As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 377

Representative Garrison 

Cosponsors: Representatives Okey, Murray, Harris, Domenick, Williams, B., Phillips, Pryor, Goyal, Luckie, Newcomb, Pillich, Slesnick, Dyer, Book, Fende, Yuko, Brown, Chandler, Yates, Winburn, Bolon 

To amend sections 2961.01, 3501.38, 3519.05, and 1
3519.21 and to enact sections 3519.011, 3519.012, 2
and 3519.013 of the Revised Code to prohibit 3
persons who have been convicted of or pleaded 4
guilty to an offense involving identity theft, 5
forgery, or fraud from witnessing or circulating 6
election petitions, to require the circulator 7
statement on election petitions to be notarized, 8
to require entities that provide compensation to 9
circulators of initiative petitions to be 10
licensed, to require such an entity's license to 11
be revoked if it authorizes or knowingly permits 12
violations of the law governing election 13
petitions, to require circulators of initiative 14
petitions to register with the secretary of state, 15
and to provide for public input in the 16
determination of ballot titles.17


       Section 1. That sections 2961.01, 3501.38, 3519.05, and 18
3519.21 be amended and sections 3519.011, 3519.012, and 3519.013 19
of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:20

       Sec. 2961.01.  (A)(1) A person who pleads guilty to a felony 21
under the laws of this or any other state or the United States 22
and whose plea is accepted by the court or a person against whom 23
a verdict or finding of guilt for committing a felony under any 24
law of that type is returned, unless the plea, verdict, or 25
finding is reversed or annulled, is incompetent to be an elector 26
or juror or to hold an office of honor, trust, or profit. 27

       (2) When any person who under division (A)(1) of this 28
section is incompetent to be an elector or juror or to hold an 29
office of honor, trust, or profit is granted parole, judicial30
release, or a conditional pardon or is released under a non-jail 31
community control sanction or a post-release control sanction, 32
the person is competent to be an elector during the period of 33
community control, parole, post-release control, or release or 34
until the conditions of the pardon have been performed or have 35
transpired and is competent to be an elector thereafter following 36
final discharge. The full pardon of a person who under division 37
(A)(1) of this section is incompetent to be an elector or juror 38
or to hold an office of honor, trust, or profit restores the 39
rights and privileges so forfeited under division (A)(1) of 40
this section, but a pardon shall not release the person from 41
the costs of a conviction in this state, unless so specified.42

       (B)(1) A person who pleads guilty to a felony under laws of 43
this state or any other state or the United States and whose 44
plea is accepted by the court or a person against whom a verdict 45
or finding of guilt for committing a felony under any law of 46
that type is returned is incompetent to circulate or serve as a 47
witness for the signing of any declaration of candidacy and 48
petition, voter registration application, or nominating, 49
initiative, referendum, or recall petition.50

       (2) A person who pleads guilty to an offense involving 51
identity theft, fraud, or forgery under the laws of this state or 52
any other state or the United States and whose plea is accepted 53
by the court, or a person against whom a verdict or finding of 54
guilt for committing an offense involving identity theft, fraud, 55
or forgery under any laws of this state or any other state or 56
the United States is returned, is incompetent to circulate or 57
serve as a witness for the signing of any declaration of 58
candidacy and petition or nominating, initiative, referendum, or 59
recall petition.60

       (C) As used in this section:61

       (1) "Community control sanction" has the same meaning as in62
section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.63

       (2) "Non-jail community control sanction" means a community64
control sanction that is neither a term in a community-based65
correctional facility nor a term in a jail.66

       (3) "Post-release control" and "post-release control67
sanction" have the same meanings as in section 2967.01 of the68
Revised Code.69

       Sec. 3501.38.  All declarations of candidacy, nominating70
petitions, or other petitions presented to or filed with the71
secretary of state or a board of elections or with any other72
public office for the purpose of becoming a candidate for any73
nomination or office or for the holding of an election on any74
issue shall, in addition to meeting the other specific75
requirements prescribed in the sections of the Revised Code76
relating to them, be governed by the following rules:77

       (A) Only electors qualified to vote on the candidacy or issue 78
which is the subject of the petition shall sign a petition. Each 79
signer shall be a registered elector pursuant to section 3503.11 80
of the Revised Code. The facts of qualification shall be81
determined as of the date when the petition is filed.82

       (B) Signatures shall be affixed in ink. Each signer may also 83
print the signer's name, so as to clearly identify the signer's 84

       (C) Each signer shall place on the petition after the86
signer's name the date of signing and the location of the signer's 87
voting residence, including the street and number if in a88
municipal corporation or the rural route number, post office89
address, or township if outside a municipal corporation. The90
voting address given on the petition shall be the address91
appearing in the registration records at the board of elections.92

