As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 318

Representative Sykes 

To amend sections 101.27, 5747.02, and 5747.056 of 1
the Revised Code and to amend Section 265.10 of 2
Am. Sub. H.B. 1 of the 128th General Assembly to 3
postpone for two years the last of five scheduled 4
income tax rate reductions, to reduce salaries of 5
General Assembly members by five per cent, and to 6
make conforming amendments.7


       Section 1. That sections 101.27, 5747.02, and 5747.056 of 8
the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:9

       Sec. 101.27.  (A)(1) Every member of the senate, except the10
members elected president, president pro tempore, assistant11
president pro tempore, majority whip, minority leader, assistant12
minority leader, minority whip, and assistant minority whip, shall13
receive as compensation a salary of fifty-one thousand six hundred 14
seventy-four dollars a year during the senator's term of office. 15
Every member of the house of representatives, except the members16
elected speaker, speaker pro tempore, majority floor leader,17
assistant majority floor leader, majority whip, assistant majority 18
whip, minority leader, assistant minority leader, minority whip, 19
and assistant minority whip, shall receive as compensation a 20
salary of fifty-one thousand six hundred seventy-four dollars a 21
year during the representative's term of office. Such salaries 22
shall be paid in equal monthly installments during such term. All 23
monthly payments shall be made on or before the fifth day of each 24
month. Upon the death of any member of the general assembly 25
during the member's term of office, any unpaid salary due such 26
member for the remainder of the member's term shall be paid to the 27
member's surviving spouse, children, mother, or father, in the 28
order in which the relationship is set forth in this section in 29
monthly installments.30

       (2) Each member shall receive a travel reimbursement per mile31
each way, at the same mileage rate allowed for the reimbursement32
of travel expenses of state agents as provided by rule of the33
director of budget and management pursuant to division (B) of34
section 126.31 of the Revised Code, for mileage not more than once 35
a week during the session for travel incurred by a member from and 36
to the member's place of residence, by the most direct highway 37
route of public travel to and from the seat of government, to be 38
paid quarterly on the last day of March, June, September, and 39
December of each year.40

       (3) The member of the senate elected president and the member 41
of the house of representatives elected speaker shall each receive 42
as compensation a salary of eighty thousand five hundred43
forty-nine dollars a year during the president's or speaker's term44
of office.45

       The member of the senate elected president pro tempore, the46
member of the senate elected minority leader, the member of the47
house of representatives elected speaker pro tempore, and the48
member of the house of representatives elected minority leader49
shall each receive as compensation a salary of seventy-three50
thousand four hundred ninety-three dollars a year during the51
member's term of office. The member of the house of52
representatives elected majority floor leader and the member of53
the senate elected assistant president pro tempore shall each54
receive as compensation a salary of sixty-nine thousand two55
hundred twenty-seven dollars a year during the member's term of56
office. The member of the senate elected assistant minority leader 57
and the member of the house of representatives elected assistant 58
minority leader shall each receive as compensation a salary of 59
sixty-seven thousand ninety-nine dollars a year during the 60
member's term of office. The member of the senate elected majority 61
whip and the member of the house of representatives elected 62
assistant majority floor leader shall each receive a salary of 63
sixty-four thousand nine hundred sixty-seven dollars a year during 64
the member's term of office. The member of the senate elected 65
minority whip, the member of the house of representatives elected 66
majority whip, and the member of the house of representatives 67
elected minority whip shall each receive as compensation a salary 68
of sixty thousand seven hundred six dollars a year during the 69
member's term of office. The member of the house of 70
representatives elected assistant majority whip shall receive as 71
compensation a salary of fifty-six thousand four hundred 72
forty-three dollars a year during the member's term of office. The 73
member of the house of representatives elected assistant minority 74
whip and the member of the senate elected assistant minority whip 75
shall each receive a salary of fifty-four thousand sixty dollars a 76
year during the member's term of office.77

