As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 363

Senator Cates 

To amend Sections 269.10 and 269.30.80 of Am. Sub. 1
H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly to pay an 2
additional transitional aid amount in fiscal year 3
2009 to a city, exempted village, or local school 4
district that experiences growth of more than one 5
hundred students from fiscal year 2008 and to make 6
an appropriation.7


       Section 1. That Sections 269.10 and 269.30.80 of Am. Sub. 8
H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly be amended to read as 9


General Revenue Fund12

GRF 200-100 Personal Services $ 11,533,494 $ 12,110,169 13
GRF 200-320 Maintenance and Equipment $ 4,549,479 $ 4,778,203 14
GRF 200-408 Early Childhood Education $ 31,002,195 $ 36,502,195 15
GRF 200-410 Educator Training $ 19,628,817 $ 20,628,817 16
GRF 200-416 Career-Technical Education Match $ 2,233,195 $ 2,233,195 17
GRF 200-420 Computer/Application/ Network Development $ 5,536,362 $ 5,793,700 18
GRF 200-421 Alternative Education Programs $ 14,910,665 $ 13,110,665 19
GRF 200-422 School Management Assistance $ 3,360,572 $ 3,375,572 20
GRF 200-424 Policy Analysis $ 556,687 $ 556,687 21
GRF 200-425 Tech Prep Consortia Support $ 2,069,217 $ 2,069,217 22
GRF 200-426 Ohio Educational Computer Network $ 30,446,197 $ 30,446,197 23
GRF 200-427 Academic Standards $ 7,197,730 $ 7,197,730 24
GRF 200-431 School Improvement Initiatives $ 21,589,235 $ 21,924,235 25
GRF 200-433 Literacy Improvement-Professional Development $ 15,515,000 $ 15,515,000 26
GRF 200-437 Student Assessment $ 77,150,819 $ 76,187,144 27
GRF 200-439 Accountability/Report Cards $ 7,096,040 $ 8,223,540 28
GRF 200-442 Child Care Licensing $ 1,302,495 $ 1,302,495 29
GRF 200-446 Education Management Information System $ 16,110,510 $ 16,586,082 30
GRF 200-447 GED Testing $ 1,544,360 $ 1,544,360 31
GRF 200-448 Educator Preparation $ 1,301,000 $ 1,301,000 32
GRF 200-455 Community Schools $ 1,533,661 $ 1,533,661 33
GRF 200-457 STEM Initiatives $ 10,000,000 $ 10,000,000 34
GRF 200-502 Pupil Transportation $ 424,783,117 $ 429,030,948 35
GRF 200-503 Bus Purchase Allowance $ 14,000,000 $ 14,000,000 36
GRF 200-505 School Lunch Match $ 8,998,025 $ 8,998,025 37
GRF 200-509 Adult Literacy Education $ 8,669,738 $ 8,669,738 38
GRF 200-511 Auxiliary Services $ 131,740,457 $ 135,692,670 39
GRF 200-514 Postsecondary Adult Career-Technical Education $ 19,481,875 $ 19,481,875 40
GRF 200-521 Gifted Pupil Program $ 47,608,030 $ 48,008,613 41
GRF 200-532 Nonpublic Administrative Cost Reimbursement $ 59,810,517 $ 61,604,832 42
GRF 200-536 Ohio Core Support $ 7,700,000 $ 15,125,000 43
GRF 200-540 Special Education Enhancements $ 138,869,945 $ 140,006,839 44
GRF 200-545 Career-Technical Education Enhancements $ 9,298,651 $ 9,373,926 45
GRF 200-550 Foundation Funding $ 5,761,699,328 $ 6,034,943,246 6,040,443,246 46
GRF 200-566 Literacy Improvement-Classroom Grants $ 12,062,336 $ 12,062,336 47
GRF 200-578 Violence Prevention and School Safety $ 1,218,555 $ 1,218,555 48
GRF 200-901 Property Tax Allocation - Education $ 794,583,404 $ 850,868,654 49
GRF 200-906 Tangible Tax Exemption - Education $ 21,415,244 $ 10,707,622 50
TOTAL GRF General Revenue Fund $ 7,748,106,952 $ 8,092,712,743 8,098,212,743 51