       (D) Except as otherwise provided in section 3501.382 of the 93
Revised Code, no person shall write any name other than the94
person's own on any petition. Except as otherwise provided in 95
section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, no person may authorize 96
another to sign for the person. If a petition contains the 97
signature of an elector two or more times, only the first 98
signature shall be counted.99

       (E)(1) On each petition paper, the circulator shall indicate100
the number of signatures contained on it, and shall sign a101
notarized statement made under penalty of election falsification 102
that the circulator witnessed the affixing of every signature, 103
that all signers were to the best of the circulator's knowledge 104
and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the 105
best of the circulator's knowledge and belief the signature of the106
person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact 107
acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. On the 108
circulator's statement for a declaration of candidacy or 109
nominating petition for a person seeking to become a statewide 110
candidate or for a statewide initiative or a statewide referendum 111
petition, the circulator shall identify the circulator's name, the 112
address of the circulator's permanent residence, and the name and 113
address of the person employing the circulator to circulate the 114
petition, if any. On a petition for a statewide initiative, the 115
circulator also shall affirm that the circulator has read and 116
understands the laws pertaining to petition circulation.117

       (2) As used in division (E) of this section, "statewide 118
candidate" means the joint candidates for the offices of governor 119
and lieutenant governor or a candidate for the office of secretary 120
of state, auditor of state, treasurer of state, or attorney 121

       (F) Except as otherwise provided in section 3501.382 of the 123
Revised Code, if a circulator knowingly permits an unqualified124
person to sign a petition paper or permits a person to write a125
name other than the person's own on a petition paper, that126
petition paper is invalid; otherwise, the signature of a person 127
not qualified to sign shall be rejected but shall not invalidate 128
the other valid signatures on the paper.129

       (G) The circulator of a petition may, before filing it in a130
public office, strike from it any signature the circulator does131
not wish to present as a part of the petition.132

       (H) Any signer of a petition or an attorney in fact acting 133
pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code on behalf of a 134
signer may remove the signer's signature from that petition at any 135
time before the petition is filed in a public office by striking 136
the signer's name from the petition; no signature may be removed137
after the petition is filed in any public office.138

       (I)(1) No alterations, corrections, or additions may be made139
to a petition after it is filed in a public office.140

       (2)(a) No declaration of candidacy, nominating petition, or 141
other petition for the purpose of becoming a candidate may be 142
withdrawn after it is filed in a public office. Nothing in this 143
division prohibits a person from withdrawing as a candidate as 144
otherwise provided by law.145

       (b) No petition presented to or filed with the secretary of 146
state, a board of elections, or any other public office for the 147
purpose of the holding of an election on any question or issue may 148
be resubmitted after it is withdrawn from a public office. Nothing 149
in this division prevents a question or issue petition from being 150
withdrawn by the filing of a written notice of the withdrawal by a 151
majority of the members of the petitioning committee with the same 152
public office with which the petition was filed prior to the 153
sixtieth day before the election at which the question or issue is 154
scheduled to appear on the ballot.155

       (J) All declarations of candidacy, nominating petitions, or156
other petitions under this section shall be accompanied by the157
following statement in boldface capital letters: WHOEVER COMMITS158

       (K) All separate petition papers shall be filed at the same160
time, as one instrument.161

       (L) If a board of elections distributes for use a petition 162
form for a declaration of candidacy, nominating petition, or any 163
type of question or issue petition that does not satisfy the 164
requirements of law as of the date of that distribution, the board 165
shall not invalidate the petition on the basis that the petition 166
form does not satisfy the requirements of law, if the petition 167
otherwise is valid. Division (L) of this section applies only if 168
the candidate received the petition from the board within ninety 169
days of when the petition is required to be filed.170

       Sec. 3519.011.  The secretary of state shall develop training 171
programs for paid and volunteer circulators of initiative 172
petitions. The training programs shall be conducted in the 173
broadest, most cost-effective manner available to the secretary of 174
state, and by electronic and remote access. The petitioners or the 175
representatives of a petition entity, as defined in section 176
3519.012 of the Revised Code, shall inform paid and volunteer 177
circulators of the availability of these training programs. A 178
circulator who participates in a training program developed under 179
this section shall be deemed to have complied with the requirement 180
set forth in the circulator's statement that the circulator has 181
read and understands the laws pertaining to petition circulation.182

       Sec. 3519.012.  (A) As used in this section, "petition 183
entity" means any person or committee that provides compensation 184
to a circulator to circulate an initiative petition.185

       (B)(1)(a) No petition entity shall provide compensation to a 186
circulator to circulate an initiative petition unless the petition 187
entity first obtains a license from the secretary of state. The 188
secretary of state, by rule, shall establish a process for a 189
petition entity to apply for a license under division (B) of this 190
section. 191