       (4) The chairperson of the finance committee of each house78
shall receive an additional sum of ten thousand dollars annually. 79
The chairperson of each standing committee of each house other80
than the finance committee shall receive an additional sum of six81
thousand five hundred dollars annually. The chairperson of each82
standing subcommittee of a finance committee shall receive an83
additional sum of six thousand five hundred dollars annually. The84
vice-chairperson of the finance committee of each house shall85
receive an additional sum of five thousand five hundred dollars86
annually. The ranking minority member of the finance committee of 87
each house shall receive an additional sum of six thousand five 88
hundred dollars annually. The ranking minority member of each 89
standing subcommittee of a finance committee shall receive an90
additional sum of five thousand dollars annually. The chairperson 91
of each standing subcommittee of each house other than a standing 92
subcommittee of the finance committee shall receive an additional 93
sum of five thousand dollars annually. The vice-chairperson and 94
ranking minority member of each standing committee of each house 95
other than the finance committee shall each receive an additional 96
sum of five thousand dollars annually. Except for the ranking 97
minority member of each standing subcommittee of a finance 98
committee, the ranking minority member of each standing 99
subcommittee of each house shall receive an additional sum of two 100
thousand five hundred dollars annually.101

       No member may receive more than one additional sum for102
serving as chairperson, vice-chairperson, or ranking minority103
member of a standing committee or standing subcommittee,104
regardless of the number of standing committees or standing105
subcommittees on which the member serves as chairperson,106
vice-chairperson, or ranking minority member.107

       (5) If a member is absent without leave, or is not excused on108
the member's return, there shall be deducted from the member's109
compensation twenty dollars for each day's absence.110

       (B) Each calendar year from 2002 through 2008, the salary111
amounts under divisions (A)(1) and (3) of this section shall be112
increased by the lesser of the following:113

       (1) Three per cent;114

       (2) The percentage increase, if any, in the consumer price115
index over the twelve-month period that ends on the thirtieth day116
of September of the immediately preceding year, rounded to the117
nearest one-tenth of one per cent.118

       (C) The salary amounts specified in divisions (A)(1) and (3) 119
of this section as they have been increased under division (B) of 120
this section and the additional sums specified in division (A)(4) 121
of this section shall be reduced by five per cent.122

       (D) As used in this section:123

       (1) "Consumer price index" means the consumer price index124
prepared by the United States bureau of labor statistics (U.S.125
city average for urban wage earners and clerical workers: all126
items, 1982-1984=100), or, if that index is no longer published, a127
generally available comparable index.128

       (2) "Finance committee" means the finance committee of the129
senate and the finance-appropriations committee of the house of130

       Sec. 5747.02.  (A) For the purpose of providing revenue for 132
the support of schools and local government functions, to provide 133
relief to property taxpayers, to provide revenue for the general 134
revenue fund, and to meet the expenses of administering the tax 135
levied by this chapter, there is hereby levied on every 136
individual, trust, and estate residing in or earning or receiving 137
income in this state, on every individual, trust, and estate 138
earning or receiving lottery winnings, prizes, or awards pursuant 139
to Chapter 3770. of the Revised Code, and on every individual, 140
trust, and estate otherwise having nexus with or in this state 141
under the Constitution of the United States, an annual tax 142
measured in the case of individuals by Ohio adjusted gross income 143
less an exemption for the taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse, and 144
each dependent as provided in section 5747.025 of the Revised 145
Code; measured in the case of trusts by modified Ohio taxable 146
income under division (D) of this section; and measured in the 147
case of estates by Ohio taxable income. The tax imposed by this 148
section on the balance thus obtained is hereby levied as follows: 149

       (1) For taxable years beginning in 2004: 150

OR 152
OR 155

$5,000 or less .743% 157
More than $5,000 but not more than $10,000 $37.15 plus 1.486% of the amount in excess of $5,000 158
More than $10,000 but not more than $15,000 $111.45 plus 2.972% of the amount in excess of $10,000 159
More than $15,000 but not more than $20,000 $260.05 plus 3.715% of the amount in excess of $15,000 160
More than $20,000 but not more than $40,000 $445.80 plus 4.457% of the amount in excess of $20,000 161
More than $40,000 but not more than $80,000 $1,337.20 plus 5.201% of the amount in excess of $40,000 162
More than $80,000 but not more than $100,000 $3,417.60 plus 5.943% of the amount in excess of $80,000 163
More than $100,000 but not more than $200,000 $4,606.20 plus 6.9% of the amount in excess of $100,000 164
More than $200,000 $11,506.20 plus 7.5% of the amount in excess of $200,000 165