General Services Fund Group52

138 200-606 Computer Services-Operational Support $ 7,600,091 $ 7,600,091 53
4D1 200-602 Ohio Prevention/Education Resource Center $ 832,000 $ 832,000 54
4L2 200-681 Teacher Certification and Licensure $ 5,966,032 $ 6,323,994 55
452 200-638 Miscellaneous Educational Services $ 273,166 $ 279,992 56
5H3 200-687 School District Solvency Assistance $ 18,000,000 $ 18,000,000 57
596 200-656 Ohio Career Information System $ 529,761 $ 529,761 58
TOTAL GSF General Services 59
Fund Group $ 33,201,050 $ 33,565,838 60

Federal Special Revenue Fund Group61

3AF 200-603 Schools Medicaid Administrative Claims $ 486,000 $ 639,000 62
3BK 200-628 Longitudinal Data Systems $ 1,795,570 $ 307,050 63
3BV 200-636 Character Education $ 700,000 $ 700,000 64
3CF 200-644 Foreign Language Assistance $ 85,000 $ 285,000 65
3CG 200-646 Teacher Incentive Fund $ 6,552,263 $ 3,994,338 66
3C5 200-661 Early Childhood Education $ 18,989,779 $ 18,989,779 67
3D1 200-664 Drug Free Schools $ 13,347,966 $ 13,347,966 68
3D2 200-667 Honors Scholarship Program $ 6,573,968 $ 6,665,000 69
3H9 200-605 Head Start Collaboration Project $ 275,000 $ 275,000 70
3L6 200-617 Federal School Lunch $ 244,714,211 $ 249,903,970 71
3L7 200-618 Federal School Breakfast $ 63,927,606 $ 69,041,814 72
3L8 200-619 Child/Adult Food Programs $ 69,280,946 $ 70,691,653 73
3L9 200-621 Career-Technical Education Basic Grant $ 48,029,701 $ 48,029,701 74
3M0 200-623 ESEA Title 1A $ 415,000,000 $ 420,000,000 75
3M1 200-678 Innovative Education $ 5,369,100 $ 5,363,706 76
3M2 200-680 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act $ 500,000,000 $ 405,000,000 77
3S2 200-641 Education Technology $ 10,000,000 $ 5,000,000 78
3T4 200-613 Public Charter Schools $ 13,850,827 $ 14,212,922 79
3Y2 200-688 21st Century Community Learning Centers $ 30,681,554 $ 30,681,554 80
3Y4 200-632 Reading First $ 35,215,798 $ 31,215,798 81
3Y6 200-635 Improving Teacher Quality $ 102,692,685 $ 102,698,246 82
3Y7 200-689 English Language Acquisition $ 8,000,000 $ 8,000,000 83
3Y8 200-639 Rural and Low Income Technical Assistance $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 84
3Z2 200-690 State Assessments $ 12,883,799 $ 12,883,799 85
3Z3 200-645 Consolidated Federal Grant Administration $ 8,500,000 $ 8,500,000 86
309 200-601 Educationally Disadvantaged Programs $ 12,750,000 $ 8,750,000 87
366 200-604 Adult Basic Education $ 19,425,000 $ 20,396,250 88
367 200-607 School Food Services $ 5,849,748 $ 6,088,737 89
368 200-614 Veterans' Training $ 710,373 $ 745,892 90
369 200-616 Career-Technical Education Federal Enhancement $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 91
370 200-624 Education of Exceptional Children $ 1,811,520 $ 575,454 92
374 200-647 Troops to Teachers $ 100,000 $ 100,000 93
378 200-660 Learn and Serve $ 1,561,954 $ 1,561,954 94
TOTAL FED Federal Special 95
Revenue Fund Group $ 1,665,660,368 $ 1,571,144,583 96

State Special Revenue Fund Group97

4R7 200-695 Indirect Operational Support $ 5,449,748 $ 5,810,464 98
4V7 200-633 Interagency Operational Support $ 392,100 $ 376,423 99
454 200-610 Guidance and Testing $ 400,000 $ 400,000 100
455 200-608 Commodity Foods $ 24,000,000 $ 24,000,000 101
5BB 200-696 State Action for Education Leadership $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 102
5BJ 200-626 Half-Mill Maintenance Equalization $ 10,700,000 $ 10,700,000 103
5U2 200-685 National Education Statistics $ 300,000 $ 300,000 104
5W2 200-663 Early Learning Initiative $ 2,200,000 $ 2,200,000 105
598 200-659 Auxiliary Services Reimbursement $ 1,328,910 $ 1,328,910 106
620 200-615 Educational Improvement Grants $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 107
TOTAL SSR State Special Revenue 108
Fund Group $ 49,020,758 $ 49,365,797 109

