, or to have charge of and operate certain 1675
specified equipment, machinery, or premises.1676

       (G) "Medical use of cannabis" means the activities authorized 1677
by section 3728.02 of the Revised Code.1678

       (H) "Practitioner" means any of the following:1679

       (1) A dentist licensed under Chapter 4715. of the Revised 1680

       (2) A clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse-midwife, or 1682
certified nurse practitioner who holds a certificate to prescribe 1683
issued under section 4723.48 of the Revised Code;1684

       (3) An optometrist licensed under Chapter 4725. of the 1685
Revised Code to practice optometry under a therapeutic 1686
pharmaceutical agents certificate;1687

       (4) A physician authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised 1688
Code to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and 1689
surgery, or podiatry;1690

       (5) A physician assistant who holds a certificate to 1691
prescribe issued under Chapter 4730. of the Revised Code.1692

       (I) "Primary caregiver" means an individual who has agreed to 1693
assist with a registered qualifying patient's medical use of 1694
cannabis. 1695

       (J) "Qualifying patient" means a person who has been 1696
diagnosed by a practitioner acting within the practitioner's scope 1697
of practice as having a debilitating medical condition. 1698

       (K) "Registered cultivation sites" are the locations, if any, 1699
at which a cardholder may cultivate cannabis as specified in the 1700
cardholder's application for a registry identification card.1701

       (L) "Registry identification card" means a document issued by 1702
the department of health under section 3728.13 of the Revised Code 1703
that identifies a person as a registered qualifying patient or 1704
registered primary caregiver.1705

       (M) "Registered primary caregiver" means a primary caregiver 1706
who holds a valid registry identification card.1707

       (N) "Registered qualifying patient" means a qualifying 1708
patient who holds a valid registry identification card.1709

       (O) "Usable cannabis" means the dried flowers of the female 1710
cannabis plant and any mixture, tincture, oil, reduction, 1711
compound, or preparation thereof. "Usable cannabis" does not 1712
include the leaves, seeds, stalks, or roots of the female cannabis 1713

       (P) "Visiting qualifying patient" means a qualifying patient 1715
who is not a resident of this state or who has been a resident of 1716
this state for less than thirty days. 1717

       (Q) "Written certification" means a document signed by a 1718
practitioner under section 3728.08 of the Revised Code stating 1719
that in the practitioner's professional opinion and scope of 1720
practice a patient is likely to receive therapeutic or palliative 1721
benefit from the medical use of cannabis. 1722

       Sec. 3728.02.  (A) Subject to division (B) of this section, a 1723
registered qualifying patient may do any of the following to treat 1724
or alleviate the registered qualifying patient's debilitating 1725
medical condition or symptoms associated with the patient's 1726
debilitating medical condition:1727

       (1) Acquire, possess, transport, and use cannabis and 1728
paraphernalia relating to the administration of cannabis.1729

       (2) Cultivate cannabis at the registered qualifying patient's 1730
registered cultivation sites.1731

       (3) Manufacture paraphernalia relating to the administration 1732
of cannabis.1733

       (B) A registered qualifying patient's possession of a valid 1734
registry identification card does not authorize the patient to do 1735
any of the following:1736

       (1) Except as provided in rules adopted under section 1737
3728.371 of the Revised Code, possess more than two hundred grams 1738
of usable cannabis or more than twelve mature cannabis plants; 1739

       (2) Undertake any task under the influence of cannabis, when 1740
doing so would constitute negligence or professional malpractice;1741

       (3) Possess cannabis or otherwise engage in the medical use 1742
of cannabis in a school bus, on the grounds of any preschool or 1743
primary or secondary school, or in any correctional facility; 1744

       (4) Smoke cannabis on any form of public transportation or in 1745
any public place;1746

       (5) Subject to division (D) of this section, operate, 1747
navigate, or be in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, 1748
aircraft, or motorboat while impaired;1749

