As Introduced

127th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 94

Senator Miller, D. 

Cosponsor: Senator Boccieri 

To amend sections 3501.01, 3513.04, 3513.10, 3513.12, 1
3513.13, 3513.14, 3513.15, and 3513.30 and to 2
repeal sections 3513.121 and 3513.151 of the 3
Revised Code to allow a political party to select 4
delegates to its national presidential nominating 5
convention according to the party's constitution 6
and bylaws and to eliminate the requirement that 7
such delegates be directly elected at the 8
presidential primary election.9


       Section 1. That sections 3501.01, 3513.04, 3513.10, 3513.12, 10
3513.13, 3513.14, 3513.15, and 3513.30 of the Revised Code be 11
amended to read as follows:12

       Sec. 3501.01.  As used in the sections of the Revised Code13
relating to elections and political communications:14

       (A) "General election" means the election held on the first15
Tuesday after the first Monday in each November.16

       (B) "Regular municipal election" means the election held on17
the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each18
odd-numbered year.19

       (C) "Regular state election" means the election held on the20
first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each21
even-numbered year.22

       (D) "Special election" means any election other than those23
elections defined in other divisions of this section. A special24
election may be held only on the first Tuesday after the first25
Monday in February, May, August, or November, or on the day26
authorized by a particular municipal or county charter for the27
holding of a primary election, except that in any year in which a28
presidential primary election is held, no special election shall29
be held in February or May, except as authorized by a municipal or30
county charter, but may be held on the first Tuesday after the31
first Monday in March.32

       (E)(1) "Primary" or "primary election" means an election held 33
for the purpose of nominating persons as candidates of political 34
parties for election to offices, and for the purpose of electing 35
persons as members of the controlling committees of political 36
parties and as delegates and alternates to the conventions of 37
political parties. Primary elections shall be held on the first 38
Tuesday after the first Monday in May of each year except in years 39
in which a presidential primary election is held.40

       (2) "Presidential primary election" means a primary election41
as defined by division (E)(1) of this section at which an election42
is held for the purpose of choosing the candidates who will be 43
selected by the Ohio delegates and alternates to the national 44
conventions of the major political parties as the first choice for 45
nomination as the candidate of the political party for the 46
presidency of the United States pursuant to section 3513.12 of the 47
Revised Code. Unless otherwise specified, presidential primary 48
elections are included in references to primary elections. In 49
years in which a presidential primary election is held, all 50
primary elections shall be held on the first Tuesday after the51
first Monday in March except as otherwise authorized by a 52
municipal or county charter.53

       (F) "Political party" means any group of voters meeting the54
requirements set forth in section 3517.01 of the Revised Code for55
the formation and existence of a political party.56

       (1) "Major political party" means any political party57
organized under the laws of this state whose candidate for58
governor or nominees for presidential electors received no less59
than twenty per cent of the total vote cast for such office at the60
most recent regular state election.61

       (2) "Intermediate political party" means any political party62
organized under the laws of this state whose candidate for63
governor or nominees for presidential electors received less than64
twenty per cent but not less than ten per cent of the total vote65
cast for such office at the most recent regular state election.66

       (3) "Minor political party" means any political party67
organized under the laws of this state whose candidate for68
governor or nominees for presidential electors received less than69
ten per cent but not less than five per cent of the total vote70
cast for such office at the most recent regular state election or71
which has filed with the secretary of state, subsequent to any72
election in which it received less than five per cent of such73
vote, a petition signed by qualified electors equal in number to74
at least one per cent of the total vote cast for such office in75
the last preceding regular state election, except that a newly76
formed political party shall be known as a minor political party77
until the time of the first election for governor or president78
which occurs not less than twelve months subsequent to the79
formation of such party, after which election the status of such80
party shall be determined by the vote for the office of governor81
or president.82

       (G) "Dominant party in a precinct" or "dominant political83
party in a precinct" means that political party whose candidate84
for election to the office of governor at the most recent regular85
state election at which a governor was elected received more votes86
than any other person received for election to that office in such87
precinct at such election.88

