(128th General Assembly)
(Amended Substitute House Bill Number 10)

To amend sections 109.36, 109.57, 2151.23, 2151.358, 2152.02, 2301.03, 2743.191, 2903.214, 2913.04, 2919.25, 2919.27, 3109.06, 3113.31, and 3113.33 and to enact section 2151.34 of the Revised Code to allow a juvenile court to issue a protection order against a child who is alleged to have committed certain offenses or domestic violence against the person to be protected, to include foster parents under the scope of the domestic violence laws, to prohibit the unauthorized use of the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway, to include courts of appeals within the definition of "state" for the purposes of representation by the attorney general in a civil action brought against a judge that was elected or appointed to a court of appeals or a person employed by a court of appeals, to give the judges of the Butler County Court of Common Pleas concurrent jurisdiction with judges of the Juvenile Division of the Butler County Court of Common Pleas with respect to certain custody and support cases, and to name specified sections amended or enacted by this act the "Shynerra Grant Law."

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio:

SECTION 1. That sections 109.36, 109.57, 2151.23, 2151.358, 2152.02, 2301.03, 2743.191, 2903.214, 2913.04, 2919.25, 2919.27, 3109.06, 3113.31, and 3113.33 be amended and section 2151.34 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:

Sec. 109.36.  As used in this section and sections 109.361 to 109.366 of the Revised Code:

(A)(1) "Officer or employee" means any of the following:

(a) A person who, at the time a cause of action against the person arises, is serving in an elected or appointed office or position with the state or is employed by the state.

(b) A person that, at the time a cause of action against the person, partnership, or corporation arises, is rendering medical, nursing, dental, podiatric, optometric, physical therapeutic, psychiatric, or psychological services pursuant to a personal services contract or purchased service contract with a department, agency, or institution of the state.

(c) A person that, at the time a cause of action against the person, partnership, or corporation arises, is rendering peer review, utilization review, or drug utilization review services in relation to medical, nursing, dental, podiatric, optometric, physical therapeutic, psychiatric, or psychological services pursuant to a personal services contract or purchased service contract with a department, agency, or institution of the state.

(d) A person who, at the time a cause of action against the person arises, is rendering medical services to patients in a state institution operated by the department of mental health, is a member of the institution's staff, and is performing the services pursuant to an agreement between the state institution and a board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services described in section 340.021 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Officer or employee" does not include any person elected, appointed, or employed by any political subdivision of the state.

(B) "State" means the state of Ohio, including but not limited to, the general assembly, the supreme court, courts of appeals, the offices of all elected state officers, and all departments, boards, offices, commissions, agencies, institutions, and other instrumentalities of the state of Ohio. "State" does not include political subdivisions.

(C) "Political subdivisions" of the state means municipal corporations, townships, counties, school districts, and all other bodies corporate and politic responsible for governmental activities only in geographical areas smaller than that of the state.

(D) "Employer" means the general assembly, the supreme court, courts of appeals, any office of an elected state officer, or any department, board, office, commission, agency, institution, or other instrumentality of the state of Ohio that employs or contracts with an officer or employee or to which an officer or employee is elected or appointed.

Sec. 109.57.  (A)(1) The superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation shall procure from wherever procurable and file for record photographs, pictures, descriptions, fingerprints, measurements, and other information that may be pertinent of all persons who have been convicted of committing within this state a felony, any crime constituting a misdemeanor on the first offense and a felony on subsequent offenses, or any misdemeanor described in division (A)(1)(a), (A)(8)(a), or (A)(10)(a) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code, of all children under eighteen years of age who have been adjudicated delinquent children for committing within this state an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult or who have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to committing within this state a felony or an offense of violence, and of all well-known and habitual criminals. The person in charge of any county, multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal jail or workhouse, community-based correctional facility, halfway house, alternative residential facility, or state correctional institution and the person in charge of any state institution having custody of a person suspected of having committed a felony, any crime constituting a misdemeanor on the first offense and a felony on subsequent offenses, or any misdemeanor described in division (A)(1)(a), (A)(8)(a), or (A)(10)(a) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code or having custody of a child under eighteen years of age with respect to whom there is probable cause to believe that the child may have committed an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult shall furnish such material to the superintendent of the bureau. Fingerprints, photographs, or other descriptive information of a child who is under eighteen years of age, has not been arrested or otherwise taken into custody for committing an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence who is not in any other category of child specified in this division, if committed by an adult, has not been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult, has not been convicted of or pleaded guilty to committing a felony or an offense of violence, and is not a child with respect to whom there is probable cause to believe that the child may have committed an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult shall not be procured by the superintendent or furnished by any person in charge of any county, multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal jail or workhouse, community-based correctional facility, halfway house, alternative residential facility, or state correctional institution, except as authorized in section 2151.313 of the Revised Code.

(2) Every clerk of a court of record in this state, other than the supreme court or a court of appeals, shall send to the superintendent of the bureau a weekly report containing a summary of each case involving a felony, involving any crime constituting a misdemeanor on the first offense and a felony on subsequent offenses, involving a misdemeanor described in division (A)(1)(a), (A)(8)(a), or (A)(10)(a) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code, or involving an adjudication in a case in which a child under eighteen years of age was alleged to be a delinquent child for committing an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult. The clerk of the court of common pleas shall include in the report and summary the clerk sends under this division all information described in divisions (A)(2)(a) to (f) of this section regarding a case before the court of appeals that is served by that clerk. The summary shall be written on the standard forms furnished by the superintendent pursuant to division (B) of this section and shall include the following information:

(a) The incident tracking number contained on the standard forms furnished by the superintendent pursuant to division (B) of this section;

(b) The style and number of the case;

(c) The date of arrest, offense, summons, or arraignment;

(d) The date that the person was convicted of or pleaded guilty to the offense, adjudicated a delinquent child for committing the act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult, found not guilty of the offense, or found not to be a delinquent child for committing an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult, the date of an entry dismissing the charge, an entry declaring a mistrial of the offense in which the person is discharged, an entry finding that the person or child is not competent to stand trial, or an entry of a nolle prosequi, or the date of any other determination that constitutes final resolution of the case;

(e) A statement of the original charge with the section of the Revised Code that was alleged to be violated;

(f) If the person or child was convicted, pleaded guilty, or was adjudicated a delinquent child, the sentence or terms of probation imposed or any other disposition of the offender or the delinquent child.

If the offense involved the disarming of a law enforcement officer or an attempt to disarm a law enforcement officer, the clerk shall clearly state that fact in the summary, and the superintendent shall ensure that a clear statement of that fact is placed in the bureau's records.

(3) The superintendent shall cooperate with and assist sheriffs, chiefs of police, and other law enforcement officers in the establishment of a complete system of criminal identification and in obtaining fingerprints and other means of identification of all persons arrested on a charge of a felony, any crime constituting a misdemeanor on the first offense and a felony on subsequent offenses, or a misdemeanor described in division (A)(1)(a), (A)(8)(a), or (A)(10)(a) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code and of all children under eighteen years of age arrested or otherwise taken into custody for committing an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult. The superintendent also shall file for record the fingerprint impressions of all persons confined in a county, multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal jail or workhouse, community-based correctional facility, halfway house, alternative residential facility, or state correctional institution for the violation of state laws and of all children under eighteen years of age who are confined in a county, multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal jail or workhouse, community-based correctional facility, halfway house, alternative residential facility, or state correctional institution or in any facility for delinquent children for committing an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult, and any other information that the superintendent may receive from law enforcement officials of the state and its political subdivisions.

(4) The superintendent shall carry out Chapter 2950. of the Revised Code with respect to the registration of persons who are convicted of or plead guilty to a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense and with respect to all other duties imposed on the bureau under that chapter.

(5) The bureau shall perform centralized recordkeeping functions for criminal history records and services in this state for purposes of the national crime prevention and privacy compact set forth in section 109.571 of the Revised Code and is the criminal history record repository as defined in that section for purposes of that compact. The superintendent or the superintendent's designee is the compact officer for purposes of that compact and shall carry out the responsibilities of the compact officer specified in that compact.

(B) The superintendent shall prepare and furnish to every county, multicounty, municipal, municipal-county, or multicounty-municipal jail or workhouse, community-based correctional facility, halfway house, alternative residential facility, or state correctional institution and to every clerk of a court in this state specified in division (A)(2) of this section standard forms for reporting the information required under division (A) of this section. The standard forms that the superintendent prepares pursuant to this division may be in a tangible format, in an electronic format, or in both tangible formats and electronic formats.

(C)(1) The superintendent may operate a center for electronic, automated, or other data processing for the storage and retrieval of information, data, and statistics pertaining to criminals and to children under eighteen years of age who are adjudicated delinquent children for committing an act that would be a felony or an offense of violence if committed by an adult, criminal activity, crime prevention, law enforcement, and criminal justice, and may establish and operate a statewide communications network to be known as the Ohio law enforcement gateway to gather and disseminate information, data, and statistics for the use of law enforcement agencies and for other uses specified in this division. The superintendent may gather, store, retrieve, and disseminate information, data, and statistics that pertain to children who are under eighteen years of age and that are gathered pursuant to sections 109.57 to 109.61 of the Revised Code together with information, data, and statistics that pertain to adults and that are gathered pursuant to those sections.

(2) The superintendent or the superintendent's designee shall gather information of the nature described in division (C)(1) of this section that pertains to the offense and delinquency history of a person who has been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense for inclusion in the state registry of sex offenders and child-victim offenders maintained pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 2950.13 of the Revised Code and in the internet database operated pursuant to division (A)(13) of that section and for possible inclusion in the internet database operated pursuant to division (A)(11) of that section.

(3) In addition to any other authorized use of information, data, and statistics of the nature described in division (C)(1) of this section, the superintendent or the superintendent's designee may provide and exchange the information, data, and statistics pursuant to the national crime prevention and privacy compact as described in division (A)(5) of this section.

(4) The attorney general may adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code establishing guidelines for the operation of and participation in the Ohio law enforcement gateway. The rules may include criteria for granting and restricting access to information gathered and disseminated through the Ohio law enforcement gateway. The attorney general may appoint a steering committee to advise the attorney general in the operation of the Ohio law enforcement gateway that is comprised of persons who are representatives of the criminal justice agencies in this state that use the Ohio law enforcement gateway and is chaired by the superintendent or the superintendent's designee.

(D)(1) The information following are not public records under section 149.43 of the Revised Code:

(a) Information and materials furnished to the superintendent pursuant to division (A) of this section and information;

(b) Information, data, and statistics gathered or disseminated through the Ohio law enforcement gateway pursuant to division (C)(1) of this section;

(c) Information and materials furnished to any board or person under division (F) or (G) of this section are not public records under section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

(2) The superintendent or the superintendent's designee shall gather and retain information so furnished under division (A) of this section that pertains to the offense and delinquency history of a person who has been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense for the purposes described in division (C)(2) of this section.

(E) The attorney general shall adopt rules, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, setting forth the procedure by which a person may receive or release information gathered by the superintendent pursuant to division (A) of this section. A reasonable fee may be charged for this service. If a temporary employment service submits a request for a determination of whether a person the service plans to refer to an employment position has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense listed in division (A)(1), (3), (4), (5), or (6) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code, the request shall be treated as a single request and only one fee shall be charged.

(F)(1) As used in division (F)(2) of this section, "head start agency" means an entity in this state that has been approved to be an agency for purposes of subchapter II of the "Community Economic Development Act," 95 Stat. 489 (1981), 42 U.S.C.A. 9831, as amended.

(2)(a) In addition to or in conjunction with any request that is required to be made under section 109.572, 2151.86, 3301.32, 3301.541, 3319.39, 3319.391, 3327.10, 3701.881, 5104.012, 5104.013, 5123.081, 5126.28, 5126.281, or 5153.111 of the Revised Code or that is made under section 3314.41, 3319.392, or 3326.25 of the Revised Code, the board of education of any school district; the director of developmental disabilities; any county board of developmental disabilities; any entity under contract with a county board of developmental disabilities; the chief administrator of any chartered nonpublic school; the chief administrator of any home health agency; the chief administrator of or person operating any child day-care center, type A family day-care home, or type B family day-care home licensed or certified under Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code; the administrator of any type C family day-care home certified pursuant to Section 1 of Sub. H.B. 62 of the 121st general assembly or Section 5 of Am. Sub. S.B. 160 of the 121st general assembly; the chief administrator of any head start agency; the executive director of a public children services agency; a private company described in section 3314.41, 3319.392, or 3326.25 of the Revised Code; or an employer described in division (J)(2) of section 3327.10 of the Revised Code may request that the superintendent of the bureau investigate and determine, with respect to any individual who has applied for employment in any position after October 2, 1989, or any individual wishing to apply for employment with a board of education may request, with regard to the individual, whether the bureau has any information gathered under division (A) of this section that pertains to that individual. On receipt of the request, the superintendent shall determine whether that information exists and, upon request of the person, board, or entity requesting information, also shall request from the federal bureau of investigation any criminal records it has pertaining to that individual. The superintendent or the superintendent's designee also may request criminal history records from other states or the federal government pursuant to the national crime prevention and privacy compact set forth in section 109.571 of the Revised Code. Within thirty days of the date that the superintendent receives a request, the superintendent shall send to the board, entity, or person a report of any information that the superintendent determines exists, including information contained in records that have been sealed under section 2953.32 of the Revised Code, and, within thirty days of its receipt, shall send the board, entity, or person a report of any information received from the federal bureau of investigation, other than information the dissemination of which is prohibited by federal law.

(b) When a board of education is required to receive information under this section as a prerequisite to employment of an individual pursuant to section 3319.39 of the Revised Code, it may accept a certified copy of records that were issued by the bureau of criminal identification and investigation and that are presented by an individual applying for employment with the district in lieu of requesting that information itself. In such a case, the board shall accept the certified copy issued by the bureau in order to make a photocopy of it for that individual's employment application documents and shall return the certified copy to the individual. In a case of that nature, a district only shall accept a certified copy of records of that nature within one year after the date of their issuance by the bureau.

(c) Notwithstanding division (F)(2)(a) of this section, in the case of a request under section 3319.39, 3319.391, or 3327.10 of the Revised Code only for criminal records maintained by the federal bureau of investigation, the superintendent shall not determine whether any information gathered under division (A) of this section exists on the person for whom the request is made.

(3) The state board of education may request, with respect to any individual who has applied for employment after October 2, 1989, in any position with the state board or the department of education, any information that a school district board of education is authorized to request under division (F)(2) of this section, and the superintendent of the bureau shall proceed as if the request has been received from a school district board of education under division (F)(2) of this section.

(4) When the superintendent of the bureau receives a request for information under section 3319.291 of the Revised Code, the superintendent shall proceed as if the request has been received from a school district board of education and shall comply with divisions (F)(2)(a) and (c) of this section.

(5) When a recipient of a classroom reading improvement grant paid under section 3301.86 of the Revised Code requests, with respect to any individual who applies to participate in providing any program or service funded in whole or in part by the grant, the information that a school district board of education is authorized to request under division (F)(2)(a) of this section, the superintendent of the bureau shall proceed as if the request has been received from a school district board of education under division (F)(2)(a) of this section.

(G) In addition to or in conjunction with any request that is required to be made under section 3701.881, 3712.09, 3721.121, or 3722.151 of the Revised Code with respect to an individual who has applied for employment in a position that involves providing direct care to an older adult, the chief administrator of a home health agency, hospice care program, home licensed under Chapter 3721. of the Revised Code, adult day-care program operated pursuant to rules adopted under section 3721.04 of the Revised Code, or adult care facility may request that the superintendent of the bureau investigate and determine, with respect to any individual who has applied after January 27, 1997, for employment in a position that does not involve providing direct care to an older adult, whether the bureau has any information gathered under division (A) of this section that pertains to that individual.

In addition to or in conjunction with any request that is required to be made under section 173.27 of the Revised Code with respect to an individual who has applied for employment in a position that involves providing ombudsperson services to residents of long-term care facilities or recipients of community-based long-term care services, the state long-term care ombudsperson, ombudsperson's designee, or director of health may request that the superintendent investigate and determine, with respect to any individual who has applied for employment in a position that does not involve providing such ombudsperson services, whether the bureau has any information gathered under division (A) of this section that pertains to that applicant.

In addition to or in conjunction with any request that is required to be made under section 173.394 of the Revised Code with respect to an individual who has applied for employment in a position that involves providing direct care to an individual, the chief administrator of a community-based long-term care agency may request that the superintendent investigate and determine, with respect to any individual who has applied for employment in a position that does not involve providing direct care, whether the bureau has any information gathered under division (A) of this section that pertains to that applicant.

On receipt of a request under this division, the superintendent shall determine whether that information exists and, on request of the individual requesting information, shall also request from the federal bureau of investigation any criminal records it has pertaining to the applicant. The superintendent or the superintendent's designee also may request criminal history records from other states or the federal government pursuant to the national crime prevention and privacy compact set forth in section 109.571 of the Revised Code. Within thirty days of the date a request is received, the superintendent shall send to the requester a report of any information determined to exist, including information contained in records that have been sealed under section 2953.32 of the Revised Code, and, within thirty days of its receipt, shall send the requester a report of any information received from the federal bureau of investigation, other than information the dissemination of which is prohibited by federal law.

(H) Information obtained by a government entity or person under this section is confidential and shall not be released or disseminated.

(I) The superintendent may charge a reasonable fee for providing information or criminal records under division (F)(2) or (G) of this section.