       (6) Transport cannabis into this state from outside this 1750

       (C) Neither of the following shall be included for purposes 1752
of determining whether a registered qualified patient possesses 1753
more usable cannabis or mature cannabis plants than permitted by 1754
division (B)(1) of this section or rules adopted under section 1755
3728.371 of the Revised Code:1756

       (1) Immature cannabis plants;1757

       (2) If the usable cannabis is added as an ingredient to food 1758
to be consumed by a registered qualifying patient, the weight of 1759
the other ingredients that are not usable cannabis included in the 1760
food. 1761

       (D) A registered qualifying patient shall not be considered 1762
to be impaired solely because of the presence of metabolites or 1763
components of cannabis that appear in insufficient concentration 1764
to cause impairment.1765

       Sec. 3728.03.  (A) Subject to division (B) of this section, a 1766
registered primary caregiver may do any of the following to assist 1767
a registered qualifying patient for whom the registered primary 1768
caregiver serves as registered primary caregiver to engage in the 1769
medical use of cannabis:1770

       (1) Acquire, possess, and transport cannabis and 1771
paraphernalia relating to the administration of cannabis.1772

       (2) Cultivate cannabis at the registered primary caregiver's 1773
registered cultivation sites.1774

       (3) Manufacture paraphernalia relating to the administration 1775
of cannabis.1776

       (B) A registered primary caregiver's possession of a valid 1777
registry identification card does not authorize the caregiver to 1778
do any of the following:1779

       (1) Except as provided in rules adopted under section 1780
3728.371 of the Revised Code, possess more than two hundred grams 1781
of usable cannabis or more than twelve mature cannabis plants; 1782

       (2) Possess cannabis in a school bus, on the grounds of any 1783
preschool or primary or secondary school, or in any correctional 1784

       (3) Transport cannabis into this state from outside this 1786

       (C) Neither of the following shall be included for purposes 1788
of determining whether a registered primary caregiver possesses 1789
more usable cannabis or mature cannabis plants than permitted by 1790
division (B)(1) of this section or rules adopted under section 1791
3728.371 of the Revised Code:1792

       (1) Immature cannabis plants;1793

       (2) If the usable cannabis is added as an ingredient to food 1794
to be consumed by a registered qualifying patient, the weight of 1795
the other ingredients that are not usable cannabis included in the 1796

       Sec. 3728.04.  A registered primary caregiver may receive 1798
compensation for costs associated with the activities the 1799
caregiver engages in pursuant to section 3728.03 of the Revised 1800

       Sec. 3728.05.  No individual under twenty-one years of age 1802
may become a registered primary caregiver. 1803

       Sec. 3728.06.  A cardholder may deliver, transport, transfer, 1804
or otherwise provide cannabis to another cardholder if the 1805
transfer does not cause the other cardholder to possess more 1806
usable cannabis or mature cannabis plants than permitted by 1807
division (B)(1) of section 3728.02, division (B)(1) of section 1808
3728.03 of the Revised Code, or rules adopted under section 1809
3728.371 of the Revised Code.1810

       Sec. 3728.07.  Any person may deliver, transport, transfer, 1811
or otherwise provide paraphernalia relating to the administration 1812
of cannabis for free or charge to a cardholder.1813

       Sec. 3728.08.  A practitioner may sign a written 1814
certification for a qualifying patient stating that in the 1815
practitioner's professional opinion and scope of practice the 1816
qualifying patient is likely to receive therapeutic or palliative 1817
benefit from the medical use of cannabis. The practitioner may 1818
sign the written certification only in the course of a bona fide 1819
practitioner-patient relationship with the qualifying patient and 1820
after the practitioner has completed a full assessment of the 1821
qualifying patient's medical history. The written certification 1822
shall specify the qualifying patient's debilitating medical 1823

       Sec. 3728.10.  A qualifying patient who seeks an initial or 1825
renewed registry identification card shall submit all of the 1826
following to the department of health in accordance with the rules 1827
adopted under section 3728.35 of the Revised Code:1828

