As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 447

Representative Murray 

Cosponsors: Representatives Hagan, Foley, Domenick, Chandler, Skindell, Phillips, Harris, Williams, B., Okey, Winburn, Letson, Stewart, Fende 

To enact sections 3734.92, 3734.921, 3734.922, 1
3734.923, 3734.924, 3734.925, 3734.926, and 2
3734.927 of the Revised Code to establish a 3
recycling program for covered electronic devices, 4
to create the Electronic Waste Advisory Council to 5
evaluate and make recommendations and prepare a 6
report concerning recycling of those devices, and 7
to terminate the Electronic Waste Advisory Council 8
on July 1, 2013, by repealing section 3734.927 of 9
the Revised Code on that date.10


       Section 1. That sections 3734.92, 3734.921, 3734.922, 11
3734.923, 3734.924, 3734.925, 3734.926, and 3734.927 of the 12
Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:13

       Sec. 3734.92. As used in sections 3734.92 to 3734.927 of the 14
Revised Code:15

       (A) "Collector" means a person who receives covered 16
electronic devices from consumers and arranges for the delivery of 17
the covered electronic devices to a recycler.18

       (B) "Computer" means a desktop personal computer, laptop 19
computer, computer monitor, or printer. "Computer" does not 20
include either of the following:21

       (1) A personal digital assistant device or mobile telephone;22

       (2) A computer peripheral device, including a mouse or other 23
similar pointing device or a detachable or wireless keyboard.24

       (C) "Computer take-back program" means a program that is 25
required under section 3734.923 of the Revised Code.26

       (D) "Consumer" means a person who purchases a covered 27
electronic device primarily for personal or small business 28
purposes in this state.29

       (E) "Covered computer" means a computer that was or will be 30
used primarily for personal or small business purposes in this 31
state. "Covered computer" does not include device that is 32
functionally or physically a part of, connected to, or integrated 33
within a larger piece of equipment or system that is designed and 34
intended for use in an industrial, governmental, commercial, 35
research and development, or medical setting, including, but not 36
limited to, diagnostic, monitoring, or control products, medical 37
products approved under the "Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic 38
Act," 59 Stat. 1040 (1938), 21 U.S.C. 301 et seq., as amended, 39
equipment used for security, sensing, monitoring, antiterrorism, 40
or emergency services purposes, or equipment designed and intended 41
primarily for use by professional users.42

       (F) "Covered electronic device" means a covered computer or 43
covered video display device.44

       (G) "Covered electronic device take-back program" means a 45
computer take-back program or a video display device take-back 46

       (H) "Covered video display device" means a video display 48
device that was or will be used primarily for personal or small 49
business purposes in this state. "Covered video display device" 50
does not include any of the following:51

       (1) A video display device that is a part of a motor vehicle 52
or any component part of a motor vehicle that is assembled by or 53
for a vehicle manufacturer or a franchisee of a vehicle 54
manufacturer, including replacement parts for use in a motor 55

       (2) A video display device that is contained within a clothes 57
washer, clothes dryer, refrigerator, refrigerator and freezer, 58
microwave oven, conventional oven or range, dishwasher, room air 59
conditioner, dehumidifier, air purifier, or other household 60

       (3) A video display device that is functionally or physically 62
a part of, connected to, or integrated within a larger piece of 63
equipment or system that is designed and intended for use in an 64
industrial, governmental, commercial, research and development, or 65
medical setting, including, but not limited to, diagnostic, 66
monitoring, or control products, medical products approved under 67
the "Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act," 52 Stat. 1040 (1938), 68
21 U.S.C. 301 et seq., as amended, equipment used for security, 69
sensing, monitoring, antiterrorism, or emergency services 70
purposes, or equipment designed and intended primarily for use by 71
professional users.72

       (I) "Manufacturer" means any of the following:73

       (1) A person who owns a brand with which a covered computer 74
is labeled if the person sold more than fifty covered computers in 75
the calendar year of the effective date of this section or a 76
subsequent calendar year;77

       (2) A person who owns or who is licensed to use a brand with 78
which a covered video display device is labeled if the person sold 79
more than fifty covered video display devices in a calendar year;80