       (H) "Candidate" means any qualified person certified in89
accordance with the provisions of the Revised Code for placement90
on the official ballot of a primary, general, or special election91
to be held in this state, or any qualified person who claims to be92
a write-in candidate, or who knowingly assents to being93
represented as a write-in candidate by another at either a94
primary, general, or special election to be held in this state.95

       (I) "Independent candidate" means any candidate who claims96
not to be affiliated with a political party, and whose name has97
been certified on the office-type ballot at a general or special98
election through the filing of a statement of candidacy and99
nominating petition, as prescribed in section 3513.257 of the100
Revised Code.101

       (J) "Nonpartisan candidate" means any candidate whose name is 102
required, pursuant to section 3505.04 of the Revised Code, to be 103
listed on the nonpartisan ballot, including all candidates for104
judicial office, for member of any board of education, for105
municipal or township offices in which primary elections are not106
held for nominating candidates by political parties, and for107
offices of municipal corporations having charters that provide for108
separate ballots for elections for these offices.109

       (K) "Party candidate" means any candidate who claims to be a110
member of a political party, whose name has been certified on the111
office-type ballot at a general or special election through the112
filing of a declaration of candidacy and petition of candidate,113
and who has won the primary election of the candidate's party for114
the public office the candidate seeks or is selected by party115
committee in accordance with section 3513.31 of the Revised Code.116

       (L) "Officer of a political party" includes, but is not117
limited to, any member, elected or appointed, of a controlling118
committee, whether representing the territory of the state, a119
district therein, a county, township, a city, a ward, a precinct,120
or other territory, of a major, intermediate, or minor political121

       (M) "Question or issue" means any question or issue certified 123
in accordance with the Revised Code for placement on an official 124
ballot at a general or special election to be held in this state.125

       (N) "Elector" or "qualified elector" means a person having126
the qualifications provided by law to be entitled to vote.127

       (O) "Voter" means an elector who votes at an election.128

       (P) "Voting residence" means that place of residence of an129
elector which shall determine the precinct in which the elector130
may vote.131

       (Q) "Precinct" means a district within a county established132
by the board of elections of such county within which all133
qualified electors having a voting residence therein may vote at134
the same polling place.135

       (R) "Polling place" means that place provided for each136
precinct at which the electors having a voting residence in such137
precinct may vote.138

       (S) "Board" or "board of elections" means the board of139
elections appointed in a county pursuant to section 3501.06 of the140
Revised Code.141

       (T) "Political subdivision" means a county, township, city,142
village, or school district.143

       (U) "Election officer" or "election official" means any of144
the following:145

       (1) Secretary of state;146

       (2) Employees of the secretary of state serving the division 147
of elections in the capacity of attorney, administrative officer,148
administrative assistant, elections administrator, office manager, 149
or clerical supervisor;150

       (3) Director of a board of elections;151

       (4) Deputy director of a board of elections;152

       (5) Member of a board of elections;153

       (6) Employees of a board of elections;154

       (7) Precinct polling place judges and clerks;155

       (8) Employees appointed by the boards of elections on a156
temporary or part-time basis.157

       (V) "Acknowledgment notice" means a notice sent by a board of 158
elections, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state,159
informing a voter registration applicant or an applicant who160
wishes to change the applicant's residence or name of the status161
of the application; the information necessary to complete or162
update the application, if any; and if the application is163
complete, the precinct in which the applicant is to vote.164

       (W) "Confirmation notice" means a notice sent by a board of165
elections, on a form prescribed by the secretary of state, to a166
registered elector to confirm the registered elector's current167

       (X) "Designated agency" means an office or agency in the169
state that provides public assistance or that provides170
state-funded programs primarily engaged in providing services to171
persons with disabilities and that is required by the National172
Voter Registration Act of 1993 to implement a program designed and173
administered by the secretary of state for registering voters, or174
any other public or government office or agency that implements a175
program designed and administered by the secretary of state for176
registering voters, including the department of job and family177
services, the program administered under section 3701.132 of the178
Revised Code by the department of health, the department of mental179
health, the department of mental retardation and developmental180
disabilities, the rehabilitation services commission, and any181
other agency the secretary of state designates. "Designated182
agency" does not include public high schools and vocational183
schools, public libraries, or the office of a county treasurer.184