       (A) A completed application for the registry identification 1829
card which shall include, at a minimum, all of the following 1830

       (1) The name, address, and date of birth of the qualifying 1832
patient, except that no address is required for an applicant who 1833
is homeless;1834

       (2) The name, address, and telephone number of the qualifying 1835
patient's practitioner who signs the written certification for the 1836
qualifying patient;1837

       (3) The address of each location, if any, at which the 1838
qualifying patient will cultivate cannabis once issued a registry 1839
identification card. 1840

       (B) The initial or renewal fee, as appropriate, established 1841
in rules adopted under section 3728.35 of the Revised Code;1842

       (C) A written certification for the qualifying patient.1843

       Sec. 3728.11.  A primary caregiver who seeks an initial or 1844
renewed registry identification card shall submit all of the 1845
following to the department of health in accordance with the rules 1846
adopted under section 3728.35 of the Revised Code:1847

       (A) A completed application for the registry identification 1848
card which shall include, at a minimum, all of the following 1849

       (1) The name, address, and date of birth of the primary 1851

       (2) The name, address, and date of birth of each qualifying 1853
patient the primary caregiver seeks to serve as a registered 1854
primary caregiver, except that no address is required for a 1855
qualifying patient who is homeless; 1856

       (3) The address of each location, if any, at which the 1857
primary caregiver will cultivate cannabis once issued a registry 1858
identification card. 1859

       (B) Evidence satisfactory to the department that the primary 1860
caregiver is at least twenty-one years of age;1861

       (C) The initial or renewal fee, as appropriate, established 1862
in rules adopted under section 3728.35 of the Revised Code.1863

       Sec. 3728.12.  (A) The department of health shall verify the 1864
information contained in an application for an initial or renewed 1865
registry identification card under section 3728.10 or 3728.11 of 1866
the Revised Code and, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the 1867
Revised Code, approve or deny the application. Except as provided 1868
in division (B) of this section, the department shall issue the 1869
approval or denial not later than fifteen days after receiving the 1870
application. 1871

       (B) If the application is not complete, the department shall 1872
notify the applicant that the application is not complete and that 1873
the applicant has ten days from the date of receiving the notice 1874
to provide a complete application to the department. The 1875
department shall issue the approval or denial not later than 1876
fifteen days after the date the applicant receives the notice.1877

       (C) The department may deny the application if one or more of 1878
the following applies:1879

       (1) The application is not complete;1880

       (2) In the case of an application from a qualifying patient, 1881
the applicant does not submit a written certification for the 1882
qualifying patient with the application;1883

       (3) The department determines that the application or written 1884
certification was purposefully falsified;1885

       (4) The applicant fails to pay the initial or renewal fee, as 1886

       (5) In the case of an applicant who is a qualifying patient 1888
under eighteen years of age, either of the following apply:1889

       (a) The applicant's practitioner who signs the written 1890
certification for the qualifying patient has not explained the 1891
potential risks and benefits of the medical use of cannabis to the 1892
applicant and to a parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the 1893

       (b) The parent, guardian, or legal custodian fails to consent 1895
in writing to all of the following:1896

       (i) Allowing the applicant's medical use of cannabis in 1897
accordance with section 3728.02 of the Revised Code;1898

       (ii) Becoming, and serving as, one of the applicant's 1899
registered primary caregivers;1900

       (iii) Controlling the applicant's acquisition, dosage, and 1901
frequency of the medical use of cannabis.1902

       (D) An applicant whose application is denied may reapply 1903
under section 3728.10 or 3728.11 of the Revised Code, as 1904
appropriate, no earlier than thirty days after the department 1905
issues the denial.1906

       Sec. 3728.13.  Not later than five business days after 1907
approving an application under section 3728.12 of the Revised 1908
Code, the department of health shall issue a registry 1909
identification card to the applicant. The registry identification 1910
card shall contain all of the following:1911

