As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 109

Representatives Hottinger, Weddington 

Cosponsors: Representatives Grossman, Combs, Hackett, McGregor, Winburn 

To amend section 4506.16 of the Revised Code to 1
require the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to 2
disqualify the holder of a commercial driver's 3
license from operating a commercial motor vehicle 4
upon a municipal OVI conviction.5


       Section 1. That section 4506.16 of the Revised Code be 6
amended to read as follows:7

       Sec. 4506.16.  (A) Any person who is found to have been 8
convicted of a violation of an out-of-service order shall be 9
disqualified by the registrar of motor vehicles as follows:10

       (1) If the person has not been convicted previously of a11
violation of an out-of-service order, the period of12
disqualification is ninety days.13

       (2) If, during any ten-year period, the driver is convicted 14
of a second violation of an out-of-service order in an incident 15
separate from the incident that resulted in the first violation, 16
the period of disqualification is one year.17

       (3) If, during any ten-year period, the driver is convicted 18
of a third or subsequent violation of an out-of-service order in 19
an incident separate from the incidents that resulted in the 20
previous violations during that ten-year period, the period of 21
disqualification is three years.22

       (B)(1) A driver is disqualified for one hundred eighty days23
if the driver is convicted of a first violation of an 24
out-of-service order while transporting hazardous materials 25
required to be placarded under the "Hazardous Materials 26
Transportation Act," 88 Stat. 2156 (1975), 49 U.S.C.A. 1801, as 27
amended, or while operating a motor vehicle designed to transport 28
sixteen or more passengers, including the driver.29

       (2) A driver is disqualified for a period of three years if, 30
during any ten-year period, the driver is convicted of a second or31
subsequent violation, in an incident separate from the incident32
that resulted in a previous violation during that ten-year period, 33
of an out-of-service order while transporting hazardous materials 34
required to be placarded under that act, or while operating a 35
motor vehicle designed to transport sixteen or more passengers, 36
including the driver.37

       (C) Whoever violates division (A)(1) of section 4506.15 of 38
the Revised Code or a similar law of another state or a foreign 39
jurisdiction, immediately shall be placed out-of-service for 40
twenty-four hours, in addition to any disqualification required by 41
this section and any other penalty imposed by the Revised Code.42

       (D) The registrar of motor vehicles shall disqualify any 43
holder of a commercial driver's license, or any operator of a 44
commercial motor vehicle for which a commercial driver's license 45
is required, from operating a commercial motor vehicle as follows:46

       (1) Upon a first conviction for a violation of any provision 47
of divisions (A)(2) to (9) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code, 48
or of section 4511.19 or sections 4549.02 to 4549.03 of the 49
Revised Code, or a municipal OVI ordinance as defined in section 50
4511.181 of the Revised Code, or a similar law of another state or 51
a foreign jurisdiction, one year;52

       (2) Upon a second conviction for a violation of any provision 53
of divisions (A)(2) to (9) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code, 54
or of section 4511.19 or sections 4549.02 to 4549.03 of the 55
Revised Code, or a municipal OVI ordinance as defined in section 56
4511.181 of the Revised Code, or a similar law of another state or 57
a foreign jurisdiction, or any combination of such violations 58
arising from two or more separate incidents, the person shall be 59
disqualified for life or for any other period of time as 60
determined by the United States secretary of transportation and 61
designated by the director of public safety by rule;62

       (3) Upon a first conviction for a violation of division63
(A)(12) of section 4506.15 of the Revised Code or a similar law of64
another state or a foreign jurisdiction, three years;65

       (4) Upon conviction of a violation of division (A)(10) of66
section 4506.15 of the Revised Code or a similar law of another67
state or a foreign jurisdiction, the person shall be disqualified68
for life;69

       (5) Upon conviction of two serious traffic violations70
involving the operation of a motor vehicle by the person and 71
arising from separate incidents occurring in a three-year period, 72
the person shall be disqualified for sixty days if the conviction 73
results in the suspension, cancellation, or revocation of the 74
holder's commercial driver's license or noncommercial motor 75
vehicle driving privileges;76