       (b) The secretary of state may deny a petition entity a 192
license if the secretary of state finds that the petition entity 193
or any of the petition entity's principals have been found, in a 194
judicial or administrative proceeding, to have violated the 195
petition laws of this state or any other state and that the 196
violation involves authorizing or knowingly permitting any of the 197
acts set forth in division (B)(3) of this section. 198

       The secretary of state shall deny a petition entity a license 199
if no current representative of the petition entity has completed 200
the training program established by the secretary of state under 201
section 3519.011 of the Revised Code.202

       (2) The secretary of state may at any time request a petition 203
entity to provide documentation that demonstrates that the 204
petition entity meets the requirements of section 3519.011 of the 205
Revised Code. 206

       (3) The secretary of state shall revoke a petition entity's 207
license if, at any time after receiving a license, a petition 208
entity is determined to no longer be in compliance with the 209
requirements of division (B) of this section or if the petition 210
entity authorized or knowingly permitted any of the following 211
regarding a statewide initiative petition:212

       (a) Forgery of a registered elector's signature;213

       (b) Circulation of a petition or part petition by anyone 214
other than the circulator who signs the circulator's statement 215
attached to that petition or part petition;216

       (c) Use of a false circulator name or address in the 217
circulator's statement;218

       (d) Payment of money or any thing of value to a person for 219
the purpose of inducing the person to sign or withdraw the 220
person's name from a petition;221

       (e) Circulation of a petition or part petition by anyone who 222
is not registered as a petition circulator as required under 223
section 3519.013 of the Revised Code; or224

       (f) Notarization of a petition or part petition outside of 225
the presence of the circulator or without the production of the 226
required identification for notarization.227

       (C)(1) Any registered elector may file a complaint with the 228
secretary of state of alleging a violation of this section. Upon 229
receipt of such a complaint, the secretary of state shall conduct 230
an adjudication under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. 231

       (a) If the secretary of state determines that a petition 232
entity has provided compensation to a circulator to circulate an 233
initiative petition without first obtaining a license under this 234
section, the secretary of state shall fine the petition entity an 235
amount not to exceed one hundred dollars per circulator for each 236
day that the circulator or circulators circulated petitions or 237
part petitions on behalf of the unlicensed petition entity. 238

       (b) If the secretary of state determines that a petition 239
entity authorized or knowingly permitted any of the acts set forth 240
in division (B)(3) of this section, the secretary of state shall 241
revoke the petition entity's license for not less than ninety days 242
and not more than one hundred eighty days and invalidate any 243
signatures obtained in violation of that division. If the 244
secretary of state determines that a petition entity authorized 245
or knowingly permitted any of the acts set forth in division 246
(B)(3) of this section for a second or subsequent time, the 247
secretary of state shall revoke the petition entity's license for 248
not less than one hundred eighty days and not more than one year 249
and invalidate any signatures obtained in violation of that 250
division. 251

       The secretary shall consider all circumstances relating to 252
the authorization or permitting of the acts set forth in division 253
(B)(3) of this section when fixing the length of the license 254

       (2) A petition entity whose license has been revoked may 256
apply for reinstatement of that license, to be effective upon 257
expiration of the term of revocation.258

       (3) In determining whether to reinstate a license, the 259
secretary of state may consider both of the following:260

       (a) Whether the petition entity employs or contracts with any 261
person who served as a director, officer, owner, or principal of a 262
petition entity whose license was revoked, the role of that 263
individual in the facts underlying the prior license revocation, 264
and the role of that individual in a petition entity's 265
post-revocation activities;266

       (b) Any other facts the petition entity presents to the 267
secretary of state, including, but not limited to, remedial 268
actions, if any, that have been implemented to avoid future acts 269
that would violate this section.270

       (D) The secretary of state shall issue a decision on any 271
application for a new or reinstated license within ten business 272
days after a petition entity files an application. The application 273
shall be on a form prescribed by the secretary of state and shall 274
be accompanied by a nonrefundable license fee, the amount of which 275
the secretary of state shall establish by rule. 276

       (E)(1) A petition entity that receives a license under this 277
section shall register with the secretary of state by providing 278
all of the following information:279

       (a) The subject matter of and, once finalized, a copy of, any 280
proposed law or constitutional amendment for which a petition will 281
be circulated by circulators coordinated or paid by the petition 282

       (b) The current name, address, telephone number, and 284
electronic mail address of the petition entity; and285

       (c) The name and signature of the designated agent of the 286
petition entity.287

       (2) A petition entity shall notify the secretary of state 288
within twenty days of any change in the information submitted 289
pursuant to division (E)(1) of this section.290