       (A) In the case of a registry identification card for a 1912
qualifying patient, the name and date of birth of the qualifying 1913

       (B) In the case of a registry identification card for a 1915
primary caregiver, both of the following:1916

       (1) The name and date of birth of the primary caregiver;1917

       (2) The name and date of birth of each registered qualifying 1918
patient for whom the registered primary caregiver is to serve as 1919
a registered primary caregiver as specified in the application 1920
for the registry identification card.1921

       (C) The date of issuance and expiration date of the registry 1922
identification card;1923

       (D) A random identification number that is unique to the 1924

       (E) A photograph of the cardholder, if the department 1926
requires one.1927

       Sec. 3728.14.  An application for an initial or renewed 1928
registry identification card shall be deemed a valid registry 1929
identification card beginning on the twentieth day after the date 1930
the application is submitted to the department of health if all of 1931
the requirements for approval of the application have been met and 1932
the department does either of the following:1933

       (A) Fails to approve or deny the application within the time 1934
required by section 3728.12 of the Revised Code;1935

       (B) Fails to issue the registry identification card within 1936
the time required by section 3728.13 of the Revised Code.1937

       Sec. 3728.15.  If at any time after one hundred forty days 1938
after the effective date of this section the department of health 1939
is not accepting applications from qualifying patients for a 1940
registry identification card for any reason, including due to 1941
failure to adopt rules under section 3728.35 of the Revised Code, 1942
a written certification for the qualifying patient together with a 1943
notarized statement by the qualifying patient of all of the 1944
following shall be deemed a valid registry identification card for 1945
the qualifying patient:1946

       (A) The name, address, and date of birth of the qualifying 1947
patient, except that no address is required if the qualifying 1948
patient is homeless;1949

       (B) The name, address, and telephone number of the qualifying 1950
patient's practitioner who signs the written certification for the 1951
qualifying patient;1952

       (C) The address of each location, if any, at which the 1953
qualifying patient will cultivate cannabis.1954

       Sec. 3728.16.  If at any time after one hundred forty days 1955
after the effective date of this section the department of health 1956
is not accepting applications from primary caregivers for a 1957
registry identification card for any reason, including due to 1958
failure to adopt rules under section 3728.35 of the Revised Code, 1959
a notarized statement by the primary caregiver of all of the 1960
following shall be deemed a valid registry identification card for 1961
the primary caregiver:1962

       (A) The name, address, and date of birth of the primary 1963

       (B) The name, address, and date of birth of each qualifying 1965
patient the primary caregiver seeks to serve as a registered 1966
primary caregiver, except that no address is required for a 1967
qualifying patient who is homeless; 1968

       (C) The address of each location, if any, at which the 1969
primary caregiver will cultivate cannabis.1970

       Sec. 3728.17.  A registry identification card shall expire 1971
one year after the date of issuance unless revoked earlier.1972

       Sec. 3728.18.  The department may revoke the registry 1973
identification card of a cardholder who does either of the 1974

       (A) Delivers, transports, transfers, or otherwise provides 1976
cannabis for free or charge to a person who is not a cardholder;1977

       (B) Fails to comply with a requirement of this chapter. 1978

       Sec. 3728.20.  A registered qualifying patient who ceases to 1979
have a debilitating medical condition shall notify the department 1980
of health of that fact not later than thirty days after ceasing to 1981
have the debilitating medical condition. Not later than ten days 1982
after receipt of the notice, the department shall revoke the 1983
registered qualifying patient's registry identification card.1984

       Sec. 3728.21.  A registered primary caregiver for a 1985
registered qualifying patient who ceases to have a debilitating 1986
medical condition shall notify the department of health of that 1987
fact not later than thirty days after the registered qualifying 1988
patient ceases to have the debilitating medical condition. Not 1989
later than ten days after receipt of the notice, the department 1990
shall revoke the registered primary caregiver's registry 1991
identification card unless the registered primary caregiver serves 1992
as the registered primary caregiver for another registered 1993
qualifying patient who still has a debilitating medical condition. 1994