       (Y) "National Voter Registration Act of 1993" means the185
"National Voter Registration Act of 1993," 107 Stat. 77, 42186
U.S.C.A. 1973gg.187

       (Z) "Voting Rights Act of 1965" means the "Voting Rights Act188
of 1965," 79 Stat. 437, 42 U.S.C.A. 1973, as amended.189

       (AA) "Photo identification" means a document that meets each 190
of the following requirements:191

        (1) It shows the name of the individual to whom it was 192
issued, which shall conform to the name in the poll list or 193
signature pollbook.194

        (2) It shows the current address of the individual to whom it 195
was issued, which shall conform to the address in the poll list or 196
signature pollbook, except for a driver's license or a state 197
identification card issued under section 4507.50 of the Revised 198
Code, which may show either the current or former address of the 199
individual to whom it was issued, regardless of whether that 200
address conforms to the address in the poll list or signature 201

        (3) It shows a photograph of the individual to whom it was 203

        (4) It includes an expiration date that has not passed.205

        (5) It was issued by the government of the United States or 206
this state.207

       Sec. 3513.04.  Candidates for party nominations to state,208
district, county, and municipal offices or positions, for which209
party nominations are provided by law, and for election as members210
of party controlling committees shall have their names printed on211
the official primary ballot by filing a declaration of candidacy212
and paying the fees specified for the office under divisions (A)213
and (B) of section 3513.10 of the Revised Code, except that the214
joint candidates for party nomination to the offices of governor215
and lieutenant governor shall, for the two of them, file one216
declaration of candidacy. The joint candidates also shall pay the217
fees specified for the joint candidates under divisions (A) and218
(B) of section 3513.10 of the Revised Code.219

       The secretary of state shall not accept for filing the220
declaration of candidacy of a candidate for party nomination to221
the office of governor unless the declaration of candidacy also222
shows a joint candidate for the same party's nomination to the223
office of lieutenant governor, shall not accept for filing the224
declaration of candidacy of a candidate for party nomination to225
the office of lieutenant governor unless the declaration of226
candidacy also shows a joint candidate for the same party's227
nomination to the office of governor, and shall not accept for228
filing a declaration of candidacy that shows a candidate for party229
nomination to the office of governor or lieutenant governor who,230
for the same election, has already filed a declaration of231
candidacy or a declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate, 232
or has become a candidate by the filling of a vacancy under 233
section 3513.30 of the Revised Code for any other state office or 234
any federal or county office.235

       No person who seeks party nomination for an office or236
position at a primary election by declaration of candidacy or by237
declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate and no person who238
is a first choice for president of candidates seeking election as239
delegates and alternates to the national conventions of the240
different major political parties who are chosen by direct vote of241
the electorsseeks nomination as the first choice as the candidate 242
of a major political party for the presidency of the United States243
as provided in this chapter shall be permitted to become a 244
candidate by nominating petition or by declaration of intent to be 245
a write-in candidate at the following general election for any 246
office other than the office of member of the state board of 247
education, office of member of a city, local, or exempted village 248
board of education, office of member of a governing board of an249
educational service center, or office of township trustee.250

       Sec. 3513.10.  (A) At the time of filing a declaration of251
candidacy for nomination for any office, or a declaration of252
intent to be a write-in candidate, each candidate, except joint253
candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, shall pay a fee254
as follows:255

For statewide office $100 256
For court of appeals judge $ 50 257
For court of common pleas judge $ 50 258
For county court judge $ 50 259
For municipal court judge $ 50 260
For district office, including member 261
of the United States house of 262
representatives and member of the 263
general assembly $ 50 264
For county office $ 50 265
For city office $ 20 266
For village office $ 10 267
For township office $ 10 268
For member of state board of education $ 20 269
For member of local, city, or 270
exempted village board of education 271
or educational service center 272
governing board $ 10 273

       At the time of filing a declaration of candidacy or a274
declaration of intent to be a write-in candidate for the offices275
of governor and lieutenant governor, the joint candidates shall276
jointly pay to the secretary of state a fee of one hundred277

