As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 173

Representatives Fende, Combs 

Cosponsors: Representatives Evans, Murray, Letson, Chandler, Hagan, Ujvagi, Domenick, Bubp, Garland, Harwood, Uecker, Brown, Lehner, DeBose 

To amend sections 4713.01 and 4713.08 and to enact 1
section 4713.50 of the Revised Code regarding the 2
regulation of chemical tanning applications and 3
the use of tanning services by individuals under 4
18 years of age.5


       Section 1. That sections 4713.01 and 4713.08 be amended and 6
section 4713.50 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as 7

       Sec. 4713.01.  As used in this chapter:9

       "Apprentice instructor" means a person holding a practicing10
license issued by the state board of cosmetology who is engaged in 11
learning or acquiring knowledge of the occupation of an instructor 12
of a branch of cosmetology at a school of cosmetology.13

       "Beauty salon" means any premises, building, or part of a14
building in which a person is authorized to engage in all branches15
of cosmetology. "Beauty salon" does not include a barber shop16
licensed under Chapter 4709. of the Revised Code in which a person17
engages in the practice of manicuring.18

       "Biennial licensing period" means the two-year period19
beginning on the first day of February of an odd-numbered year and20
ending on the last day of January of the next odd-numbered year.21

       "Braiding" means intertwining the hair in a systematic motion22
to create patterns in a three-dimensional form, inverting the hair23
against the scalp along part of a straight or curved row of24
intertwined hair, or twisting the hair in a systematic motion, and25
includes extending the hair with natural or synthetic hair fibers.26

       "Branch of cosmetology" means the practice of cosmetology,27
practice of esthetics, practice of hair design, practice of28
manicuring, or practice of natural hair styling.29

       "Cosmetic therapy" has the same meaning as in section 4731.1530
of the Revised Code.31

       "Cosmetologist" means a person authorized to engage in all32
branches of cosmetology.33

       "Cosmetology instructor" means a person authorized to teach34
the theory and practice of all branches of cosmetology at a school35
of cosmetology.36

       "Esthetician" means a person who engages in the practice of37
esthetics but no other branch of cosmetology.38

       "Esthetics instructor" means a person who teaches the theory39
and practice of esthetics, but no other branch of cosmetology, at40
a school of cosmetology.41

       "Esthetics salon" means any premises, building, or part of a42
building in which a person engages in the practice of esthetics43
but no other branch of cosmetology.44

       "Hair designer" means a person who engages in the practice of 45
hair design but no other branch of cosmetology.46

       "Hair design instructor" means a person who teaches the47
theory and practice of hair design, but no other branch of48
cosmetology, at a school of cosmetology.49

       "Hair design salon" means any premises, building, or part of50
a building in which a person engages in the practice of hair51
design but no other branch of cosmetology.52

       "Independent contractor license" means a license to practice53
a branch of cosmetology at a salon in which the license holder54
rents booth space.55

       "Instructor license" means a license to teach the theory and56
practice of a branch of cosmetology at a school of cosmetology.57

       "Managing cosmetologist" means a person authorized to manage58
a beauty salon and engage in all branches of cosmetology.59

       "Managing esthetician" means a person authorized to manage an60
esthetics salon, but no other type of salon, and engage in the61
practice of esthetics, but no other branch of cosmetology.62

       "Managing hair designer" means a person authorized to manage63
a hair design salon, but no other type of salon, and engage in the64
practice of hair design, but no other branch of cosmetology.65

       "Managing license" means a license to manage a salon and66
practice the branch of cosmetology practiced at the salon.67

       "Managing manicurist" means a person authorized to manage a68
nail salon, but no other type of salon, and engage in the practice69
of manicuring, but no other branch of cosmetology.70

       "Managing natural hair stylist" means a person authorized to71
manage a natural hair style salon, but no other type of salon, and72
engage in the practice of natural hair styling, but no other73
branch of cosmetology.74

       "Manicurist" means a person who engages in the practice of75
manicuring but no other branch of cosmetology.76

       "Manicurist instructor" means a person who teaches the theory 77
and practice of manicuring, but no other branch of cosmetology, at 78
a school of cosmetology.79

       "Nail salon" means any premises, building, or part of a80
building in which a person engages in the practice of manicuring81
but no other branch of cosmetology. "Nail salon" does not include82
a barber shop licensed under Chapter 4709. of the Revised Code in83
which a person engages in the practice of manicuring.84

