As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 331

Representative Hagan 

Cosponsors: Representatives Yuko, Stewart, Foley, Ujvagi, Boyd, Domenick, Koziura, Skindell, Phillips, Brown, Harris, Murray 

To amend sections 5101.54, 5107.12, and 5111.013 and 1
to enact sections 5101.87 and 5101.871 of the 2
Revised Code to require applicants for the 3
Children's Health Insurance Program, Medicaid, 4
Ohio Works First, and Supplemental Nutrition 5
Assistance Program to provide information about 6
their employers and to require quarterly reports 7
identifying the employers.8


       Section 1.  That sections 5101.54, 5107.12, and 5111.013 be 9
amended and sections 5101.87 and 5101.871 of the Revised Code be 10
enacted to read as follows:11

       Sec. 5101.54.  (A) The director of job and family services12
shall administer the supplemental nutrition assistance program in13
accordance with the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 U.S.C. 2011 14
et seq.). The department may:15

       (1) Prepare and submit to the secretary of the United States16
department of agriculture a plan for the administration of the 17
supplemental nutrition assistance program;18

       (2) Prescribe forms for applications, certificates, reports,19
records, and accounts of county departments of job and family20
services, and other matters;. The form for the application shall 21
comply with section 5101.87 of the Revised Code.22

       (3) Require such reports and information from each county23
department of job and family services as may be necessary and24

       (4) Administer and expend any sums appropriated by the26
general assembly for the purposes of the supplemental nutrition 27
assistance program and all sums paid to the state by the United 28
States as authorized by the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008;29

       (5) Conduct such investigations as are necessary;30

       (6) Enter into interagency agreements and cooperate with31
investigations conducted by the department of public safety,32
including providing information for investigative purposes,33
exchanging property and records, passing through federal financial34
participation, modifying any agreements with the United States35
department of agriculture, providing for the supply, security, and36
accounting of supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits 37
for investigative purposes, and meeting any other requirements 38
necessary for the detection and deterrence of illegal activities 39
in the supplemental nutrition assistance program;40

       (7) Adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the41
Revised Code governing employment and training requirements of42
recipients of supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits, 43
including rules specifying which recipients are subject to the 44
requirements and establishing sanctions for failure to satisfy 45
the requirements. The rules shall be consistent with 7 U.S.C. 46
2015 and, to the extent practicable, may provide for the 47
recipients to participate in work activities, developmental 48
activities, and alternative work activities established under 49
sections 5107.40 to 5107.69 of the Revised Code that are 50
comparable to programs authorized by 7 U.S.C. 2015(d)(4). The 51
rules may reference rules adopted under section 5107.05 of the 52
Revised Code governing work activities, developmental activities, 53
and alternative work activities established under sections 5107.40 54
to 5107.69 of the Revised Code.55

       (8) Adopt rules in accordance with section 111.15 of the56
Revised Code that are consistent with the Food and Nutrition Act 57
of 2008, as amended, and regulations adopted thereunder governing 58
the following:59

       (a) Eligibility requirements for the supplemental nutrition 60
assistance program;61

       (b) Sanctions for failure to comply with eligibility62

       (c) Allotment of supplemental nutrition assistance program 64

       (d) To the extent permitted under federal statutes and66
regulations, a system under which some or all recipients of 67
supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits subject to 68
employment and training requirements established by rules adopted 69
under division (A)(7) of this section receive the benefits after 70
satisfying the requirements;71

       (e) Administration of the program by county departments of72
job and family services;73

       (f) Other requirements necessary for the efficient74
administration of the program.75

       (9) Submit a plan to the United States secretary of76
agriculture for the department of job and family services to77
operate a simplified supplemental nutrition assistance program 78
pursuant to 7 U.S.C. 2035 under which requirements governing the 79
Ohio works first program established under Chapter 5107. of the 80
Revised Code also govern the supplemental nutrition assistance 81
program in the case of households receiving supplemental 82
nutrition assistance program benefits and participating in Ohio 83
works first.84

       (B) A household that is entitled to receive supplemental 85
nutrition assistance program benefits and that is determined to 86
be in immediate need of nutrition assistance, shall receive 87
certification of eligibility for program benefits, pending 88
verification, within twenty-four hours, or, if mitigating 89
circumstances occur, within seventy-two hours, after application, 90

       (1) The results of the application interview indicate that92
the household will be eligible upon full verification;93

       (2) Information sufficient to confirm the statements in the94
application has been obtained from at least one additional source,95
not a member of the applicant's household. Such information shall96
be recorded in the case file, and shall include:97

       (a) The name of the person who provided the name of the98
information source;99

       (b) The name and address of the information source;100

       (c) A summary of the information obtained.101

       The period of temporary eligibility shall not exceed one102
month from the date of certification of temporary eligibility. If103
eligibility is established by full verification, benefits shall104
continue without interruption as long as eligibility continues.105

       At the time of application, the county department of job and106
family services shall provide to a household described in this107
division a list of community assistance programs that provide108
emergency food.109