       (B)(1) At the same time the fee required under division (A)279
of this section is paid, each candidate shall pay an additional280
fee as follows:281

For the joint candidates for governor 282
and lieutenant governor $ 50 283
For statewide office $ 50 284
For district office, including member 285
of the United States house of 286
representatives and member of the 287
general assembly $ 35 288
For member of state board of education $ 35 289
For court of appeals judge $ 30 290
For court of common pleas judge $ 30 291
For county court judge $ 30 292
For municipal court judge $ 30 293
For county office $ 30 294
For city office $ 25 295
For village office $ 20 296
For township office $ 20 297
For member of local, city, 298
or exempted village board of education 299
or educational service center 300
governing board $ 20 301

       (2) Whoever seeks to propose a ballot question or issue to be 302
submitted to the electors shall pay the following fee at the time 303
the petition proposing the question or issue is filed:304

       (a) If the question or issue is to be submitted to the305
electors throughout the entire state, twenty-five dollars;306

       (b) If the question or issue is to be submitted to the307
electors of a county or of a district that consists of all or part308
of two or more counties but less than the entire state, fifteen309

       (c) If the question or issue is to be submitted to the311
electors of a city, twelve dollars and fifty cents;312

       (d) If the question or issue is to be submitted to the313
electors of a village, a township, a local, city, county, or314
exempted village school district, a precinct, or another district315
consisting of less than an entire county, ten dollars.316

       (C) No fee shall be required of candidates filing for 317
nomination as the first choice as the candidate of a major 318
political party for the presidency of the United States or for the319
office of delegate or alternate to the national convention of320
political parties, member of the state central committee of a 321
political party, or member of the county central committee of a 322
political party.323

       (D) All fees required under division (A) of this section324
immediately shall be paid by the officer receiving them into the325
state treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund, in the326
case of fees received by the secretary of state, and into the327
county treasury to the credit of the county general fund, in the328
case of fees received by a board of elections.329

       (E) The officer who receives a fee required under division330
(B) of this section immediately shall pay the fee to the credit of331
the Ohio elections commission fund created by division (I) of 332
section 3517.152 of the Revised Code.333

       (F)(1) In no case shall a fee paid under this section be334
returned to a candidate.335

       (2) Whenever a section of law refers to a filing fee to be336
paid by a candidate or by a committee proposing a ballot question337
or issue to be submitted to the electors, that fee includes the338
fees required under divisions (A) and (B) of this section.339

       (G) As used in divisions (A) and (B) of this section,340
"statewide office" means the office of secretary of state, auditor341
of state, treasurer of state, attorney general, justice and chief342
justice of the supreme court, and member of the United States343

       Sec. 3513.12. (A) The procedures for the electors of a 345
political party to choose the candidate who will be selected by 346
the Ohio delegates to the political party's national convention as 347
the first choice for nomination as the candidate of the political 348
party for the presidency of the United States under divisions 349
(B)(1) and (2) of this section are alternative procedures. If the 350
procedures of division (B)(1) of this section are followed, then 351
the procedures of division (B)(2) of this section need not be 352
followed, and if the procedures of division (B)(2) of this section 353
are followed, then the procedures of division (B)(1) of this 354
section need not be followed.355

       (B) At a presidential primary election, which shall be held 356
on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March in the year357
2000, and similarly in every fourth year thereafter, delegates and358
alternates to the national conventions of the different major359
political parties shall be chosen by direct vote of the electors360
as provided in this chapterthe electors of a political party 361
shall choose a candidate who shall be selected by the Ohio 362
delegates to the political party's national convention as the 363
first choice for nomination as the candidate of the political 364
party for the presidency of the United States. Candidates for 365
delegate and alternate shall be qualified and the election shall 366
be conducted in the manner prescribed in this chapter for the 367
nomination of candidates for state and district offices, except as 368
provided in section 3513.151 of the Revised Code and except that 369
whenever any group of candidates for delegate at large or 370
alternate at large, or any group of candidates for delegates or 371
alternates from districts, file with the secretary of state 372
statements as provided by this section, designating the same 373
persons as their first and second choices for president of the 374
United States, such a group of candidates may submit a group 375
petition containing a declaration of candidacy for each of such 376
candidates. The group petition need be signed only by the number 377
of electors required for the petition of a single candidate. No 378
group petition shall be submitted except by a group of candidates 379
equal in number to the whole number of delegates at large or 380
alternates at large to be elected or equal in number to the whole 381
number of delegates or alternates from a district to be elected.382

