As Passed by the House

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
Sub. H. B. No. 414

Representatives Sayre, Bolon 

Cosponsors: Representatives Boose, Hite, Ruhl, Derickson, Pryor, Weddington, Domenick, Zehringer, Wagner, Adams, R., Balderson, Book, Bubp, Carney, Coley, Combs, Daniels, DeBose, Dyer, Evans, Garland, Gerberry, Goodwin, Goyal, Grossman, Hackett, Hall, Hottinger, Luckie, Lundy, McClain, Murray, Newcomb, Snitchler, Uecker, Williams, B., Winburn, Yuko 

To amend section 102.02 and to enact sections 904.01 1
to 904.08 of the Revised Code to establish 2
requirements and responsibilities of the Ohio 3
Livestock Care Standards Board and the Director of 4
Agriculture in administering and enforcing the 5
rules adopted by the Board that govern the care 6
and well-being of livestock in this state.7


       Section 1.  That section 102.02 be amended and sections 8
904.01, 904.02, 904.03, 904.04, 904.05, 904.06, 904.07, and 904.08 9
of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:10

       Sec. 102.02.  (A) Except as otherwise provided in division 11
(H) of this section, all of the following shall file with the 12
appropriate ethics commission the disclosure statement described 13
in this division on a form prescribed by the appropriate 14
commission: every person who is elected to or is a candidate for a 15
state, county, or city office and every person who is appointed to 16
fill a vacancy for an unexpired term in such an elective office; 17
all members of the state board of education; the director, 18
assistant directors, deputy directors, division chiefs, or persons 19
of equivalent rank of any administrative department of the state; 20
the president or other chief administrative officer of every state 21
institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of 22
the Revised Code; the executive director and the members of the 23
capitol square review and advisory board appointed or employed 24
pursuant to section 105.41 of the Revised Code; the chief 25
executive officer and the members of the board of each state 26
retirement system; each employee of a state retirement board who 27
is a state retirement system investment officer licensed pursuant 28
to section 1707.163 of the Revised Code; the members of the Ohio 29
retirement study council appointed pursuant to division (C) of 30
section 171.01 of the Revised Code; employees of the Ohio 31
retirement study council, other than employees who perform purely 32
administrative or clerical functions; the administrator of 33
workers' compensation and each member of the bureau of workers' 34
compensation board of directors; the bureau of workers' 35
compensation director of investments; the chief investment officer 36
of the bureau of workers' compensation; the director appointed by 37
the workers' compensation council; all members of the board of 38
commissioners on grievances and discipline of the supreme court 39
and the ethics commission created under section 102.05 of the 40
Revised Code; every business manager, treasurer, or superintendent 41
of a city, local, exempted village, joint vocational, or 42
cooperative education school district or an educational service 43
center; every person who is elected to or is a candidate for the 44
office of member of a board of education of a city, local, 45
exempted village, joint vocational, or cooperative education 46
school district or of a governing board of an educational service 47
center that has a total student count of twelve thousand or more 48
as most recently determined by the department of education 49
pursuant to section 3317.03 of the Revised Code; every person who 50
is appointed to the board of education of a municipal school 51
district pursuant to division (B) or (F) of section 3311.71 of the 52
Revised Code; all members of the board of directors of a sanitary 53
district that is established under Chapter 6115. of the Revised 54
Code and organized wholly for the purpose of providing a water 55
supply for domestic, municipal, and public use, and that includes 56
two municipal corporations in two counties; every public official 57
or employee who is paid a salary or wage in accordance with 58
schedule C of section 124.15 or schedule E-2 of section 124.152 of 59
the Revised Code; members of the board of trustees and the 60
executive director of the southern Ohio agricultural and community 61
development foundation; all members appointed to the Ohio 62
livestock care standards board under section 904.02 of the Revised 63
Code; and every other public official or employee who is 64
designated by the appropriate ethics commission pursuant to 65
division (B) of this section.66