       (2) For taxable years beginning in 2005: 166

OR 168
OR 171

$5,000 or less .712% 173
More than $5,000 but not more than $10,000 $35.60 plus 1.424% of the amount in excess of $5,000 174
More than $10,000 but not more than $15,000 $106.80 plus 2.847% of the amount in excess of $10,000 175
More than $15,000 but not more than $20,000 $249.15 plus 3.559% of the amount in excess of $15,000 176
More than $20,000 but not more than $40,000 $427.10 plus 4.27% of the amount in excess of $20,000 177
More than $40,000 but not more than $80,000 $1,281.10 plus 4.983% of the amount in excess of $40,000 178
More than $80,000 but not more than $100,000 $3,274.30 plus 5.693% of the amount in excess of $80,000 179
More than $100,000 but not more than $200,000 $4,412.90 plus 6.61% of the amount in excess of $100,000 180
More than $200,000 $11,022.90 plus 7.185% of the amount in excess of $200,000 181

       (3) For taxable years beginning in 2006: 182

OR 184
OR 187

$5,000 or less .681% 189
More than $5,000 but not more than $10,000 $34.05 plus 1.361% of the amount in excess of $5,000 190
More than $10,000 but not more than $15,000 $102.10 plus 2.722% of the amount in excess of $10,000 191
More than $15,000 but not more than $20,000 $238.20 plus 3.403% of the amount in excess of $15,000 192
More than $20,000 but not more than $40,000 $408.35 plus 4.083% of the amount in excess of $20,000 193
More than $40,000 but not more than $80,000 $1,224.95 plus 4.764% of the amount in excess of $40,000 194
More than $80,000 but not more than $100,000 $3,130.55 plus 5.444% of the amount in excess of $80,000 195
More than $100,000 but not more than $200,000 $4,219.35 plus 6.32% of the amount in excess of $100,000 196
More than $200,000 $10,539.35 plus 6.87% of the amount in excess of $200,000 197

       (4) For taxable years beginning in 2007: 198

OR 200
OR 203

$5,000 or less .649% 205
More than $5,000 but not more than $10,000 $32.45 plus 1.299% of the amount in excess of $5,000 206
More than $10,000 but not more than $15,000 $97.40 plus 2.598% of the amount in excess of $10,000 207
More than $15,000 but not more than $20,000 $227.30 plus 3.247% of the amount in excess of $15,000 208
More than $20,000 but not more than $40,000 $389.65 plus 3.895% of the amount in excess of $20,000 209
More than $40,000 but not more than $80,000 $1,168.65 plus 4.546% of the amount in excess of $40,000 210
More than $80,000 but not more than $100,000 $2,987.05 plus 5.194% of the amount in excess of $80,000 211
More than $100,000 but not more than $200,000 $4,025.85 plus 6.031% of the amount in excess of $100,000 212
More than $200,000 $10,056.85 plus 6.555% of the amount in excess of $200,000 213

       (5) For taxable years beginning in 2008, 2009, or 2010: 214

OR 216
OR 219

$5,000 or less .618% 221
More than $5,000 but not more than $10,000 $30.90 plus 1.236% of the amount in excess of $5,000 222
More than $10,000 but not more than $15,000 $92.70 plus 2.473% of the amount in excess of $10,000 223
More than $15,000 but not more than $20,000 $216.35 plus 3.091% of the amount in excess of $15,000 224
More than $20,000 but not more than $40,000 $370.90 plus 3.708% of the amount in excess of $20,000 225
More than $40,000 but not more than $80,000 $1,112.50 plus 4.327% of the amount in excess of $40,000 226
More than $80,000 but not more than $100,000 $2,843.30 plus 4.945% of the amount in excess of $80,000 227
More than $100,000 but not more than $200,000 $3,832.30 plus 5.741% of the amount in excess of $100,000 228
More than $200,000 $9,573.30 plus 6.24% of the amount in excess of $200,000 229