       "Natural hair stylist" means a person who engages in the85
practice of natural hair styling but no other branch of86

       "Natural hair style instructor" means a person who teaches88
the theory and practice of natural hair styling, but no other89
branch of cosmetology, at a school of cosmetology.90

       "Natural hair style salon" means any premises, building, or91
part of a building in which a person engages in the practice of92
natural hair styling but no other branch of cosmetology.93

       "Practice of cosmetology" means the practice of all branches94
of cosmetology.95

       "Practice of esthetics" means the application of cosmetics,96
tonics, antiseptics, creams, lotions, or other preparations for97
the purpose of skin beautification and includes preparation of the98
skin by manual massage techniques or by use of electrical,99
mechanical, or other apparatus.100

       "Practice of hair design" means embellishing or beautifying101
hair, wigs, or hairpieces by arranging, dressing, pressing,102
curling, waving, permanent waving, cleansing, cutting, singeing,103
bleaching, coloring, braiding, weaving, or similar work. "Practice 104
of hair design" includes utilizing techniques performed by hand 105
that result in tension on hair roots such as twisting, wrapping, 106
weaving, extending, locking, or braiding of the hair.107

       "Practice of manicuring" means manicuring the nails of any108
person, applying artificial or sculptured nails to any person,109
massaging the hands and lower arms up to the elbow of any person,110
massaging the feet and lower legs up to the knee of any person, or111
any combination of these four types of services.112

       "Practice of natural hair styling" means utilizing techniques 113
performed by hand that result in tension on hair roots such as 114
twisting, wrapping, weaving, extending, locking, or braiding of 115
the hair. "Practice of natural hair styling" does not include the 116
application of dyes, reactive chemicals, or other preparations to 117
alter the color or to straighten, curl, or alter the structure of 118
the hair. "Practice of natural hair styling" also does not include 119
embellishing or beautifying hair by cutting or singeing, except as 120
needed to finish off the end of a braid, or by dressing, pressing, 121
curling, waving, permanent waving, or similar work.122

       "Practicing license" means a license to practice a branch of 123

       "Salon" means a beauty salon, esthetics salon, hair design125
salon, nail salon, or natural hair style salon.126

       "School of cosmetology" means any premises, building, or part 127
of a building in which students are instructed in the theories and 128
practices of one or more branches of cosmetology.129

       "Student" means a person, other than an apprentice130
instructor, who is engaged in learning or acquiring knowledge of131
the practice of a branch of cosmetology at a school of132

       "Tanning facility" means a room or booth that houses134
equipment or beds used for tanning human skin by the use of135
fluorescent sun lamps using ultraviolet or other artificial136
radiation or by the use of chemicals applied to the skin, 137
including chemical applications commonly referred to as spray-on, 138
mist-on or sunless tans.139

       Sec. 4713.08. (A) The state board of cosmetology shall adopt140
rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as141
necessary to implement this chapter. The rules shall do all of the 142

       (1) Govern the practice of the branches of cosmetology and144
management of salons;145

       (2) Specify conditions a person must satisfy to qualify for a 146
temporary pre-examination work permit under section 4713.22 of the 147
Revised Code and the conditions and method of renewing a temporary 148
pre-examination work permit under that section;149

       (3) Provide for the conduct of examinations under section150
4713.24 of the Revised Code;151

       (4) Specify conditions under which the board will take into152
account, under section 4713.32 of the Revised Code, instruction an153
applicant for a license under section 4713.28, 4713.30, or 4713.31154
of the Revised Code received more than five years before the date155
of application for the license;156

       (5) Provide for the granting of waivers under section157
4713.29 of the Revised Code;158

       (6) Specify conditions an applicant must satisfy for the159
board to issue the applicant a license under section 4713.34 of160
the Revised Code without the applicant taking an examination161
conducted under section 4713.24 of the Revised Code;162

       (7) Specify locations in which glamour photography services163
in which a branch of cosmetology is practiced may be provided;164

       (8) Establish conditions and the fee for a temporary special165
occasion work permit under section 4713.37 of the Revised Code and166
specify the amount of time such a permit is valid;167

       (9) Specify conditions an applicant must satisfy for the168
board to issue the applicant an independent contractor license169
under section 4713.39 of the Revised Code and the fee for issuance170
and renewal of the license;171