       Each person seeking to be elected as delegate or alternate to 383
the national convention of the person's political party shall file 384
with the person's declaration of candidacy and certificate a385
statement in writing signed by the person in which the person 386
shall state the person's first and second choices for nomination 387
as the candidate of the person's party for the presidency of the 388
United States. The secretary of state shall not permit any 389
declaration of candidacy and certificate of a candidate for 390
election as such delegate or alternate to be filed unless 391
accompanied by such statement in writing. The.392

       (1) A candidate for the presidency of the United States whose 393
candidacy is to be submitted to the electors of a major political 394
party throughout the entire state shall file, or shall designate a 395
qualified elector to file on the candidate's behalf, a declaration 396
of candidacy and petition under section 3513.05 of the Revised 397
Code. In filing a declaration of candidacy and petition under this 398
division, the name of a candidate for the presidency shall not be 399
so used without the candidate's written consent.400

       A person who is a first choice for president of candidates401
seeking election as delegates and alternates shall file with the402
secretary of state, prior to the day of the election, a list403
indicating the order in which certificates of election are to be404
issued to delegate or alternate candidates to whose candidacy the405
person has consented, if fewer than all of such candidates are 406
entitled under party rules to be certified as elected. Each 407
candidate for election as such delegate or alternate may also file 408
along with the candidate's declaration of candidacy and 409
certificate a statement in writing signed by the candidate in the 410
following form:411

"Statement of Candidate

For Election as ............ (Delegate) (Alternate) to the

............ (name of political party) National Convention

       I hereby declare to the voters of my political party in the415
State of Ohio that, if elected as ............ (delegate)416
(alternate) to their national party convention, I shall, to the417
best of my judgment and ability, support that candidate for418
President of the United States who shall have been selected at419
this primary by the voters of my party in the manner provided in420
Chapter 3513. of the Ohio Revised Code, as their candidate for421
such office.422

........................... (name,) 423
Candidate for ............. 424
(Delegate) (Alternate)" 425

       The procedures for the selection of candidates for delegate426
and alternate to the national convention of a political party set427
forth in this section and in section 3513.121 of the Revised Code428
are alternative procedures, and if the procedures of this section429
are followed, the procedures of section 3513.121 of the Revised430
Code need not be followed.431

       The declaration of candidacy and petition shall be filed in 432
the same manner as a declaration of candidacy and petition is 433
filed under section 3513.05 of the Revised Code for a candidacy 434
that is to be submitted to electors throughout the entire state. 435
The petition shall be signed by at least one thousand qualified 436
electors who are members of the same political party as the 437

       (2)(a) Any candidate for the presidency of the United States 439
who is eligible to receive payments under the "Presidential 440
Primary Matching Payment Account Act," 88 Stat. 1297 (1974), 26 441
U.S.C. 9031, et seq., as amended, may file, or may designate a 442
qualified elector to file on the candidate's behalf, with the 443
secretary of state a declaration of candidacy and petition not 444
later than four p.m. of the sixtieth day before the presidential 445
primary election held in the same year the candidate is eligible 446
to receive such payments. In filing a declaration of candidacy and 447
petition under this division, the name of a candidate for the 448
presidency shall not be used without the candidate's written 449

       The declaration of candidacy and petition shall be filed in 451
the same manner as a declaration of candidacy and petition is 452
filed under section 3513.05 of the Revised Code for a candidacy 453
that is to be submitted to the electors of a congressional 454
district. The candidate shall indicate on the declaration of 455
candidacy the congressional districts in this state where the 456
candidate's candidacy is to be submitted to the electors. A 457
separate petition paper shall be filed for each such congressional 458
district. Each petition shall be signed by at least fifty 459
qualified electors residing in the district who are members of the 460
same political party as the candidate.461