       (6) For taxable years beginning in 20092011 or thereafter: 230

OR 232
OR 235

$5,000 or less .587% 237
More than $5,000 but not more than $10,000 $29.35 plus 1.174% of the amount in excess of $5,000 238
More than $10,000 but not more than $15,000 $88.05 plus 2.348% of the amount in excess of $10,000 239
More than $15,000 but not more than $20,000 $205.45 plus 2.935% of the amount in excess of $15,000 240
More than $20,000 but not more than $40,000 $352.20 plus 3.521% of the amount in excess of $20,000 241
More than $40,000 but not more than $80,000 $1,056.40 plus 4.109% of the amount in excess of $40,000 242
More than $80,000 but not more than $100,000 $2,700.00 plus 4.695% of the amount in excess of $80,000 243
More than $100,000 but not more than $200,000 $3,639.00 plus 5.451% of the amount in excess of $100,000 244
More than $200,000 $9,090.00 plus 5.925% of the amount in excess of $200,000 245

       In July of each year, beginning in 2010, the tax commissioner 246
shall adjust the income amounts prescribed in this division by 247
multiplying the percentage increase in the gross domestic product 248
deflator computed that year under section 5747.025 of the Revised 249
Code by each of the income amounts resulting from the adjustment 250
under this division in the preceding year, adding the resulting 251
product to the corresponding income amount resulting from the 252
adjustment in the preceding year, and rounding the resulting sum 253
to the nearest multiple of fifty dollars. The tax commissioner 254
also shall recompute each of the tax dollar amounts to the extent 255
necessary to reflect the adjustment of the income amounts. The 256
rates of taxation shall not be adjusted. 257

       The adjusted amounts apply to taxable years beginning in the 258
calendar year in which the adjustments are made. The tax 259
commissioner shall not make such adjustments in any year in which 260
the amount resulting from the adjustment would be less than the 261
amount resulting from the adjustment in the preceding year. 262

       (B) If the director of budget and management makes a 263
certification to the tax commissioner under division (B) of 264
section 131.44 of the Revised Code, the amount of tax as 265
determined under division (A) of this section shall be reduced by 266
the percentage prescribed in that certification for taxable years 267
beginning in the calendar year in which that certification is 268
made. 269

       (C) The levy of this tax on income does not prevent a 270
municipal corporation, a joint economic development zone created 271
under section 715.691, or a joint economic development district 272
created under section 715.70 or 715.71 or sections 715.72 to 273
715.81 of the Revised Code from levying a tax on income. 274

       (D) This division applies only to taxable years of a trust 275
beginning in 2002 or thereafter. 276

       (1) The tax imposed by this section on a trust shall be 277
computed by multiplying the Ohio modified taxable income of the 278
trust by the rates prescribed by division (A) of this section. 279

       (2) A nonresident trust may claim a credit against the tax 280
computed under division (D) of this section equal to the lesser 281
of (1) the tax paid to another state or the District of Columbia 282
on the nonresident trust's modified nonbusiness income, other 283
than the portion of the nonresident trust's nonbusiness income 284
that is qualifying investment income as defined in section 285
5747.012 of the Revised Code, or (2) the effective tax rate, based 286
on modified Ohio taxable income, multiplied by the nonresident 287
trust's modified nonbusiness income other than the portion of the 288
nonresident trust's nonbusiness income that is qualifying 289
investment income. The credit applies before any other applicable 290
credits. 291