       (C) All applications shall be approved or denied through full 110
verification within thirty days from receipt of the application by 111
the county department of job and family services.112

       (D) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit113
the certification of households that qualify under federal114
regulations to receive supplemental nutrition assistance program 115
benefits without charge under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008.116

       (E) Any person who applies for the supplemental nutrition 117
assistance program shall receive a voter registration application 118
under section 3503.10 of the Revised Code.119

       Sec. 5101.87. (A) As used in this section and section 120
5111.871 of the Revised Code:121

        (1) "Children's health insurance program" means the 122
children's health insurance program parts I, II, and III provided 123
for by sections 5101.50 to 5101.529 of the Revised Code.124

        (2) "Employer" means any individual, sole proprietorship,125
partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or any 126
other entity that is doing business in this state. "Employer" 127
also includes all entities or persons that are controlled by or 128
affiliated with any such individual, sole proprietorship, 129
partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or other 130
entity. Whether an entity or person is controlled by or 131
affiliated with another shall be determined by applying the 132
principles set forth on January 1, 1993, in subsections 414(b) 133
and (c) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 134
26 U.S.C. 414, except that a voting power of fifty-one per cent 135
shall be applied to the determination of control or 136

       (3) "Medicaid" means the medical assistance program provided 138
for under Title XIX of the "Social Security Act of 1935," 42 139
U.S.C. 1396 et seq.140

        (4) "Ohio works first" means the program provided for by 141
Chapter 5107. of the Revised Code.142

        (5) "Supplemental nutrition assistance program" means the 143
program provided for by the "Food and Nutrition Act of 2008,"144
U.S.C. 2011 et seq. 145

       (B) Application forms for the children's health insurance 146
program, medicaid, Ohio works first, and supplemental nutrition 147
assistance program shall provide for the applicant to specify 148
the name and address of each of the applicant's employers and 149
the name and address of each employer of each individual whose 150
income is to be counted in determining the applicant's 151
eligibility for the children's health insurance program, medicaid, 152
Ohio works first, or supplemental nutrition assistance program.153

       Sec. 5101.871.  (A) The director of job and family services 154
shall quarterly complete a report that specifies all of the 155

        (1) The name and address of each employer that employed 157
fifty or more employees who were either of the following while 158
employed by the employer in this state during the previous 159
three-month period:160

        (a) Recipients of the children's health insurance program, 161
medicaid, Ohio works first, or supplemental nutrition assistance 162

        (b) Individuals whose incomes were counted in determining 164
eligibility for the children's health insurance program, medicaid, 165
Ohio works first, or supplemental nutrition assistance program.166

        (2) The number of individuals required to be specified under 167
division (A)(1) of this section employed in the previous 168
three-month period by each employer specified in the report;169

        (3) The total cost to the state for the previous three-month 170
period of providing benefits under the children's health insurance 171
program, medicaid, Ohio works first, or supplemental nutrition 172
assistance program to employees of each of the employers 173
specified in the report, specified separately for each employer.174

        (B) The quarterly reports are a public record under section 175
149.43 of the Revised Code. The reports shall not include any 176
identifying information about any employee specified under 177
division (A)(1) of this section.178

        (C) The director of job and family services shall provide a 179
copy of the quarterly reports to all of the following:180

       (1) Each member of the general assembly;181

       (2) The director of development;182

        (3) The director of budget and management or, if the director 183
designates an employee of the office of budget and management to 184
serve on the controlling board in the director's place, the 185
designated employee;186

       (4) Each member of the tax credit authority.187

        The director of development, members of the controlling 188
board, and members of the tax credit authority shall consider the 189
information included in the report when determining whether to 190
grant an employer a contract, award, subsidy, or incentive or to 191
approve such a contract, award, subsidy, or incentive. The 192
director of development, controlling board, and tax credit 193
authority shall notify the director of job and family services of 194
the impact the report has on decisions regarding contracts, 195
awards, subsidies, and incentives. 196

       (D) Not later than one year after the effective date of this 197
section, the director of job and family services shall make the 198
quarterly reports available on a searchable internet web site. The 199
internet web site shall include information provided to the 200
director by the director of development, controlling board, and 201
tax credit authority regarding the impact the report has on 202
decisions regarding contracts, awards, subsidies, and incentives.203

       Sec. 5107.12.  An assistance group seeking to participate in 204
the Ohio works first program shall apply to a county department of 205
job and family services using an application containing206
information the director of job and family services requires 207
pursuant to rules adopted under section 5107.05 of the Revised 208
Code and any additional information the county department209
requires. The application shall comply with section 5101.87 of the 210
Revised Code. If cash assistance under the program is to be paid 211
by the director of budget and management through the medium of 212
direct deposit as provided by section 329.03 of the Revised Code, 213
the application shall be accompanied by information the director 214
needs to make direct deposits.215

