As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 218

Representative Winburn 

To amend sections 5727.01, 5727.11, and 5727.111 of 1
the Revised Code to modify the tax valuation of 2
public utility tangible personal property used to 3
generate electricity from renewable resources.4


       Section 1. That sections 5727.01, 5727.11, and 5727.111 of 5
the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:6

       Sec. 5727.01.  As used in this chapter:7

       (A) "Public utility" means each person referred to as a8
telephone company, telegraph company, electric company, natural9
gas company, pipe-line company, water-works company, water10
transportation company, heating company, rural electric company,11
railroad company, or combined company.12

       (B) "Gross receipts" means the entire receipts for business13
done by any person from operations as a public utility, or14
incidental thereto, or in connection therewith, including any15
receipts received under Chapter 4928. of the Revised Code. The16
gross receipts for business done by an incorporated company17
engaged in operation as a public utility includes the entire18
receipts for business done by such company under the exercise of19
its corporate powers, whether from the operation as a public20
utility or from any other business.21

       (C) "Rural electric company" means any nonprofit corporation,22
organization, association, or cooperative engaged in the business23
of supplying electricity to its members or persons owning an24
interest therein in an area the major portion of which is rural.25

       (D) Any person:26

       (1) Is a telegraph company when engaged in the business of27
transmitting telegraphic messages to, from, through, or in this28

       (2) Is a telephone company when primarily engaged in the30
business of providing local exchange telephone service, excluding31
cellular radio service, in this state;32

       (3) Is an electric company when engaged in the business of33
generating, transmitting, or distributing electricity within this34
state for use by others, but excludes a rural electric company;35

       (4) Is a natural gas company when engaged in the business of36
supplying or distributing natural gas for lighting, power, or37
heating purposes to consumers within this state, excluding a38
person that is a governmental aggregator or retail natural gas39
supplier as defined in section 4929.01 of the Revised Code;40

       (5) Is a pipe-line company when engaged in the business of41
transporting natural gas, oil, or coal or its derivatives through42
pipes or tubing, either wholly or partially within this state;43

       (6) Is a water-works company when engaged in the business of44
supplying water through pipes or tubing, or in a similar manner,45
to consumers within this state;46

       (7) Is a water transportation company when engaged in the47
transportation of passengers or property, by boat or other48
watercraft, over any waterway, whether natural or artificial, from49
one point within this state to another point within this state, or50
between points within this state and points without this state;51

       (8) Is a heating company when engaged in the business of52
supplying water, steam, or air through pipes or tubing to53
consumers within this state for heating purposes;54

       (9) Is a railroad company when engaged in the business of55
owning or operating a railroad either wholly or partially within56
this state on rights-of-way acquired and held exclusively by such57
company, or otherwise, and includes a passenger, street, suburban,58
or interurban railroad company.59

       As used in division (D)(2) of this section, "local exchange60
telephone service" means making available or furnishing access and61
a dial tone to all persons within a local calling area for use in62
originating and receiving voice grade communications over a63
switched network operated by the provider of the service within64
the area and for gaining access to other telecommunication65

       (E) "Taxable property" means the property required by section67
5727.06 of the Revised Code to be assessed by the tax68
commissioner, but does not include either of the following:69

       (1) An item of tangible personal property that for the period 70
subsequent to the effective date of an air, water, or noise71
pollution control certificate and continuing so long as the72
certificate is in force, has been certified as part of the73
pollution control facility with respect to which the certificate74
has been issued;75

       (2) An item of tangible personal property that during the76
construction of a plant or facility and until the item is first77
capable of operation, whether actually used in operation or not,78
is incorporated in or being held exclusively for incorporation in79
that plant or facility.80

       Notwithstanding section 5701.03 of the Revised Code, for tax 81
year 2006 and thereafter, "taxable property" includes patterns, 82
jigs, dies, and drawings of an electric company or a combined 83
company for use in the activity of an electric company.84

       (F) "Taxing district" means a municipal corporation ofor85
township, or part thereof, in which the aggregate rate of taxation86
is uniform.87