       Sec. 3728.22.  A cardholder whose name or address changes 1995
shall notify the department of health of the change not later than 1996
thirty days after the change. The department shall issue a new 1997
registry identification card to the cardholder not later than ten 1998
business days after the date the department receives both of the 1999

       (A) The notice from the cardholder;2001

       (B) A ten-dollar fee for the new registry identification 2002

       Sec. 3728.25.  A cardholder who loses the cardholder's 2004
registry identification card shall notify the department of health 2005
of the loss not later than ten days after the loss. The department 2006
shall issue a replacement registry identification card with a new 2007
random identification number to the cardholder not later than five 2008
business days after the date the department receives both of the 2009

       (A) The notice from the cardholder;2011

       (B) A ten-dollar fee for the replacement registry 2012
identification card.2013

       Sec. 3728.26.  A cardholder shall maintain cannabis plants in 2014
a room, greenhouse, garden, or other enclosed area that is out of 2015
public view unless either of the following apply:2016

       (A) The plants are being transported because the cardholder 2017
is moving;2018

       (B) The plants are being transported to the cardholder's 2019
property or, in the case of a registered primary caregiver, to the 2020
property of the registered primary caregiver's registered 2021
qualifying patient.2022

       Sec. 3728.27.  (A) No employer or licensing agency shall do 2023
any of the following:2024

       (1) Take disciplinary action against a registered qualifying 2025
patient because the patient engages in the medical use of 2026

       (2) Take disciplinary action against a registered primary 2028
caregiver because the caregiver engages in an activity authorized 2029
by section 3728.03 of the Revised Code;2030

       (3) Take disciplinary action against a cardholder because the 2031
cardholder engages in an activity authorized by section 3728.06 of 2032
the Revised Code;2033

       (4) Take disciplinary action against a person because the 2034
person engages in an activity authorized by section 3728.07 of the 2035
Revised Code;2036

       (5) Take disciplinary action against a practitioner because 2037
the practitioner engages in an activity authorized by section 2038
3728.08 of the Revised Code;2039

       (6) Take disciplinary action against a person because the 2040
person is in the presence or vicinity of a registered primary 2041
caregiver engaging in the medical use of cannabis;2042

       (7) Take disciplinary action against a person because the 2043
person assists a registered qualifying patient's use or 2044
administration of cannabis, regardless of whether the person is a 2045
registered primary caregiver.2046

       (B) Division (A)(5) of this section does not prohibit a 2047
licensing agency from taking disciplinary action against a 2048
practitioner for failing to properly evaluate a patient's medical 2049
condition or otherwise violating the standard of care for 2050
evaluating medical conditions.2051

       Sec. 3728.28.  No school, employer, or landlord may refuse to 2052
enroll, employ, or lease to, or otherwise penalize a person 2053
because of the person's status as a cardholder, unless failing to 2054
do so would put the school, employer, or landlord in violation of 2055
federal law.2056

       Sec. 3728.29.  No person shall be denied any parental rights 2057
and responsibilities or visitation with a minor because of the 2058
person's status as a cardholder, unless the person's behavior is 2059
such that it creates an unreasonable danger to the minor that can 2060
be clearly articulated and substantiated. 2061

       Sec. 3728.30.  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to 2062
require either of the following:2063

       (A) A government medical assistance program or private health 2064
insurer to reimburse a person for costs associated with the 2065
medical use of cannabis;2066

       (B) An employer to accommodate the use of cannabis in any 2067
workplace or any employee working while impaired, provided that a 2068
registered qualifying patient shall not be considered to be 2069
impaired solely because of the presence of metabolites or 2070
components of cannabis that appear in insufficient concentration 2071
to cause impairment.2072