       The disclosure statement shall include all of the following:67

       (1) The name of the person filing the statement and each 68
member of the person's immediate family and all names under which 69
the person or members of the person's immediate family do 70

       (2)(a) Subject to divisions (A)(2)(b) and (c) of this section 72
and except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the Revised 73
Code, identification of every source of income, other than income 74
from a legislative agent identified in division (A)(2)(b) of this 75
section, received during the preceding calendar year, in the 76
person's own name or by any other person for the person's use or 77
benefit, by the person filing the statement, and a brief 78
description of the nature of the services for which the income was 79
received. If the person filing the statement is a member of the 80
general assembly, the statement shall identify the amount of every 81
source of income received in accordance with the following ranges 82
of amounts: zero or more, but less than one thousand dollars; one 83
thousand dollars or more, but less than ten thousand dollars; ten 84
thousand dollars or more, but less than twenty-five thousand 85
dollars; twenty-five thousand dollars or more, but less than fifty 86
thousand dollars; fifty thousand dollars or more, but less than 87
one hundred thousand dollars; and one hundred thousand dollars or 88
more. Division (A)(2)(a) of this section shall not be construed to 89
require a person filing the statement who derives income from a 90
business or profession to disclose the individual items of income 91
that constitute the gross income of that business or profession, 92
except for those individual items of income that are attributable 93
to the person's or, if the income is shared with the person, the 94
partner's, solicitation of services or goods or performance, 95
arrangement, or facilitation of services or provision of goods on 96
behalf of the business or profession of clients, including 97
corporate clients, who are legislative agents. A person who files 98
the statement under this section shall disclose the identity of 99
and the amount of income received from a person who the public 100
official or employee knows or has reason to know is doing or 101
seeking to do business of any kind with the public official's or 102
employee's agency.103

       (b) If the person filing the statement is a member of the 104
general assembly, the statement shall identify every source of 105
income and the amount of that income that was received from a 106
legislative agent during the preceding calendar year, in the 107
person's own name or by any other person for the person's use or 108
benefit, by the person filing the statement, and a brief 109
description of the nature of the services for which the income was 110
received. Division (A)(2)(b) of this section requires the 111
disclosure of clients of attorneys or persons licensed under 112
section 4732.12 of the Revised Code, or patients of persons 113
certified under section 4731.14 of the Revised Code, if those 114
clients or patients are legislative agents. Division (A)(2)(b) of 115
this section requires a person filing the statement who derives 116
income from a business or profession to disclose those individual 117
items of income that constitute the gross income of that business 118
or profession that are received from legislative agents.119

       (c) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2)(c) of 120
this section, division (A)(2)(a) of this section applies to 121
attorneys, physicians, and other persons who engage in the 122
practice of a profession and who, pursuant to a section of the 123
Revised Code, the common law of this state, a code of ethics 124
applicable to the profession, or otherwise, generally are required 125
not to reveal, disclose, or use confidences of clients, patients, 126
or other recipients of professional services except under 127
specified circumstances or generally are required to maintain 128
those types of confidences as privileged communications except 129
under specified circumstances. Division (A)(2)(a) of this section 130
does not require an attorney, physician, or other professional 131
subject to a confidentiality requirement as described in division 132
(A)(2)(c) of this section to disclose the name, other identity, or 133
address of a client, patient, or other recipient of professional 134
services if the disclosure would threaten the client, patient, or 135
other recipient of professional services, would reveal details of 136
the subject matter for which legal, medical, or professional 137
advice or other services were sought, or would reveal an otherwise 138
privileged communication involving the client, patient, or other 139
recipient of professional services. Division (A)(2)(a) of this 140
section does not require an attorney, physician, or other 141
professional subject to a confidentiality requirement as described 142
in division (A)(2)(c) of this section to disclose in the brief 143
description of the nature of services required by division 144
(A)(2)(a) of this section any information pertaining to specific 145
professional services rendered for a client, patient, or other 146
recipient of professional services that would reveal details of 147
the subject matter for which legal, medical, or professional 148
advice was sought or would reveal an otherwise privileged 149
communication involving the client, patient, or other recipient of 150
professional services.151

