As Reported by the House Insurance Committee

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 384

Representative Bolon 

Cosponsors: Representatives Balderson, Boyd, Chandler, Daniels, Derickson, Dolan, Domenick, Evans, Fende, Garland, Hackett, Hagan, Harris, Harwood, Heard, Letson, Lundy, Newcomb, Pillich, Sears, Ujvagi, Weddington 

To amend sections 1751.66 and 3923.60 of the Revised 1
Code to use the compendia adopted by the United 2
States Department of Health and Human Services to 3
determine whether an insurer may exclude coverage 4
for off-label drug usage.5


       Section 1. That sections 1751.66 and 3923.60 of the Revised 6
Code be amended to read as follows:7

       Sec. 1751.66.  (A) No individual or group health insuring 8
corporation policy, contract, or agreement that provides coverage 9
for prescription drugs shall limit or exclude coverage for any 10
drug approved by the United States food and drug administration on 11
the basis that the drug has not been approved by the United States 12
food and drug administration for the treatment of the particular 13
indication for which the drug has been prescribed, provided the 14
drug has been recognized as safe and effective for treatment of 15
that indication in one or more of the standard medical reference16
compendia specified in division (B)(1) of this sectionadopted by 17
the United States department of health and human services under 18
42 U.S.C. 1395x (t)(2), as amended, or in medical literature that 19
meets the criteria specified in division (B)(2) of this section.20

       (B)(1) The compendia accepted for purposes of division (A) of 21
this section are the following:22

       (a) The "AMA drug evaluations," a publication of the American 23
medical association;24

       (b) The "AHFS (American hospital formulary service) drug 25
information," a publication of the American society of health 26
system pharmacists;27

       (c) "Drug information for the health care provider," a 28
publication of the United States pharmacopoeia convention.29

       (2) Medical literature may be accepted for purposes of30
division (A) of this section only if all of the following apply:31

       (a)(1) Two articles from major peer-reviewed professional 32
medical journals have recognized, based on scientific or medical 33
criteria, the drug's safety and effectiveness for treatment of the 34
indication for which it has been prescribed;35

       (b)(2) No article from a major peer-reviewed professional 36
medical journal has concluded, based on scientific or medical 37
criteria, that the drug is unsafe or ineffective or that the 38
drug's safety and effectiveness cannot be determined for the 39
treatment of the indication for which it has been prescribed;40

       (c)(3) Each article meets the uniform requirements for 41
manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals established by the 42
international committee of medical journal editors or is published 43
in a journal specified by the United States department of health 44
and human services pursuant to Section 1861(t)(2)(B) of the45
"Social Security Act," 107 Stat. 591 (1993), 42 U.S.C. 139546
(x)(t)(2)(B), as amended, as accepted peer-reviewed medical 47

       (C) Coverage of a drug required by division (A) of this 49
section includes medically necessary services associated with the 50
administration of the drug.51

       (D) Division (A) of this section shall not be construed to 52
do any of the following:53

       (1) Require coverage for any drug if the United States food 54
and drug administration has determined its use to be 55
contraindicated for the treatment of the particular indication for 56
which the drug has been prescribed;57

       (2) Require coverage for experimental drugs not approved for 58
any indication by the United States food and drug administration;59

       (3) Alter any law with regard to provisions limiting the60
coverage of drugs that have not been approved by the United States 61
food and drug administration;62

       (4) Require reimbursement or coverage for any drug not63
included in the drug formulary or list of covered drugs specified 64
in a health insuring corporation contract;65

       (5) Prohibit a health insuring corporation from limiting or 66
excluding coverage of a drug, provided that the decision to limit 67
or exclude coverage of the drug is not based primarily on the 68
coverage of drugs required by this section.69

       (E) This section applies only to health insuring corporation 70
policies, contracts, and agreements that are described in 71
division (A) of this section and that are delivered, issued for 72
delivery, or renewed in this state on or after July 1, 1997.73

       Sec. 3923.60.  (A) Notwithstanding section 3901.71 of the74
Revised Code, no group or individual policy of sickness and75
accident insurance that provides coverage for prescription drugs76
shall limit or exclude coverage for any drug approved by the77
United States food and drug administration on the basis that the 78
drug has not been approved by the United States food and drug 79
administration for the treatment of the particular indication for 80
which the drug has been prescribed, provided the drug has been 81
recognized as safe and effective for treatment of that indication82
in one or more of the standard medical reference compendia 83
specified in division (B)(1) of this sectionadopted by the United 84
States department of health and human services under 42 U.S.C. 85
1395x (t)(2), as amended, or in medical literature that meets the 86
criteria specified in division (B)(2) of this section.87

       (B)(1) The compendia accepted for purposes of division (A) of 88
this section are the following:89

       (a) The "AMA drug evaluations," a publication of the American 90
medical association;91

       (b) The "AHFS (American hospital formulary service) drug92
information," a publication of the American society of health 93
system pharmacists;94

       (c) "Drug information for the health care provider," a 95
publication of the United States pharmacopeia convention.96

       (2) Medical literature may be accepted for purposes of 97
division (A) of this section only if all of the following apply:98

       (a)(1) Two articles from major peer-reviewed professional99
medical journals have recognized, based on scientific or medical 100
criteria, the drug's safety and effectiveness for treatment of the 101
indication for which it has been prescribed;102

       (b)(2) No article from a major peer-reviewed professional 103
medical journal has concluded, based on scientific or medical 104
criteria, that the drug is unsafe or ineffective or that the 105
drug's safety and effectiveness cannot be determined for the 106
treatment of the indication for which it has been prescribed;107

       (c)(3) Each article meets the uniform requirements for 108
manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals established by the 109
international committee of medical journal editors or is published 110
in a journal specified by the United States department of health 111
and human services pursuant to section 1861(t)(2)(B) of the112
"Social Security Act," 107 Stat. 591 (1993), 42 U.S.C.113
1395x(t)(2)(B), as amended, as acceptable peer-reviewed medical 114

       (C) Coverage of a drug required by division (A) of this116
section includes medically necessary services associated with the117
administration of the drug.118

       (D) Division (A) of this section shall not be construed to do 119
any of the following:120

       (1) Require coverage for any drug if the United States food 121
and drug administration has determined its use to be122
contraindicated for the treatment of the particular indication for 123
which the drug has been prescribed;124

       (2) Require coverage for experimental drugs not approved for 125
any indication by the United States food and drug administration;126

       (3) Alter any law with regard to provisions limiting the127
coverage of drugs that have not been approved by the United States 128
food and drug administration;129

       (4) Require reimbursement or coverage for any drug not 130
included in the drug formulary or list of covered drugs specified 131
in a policy of sickness and accident insurance;132

       (5) Prohibit a policy of sickness and accident insurance from 133
limiting or excluding coverage of a drug, provided that the 134
decision to limit or exclude coverage of the drug is not based 135
primarily on the coverage of drugs required by this section.136

       (E) This section, as amended, applies only to policies of 137
sickness and accident insurance that are described in division (A) 138
of this section and that are delivered, issued for delivery, or 139
renewed in this state on or after the effective date of this140

       Section 2. That existing sections 1751.66 and 3923.60 of the 142
Revised Code are hereby repealed.143