       (3) A person who imports into the United States a covered 81
electronic device if the person who owns the brand does not do 82
business in the United States, provided that the person who 83
imports the covered electronic device sold or imported more than 84
fifty covered computers in the calendar year of the effective date 85
of this section or in a subsequent calendar year or sold or 86
imported more than fifty covered video display devices in a 87
calendar year;88

       (4) A person who contractually assumes the responsibilities 89
and obligations described in division (I)(1), (2), or (3) of this 90

       (J) "Printer" means a device that prints using a print 92
technology such as laser, electrographic, ink jet, dot matrix, 93
thermal, or digital sublimation and that is designed to be placed 94
on a desk or other work surface. "Printer" includes a 95
multifunction or all-in-one device that in addition to printing 96
may perform copying, scanning, faxing, or a combination of part or 97
all of those functions. "Printer" does not include a 98
floor-standing device that prints or a device that prints that has 99
an optional floor stand, a point of sale receipt printer, a 100
calculator with printing capabilities, a label maker, or a device 101
that prints that is embedded within a product that is not a 102
covered computer.103

       (K) "Recycler" means a person who as a principal component of 104
business operations acquires covered electronic devices and sorts 105
and processes the covered electronic devices in order to 106
facilitate recycling or resource recovery techniques. "Recycler" 107
does not include a collector, hauler, or electronics shop.108

       (L) "Retailer" means a person who sells a covered electronic 109
device to a consumer at a sales outlet, by mail order, via the 110
internet, or by any other means regardless of whether the person 111
has a physical presence in this state.112

       (M) "Small business" means a business that has ten or fewer 113

       (N) "Video display device" means an electronic device with a 115
viewable screen size that is greater than four inches measured 116
diagonally, that contains a tuner, and that is capable of 117
receiving and displaying television or video programming via a 118
broadcast, cable, or satellite. "Video display device" includes, 119
but is not limited to, a direct view or projection television in 120
which the display technology is a cathode ray tube, plasma, liquid 121
crystal display, digital light processing, liquid crystal on 122
silicon, silicon crystal reflective display, light emitting diode, 123
or similar technology.124

       (O) "Video display device take-back program" means a program 125
that is required under section 3734.924 of the Revised Code.126

       Sec. 3734.921. (A) Not later than thirty days after the end 127
of the state's fiscal year, a manufacturer who sells or offers for 128
sale in this state new covered electronic devices shall register 129
with the director of environmental protection on a form prescribed 130
and provided by the director. The registration form shall require 131
a manufacturer to provide all of the following:132

       (1) The name, address, and telephone number of the 133

       (2) Each brand name under which the manufacturer sells or 135
offers for sale covered electronic devices in this state;136

       (3) Information concerning the manufacturer's covered 137
electronic device take-back program that includes all of the 138

       (a) Information that is provided to consumers that describes 140
how and where to return covered electronic devices that are 141
labeled with the manufacturer's name or brand label;142

       (b) A detailed statement that describes the means by which 143
the information required in division (A)(3)(a) of this section is 144
provided to consumers, including any web site addresses that may 145
be used;146

       (c) Beginning with the submission of the first registration 147
after the implementation of a covered electronic device take-back 148
program, a report that describes the implementation of that 149
program during the preceding fiscal year. The report shall include 150
all of the following:151

       (i) The total weight of the covered electronic devices 152
received under the take-back program from consumers during the 153
preceding fiscal year;154

       (ii) The processes and methods used to recycle or reuse the 155
covered electronic devices that are received from consumers;156

       (iii) The identity of all collectors or recyclers with whom 157
the manufacturer has entered into an agreement for the collection 158
or recycling of covered electronic devices received from 159
consumers. The identity of a recycler shall include the addresses 160
of each of the recycler's recycling facilities that are located in 161
this state, if applicable. 162

       (B) Until October 1, 2016, a manufacturer shall include with 163
a registration submitted under this section an annual fee of five 164
thousand dollars. However, if the balance of the electronic waste 165
recycling fund created in section 3734.926 of the Revised Code is 166
greater than one million dollars on December 31 of any year, the 167
director shall not collect the annual fee for the subsequent 168
fiscal year. The director shall transmit the money from the fees 169
collected under this section to the treasurer of state who shall 170
deposit the money in the state treasury to the credit of the 171
electronic waste recycling fund.172