(J) As used in this section, "sexually oriented offense" and "child-victim oriented offense" have the same meanings as in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 2151.23.  (A) The juvenile court has exclusive original jurisdiction under the Revised Code as follows:

(1) Concerning any child who on or about the date specified in the complaint, indictment, or information is alleged to have violated section 2151.87 of the Revised Code or an order issued under that section or to be a juvenile traffic offender or a delinquent, unruly, abused, neglected, or dependent child and, based on and in relation to the allegation pertaining to the child, concerning the parent, guardian, or other person having care of a child who is alleged to be an unruly or delinquent child for being an habitual or chronic truant;

(2) Subject to divisions (G), (K), and (V) of section 2301.03 of the Revised Code, to determine the custody of any child not a ward of another court of this state;

(3) To hear and determine any application for a writ of habeas corpus involving the custody of a child;

(4) To exercise the powers and jurisdiction given the probate division of the court of common pleas in Chapter 5122. of the Revised Code, if the court has probable cause to believe that a child otherwise within the jurisdiction of the court is a mentally ill person subject to hospitalization by court order, as defined in section 5122.01 of the Revised Code;

(5) To hear and determine all criminal cases charging adults with the violation of any section of this chapter;

(6) To hear and determine all criminal cases in which an adult is charged with a violation of division (C) of section 2919.21, division (B)(1) of section 2919.22, section 2919.222, division (B) of section 2919.23, or section 2919.24 of the Revised Code, provided the charge is not included in an indictment that also charges the alleged adult offender with the commission of a felony arising out of the same actions that are the basis of the alleged violation of division (C) of section 2919.21, division (B)(1) of section 2919.22, section 2919.222, division (B) of section 2919.23, or section 2919.24 of the Revised Code;

(7) Under the interstate compact on juveniles in section 2151.56 of the Revised Code;

(8) Concerning any child who is to be taken into custody pursuant to section 2151.31 of the Revised Code, upon being notified of the intent to take the child into custody and the reasons for taking the child into custody;

(9) To hear and determine requests for the extension of temporary custody agreements, and requests for court approval of permanent custody agreements, that are filed pursuant to section 5103.15 of the Revised Code;

(10) To hear and determine applications for consent to marry pursuant to section 3101.04 of the Revised Code;

(11) Subject to divisions (G), (K), and (V) of section 2301.03 of the Revised Code, to hear and determine a request for an order for the support of any child if the request is not ancillary to an action for divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment, or legal separation, a criminal or civil action involving an allegation of domestic violence, or an action for support brought under Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code;

(12) Concerning an action commenced under section 121.38 of the Revised Code;

(13) To hear and determine violations of section 3321.38 of the Revised Code;

(14) To exercise jurisdiction and authority over the parent, guardian, or other person having care of a child alleged to be a delinquent child, unruly child, or juvenile traffic offender, based on and in relation to the allegation pertaining to the child;

(15) To conduct the hearings, and to make the determinations, adjudications, and orders authorized or required under sections 2152.82 to 2152.86 and Chapter 2950. of the Revised Code regarding a child who has been adjudicated a delinquent child and to refer the duties conferred upon the juvenile court judge under sections 2152.82 to 2152.86 and Chapter 2950. of the Revised Code to magistrates appointed by the juvenile court judge in accordance with Juvenile Rule 40;

(16) To hear and determine a petition for a protection order against a child under section 2151.34 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code and to enforce a protection order issued or a consent agreement approved under either section against a child until a date certain but not later than the date the child attains nineteen years of age.

(B) Except as provided in divisions (G) and (I) of section 2301.03 of the Revised Code, the juvenile court has original jurisdiction under the Revised Code:

(1) To hear and determine all cases of misdemeanors charging adults with any act or omission with respect to any child, which act or omission is a violation of any state law or any municipal ordinance;

(2) To determine the paternity of any child alleged to have been born out of wedlock pursuant to sections 3111.01 to 3111.18 of the Revised Code;

(3) Under the uniform interstate family support act in Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code;

(4) To hear and determine an application for an order for the support of any child, if the child is not a ward of another court of this state;

(5) To hear and determine an action commenced under section 3111.28 of the Revised Code;

(6) To hear and determine a motion filed under section 3119.961 of the Revised Code;

(7) To receive filings under section 3109.74 of the Revised Code, and to hear and determine actions arising under sections 3109.51 to 3109.80 of the Revised Code.

(8) To enforce an order for the return of a child made under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction pursuant to section 3127.32 of the Revised Code;

(9) To grant any relief normally available under the laws of this state to enforce a child custody determination made by a court of another state and registered in accordance with section 3127.35 of the Revised Code.

(C) The juvenile court, except as to juvenile courts that are a separate division of the court of common pleas or a separate and independent juvenile court, has jurisdiction to hear, determine, and make a record of any action for divorce or legal separation that involves the custody or care of children and that is filed in the court of common pleas and certified by the court of common pleas with all the papers filed in the action to the juvenile court for trial, provided that no certification of that nature shall be made to any juvenile court unless the consent of the juvenile judge first is obtained. After a certification of that nature is made and consent is obtained, the juvenile court shall proceed as if the action originally had been begun in that court, except as to awards for spousal support or support due and unpaid at the time of certification, over which the juvenile court has no jurisdiction.

(D) The juvenile court, except as provided in divisions (G) and (I) of section 2301.03 of the Revised Code, has jurisdiction to hear and determine all matters as to custody and support of children duly certified by the court of common pleas to the juvenile court after a divorce decree has been granted, including jurisdiction to modify the judgment and decree of the court of common pleas as the same relate to the custody and support of children.

(E) The juvenile court, except as provided in divisions (G) and (I) of section 2301.03 of the Revised Code, has jurisdiction to hear and determine the case of any child certified to the court by any court of competent jurisdiction if the child comes within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court as defined by this section.

(F)(1) The juvenile court shall exercise its jurisdiction in child custody matters in accordance with sections 3109.04 and 3127.01 to 3127.53 of the Revised Code and, as applicable, sections 5103.20 to 5103.22 or 5103.23 to 5103.237 of the Revised Code.

(2) The juvenile court shall exercise its jurisdiction in child support matters in accordance with section 3109.05 of the Revised Code.

(G) Any juvenile court that makes or modifies an order for child support shall comply with Chapters 3119., 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code. If any person required to pay child support under an order made by a juvenile court on or after April 15, 1985, or modified on or after December 1, 1986, is found in contempt of court for failure to make support payments under the order, the court that makes the finding, in addition to any other penalty or remedy imposed, shall assess all court costs arising out of the contempt proceeding against the person and require the person to pay any reasonable attorney's fees of any adverse party, as determined by the court, that arose in relation to the act of contempt.

(H) If a child who is charged with an act that would be an offense if committed by an adult was fourteen years of age or older and under eighteen years of age at the time of the alleged act and if the case is transferred for criminal prosecution pursuant to section 2152.12 of the Revised Code, the juvenile court does not have jurisdiction to hear or determine the case subsequent to the transfer. The court to which the case is transferred for criminal prosecution pursuant to that section has jurisdiction subsequent to the transfer to hear and determine the case in the same manner as if the case originally had been commenced in that court, including, but not limited to, jurisdiction to accept a plea of guilty or another plea authorized by Criminal Rule 11 or another section of the Revised Code and jurisdiction to accept a verdict and to enter a judgment of conviction pursuant to the Rules of Criminal Procedure against the child for the commission of the offense that was the basis of the transfer of the case for criminal prosecution, whether the conviction is for the same degree or a lesser degree of the offense charged, for the commission of a lesser-included offense, or for the commission of another offense that is different from the offense charged.

(I) If a person under eighteen years of age allegedly commits an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult and if the person is not taken into custody or apprehended for that act until after the person attains twenty-one years of age, the juvenile court does not have jurisdiction to hear or determine any portion of the case charging the person with committing that act. In those circumstances, divisions (A) and (B) of section 2152.12 of the Revised Code do not apply regarding the act, and the case charging the person with committing the act shall be a criminal prosecution commenced and heard in the appropriate court having jurisdiction of the offense as if the person had been eighteen years of age or older when the person committed the act. All proceedings pertaining to the act shall be within the jurisdiction of the court having jurisdiction of the offense, and that court has all the authority and duties in the case that it has in other criminal cases in that court.

(J) In exercising its exclusive original jurisdiction under division (A)(16) of this section with respect to any proceedings brought under section 2151.34 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code in which the respondent is a child, the juvenile court retains all dispositionary powers consistent with existing rules of juvenile procedure and may also exercise its discretion to adjudicate proceedings as provided in sections 2151.34 and 3113.31 of the Revised Code, including the issuance of protection orders or the approval of consent agreements under those sections.

Sec. 2151.34.  (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Court" means the juvenile division of the court of common pleas of the county in which the person to be protected by the protection order resides.

(2) "Victim advocate" means a person who provides support and assistance for a person who files a petition under this section.

(3) "Family or household member" has the same meaning as in section 3113.31 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Protection order issued by a court of another state" has the same meaning as in section 2919.27 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Petitioner" means a person who files a petition under this section and includes a person on whose behalf a petition under this section is filed.

(6) "Respondent" means a person who is under eighteen years of age and against whom a petition is filed under this section.

(7) "Sexually oriented offense" has the same meaning as in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code.

(8) "Electronic monitoring" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) The court has jurisdiction over all proceedings under this section.

(C)(1) Any of the following persons may seek relief under this section by filing a petition with the court:

(a) Any person on behalf of that person;

(b) Any parent or adult family or household member on behalf of any other family or household member;

(c) Any person who is determined by the court in its discretion as an appropriate person to seek relief under this section on behalf of any child.

(2) The petition shall contain or state all of the following:

(a) An allegation that the respondent engaged in a violation of section 2903.11, 2903.12, 2903.13, 2903.21, 2903.211, 2903.22, or 2911.211 of the Revised Code, committed a sexually oriented offense, or engaged in a violation of any municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to any of those offenses against the person to be protected by the protection order, including a description of the nature and extent of the violation;

(b) If the petitioner seeks relief in the form of electronic monitoring of the respondent, an allegation that at any time preceding the filing of the petition the respondent engaged in conduct that would cause a reasonable person to believe that the health, welfare, or safety of the person to be protected was at risk, a description of the nature and extent of that conduct, and an allegation that the respondent presents a continuing danger to the person to be protected;

(c) A request for relief under this section.

(3) The court in its discretion may determine whether or not to give notice that a petition has been filed under division (C)(1) of this section on behalf of a child to any of the following:

(a) A parent of the child if the petition was filed by any person other than a parent of the child;

(b) Any person who is determined by the court to be an appropriate person to receive notice of the filing of the petition.

(D)(1) If a person who files a petition pursuant to this section requests an ex parte order, the court shall hold an ex parte hearing as soon as possible after the petition is filed, but not later than the next day after the court is in session after the petition is filed. The court, for good cause shown at the ex parte hearing, may enter any temporary orders, with or without bond, that the court finds necessary for the safety and protection of the person to be protected by the order. Immediate and present danger to the person to be protected by the protection order constitutes good cause for purposes of this section. Immediate and present danger includes, but is not limited to, situations in which the respondent has threatened the person to be protected by the protection order with bodily harm or in which the respondent previously has been convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a violation of section 2903.11, 2903.12, 2903.13, 2903.21, 2903.211, 2903.22, or 2911.211 of the Revised Code, a sexually oriented offense, or a violation of any municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to any of those offenses against the person to be protected by the protection order.

(2)(a) If the court, after an ex parte hearing, issues a protection order described in division (E) of this section, the court shall schedule a full hearing for a date that is within ten court days after the ex parte hearing. The court shall give the respondent notice of, and an opportunity to be heard at, the full hearing. The court also shall give notice of the full hearing to the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the respondent. The court shall hold the full hearing on the date scheduled under this division unless the court grants a continuance of the hearing in accordance with this division. Under any of the following circumstances or for any of the following reasons, the court may grant a continuance of the full hearing to a reasonable time determined by the court:

(i) Prior to the date scheduled for the full hearing under this division, the respondent has not been served with the petition filed pursuant to this section and notice of the full hearing.

(ii) The parties consent to the continuance.

(iii) The continuance is needed to allow a party to obtain counsel.

(iv) The continuance is needed for other good cause.

(b) An ex parte order issued under this section does not expire because of a failure to serve notice of the full hearing upon the respondent before the date set for the full hearing under division (D)(2)(a) of this section or because the court grants a continuance under that division.

(3) If a person who files a petition pursuant to this section does not request an ex parte order, or if a person requests an ex parte order but the court does not issue an ex parte order after an ex parte hearing, the court shall proceed as in a normal civil action and grant a full hearing on the matter.

(E)(1)(a) After an ex parte or full hearing, the court may issue any protection order, with or without bond, that contains terms designed to ensure the safety and protection of the person to be protected by the protection order.

(b) After a full hearing, if the court considering a petition that includes an allegation of the type described in division (C)(2)(b) of this section or the court, upon its own motion, finds upon clear and convincing evidence that the petitioner reasonably believed that the respondent's conduct at any time preceding the filing of the petition endangered the health, welfare, or safety of the person to be protected and that the respondent presents a continuing danger to the person to be protected and if division (N) of this section does not prohibit the issuance of an order that the respondent be electronically monitored, the court may order that the respondent be electronically monitored for a period of time and under the terms and conditions that the court determines are appropriate. Electronic monitoring shall be in addition to any other relief granted to the petitioner.

(2)(a) Any protection order issued pursuant to this section shall be valid until a date certain but not later than the date the respondent attains nineteen years of age.

(b) Any protection order issued pursuant to this section may be renewed in the same manner as the original order was issued.

(3) A court may not issue a protection order that requires a petitioner to do or to refrain from doing an act that the court may require a respondent to do or to refrain from doing under division (E)(1) of this section unless all of the following apply:

(a) The respondent files a separate petition for a protection order in accordance with this section.

(b) The petitioner is served with notice of the respondent's petition at least forty-eight hours before the court holds a hearing with respect to the respondent's petition, or the petitioner waives the right to receive this notice.

(c) If the petitioner has requested an ex parte order pursuant to division (D) of this section, the court does not delay any hearing required by that division beyond the time specified in that division in order to consolidate the hearing with a hearing on the petition filed by the respondent.

(d) After a full hearing at which the respondent presents evidence in support of the request for a protection order and the petitioner is afforded an opportunity to defend against that evidence, the court determines that the petitioner has committed a violation of section 2903.11, 2903.12, 2903.13, 2903.21, 2903.211, 2903.22, or 2911.211 of the Revised Code, a sexually oriented offense, or a violation of any municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to any of those offenses against the person to be protected by the protection order issued pursuant to division (E)(3) of this section, or has violated a protection order issued pursuant to this section or section 2903.213 of the Revised Code relative to the person to be protected by the protection order issued pursuant to division (E)(3) of this section.

(4) No protection order issued pursuant to this section shall in any manner affect title to any real property.

(5)(a) A protection order issued under this section shall clearly state that the person to be protected by the order cannot waive or nullify by invitation or consent any requirement in the order.

(b) Division (E)(5)(a) of this section does not limit any discretion of a court to determine that a respondent alleged to have violated section 2919.27 of the Revised Code, violated a municipal ordinance substantially equivalent to that section, or committed contempt of court, which allegation is based on an alleged violation of a protection order issued under this section, did not commit the violation or was not in contempt of court.

(6) Any protection order issued pursuant to this section shall include a provision that the court will automatically seal all of the records of the proceeding in which the order is issued on the date the respondent attains the age of nineteen years unless the petitioner provides the court with evidence that the respondent has not complied with all of the terms of the protection order. The protection order shall specify the date when the respondent attains the age of nineteen years.

(F)(1) The court shall cause the delivery of a copy of any protection order that is issued under this section to the petitioner, to the respondent, and to all law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction to enforce the order. The court shall direct that a copy of the order be delivered to the respondent and the parent, guardian, or legal custodian of the respondent on the same day that the order is entered.

(2) Upon the issuance of a protection order under this section, the court shall provide the parties to the order with the following notice orally or by form:


As a result of this order, it may be unlawful for you to possess or purchase a firearm, including a rifle, pistol, or revolver, or ammunition pursuant to federal law under 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(8). If you have any questions whether this law makes it illegal for you to possess or purchase a firearm or ammunition, you should consult an attorney."

(3) All law enforcement agencies shall establish and maintain an index for the protection orders delivered to the agencies pursuant to division (F)(1) of this section. With respect to each order delivered, each agency shall note on the index the date and time that it received the order.

(4) Regardless of whether the petitioner has registered the protection order in the county in which the officer's agency has jurisdiction pursuant to division (M) of this section, any officer of a law enforcement agency shall enforce a protection order issued pursuant to this section by any court in this state in accordance with the provisions of the order, including removing the respondent from the premises, if appropriate.

(G) Any proceeding under this section shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure, except that a protection order may be obtained under this section with or without bond. An order issued under this section, other than an ex parte order, that grants a protection order, or that refuses to grant a protection order, is a final, appealable order. The remedies and procedures provided in this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other available civil or criminal remedies or any other available remedies under Chapter 2151. or 2152. of the Revised Code.

(H) The filing of proceedings under this section does not excuse a person from filing any report or giving any notice required by section 2151.421 of the Revised Code or by any other law.

(I) Any law enforcement agency that investigates an alleged violation of section 2903.11, 2903.12, 2903.13, 2903.21, 2903.211, 2903.22, or 2911.211 of the Revised Code, an alleged commission of a sexually oriented offense, or an alleged violation of a municipal ordinance that is substantially equivalent to any of those offenses shall provide information to the victim and the family or household members of the victim regarding the relief available under this section.

(J) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary and regardless of whether a protection order is issued or a consent agreement is approved by a court of another county or by a court of another state, no court or unit of state or local government shall charge any fee, cost, deposit, or money in connection with the filing of a petition pursuant to this section, in connection with the filing, issuance, registration, or service of a protection order or consent agreement, or for obtaining a certified copy of a protection order or consent agreement.