       (3) The name of every corporation on file with the secretary 152
of state that is incorporated in this state or holds a certificate 153
of compliance authorizing it to do business in this state, trust, 154
business trust, partnership, or association that transacts 155
business in this state in which the person filing the statement or 156
any other person for the person's use and benefit had during the 157
preceding calendar year an investment of over one thousand dollars 158
at fair market value as of the thirty-first day of December of the 159
preceding calendar year, or the date of disposition, whichever is 160
earlier, or in which the person holds any office or has a 161
fiduciary relationship, and a description of the nature of the 162
investment, office, or relationship. Division (A)(3) of this 163
section does not require disclosure of the name of any bank, 164
savings and loan association, credit union, or building and loan 165
association with which the person filing the statement has a 166
deposit or a withdrawable share account.167

       (4) All fee simple and leasehold interests to which the 168
person filing the statement holds legal title to or a beneficial 169
interest in real property located within the state, excluding the 170
person's residence and property used primarily for personal 171

       (5) The names of all persons residing or transacting business 173
in the state to whom the person filing the statement owes, in the 174
person's own name or in the name of any other person, more than 175
one thousand dollars. Division (A)(5) of this section shall not be 176
construed to require the disclosure of debts owed by the person 177
resulting from the ordinary conduct of a business or profession or 178
debts on the person's residence or real property used primarily 179
for personal recreation, except that the superintendent of 180
financial institutions shall disclose the names of all 181
state-chartered savings and loan associations and of all service 182
corporations subject to regulation under division (E)(2) of 183
section 1151.34 of the Revised Code to whom the superintendent in 184
the superintendent's own name or in the name of any other person 185
owes any money, and that the superintendent and any deputy 186
superintendent of banks shall disclose the names of all 187
state-chartered banks and all bank subsidiary corporations subject 188
to regulation under section 1109.44 of the Revised Code to whom 189
the superintendent or deputy superintendent owes any money.190

       (6) The names of all persons residing or transacting business 191
in the state, other than a depository excluded under division 192
(A)(3) of this section, who owe more than one thousand dollars to 193
the person filing the statement, either in the person's own name 194
or to any person for the person's use or benefit. Division (A)(6) 195
of this section shall not be construed to require the disclosure 196
of clients of attorneys or persons licensed under section 4732.12 197
or 4732.15 of the Revised Code, or patients of persons certified 198
under section 4731.14 of the Revised Code, nor the disclosure of 199
debts owed to the person resulting from the ordinary conduct of a 200
business or profession.201

       (7) Except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the 202
Revised Code, the source of each gift of over seventy-five 203
dollars, or of each gift of over twenty-five dollars received by a 204
member of the general assembly from a legislative agent, received 205
by the person in the person's own name or by any other person for 206
the person's use or benefit during the preceding calendar year, 207
except gifts received by will or by virtue of section 2105.06 of 208
the Revised Code, or received from spouses, parents, grandparents, 209
children, grandchildren, siblings, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, 210
brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, 211
fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, or any person to whom the person 212
filing the statement stands in loco parentis, or received by way 213
of distribution from any inter vivos or testamentary trust 214
established by a spouse or by an ancestor;215

       (8) Except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the 216
Revised Code, identification of the source and amount of every 217
payment of expenses incurred for travel to destinations inside or 218
outside this state that is received by the person in the person's 219
own name or by any other person for the person's use or benefit 220
and that is incurred in connection with the person's official 221
duties, except for expenses for travel to meetings or conventions 222
of a national or state organization to which any state agency, 223
including, but not limited to, any legislative agency or state 224
institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of 225
the Revised Code, pays membership dues, or any political 226
subdivision or any office or agency of a political subdivision 227
pays membership dues;228