       (10) Establish conditions under which food may be sold at a172

       (11) Specify which professions regulated by a professional174
regulatory board of this state may be practiced in a salon under175
section 4713.42 of the Revised Code;176

       (12) Establish standards for the provision of cosmetic177
therapy, massage therapy, or other professional service in a salon178
pursuant to section 4713.42 of the Revised Code;179

       (13) Establish standards for board approval of, and the180
granting of credits for, training in branches of cosmetology at181
schools of cosmetology licensed in this state;182

       (14) Establish sanitary standards for the practice of the183
branches of cosmetology, salons, and schools of cosmetology;184

       (15) Establish the application process for obtaining a185
tanning facility permit under section 4713.48 of the Revised Code,186
including the amount of the fee for an initial or renewed permit;187

       (16) Establish standards for installing and operating a188
tanning facility in a manner that ensures the health and safety of189
consumers, including standards that do all of the following:190

       (a) Establish a maximum safe time of exposure to radiation191
and a maximum safe temperature at which sun lamps may be operated;192

       (b) Require consumers to wear protective eyeglasses and be193
supervised as to the length of time consumers use the facility;194

       (c) Require the operator to prohibit consumers from standing195
too close to sun lamps and to post signs warning consumers of the196
potential effects of radiation on persons taking certain197
medications and of the possible relationship of the radiation to198
skin cancer;199

       (d) Require the installation of protective shielding for sun200
lamps and handrails for consumers;201

       (e) Require floors to be dry during operation of lamps;202

       (f) Require a consumer who is under the age of eighteen to203
obtain written consent from the consumer's parent or legal204
guardian prior to receiving tanning services.205

       (17)(a) If the board, under section 4713.61 of the Revised206
Code, develops a procedure for classifying licenses inactive, do207
both of the following:208

       (i) Establish a fee for having a license classified inactive209
that reflects the cost to the board of providing the inactive210
license service;211

       (ii) Specify the continuing education that a person whose212
license has been classified inactive must complete to have the213
license restored. The continuing education shall be sufficient to214
ensure the minimum competency in the use or administration of a215
new procedure or product required by a licensee necessary to216
protect public health and safety. The requirement shall not exceed 217
the cumulative number of hours of continuing education that the 218
person would have been required to complete had the person219
retained an active license.220

       (b) In addition, the board may specify the conditions and221
method for granting a temporary work permit to practice a branch222
of cosmetology to a person whose license has been classified223

       (18) Establish a fee for approval of a continuing education225
program under section 4713.62 of the Revised Code that is adequate226
to cover any expense the board incurs in the approval process;227

       (19) Anything else necessary to implement this chapter.228

       (B)(1) The rules adopted under division (A)(2) of this229
section may establish additional conditions for a temporary230
pre-examination work permit under section 4713.22 of the Revised231
Code that are applicable to persons who practice a branch of232
cosmetology in another state or country.233

       (2) The rules adopted under division (A)(17)(b) of this234
section may establish additional conditions for a temporary work235
permit that are applicable to persons who practice a branch of236
cosmetology in another state.237

       (C) The conditions specified in rules adopted under division238
(A)(6) of this section may include that an applicant is applying239
for a license to practice a branch of cosmetology for which the240
board determines an examination is unnecessary.241

       (D) The rules adopted under division (A)(11) of this section242
shall not include a profession if practice of the profession in a243
salon is a violation of a statute or rule governing the244

       (E) The sanitary standards established under division (A)(14) 246
of this section shall focus in particular on precautions to be 247
employed to prevent infectious or contagious diseases being248
created or spread. The board shall consult with the Ohio249
department of health when establishing the sanitary standards.250

       (F) The fee established by rules adopted under division251
(A)(15) of this section shall cover the cost the board incurs in252
inspecting tanning facilities and enforcing the board's rules but253
may not exceed one hundred dollars per location of such254

       Sec. 4713.50. An operator or employee of a tanning facility 256
shall not allow an individual who is under eighteen years of age 257
to use the tanning services of the facility unless the individual 258
presents a prescription for receiving ultraviolet radiation 259
treatments written by a physician authorized under Chapter 4731. 260
of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or 261
osteopathic medicine and surgery.262

       Section 2. That existing sections 4713.01 and 4713.08 of the 263
Revised Code are hereby repealed.264