       (3) The credits enumerated in divisions (A)(1) to (13) of 292
section 5747.98 of the Revised Code do not apply to a trust 293
subject to division (D) of this section. Any credits enumerated 294
in other divisions of section 5747.98 of the Revised Code apply 295
to a trust subject to division (D) of this section. To the extent 296
that the trust distributes income for the taxable year for which 297
a credit is available to the trust, the credit shall be shared by 298
the trust and its beneficiaries. The tax commissioner and the 299
trust shall be guided by applicable regulations of the United 300
States treasury regarding the sharing of credits. 301

       (E) For the purposes of this section, "trust" means any trust 302
described in Subchapter J of Chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue 303
Code, excluding trusts that are not irrevocable as defined in 304
division (I)(3)(b) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code and that 305
have no modified Ohio taxable income for the taxable year, 306
charitable remainder trusts, qualified funeral trusts and preneed 307
funeral contract trusts established pursuant to sections 4717.31 308
to 4717.38 of the Revised Code that are not qualified funeral 309
trusts, endowment and perpetual care trusts, qualified 310
settlement trusts and funds, designated settlement trusts and 311
funds, and trusts exempted from taxation under section 501(a) 312
of the Internal Revenue Code. 313

       Sec. 5747.056. For taxable years beginning in 2005 or 314
thereafter, a credit shall be allowed per return against the tax 315
imposed by section 5747.02 of the Revised Code for a return not 316
filed by an estate or trust that indicates Ohio adjusted gross 317
income less exemptions of ten thousand dollars or less. For 318
taxable years beginning in 2005, the credit shall equal one 319
hundred seven dollars. For taxable years beginning in 2006, the 320
credit shall equal one hundred two dollars. For taxable years 321
beginning in 2007, the credit shall equal ninety-eight dollars. 322
For taxable years beginning in 2008, 2009, or 2010, the credit 323
shall equal ninety-three dollars. For taxable years beginning in 324
20092011 or thereafter, the credit shall equal eighty-eight 325
dollars. The credit shall be claimed in the order required under 326
section 5747.98 of the Revised Code.327

       Section 2.  That existing sections 101.27, 5747.02, and 328
5747.056 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.329

       Section 3.  That Section 265.10 of Am. Sub. H.B. 1 of the 330
128th General Assembly be amended to read as follows:331

       Sec. 265.10. EDU DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION332

General Revenue Fund333

GRF 200100 Personal Services $ 10,490,789 $ 10,723,972 334
GRF 200320 Maintenance and Equipment $ 3,110,071 $ 3,144,897 335
GRF 200408 Early Childhood Education $ 23,268,341 $ 23,268,341 336
GRF 200416 Career-Technical Education Match $ 2,233,195 $ 2,233,195 337
GRF 200420 Computer/Application/ Network Development $ 4,880,871 $ 4,880,871 338
GRF 200421 Alternative Education Programs $ 7,814,479 $ 7,918,749 339
GRF 200422 School Management Assistance $ 1,950,521 $ 3,230,469 340
GRF 200424 Policy Analysis $ 356,311 $ 361,065 341
GRF 200425 Tech Prep Consortia Support $ 1,243,943 $ 1,260,542 342
GRF 200426 Ohio Educational Computer Network $ 20,156,602 $ 20,425,556 343
GRF 200427 Academic Standards $ 5,300,074 $ 5,300,074 344
GRF 200431 School Improvement Initiatives $ 7,294,175 $ 7,391,503 345
GRF 200437 Student Assessment $ 55,954,648 $ 56,703,265 346
GRF 200439 Accountability/Report Cards $ 3,804,673 $ 3,804,673 347
GRF 200442 Child Care Licensing $ 865,590 $ 877,140 348
GRF 200446 Education Management Information System $ 13,199,152 $ 11,934,284 349
GRF 200447 GED Testing $ 975,536 $ 988,553 350
GRF 200448 Educator Preparation $ 1,310,750 $ 1,328,240 351
GRF 200455 Community Schools $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 352
GRF 200457 STEM Initiatives $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 353
GRF 200458 School Employees Health Care Board $ 800,000 $ 800,000 354
GRF 200502 Pupil Transportation $ 448,022,619 $ 462,822,619 355
GRF 200505 School Lunch Match $ 9,100,000 $ 9,100,000 356
GRF 200511 Auxiliary Services $ 111,979,388 $ 111,979,388 357
GRF 200532 Nonpublic Administrative Cost Reimbursement $ 50,838,939 $ 50,838,939 358
GRF 200540 Special Education Enhancements $ 134,150,233 $ 135,820,668 359
GRF 200545 Career-Technical Education Enhancements $ 7,752,662 $ 7,802,699 360
GRF 200550 Foundation Funding $ 5,130,669,418 5,415,906,323 $ 4,746,289,372 5,312,560,800 361
GRF 200551 Foundation Funding – Federal Stimulus $ 387,583,913 $ 457,449,362 362
GRF 200578 Violence Prevention and School Safety $ 200,000 $ 200,000 363
GRF 200901 Property Tax Allocation - Education $ 1,053,262,363 $ 1,020,655,157 364
TOTAL GRF General Revenue Fund $ 7,504,569,256 7,789,806,161 $ 7,175,533,593 7,741,805,021 365