       Sec. 3519.013. Each person who intends to circulate an 291
initiative petition shall, prior to circulating that petition, 292
register as a petition circulator with the secretary of state.293

       The secretary of state shall, by rule, develop and maintain a 294
registry of all circulators of initiative petitions.295

       Sec. 3519.05.  If the measure to be submitted proposes a296
constitutional amendment, the heading of each part of the petition297
shall be prepared in the following form, and printed in capital298
letters in type of the approximate size set forth:299


Amendment to the Constitution

Proposed by Initiative Petition

To be submitted directly to the electors"

       "Amendment" printed in fourteen-point boldface type shall304
precede the title, which shall be briefly expressed and printed in305
eight-point type. The summary shall then be set forth printed in306
ten-point type, and then shall follow the certification of the307
attorney general, under proper date, which shall also be printed308
in ten-point type. The petition shall then set forth the names and 309
addresses of the committee of not less than three nor more than 310
five to represent the petitioners in all matters relating to the 311
petition or its circulation.312

       Immediately above the heading of the place for signatures on313
each part of the petition the following notice shall be printed in314
boldface type:315


       Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once; except 317
as provided in section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, signs a name 318
other than one's own on this petition; or signs this petition when 319
not a qualified voter, is liable to prosecution."320

       The heading of the place for signatures shall be321
substantially as follows:322

"(Sign with ink. Your name, residence, and date of signing must be 323

Rural Route or 326
other Post- 327
Signature County Township office Address Month Day Year 328

(Voters who do not live in a municipal corporation should fill in330
the information called for by headings printed above.)331

(Voters who reside in municipal corporations should fill in the332
information called for by headings printed below.)333

City Street 335
or and 336
Signature County Village Number Ward Precinct Month Day Year" 337

       The text of the proposed amendment shall be printed in full,339
immediately following the place for signatures, and shall be340
prefaced by "Be it resolved by the people of the State of Ohio."341
Immediately following the text of the proposed amendment must342
appear the following form:343

       "I, ........., declare under penalty of election344
falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition345
paper containing the signatures of ......... electors, that the346
signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence347
on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the348
signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of 349
attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the 350
Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so 351
with knowledge of the contents of same. I further declare that I 352
have read and understand the laws pertaining to petition 353
circulation. I am employed to circulate this petition by 354
................................ (Name and address of employer). 355
(The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 356
3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to 357
circulate the petition.)358

(Signed)  359
(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) 360


       If the measure proposes a law, the heading of each part of364
the petition shall be prepared as follows:365


       Law proposed by initiative petition first to be submitted to367
the General Assembly."368

       In all other respects, the form shall be as provided for the369
submission of a constitutional amendment, except that the text of370
the proposed law shall be prefaced by "Be it enacted by the people371
of the state of Ohio."372

       The form for a supplementary initiative petition shall be the373
same as that provided for an initiative petition, with the374
exception that "supplementary" shall precede "initiative" in the375
title thereof.376

       The general provisions set forth in this section relative to377
the form and order of an initiative petition shall be, so far as378
practical, applicable to a referendum petition, the heading of379
which shall be as follows:380


       To be submitted to the electors for their approval or382

       The title, which follows the heading, shall contain a brief384
legislative history of the law, section, or item of law to be385
referred. The text of the law so referred shall be followed by the 386
certification of the secretary of state, in accordance with387
division (B)(2)(b) of section 3519.01 of the Revised Code, that it388
has been compared with the copy of the enrolled act, on file in 389
the secretary of state's office, containing such law, section, or390
item of law, and found to be correct.391

       Sec. 3519.21. (A) The order in which all propositions, 392
issues, or questions, including proposed laws and constitutional393
amendments, shall appear on the ballot and the ballot title of all 394
such propositions, issues, or questions shall be determined by the 395
secretary of state in case of propositions to be voted upon in a 396
district larger than a county, and by the board of elections in a 397
county in the case of a proposition to be voted upon in a county 398
or a political subdivision thereof. In preparing such a ballot 399
title the secretary of state or the board shall givedo all of the 400

       (1) Give a true and impartial statement of the measures402
measure in such language that the ballot title shall not be likely 403
to create prejudice for or against the measure. The;404

       (2) Provide for public input on the ballot title before 405
determining the language of the title; and406

       (3) Permit the person or committee promoting such measure may407
to submit to the secretary of state or the board a suggested 408
ballot title, which shall be given full consideration by the 409
secretary of state or board in determining the ballot title.410

       (B) Except as otherwise provided by law, all propositions,411
issues, or questions submitted to the electors and receiving an412
affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast thereon are413

       Section 2.  That existing sections 2961.01, 3501.38, 3519.05, 415
and 3519.21 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.416

       Section 3. This act shall be known as "The Ballot Integrity 417