(K)(1) A person who violates a protection order issued under this section is subject to the following sanctions:

(a) A delinquent child proceeding or a criminal prosecution for a violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code, if the violation of the protection order constitutes a violation of that section;

(b) Punishment for contempt of court.

(2) The punishment of a person for contempt of court for violation of a protection order issued under this section does not bar criminal prosecution of the person or a delinquent child proceeding concerning the person for a violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code. However, a person punished for contempt of court is entitled to credit for the punishment imposed upon conviction of or adjudication as a delinquent child for a violation of that section, and a person convicted of or adjudicated a delinquent child for a violation of that section shall not subsequently be punished for contempt of court arising out of the same activity.

(L) In all stages of a proceeding under this section, a petitioner may be accompanied by a victim advocate.

(M)(1) A petitioner who obtains a protection order under this section may provide notice of the issuance or approval of the order to the judicial and law enforcement officials in any county other than the county in which the order is issued by registering that order in the other county pursuant to division (M)(2) of this section and filing a copy of the registered order with a law enforcement agency in the other county in accordance with that division. A person who obtains a protection order issued by a court of another state may provide notice of the issuance of the order to the judicial and law enforcement officials in any county of this state by registering the order in that county pursuant to section 2919.272 of the Revised Code and filing a copy of the registered order with a law enforcement agency in that county.

(2) A petitioner may register a protection order issued pursuant to this section in a county other than the county in which the court that issued the order is located in the following manner:

(a) The petitioner shall obtain a certified copy of the order from the clerk of the court that issued the order and present that certified copy to the clerk of the court of common pleas or the clerk of a municipal court or county court in the county in which the order is to be registered.

(b) Upon accepting the certified copy of the order for registration, the clerk of the court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court shall place an endorsement of registration on the order and give the petitioner a copy of the order that bears that proof of registration.

(3) The clerk of each court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court shall maintain a registry of certified copies of protection orders that have been issued by courts in other counties pursuant to this section and that have been registered with the clerk.

(N) If the court orders electronic monitoring of the respondent under this section, the court shall direct the sheriff's office or any other appropriate law enforcement agency to install the electronic monitoring device and to monitor the respondent. Unless the court determines that the respondent is indigent, the court shall order the respondent to pay the cost of the installation and monitoring of the electronic monitoring device. If the court determines that the respondent is indigent and subject to the maximum amount allowable to be paid in any year from the fund and the rules promulgated by the attorney general under section 2903.214 of the Revised Code, the cost of the installation and monitoring of the electronic monitoring device may be paid out of funds from the reparations fund created pursuant to section 2743.191 of the Revised Code. The total amount paid from the reparations fund created pursuant to section 2743.191 of the Revised Code for electronic monitoring under this section and sections 2903.214 and 2919.27 of the Revised Code shall not exceed three hundred thousand dollars per year. When the total amount paid from the reparations fund in any year for electronic monitoring under those sections equals or exceeds three hundred thousand dollars, the court shall not order pursuant to this section that an indigent respondent be electronically monitored.

(O) The court, in its discretion, may determine if the respondent is entitled to court-appointed counsel in a proceeding under this section.

Sec. 2151.358. (A) The juvenile court shall expunge all records sealed under section 2151.356 of the Revised Code five years after the court issues a sealing order or upon the twenty-third birthday of the person who is the subject of the sealing order, whichever date is earlier.

(B) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section, upon application by the person who has had a record sealed under section 2151.356 of the Revised Code, the juvenile court may expunge a record sealed under section 2151.356 of the Revised Code. In making the determination whether to expunge records, all of the following apply:

(1) The court may require a person filing an application for expungement to submit any relevant documentation to support the application.

(2) The court may cause an investigation to be made to determine if the person who is the subject of the proceedings has been rehabilitated to a satisfactory degree.

(3) The court shall promptly notify the prosecuting attorney of any proceedings to expunge records.

(4)(a) The prosecuting attorney may file a response with the court within thirty days of receiving notice of the expungement proceedings.

(b) If the prosecuting attorney does not file a response with the court or if the prosecuting attorney files a response but indicates that the prosecuting attorney does not object to the expungement of the records, the court may order the records of the person that are under consideration to be expunged without conducting a hearing on the application. If the court decides in its discretion to conduct a hearing on the application, the court shall conduct the hearing within thirty days after making that decision and shall give notice, by regular mail, of the date, time, and location of the hearing to the prosecuting attorney and to the person who is the subject of the records under consideration.

(c) If the prosecuting attorney files a response with the court that indicates that the prosecuting attorney objects to the expungement of the records, the court shall conduct a hearing on the application within thirty days after the court receives the response. The court shall give notice, by regular mail, of the date, time, and location of the hearing to the prosecuting attorney and to the person who is the subject of the records under consideration.

(5) After conducting a hearing in accordance with division (B)(4) of this section or after due consideration when a hearing is not conducted, the court may order the records of the person that are the subject of the application to be expunged if it finds that the person has been rehabilitated to a satisfactory degree. In determining whether the person has been rehabilitated to a satisfactory degree, the court may consider all of the following:

(a) The age of the person;

(b) The nature of the case;

(c) The cessation or continuation of delinquent, unruly, or criminal behavior;

(d) The education and employment history of the person;

(e) Any other circumstances that may relate to the rehabilitation of the person who is the subject of the records under consideration.

(C) If the juvenile court is notified by any party in a civil action that a civil action has been filed based on a case the records for which are the subject of a sealing order, the juvenile court shall not expunge a record sealed under section 2151.356 of the Revised Code until the civil action has been resolved and is not subject to further appellate review, at which time the records shall be expunged pursuant to division (A) of this section.

(D)(1) A juvenile court that issues a protection order or approves a consent agreement under section 2151.34 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code shall automatically seal all of the records of the proceeding in which the order was issued or agreement approved on the date the person against whom the protection order was issued or the consent agreement approved attains the age of nineteen years if the court determines that the person has complied with all of the terms of the protection order or consent agreement.

(2) In a proceeding under section 2151.34 of the Revised Code, if the juvenile court does not issue any protection order under division (E) of that section, the court shall automatically seal all of the records in that proceeding. In a proceeding under section 3113.31 of the Revised Code, if the juvenile court does not issue any protection order or approve any consent agreement under division (E) of that section, the court shall automatically seal all of the records in that proceeding.

(3)(a) If a juvenile court that issues a protection order or approves a consent agreement under section 2151.34 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code determines that the person against whom the protection order was issued or the consent agreement approved has not complied with all of the terms of the protection order or consent agreement, the court shall consider sealing all of the records of the proceeding in which the order was issued or agreement approved upon the court's own motion or upon the application of a person. The court may make the motion or the person who is the subject of the records under consideration may apply for an order sealing the records of the proceeding at any time after two years after the expiration of the protection order or consent agreement.

(b) In making a determination whether to seal records pursuant to division (D)(3) of this section, all of the following apply:

(i) The court may require a person filing an application under division (D)(3) of this section to submit any relevant documentation to support the application.

(ii) The court shall promptly notify the victim or the victim's attorney of any proceedings to seal records initiated pursuant to division (D)(3) of this section.

(iii) The victim or the victim's attorney may file a response with the court within thirty days of receiving notice of the sealing proceedings.

If the victim or the victim's attorney does not file a response with the court or if the victim or the victim's attorney files a response but indicates that the victim or the victim's attorney does not object to the sealing of the records, the court may order the records of the person that are under consideration to be sealed without conducting a hearing on the motion or application. If the court decides in its discretion to conduct a hearing on the motion or application, the court shall conduct the hearing within thirty days after making that decision and shall give notice, by regular mail, of the date, time, and location of the hearing to the victim or the victim's attorney and to the person who is the subject of the records under consideration.

If the victim or the victim's attorney files a response with the court that indicates that the victim or the victim's attorney objects to the sealing of the records, the court shall conduct a hearing on the motion or application within thirty days after the court receives the response. The court shall give notice, by regular mail, of the date, time, and location of the hearing to the victim or the victim's attorney and to the person who is the subject of the records under consideration.

(iv) After conducting a hearing in accordance with division (D)(3)(b)(iii) of this section or after due consideration when a hearing is not conducted, the court may order the records of the person that are the subject of the motion or application to be sealed.

(4) Inspection of the records sealed pursuant to division (D)(1), (2), or (3) of this section may be made only by the following persons or for the following purposes:

(a) By a law enforcement officer or prosecutor, or the assistants of either, to determine whether the nature and character of the offense with which a person is to be charged would be affected by virtue of the person's previously having been convicted of a crime;

(b) By the parole or probation officer of the person who is the subject of the records, for the exclusive use of the officer in supervising the person while on parole or under a community control sanction or a post-release control sanction, and in making inquiries and written reports as requested by the court or adult parole authority;

(c) Upon application by the person who is the subject of the records, by the persons named in the application;

(d) By a law enforcement officer who was involved in the case, for use in the officer's defense of a civil action arising out of the officer's involvement in that case;

(e) By a prosecuting attorney or the prosecuting attorney's assistants, to determine a defendant's eligibility to enter a pre-trial diversion program established pursuant to section 2935.36 of the Revised Code;

(f) By any law enforcement agency or any authorized employee of a law enforcement agency or by the department of rehabilitation and correction as part of a background investigation of a person who applies for employment with the agency as a law enforcement officer or with the department as a corrections officer;

(g) By any law enforcement agency or any authorized employee of a law enforcement agency, for the purposes set forth in, and in the manner provided in, section 2953.321 of the Revised Code;

(h) By the bureau of criminal identification and investigation or any authorized employee of the bureau for the purpose of providing information to a board or person pursuant to division (F) or (G) of section 109.57 of the Revised Code;

(i) By the bureau of criminal identification and investigation or any authorized employee of the bureau for the purpose of performing a criminal history records check on a person to whom a certificate as prescribed in section 109.77 of the Revised Code is to be awarded;

(j) By the bureau of criminal identification and investigation or any authorized employee of the bureau for the purpose of conducting a criminal records check of an individual pursuant to division (B) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code that was requested pursuant to any of the sections identified in division (B)(1) of that section;

(k) By the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, an authorized employee of the bureau, a sheriff, or an authorized employee of a sheriff in connection with a criminal records check described in section 311.41 of the Revised Code;

(l) By the attorney general or an authorized employee of the attorney general or a court for purposes of determining a person's classification pursuant to Chapter 2950. of the Revised Code.

When the nature and character of the offense with which a person is to be charged would be affected by the information, it may be used for the purpose of charging the person with an offense.

(E) After the records have been expunged under this section, the person who is the subject of the expunged records properly may, and the court shall, reply that no record exists with respect to the person upon any inquiry in the matter.

Sec. 2152.02.  As used in this chapter:

(A) "Act charged" means the act that is identified in a complaint, indictment, or information alleging that a child is a delinquent child.

(B) "Admitted to a department of youth services facility" includes admission to a facility operated, or contracted for, by the department and admission to a comparable facility outside this state by another state or the United States.

(C)(1) "Child" means a person who is under eighteen years of age, except as otherwise provided in divisions (C)(2) to (6)(7) of this section.

(2) Subject to division (C)(3) of this section, any person who violates a federal or state law or a municipal ordinance prior to attaining eighteen years of age shall be deemed a "child" irrespective of that person's age at the time the complaint with respect to that violation is filed or the hearing on the complaint is held.

(3) Any person who, while under eighteen years of age, commits an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult and who is not taken into custody or apprehended for that act until after the person attains twenty-one years of age is not a child in relation to that act.

(4) Any person whose case is transferred for criminal prosecution pursuant to section 2152.12 of the Revised Code shall be deemed after the transfer not to be a child in the transferred case.

(5) Any person whose case is transferred for criminal prosecution pursuant to section 2152.12 of the Revised Code and who subsequently is convicted of or pleads guilty to a felony in that case, and any person who is adjudicated a delinquent child for the commission of an act, who has a serious youthful offender dispositional sentence imposed for the act pursuant to section 2152.13 of the Revised Code, and whose adult portion of the dispositional sentence is invoked pursuant to section 2152.14 of the Revised Code, shall be deemed after the transfer or invocation not to be a child in any case in which a complaint is filed against the person.

(6) The juvenile court has jurisdiction over a person who is adjudicated a delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender prior to attaining eighteen years of age until the person attains twenty-one years of age, and, for purposes of that jurisdiction related to that adjudication, except as otherwise provided in this division, a person who is so adjudicated a delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender shall be deemed a "child" until the person attains twenty-one years of age. If a person is so adjudicated a delinquent child or juvenile traffic offender and the court makes a disposition of the person under this chapter, at any time after the person attains eighteen years of age, the places at which the person may be held under that disposition are not limited to places authorized under this chapter solely for confinement of children, and the person may be confined under that disposition, in accordance with division (F)(2) of section 2152.26 of the Revised Code, in places other than those authorized under this chapter solely for confinement of children.

(7) Any person who, while eighteen years of age, violates division (A)(1) or (2) of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code by violating a protection order issued or consent agreement approved under section 2151.34 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code shall be considered a child for the purposes of that violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Chronic truant" means any child of compulsory school age who is absent without legitimate excuse for absence from the public school the child is supposed to attend for seven or more consecutive school days, ten or more school days in one school month, or fifteen or more school days in a school year.

(E) "Community corrections facility," "public safety beds," "release authority," and "supervised release" have the same meanings as in section 5139.01 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Delinquent child" includes any of the following:

(1) Any child, except a juvenile traffic offender, who violates any law of this state or the United States, or any ordinance of a political subdivision of the state, that would be an offense if committed by an adult;

(2) Any child who violates any lawful order of the court made under this chapter or under Chapter 2151. of the Revised Code other than an order issued under section 2151.87 of the Revised Code;

(3) Any child who violates division (C) of section 2907.39, division (A) of section 2923.211, or division (C)(1) or (D) of section 2925.55 of the Revised Code;

(4) Any child who is a habitual truant and who previously has been adjudicated an unruly child for being a habitual truant;

(5) Any child who is a chronic truant.

(G) "Discretionary serious youthful offender" means a person who is eligible for a discretionary SYO and who is not transferred to adult court under a mandatory or discretionary transfer.

(H) "Discretionary SYO" means a case in which the juvenile court, in the juvenile court's discretion, may impose a serious youthful offender disposition under section 2152.13 of the Revised Code.

(I) "Discretionary transfer" means that the juvenile court has discretion to transfer a case for criminal prosecution under division (B) of section 2152.12 of the Revised Code.

(J) "Drug abuse offense," "felony drug abuse offense," and "minor drug possession offense" have the same meanings as in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code.

(K) "Electronic monitoring" and "electronic monitoring device" have the same meanings as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

(L) "Economic loss" means any economic detriment suffered by a victim of a delinquent act or juvenile traffic offense as a direct and proximate result of the delinquent act or juvenile traffic offense and includes any loss of income due to lost time at work because of any injury caused to the victim and any property loss, medical cost, or funeral expense incurred as a result of the delinquent act or juvenile traffic offense. "Economic loss" does not include non-economic loss or any punitive or exemplary damages.

(M) "Firearm" has the same meaning as in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code.

(N) "Juvenile traffic offender" means any child who violates any traffic law, traffic ordinance, or traffic regulation of this state, the United States, or any political subdivision of this state, other than a resolution, ordinance, or regulation of a political subdivision of this state the violation of which is required to be handled by a parking violations bureau or a joint parking violations bureau pursuant to Chapter 4521. of the Revised Code.

(O) A "legitimate excuse for absence from the public school the child is supposed to attend" has the same meaning as in section 2151.011 of the Revised Code.

(P) "Mandatory serious youthful offender" means a person who is eligible for a mandatory SYO and who is not transferred to adult court under a mandatory or discretionary transfer.

(Q) "Mandatory SYO" means a case in which the juvenile court is required to impose a mandatory serious youthful offender disposition under section 2152.13 of the Revised Code.

(R) "Mandatory transfer" means that a case is required to be transferred for criminal prosecution under division (A) of section 2152.12 of the Revised Code.

(S) "Mental illness" has the same meaning as in section 5122.01 of the Revised Code.

(T) "Mentally retarded person" has the same meaning as in section 5123.01 of the Revised Code.

(U) "Monitored time" and "repeat violent offender" have the same meanings as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

(V) "Of compulsory school age" has the same meaning as in section 3321.01 of the Revised Code.

(W) "Public record" has the same meaning as in section 149.43 of the Revised Code.

(X) "Serious youthful offender" means a person who is eligible for a mandatory SYO or discretionary SYO but who is not transferred to adult court under a mandatory or discretionary transfer.

(Y) "Sexually oriented offense," "juvenile offender registrant," "child-victim oriented offense," "tier I sex offender/child-victim offender," "tier II sex offender/child-victim offender," "tier III sex offender/child-victim offender," and "public registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant" have the same meanings as in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code.

(Z) "Traditional juvenile" means a case that is not transferred to adult court under a mandatory or discretionary transfer, that is eligible for a disposition under sections 2152.16, 2152.17, 2152.19, and 2152.20 of the Revised Code, and that is not eligible for a disposition under section 2152.13 of the Revised Code.

(AA) "Transfer" means the transfer for criminal prosecution of a case involving the alleged commission by a child of an act that would be an offense if committed by an adult from the juvenile court to the appropriate court that has jurisdiction of the offense.

(BB) "Category one offense" means any of the following:

(1) A violation of section 2903.01 or 2903.02 of the Revised Code;

(2) A violation of section 2923.02 of the Revised Code involving an attempt to commit aggravated murder or murder.

(CC) "Category two offense" means any of the following:

(1) A violation of section 2903.03, 2905.01, 2907.02, 2909.02, 2911.01, or 2911.11 of the Revised Code;

(2) A violation of section 2903.04 of the Revised Code that is a felony of the first degree;

(3) A violation of section 2907.12 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to September 3, 1996.