General Services Fund Group366

1380 200606 Computer Services-Operational Support $ 7,600,091 $ 7,600,091 367
4520 200638 Miscellaneous Educational Services $ 275,000 $ 275,000 368
4L20 200681 Teacher Certification and Licensure $ 8,013,206 $ 8,147,756 369
5960 200656 Ohio Career Information System $ 529,761 $ 529,761 370
5H30 200687 School District Solvency Assistance $ 18,000,000 $ 18,000,000 371
TOTAL GSF General Services 372
Fund Group $ 34,418,058 $ 34,552,608 373

Federal Special Revenue Fund Group374

3090 200601 Educationally Disadvantaged Programs $ 8,405,512 $ 8,405,512 375
3670 200607 School Food Services $ 6,324,707 $ 6,577,695 376
3680 200614 Veterans' Training $ 778,349 $ 793,846 377
3690 200616 Career-Technical Education Federal Enhancement $ 5,000,000 $ 5,000,000 378
3700 200624 Education of Exceptional Children $ 2,664,000 $ 2,755,000 379
3740 200647 Troops to Teachers $ 100,000 $ 100,000 380
3780 200660 Learn and Serve $ 619,211 $ 619,211 381
3AF0 200603 Schools Medicaid Administrative Claims $ 639,000 $ 639,000 382
3AN0 200671 School Improvement Grants $ 17,909,676 $ 17,936,675 383
3AX0 200698 Improving Health and Educational Outcomes of Young People $ 630,954 $ 630,954 384
3BK0 200628 Longitudinal Data Systems $ 100,000 $ 0 385
3BV0 200636 Character Education $ 700,000 $ 0 386
3C50 200661 Early Childhood Education $ 14,189,711 $ 14,554,749 387
3CF0 200644 Foreign Language Assistance $ 25,000 $ 0 388
3CG0 200646 Teacher Incentive Fund $ 3,007,975 $ 1,157,834 389
3D10 200664 Drug Free Schools $ 13,347,966 $ 13,347,966 390
3D20 200667 Honors Scholarship Program $ 6,990,000 $ 6,985,000 391
3DJ0 200699 IDEA Part B - Federal Stimulus $ 218,868,026 $ 218,868,026 392
3DK0 200642 Title 1A - Federal Stimulus $ 186,336,737 $ 186,336,737 393
3DL0 200650 IDEA Preschool - Federal Stimulus $ 6,679,679 $ 6,679,679 394
3DM0 200651 Title IID Technology - Federal Stimulus $ 11,951,000 $ 11,951,000 395
3DP0 200652 Title I School Improvement - Federal Stimulus $ 54,221,000 $ 54,221,000 396
3H90 200605 Head Start Collaboration Project $ 225,000 $ 225,000 397
3L60 200617 Federal School Lunch $ 295,421,000 $ 310,150,675 398
3L70 200618 Federal School Breakfast $ 80,850,000 $ 84,892,500 399
3L80 200619 Child/Adult Food Programs $ 89,250,000 $ 93,712,500 400
3L90 200621 Career-Technical Education Basic Grant $ 48,029,701 $ 48,029,701 401
3M00 200623 ESEA Title 1A $ 530,000,000 $ 530,010,000 402
3M10 200678 Innovative Education $ 1,000,000 $ 0 403
3M20 200680 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act $ 413,391,594 $ 421,241,163 404
3S20 200641 Education Technology $ 9,487,397 $ 9,487,397 405
3T40 200613 Public Charter Schools $ 14,275,618 $ 14,291,353 406
3Y20 200688 21st Century Community Learning Centers $ 36,000,000 $ 36,000,000 407
3Y40 200632 Reading First $ 27,366,373 $ 24,455,172 408
3Y60 200635 Improving Teacher Quality $ 101,778,397 $ 101,778,400 409
3Y70 200689 English Language Acquisition $ 8,142,299 $ 8,142,299 410
3Y80 200639 Rural and Low Income Technical Assistance $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 411
3Z20 200690 State Assessments $ 12,923,799 $ 12,923,799 412
3Z30 200645 Consolidated Federal Grant Administration $ 8,499,279 $ 8,499,280 413
3Z70 200697 General Supervisory Enhancement Grant $ 887,319 $ 0 414
TOTAL FED Federal Special 415
Revenue Fund Group $ 2,238,516,279 $ 2,262,899,123 416

