As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 119

Representative Snitchler 

Cosponsors: Representatives Huffman, Murray 

To enact section 9.601 of the Revised Code to 1
authorize law enforcement agencies to provide law 2
enforcement services to governmental entities in 3
Ohio or other jurisdictions by contract or, in the 4
absence of a contract, with the approval of the 5
governing board of the providing agency.6


       Section 1. That section 9.601 of the Revised Code be enacted 7
to read as follows:8

       Sec. 9.601. As used in this section, "law enforcement agency" 9
means an organization or entity comprised of peace officers as 10
defined in section 109.71 of the Revised Code.11

       (A)(1) Any law enforcement agency may contract with any 12
governmental entity in this state or another jurisdiction to 13
provide law enforcement services, whether on a regular basis or 14
only in times of emergency, upon the approval of the governing 15
boards or administrative heads of the entities that are parties to 16
the contract.17

       (2) Any governmental entity in this state may contract with 18
any law enforcement agency of this state or another jurisdiction 19
to obtain law enforcement services, whether on a regular basis or 20
only in times of emergency, upon the approval of the governing 21
boards or administrative heads of the entities that are parties to 22
the contract.23

       (B) Any law enforcement agency may provide law enforcement 24
services to any governmental entity in this state or another 25
jurisdiction without a contract to provide those services, upon 26
the approval of the governing board of the agency and upon 27
authorization by an officer or employee of the agency who is 28
designated by title, office, or position pursuant to the 29
authorization of the governing board of the agency.30

       (C) Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code, insofar as it is 31
applicable to the operation of a law enforcement agency, applies 32
to a political subdivision that is operating a law enforcement 33
agency, and to the members of the law enforcement agency, when the 34
members are rendering service under this section outside the 35
boundaries of the political subdivision.36

       Members acting outside the boundaries of the political 37
subdivision that is operating the law enforcement agency may 38
participate in any pension or indemnity fund established by the 39
political subdivision to the same extent as while performing 40
service within the boundaries of the political subdivision, and 41
are entitled to all the rights and benefits of Chapter 4123. of 42
the Revised Code, to the same extent as while performing service 43
within the boundaries of the political subdivision.44