       (9) Except as otherwise provided in section 102.022 of the 229
Revised Code, identification of the source of payment of expenses 230
for meals and other food and beverages, other than for meals and 231
other food and beverages provided at a meeting at which the person 232
participated in a panel, seminar, or speaking engagement or at a 233
meeting or convention of a national or state organization to which 234
any state agency, including, but not limited to, any legislative 235
agency or state institution of higher education as defined in 236
section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, pays membership dues, or any 237
political subdivision or any office or agency of a political 238
subdivision pays membership dues, that are incurred in connection 239
with the person's official duties and that exceed one hundred 240
dollars aggregated per calendar year;241

       (10) If the disclosure statement is filed by a public 242
official or employee described in division (B)(2) of section 243
101.73 of the Revised Code or division (B)(2) of section 121.63 of 244
the Revised Code who receives a statement from a legislative 245
agent, executive agency lobbyist, or employer that contains the 246
information described in division (F)(2) of section 101.73 of the 247
Revised Code or division (G)(2) of section 121.63 of the Revised 248
Code, all of the nondisputed information contained in the 249
statement delivered to that public official or employee by the 250
legislative agent, executive agency lobbyist, or employer under 251
division (F)(2) of section 101.73 or (G)(2) of section 121.63 of 252
the Revised Code.253

       A person may file a statement required by this section in 254
person or by mail. A person who is a candidate for elective office 255
shall file the statement no later than the thirtieth day before 256
the primary, special, or general election at which the candidacy 257
is to be voted on, whichever election occurs soonest, except that 258
a person who is a write-in candidate shall file the statement no 259
later than the twentieth day before the earliest election at which 260
the person's candidacy is to be voted on. A person who holds 261
elective office shall file the statement on or before the 262
fifteenth day of April of each year unless the person is a 263
candidate for office. A person who is appointed to fill a vacancy 264
for an unexpired term in an elective office shall file the 265
statement within fifteen days after the person qualifies for 266
office. Other persons shall file an annual statement on or before 267
the fifteenth day of April or, if appointed or employed after that 268
date, within ninety days after appointment or employment. No 269
person shall be required to file with the appropriate ethics 270
commission more than one statement or pay more than one filing fee 271
for any one calendar year.272

       The appropriate ethics commission, for good cause, may extend 273
for a reasonable time the deadline for filing a statement under 274
this section.275

       A statement filed under this section is subject to public 276
inspection at locations designated by the appropriate ethics 277
commission except as otherwise provided in this section.278

       (B) The Ohio ethics commission, the joint legislative ethics 279
committee, and the board of commissioners on grievances and 280
discipline of the supreme court, using the rule-making procedures 281
of Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, may require any class of 282
public officials or employees under its jurisdiction and not 283
specifically excluded by this section whose positions involve a 284
substantial and material exercise of administrative discretion in 285
the formulation of public policy, expenditure of public funds, 286
enforcement of laws and rules of the state or a county or city, or 287
the execution of other public trusts, to file an annual statement 288
on or before the fifteenth day of April under division (A) of this 289
section. The appropriate ethics commission shall send the public 290
officials or employees written notice of the requirement by the 291
fifteenth day of February of each year the filing is required 292
unless the public official or employee is appointed after that 293
date, in which case the notice shall be sent within thirty days 294
after appointment, and the filing shall be made not later than 295
ninety days after appointment.296

