As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 352

Representative Bolon 

Cosponsors: Representatives Fende, Luckie, Williams, B., Yuko 

To amend sections 6109.24, 6109.31, and 6109.32 and 1
to enact section 6109.99 of the Revised Code to 2
require certain public water systems to conduct 3
evaluations of their operating processes and 4
correct deficiencies in those processes and to add 5
prohibitions and penalties to the Safe Drinking 6
Water Law.7


       Section 1. That sections 6109.24, 6109.31, and 6109.32 be 8
amended and section 6109.99 of the Revised Code be enacted to read 9
as follows:10

       Sec. 6109.24. (A) A public water system that is a community 11
water system, or that is not a community water system and serves a 12
nontransient population, and that proposes to commence providing 13
water to the public after October 1, 1999, shall include with the 14
submission of plans required under section 6109.07 of the Revised 15
Code documentation that demonstrates the technical, managerial,16
and financial capability of the system to comply with this chapter 17
and rules adopted under it. The director of environmental 18
protection shall adopt, and may amend and rescind, rules pursuant 19
to section 6109.04 of the Revised Code establishing requirements 20
governing the demonstration of technical, managerial, and 21
financial capability for the purposes of this section.22

       (B)(1) With respect to a public water system that existed 23
prior to October 1, 1999, and that is a community water system, or 24
that is not a community water system and serves a nontransient 25
population, the director may adopt rules pursuant to section 26
6109.04 of the Revised Code requiring the system to do both of the 27
following if either division (B)(2)(a) or (b) of this section 28

       (a) Complete an evaluation of the technical, managerial, and 30
financial capability of the public water system;31

       (b) Correct deficiencies identified in the evaluation.32

       (2) The rules adopted under division (B)(1) of this section 33
shall require the public water system to conduct the evaluation 34
and correct the deficiencies identified in the evaluation if 35
either of the following applies:36

       (a) The system has demonstrated a lack of technical, 37
managerial, or financial capability through noncompliance with 38
this chapter and the rules adopted under it.39

       (b) The system has failed to correct significant deficiencies 40
identified in a sanitary survey.41

       (C) The director may deny approval of plans submitted under 42
section 6109.07 of the Revised Code if the public water system 43
that submitted the plans fails to demonstrate technical, 44
managerial, and financial capability in accordance with this 45
section and rules adopted under it.46

       Sec. 6109.31. (A) No person shall violate this chapter, an 47
rule adopted under it, or any order or term or condition of a 48
license, license renewal, variance, or exemption granted by the 49
director of environmental protection under it. Each day of 50
noncompliance is a separate violation.51

       (B) No person shall make any false material statement or 52
representation in an application, license, record, report, or 53
other document that is required to be submitted to the director of 54
environmental protection or the attorney general under this 55
chapter, rules adopted under it, or any order or term or condition 56
of a license, license renewal, variance, or exemption granted by 57
the director under it.58

       (C) No person shall alter, change, falsify, or conceal any 59
sample that is collected according to any sampling requirement 60
established under this chapter or a rule adopted under it.61

       (D) No person shall tamper with, alter, or interfere with the 62
operation of a public water system without authorization of the 63
owner or operator of the water system or the director of 64
environmental protection.65

       Sec. 6109.32.  The director of environmental protection may 66
on histhe director's own initiative investigate or make inquiries 67
into any suspected violation of section 6109.31 of the Revised 68

       The attorney general, upon written request by the director, 70
shall bring an action for injunction or other appropriate civil71
action or criminal prosecution against any person violating or 72
threatening to violate suchthat section. In an action for 73
injunction to enforce any final order of the director, the finding 74
by the director, after hearing, is prima-facie evidence of the 75
facts found therein.76

       Sec. 6109.99.  (A) Whoever recklessly violates section 77
6109.31 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall 78
be fined not more than twenty-five thousand dollars or imprisoned 79
not more than one year, or both. Each day of violation constitutes 80
a separate offense.81

       (B) Whoever knowingly violates section 6109.31 of the Revised 82
Code is guilty of a felony and shall be fined at least ten 83
thousand dollars, but not more than twenty-five thousand dollars 84
or imprisoned for at least two years, but not more than four 85
years, or both. Each day of violation constitutes a separate 86

       Section 2.  That existing sections 6109.24, 6109.31, and 88
6109.32 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.89