       (G) "Telecommunications service" has the same meaning as in88
division (AA) of section 5739.01 of the Revised Code.89

       (H) "Interexchange telecommunications company" means a person90
that is engaged in the business of transmitting telephonic91
messages to, from, through, or in this state, but that is not a92
telephone company.93

       (I) "Sale and leaseback transaction" means a transaction in94
which a public utility or interexchange telecommunications company95
sells any tangible personal property to a person other than a96
public utility or interexchange telecommunications company and97
leases that property back from the buyer.98

       (J) "Production equipment" means all taxable steam, nuclear,99
hydraulic, and other production plant equipment used to generate100
electricity. For tax years prior to 2001, "production equipment"101
includes taxable station equipment that is located at a production102

       (K) "Tax year" means the year for which property or gross104
receipts are subject to assessment under this chapter. This105
division does not limit the tax commissioner's ability to assess106
and value property or gross receipts outside the tax year.107

       (L) "Combined company" means any person engaged in the108
activity of an electric company or rural electric company that is109
also engaged in the activity of a heating company or a natural gas110
company, or any combination thereof.111

        (M) "Public utility property lessor" means any person, other 112
than a public utility or an interexchange telecommunications 113
company, that leases personal property, other than in a sale and 114
leaseback transaction, to a public utility, other than a railroad, 115
water transportation, telephone, or telegraph company if the 116
property would be taxable property if owned by the public utility. 117
A public utility property lessor is subject to this chapter only 118
for the purposes of reporting and paying tax on taxable property 119
it leases to a public utility other than a telephone or telegraph 120
company. A public utility property lessor that leases property to 121
a public utility other than a telephone or telegraph company is 122
not a public utility, but it shall report its property and be 123
assessed in the same manner as the utility to which it leases the 124

       (N) "Renewable resource" means solar photovaltaic or solar 126
thermal energy or wind energy.127

       Sec. 5727.11.  (A) Except as otherwise provided in this128
section, the true value of all taxable property, except property 129
of a railroad company, required by section 5727.06 of the Revised 130
Code to be assessed by the tax commissioner shall be determined by 131
a method of valuation using cost as capitalized on the public132
utility's books and records less composite annual allowances as133
prescribed by the commissioner. If the commissioner finds that134
application of this method will not result in the determination of135
true value of the public utility's taxable property, the136
commissioner may use another method of valuation.137

       (B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, 138
the true value of current gas stored underground is the cost of 139
that gas shown on the books and records of the public utility on 140
the thirty-first day of December of the preceding year.141

       (2) For tax year 2001 and thereafter, the true value of142
current gas stored underground is the quotient obtained by143
dividing (a) the average value of the current gas stored144
underground, which shall be determined by adding the value of the145
gas on hand at the end of each calendar month in the calendar year146
preceding the tax year, or, if applicable, the last day of147
business of each month for a partial month, divided by (b) the148
total number of months the natural gas company was in business149
during the calendar year prior to the beginning of the tax year.150
with the approval of the tax commissioner, a natural gas company151
may use a date other than the end of a calendar month to value its152
current gas stored underground.153

       (C) The true value of noncurrent gas stored underground is154
thirty-five per cent of the cost of that gas shown on the books155
and records of the public utility on the thirty-first day of156
December of the preceding year.157

       (D)(1) Except as provided in divisiondivisions (D)(2) and 158
(3) of this section, the true value of the production equipment of 159
an electric company and the true value of all taxable property of 160
a rural electric company is the equipment's or property's cost as161
capitalized on the company's books and records less fifty per cent162
of that cost as an allowance for depreciation and obsolescence.163

       (2) The true value of the production equipment of an electric 164
company or rural electric company purchased, transferred, or 165
placed into service after the effective date of this amendment166
July 6, 1999, is the purchase price of the equipment as 167
capitalized on the company's books and records less composite 168
annual allowances as prescribed by the tax commissioner.169

       (3) For tax year 2010 and each tax year thereafter, the true 170
value of the taxable property of an electric company that is used 171
to produce electricity from a renewable resource is the purchase 172
price of the equipment as capitalized on the company's books and 173
records without deduction of composite annual allowances.174

