As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 231

Representative Bacon 

Cosponsors: Representatives Murray, Ruhl, Evans, Grossman, Mecklenborg, Harwood, Skindell, Bubp, Lehner, Derickson, Blessing, Brown, Stebelton, Ujvagi, Yuko, Hagan 

To amend sections 2108.75 and 2108.81 of the Revised 1
Code to give the right of disposal to the United 2
States Secretary of Veterans Affairs regarding 3
abandoned or unclaimed remains of persons who are 4
entitled to be buried in a national cemetery.5


       Section 1. That sections 2108.75 and 2108.81 of the Revised 6
Code be amended to read as follows:7

       Sec. 2108.75.  (A) A person shall be disqualified from 8
serving as a representative or successor representative, or from 9
having the right of disposition for a deceased adult pursuant to 10
division (B) of section 2108.81 of the Revised Code, if any of the 11
following occurs:12

       (1) The person dies.13

       (2) A probate court declares or determines that the person is 14

       (3) The person resigns or declines to exercise the right as 16
described in section 2108.88 of the Revised Code.17

       (4) The person refuses to exercise the right within two days 18
after notification of the declarant's death.19

       (5) The person cannot be located with reasonable effort.20

       (6) The person meets the criteria described in section 21
2108.76 or 2108.77 of the Revised Code.22

       (B) No owner, employee, or agent of a funeral home, cemetery, 23
or crematory providing funeral, burial, or cremation services for 24
a declarant shall serve as a representative or successor 25
representative for the declarant unless the owner, employee, or 26
agent is related to the declarant by blood, marriage, or adoption.27

       (C) Subject to divisions (C)(2) and (D)(2) of section 2108.70 28
of the Revised Code, if a person is disqualified from serving as 29
the declarant's representative or successor representative, or 30
from having the right of disposition for a deceased adult pursuant 31
to section 2108.81 of the Revised Code, as described in division 32
(A) of this section, the right is automatically reassigned to, and 33
vests in, the next person who has the right pursuant to the 34
declarant's written declaration or pursuant to the order of 35
priority in section 2108.81 of the Revised Code.36

       Sec. 2108.81.  (A) If either of the following is true, 37
division (B) of this section shall apply: 38

       (1) An adult has not executed a written declaration pursuant 39
to sections 2108.70 to 2108.73 of the Revised Code that remains in 40
force at the time of the adult's death. 41

       (2) Each person to whom the right of disposition has been 42
assigned or reassigned pursuant to a written declaration is 43
disqualified from exercising the right as described in section 44
2108.75 of the Revised Code. 45

        (B) Subject to divisiondivisions (A) and (C) of this section 46
and sections 2108.75 and 2108.79 of the Revised Code, the right 47
of disposition is assigned to the following persons, if mentally 48
competent adults who can be located with reasonable effort, in 49
the order of priority stated: 50

       (1) The deceased person's surviving spouse; 51

       (2) The sole surviving child of the deceased person or, if 52
there is more than one surviving child, all of the surviving 53
children, collectively; 54

       (3) The deceased person's surviving parent or parents; 55

       (4) The deceased person's surviving sibling, whether of the 56
whole or of the half blood or, if there is more than one sibling 57
of the whole or of the half blood, all of the surviving siblings, 58
collectively; 59

       (5) The deceased person's surviving grandparent or 60
grandparents; 61

       (6) The deceased person's surviving grandchild, or if there 62
is more than one surviving grandchild, all of the surviving 63
grandchildren collectively; 64

       (7) The lineal descendants of the deceased person's 65
grandparents, as described in division (I) of section 2105.06 of 66
the Revised Code; 67

       (8) The person who was the deceased person's guardian at the 68
time of the deceased person's death, if a guardian had been 69
appointed; 70

       (9) Any other person willing to assume the right of 71
disposition, including the personal representative of the deceased 72
person's estate or the licensed funeral director with custody of 73
the deceased person's body, after attesting in writing that a good 74
faith effort has been made to locate the persons in divisions 75
(B)(1) to (8) of this section. 76

       (10) If the deceased person was an indigent person or other 77
person the final disposition of whose body is the financial and 78
statutory responsibility of the state or a political subdivision 79
of this state, the public officer or employee responsible for 80
arranging the final disposition of the remains of the deceased 81
person. 82

       (C) Prior to proceeding to a person described in division 83
(B)(9) of this section, the person having custody of a deceased 84
person's body or remains shall notify the United States department 85
of veterans affairs that the person has custody of the body or 86
remains of a person and the name of and other identifying 87
information relating to that person. The person shall give the 88
secretary of veterans affairs sixty days within which to examine 89
the records of the person, and the body or remains of the deceased 90
person, to determine whether the deceased person was a veteran 91
entitled to be buried in a national cemetery. The person shall 92
permit, upon request, the United States secretary of veterans 93
affairs to examine any records the person has in relation to the 94
deceased person, and to examine the body or remains. If the 95
secretary determines that the deceased person is entitled to be 96
buried in a national cemetery, upon notifying the person with 97
custody of the body or remains, the secretary is assigned the 98
right of disposition, and that right shall take priority over any 99
right assigned pursuant to division (B)(9) of this section. The 100
secretary may request the person with custody of the body or 101
remains to release custody of the body or remains to the 102
secretary. If the secretary makes such a request, the person with 103
custody of the body or remains shall release the body or remains 104
to the secretary.105

       Section 2. That existing sections 2108.75 and 2108.81 of the 106
Revised Code are hereby repealed.107