State Special Revenue Fund Group417

4540 200610 Guidance and Testing $ 450,000 $ 450,000 418
4550 200608 Commodity Foods $ 24,000,000 $ 24,000,000 419
4R70 200695 Indirect Operational Support $ 6,050,000 $ 6,250,000 420
4V70 200633 Interagency Operational Support $ 1,111,838 $ 1,117,725 421
5980 200659 Auxiliary Services Reimbursement $ 1,328,910 $ 1,328,910 422
5BB0 200696 State Action for Education Leadership $ 1,250,000 $ 600,000 423
5BJ0 200626 Half-Mill Maintenance Equalization $ 16,100,000 $ 16,600,000 424
5U20 200685 National Education Statistics $ 300,000 $ 300,000 425
5W20 200663 Early Learning Initiative $ 2,200,000 $ 2,200,000 426
5X90 200911 NGA STEM $ 100,000 $ 0 427
6200 200615 Educational Improvement Grants $ 3,000,000 $ 3,000,000 428
TOTAL SSR State Special Revenue 429
Fund Group $ 55,890,748 $ 55,846,635 430

Lottery Profits Education Fund Group431

7017 200612 Foundation Funding $ 990,236,905 705,000,000 $ 1,277,271,428 711,000,000 432
TOTAL LPE Lottery Profits 433
Education Fund Group $ 990,236,905 705,000,000 $ 1,277,271,428 711,000,000 434

Revenue Distribution Fund Group435

7047 200909 School District Property Tax Replacement-Business $ 1,150,207,366 $ 1,150,207,366 436
7053 200900 School District Property Tax Replacement-Utility $ 91,123,523 $ 91,123,523 437
TOTAL RDF Revenue Distribution 438
Fund Group $ 1,241,330,889 $ 1,241,330,889 439
TOTAL ALL BUDGET FUND GROUPS $ 12,064,962,135 $ 12,047,434,276 440

       Section 4.  That existing Section 265.10 of Am. Sub. H.B. 1 442
of the 128th General Assembly is hereby repealed.443

       Section 5.  The amendment by this act of sections 5747.02 and 444
5747.056 of the Revised Code provides for or is essential to the 445
implementation of a tax levy. Therefore, under Ohio Constitution, 446
Article II, Section 1d, the amendment is not subject to the 447
referendum and goes into immediate effect when this act becomes 448

       Section 6.  The amendment by this act of Section 265.10 of 450
Am. Sub. H.B. 1 of the 128th General Assembly is exempt from the 451
referendum under Ohio Constitution, Article II, Section 1d and 452
section 1.471 of the Revised Code and therefore goes into 453
immediate effect when this act becomes law.454