       Except for disclosure statements filed by members of the 297
board of trustees and the executive director of the southern Ohio 298
agricultural and community development foundation, disclosure 299
statements filed under this division with the Ohio ethics 300
commission by members of boards, commissions, or bureaus of the 301
state for which no compensation is received other than reasonable 302
and necessary expenses shall be kept confidential. Disclosure 303
statements filed with the Ohio ethics commission under division 304
(A) of this section by business managers, treasurers, and 305
superintendents of city, local, exempted village, joint 306
vocational, or cooperative education school districts or 307
educational service centers shall be kept confidential, except 308
that any person conducting an audit of any such school district or 309
educational service center pursuant to section 115.56 or Chapter 310
117. of the Revised Code may examine the disclosure statement of 311
any business manager, treasurer, or superintendent of that school 312
district or educational service center. The Ohio ethics commission 313
shall examine each disclosure statement required to be kept 314
confidential to determine whether a potential conflict of interest 315
exists for the person who filed the disclosure statement. A 316
potential conflict of interest exists if the private interests of 317
the person, as indicated by the person's disclosure statement, 318
might interfere with the public interests the person is required 319
to serve in the exercise of the person's authority and duties in 320
the person's office or position of employment. If the commission 321
determines that a potential conflict of interest exists, it shall 322
notify the person who filed the disclosure statement and shall 323
make the portions of the disclosure statement that indicate a 324
potential conflict of interest subject to public inspection in the 325
same manner as is provided for other disclosure statements. Any 326
portion of the disclosure statement that the commission determines 327
does not indicate a potential conflict of interest shall be kept 328
confidential by the commission and shall not be made subject to 329
public inspection, except as is necessary for the enforcement of 330
Chapters 102. and 2921. of the Revised Code and except as 331
otherwise provided in this division.332

       (C) No person shall knowingly fail to file, on or before the 333
applicable filing deadline established under this section, a 334
statement that is required by this section.335

       (D) No person shall knowingly file a false statement that is 336
required to be filed under this section.337

       (E)(1) Except as provided in divisions (E)(2) and (3) of this 338
section, the statement required by division (A) or (B) of this 339
section shall be accompanied by a filing fee of forty dollars.340

       (2) The statement required by division (A) of this section 341
shall be accompanied by the following filing fee to be paid by the 342
person who is elected or appointed to, or is a candidate for, any 343
of the following offices:344

For state office, except member of the 345
state board of education $65 346
For office of member of general assembly $40 347
For county office $40 348
For city office $25 349
For office of member of the state board 350
of education $25 351
For office of member of the Ohio livestock care standards board $25 352
For office of member of a city, local, 353
exempted village, or cooperative 354
education board of 355
education or educational service 356
center governing board $20 357
For position of business manager, 358
treasurer, or superintendent of a 359
city, local, exempted village, joint 360
vocational, or cooperative education 361
school district or 362
educational service center $20 363

       (3) No judge of a court of record or candidate for judge of a 364
court of record, and no referee or magistrate serving a court of 365
record, shall be required to pay the fee required under division 366
(E)(1) or (2) or (F) of this section.367

       (4) For any public official who is appointed to a nonelective 368
office of the state and for any employee who holds a nonelective 369
position in a public agency of the state, the state agency that is 370
the primary employer of the state official or employee shall pay 371
the fee required under division (E)(1) or (F) of this section.372

       (F) If a statement required to be filed under this section is 373
not filed by the date on which it is required to be filed, the 374
appropriate ethics commission shall assess the person required to 375
file the statement a late filing fee of ten dollars for each day 376
the statement is not filed, except that the total amount of the 377
late filing fee shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars.378

       (G)(1) The appropriate ethics commission other than the Ohio 379
ethics commission and the joint legislative ethics committee shall 380
deposit all fees it receives under divisions (E) and (F) of this 381
section into the general revenue fund of the state.382

       (2) The Ohio ethics commission shall deposit all receipts, 383
including, but not limited to, fees it receives under divisions 384
(E) and (F) of this section and all moneys it receives from 385
settlements under division (G) of section 102.06 of the Revised 386
Code, into the Ohio ethics commission fund, which is hereby 387
created in the state treasury. All moneys credited to the fund 388
shall be used solely for expenses related to the operation and 389
statutory functions of the commission.390