Lottery Profits Education Fund Group110

017 200-612 Foundation Funding $ 666,198,000 $ 667,900,000 111
017 200-682 Lease Rental Payment Reimbursement $ 22,702,000 $ 0 112
TOTAL LPE Lottery Profits 113
Education Fund Group $ 688,900,000 $ 667,900,000 114

Revenue Distribution Fund Group115

047 200-909 School District Property Tax Replacement-Business $ 611,596,856 $ 763,316,819 116
053 200-900 School District Property Tax Replacement-Utility $ 91,123,523 $ 91,123,523 117
TOTAL RDF Revenue Distribution 118
Fund Group $ 702,720,379 $ 854,440,342 119
TOTAL ALL BUDGET FUND GROUPS $ 10,887,609,507 $ 11,269,129,303 11,274,629,303 120

       Sec. 269.30.80. TRANSITIONAL AID FOR CITY, LOCAL, AND 122

       (A) The Department of Education shall distribute funds within 124
appropriation item 200-550, Foundation Funding, for transitional 125
aid in each fiscal year to each qualifying city, local, and 126
exempted village school district.127

        For fiscal years 2008 and 2009, the Department shall pay 128
transitional aid to each city, local, or exempted village school 129
district that experiences any decrease in its SF-3 funding for the 130
current fiscal year from its transitional aid guarantee base for 131
the current fiscal year. The amount of the transitional aid 132
payment shall equal the difference between the district's SF-3 133
funding for the current fiscal year and its transitional aid 134
guarantee base for the current fiscal year.135

        (B)(1) Subject to divisions (B)(3) and (C)(D) of this 136
section, the transitional aid guarantee base for each city, 137
local, and exempted village school district for fiscal year 2008 138
equals the sum of the following as computed for fiscal year 2007, 139
as reconciled by the Department:140

        (a) Base-cost funding under division (A) of section 3317.022 141
of the Revised Code;142

        (b) Special education and related services additional 143
weighted funding under division (C)(1) of section 3317.022 of the 144
Revised Code;145

        (c) Speech services funding under division (C)(4) of section 146
3317.022 of the Revised Code;147

        (d) Vocational education additional weighted funding under 148
division (E) of section 3317.022 of the Revised Code;149

        (e) GRADS funding under division (N) of section 3317.024 of 150
the Revised Code;151

        (f) Adjustments for classroom teachers and educational 152
service personnel under divisions (B), (C), and (D) of section 153
3317.023 of the Revised Code;154

        (g) Poverty-Based Assistance under section 3317.029 of the 155
Revised Code;156

        (h) Gifted education units under division (L) of section 157
3317.024 and section 3317.05 of the Revised Code;158

        (i) Transportation under Section 206.09.21 of Am. Sub. H.B. 159
66 of the 126th General Assembly, as subsequently amended;160

        (j) The excess cost supplement under division (F) of section 161
3317.022 of the Revised Code;162

        (k) Parity aid under section 3317.0217 of the Revised Code;163

        (l) The reappraisal guarantee under division (C) of section 164
3317.04 of the Revised Code;165

        (m) The charge-off supplement under section 3317.0216 of the 166
Revised Code;167

       (n) Transitional aid under Section 206.09.39 of Am. Sub. H.B. 168
66 of the 126th General Assembly, as subsequently amended.169

        (2) Subject to divisions (B)(3) and (C)(D) of this section, 170
the transitional aid guarantee base for each city, local, and 171
exempted village school district for fiscal year 2009 equals the 172
sum of the following as computed for fiscal year 2008, as 173
reconciled by the Department:174

        (a) Base-cost funding under division (A) of section 3317.022 175
of the Revised Code;176

        (b) Special education and related services additional 177
weighted funding under division (C)(1) of section 3317.022 of the 178
Revised Code;179

        (c) Speech services funding under division (C)(4) of section 180
3317.022 of the Revised Code;181

        (d) Vocational education additional weighted funding under 182
division (E) of section 3317.022 of the Revised Code;183

        (e) GRADS funding under division (N) of section 3317.024 of 184
the Revised Code;185

        (f) Adjustments for classroom teachers and educational 186
service personnel under divisions (B), (C), and (D) of section 187
3317.023 of the Revised Code;188