       Sec. 3728.35.  Not later than one hundred twenty days after 2073
the effective date of this section, the director of health shall 2074
adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code 2075
governing the manner in which the department of health shall 2076
consider applications for initial and renewed registry 2077
identification cards. The rules shall establish fees for initial 2078
and renewed registry identification cards. The amount of the fees 2079
shall be on a sliding scale based on family income and shall be 2080
sufficient to generate enough revenues to offset all expenses of 2081
implementing and administering this chapter. The department may 2082
accept donations from private sources in order to reduce the fees.2083

       Sec. 3728.36.  If the director of health fails to adopt rules 2084
under section 3728.35 of the Revised Code within one hundred 2085
twenty days of the effective date of this section, a qualifying 2086
patient or primary caregiver may commence a mandamus action in the 2087
Franklin county court of appeals to compel the director to adopt 2088
the rules.2089

       Sec. 3728.37.  (A) There is hereby established the medical 2090
cannabis advisory council. The council shall consist of all of the 2091
following members appointed by the governor:2092

       (1) Four physicians who are certified by a national 2093
organization recognized by the state medical board as specializing 2094
in family medicine or an area that focuses on pain management or 2095
clinical oncology;2096

       (2) Three registered qualifying patients. 2097

       (B) The state medical board shall provide the governor with a 2098
list of physicians eligible for appointment to the medical 2099
cannabis advisory council each time the governor is to appoint a 2100
physician to the council.2101

       (C) Members of the medical cannabis advisory council shall 2102
serve two-year terms. Each member shall hold office from the date 2103
of the member's appointment until the end of the term for which 2104
the member was appointed. Members may be reappointed. Vacancies 2105
shall be filled in the manner provided for original appointments. 2106
Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the 2107
expiration date of the term for which the member's predecessor was 2108
appointed shall hold office as a member for the remainder of that 2109
term. A member shall continue in office subsequent to the 2110
expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor 2111
takes office or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, 2112
whichever occurs first.2113

       (D) Members of the medical cannabis advisory council shall 2114
not receive compensation for their service on the council but 2115
shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses 2116
incurred in the performance of their service on the council. 2117

       (E) The medical cannabis advisory council shall select one of 2118
the members of the council to serve as chairperson of the council. 2119

       (F) The chairperson of the medical cannabis advisory council 2120
shall call the council to meet at least quarterly and at other 2121
times as necessary.2122

       (G) The department of health shall provide the medical 2123
cannabis advisory council with support services as necessary for 2124
the council to perform its duties, including providing the council 2125
with a place to meet.2126

       Sec. 3728.371.  (A) The medical cannabis advisory council 2127
shall, in accordance with rules adopted under section 3728.372 of 2128
the Revised Code, accept and consider petitions from the public to 2129
do either or both of the following:2130

       (1) Add medical conditions to the list of debilitating 2131
medical conditions included in the definition of debilitating 2132
medical conditions in section 3728.01 of the Revised Code;2133

       (2) Increase, for the purpose of division (B)(1) of section 2134
3728.02 of the Revised Code and division (B)(1) of section 3728.03 2135
of the Revised Code, the number of grams of medical cannabis and 2136
the number of mature cannabis plants a cardholder may possess. 2137

       (B) After consideration of a petition filed under this 2138
section, the council shall provide the director of health the 2139
council's recommendation on whether the petition should be 2140
approved or denied. The director shall approve or deny the 2141
petition not later than thirty days after receiving the council's 2142
recommendation and shall provide written notice of the director's 2143
decision to the petitioner by certified mail, return receipt 2144
requested. If the director denies a petition in whole or in part, 2145
the petitioner may appeal the director's decision to the court of 2146
common pleas of Franklin county by filing a notice of appeal with 2147
the director setting forth the decision appealed from and the 2148
grounds of the appeal. The petitioner shall also file a copy of 2149
the notice of appeal with the court. The petitioner shall file the 2150
notice of appeal within fifteen days after the mailing of the 2151
notice of the director's decision. The court shall order that the 2152
petition be approved if it finds that the petitioner presented the 2153
director with substantial evidence that the medical conditions 2154
requested to be added to the list of debilitating medical 2155
conditions should be added or that the number of grams of medical 2156
cannabis and the number of mature cannabis plants a cardholder may 2157
possess should be increased. If the director approves the petition 2158
or is ordered by a court to approve the petition, the director 2159
shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised 2160
Code to implement the petition.2161