       (3) The joint legislative ethics committee shall deposit all 391
receipts it receives from the payment of financial disclosure 392
statement filing fees under divisions (E) and (F) of this section 393
into the joint legislative ethics committee investigative fund.394

       (H) Division (A) of this section does not apply to a person 395
elected or appointed to the office of precinct, ward, or district 396
committee member under Chapter 3517. of the Revised Code; a 397
presidential elector; a delegate to a national convention; village 398
or township officials and employees; any physician or psychiatrist 399
who is paid a salary or wage in accordance with schedule C of 400
section 124.15 or schedule E-2 of section 124.152 of the Revised 401
Code and whose primary duties do not require the exercise of 402
administrative discretion; or any member of a board, commission, 403
or bureau of any county or city who receives less than one 404
thousand dollars per year for serving in that position.405

       Sec. 904.01.  As used in this chapter, "livestock" means 406
either of the following:407

       (A) Equine animals regardless of the purpose for which they 408
are raised;409

       (B) Any of the following animals that are raised for human 410
food products or fiber:411

       (1) Porcine animals;412

       (2) Bovine animals;413

       (3) Caprine animals;414

       (4) Ovine animals;415

       (5) Poultry;416

       (6) Alpacas;417

       (7) Llamas;418

       (8) Any other animal designated in rules adopted under 419
section 904.03 of the Revised Code.420

       Sec. 904.02.  (A) There is hereby created the Ohio livestock 421
care standards board consisting of the following members:422

       (1) The director of agriculture, who shall be the chairperson 423
of the board;424

       (2) Ten members appointed by the governor with the advice and 425
consent of the senate. The ten members shall be residents of this 426
state and shall include the following:427

       (a) One member representing family farms;428

       (b) One member who is knowledgeable about food safety in this 429

       (c) Two members representing statewide organizations that 431
represent farmers;432

       (d) One member who is a veterinarian licensed under Chapter 433
4741. of the Revised Code;434

       (e) The state veterinarian in the department of agriculture;435

       (f) The dean of the agriculture department of a college or 436
university located in this state;437

       (g) Two members of the public representing consumers in this 438

       (h) One member representing a county humane society organized 440
under Chapter 1717. of the Revised Code.441

       (3) One member appointed by the speaker of the house of 442
representatives who shall be a family farmer;443

       (4) One member appointed by the president of the senate who 444
shall be a family farmer.445

       Not more than seven members appointed to the board at any 446
given time shall be of the same political party.447

       (B)(1) The governor, the speaker of the house of 448
representatives, and the president of the senate shall make 449
appointments to the board not later than forty-five days after the 450
effective date of this section.451

       (2) The following initial members of the board appointed by 452
the governor shall be appointed for a term ending January 25, 453

       (a) The member representing family farmers;455

       (b) The dean of the agriculture department of a college or 456
university located in this state;457

       (c) The member who is a veterinarian licensed under Chapter 458
4741. of the Revised Code;459

       (d) One of the members of the public representing consumers 460
in this state.461

       (3) The following initial members of the board shall be 462
appointed for a term ending January 15, 2012:463

       (a) The member appointed by the speaker of the house of 464
representatives who is a family farmer;465

       (b) One of the members representing a statewide organization 466
that represents farmers;467

       (c) The member representing a county humane society organized 468
under Chapter 1717. of the Revised Code;469

       (d) The member who is knowledgeable about food safety in this 470

       (4) The following initial members of the board shall be 472
appointed for a term ending January 15, 2013:473

       (a) The member appointed by the president of the senate who 474
is a family farmer;475

       (b) One of the members of the public representing consumers 476
in this state;477

       (c) One of the members representing a statewide organization 478
that represents farmers.479