       (b) The form used for a declaration of candidacy filed 462
pursuant to division (B)(2)(a) of this section shall be 463
substantially the same as the form prescribed in section 3513.07 464
of the Revised Code except that the secretary of state shall 465
modify that form to include spaces for a presidential candidate to 466
indicate in which congressional districts the candidate wishes the 467
candidate's candidacy to be submitted to the electors and shall 468
modify it in any other ways necessary to adapt it to use by 469
presidential candidates. A candidate who files a declaration of 470
candidacy pursuant to division (B)(2)(a) of this section shall not 471
file the petition prescribed in section 3513.07 of the Revised 472

       (C) A vote cast for a candidate in a presidential primary 474
election shall be considered to be a vote for the selection of the 475
applicable number of delegates, as determined by the constitution 476
and bylaws of the political party for which the candidate is 477
seeking nomination, to vote for that candidate as the first choice 478
for nomination as the candidate of the political party for the 479
presidency of the United States at the political party's national 480

       (D)(1) The state central committee of each major political482
party, through its chairperson, not later than the fifteenth day483
prior to the date of the presidential primary election, shall file 484
with the secretary of state the rules of its political party485
adopted by the state central committee at a meeting open to all486
members of the committee's party, which affect the selection of 487
delegates and alternates to its party nominating convention.488

       (2) The secretary of state shall issue a certificate of 489
nomination to the state central committee of each major political 490
party, through its chairperson, indicating the candidate selected 491
at the presidential primary election as the first choice for 492
nomination as the candidate of the political party for the 493
presidency of the United States.494

        (3) The political party shall select delegates and alternates 495
to its national convention in accordance with the party's 496
constitution and bylaws. At the political party's national 497
convention, those delegates shall select, as their first choice 498
for nomination as the candidate of the political party for the 499
presidency of the United States, the candidate who is identified, 500
on the certificate of nomination issued under division (D)(2) of 501
this section, as having received the highest number of votes 502
throughout the state in that party's presidential primary 503

       Sec. 3513.13.  Separate primary election ballots shall be505
provided by the board of elections for each political party having 506
candidates for nomination or election in a primary election. 507
Section 3505.08 of the Revised Code governing the kind of paper, 508
the kind of ink, and the size and style of type to be used in the 509
printing of ballots for general elections shall apply in the 510
printing of ballots for primary elections.511

       Primary election ballots shall have printed on the back512
thereof "Official ............ (name of party) .......... primary513
ballot," the date of the election, and the facsimile signatures of 514
the members of the board.515

       Such ballots shall have stubs attached at the top thereof as 516
required on ballots for general elections.517

       On the back of every ballot used there shall be a solid black 518
line printed opposite the blank rectangular space that is used to 519
mark the choice of the voter. This line shall be printed wide 520
enough so that the mark in the blank rectangular space will not be 521
visible from the back side of the ballot.522

       Such ballots shall have printed at the top thereof and below 523
the stubs "Official .......... (name of party) ........... primary 524
ballot" and instructions to the voter to the effect that to vote 525
for a candidate the voter shall record the vote in the manner 526
provided on the ballot next to the name of such candidate, except 527
as provided in section 3513.151 of the Revised Code, and that if 528
hea voter who tears, soils, defaces, or erroneously marks the 529
ballot he may return it to the precinct election officers and 530
obtain another ballot.531

       Except as provided in section 3513.151 of the Revised Code,532
primaryPrimary election ballots shall contain the names of all 533
persons whose declarations of candidacy and petitions have been534
determined to be valid. The name of each candidate for nomination 535
for, or election to, an office or position shall be printed in an 536
enclosed rectangular space at the left of which an enclosed blank 537
rectangular space shall be provided. The names of candidates shall 538
be printed on the ballot immediately below the title of the office 539
or position for nomination or election to which the candidate 540
seeks nomination or election. The order in which offices and 541
positions shall be listed on the ballot shall be prescribed by and 542
shall be certified to each board by the secretary of state, and 543
shall be the same, to the extent the secretary of state deems 544
practicable, as is provided for the listing of offices on general 545
election ballots.546