       When a county department receives an application for 216
participation in Ohio works first, it shall promptly make an 217
investigation and record of the circumstances of the applicant in 218
order to ascertain the facts surrounding the application and to 219
obtain such other information as may be required. Upon the 220
completion of the investigation, the county department shall 221
determine as soon as possible whether the applicant is eligible to 222
participate, the amount of cash assistance the applicant should 223
receive, and the approximate date when participation shall begin. 224
The county department shall not delay making the determination of 225
whether the applicant is eligible to participate on the basis that 226
the individuals required by section 5107.14 of the Revised Code to 227
enter into a written self-sufficiency contract with the county 228
department have not yet done that. The amount of cash assistance 229
so determined shall be certified to the department of job and 230
family services in such form as the department shall prescribe. 231
Warrants, direct deposits, or debit cards shall be delivered or 232
made payable in the manner the department may prescribe.233

       To the extent required by rules adopted under section 5107.05 234
of the Revised Code, a participant of Ohio works first shall 235
notify the county department immediately upon the receipt or236
possession of additional income not previously reported to the 237
county department. Any failure to so notify a county department 238
shall be regarded as prima-facie evidence of an intent to defraud.239

       Sec. 5111.013.  (A) The provision of medical assistance to240
pregnant women and young children who are eligible for medical241
assistance under division (A)(3) of section 5111.01 of the Revised 242
Code, but who are not otherwise eligible for medical assistance 243
under that section, shall be known as the healthy start program.244

       (B) The department of job and family services shall do all of 245
the following with regard to the application procedures for the246
healthy start program:247

       (1) Establish a short application form for the program that 248
requires the applicant to provide no more information than is 249
necessary for making determinations of eligibility for the healthy 250
start program, except that the form may require applicants to 251
provide their social security numbers and shall comply with 252
section 5101.87 of the Revised Code. The form shall include a253
statement, which must be signed by the applicant, indicating that254
she does not choose at the time of making application for the255
program to apply for assistance provided under any other program256
administered by the department and that she understands that she257
is permitted at any other time to apply at the county department 258
of job and family services of the county in which she resides for 259
any other assistance administered by the department.260

       (2) To the extent permitted by federal law, do one or both of 261
the following:262

       (a) Distribute the application form for the program to each 263
public or private entity that serves as a women, infants, and 264
children clinic or as a child and family health clinic and to each 265
administrative body for such clinics and train employees of each 266
such agency or entity to provide applicants assistance in267
completing the form;268

       (b) In cooperation with the department of health, develop269
arrangements under which employees of county departments of job 270
and family services are stationed at public or private agencies or 271
entities selected by the department of job and family services 272
that serve as women, infants, and children clinics; child and 273
family health clinics; or administrative bodies for such clinics 274
for the purpose both of assisting applicants for the program in 275
completing the application form and of making determinations at 276
that location of eligibility for the program.277

       (3) Establish performance standards by which a county 278
department of job and family services' level of enrollment of 279
persons potentially eligible for the program can be measured, and280
establish acceptable levels of enrollment for each county 281

       (4) Direct any county department of job and family services283
whose rate of enrollment of potentially eligible enrollees in the284
program is below acceptable levels established under division285
(B)(3) of this section to implement corrective action. Corrective 286
action may include but is not limited to any one or more of the 287
following to the extent permitted by federal law:288

       (a) Establishing formal referral and outreach methods with289
local health departments and local entities receiving funding290
through the bureau of maternal and child health;291

       (b) Designating a specialized intake unit within the county 292
department for healthy start applicants;293

       (c) Establishing abbreviated timeliness requirements to294
shorten the time between receipt of an application and the295
scheduling of an initial application interview;296

       (d) Establishing a system for telephone scheduling of intake 297
interviews for applicants;298

       (e) Establishing procedures to minimize the time an applicant 299
must spend in completing the application and eligibility 300
determination process, including permitting applicants to complete 301
the process at times other than the regular business hours of the 302
county department and at locations other than the offices of the 303
county department.304

       (C) To the extent permitted by federal law, local funds,305
whether from public or private sources, expended by a county306
department for administration of the healthy start program shall 307
be considered to have been expended by the state for the purpose 308
of determining the extent to which the state has complied with any 309
federal requirement that the state provide funds to match federal 310
funds for medical assistance, except that this division shall not 311
affect the amount of funds the county is entitled to receive under 312
section 5101.16, 5101.161, or 5111.012 of the Revised Code.313

       (D) The director of job and family services shall do one or 314
both of the following:315

       (1) To the extent that federal funds are provided for such316
assistance, adopt a plan for granting presumptive eligibility for317
pregnant women applying for healthy start;318

       (2) To the extent permitted by federal medicaid regulations, 319
adopt a plan for making same-day determinations of eligibility for 320
pregnant women applying for healthy start.321

       (E) A county department of job and family services that 322
maintains offices at more than one location shall accept 323
applications for the healthy start program at all of those 324

       (F) The director of job and family services shall adopt rules 326
in accordance with section 111.15 of the Revised Code as necessary327
to implement this section.328

       Section 2.  That existing sections 5101.54, 5107.12, and 329
5111.013 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.330