As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 187

Representative Huffman 

Cosponsors: Representatives Snitchler, Hackett, Derickson, Maag, Grossman, Bacon, Stewart, Combs, Bubp, Stebelton, Blair, Yuko 

To amend section 4503.102 of the Revised Code to 1
require the Bureau of Motor Vehicles and deputy 2
registrars to accept credit cards and debit cards 3
for all state-related transactions they process.4


       Section 1. That section 4503.102 of the Revised Code be 5
amended to read as follows:6

       Sec. 4503.102.  (A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall7
adopt rules to establish a centralized system of motor vehicle8
registration renewal by mail or by electronic means. Any person9
owning a motor vehicle that was registered in the person's name10
during the preceding registration year shall renew the11
registration of the motor vehicle not more than ninety days prior12
to the expiration date of the registration either by mail or by13
electronic means through the centralized system of registration14
established under this section, or in person at any office of the15
registrar or at a deputy registrar's office.16

       (B)(1) No less than forty-five days prior to the expiration17
date of any motor vehicle registration, the registrar shall mail a18
renewal notice to the person in whose name the motor vehicle is19
registered. The renewal notice shall clearly state that the20
registration of the motor vehicle may be renewed by mail or21
electronic means through the centralized system of registration or22
in person at any office of the registrar or at a deputy23
registrar's office and shall be preprinted with information24
including, but not limited to, the owner's name and residence25
address as shown in the records of the bureau of motor vehicles, a26
brief description of the motor vehicle to be registered, notice of27
the license taxes and fees due on the motor vehicle, the toll-free28
telephone number of the registrar as required under division29
(D)(1) of section 4503.031 of the Revised Code, and any additional30
information the registrar may require by rule. The renewal notice 31
shall not include the social security number of either the owner 32
of the motor vehicle or the person in whose name the motor vehicle 33
is registered. The renewal notice shall be sent by regular mail to34
the owner's last known address as shown in the records of the 35
bureau of motor vehicles.36

       (2) If the application for renewal of the registration of a37
motor vehicle is prohibited from being accepted by the registrar38
or a deputy registrar by division (D) of section 2935.27, division39
(A) of section 2937.221, division (A) of section 4503.13, division40
(B) of section 4510.22, or division (B)(1) of section 4521.10 of41
the Revised Code, the registrar is not required to send a renewal42
notice to the vehicle owner or vehicle lessee.43

       (C) The owner of the motor vehicle shall verify the44
information contained in the notice, sign it either manually or by45
electronic means, and return it, either by mail or electronic46
means, or the owner may take it in person to any office of the47
registrar or of a deputy registrar, together with a financial48
transaction device number, when permitted by rule of the49
registrar, check, or money order in the amount of the registration50
taxes and fees payable on the motor vehicle and a mail fee of two51
dollars and seventy-five cents commencing on July 1, 2001, three52
dollars and twenty-five cents commencing on January 1, 2003, and53
three dollars and fifty cents commencing on January 1, 2004, plus54
postage as indicated on the notice, if the registration is renewed55
by mail, and an inspection certificate for the motor vehicle as56
provided in section 3704.14 of the Revised Code. If the motor57
vehicle owner chooses to renew the motor vehicle registration by58
electronic means, the owner shall proceed in accordance with the59
rules the registrar adopts.60

       (D) If all registration and transfer fees for the motor61
vehicle for the preceding year or the preceding period of the62
current registration year have not been paid, if division (D) of63
section 2935.27, division (A) of section 2937.221, division (A) of64
section 4503.13, division (B) of section 4510.22, or division65
(B)(1) of section 4521.10 of the Revised Code prohibits acceptance66
of the renewal notice, or if the owner or lessee does not have an67
inspection certificate for the motor vehicle as provided in68
section 3704.14 of the Revised Code, if that section is69
applicable, the license shall be refused, and the registrar or70
deputy registrar shall so notify the owner. This section does not71
require the payment of license or registration taxes on a motor72
vehicle for any preceding year, or for any preceding period of a73
year, if the motor vehicle was not taxable for that preceding year74
or period under section 4503.02, 4503.04, 4503.11, 4503.12, or75
4503.16 or Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code.76