       Sec. 3728.372.  The medical cannabis advisory council shall 2162
adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code 2163
governing the manner in which the council shall accept and 2164
consider petitions from the public under section 3728.371 of the 2165
Revised Code. The rules shall provide for public notice of, and an 2166
opportunity to comment in a public hearing upon, such petitions. 2167

       Sec. 3728.373.  Sections 101.82 to 101.87 of the Revised Code 2168
do not apply to the medical cannabis advisory council.2169

       Sec. 3728.38.  (A) There is hereby established the cannabis 2170
cultivation advisory council. The council shall consist of the 2171
following members appointed by the governor:2172

       (1) Four representatives of the department of agriculture who 2173
are knowledgeable about botany; 2174

       (2) Three cardholders.2175

       (B) Members of the cannabis cultivation advisory council 2176
shall serve two-year terms. Each member shall hold office from the 2177
date of the member's appointment until the end of the term for 2178
which the member was appointed. Members may be reappointed. 2179
Vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided for original 2180
appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring 2181
before the expiration date of the term for which the member's 2182
predecessor was appointed shall hold office as a member for the 2183
remainder of that term. A member shall continue in office 2184
subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the 2185
member's successor takes office or until a period of sixty days 2186
has elapsed, whichever occurs first.2187

       (C) Members of the cannabis cultivation advisory council 2188
shall not receive compensation for their service on the council 2189
but shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses 2190
incurred in the performance of their service on the council. 2191

       (D) The cannabis cultivation advisory council shall select 2192
one of the members of the council to serve as chairperson of the 2193
council. 2194

       (E) The chairperson of the cannabis cultivation advisory 2195
council shall call the council to meet at least quarterly and at 2196
other times as necessary.2197

       (F) The department of agriculture shall provide the cannabis 2198
cultivation advisory council with support services as necessary 2199
for the council to perform its duties, including providing the 2200
council with a place to meet.2201

       Sec. 3728.381.  The cannabis cultivation advisory council 2202
shall provide cardholders sound advice and recommendations on the 2203
best practices for the safe and efficient cultivation of cannabis. 2204

       Sec. 3728.382.  Sections 101.82 to 101.87 of the Revised Code 2205
do not apply to the cannabis cultivation advisory council.2206

       Sec. 3728.40.  The department of health shall maintain a list 2207
of the persons to whom the department has issued registry 2208
identification cards. All identifying information on the list is 2209
confidential and not subject to disclosure, except to authorized 2210
employees of the department as necessary to perform the 2211
department's official duties or as authorized by sections 3728.42 2212
and 3728.43 of the Revised Code. 2213

       Sec. 3728.41.  No person or government entity shall disclose 2214
any information contained in an application for an initial or 2215
renewed registry identification card, a written certification 2216
submitted with such an application, or a registry identification 2217
card except as necessary in the administration of this chapter or 2218
as authorized by sections 3728.42 and 3728.43 of the Revised Code. 2219

       Sec. 3728.42.  An employee of the department of health may 2220
notify a law enforcement officer about falsified or fraudulent 2221
information submitted to the department in an application for an 2222
initial or renewed registry identification card or a written 2223
certification submitted with such an application if the employee 2224
first confers with his or her supervisor or at least one other 2225
employee of the department and both agree that circumstances exist 2226
that warrant notification.2227