       (C) After the initial terms served in accordance with 480
division (B) of this section, terms of office shall be for three 481
years with each term ending on the same day of the same month as 482
did the term that it succeeds. However, the terms for the director 483
of agriculture and the state veterinarian shall coincide with the 484
length of time that the person holds the position of director or 485
state veterinarian, as applicable. If the director or the state 486
veterinarian resigns or that person's employment is terminated, 487
the director or state veterinarian, as applicable, shall cease to 488
serve on the board, and the successor of the director or state 489
veterinarian shall then serve on the board in accordance with this 490
section. Every other member shall hold office from the date of the 491
member's appointment until the end of the term for which the 492
member was appointed.493

       Vacancies on the board shall be filled in the manner provided 494
for original appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy 495
occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the 496
member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office for the 497
remainder of that term. A member shall continue in office 498
subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the 499
member's successor takes office, or until a period of one hundred 500
eighty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first. A member may be 501
reappointed upon the expiration of the member's term.502

       (D) The board shall hold at least three regular meetings each 503
year and may hold additional meetings at times that the 504
chairperson or a majority of the board members considers 505
appropriate. At the three regular meetings held by the board each 506
year, the board shall conduct a review of the rules governing the 507
care and well-being of livestock that have been or are proposed to 508
be adopted under section 904.03 of the Revised Code.509

       At the first meeting of the board in each calendar year, the 510
director shall designate one member of the board to serve as its 511
vice-chairperson. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum. 512
The board may act only if a quorum is present and only by majority 513
vote of that quorum. A vacancy on the board does not impair the 514
right of the other members to exercise all of the board's powers.515

       (E) Serving as an appointed member of the board does not 516
constitute holding a public office or position of employment under 517
the laws of this state and does not constitute grounds for removal 518
of public officers or employees from their offices or positions of 519

       (F) Appointed members of the board shall receive no 521
compensation for their services. Members shall be reimbursed for 522
their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of 523
their duties as members. The expenses shall be paid from the Ohio 524
livestock care standards fund created in section 904.06 of the 525
Revised Code. The expenses shall be paid in accordance with the 526
rules and requirements adopted by the department of administrative 527
services that are applicable to state employees.528

       (G) The board may create committees that it considers 529
appropriate to make recommendations to the board. Committees may 530
include non-board members.531

       Sec. 904.03.  (A) The Ohio livestock care standards board 532
shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised 533
Code governing the care and well-being of livestock in this state. 534
In adopting those rules, the board shall consider the following 535

       (1) Best management practices for the care and well-being of 537

       (2) Biosecurity. The rules shall not create a statewide 539
animal identification system.540

       (3) The prevention of disease;541

       (4) Animal morbidity and mortality data;542

       (5) Food safety practices;543

       (6) The protection of local, affordable food supplies for 544

       (7) Generally accepted veterinary medical practices, 546
livestock practice standards, and ethical standards established by 547
the American veterinary medical association;548

       (8) Any other factors that the board considers necessary for 549
the proper care and well-being of livestock in this state.550

       The rules shall not apply to organic producers that are 551
certified by the United States department of agriculture under the 552
national organic program to the extent that the rules preempt 553
standards that are required to maintain that certification.554

       (B) The board shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 555
119. of the Revised Code that establish the amount of civil 556
penalties to be assessed against persons who violate the rules 557
adopted under division (A) of this section.558

       (C) The rules adopted under this section do not apply to 559
animals that are used in agricultural, biological, or biomedical 560
research or confined in research or medical facilities that 561
operate in accordance with "The Guide for the Care and Use of 562
Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching" published by the 563
federation of animal science societies or "The Guide for the Care 564
and Use of Laboratory Animals" published by the national academy 565
of sciences.566

       Sec. 904.04.  (A) In order to assist the Ohio livestock care 567
standards board in the administration and enforcement of this 568
chapter, the director of agriculture shall do all of the 569

       (1) Hire all employees of the board, including an executive 571
director. Employees of the board shall be in the unclassified 572
civil service, serve at the pleasure of the director of 573
agriculture, and be compensated with money from the Ohio livestock 574
care standards fund created in section 904.06 of the Revised Code.575