       (E)(1) Failure to receive a renewal notice does not relieve a 77
motor vehicle owner from the responsibility to renew the78
registration for the motor vehicle. Any person who has a motor79
vehicle registered in this state and who does not receive a80
renewal notice as provided in division (B) of this section prior81
to the expiration date of the registration shall request an82
application for registration from the registrar or a deputy83
registrar and sign the application manually or by electronic means84
and submit the application and pay any applicable license taxes85
and fees to the registrar or deputy registrar.86

       (2) If the owner of a motor vehicle submits an application87
for registration and the registrar is prohibited by division (D)88
of section 2935.27, division (A) of section 2937.221, division (A)89
of section 4503.13, division (B) of section 4510.22, or division90
(B)(1) of section 4521.10 of the Revised Code from accepting the91
application, the registrar shall return the application and the92
payment to the owner. If the owner of a motor vehicle submits a93
registration renewal application to the registrar by electronic94
means and the registrar is prohibited from accepting the95
application as provided in this division, the registrar shall96
notify the owner of this fact and deny the application and return97
the payment or give a credit on the financial transaction device98
account of the owner in the manner the registrar prescribes by99
rule adopted pursuant to division (A) of this section.100

       (F) Every deputy registrar shall post in a prominent place at 101
the deputy's office a notice informing the public of the mail102
registration system required by this section and also shall post a103
notice that every owner of a motor vehicle and every chauffeur104
holding a certificate of registration is required to notify the105
registrar in writing of any change of residence within ten days106
after the change occurs. The notice shall be in such form as the107
registrar prescribes by rule.108

       (G) The two dollars and seventy-five cents fee collected from 109
July 1, 2001, through December 31, 2002, the three dollars and 110
twenty-five cents fee collected from January 1, 2003, through111
December 31, 2003, and the three dollars and fifty cents fee112
collected after January 1, 2004, plus postage and any financial113
transaction device surcharge collected by the registrar for114
registration by mail, shall be paid to the credit of the state115
bureau of motor vehicles fund established by section 4501.25 of116
the Revised Code.117

       (H)(1) PursuantNot later than July 1, 2010, the registrar, 118
pursuant to section 113.40 of the Revised Code, the registrar may119
shall implement a program permitting payment of motor vehicle 120
registration taxes and fees, driver's license and commercial 121
driver's license fees, and any other taxes, fees, penalties, or 122
charges imposed or levied by the state by means of a financial 123
transaction device. The registrar mayshall adopt rules as124
necessary for this purpose.125

       (2) Commencing with deputy registrar contract awards that 126
have a start date of July 1, 20082010, and for all contract 127
awards thereafter, the registrar shall incorporate in the review 128
process a score for whether or not a proposer states that the 129
proposer willrequire all deputy registrars to accept payment by 130
means of a financial transaction device, including credit cards 131
and debit cards, for all department of public safety transactions 132
conducted at thatall deputy registrar locationlocations.133

       A deputy registrar shall not be required to accept payment by 134
means of a financial transaction device unless the deputy 135
registrar agreed to do so in the deputy registrar's contract. The 136
bureau shall not be required to pay any costs incurred by a deputy 137
registrar who accepts payment by means of a financial transaction 138
device that result from the deputy registrar accepting payment by 139
means of a financial transaction device.140

       (3) A county auditor that is designated a deputy registrar 141
may choose to accept payment by means of a financial transaction 142
device, including credit cards and debit cards, for all department 143
of public safety transactions conducted at the office of the 144
county auditor in the county auditor's capacity as deputy 145
registrar. The bureau shall not be required to pay any costs 146
incurred by a county auditor who accepts payment by means of a 147
financial transaction device that result from the county auditor 148
accepting payment by means of a financial transaction device for 149
any such department of public safety transaction.150

       (I) For persons who reside in counties where tailpipe151
emissions inspections are required under the motor vehicle152
inspection and maintenance program, the notice required by153
division (B) of this section shall also include the toll-free154
telephone number maintained by the Ohio environmental protection155
agency to provide information concerning the locations of156
emissions testing centers.157

       Section 2. That existing section 4503.102 of the Revised Code 158
is hereby repealed.159

       Section 3.  Section 4503.102 of the Revised Code is 160
presented in this act as a composite of the section as amended by 161
both H.B. 13 and Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th General Assembly. 162
The General Assembly, applying the principle stated in division 163
(B) of section 1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be 164
harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds 165
that the composite is the resulting version of the section in 166
effect prior to the effective date of the section as presented in 167
this act.168