(DD) "Non-economic loss" means nonpecuniary harm suffered by a victim of a delinquent act or juvenile traffic offense as a result of or related to the delinquent act or juvenile traffic offense, including, but not limited to, pain and suffering; loss of society, consortium, companionship, care, assistance, attention, protection, advice, guidance, counsel, instruction, training, or education; mental anguish; and any other intangible loss.

Sec. 2301.03.  (A) In Franklin county, the judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 1, 1953, January 2, 1953, January 5, 1969, January 5, 1977, and January 2, 1997, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Franklin county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. They shall have all the powers relating to juvenile courts, and all cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, all parentage proceedings under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code over which the juvenile court has jurisdiction, and all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases shall be assigned to them. In addition to the judge's regular duties, the judge who is senior in point of service shall serve on the children services board and the county advisory board and shall be the administrator of the domestic relations division and its subdivisions and departments.

(B) In Hamilton county:

(1) The judge of the court of common pleas, whose term begins on January 1, 1957, and successors, and the judge of the court of common pleas, whose term begins on February 14, 1967, and successors, shall be the juvenile judges as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, with the powers and jurisdiction conferred by those chapters.

(2) The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 5, 1957, January 16, 1981, and July 1, 1991, and successors, shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, and shall have assigned to them all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases coming before the court. On or after the first day of July and before the first day of August of 1991 and each year thereafter, a majority of the judges of the division of domestic relations shall elect one of the judges of the division as administrative judge of that division. If a majority of the judges of the division of domestic relations are unable for any reason to elect an administrative judge for the division before the first day of August, a majority of the judges of the Hamilton county court of common pleas, as soon as possible after that date, shall elect one of the judges of the division of domestic relations as administrative judge of that division. The term of the administrative judge shall begin on the earlier of the first day of August of the year in which the administrative judge is elected or the date on which the administrative judge is elected by a majority of the judges of the Hamilton county court of common pleas and shall terminate on the date on which the administrative judge's successor is elected in the following year.

In addition to the judge's regular duties, the administrative judge of the division of domestic relations shall be the administrator of the domestic relations division and its subdivisions and departments and shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the division engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, including any referees considered necessary by the judges in the discharge of their various duties.

The administrative judge of the division of domestic relations also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division, and shall fix the duties of its personnel. The duties of the personnel, in addition to those provided for in other sections of the Revised Code, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases and counseling and conciliation services that may be made available to persons requesting them, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division.

The board of county commissioners shall appropriate the sum of money each year as will meet all the administrative expenses of the division of domestic relations, including reasonable expenses of the domestic relations judges and the division counselors and other employees designated to conduct the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, conciliation and counseling, and all matters relating to those cases and counseling, and the expenses involved in the attendance of division personnel at domestic relations and welfare conferences designated by the division, and the further sum each year as will provide for the adequate operation of the division of domestic relations.

The compensation and expenses of all employees and the salary and expenses of the judges shall be paid by the county treasurer from the money appropriated for the operation of the division, upon the warrant of the county auditor, certified to by the administrative judge of the division of domestic relations.

The summonses, warrants, citations, subpoenas, and other writs of the division may issue to a bailiff, constable, or staff investigator of the division or to the sheriff of any county or any marshal, constable, or police officer, and the provisions of law relating to the subpoenaing of witnesses in other cases shall apply insofar as they are applicable. When a summons, warrant, citation, subpoena, or other writ is issued to an officer, other than a bailiff, constable, or staff investigator of the division, the expense of serving it shall be assessed as a part of the costs in the case involved.

(3) The judge of the court of common pleas of Hamilton county whose term begins on January 3, 1997, and the successors to that judge shall each be elected and designated as the drug court judge of the court of common pleas of Hamilton county. The drug court judge may accept or reject any case referred to the drug court judge under division (B)(3) of this section. After the drug court judge accepts a referred case, the drug court judge has full authority over the case, including the authority to conduct arraignment, accept pleas, enter findings and dispositions, conduct trials, order treatment, and if treatment is not successfully completed pronounce and enter sentence.

A judge of the general division of the court of common pleas of Hamilton county and a judge of the Hamilton county municipal court may refer to the drug court judge any case, and any companion cases, the judge determines meet the criteria described under divisions (B)(3)(a) and (b) of this section. If the drug court judge accepts referral of a referred case, the case, and any companion cases, shall be transferred to the drug court judge. A judge may refer a case meeting the criteria described in divisions (B)(3)(a) and (b) of this section that involves a violation of a condition of a community control sanction to the drug court judge, and, if the drug court judge accepts the referral, the referring judge and the drug court judge have concurrent jurisdiction over the case.

A judge of the general division of the court of common pleas of Hamilton county and a judge of the Hamilton county municipal court may refer a case to the drug court judge under division (B)(3) of this section if the judge determines that both of the following apply:

(a) One of the following applies:

(i) The case involves a drug abuse offense, as defined in section 2925.01 of the Revised Code, that is a felony of the third or fourth degree if the offense is committed prior to July 1, 1996, a felony of the third, fourth, or fifth degree if the offense is committed on or after July 1, 1996, or a misdemeanor.

(ii) The case involves a theft offense, as defined in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code, that is a felony of the third or fourth degree if the offense is committed prior to July 1, 1996, a felony of the third, fourth, or fifth degree if the offense is committed on or after July 1, 1996, or a misdemeanor, and the defendant is drug or alcohol dependent or in danger of becoming drug or alcohol dependent and would benefit from treatment.

(b) All of the following apply:

(i) The case involves an offense for which a community control sanction may be imposed or is a case in which a mandatory prison term or a mandatory jail term is not required to be imposed.

(ii) The defendant has no history of violent behavior.

(iii) The defendant has no history of mental illness.

(iv) The defendant's current or past behavior, or both, is drug or alcohol driven.

(v) The defendant demonstrates a sincere willingness to participate in a fifteen-month treatment process.

(vi) The defendant has no acute health condition.

(vii) If the defendant is incarcerated, the county prosecutor approves of the referral.

(4) If the administrative judge of the court of common pleas of Hamilton county determines that the volume of cases pending before the drug court judge does not constitute a sufficient caseload for the drug court judge, the administrative judge, in accordance with the Rules of Superintendence for Courts of Common Pleas, shall assign individual cases to the drug court judge from the general docket of the court. If the assignments so occur, the administrative judge shall cease the assignments when the administrative judge determines that the volume of cases pending before the drug court judge constitutes a sufficient caseload for the drug court judge.

(5) As used in division (B) of this section, "community control sanction," "mandatory prison term," and "mandatory jail term" have the same meanings as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

(C)(1) In Lorain county:

(a) The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 3, 1959, January 4, 1989, and January 2, 1999, and successors, and the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on February 9, 2009, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Lorain county and shall be elected and designated as the judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 3, 1959, January 4, 1989, and January 2, 1999, and successors, shall have all of the powers relating to juvenile courts, and all cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, all parentage proceedings over which the juvenile court has jurisdiction, and all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases shall be assigned to them, except cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas. From February 9, 2009, through September 28, 2009, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on February 9, 2009, shall have all the powers relating to juvenile courts, and cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, parentage proceedings over which the juvenile court has jurisdiction, and divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases shall be assigned to that judge, except cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas.

(b) From January 1, 2006, through September 28, 2009, the judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, in addition to the powers and jurisdiction set forth in division (C)(1)(a) of this section, shall have jurisdiction over matters that are within the jurisdiction of the probate court under Chapter 2101. and other provisions of the Revised Code.

(c) The judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, whose term begins on February 9, 2009, is the successor to the probate judge who was elected in 2002 for a term that began on February 9, 2003. After September 28, 2009, the judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, whose term begins on February 9, 2009, shall be the probate judge.

(2)(a) From February 9, 2009, through September 28, 2009, with respect to Lorain county, all references in law to the probate court shall be construed as references to the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, and all references to the probate judge shall be construed as references to the judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations.

(b) From February 9, 2009, through September 28, 2009, with respect to Lorain county, all references in law to the clerk of the probate court shall be construed as references to the judge who is serving pursuant to Rule 4 of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio as the administrative judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations.

(D) In Lucas county:

(1) The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 1, 1955, and January 3, 1965, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Lucas county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. All divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases shall be assigned to them.

The judge of the division of domestic relations, senior in point of service, shall be considered as the presiding judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, and shall be charged exclusively with the assignment and division of the work of the division and the employment and supervision of all other personnel of the domestic relations division.

(2) The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 5, 1977, and January 2, 1991, and successors shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Lucas county, shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, and shall be the juvenile judges as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code with the powers and jurisdictions conferred by those chapters. In addition to the judge's regular duties, the judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, senior in point of service, shall be the administrator of the juvenile division and its subdivisions and departments and shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the division engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating juvenile cases, including any referees considered necessary by the judges of the division in the discharge of their various duties.

The judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, senior in point of service, also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowance, hours, leaves of absence, and vacation of the personnel of the division and shall fix the duties of the personnel of the division. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties include the handling, servicing, and investigation of juvenile cases and counseling and conciliation services that may be made available to persons requesting them, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division.

(3) If one of the judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, or one of the judges of the juvenile division is sick, absent, or unable to perform that judge's judicial duties or the volume of cases pending in that judge's division necessitates it, the duties shall be performed by the judges of the other of those divisions.

(E) In Mahoning county:

(1) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term began on January 1, 1955, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Mahoning county, shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, and shall be assigned all the divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases coming before the court. In addition to the judge's regular duties, the judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, shall be the administrator of the domestic relations division and its subdivisions and departments and shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the division engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, including any referees considered necessary in the discharge of the various duties of the judge's office.

The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix the duties of the personnel of the division. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases and counseling and conciliation services that may be made available to persons requesting them, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division.

(2) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term began on January 2, 1969, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Mahoning county, shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, and shall be the juvenile judge as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, with the powers and jurisdictions conferred by those chapters. In addition to the judge's regular duties, the judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, shall be the administrator of the juvenile division and its subdivisions and departments and shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the division engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating juvenile cases, including any referees considered necessary by the judge in the discharge of the judge's various duties.

The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacation of the personnel of the division and shall fix the duties of the personnel of the division. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, include the handling, servicing, and investigation of juvenile cases and counseling and conciliation services that may be made available to persons requesting them, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division.

(3) If a judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations or juvenile division, is sick, absent, or unable to perform that judge's judicial duties, or the volume of cases pending in that judge's division necessitates it, that judge's duties shall be performed by another judge of the court of common pleas.

(F) In Montgomery county:

(1) The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 2, 1953, and January 4, 1977, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Montgomery county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. These judges shall have assigned to them all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases.

The judge of the division of domestic relations, senior in point of service, shall be charged exclusively with the assignment and division of the work of the division and shall have charge of the employment and supervision of the personnel of the division engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, including any necessary referees, except those employees who may be appointed by the judge, junior in point of service, under this section and sections 2301.12, 2301.18, and 2301.19 of the Revised Code. The judge of the division of domestic relations, senior in point of service, also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacation of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties.

(2) The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 1, 1953, and January 1, 1993, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Montgomery county, shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, and shall be, and have the powers and jurisdiction of, the juvenile judge as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code.

In addition to the judge's regular duties, the judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, senior in point of service, shall be the administrator of the juvenile division and its subdivisions and departments and shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the juvenile division, including any necessary referees, who are engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating juvenile cases. The judge, senior in point of service, also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacation of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of juvenile cases and of any counseling and conciliation services that are available upon request to persons, whether or not they are parties to an action pending in the division.

If one of the judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, or one of the judges of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, is sick, absent, or unable to perform that judge's duties or the volume of cases pending in that judge's division necessitates it, the duties of that judge may be performed by the judge or judges of the other of those divisions.

(G) In Richland county:

(1) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 1, 1957, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Richland county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. That judge shall be assigned and hear all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all domestic violence cases arising under section 3113.31 of the Revised Code, and all post-decree proceedings arising from any case pertaining to any of those matters. The division of domestic relations has concurrent jurisdiction with the juvenile division of the court of common pleas of Richland county to determine the care, custody, or control of any child not a ward of another court of this state, and to hear and determine a request for an order for the support of any child if the request is not ancillary to an action for divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment, or legal separation, a criminal or civil action involving an allegation of domestic violence, or an action for support brought under Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code. Except in cases that are subject to the exclusive original jurisdiction of the juvenile court, the judge of the division of domestic relations shall be assigned and hear all cases pertaining to paternity or parentage, the care, custody, or control of children, parenting time or visitation, child support, or the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children, all proceedings arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all proceedings arising under the uniform interstate family support act contained in Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code, and all post-decree proceedings arising from any case pertaining to any of those matters.

In addition to the judge's regular duties, the judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, shall be the administrator of the domestic relations division and its subdivisions and departments. The judge shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the domestic relations division, including any magistrates the judge considers necessary for the discharge of the judge's duties. The judge shall also designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, vacation, and other employment-related matters of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties.

(2) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 3, 2005, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Richland county, shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, and shall be, and have the powers and jurisdiction of, the juvenile judge as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code. Except in cases that are subject to the exclusive original jurisdiction of the juvenile court, the judge of the juvenile division shall not have jurisdiction or the power to hear, and shall not be assigned, any case pertaining to paternity or parentage, the care, custody, or control of children, parenting time or visitation, child support, or the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children or any post-decree proceeding arising from any case pertaining to any of those matters. The judge of the juvenile division shall not have jurisdiction or the power to hear, and shall not be assigned, any proceeding under the uniform interstate family support act contained in Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code.

In addition to the judge's regular duties, the judge of the juvenile division shall be the administrator of the juvenile division and its subdivisions and departments. The judge shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the juvenile division who are engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating juvenile cases, including any magistrates whom the judge considers necessary for the discharge of the judge's various duties.

The judge of the juvenile division also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacation of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, include the handling, servicing, and investigation of juvenile cases and providing any counseling, conciliation, and mediation services that the court makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the court, who request the services.

(H) In Stark county, the judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 1, 1953, January 2, 1959, and January 1, 1993, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Stark county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. They shall have all the powers relating to juvenile courts, and all cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, all parentage proceedings over which the juvenile court has jurisdiction, and all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, except cases that are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas for some special reason, shall be assigned to the judges.

The judge of the division of domestic relations, second most senior in point of service, shall have charge of the employment and supervision of the personnel of the division engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, and necessary referees required for the judge's respective court.

The judge of the division of domestic relations, senior in point of service, shall be charged exclusively with the administration of sections 2151.13, 2151.16, 2151.17, and 2152.71 of the Revised Code and with the assignment and division of the work of the division and the employment and supervision of all other personnel of the division, including, but not limited to, that judge's necessary referees, but excepting those employees who may be appointed by the judge second most senior in point of service. The senior judge further shall serve in every other position in which the statutes permit or require a juvenile judge to serve.

(I) In Summit county:

(1) The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 4, 1967, and January 6, 1993, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Summit county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judges of the division of domestic relations shall have assigned to them and hear all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases that come before the court. Except in cases that are subject to the exclusive original jurisdiction of the juvenile court, the judges of the division of domestic relations shall have assigned to them and hear all cases pertaining to paternity, custody, visitation, child support, or the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and all post-decree proceedings arising from any case pertaining to any of those matters. The judges of the division of domestic relations shall have assigned to them and hear all proceedings under the uniform interstate family support act contained in Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code.

The judge of the division of domestic relations, senior in point of service, shall be the administrator of the domestic relations division and its subdivisions and departments and shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the division, including any necessary referees, who are engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases. That judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases and of any counseling and conciliation services that are available upon request to all persons, whether or not they are parties to an action pending in the division.

(2) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 1, 1955, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Summit county, shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, and shall be, and have the powers and jurisdiction of, the juvenile judge as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code. Except in cases that are subject to the exclusive original jurisdiction of the juvenile court, the judge of the juvenile division shall not have jurisdiction or the power to hear, and shall not be assigned, any case pertaining to paternity, custody, visitation, child support, or the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children or any post-decree proceeding arising from any case pertaining to any of those matters. The judge of the juvenile division shall not have jurisdiction or the power to hear, and shall not be assigned, any proceeding under the uniform interstate family support act contained in Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code.

The juvenile judge shall be the administrator of the juvenile division and its subdivisions and departments and shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the juvenile division, including any necessary referees, who are engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating juvenile cases. The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacation of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of juvenile cases and of any counseling and conciliation services that are available upon request to persons, whether or not they are parties to an action pending in the division.

(J) In Trumbull county, the judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 1, 1953, and January 2, 1977, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Trumbull county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. They shall have all the powers relating to juvenile courts, and all cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, all parentage proceedings over which the juvenile court has jurisdiction, and all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases shall be assigned to them, except cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas.

(K) In Butler county:

(1) The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 1, 1957, and January 4, 1993, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Butler county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judges of the division of domestic relations shall have assigned to them all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases coming before the court, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas. The judges of the division of domestic relations also have concurrent jurisdiction with judges of the juvenile division of the court of common pleas of Butler county with respect to and may hear cases to determine the custody, support, or custody and support of a child who is born of issue of a marriage and who is not the ward of another court of this state, cases commenced by a party of the marriage to obtain an order requiring support of any child when the request for that order is not ancillary to an action for divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment, or legal separation, a criminal or civil action involving an allegation of domestic violence, an action for support under Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code, or an action that is within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the juvenile division of the court of common pleas of Butler county and that involves an allegation that the child is an abused, neglected, or dependent child, and post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those types of cases. The judge senior in point of service shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of all other personnel of the domestic relations division.

