As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 272

Representative Williams, S. 

Cosponsors: Representatives Luckie, Heard 

To amend sections 4303.11, 4303.12, and 4303.121 of 1
the Revised Code to increase the annual fee for 2
the C-1, C-2, and C-2x liquor permits to $2,500.3


       Section 1. That sections 4303.11, 4303.12, and 4303.121 of 4
the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:5

       Sec. 4303.11.  Permit C-1 may be issued to the owner or 6
operator of a retail store to sell beer in containers and not for 7
consumption on the premises where sold in original containers 8
having a capacity of not more than five and one-sixth gallons. The 9
fee for this permit is two hundred fifty-twotwenty-five hundred10
dollars for each location.11

       Sec. 4303.12.  Permit C-2 may be issued to the owner or 12
operator of a retail store to sell wine in sealed containers only 13
and not for consumption on the premises where sold in original 14
containers. The holder of this permit may also sell and distribute 15
in original packages and not for consumption on the premises where 16
sold or for resale, prepared and bottled highballs, cocktails,17
cordials, and other mixed beverages manufactured and distributed 18
by holders of A-4 and B-4 permits, and containing not less than 19
four per cent of alcohol by volume, and not more than twenty-one 20
per cent of alcohol by volume. The fee for this permit is three 21
hundred seventy-sixtwenty-five hundred dollars for each location.22

       Sec. 4303.121.  Effective October 1, 1982, permit C-2x shall 23
be issued to the holder of a C-2 permit who does not also hold a 24
C-1 permit, to sell beer only not for consumption on the premises 25
where sold, in original containers having a capacity of not more 26
than five and one-sixth gallons. Applicants for a C-2 permit as of 27
October 1, 1982 shall be issued a C-2x permit subject to the28
restrictions for the issuance of the C-2 permit. The fee for a 29
C-2x permit is two hundred fifty-twotwenty-five hundred dollars.30

       Section 2. That existing sections 4303.11, 4303.12, and 31
4303.121 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.32