       Sec. 3728.43.  The department of health shall operate a 2228
system under which law enforcement officers contact the department 2229
to verify whether a person is a cardholder and whether the address 2230
of a location at which cannabis is being cultivated is a 2231
cardholder's registered cultivation site. The system shall be 2232
available for use by law enforcement officers twenty-four hours 2233
each day. A law enforcement officer shall utilize the system to 2234
verify the status of an individual or address before initiating an 2235
arrest, raid, or other law enforcement action concerning cannabis. 2236
If the person is a cardholder or the address of a location at 2237
which cannabis is being cultivated is a cardholder's registered 2238
cultivation site, no further action may be initiated except on 2239
issuance of a warrant. 2240

       Sec. 3728.45.  (A) The department of health shall submit to 2241
the general assembly an annual report that contains, at a minimum, 2242
all of the following information for the previous year:2243

       (1) The number of applications that were submitted to the 2244
department for initial and renewed registry identification cards.2245

       (2) The number of such applications that were denied and the 2246
reasons for the denials.2247

       (3) The number of registered qualifying patients and 2248
registered primary caregivers in each county.2249

       (4) The nature of the debilitating medical conditions of the 2250
registered qualifying patients.2251

       (5) The number of registry identification cards revoked.2252

       (6) The number of practitioners providing written 2253
certifications for qualifying patients.2254

       (B) The report the department submits to the general assembly 2255
under this section shall not disclose any identifying information 2256
about qualifying patients, primary caregivers, or practitioners.2257

       Sec. 3728.47.  A valid document issued to a visiting 2258
qualifying patient under the laws of another state, district, 2259
territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of the United 2260
States that is the equivalent to a registry identification card 2261
shall have the same force and effect as a registry identification 2262
card issued to a registered qualifying patient. 2263

       Sec. 3728.99.  Whoever violates section 3728.41 of the 2264
Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.2265

       Sec. 3781.32.  (A) Any connections or tie-ins to existing2266
utility services within a public right-of-way shall comply with2267
permit requirements of the public agency that has jurisdiction2268
over that right-of-way.2269

       (B) A developer shall not require, as a condition for2270
entering into a contract for a project that will require2271
excavation, that responsibility for performance of duties imposed2272
under sections 3781.25 to 3781.32 of the Revised Code shall be2273
assumed by a person other than the person on whom those duties are 2274
imposed under those sections. This division does not prohibit a 2275
utility from entering into any contract for the performance of 2276
duties that are imposed on a utility under those sections.2277

       (C) Nothing in sections 3728.253781.25 to 3728.323781.32 of 2278
the Revised Code shall be construed to require a utility to 2279
relocate its underground utility facilities located at an 2280
excavation site.2281

       Section 2. That existing sections 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2282
2925.11, 2925.14, and 3781.32 of the Revised Code are hereby 2283

       Section 3. The Governor shall make the initial appointments 2285
to the Medical Cannabis Advisory Council established under section 2286
3728.37 of the Revised Code not later than one hundred twenty days 2287
after the effective date of this section. Notwithstanding division 2288
(A)(2) of section 3728.37 of the Revised Code, the initial members 2289
who are to be registered qualifying patients shall be instead 2290
persons who suffer from a debilitating medical condition as 2291
defined in section 3728.01 of the Revised Code and are nominated 2292
to the Council by the Ohio Patient Action Network. 2293

       Section 4. The Governor shall make the initial appointments 2294
to the Cannabis Cultivation Advisory Council established under 2295
section 3728.38 of the Revised Code not later than one hundred 2296
twenty days after the effective date of this section. 2297
Notwithstanding division (A)(2) of section 3728.38 of the Revised 2298
Code, the initial members who are to be cardholders shall be 2299
instead persons who suffer from a debilitating medical condition 2300
as defined in section 3728.01 of the Revised Code or are the 2301
primary caregivers of such persons and are nominated to the 2302
Council by the Ohio Patient Action Network.2303