The judge senior in point of service also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(2) The judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 3, 1987, and January 2, 2003, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Butler county, shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, and shall be the juvenile judges as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, with the powers and jurisdictions conferred by those chapters. Except in cases that are subject to the exclusive original jurisdiction of the juvenile court, the judges of the juvenile division shall not have jurisdiction or the power to hear and shall not be assigned, but shall have the limited ability and authority to certify, any case commenced by a party of a marriage to determine the custody, support, or custody and support of a child who is born of issue of the marriage and who is not the ward of another court of this state when the request for the order in the case is not ancillary to an action for divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment, or legal separation. The judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, who is senior in point of service, shall be the administrator of the juvenile division and its subdivisions and departments. The judge, senior in point of service, shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the juvenile division who are engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating juvenile cases, including any referees whom the judge considers necessary for the discharge of the judge's various duties.

The judge, senior in point of service, also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacation of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, include the handling, servicing, and investigation of juvenile cases and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(3) If a judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations or juvenile division, is sick, absent, or unable to perform that judge's judicial duties or the volume of cases pending in the judge's division necessitates it, the duties of that judge shall be performed by the other judges of the domestic relations and juvenile divisions.

(L)(1) In Cuyahoga county, the judges of the court of common pleas whose terms begin on January 8, 1961, January 9, 1961, January 18, 1975, January 19, 1975, and January 13, 1987, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Cuyahoga county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. They shall have all the powers relating to all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, except in cases that are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas for some special reason.

(2) The administrative judge is administrator of the domestic relations division and its subdivisions and departments and has the following powers concerning division personnel:

(a) Full charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision;

(b) Sole determination of compensation, duties, expenses, allowances, hours, leaves, and vacations.

(3) "Division personnel" include persons employed or referees engaged in hearing, servicing, investigating, counseling, or conciliating divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation and annulment matters.

(M) In Lake county:

(1) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 2, 1961, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Lake county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all the divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases coming before the court, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas. The judge shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of all other personnel of the domestic relations division.

The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(2) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 4, 1979, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Lake county, shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, and shall be the juvenile judge as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, with the powers and jurisdictions conferred by those chapters. The judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, shall be the administrator of the juvenile division and its subdivisions and departments. The judge shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the juvenile division who are engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating juvenile cases, including any referees whom the judge considers necessary for the discharge of the judge's various duties.

The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacation of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, include the handling, servicing, and investigation of juvenile cases and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(3) If a judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations or juvenile division, is sick, absent, or unable to perform that judge's judicial duties or the volume of cases pending in the judge's division necessitates it, the duties of that judge shall be performed by the other judges of the domestic relations and juvenile divisions.

(N) In Erie county:

(1) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 2, 1971, and the successors to that judge whose terms begin before January 2, 2007, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judge of the court of common pleas of Erie county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall have all the powers relating to juvenile courts, and shall be assigned all cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, parentage proceedings over which the juvenile court has jurisdiction, and divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, except cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge.

On or after January 2, 2007, the judge of the court of common pleas who is elected in 2006 shall be the successor to the judge of the domestic relations division whose term expires on January 1, 2007, shall be designated as judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, and shall be the juvenile judge as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code with the powers and jurisdictions conferred by those chapters.

(2) The judge of the court of common pleas, general division, whose term begins on January 1, 2005, and successors, the judge of the court of common pleas, general division whose term begins on January 2, 2005, and successors, and the judge of the court of common pleas, general division, whose term begins February 9, 2009, and successors, shall have assigned to them, in addition to all matters that are within the jurisdiction of the general division of the court of common pleas, all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases coming before the court, and all matters that are within the jurisdiction of the probate court under Chapter 2101., and other provisions, of the Revised Code.

(O) In Greene county:

(1) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 1, 1961, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Greene county and shall be elected and designated as the judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, annulment, uniform reciprocal support enforcement, and domestic violence cases and all other cases related to domestic relations, except cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas.

The judge shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of all other personnel of the division. The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel of the division, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases and the provision of counseling and conciliation services that the division considers necessary and makes available to persons who request the services, whether or not the persons are parties in an action pending in the division. The compensation for the personnel shall be paid from the overall court budget and shall be included in the appropriations for the existing judges of the general division of the court of common pleas.

(2) The judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 1, 1995, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Greene county, shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, and, on or after January 1, 1995, shall be the juvenile judge as provided in Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code with the powers and jurisdiction conferred by those chapters. The judge of the court of common pleas, juvenile division, shall be the administrator of the juvenile division and its subdivisions and departments. The judge shall have charge of the employment, assignment, and supervision of the personnel of the juvenile division who are engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating juvenile cases, including any referees whom the judge considers necessary for the discharge of the judge's various duties.

The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacation of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, include the handling, servicing, and investigation of juvenile cases and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the court makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the court, who request the services.

(3) If one of the judges of the court of common pleas, general division, is sick, absent, or unable to perform that judge's judicial duties or the volume of cases pending in the general division necessitates it, the duties of that judge of the general division shall be performed by the judge of the division of domestic relations and the judge of the juvenile division.

(P) In Portage county, the judge of the court of common pleas, whose term begins January 2, 1987, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Portage county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases coming before the court, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas. The judge shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of all other personnel of the domestic relations division.

The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(Q) In Clermont county, the judge of the court of common pleas, whose term begins January 2, 1987, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Clermont county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases coming before the court, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas. The judge shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of all other personnel of the domestic relations division.

The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(R) In Warren county, the judge of the court of common pleas, whose term begins January 1, 1987, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Warren county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases coming before the court, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas. The judge shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of all other personnel of the domestic relations division.

The judge also shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix their duties. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(S) In Licking county, the judges of the court of common pleas, whose terms begin on January 1, 1991, and January 1, 2005, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Licking county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judges shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to another judge of the court of common pleas. The administrative judge of the division of domestic relations shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of the personnel of the division.

The administrative judge of the division of domestic relations shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix the duties of the personnel of the division. The duties of the personnel of the division, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, and proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(T) In Allen county, the judge of the court of common pleas, whose term begins January 1, 1993, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Allen county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to another judge of the court of common pleas. The judge shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of the personnel of the division.

The judge shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix the duties of the personnel of the division. The duties of the personnel of the division, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, and proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(U) In Medina county, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins January 1, 1995, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Medina county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to another judge of the court of common pleas. The judge shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of the personnel of the division.

The judge shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix the duties of the personnel of the division. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, and proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and providing counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(V) In Fairfield county, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins January 2, 1995, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Fairfield county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to another judge of the court of common pleas. The judge also has concurrent jurisdiction with the probate-juvenile division of the court of common pleas of Fairfield county with respect to and may hear cases to determine the custody of a child, as defined in section 2151.011 of the Revised Code, who is not the ward of another court of this state, cases that are commenced by a parent, guardian, or custodian of a child, as defined in section 2151.011 of the Revised Code, to obtain an order requiring a parent of the child to pay child support for that child when the request for that order is not ancillary to an action for divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment, or legal separation, a criminal or civil action involving an allegation of domestic violence, an action for support under Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code, or an action that is within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the probate-juvenile division of the court of common pleas of Fairfield county and that involves an allegation that the child is an abused, neglected, or dependent child, and post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those types of cases.

The judge of the domestic relations division shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of the personnel of the division.

The judge shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix the duties of the personnel of the division. The duties of the personnel of the division, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, and proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, regardless of whether the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services. When the judge hears a case to determine the custody of a child, as defined in section 2151.011 of the Revised Code, who is not the ward of another court of this state or a case that is commenced by a parent, guardian, or custodian of a child, as defined in section 2151.011 of the Revised Code, to obtain an order requiring a parent of the child to pay child support for that child when the request for that order is not ancillary to an action for divorce, dissolution of marriage, annulment, or legal separation, a criminal or civil action involving an allegation of domestic violence, an action for support under Chapter 3115. of the Revised Code, or an action that is within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the probate-juvenile division of the court of common pleas of Fairfield county and that involves an allegation that the child is an abused, neglected, or dependent child, the duties of the personnel of the domestic relations division also include the handling, servicing, and investigation of those types of cases.

(W)(1) In Clark county, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 2, 1995, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Clark county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, domestic relations division. The judge shall have all the powers relating to juvenile courts, and all cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code and all parentage proceedings under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code over which the juvenile court has jurisdiction shall be assigned to the judge of the division of domestic relations. All divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, annulment, uniform reciprocal support enforcement, and other cases related to domestic relations shall be assigned to the domestic relations division, and the presiding judge of the court of common pleas shall assign the cases to the judge of the domestic relations division and the judges of the general division.

(2) In addition to the judge's regular duties, the judge of the division of domestic relations shall serve on the children services board and the county advisory board.

(3) If the judge of the court of common pleas of Clark county, division of domestic relations, is sick, absent, or unable to perform that judge's judicial duties or if the presiding judge of the court of common pleas of Clark county determines that the volume of cases pending in the division of domestic relations necessitates it, the duties of the judge of the division of domestic relations shall be performed by the judges of the general division or probate division of the court of common pleas of Clark county, as assigned for that purpose by the presiding judge of that court, and the judges so assigned shall act in conjunction with the judge of the division of domestic relations of that court.

(X) In Scioto county, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins January 2, 1995, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as other judges of the court of common pleas of Scioto county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to another judge of the court of common pleas. The judge shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of the personnel of the division.

The judge shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix the duties of the personnel of the division. The duties of the personnel, in addition to other statutory duties, include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, and proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and providing counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(Y) In Auglaize county, the judge of the probate and juvenile divisions of the Auglaize county court of common pleas also shall be the administrative judge of the domestic relations division of the court and shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases coming before the court. The judge shall have all powers as administrator of the domestic relations division and shall have charge of the personnel engaged in handling, servicing, or investigating divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, including any referees considered necessary for the discharge of the judge's various duties.

(Z)(1) In Marion county, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on February 9, 1999, and the successors to that judge, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Marion county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, domestic relations-juvenile-probate division. Except as otherwise specified in this division, that judge, and the successors to that judge, shall have all the powers relating to juvenile courts, and all cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, all cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings shall be assigned to that judge and the successors to that judge. Except as provided in division (Z)(2) of this section and notwithstanding any other provision of any section of the Revised Code, on and after February 9, 2003, the judge of the court of common pleas of Marion county whose term begins on February 9, 1999, and the successors to that judge, shall have all the powers relating to the probate division of the court of common pleas of Marion county in addition to the powers previously specified in this division, and shall exercise concurrent jurisdiction with the judge of the probate division of that court over all matters that are within the jurisdiction of the probate division of that court under Chapter 2101., and other provisions, of the Revised Code in addition to the jurisdiction of the domestic relations-juvenile-probate division of that court otherwise specified in division (Z)(1) of this section.

(2) The judge of the domestic relations-juvenile-probate division of the court of common pleas of Marion county or the judge of the probate division of the court of common pleas of Marion county, whichever of those judges is senior in total length of service on the court of common pleas of Marion county, regardless of the division or divisions of service, shall serve as the clerk of the probate division of the court of common pleas of Marion county.

(3) On and after February 9, 2003, all references in law to "the probate court," "the probate judge," "the juvenile court," or "the judge of the juvenile court" shall be construed, with respect to Marion county, as being references to both "the probate division" and "the domestic relations-juvenile-probate division" and as being references to both "the judge of the probate division" and "the judge of the domestic relations- juvenile-probate division." On and after February 9, 2003, all references in law to "the clerk of the probate court" shall be construed, with respect to Marion county, as being references to the judge who is serving pursuant to division (Z)(2) of this section as the clerk of the probate division of the court of common pleas of Marion county.

(AA) In Muskingum county, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 2, 2003, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Muskingum county and shall be elected and designated as the judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall be assigned all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to another judge of the court of common pleas. The judge shall be charged with the assignment and division of the work of the division and with the employment and supervision of the personnel of the division.

The judge shall designate the title, compensation, expense allowances, hours, leaves of absence, and vacations of the personnel of the division and shall fix the duties of the personnel of the division. The duties of the personnel of the division, in addition to other statutory duties, shall include the handling, servicing, and investigation of divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, and proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation and providing any counseling and conciliation services that the division makes available to persons, whether or not the persons are parties to an action pending in the division, who request the services.

(BB) In Henry county, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins on January 1, 2005, and successors, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judge of the court of common pleas of Henry county and shall be elected and designated as the judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations. The judge shall have all of the powers relating to juvenile courts, and all cases under Chapter 2151. or 2152. of the Revised Code, all parentage proceedings arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code over which the juvenile court has jurisdiction, all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings shall be assigned to that judge, except in cases that for some special reason are assigned to the other judge of the court of common pleas.

(CC)(1) In Logan county, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins January 2, 2005, and the successors to that judge, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Logan county and shall be elected and designated as judge of the court of common pleas, domestic relations-juvenile-probate division. Except as otherwise specified in this division, that judge, and the successors to that judge, shall have all the powers relating to juvenile courts, and all cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, all cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings shall be assigned to that judge and the successors to that judge. Notwithstanding any other provision of any section of the Revised Code, on and after January 2, 2005, the judge of the court of common pleas of Logan county whose term begins on January 2, 2005, and the successors to that judge, shall have all the powers relating to the probate division of the court of common pleas of Logan county in addition to the powers previously specified in this division and shall exercise concurrent jurisdiction with the judge of the probate division of that court over all matters that are within the jurisdiction of the probate division of that court under Chapter 2101., and other provisions, of the Revised Code in addition to the jurisdiction of the domestic relations-juvenile-probate division of that court otherwise specified in division (CC)(1) of this section.

(2) The judge of the domestic relations-juvenile-probate division of the court of common pleas of Logan county or the probate judge of the court of common pleas of Logan county who is elected as the administrative judge of the probate division of the court of common pleas of Logan county pursuant to Rule 4 of the Rules of Superintendence shall be the clerk of the probate division and juvenile division of the court of common pleas of Logan county. The clerk of the court of common pleas who is elected pursuant to section 2303.01 of the Revised Code shall keep all of the journals, records, books, papers, and files pertaining to the domestic relations cases.

(3) On and after January 2, 2005, all references in law to "the probate court," "the probate judge," "the juvenile court," or "the judge of the juvenile court" shall be construed, with respect to Logan county, as being references to both "the probate division" and the "domestic relations-juvenile-probate division" and as being references to both "the judge of the probate division" and the "judge of the domestic relations-juvenile-probate division." On and after January 2, 2005, all references in law to "the clerk of the probate court" shall be construed, with respect to Logan county, as being references to the judge who is serving pursuant to division (CC)(2) of this section as the clerk of the probate division of the court of common pleas of Logan county.

(DD)(1) In Champaign county, the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins February 9, 2003, and the judge of the court of common pleas whose term begins February 10, 2009, and the successors to those judges, shall have the same qualifications, exercise the same powers and jurisdiction, and receive the same compensation as the other judges of the court of common pleas of Champaign county and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, domestic relations-juvenile-probate division. Except as otherwise specified in this division, those judges, and the successors to those judges, shall have all the powers relating to juvenile courts, and all cases under Chapters 2151. and 2152. of the Revised Code, all cases arising under Chapter 3111. of the Revised Code, all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, all proceedings involving child support, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children and the designation for the children of a place of residence and legal custodian, parenting time, and visitation, and all post-decree proceedings and matters arising from those cases and proceedings shall be assigned to those judges and the successors to those judges. Notwithstanding any other provision of any section of the Revised Code, on and after February 9, 2009, the judges designated by this division as judges of the court of common pleas of Champaign county, domestic relations-juvenile-probate division, and the successors to those judges, shall have all the powers relating to probate courts in addition to the powers previously specified in this division and shall exercise jurisdiction over all matters that are within the jurisdiction of probate courts under Chapter 2101., and other provisions, of the Revised Code in addition to the jurisdiction of the domestic relations-juvenile-probate division otherwise specified in division (DD)(1) of this section.

(2) On and after February 9, 2009, all references in law to "the probate court," "the probate judge," "the juvenile court," or "the judge of the juvenile court" shall be construed with respect to Champaign county as being references to the "domestic relations-juvenile-probate division" and as being references to the "judge of the domestic relations-juvenile-probate division." On and after February 9, 2009, all references in law to "the clerk of the probate court" shall be construed with respect to Champaign county as being references to the judge who is serving pursuant to Rule 4 of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio as the administrative judge of the court of common pleas, domestic relations-juvenile-probate division.

(EE) If a judge of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations, or juvenile judge, of any of the counties mentioned in this section is sick, absent, or unable to perform that judge's judicial duties or the volume of cases pending in the judge's division necessitates it, the duties of that judge shall be performed by another judge of the court of common pleas of that county, assigned for that purpose by the presiding judge of the court of common pleas of that county to act in place of or in conjunction with that judge, as the case may require.

