As Passed by the House

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 394

Representative Garrison 

Cosponsors: Representatives Gerberry, Mallory, Stewart, Belcher, Williams, B., Bacon, Bolon, Carney, DeBose, Dodd, Domenick, Driehaus, Dyer, Foley, Garland, Goodwin, Goyal, Harris, Luckie, Moran, Newcomb, Oelslager, Patten, Phillips, Pillich, Pryor, Weddington, Winburn, Yuko 

To amend section 101.27 of the Revised Code to 1
require that a member of the General Assembly in 2
fact travel to or from the member's residence and 3
to or from the seat of government to receive a 4
travel reimbursement.5


       Section 1. That section 101.27 of the Revised Code be amended 6
to read as follows:7

       Sec. 101.27.  (A)(1) Every member of the senate, except the 8
members elected president, president pro tempore, assistant 9
president pro tempore, majority whip, minority leader, assistant 10
minority leader, minority whip, and assistant minority whip, shall 11
receive as compensation a salary of fifty-one thousand six hundred 12
seventy-four dollars a year during the senator's term of office. 13
Every member of the house of representatives, except the members 14
elected speaker, speaker pro tempore, majority floor leader, 15
assistant majority floor leader, majority whip, assistant majority 16
whip, minority leader, assistant minority leader, minority whip, 17
and assistant minority whip, shall receive as compensation a 18
salary of fifty-one thousand six hundred seventy-four dollars a 19
year during the representative's term of office. Such salaries 20
shall be paid in equal monthly installments during such term. All 21
monthly payments shall be made on or before the fifth day of each 22
month. Upon the death of any member of the general assembly during 23
the member's term of office, any unpaid salary due such member for 24
the remainder of the member's term shall be paid to the member's 25
surviving spouse, children, mother, or father, in the order in 26
which the relationship is set forth in this section in monthly 27

       (2) Each member shall receive a travel reimbursement per mile 29
each way, at the same mileage rate allowed for the reimbursement 30
of travel expenses of state agents as provided by rule of the 31
director of budget and management pursuant to division (B) of 32
section 126.31 of the Revised Code, for mileage not more than once 33
a week during the session for travel incurred by a member from and 34
to the member's place of residence, by the most direct highway 35
route of public travel to and from the seat of government, to be 36
paid quarterly on the last day of March, June, September, and 37
December of each year. A member is not entitled to receive a 38
travel reimbursement per mile each way under this division unless 39
the member in fact travels from or to the member's place of 40
residence and to or from the seat of government.41

       (3) The member of the senate elected president and the member 42
of the house of representatives elected speaker shall each receive 43
as compensation a salary of eighty thousand five hundred 44
forty-nine dollars a year during the president's or speaker's term 45
of office.46

       The member of the senate elected president pro tempore, the 47
member of the senate elected minority leader, the member of the 48
house of representatives elected speaker pro tempore, and the 49
member of the house of representatives elected minority leader 50
shall each receive as compensation a salary of seventy-three 51
thousand four hundred ninety-three dollars a year during the 52
member's term of office. The member of the house of 53
representatives elected majority floor leader and the member of 54
the senate elected assistant president pro tempore shall each 55
receive as compensation a salary of sixty-nine thousand two 56
hundred twenty-seven dollars a year during the member's term of 57
office. The member of the senate elected assistant minority leader 58
and the member of the house of representatives elected assistant 59
minority leader shall each receive as compensation a salary of 60
sixty-seven thousand ninety-nine dollars a year during the 61
member's term of office. The member of the senate elected majority 62
whip and the member of the house of representatives elected 63
assistant majority floor leader shall each receive a salary of 64
sixty-four thousand nine hundred sixty-seven dollars a year during 65
the member's term of office. The member of the senate elected 66
minority whip, the member of the house of representatives elected 67
majority whip, and the member of the house of representatives 68
elected minority whip shall each receive as compensation a salary 69
of sixty thousand seven hundred six dollars a year during the 70
member's term of office. The member of the house of 71
representatives elected assistant majority whip shall receive as 72
compensation a salary of fifty-six thousand four hundred 73
forty-three dollars a year during the member's term of office. The 74
member of the house of representatives elected assistant minority 75
whip and the member of the senate elected assistant minority whip 76
shall each receive a salary of fifty-four thousand sixty dollars a 77
year during the member's term of office.78

       (4) The chairperson of the finance committee of each house 79
shall receive an additional sum of ten thousand dollars annually. 80
The chairperson of each standing committee of each house other 81
than the finance committee shall receive an additional sum of six 82
thousand five hundred dollars annually. The chairperson of each 83
standing subcommittee of a finance committee shall receive an 84
additional sum of six thousand five hundred dollars annually. The 85
vice-chairperson of the finance committee of each house shall 86
receive an additional sum of five thousand five hundred dollars 87
annually. The ranking minority member of the finance committee of 88
each house shall receive an additional sum of six thousand five 89
hundred dollars annually. The ranking minority member of each 90
standing subcommittee of a finance committee shall receive an 91
additional sum of five thousand dollars annually. The chairperson 92
of each standing subcommittee of each house other than a standing 93
subcommittee of the finance committee shall receive an additional 94
sum of five thousand dollars annually. The vice-chairperson and 95
ranking minority member of each standing committee of each house 96
other than the finance committee shall each receive an additional 97
sum of five thousand dollars annually. Except for the ranking 98
minority member of each standing subcommittee of a finance 99
committee, the ranking minority member of each standing 100
subcommittee of each house shall receive an additional sum of two 101
thousand five hundred dollars annually.102

       No member may receive more than one additional sum for 103
serving as chairperson, vice-chairperson, or ranking minority 104
member of a standing committee or standing subcommittee, 105
regardless of the number of standing committees or standing 106
subcommittees on which the member serves as chairperson, 107
vice-chairperson, or ranking minority member.108

       (5) If a member is absent without leave, or is not excused on 109
the member's return, there shall be deducted from the member's 110
compensation twenty dollars for each day's absence.111

       (B) Each calendar year from 2002 through 2008, the salary 112
amounts under divisions (A)(1) and (3) of this section shall be 113
increased by the lesser of the following:114

       (1) Three per cent;115

       (2) The percentage increase, if any, in the consumer price 116
index over the twelve-month period that ends on the thirtieth day 117
of September of the immediately preceding year, rounded to the 118
nearest one-tenth of one per cent.119

       (C) As used in this section:120

       (1) "Consumer price index" means the consumer price index 121
prepared by the United States bureau of labor statistics (U.S. 122
city average for urban wage earners and clerical workers: all 123
items, 1982-1984=100), or, if that index is no longer published, a 124
generally available comparable index.125

       (2) "Finance committee" means the finance committee of the 126
senate and the finance-appropriations committee of the house of 127

       Section 2. That existing section 101.27 of the Revised Code 129
is hereby repealed.130