       (6) Upon conviction of three serious traffic violations77
involving the operation of a motor vehicle by the person and 78
arising from separate incidents occurring in a three-year period, 79
the person shall be disqualified for one hundred twenty days if 80
the conviction results in the suspension, cancellation, or 81
revocation of the holder's commercial driver's license or 82
noncommercial motor vehicle driving privileges.83

       (7) Upon a first conviction involving the operation of a 84
commercial motor vehicle in violation of any provisions of 85
sections 4511.61 to 4511.63 of the Revised Code or a similar law 86
of another state or foreign jurisdiction, not less than sixty 87

       (8) Upon a second conviction involving the operation of a 89
commercial motor vehicle in violation of any provisions of 90
sections 4511.61 to 4511.63 of the Revised Code or a similar law 91
of another state or foreign jurisdiction within three years of the 92
first such conviction, not less than one hundred twenty days;93

       (9) Upon a third or subsequent conviction involving the 94
operation of a commercial motor vehicle in violation of any 95
provisions of sections 4511.61 to 4511.63 of the Revised Code or a 96
similar law of another state or foreign jurisdiction within three 97
years of the first such conviction, not less than one year;98

       (10) Upon receiving notification from the federal motor 99
carrier safety administration, the registrar shall disqualify any 100
commercial motor vehicle driver whose driving is determined to 101
constitute an imminent hazard as defined under federal motor 102
carrier safety regulation 49 C.F.R. 383.52.103

       (E) For the purposes of this section, conviction of a104
violation for which disqualification is required may be evidenced105
by any of the following:106

       (1) A judgment entry of a court of competent jurisdiction in107
this or any other state;108

       (2) An administrative order of a state agency of this or any109
other state having statutory jurisdiction over commercial drivers;110

       (3) A computer record obtained from or through the commercial 111
driver's license information system;112

       (4) A computer record obtained from or through a state agency 113
of this or any other state having statutory jurisdiction over 114
commercial drivers or the records of commercial drivers.115

       (F) For purposes of this section, conviction of disqualifying 116
offenses committed in a noncommercial motor vehicle are included 117
if either of the following applies:118

       (1) The offense occurred after the person obtained the 119
person's commercial driver's license.120

       (2) The offense occurs on or after September 30, 2005.121

       (G) If a person commits a serious traffic violation by 122
operating a commercial motor vehicle without having a commercial 123
driver's license in the person's possession as described in 124
division (DD)(7) of section 4506.01 of the Revised Code and the 125
person then submits proof to either the enforcement agency that 126
issued the citation for the violation or to the court with 127
jurisdiction over the case before the date of the person's initial 128
appearance that shows that the person held a valid commercial 129
driver's license at the time of the violation, the violation shall 130
not be deemed to be a serious traffic violation.131

       (H) Any record described in division (C) of this section132
shall be deemed to be self-authenticating when it is received by133
the bureau of motor vehicles.134

       (I) When disqualifying a driver, the registrar shall cause135
the records of the bureau to be updated to reflect that action136
within ten days after it occurs.137

       (J) The registrar immediately shall notify a driver who is138
finally convicted of any offense described in section 4506.15 of139
the Revised Code or division (B)(4), (5), or (6) of this section140
and thereby is subject to disqualification, of the offense or141
offenses involved, of the length of time for which142
disqualification is to be imposed, and that the driver may request143
a hearing within thirty days of the mailing of the notice to show144
cause why the driver should not be disqualified from operating a145
commercial motor vehicle. If a request for such a hearing is not146
made within thirty days of the mailing of the notice, the order of147
disqualification is final. The registrar may designate hearing148
examiners who, after affording all parties reasonable notice,149
shall conduct a hearing to determine whether the disqualification150
order is supported by reliable evidence. The registrar shall adopt 151
rules to implement this division.152

       (K) Any person who is disqualified from operating a153
commercial motor vehicle under this section may apply to the154
registrar for a driver's license to operate a motor vehicle other155
than a commercial motor vehicle, provided the person's commercial156
driver's license is not otherwise suspended. A person whose157
commercial driver's license is suspended shall not apply to the158
registrar for or receive a driver's license under Chapter 4507. of159
the Revised Code during the period of suspension.160

        (L) The disqualifications imposed under this section are in161
addition to any other penalty imposed by the Revised Code.162

       Section 2. That existing section 4506.16 of the Revised Code 163
is hereby repealed.164