Sec. 2743.191.  (A)(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the reparations fund, which shall be used only for the following purposes:

(a) The payment of awards of reparations that are granted by the attorney general;

(b) The compensation of any personnel needed by the attorney general to administer sections 2743.51 to 2743.72 of the Revised Code;

(c) The compensation of witnesses as provided in division (J) of section 2743.65 of the Revised Code;

(d) Other administrative costs of hearing and determining claims for an award of reparations by the attorney general;

(e) The costs of administering sections 2907.28 and 2969.01 to 2969.06 of the Revised Code;

(f) The costs of investigation and decision-making as certified by the attorney general;

(g) The provision of state financial assistance to victim assistance programs in accordance with sections 109.91 and 109.92 of the Revised Code;

(h) The costs of paying the expenses of sex offense-related examinations and antibiotics pursuant to section 2907.28 of the Revised Code;

(i) The cost of printing and distributing the pamphlet prepared by the attorney general pursuant to section 109.42 of the Revised Code;

(j) Subject to division (D) of section 2743.71 of the Revised Code, the costs associated with the printing and providing of information cards or other printed materials to law enforcement agencies and prosecuting authorities and with publicizing the availability of awards of reparations pursuant to section 2743.71 of the Revised Code;

(k) The payment of costs of administering a DNA specimen collection procedure pursuant to sections 2152.74 and 2901.07 of the Revised Code, of performing DNA analysis of those DNA specimens, and of entering the resulting DNA records regarding those analyses into the DNA database pursuant to section 109.573 of the Revised Code;

(l) The payment of actual costs associated with initiatives by the attorney general for the apprehension, prosecution, and accountability of offenders, and the enhancing of services to crime victims. The amount of payments made pursuant to division (A)(1)(l) of this section during any given fiscal year shall not exceed five per cent of the balance of the reparations fund at the close of the immediately previous fiscal year;

(m) The costs of administering the adult parole authority's supervision pursuant to division (E) of section 2971.05 of the Revised Code of sexually violent predators who are sentenced to a prison term pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 2971.03 of the Revised Code and of offenders who are sentenced to a prison term pursuant to division (B)(1)(a), (b), or (c), (B)(2)(a), (b), or (c), or (B)(3)(a), (b), (c), or (d) of that section;

(n) The Subject to the limit set forth in those sections, the costs of the installation and monitoring of an electronic monitoring device used in the monitoring of a respondent pursuant to an electronic monitoring order issued by a court under division (E)(1)(b) of section 2151.34 or division (E)(1)(b) of section 2903.214 of the Revised Code if the court determines that the respondent is indigent or used in the monitoring of an offender pursuant to an electronic monitoring order issued under division (B)(5) of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code if the court determines that the offender is indigent.

(2) All costs paid pursuant to section 2743.70 of the Revised Code, the portions of license reinstatement fees mandated by division (F)(2)(b) of section 4511.191 of the Revised Code to be credited to the fund, the portions of the proceeds of the sale of a forfeited vehicle specified in division (C)(2) of section 4503.234 of the Revised Code, payments collected by the department of rehabilitation and correction from prisoners who voluntarily participate in an approved work and training program pursuant to division (C)(8)(b)(ii) of section 5145.16 of the Revised Code, and all moneys collected by the state pursuant to its right of subrogation provided in section 2743.72 of the Revised Code shall be deposited in the fund.

(B) In making an award of reparations, the attorney general shall render the award against the state. The award shall be accomplished only through the following procedure, and the following procedure may be enforced by writ of mandamus directed to the appropriate official:

(1) The attorney general shall provide for payment of the claimant or providers in the amount of the award only if the amount of the award is fifty dollars or more.

(2) The expense shall be charged against all available unencumbered moneys in the fund.

(3) If sufficient unencumbered moneys do not exist in the fund, the attorney general shall make application for payment of the award out of the emergency purposes account or any other appropriation for emergencies or contingencies, and payment out of this account or other appropriation shall be authorized if there are sufficient moneys greater than the sum total of then pending emergency purposes account requests or requests for releases from the other appropriations.

(4) If sufficient moneys do not exist in the account or any other appropriation for emergencies or contingencies to pay the award, the attorney general shall request the general assembly to make an appropriation sufficient to pay the award, and no payment shall be made until the appropriation has been made. The attorney general shall make this appropriation request during the current biennium and during each succeeding biennium until a sufficient appropriation is made. If, prior to the time that an appropriation is made by the general assembly pursuant to this division, the fund has sufficient unencumbered funds to pay the award or part of the award, the available funds shall be used to pay the award or part of the award, and the appropriation request shall be amended to request only sufficient funds to pay that part of the award that is unpaid.

(C) The attorney general shall not make payment on a decision or order granting an award until all appeals have been determined and all rights to appeal exhausted, except as otherwise provided in this section. If any party to a claim for an award of reparations appeals from only a portion of an award, and a remaining portion provides for the payment of money by the state, that part of the award calling for the payment of money by the state and not a subject of the appeal shall be processed for payment as described in this section.

(D) The attorney general shall prepare itemized bills for the costs of printing and distributing the pamphlet the attorney general prepares pursuant to section 109.42 of the Revised Code. The itemized bills shall set forth the name and address of the persons owed the amounts set forth in them.

(E) As used in this section, "DNA analysis" and "DNA specimen" have the same meanings as in section 109.573 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 2903.214.  (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Court" means the court of common pleas of the county in which the person to be protected by the protection order resides.

(2) "Victim advocate" means a person who provides support and assistance for a person who files a petition under this section.

(3) "Family or household member" has the same meaning as in section 3113.31 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Protection order issued by a court of another state" has the same meaning as in section 2919.27 of the Revised Code.

(5) "Sexually oriented offense" has the same meaning as in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code.

(6) "Electronic monitoring" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) The court has jurisdiction over all proceedings under this section.

(C) A person may seek relief under this section for the person, or any parent or adult household member may seek relief under this section on behalf of any other family or household member, by filing a petition with the court. The petition shall contain or state all of the following:

(1) An allegation that the respondent is eighteen years of age or older and engaged in a violation of section 2903.211 of the Revised Code against the person to be protected by the protection order or committed a sexually oriented offense against the person to be protected by the protection order, including a description of the nature and extent of the violation;

(2) If the petitioner seeks relief in the form of electronic monitoring of the respondent, an allegation that at any time preceding the filing of the petition the respondent engaged in conduct that would cause a reasonable person to believe that the health, welfare, or safety of the person to be protected was at risk, a description of the nature and extent of that conduct, and an allegation that the respondent presents a continuing danger to the person to be protected;

(3) A request for relief under this section.

(D)(1) If a person who files a petition pursuant to this section requests an ex parte order, the court shall hold an ex parte hearing as soon as possible after the petition is filed, but not later than the next day that the court is in session after the petition is filed. The court, for good cause shown at the ex parte hearing, may enter any temporary orders, with or without bond, that the court finds necessary for the safety and protection of the person to be protected by the order. Immediate and present danger to the person to be protected by the protection order constitutes good cause for purposes of this section. Immediate and present danger includes, but is not limited to, situations in which the respondent has threatened the person to be protected by the protection order with bodily harm or in which the respondent previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of section 2903.211 of the Revised Code or a sexually oriented offense against the person to be protected by the protection order.

(2)(a) If the court, after an ex parte hearing, issues a protection order described in division (E) of this section, the court shall schedule a full hearing for a date that is within ten court days after the ex parte hearing. The court shall give the respondent notice of, and an opportunity to be heard at, the full hearing. The court shall hold the full hearing on the date scheduled under this division unless the court grants a continuance of the hearing in accordance with this division. Under any of the following circumstances or for any of the following reasons, the court may grant a continuance of the full hearing to a reasonable time determined by the court:

(i) Prior to the date scheduled for the full hearing under this division, the respondent has not been served with the petition filed pursuant to this section and notice of the full hearing.

(ii) The parties consent to the continuance.

(iii) The continuance is needed to allow a party to obtain counsel.

(iv) The continuance is needed for other good cause.

(b) An ex parte order issued under this section does not expire because of a failure to serve notice of the full hearing upon the respondent before the date set for the full hearing under division (D)(2)(a) of this section or because the court grants a continuance under that division.

(3) If a person who files a petition pursuant to this section does not request an ex parte order, or if a person requests an ex parte order but the court does not issue an ex parte order after an ex parte hearing, the court shall proceed as in a normal civil action and grant a full hearing on the matter.

(E)(1)(a) After an ex parte or full hearing, the court may issue any protection order, with or without bond, that contains terms designed to ensure the safety and protection of the person to be protected by the protection order, including, but not limited to, a requirement that the respondent refrain from entering the residence, school, business, or place of employment of the petitioner or family or household member. If the court includes a requirement that the respondent refrain from entering the residence, school, business, or place of employment of the petitioner or family or household member in the order, it also shall include in the order provisions of the type described in division (E)(5) of this section.

(b) After a full hearing, if the court considering a petition that includes an allegation of the type described in division (C)(2) of this section, or the court upon its own motion, finds upon clear and convincing evidence that the petitioner reasonably believed that the respondent's conduct at any time preceding the filing of the petition endangered the health, welfare, or safety of the person to be protected and that the respondent presents a continuing danger to the person to be protected, the court may order that the respondent be electronically monitored for a period of time and under the terms and conditions that the court determines are appropriate. Electronic monitoring shall be in addition to any other relief granted to the petitioner.

(2)(a) Any protection order issued pursuant to this section shall be valid until a date certain but not later than five years from the date of its issuance.

(b) Any protection order issued pursuant to this section may be renewed in the same manner as the original order was issued.

(3) A court may not issue a protection order that requires a petitioner to do or to refrain from doing an act that the court may require a respondent to do or to refrain from doing under division (E)(1) of this section unless all of the following apply:

(a) The respondent files a separate petition for a protection order in accordance with this section.

(b) The petitioner is served with notice of the respondent's petition at least forty-eight hours before the court holds a hearing with respect to the respondent's petition, or the petitioner waives the right to receive this notice.

(c) If the petitioner has requested an ex parte order pursuant to division (D) of this section, the court does not delay any hearing required by that division beyond the time specified in that division in order to consolidate the hearing with a hearing on the petition filed by the respondent.

(d) After a full hearing at which the respondent presents evidence in support of the request for a protection order and the petitioner is afforded an opportunity to defend against that evidence, the court determines that the petitioner has committed a violation of section 2903.211 of the Revised Code against the person to be protected by the protection order issued pursuant to division (E)(3) of this section, has committed a sexually oriented offense against the person to be protected by the protection order issued pursuant to division (E)(3) of this section, or has violated a protection order issued pursuant to section 2903.213 of the Revised Code relative to the person to be protected by the protection order issued pursuant to division (E)(3) of this section.

(4) No protection order issued pursuant to this section shall in any manner affect title to any real property.

(5)(a) If the court issues a protection order under this section that includes a requirement that the alleged offender refrain from entering the residence, school, business, or place of employment of the petitioner or a family or household member, the order shall clearly state that the order cannot be waived or nullified by an invitation to the alleged offender from the complainant to enter the residence, school, business, or place of employment or by the alleged offender's entry into one of those places otherwise upon the consent of the petitioner or family or household member.

(b) Division (E)(5)(a) of this section does not limit any discretion of a court to determine that an alleged offender charged with a violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code, with a violation of a municipal ordinance substantially equivalent to that section, or with contempt of court, which charge is based on an alleged violation of a protection order issued under this section, did not commit the violation or was not in contempt of court.

(F)(1) The court shall cause the delivery of a copy of any protection order that is issued under this section to the petitioner, to the respondent, and to all law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction to enforce the order. The court shall direct that a copy of the order be delivered to the respondent on the same day that the order is entered.

(2) Upon the issuance of a protection order under this section, the court shall provide the parties to the order with the following notice orally or by form:


As a result of this order, it may be unlawful for you to possess or purchase a firearm, including a rifle, pistol, or revolver, or ammunition pursuant to federal law under 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(8). If you have any questions whether this law makes it illegal for you to possess or purchase a firearm or ammunition, you should consult an attorney."

(3) All law enforcement agencies shall establish and maintain an index for the protection orders delivered to the agencies pursuant to division (F)(1) of this section. With respect to each order delivered, each agency shall note on the index the date and time that it received the order.

(4) Regardless of whether the petitioner has registered the protection order in the county in which the officer's agency has jurisdiction pursuant to division (M) of this section, any officer of a law enforcement agency shall enforce a protection order issued pursuant to this section by any court in this state in accordance with the provisions of the order, including removing the respondent from the premises, if appropriate.

(G) Any proceeding under this section shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure, except that a protection order may be obtained under this section with or without bond. An order issued under this section, other than an ex parte order, that grants a protection order, or that refuses to grant a protection order, is a final, appealable order. The remedies and procedures provided in this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other available civil or criminal remedies.

(H) The filing of proceedings under this section does not excuse a person from filing any report or giving any notice required by section 2151.421 of the Revised Code or by any other law.

(I) Any law enforcement agency that investigates an alleged violation of section 2903.211 of the Revised Code or an alleged commission of a sexually oriented offense shall provide information to the victim and the family or household members of the victim regarding the relief available under this section and section 2903.213 of the Revised Code.

(J) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary and regardless of whether a protection order is issued or a consent agreement is approved by a court of another county or by a court of another state, no court or unit of state or local government shall charge any fee, cost, deposit, or money in connection with the filing of a petition pursuant to this section, in connection with the filing, issuance, registration, or service of a protection order or consent agreement, or for obtaining a certified copy of a protection order or consent agreement.

(K)(1) A person who violates a protection order issued under this section is subject to the following sanctions:

(a) Criminal prosecution for a violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code, if the violation of the protection order constitutes a violation of that section;

(b) Punishment for contempt of court.

(2) The punishment of a person for contempt of court for violation of a protection order issued under this section does not bar criminal prosecution of the person for a violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code. However, a person punished for contempt of court is entitled to credit for the punishment imposed upon conviction of a violation of that section, and a person convicted of a violation of that section shall not subsequently be punished for contempt of court arising out of the same activity.

(L) In all stages of a proceeding under this section, a petitioner may be accompanied by a victim advocate.

(M)(1) A petitioner who obtains a protection order under this section or a protection order under section 2903.213 of the Revised Code may provide notice of the issuance or approval of the order to the judicial and law enforcement officials in any county other than the county in which the order is issued by registering that order in the other county pursuant to division (M)(2) of this section and filing a copy of the registered order with a law enforcement agency in the other county in accordance with that division. A person who obtains a protection order issued by a court of another state may provide notice of the issuance of the order to the judicial and law enforcement officials in any county of this state by registering the order in that county pursuant to section 2919.272 of the Revised Code and filing a copy of the registered order with a law enforcement agency in that county.

(2) A petitioner may register a protection order issued pursuant to this section or section 2903.213 of the Revised Code in a county other than the county in which the court that issued the order is located in the following manner:

(a) The petitioner shall obtain a certified copy of the order from the clerk of the court that issued the order and present that certified copy to the clerk of the court of common pleas or the clerk of a municipal court or county court in the county in which the order is to be registered.

(b) Upon accepting the certified copy of the order for registration, the clerk of the court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court shall place an endorsement of registration on the order and give the petitioner a copy of the order that bears that proof of registration.

(3) The clerk of each court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court shall maintain a registry of certified copies of protection orders that have been issued by courts in other counties pursuant to this section or section 2903.213 of the Revised Code and that have been registered with the clerk.

(N)(1) If the court orders electronic monitoring of the respondent under this section, the court shall direct the sheriff's office or any other appropriate law enforcement agency to install the electronic monitoring device and to monitor the respondent. Unless the court determines that the respondent is indigent, the court shall order the respondent to pay the cost of the installation and monitoring of the electronic monitoring device. If the court determines that the respondent is indigent and subject to the maximum amount allowable to be paid in any year from the fund and the rules promulgated by the attorney general under division (N)(2) of this section, the cost of the installation and monitoring of the electronic monitoring device may be paid out of funds from the reparations fund created pursuant to section 2743.191 of the Revised Code. The total amount of costs for the installation and monitoring of electronic monitoring devices paid pursuant to this division and sections 2151.34 and 2919.27 of the Revised Code from the reparations fund shall not exceed three hundred thousand dollars per year. The

(2) The attorney general may promulgate rules pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code to govern payments made from the reparations fund pursuant to this division and sections 2151.34 and 2919.27 of the Revised Code. The rules may include reasonable limits on the total cost paid pursuant to this division and sections 2151.34 and 2919.27 of the Revised Code per respondent, the amount of the three hundred thousand dollars allocated to each county, and how invoices may be submitted by a county, court, or other entity.

Sec. 2913.04.  (A) No person shall knowingly use or operate the property of another without the consent of the owner or person authorized to give consent.

(B) No person, in any manner and by any means, including, but not limited to, computer hacking, shall knowingly gain access to, attempt to gain access to, or cause access to be gained to any computer, computer system, computer network, cable service, cable system, telecommunications device, telecommunications service, or information service without the consent of, or beyond the scope of the express or implied consent of, the owner of the computer, computer system, computer network, cable service, cable system, telecommunications device, telecommunications service, or information service or other person authorized to give consent.

(C) No person shall knowingly gain access to, attempt to gain access to, cause access to be granted to, or disseminate information gained from access to the law enforcement automated database system created pursuant to section 5503.10 of the Revised Code without the consent of, or beyond the scope of the express or implied consent of, the chair of the law enforcement automated data system steering committee.

(D) No person shall knowingly gain access to, attempt to gain access to, cause access to be granted to, or disseminate information gained from access to the Ohio law enforcement gateway established and operated pursuant to division (C)(1) of section 109.57 of the Revised Code without the consent of, or beyond the scope of the express or implied consent of, the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation.

(E) The affirmative defenses contained in division (C) of section 2913.03 of the Revised Code are affirmative defenses to a charge under this section.

(E)(F)(1) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of unauthorized use of property.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (E)(F)(3) or (4) of this section, unauthorized use of property is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.

(3) Except as otherwise provided in division (E)(F)(4) of this section, if unauthorized use of property is committed for the purpose of devising or executing a scheme to defraud or to obtain property or services, unauthorized use of property is whichever of the following is applicable:

(a) Except as otherwise provided in division (E)(F)(3)(b), (c), or (d) of this section, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(b) If the value of the property or services or the loss to the victim is five hundred dollars or more and is less than five thousand dollars, a felony of the fifth degree.

(c) If the value of the property or services or the loss to the victim is five thousand dollars or more and is less than one hundred thousand dollars, a felony of the fourth degree.

(d) If the value of the property or services or the loss to the victim is one hundred thousand dollars or more, a felony of the third degree.