       (2) Enter into contracts on behalf of the board;576

       (3) Do all of the following with regard to rules governing 577
the care and well-being of livestock adopted by the board under 578
section 904.03 of the Revised Code:579

       (a) Process and submit the rules to the joint committee on 580
agency rule review pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code;581

       (b) Contract for surveys and analyses;582

       (c) Perform any other activities that assist the board in 583
adopting the rules.584

       (4) Publish and distribute information related to livestock 585
care, including educational materials, to livestock producers and 586
members of the public;587

       (5) Investigate complaints regarding violations of the rules 588
adopted under section 904.03 of the Revised Code in accordance 589
with the authority granted by this chapter, sections 901.25 to 590
901.29 of the Revised Code, and rules adopted under this chapter 591
and section 901.03 of the Revised Code;592

       (6) Enforce the rules adopted under section 904.03 of the 593
Revised Code and levy the civil penalties established by those 594
rules. The director may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction 595
for a temporary or permanent injunction or other appropriate 596
relief for violations of this chapter and rules adopted under it. 597
For purposes of this division, the court of competent jurisdiction 598
shall be either the court of common pleas of Licking county or the 599
court of common pleas of the county where the violation is 600

       (7) Perform any other duties necessary to assist the board in 602
the administration and enforcement of this chapter.603

       (B) The director or the director's authorized representative 604
acting on behalf of the Ohio livestock care standards board, upon 605
proper identification and upon stating the purpose and necessity 606
of an inspection, may enter at reasonable times on any public or 607
private property, real or personal, to inspect or investigate, 608
obtain samples, and examine or copy records to determine 609
compliance with this chapter and rules adopted under it. The 610
director or the director's authorized representative may apply 611
for, and any judge of a court of competent jurisdiction may issue, 612
an appropriate search warrant necessary to achieve the purposes of 613
this chapter and rules adopted under it.614

       Sec. 904.05.  No person shall do either of the following:615

       (A) Falsify any plans, specifications, data, reports, 616
records, or other information required by this chapter or rules 617
adopted under it to be kept or submitted to the director of 618
agriculture or the Ohio livestock care standards board;619

       (B) Violate any provision of this chapter or any order, rule, 620
or determination of the director or board issued, adopted, or made 621
under this chapter or rules adopted under it.622

       Sec. 904.06.  (A) Until the general assembly appropriates 623
money for the purposes of this chapter and rules adopted under it, 624
the director of agriculture shall request the controlling board to 625
authorize the transfer of all or part of an appropriation from any 626
fund administered by the department of agriculture to the Ohio 627
livestock care standards fund created in division (B) of this 628

       (B) All money appropriated by the general assembly for use by 630
the Ohio livestock care standards board, money transferred from 631
any fund administered by the department as provided in division 632
(A) of this section, all money collected from civil penalties 633
under this chapter, and all money donated to the department of 634
agriculture or the board for the purposes of advancing livestock 635
care shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the 636
Ohio livestock care standards fund, which is hereby created.637

       (C) Money credited to the fund shall be used by the director 638
of agriculture to carry out the purposes of this chapter, 639
including the administration and enforcement costs of the 640
department of agriculture and the compensation of employees of the 641
Ohio livestock care standards board.642

       Sec. 904.07.  The authority granted to the Ohio livestock 643
care standards board and the director of agriculture by this 644
chapter does not detract from or expand the authority or 645
obligations of county humane societies or county officials under 646
Chapter 1717. of the Revised Code.647

       Sec. 904.08.  The authority granted to the Ohio livestock 648
care standards board and the director of agriculture by this 649
chapter does not apply to food processing production activity that 650
is regulated by the department of agriculture under Title IX of 651
the Revised Code.652

       Section 2.  That existing section 102.02 of the Revised Code 653
is hereby repealed.654