As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 347

Representative Grossman 

Cosponsor: Representative Celeste 

To enact section 3313.538 of the Revised Code to 1
prohibit disqualification of certain students from 2
interscholastic athletics if a student's resident 3
school district ceases, then resumes, its 4
interscholastic athletics program. 5


       Section 1. That section 3313.538 of the Revised Code be 6
enacted to read as follows:7

       Sec. 3313.538. (A) As used in this section, "resident school 8
district" means the city, exempted village, or local school 9
district in which a student is entitled to attend school under 10
section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code.11

       (B) No student who transfers from a school that is not 12
operated by the student's resident school district to a school 13
operated by that district shall be prohibited from participating 14
in interscholastic athletics at the school operated by the 15
student's resident school district, solely on the basis of the 16
transfer, if all of the following apply:17

       (1) The student's resident school district ceases or has 18
ceased its entire interscholastic athletics program.19

       (2) At the time or after the resident school district ceased 20
its entire interscholastic athletics program, the student 21
transferred from a school operated by the student's resident 22
school district to a school that is not operated by the student's 23
resident school district.24

       (3) The student's resident school district resumes 25
interscholastic athletics and the student subsequently transfers 26
from the school that is not operated by that district to a school 27
operated by that district.28

       (C) No school district, school, interscholastic conference, 29
or organization that regulates interscholastic conferences or 30
events shall do any of the following with respect to any student 31
who meets the conditions of division (B) of this section:32

       (1) Impose a waiting period to participate in interscholastic 33
athletics after the student transfers back to the student's 34
resident school district, based solely on the student's transfer 35

       (2) Restrict which sports the student may play at the school 37
operated by the student's resident school district after the 38
student transfers back to the student's resident school district, 39
based solely on which sports the student played before 40
transferring back;41

       (3) Establish a deadline for a student to transfer back to 42
the student's resident school district to maintain athletic 43

       Division (C)(3) of this section does not prohibit the school 45
to which a student transfers under division (B)(3) of this section 46
from imposing a deadline to apply or try out to participate in a 47
particular sport for a particular season.48

       (D) An organization that regulates interscholastic 49
conferences or events may require a student to apply for and 50
receive the organization's verification of the student's 51
eligibility under this section before participating in 52
interscholastic athletics.53

       (E) No school district, school, interscholastic conference, 54
or organization that regulates interscholastic conferences or 55
events shall have a rule, bylaw, or other regulation that 56
conflicts with this section.57