(4) If the victim of the offense is an elderly person or disabled adult, unauthorized use of property is whichever of the following is applicable:

(a) Except as otherwise provided in division (E)(F)(4)(b), (c), or (d) of this section, a felony of the fifth degree;

(b) If the value of the property or services or loss to the victim is five hundred dollars or more and is less than five thousand dollars, a felony of the fourth degree;

(c) If the value of the property or services or loss to the victim is five thousand dollars or more and is less than twenty-five thousand dollars, a felony of the third degree;

(d) If the value of the property or services or loss to the victim is twenty-five thousand dollars or more, a felony of the second degree.

(F)(G)(1) Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty of unauthorized use of computer, cable, or telecommunication property, and shall be punished as provided in division (F)(G)(2), (3), or (4) of this section.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (F)(G)(3) or (4) of this section, unauthorized use of computer, cable, or telecommunication property is a felony of the fifth degree.

(3) Except as otherwise provided in division (F)(G)(4) of this section, if unauthorized use of computer, cable, or telecommunication property is committed for the purpose of devising or executing a scheme to defraud or to obtain property or services, for obtaining money, property, or services by false or fraudulent pretenses, or for committing any other criminal offense, unauthorized use of computer, cable, or telecommunication property is whichever of the following is applicable:

(a) Except as otherwise provided in division (F)(G)(3)(b) of this section, if the value of the property or services involved or the loss to the victim is five thousand dollars or more and less than one hundred thousand dollars, a felony of the fourth degree;

(b) If the value of the property or services involved or the loss to the victim is one hundred thousand dollars or more, a felony of the third degree.

(4) If the victim of the offense is an elderly person or disabled adult, unauthorized use of computer, cable, or telecommunication property is whichever of the following is applicable:

(a) Except as otherwise provided in division (F)(G)(4)(b), (c), or (d) of this section, a felony of the fifth degree;

(b) If the value of the property or services or loss to the victim is five hundred dollars or more and is less than five thousand dollars, a felony of the fourth degree;

(c) If the value of the property or services or loss to the victim is five thousand dollars or more and is less than twenty-five thousand dollars, a felony of the third degree;

(d) If the value of the property or services or loss to the victim is twenty-five thousand dollars or more, a felony of the second degree.

(G)(H) Whoever violates division (C) of this section is guilty of unauthorized use of the law enforcement automated database system, a felony of the fifth degree.

(H)(I) Whoever violates division (D) of this section is guilty of unauthorized use of the Ohio law enforcement gateway, a felony of the fifth degree.

(J) As used in this section:

(1) "Cable operator" means any person or group of persons that does either of the following:

(a) Provides cable service over a cable system and directly or through one or more affiliates owns a significant interest in that cable system;

(b) Otherwise controls or is responsible for, through any arrangement, the management and operation of a cable system.

(2) "Cable service" means any of the following:

(a) The one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming or of information that a cable operator makes available to all subscribers generally;

(b) Subscriber interaction, if any, that is required for the selection or use of video programming or of information that a cable operator makes available to all subscribers generally, both as described in division (H)(J)(2)(a) of this section;

(c) Any cable television service.

(3) "Cable system" means any facility, consisting of a set of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, reception, and control equipment that is designed to provide cable service that includes video programming and that is provided to multiple subscribers within a community. "Cable system" does not include any of the following:

(a) Any facility that serves only to retransmit the television signals of one or more television broadcast stations;

(b) Any facility that serves subscribers without using any public right-of-way;

(c) Any facility of a common carrier that, under 47 U.S.C.A. 522(7)(c), is excluded from the term "cable system" as defined in 47 U.S.C.A. 522(7);

(d) Any open video system that complies with 47 U.S.C.A. 573;

(e) Any facility of any electric utility used solely for operating its electric utility system.

Sec. 2919.25.  (A) No person shall knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to a family or household member.

(B) No person shall recklessly cause serious physical harm to a family or household member.

(C) No person, by threat of force, shall knowingly cause a family or household member to believe that the offender will cause imminent physical harm to the family or household member.

(D)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of domestic violence, and the court shall sentence the offender as provided in divisions (D)(2) to (6) of this section.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (D)(3) to (5) of this section, a violation of division (C) of this section is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, and a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(3) Except as otherwise provided in division (D)(4) of this section, if the offender previously has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of domestic violence, a violation of an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state or the United States that is substantially similar to domestic violence, a violation of section 2903.14, 2909.06, 2909.07, 2911.12, 2911.211, or 2919.22 of the Revised Code if the victim of the violation was a family or household member at the time of the violation, a violation of an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state or the United States that is substantially similar to any of those sections if the victim of the violation was a family or household member at the time of the commission of the violation, or any offense of violence if the victim of the offense was a family or household member at the time of the commission of the offense, a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is a felony of the fourth degree, and, if the offender knew that the victim of the violation was pregnant at the time of the violation, the court shall impose a mandatory prison term on the offender pursuant to division (A)(6) of this section, and a violation of division (C) of this section is a misdemeanor of the second degree.

(4) If the offender previously has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of two or more offenses of domestic violence or two or more violations or offenses of the type described in division (D)(3) of this section involving a person who was a family or household member at the time of the violations or offenses, a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is a felony of the third degree, and, if the offender knew that the victim of the violation was pregnant at the time of the violation, the court shall impose a mandatory prison term on the offender pursuant to division (A)(6) of this section, and a violation of division (C) of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(5) Except as otherwise provided in division (D)(3) or (4) of this section, if the offender knew that the victim of the violation was pregnant at the time of the violation, a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is a felony of the fifth degree, and the court shall impose a mandatory prison term on the offender pursuant to division (A)(6) of this section, and a violation of division (C) of this section is a misdemeanor of the third degree.

(6) If division (A)(3), (4), or (5) of this section requires the court that sentences an offender for a violation of division (A) or (B) of this section to impose a mandatory prison term on the offender pursuant to this division, the court shall impose the mandatory prison term as follows:

(a) If the violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is a felony of the fourth or fifth degree, except as otherwise provided in division (A)(6)(b) or (c) of this section, the court shall impose a mandatory prison term on the offender of at least six months.

(b) If the violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is a felony of the fifth degree and the offender, in committing the violation, caused serious physical harm to the pregnant woman's unborn or caused the termination of the pregnant woman's pregnancy, the court shall impose a mandatory prison term on the offender of twelve months.

(c) If the violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is a felony of the fourth degree and the offender, in committing the violation, caused serious physical harm to the pregnant woman's unborn or caused the termination of the pregnant woman's pregnancy, the court shall impose a mandatory prison term on the offender of at least twelve months.

(d) If the violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is a felony of the third degree, except as otherwise provided in division (A)(6)(e) of this section and notwithstanding the range of prison terms prescribed in section 2929.14 of the Revised Code for a felony of the third degree, the court shall impose a mandatory prison term on the offender of either a definite term of six months or one of the prison terms prescribed in section 2929.14 of the Revised Code for felonies of the third degree.

(e) If the violation of division (A) or (B) of this section is a felony of the third degree and the offender, in committing the violation, caused serious physical harm to the pregnant woman's unborn or caused the termination of the pregnant woman's pregnancy, notwithstanding the range of prison terms prescribed in section 2929.14 of the Revised Code for a felony of the third degree, the court shall impose a mandatory prison term on the offender of either a definite term of one year or one of the prison terms prescribed in section 2929.14 of the Revised Code for felonies of the third degree.

(E) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no court or unit of state or local government shall charge any fee, cost, deposit, or money in connection with the filing of charges against a person alleging that the person violated this section or a municipal ordinance substantially similar to this section or in connection with the prosecution of any charges so filed.

(F) As used in this section and sections 2919.251 and 2919.26 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Family or household member" means any of the following:

(a) Any of the following who is residing or has resided with the offender:

(i) A spouse, a person living as a spouse, or a former spouse of the offender;

(ii) A parent, a foster parent, or a child of the offender, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to the offender;

(iii) A parent or a child of a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the offender, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the offender.

(b) The natural parent of any child of whom the offender is the other natural parent or is the putative other natural parent.

(2) "Person living as a spouse" means a person who is living or has lived with the offender in a common law marital relationship, who otherwise is cohabiting with the offender, or who otherwise has cohabited with the offender within five years prior to the date of the alleged commission of the act in question.

(3) "Pregnant woman's unborn" has the same meaning as "such other person's unborn," as set forth in section 2903.09 of the Revised Code, as it relates to the pregnant woman. Division (C) of that section applies regarding the use of the term in this section, except that the second and third sentences of division (C)(1) of that section shall be construed for purposes of this section as if they included a reference to this section in the listing of Revised Code sections they contain.

(4) "Termination of the pregnant woman's pregnancy" has the same meaning as "unlawful termination of another's pregnancy," as set forth in section 2903.09 of the Revised Code, as it relates to the pregnant woman. Division (C) of that section applies regarding the use of the term in this section, except that the second and third sentences of division (C)(1) of that section shall be construed for purposes of this section as if they included a reference to this section in the listing of Revised Code sections they contain.

Sec. 2919.27.  (A) No person shall recklessly violate the terms of any of the following:

(1) A protection order issued or consent agreement approved pursuant to section 2919.26 or 3113.31 of the Revised Code;

(2) A protection order issued pursuant to section 2151.34, 2903.213, or 2903.214 of the Revised Code;

(3) A protection order issued by a court of another state.

(B)(1) Whoever violates this section is guilty of violating a protection order.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(3) or (4) of this section, violating a protection order is a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(3) If the offender previously has been convicted of or, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated a delinquent child for a violation of a protection order issued pursuant to section 2151.34, 2903.213, or 2903.214 of the Revised Code, two or more violations of section 2903.21, 2903.211, 2903.22, or 2911.211 of the Revised Code that involved the same person who is the subject of the protection order or consent agreement, or one or more violations of this section, violating a protection order is a felony of the fifth degree.

(4) If the offender violates a protection order or consent agreement while committing a felony offense, violating a protection order is a felony of the third degree.

(5) If the protection order violated by the offender was an order issued pursuant to section 2151.34 or 2903.214 of the Revised Code that required electronic monitoring of the offender pursuant to that section, the court may require in addition to any other sentence imposed upon the offender that the offender be electronically monitored for a period not exceeding five years by a law enforcement agency designated by the court. If the court requires under this division that the offender be electronically monitored, unless the court determines that the offender is indigent, the court shall order that the offender pay the costs of the installation of the electronic monitoring device and the cost of monitoring the electronic monitoring device. If the court determines that the offender is indigent and subject to the maximum amount allowable and the rules promulgated by the attorney general under section 2903.214 of the Revised Code, the costs of the installation of the electronic monitoring device and the cost of monitoring the electronic monitoring device shall may be paid out of funds from the reparations fund created pursuant to section 2743.191 of the Revised Code. The total amount paid from the reparations fund created pursuant to section 2743.191 of the Revised Code for electronic monitoring under this section and sections 2151.34 and 2903.214 of the Revised Code shall not exceed three hundred thousand dollars per year.

(C) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under division (A)(3) of this section that the protection order issued by a court of another state does not comply with the requirements specified in 18 U.S.C. 2265(b) for a protection order that must be accorded full faith and credit by a court of this state or that it is not entitled to full faith and credit under 18 U.S.C. 2265(c).

(D) As used in this section, "protection order issued by a court of another state" means an injunction or another order issued by a criminal court of another state for the purpose of preventing violent or threatening acts or harassment against, contact or communication with, or physical proximity to another person, including a temporary order, and means an injunction or order of that nature issued by a civil court of another state, including a temporary order and a final order issued in an independent action or as a pendente lite order in a proceeding for other relief, if the court issued it in response to a complaint, petition, or motion filed by or on behalf of a person seeking protection. "Protection order issued by a court of another state" does not include an order for support or for custody of a child issued pursuant to the divorce and child custody laws of another state, except to the extent that the order for support or for custody of a child is entitled to full faith and credit under the laws of the United States.

Sec. 3109.06.  Any Except as provided in division (K) of section 2301.03 of the Revised Code, any court, other than a juvenile court, that has jurisdiction in any case respecting the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the care of a child under eighteen years of age and the designation of the child's place of residence and legal custodian or in any case respecting the support of a child under eighteen years of age, may, on its own motion or on motion of any interested party, with the consent of the juvenile court, certify the record in the case or so much of the record and such further information, in narrative form or otherwise, as the court deems necessary or the juvenile court requests, to the juvenile court for further proceedings; upon the certification, the juvenile court shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

In cases in which the court of common pleas finds the parents unsuitable to have the parental rights and responsibilities for the care of the child or children and unsuitable to provide the place of residence and to be the legal custodian of the child or children, consent of the juvenile court shall not be required to such certification. This section applies to actions pending on August 28, 1951.

In any case in which a court of common pleas, or other court having jurisdiction, has issued an order that allocates parental rights and responsibilities for the care of minor children and designates their place of residence and legal custodian of minor children, has made an order for support of minor children, or has done both, the jurisdiction of the court shall not abate upon the death of the person awarded custody but shall continue for all purposes during the minority of the children. The court, upon its own motion or the motion of either parent or of any interested person acting on behalf of the children, may proceed to make further disposition of the case in the best interests of the children and subject to sections 3109.42 to 3109.48 of the Revised Code. If the children are under eighteen years of age, it may certify them, pursuant to this section, to the juvenile court of any county for further proceedings. After certification to a juvenile court, the jurisdiction of the court of common pleas, or other court, shall cease, except as to any payments of spousal support due for the spouse and support payments due and unpaid for the children at the time of the certification.

Any disposition made pursuant to this section, whether by a juvenile court after a case is certified to it, or by any court upon the death of a person awarded custody of a child, shall be made in accordance with sections 3109.04 and 3109.42 to 3109.48 of the Revised Code. If an appeal is taken from a decision made pursuant to this section that allocates parental rights and responsibilities for the care of a minor child and designates the child's place of residence and legal custodian, the court of appeals shall give the case calendar priority and handle it expeditiously.

Sec. 3113.31.  (A) As used in this section:

(1) "Domestic violence" means the occurrence of one or more of the following acts against a family or household member:

(a) Attempting to cause or recklessly causing bodily injury;

(b) Placing another person by the threat of force in fear of imminent serious physical harm or committing a violation of section 2903.211 or 2911.211 of the Revised Code;

(c) Committing any act with respect to a child that would result in the child being an abused child, as defined in section 2151.031 of the Revised Code;

(d) Committing a sexually oriented offense.

(2) "Court" means the domestic relations division of the court of common pleas in counties that have a domestic relations division, and the court of common pleas in counties that do not have a domestic relations division, or the juvenile division of the court of common pleas of the county in which the person to be protected by a protection order issued or a consent agreement approved under this section resides if the respondent is less than eighteen years of age.

(3) "Family or household member" means any of the following:

(a) Any of the following who is residing with or has resided with the respondent:

(i) A spouse, a person living as a spouse, or a former spouse of the respondent;

(ii) A parent, a foster parent, or a child of the respondent, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to the respondent;

(iii) A parent or a child of a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the respondent, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the respondent.

(b) The natural parent of any child of whom the respondent is the other natural parent or is the putative other natural parent.

(4) "Person living as a spouse" means a person who is living or has lived with the respondent in a common law marital relationship, who otherwise is cohabiting with the respondent, or who otherwise has cohabited with the respondent within five years prior to the date of the alleged occurrence of the act in question.

(5) "Victim advocate" means a person who provides support and assistance for a person who files a petition under this section.

(6) "Sexually oriented offense" has the same meaning as in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) The court has jurisdiction over all proceedings under this section. The petitioner's right to relief under this section is not affected by the petitioner's leaving the residence or household to avoid further domestic violence.

(C) A person may seek relief under this section on the person's own behalf, or any parent or adult household member may seek relief under this section on behalf of any other family or household member, by filing a petition with the court. The petition shall contain or state:

(1) An allegation that the respondent engaged in domestic violence against a family or household member of the respondent, including a description of the nature and extent of the domestic violence;

(2) The relationship of the respondent to the petitioner, and to the victim if other than the petitioner;

(3) A request for relief under this section.

(D)(1) If a person who files a petition pursuant to this section requests an ex parte order, the court shall hold an ex parte hearing on the same day that the petition is filed. The court, for good cause shown at the ex parte hearing, may enter any temporary orders, with or without bond, including, but not limited to, an order described in division (E)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section, that the court finds necessary to protect the family or household member from domestic violence. Immediate and present danger of domestic violence to the family or household member constitutes good cause for purposes of this section. Immediate and present danger includes, but is not limited to, situations in which the respondent has threatened the family or household member with bodily harm, in which the respondent has threatened the family or household member with a sexually oriented offense, or in which the respondent previously has been convicted of or, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated a delinquent child for an offense that constitutes domestic violence against the family or household member.

(2)(a) If the court, after an ex parte hearing, issues an order described in division (E)(1)(b) or (c) of this section, the court shall schedule a full hearing for a date that is within seven court days after the ex parte hearing. If any other type of protection order that is authorized under division (E) of this section is issued by the court after an ex parte hearing, the court shall schedule a full hearing for a date that is within ten court days after the ex parte hearing. The court shall give the respondent notice of, and an opportunity to be heard at, the full hearing. The court shall hold the full hearing on the date scheduled under this division unless the court grants a continuance of the hearing in accordance with this division. Under any of the following circumstances or for any of the following reasons, the court may grant a continuance of the full hearing to a reasonable time determined by the court:

(i) Prior to the date scheduled for the full hearing under this division, the respondent has not been served with the petition filed pursuant to this section and notice of the full hearing.

(ii) The parties consent to the continuance.

(iii) The continuance is needed to allow a party to obtain counsel.

(iv) The continuance is needed for other good cause.

(b) An ex parte order issued under this section does not expire because of a failure to serve notice of the full hearing upon the respondent before the date set for the full hearing under division (D)(2)(a) of this section or because the court grants a continuance under that division.