       Sec. 3513.14.  Except in elections for which the board of 547
elections has received no valid declarations of intent to be a 548
write-in candidate under section 3513.041 of the Revised Code,549
immediately below the title of each office for which nominations 550
are to be made and the names of candidates for such nomination 551
printed thereunder, there shall be provided on each primary 552
election ballot as many blank spaces as, but not more than, the 553
number of nominations to be made for such office, in which the 554
voter may write the names of persons for whose nomination hethe 555
voter desires to vote, provided that inasmuch as candidates for 556
the office of delegate and alternate to the national and state 557
conventions, member of the state central committee, and member of 558
the county central committee are elected by direct vote of the 559
members of a political party at the primary election no blank 560
space shall be left on the ballot after the names of the 561
candidates for such office, and no vote shall be counted for any 562
person whose name has been written in on said ballot for any of 563
such offices. If no person files and qualifies as a candidate for 564
the office of member of the state central committee or member of 565
the county central committee such office shall not appear on the 566

       The face of the ballot below the stub shall be substantially 568
in the following form:569

OFFICIAL ............(name of party)..........


       (A) To vote for a candidate record your vote in the manner 572
provided next to the name of such candidate.573

       (B) If you tear, soil, deface, or erroneously mark this574
ballot return it to the election officials and obtain another.575

       Sec. 3513.15.  The names of the candidates in each group of576
two or more candidates seeking the same nomination or election at577
a primary election, except delegates and alternates to the578
national convention of a political party, shall be rotated and579
printed as provided in section 3505.03 of the Revised Code, except 580
that no indication of membership in or affiliation with a581
political party shall be printed after or under the candidate's582
name. When the names of the first choices for president of583
candidates for delegate and alternate are not grouped with the584
names of such candidates, the names of the first choices for585
president shall be rotated in the same manner as the names of586
candidates. The specific form and size of the ballot shall be587
prescribed by the secretary of state in compliance with this588

       It shall not be necessary to have the names of candidates for 590
member of a county central committee printed on the ballots591
provided for absentee voters, and the board may cause the names of 592
such candidates to be written on said ballots in the spaces593
provided therefor.594

       The secretary of state shall prescribe the procedure for595
rotating the names of candidates on the ballot and the form of the 596
ballot for the election of delegates and alternates to the597
national convention of a political party in accordance with598
section 3513.151 of the Revised Code.599

       Sec. 3513.30.  (A)(1) If only one valid declaration of601
candidacy is filed for nomination as a candidate of a political602
party for an office and that candidate dies prior to the tenth day603
before the primary election, both of the following may occur:604

       (a) The political party whose candidate died may fill the605
vacancy so created as provided in division (A)(2) of this section.606

       (b) Any major political party other than the one whose607
candidate died may select a candidate as provided in division608
(A)(2) of this section under either of the following609

       (i) No person has filed a valid declaration of candidacy for611
nomination as that party's candidate at the primary election.612

       (ii) Only one person has filed a valid declaration of613
candidacy for nomination as that party's candidate at the primary614
election, that person has withdrawn, died, or been disqualified615
under section 3513.052 of the Revised Code, and the vacancy so616
created has not been filled.617

       (2) A vacancy may be filled under division (A)(1)(a) and a618
selection may be made under division (A)(1)(b) of this section by619
the appropriate committee of the political party in the same620
manner as provided in divisions (A) to (E) of section 3513.31 of 621
the Revised Code for the filling of similar vacancies created by 622
withdrawals or disqualifications under section 3513.052 of the623
Revised Code after the primary election, except that the624
certification required under that section may not be filed with625
the secretary of state, or with a board of the most populous626
county of a district, or with the board of a county in which the627
major portion of the population of a subdivision is located, later628
than four p.m. of the tenth day before the day of such primary629
election, or with any other board later than four p.m. of the630
fifth day before the day of such primary election.631

       (3) If only one valid declaration of candidacy is filed for632
nomination as a candidate of a political party for an office and633
that candidate dies on or after the tenth day before the day of634
the primary election, that candidate is considered to have635
received the nomination of that candidate's political party at636
that primary election, and, for purposes of filling the vacancy so637
created, that candidate's death shall be treated as if that638
candidate died on the day after the day of the primary election.639