        (g) Gifted education units under division (L) of section 189
3317.024 and section 3317.05 of the Revised Code;190

        (h) Transportation under the sectionSection 269.20.80 of 191
this actAm. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly entitled 192

        (i) The excess cost supplement under division (F) of section 194
3317.022 of the Revised Code;195

        (j) The charge-off supplement under section 3317.0216 of the 196
Revised Code;197

       (k) Transitional aid under this section.198

        (3) The SF-3 funding for each fiscal year for each district 199
is the sum of the amounts specified in divisions (B)(2)(a) to (k) 200
of this section less any general revenue fund spending reductions 201
ordered by the Governor under section 126.05 of the Revised Code.202

       (C)(1) For fiscal year 2009, the Department of Education 203
shall calculate an additional amount for each city, local, and 204
exempted village school district that experiences an increase of 205
more than one hundred students in its ADM value from fiscal year 206
2008. For fiscal year 2009, if the amount prescribed in division 207
(C)(2) of this section for such a district exceeds the district's 208
SF-3 funding plus transitional aid, as defined in division (C)(3) 209
of this section, the Department shall pay the district the 210
difference between the two amounts.211

       (2) The alternative transitional aid base shall be calculated 212
as follows:213

(Fiscal year 2008 transitional aid guarantee base /

ADM value for fiscal year 2008) X

(ADM value for fiscal year 2009 - 100)

Where "fiscal year 2008 transitional aid guarantee base" means 217
that amount as prescribed in division (B)(2) of this section.218

       (3) The SF-3 funding plus transitional aid for fiscal year 219
2009 is the sum of the following amounts calculated for the 220
district for that fiscal year:221

       (a) Base-cost funding under division (A) of section 3317.022 222
of the Revised Code;223

       (b) Special education and related services additional 224
weighted funding under division (C)(1) of section 3317.022 of the 225
Revised Code;226

       (c) Speech services funding under division (C)(4) of section 227
3317.022 of the Revised Code; 228

       (d) Vocational education additional weighted funding under 229
division (E) of section 3317.022 of the Revised Code;230

       (e) GRADS funding under division (N) of section 3317.024 of 231
the Revised Code;232

       (f) Adjustments for classroom teachers and educational 233
service personnel under divisions (B), (C), and (D) of section 234
3317.023 of the Revised Code;235

       (g) Gifted education units under division (L) of section 236
3317.024 and section 3317.05 of the Revised Code;237

       (h) Transportation under Section 269.20.80 of Am. Sub. H.B. 238
119 of the 127th General Assembly;239

       (i) The excess cost supplement under division (F) of section 240
3317.022 of the Revised Code;241

       (j) The charge-off supplement under section 3317.0216 of the 242
Revised Code;243

       (k) Transitional aid under divisions (A) and (B) of this 244

       (D)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the 246
contrary, only for purposes of this section, for any computation 247
or computed value for previous fiscal years, the Department of 248
Education shall substitute "ADM value" for "formula ADM," as the 249
latter term was defined in law in effect for the fiscal year for 250
which the previous computations were made.251

        (2) As used in division (C) of this section, "ADM value" 252
means the number of students reported by the entity providing 253
educational services to those students, as follows:254

        (a) In the case of students receiving educational services 255
from a city, exempted village, or local school district, the 256
number reported under division (B) of section 3317.03 of the 257
Revised Code;258

        (b) In the case of students receiving educational services 259
from a joint vocational school district, the number reported under 260
division (D)(2) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code;261

        (c) In the case of students receiving services from a 262
community school, the number reported by the community school's 263
governing authority under division (B)(2) of section 3314.08 of 264
the Revised Code;265

        (d) In the case of scholarship students receiving services 266
from a chartered nonpublic school under a scholarship program 267
pursuant to Chapter 3310. of the Revised Code, the number of such 268
students reported by the nonpublic school in accordance with 269
reporting requirements adopted by the Department for purposes of 270
that program.271

       Section 2. That existing Sections 269.10 and 269.30.80 of Am. 272
Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly are hereby repealed.273

       Section 3. The sections of law amended by this act, and the 274
items of law of which the uncodified sections of law amended in 275
this act are composed, are not subject to the referendum. 276
Therefore, under Ohio Constitution, Article II, Section 1d and 277
section 1.471 of the Revised Code, the sections of law amended in 278
this act, and the items of law of which the uncodified sections of 279
law amended in this act are composed, go into immediate effect 280
when this act becomes law. 281