       (E) The true value of taxable property, except property of a 175
railroad company, required by section 5727.06 of the Revised Code 176
to be assessed by the tax commissioner shall not include the 177
allowance for funds used during construction or interest during 178
construction that has been capitalized on the public utility's 179
books and records as part of the total cost of the taxable 180
property. This division shall not apply to the taxable property of 181
an electric company or a rural electric company, excluding182
transmission and distribution property, first placed into service 183
after December 31, 2000, or to the taxable property a person 184
purchases, which includes transfers, if that property was used in 185
business by the seller prior to the purchase.186

       (F) The true value of watercraft owned or operated by a water 187
transportation company shall be determined by multiplying the true 188
value of the watercraft as determined under division (A) of this 189
section by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of 190
revenue-earning miles traveled by the watercraft in the waters of 191
this state and the denominator of which is the number of192
revenue-earning miles traveled by the watercraft in all waters.193

       (G) The cost of property subject to a sale and leaseback194
transaction is the cost of the property as capitalized on the195
books and records of the public utility owning the property196
immediately prior to the sale and leaseback transaction.197

       (H) The cost as capitalized on the books and records of a198
public utility includes amounts capitalized that represent199
regulatory assets, if such amounts previously were included on the200
company's books and records as capitalized costs of taxable201
personal property.202

       (I) Any change in the composite annual allowances as203
prescribed by the commissioner on a prospective basis shall not be204
admissible in any judicial or administrative action or proceeding205
as evidence of value with regard to prior years' taxes.206
Information about the business, property, or transactions of any207
taxpayer obtained by the commissioner for the purpose of adopting208
or modifying the composite annual allowances shall not be subject209
to discovery or disclosure.210

       Sec. 5727.111.  The taxable property of each public utility,211
except a railroad company, and of each interexchange212
telecommunications company shall be assessed at the following213
percentages of true value:214

        (A) Fifty per cent in the case of the taxable transmission 215
and distribution property of a rural electric company, and 216
twenty-five per cent for all its other taxable property;217

       (B) In the case of a telephone or telegraph company,218
twenty-five per cent for taxable property first subject to219
taxation in this state for tax year 1995 or thereafter for tax 220
years before tax year 2007, and pursuant to division (H) of 221
section 5711.22 of the Revised Code for tax year 2007 and 222
thereafter, and the following for all other taxable property:223

       (1) For tax years prior to 2005, eighty-eight per cent;224

       (2) For tax year 2005, sixty-seven per cent;225

       (3) For tax year 2006, forty-six per cent;226

       (4) For tax year 2007 and thereafter, pursuant to division 227
(H) of section 5711.22 of the Revised Code.228

       (C) Twenty-five per cent in the case of a natural gas 229

       (D) Eighty-eight per cent in the case of a pipe-line,231
water-works, or heating company;232

       (E)(1) For tax year 2005, eighty-eight per cent in the case 233
of the taxable transmission and distribution property of an234
electric company, and twenty-five per cent for all its other235
taxable property;236

        (2) For tax yearyears 2006 and each tax year thereafter, 237
2007, 2008, and 2009, eighty-five per cent in the case of the 238
taxable transmission and distribution property of an electric 239
company, and twenty-four per cent for all its other taxable 240

       (3) For tax year 2010 and each tax year thereafter, of the 242
taxable property of an electric company:243

       (a) Eighty-five per cent in the case of the taxable 244
transmission and distribution property;245

       (b) Twelve per cent in the case of taxable property used to 246
produce electricity from renewable resources;247

       (c) Twenty-four per cent for all its other taxable property.248

       (F)(1) Twenty-five per cent in the case of an interexchange249
telecommunications company for tax years before tax year 2007;250

       (2) Pursuant to division (H) of section 5711.22 of the 251
Revised Code for tax year 2007 and thereafter.252

       (G) Twenty-five per cent in the case of a water253
transportation company.254

       Section 2. That existing sections 5727.01, 5727.11, and 255
5727.111 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.256