       (B) Any person filing a declaration of candidacy may withdraw 640
as such candidate at any time prior to the primary election, or,641
if the primary election is a presidential primary election, at any 642
time prior to the fiftieth day before the presidential primary 643
election. The withdrawal shall be effected and the statement of 644
withdrawal shall be filed in accordance with the procedures 645
prescribed in division (D) of this section for the withdrawal of 646
persons nominated in a primary election or by nominating petition.647

       (C) A person who is seeking nomination as the first choice 648
for president of the United States by a candidate for delegate or 649
alternatedelegates to a national convention of a political party 650
may withdraw consent for the selection of the person as such first 651
choice nocandidate not later than four p.m. of the thirtieth day 652
before the day of the presidential primary election. Withdrawal of 653
consent shall be for the entire slate of candidates for delegates 654
and alternates who named such person as their presidential first 655
choice and shall constitute withdrawal from the primary election 656
by such delegates and alternates. The withdrawal shall be made in 657
writing and delivered to the secretary of state. If the withdrawal 658
is delivered to the secretary of state on or before the sixtieth 659
day before the day of the primary election, or, if the election is 660
a presidential primary election, on or before the forty-fifth day 661
before the day of the presidential primary election, the boards of 662
elections shall remove both the name of the withdrawn first choice 663
and the names of such withdrawn candidatescandidate from the 664
ballots according to the directions of the secretary of state. If 665
the withdrawal is delivered to the secretary of state after the 666
sixtieth day before the day of the primary election, or, if the 667
election is a presidential primary election, after the forty-fifth 668
day before the day of the presidential primary election, the board 669
of elections shall not remove the name of the withdrawn first 670
choice and the names of the withdrawn candidatescandidate from 671
the ballots. The board of elections shall post a notice at each 672
polling location on the day of the primary election, and shall 673
enclose with each absent voter's ballot given or mailed after the 674
candidate withdraws, a notice that votes for the withdrawn first 675
choice or the withdrawn candidatescandidate will be void and will 676
not be counted. If such names arethe candidate's name is not677
removed from all ballots before the day of the election, the votes678
for the withdrawn first choice or the withdrawn candidates679
candidate are void and shall not be counted.680

       (D) Any person nominated in a primary election or by681
nominating petition as a candidate for election at the next682
general election may withdraw as such candidate at any time prior683
to the general election. Such withdrawal may be effected by the684
filing of a written statement by such candidate announcing the685
candidate's withdrawal and requesting that the candidate's name686
not be printed on the ballots. If such candidate's declaration of687
candidacy or nominating petition was filed with the secretary of688
state, the candidate's statement of withdrawal shall be addressed689
to and filed with the secretary of state. If such candidate's690
declaration of candidacy or nominating petition was filed with a691
board of elections, the candidate's statement of withdrawal shall692
be addressed to and filed with such board.693

       (E) When a person withdraws under division (B) or (D) of this 694
section on or before the sixtieth day before the day of the 695
primary election, or, if the election is a presidential primary 696
election, on or before the forty-fifth day before the day of the 697
presidential primary election, the board of elections shall remove 698
the name of the withdrawn candidate from the ballots according to 699
the directions of the secretary of state. When a person withdraws 700
under division (B) or (D) of this section after the sixtieth day 701
before the day of the primary election, or, if the election is a 702
presidential primary election, after the forty-fifth day before 703
the day of the presidential primary election, the board of 704
elections shall not remove the name of the withdrawn candidate 705
from the ballots. The board of elections shall post a notice at 706
each polling place on the day of the primary election, and shall 707
enclose with each absent voter's ballot given or mailed after the 708
candidate withdraws, a notice that votes for the withdrawn 709
candidate will be void and will not be counted. If the name is not 710
removed from all ballots before the day of the election, the votes 711
for the withdrawn candidate are void and shall not be counted.712

       Section 2. That existing sections 3501.01, 3513.04, 3513.10, 713
3513.12, 3513.13, 3513.14, 3513.15, and 3513.30 and sections 714
3513.121 and 3513.151 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.715