(3) If a person who files a petition pursuant to this section does not request an ex parte order, or if a person requests an ex parte order but the court does not issue an ex parte order after an ex parte hearing, the court shall proceed as in a normal civil action and grant a full hearing on the matter.

(E)(1) After an ex parte or full hearing, the court may grant any protection order, with or without bond, or approve any consent agreement to bring about a cessation of domestic violence against the family or household members. The order or agreement may:

(a) Direct the respondent to refrain from abusing or from committing sexually oriented offenses against the family or household members;

(b) Grant possession of the residence or household to the petitioner or other family or household member, to the exclusion of the respondent, by evicting the respondent, when the residence or household is owned or leased solely by the petitioner or other family or household member, or by ordering the respondent to vacate the premises, when the residence or household is jointly owned or leased by the respondent, and the petitioner or other family or household member;

(c) When the respondent has a duty to support the petitioner or other family or household member living in the residence or household and the respondent is the sole owner or lessee of the residence or household, grant possession of the residence or household to the petitioner or other family or household member, to the exclusion of the respondent, by ordering the respondent to vacate the premises, or, in the case of a consent agreement, allow the respondent to provide suitable, alternative housing;

(d) Temporarily allocate parental rights and responsibilities for the care of, or establish temporary parenting time rights with regard to, minor children, if no other court has determined, or is determining, the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities for the minor children or parenting time rights;

(e) Require the respondent to maintain support, if the respondent customarily provides for or contributes to the support of the family or household member, or if the respondent has a duty to support the petitioner or family or household member;

(f) Require the respondent, petitioner, victim of domestic violence, or any combination of those persons, to seek counseling;

(g) Require the respondent to refrain from entering the residence, school, business, or place of employment of the petitioner or family or household member;

(h) Grant other relief that the court considers equitable and fair, including, but not limited to, ordering the respondent to permit the use of a motor vehicle by the petitioner or other family or household member and the apportionment of household and family personal property.

(2) If a protection order has been issued pursuant to this section in a prior action involving the respondent and the petitioner or one or more of the family or household members or victims, the court may include in a protection order that it issues a prohibition against the respondent returning to the residence or household. If it includes a prohibition against the respondent returning to the residence or household in the order, it also shall include in the order provisions of the type described in division (E)(7) of this section. This division does not preclude the court from including in a protection order or consent agreement, in circumstances other than those described in this division, a requirement that the respondent be evicted from or vacate the residence or household or refrain from entering the residence, school, business, or place of employment of the petitioner or a family or household member, and, if the court includes any requirement of that type in an order or agreement, the court also shall include in the order provisions of the type described in division (E)(7) of this section.

(3)(a) Any protection order issued or consent agreement approved under this section shall be valid until a date certain, but not later than five years from the date of its issuance or approval, or not later than the date a respondent who is less than eighteen years of age attains nineteen years of age, unless modified or terminated as provided in division (E)(8) of this section.

(b) Subject to the limitation on the duration of an order or agreement set forth in division (E)(3)(a) of this section, any order under division (E)(1)(d) of this section shall terminate on the date that a court in an action for divorce, dissolution of marriage, or legal separation brought by the petitioner or respondent issues an order allocating parental rights and responsibilities for the care of children or on the date that a juvenile court in an action brought by the petitioner or respondent issues an order awarding legal custody of minor children. Subject to the limitation on the duration of an order or agreement set forth in division (E)(3)(a) of this section, any order under division (E)(1)(e) of this section shall terminate on the date that a court in an action for divorce, dissolution of marriage, or legal separation brought by the petitioner or respondent issues a support order or on the date that a juvenile court in an action brought by the petitioner or respondent issues a support order.

(c) Any protection order issued or consent agreement approved pursuant to this section may be renewed in the same manner as the original order or agreement was issued or approved.

(4) A court may not issue a protection order that requires a petitioner to do or to refrain from doing an act that the court may require a respondent to do or to refrain from doing under division (E)(1)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (g), or (h) of this section unless all of the following apply:

(a) The respondent files a separate petition for a protection order in accordance with this section.

(b) The petitioner is served notice of the respondent's petition at least forty-eight hours before the court holds a hearing with respect to the respondent's petition, or the petitioner waives the right to receive this notice.

(c) If the petitioner has requested an ex parte order pursuant to division (D) of this section, the court does not delay any hearing required by that division beyond the time specified in that division in order to consolidate the hearing with a hearing on the petition filed by the respondent.

(d) After a full hearing at which the respondent presents evidence in support of the request for a protection order and the petitioner is afforded an opportunity to defend against that evidence, the court determines that the petitioner has committed an act of domestic violence or has violated a temporary protection order issued pursuant to section 2919.26 of the Revised Code, that both the petitioner and the respondent acted primarily as aggressors, and that neither the petitioner nor the respondent acted primarily in self-defense.

(5) No protection order issued or consent agreement approved under this section shall in any manner affect title to any real property.

(6)(a) If a petitioner, or the child of a petitioner, who obtains a protection order or consent agreement pursuant to division (E)(1) of this section or a temporary protection order pursuant to section 2919.26 of the Revised Code and is the subject of a parenting time order issued pursuant to section 3109.051 or 3109.12 of the Revised Code or a visitation or companionship order issued pursuant to section 3109.051, 3109.11, or 3109.12 of the Revised Code or division (E)(1)(d) of this section granting parenting time rights to the respondent, the court may require the public children services agency of the county in which the court is located to provide supervision of the respondent's exercise of parenting time or visitation or companionship rights with respect to the child for a period not to exceed nine months, if the court makes the following findings of fact:

(i) The child is in danger from the respondent;

(ii) No other person or agency is available to provide the supervision.

(b) A court that requires an agency to provide supervision pursuant to division (E)(6)(a) of this section shall order the respondent to reimburse the agency for the cost of providing the supervision, if it determines that the respondent has sufficient income or resources to pay that cost.

(7)(a) If a protection order issued or consent agreement approved under this section includes a requirement that the respondent be evicted from or vacate the residence or household or refrain from entering the residence, school, business, or place of employment of the petitioner or a family or household member, the order or agreement shall state clearly that the order or agreement cannot be waived or nullified by an invitation to the respondent from the petitioner or other family or household member to enter the residence, school, business, or place of employment or by the respondent's entry into one of those places otherwise upon the consent of the petitioner or other family or household member.

(b) Division (E)(7)(a) of this section does not limit any discretion of a court to determine that a respondent charged with a violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code, with a violation of a municipal ordinance substantially equivalent to that section, or with contempt of court, which charge is based on an alleged violation of a protection order issued or consent agreement approved under this section, did not commit the violation or was not in contempt of court.

(8)(a) The court may modify or terminate as provided in division (E)(8) of this section a protection order or consent agreement that was issued after a full hearing under this section. The court that issued the protection order or approved the consent agreement shall hear a motion for modification or termination of the protection order or consent agreement pursuant to division (E)(8) of this section.

(b) Either the petitioner or the respondent of the original protection order or consent agreement may bring a motion for modification or termination of a protection order or consent agreement that was issued or approved after a full hearing. The court shall require notice of the motion to be made as provided by the Rules of Civil Procedure. If the petitioner for the original protection order or consent agreement has requested that the petitioner's address be kept confidential, the court shall not disclose the address to the respondent of the original protection order or consent agreement or any other person, except as otherwise required by law. The moving party has the burden of proof to show, by a preponderance of the evidence, that modification or termination of the protection order or consent agreement is appropriate because either the protection order or consent agreement is no longer needed or because the terms of the original protection order or consent agreement are no longer appropriate.

(c) In considering whether to modify or terminate a protection order or consent agreement issued or approved under this section, the court shall consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, the following:

(i) Whether the petitioner consents to modification or termination of the protection order or consent agreement;

(ii) Whether the petitioner fears the respondent;

(iii) The current nature of the relationship between the petitioner and the respondent;

(iv) The circumstances of the petitioner and respondent, including the relative proximity of the petitioner's and respondent's workplaces and residences and whether the petitioner and respondent have minor children together;

(v) Whether the respondent has complied with the terms and conditions of the original protection order or consent agreement;

(vi) Whether the respondent has a continuing involvement with illegal drugs or alcohol;

(vii) Whether the respondent has been convicted of or, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated a delinquent child for an offense of violence since the issuance of the protection order or approval of the consent agreement;

(viii) Whether any other protection orders, consent agreements, restraining orders, or no contact orders have been issued against the respondent pursuant to this section, section 2919.26 of the Revised Code, any other provision of state law, or the law of any other state;

(ix) Whether the respondent has participated in any domestic violence treatment, intervention program, or other counseling addressing domestic violence and whether the respondent has completed the treatment, program, or counseling;

(x) The time that has elapsed since the protection order was issued or since the consent agreement was approved;

(xi) The age and health of the respondent;

(xii) When the last incident of abuse, threat of harm, or commission of a sexually oriented offense occurred or other relevant information concerning the safety and protection of the petitioner or other protected parties.

(d) If a protection order or consent agreement is modified or terminated as provided in division (E)(8) of this section, the court shall issue copies of the modified or terminated order or agreement as provided in division (F) of this section. A petitioner may also provide notice of the modification or termination to the judicial and law enforcement officials in any county other than the county in which the order or agreement is modified or terminated as provided in division (N) of this section.

(e) If the respondent moves for modification or termination of a protection order or consent agreement pursuant to this section, the court may assess costs against the respondent for the filing of the motion.

(9) Any protection order issued or any consent agreement approved pursuant to this section shall include a provision that the court will automatically seal all of the records of the proceeding in which the order is issued or agreement approved on the date the respondent attains the age of nineteen years unless the petitioner provides the court with evidence that the respondent has not complied with all of the terms of the protection order or consent agreement. The protection order or consent agreement shall specify the date when the respondent attains the age of nineteen years.

(F)(1) A copy of any protection order, or consent agreement, that is issued, approved, modified, or terminated under this section shall be issued by the court to the petitioner, to the respondent, and to all law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction to enforce the order or agreement. The court shall direct that a copy of an order be delivered to the respondent on the same day that the order is entered.

(2) Upon the issuance of a protection order or the approval of a consent agreement under this section, the court shall provide the parties to the order or agreement with the following notice orally or by form:


As a result of this order or consent agreement, it may be unlawful for you to possess or purchase a firearm, including a rifle, pistol, or revolver, or ammunition pursuant to federal law under 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(8). If you have any questions whether this law makes it illegal for you to possess or purchase a firearm or ammunition, you should consult an attorney."

(3) All law enforcement agencies shall establish and maintain an index for the protection orders and the approved consent agreements delivered to the agencies pursuant to division (F)(1) of this section. With respect to each order and consent agreement delivered, each agency shall note on the index the date and time that it received the order or consent agreement.

(4) Regardless of whether the petitioner has registered the order or agreement in the county in which the officer's agency has jurisdiction pursuant to division (N) of this section, any officer of a law enforcement agency shall enforce a protection order issued or consent agreement approved by any court in this state in accordance with the provisions of the order or agreement, including removing the respondent from the premises, if appropriate.

(G) Any proceeding under this section shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules of Civil Procedure, except that an order under this section may be obtained with or without bond. An order issued under this section, other than an ex parte order, that grants a protection order or approves a consent agreement, that refuses to grant a protection order or approve a consent agreement that modifies or terminates a protection order or consent agreement, or that refuses to modify or terminate a protection order or consent agreement, is a final, appealable order. The remedies and procedures provided in this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other available civil or criminal remedies.

(H) The filing of proceedings under this section does not excuse a person from filing any report or giving any notice required by section 2151.421 of the Revised Code or by any other law. When a petition under this section alleges domestic violence against minor children, the court shall report the fact, or cause reports to be made, to a county, township, or municipal peace officer under section 2151.421 of the Revised Code.

(I) Any law enforcement agency that investigates a domestic dispute shall provide information to the family or household members involved regarding the relief available under this section and section 2919.26 of the Revised Code.

(J) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary and regardless of whether a protection order is issued or a consent agreement is approved by a court of another county or a court of another state, no court or unit of state or local government shall charge any fee, cost, deposit, or money in connection with the filing of a petition pursuant to this section or in connection with the filing, issuance, registration, or service of a protection order or consent agreement, or for obtaining a certified copy of a protection order or consent agreement.

(K)(1) The court shall comply with Chapters 3119., 3121., 3123., and 3125. of the Revised Code when it makes or modifies an order for child support under this section.

(2) If any person required to pay child support under an order made under this section on or after April 15, 1985, or modified under this section on or after December 31, 1986, is found in contempt of court for failure to make support payments under the order, the court that makes the finding, in addition to any other penalty or remedy imposed, shall assess all court costs arising out of the contempt proceeding against the person and require the person to pay any reasonable attorney's fees of any adverse party, as determined by the court, that arose in relation to the act of contempt.

(L)(1) A person who violates a protection order issued or a consent agreement approved under this section is subject to the following sanctions:

(a) Criminal prosecution or a delinquent child proceeding for a violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code, if the violation of the protection order or consent agreement constitutes a violation of that section;

(b) Punishment for contempt of court.

(2) The punishment of a person for contempt of court for violation of a protection order issued or a consent agreement approved under this section does not bar criminal prosecution of the person or a delinquent child proceeding concerning the person for a violation of section 2919.27 of the Revised Code. However, a person punished for contempt of court is entitled to credit for the punishment imposed upon conviction of or adjudication as a delinquent child for a violation of that section, and a person convicted of or adjudicated a delinquent child for a violation of that section shall not subsequently be punished for contempt of court arising out of the same activity.

(M) In all stages of a proceeding under this section, a petitioner may be accompanied by a victim advocate.

(N)(1) A petitioner who obtains a protection order or consent agreement under this section or a temporary protection order under section 2919.26 of the Revised Code may provide notice of the issuance or approval of the order or agreement to the judicial and law enforcement officials in any county other than the county in which the order is issued or the agreement is approved by registering that order or agreement in the other county pursuant to division (N)(2) of this section and filing a copy of the registered order or registered agreement with a law enforcement agency in the other county in accordance with that division. A person who obtains a protection order issued by a court of another state may provide notice of the issuance of the order to the judicial and law enforcement officials in any county of this state by registering the order in that county pursuant to section 2919.272 of the Revised Code and filing a copy of the registered order with a law enforcement agency in that county.

(2) A petitioner may register a temporary protection order, protection order, or consent agreement in a county other than the county in which the court that issued the order or approved the agreement is located in the following manner:

(a) The petitioner shall obtain a certified copy of the order or agreement from the clerk of the court that issued the order or approved the agreement and present that certified copy to the clerk of the court of common pleas or the clerk of a municipal court or county court in the county in which the order or agreement is to be registered.

(b) Upon accepting the certified copy of the order or agreement for registration, the clerk of the court of common pleas, municipal court, or county court shall place an endorsement of registration on the order or agreement and give the petitioner a copy of the order or agreement that bears that proof of registration.

(3) The clerk of each court of common pleas, the clerk of each municipal court, and the clerk of each county court shall maintain a registry of certified copies of temporary protection orders, protection orders, or consent agreements that have been issued or approved by courts in other counties and that have been registered with the clerk.

(O) Nothing in this section prohibits the domestic relations division of a court of common pleas in counties that have a domestic relations division or a court of common pleas in counties that do not have a domestic relations division from designating a minor child as a protected party on a protection order or consent agreement.

Sec. 3113.33.  As used in sections 3113.33 to 3113.40 of the Revised Code:

(A) "Domestic violence" means attempting to cause or causing bodily injury to a family or household member, or placing a family or household member by threat of force in fear of imminent physical harm.

(B) "Family or household member" means any of the following:

(1) Any of the following who is residing or has resided with the person committing the domestic violence:

(a) A spouse, a person living as a spouse, or a former spouse of the person committing the domestic violence;

(b) A parent, foster parent, or child of the person committing the domestic violence, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to the person committing the domestic violence;

(c) A parent or a child of a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the person committing the domestic violence, or another person related by consanguinity or affinity to a spouse, person living as a spouse, or former spouse of the person committing the domestic violence;

(d) The dependents of any person listed in division (B)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section.

(2) The natural parent of any child of whom the person committing the domestic violence is the other natural parent or is the putative other natural parent.

(C) "Shelter for victims of domestic violence" or "shelter" means a facility that provides temporary residential service or facilities to family or household members who are victims of domestic violence.

(D) "Person living as a spouse" means a person who is living or has lived with the person committing the domestic violence in a common law marital relationship, who otherwise is cohabiting with the person committing the domestic violence, or who otherwise has cohabited with the person committing the domestic violence within five years prior to the date of the alleged occurrence of the act in question.

SECTION 2. That existing sections 109.36, 109.57, 2151.23, 2151.358, 2152.02, 2301.03, 2743.191, 2903.214, 2913.04, 2919.25, 2919.27, 3109.06, 3113.31, and 3113.33 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. Sections 2151.23, 2151.358, 2152.02, 2743.191, 2903.214, 2919.25, 2919.27, 3113.31, and 3113.33 of the Revised Code, as amended by this act, and section 2151.34 of the Revised Code, as enacted by this act, shall be named the "Shynerra Grant Law."

SECTION 4.  Section 109.57 of the Revised Code is presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Am. Sub. H.B. 1 and Sub. S.B. 79 of the 128th General Assembly. Section 2151.23 of the Revised Code is presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Am. Sub. H.B. 214 and Am. Sub. S.B. 10 of the 127th General Assembly. Section 3113.33 of the Revised Code is presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Am. Sub. H.B. 215 and Am. Sub. S.B. 1 of the 122nd General Assembly. The General Assembly, applying the principle stated in division (B) of section 1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds that the composites are the resulting versions of the sections in effect prior to the effective date of the sections as presented in this act.