       (C) A registration is effective on receipt by the director, 173
provided that the registration is complete and includes the fee 174
required in division (B) of this section. If a manufacturer's 175
registration does not satisfy the requirements of this section, 176
the director shall notify the manufacturer of the deficiency. If 177
the manufacturer fails to correct a deficiency within sixty days 178
after notice of the deficiency is sent by the director, the 179
director may deny or revoke the manufacturer's registration.180

       (D) The director shall maintain on the environmental 181
protection agency's web site a list of registered manufacturers of 182
covered computers and a list of registered manufacturers of 183
covered video display devices together with the web site addresses 184
at which each manufacturer provides information regarding 185
recycling covered electronic devices, if any.186

       (E) Information that is provided under division 187
(A)(3)(c)(iii) of this section is not subject to section 149.43 of 188
the Revised Code unless required by a court order.189

       (F) Not later than October 1, 2011, and every two years after 190
that date, the director shall submit a report to the speaker of 191
the house of representatives and the president of the senate that 192
provides an assessment of the adequacy of the fee that is 193
established in this section and recommendations, if any, to modify 194
the amount of the fee.195

       Sec. 3734.922. (A) Beginning April 1, 2011, a manufacturer 196
shall not sell or offer for sale at a sales outlet, by mail order, 197
via the internet, or by any other means in this state a new 198
covered electronic device unless all of the following are 199

       (1) The covered electronic device is labeled with the 201
manufacturer's name or a brand label that is owned by or that is 202
licensed for use by the manufacturer.203

       (2) The manufacturer's name is on the applicable registration 204
list that is maintained by the director of environmental 205
protection as required in section 3734.921 of the Revised Code.206

       (3) If the covered electronic device is a covered computer, 207
the manufacturer has established a computer take-back program.208

       (4) If the covered electronic device is a covered video 209
display device, the manufacturer has established a video display 210
device take-back program.211

       (B) A retailer shall not sell or offer for sale in this state 212
a new covered electronic device that is purchased by the retailer 213
from a manufacturer of the new covered electronic device on or 214
after April 1, 2011, unless the manufacturer is on the applicable 215
registration list that is maintained by the director as required 216
in section 3734.921 of the Revised Code.217

       Sec. 3734.923. (A) Beginning April 1, 2011, a manufacturer of 218
a covered computer shall establish a computer take-back program 219
that satisfies all of the following:220

       (1) Through March 31, 2013, the manufacturer of a covered 221
computer or the manufacturer's designee accepts from a consumer 222
any type or brand of covered computer that has reached the end of 223
its useful life for the consumer. After March 31, 2013, the 224
manufacturer or the manufacturer's designee accepts from a 225
consumer the manufacturer's covered computer that has reached the 226
end of its useful life for the consumer. However, a manufacturer 227
is not required to accept more than seven covered computers from a 228
single consumer on a single day. Division (A)(1) of this section 229
shall not be construed in a manner that impairs the obligation of 230
a contract under which a person agrees to conduct a computer 231
take-back program on behalf of a manufacturer.232

       (2) Except as provided in this division or for data 233
sanitization services provided in accordance with division (A)(5) 234
of this section, the manufacturer or the manufacturer's designee 235
does not charge a fee when a consumer returns a covered computer 236
to the manufacturer. A manufacturer or a manufacturer's designee 237
may offer to charge a fee when a consumer returns a covered 238
computer to the manufacturer if in exchange for the fee the 239
manufacturer or the manufacturer's designee provides goods or 240
services in an amount equal to or greater than the amount of the 241
fee that will be charged and the consumer has the option to accept 242
or reject the offer. If the consumer accepts the offer, the 243
manufacturer or the manufacturer's designee may charge the fee and 244
provide to the consumer goods or services in an amount equal to or 245
greater than the amount of the fee charged. However, if the 246
consumer rejects the offer, the manufacturer or manufacturer's 247
designee shall accept the return of the covered computer free of 248

       (3) The collection of a covered computer is reasonably 250
convenient for, available to, and designed to meet the needs of 251
consumers in this state. Collection methods that alone or in 252
combination satisfy division (A)(3) of this section include 253
methods for a consumer to return a covered computer by one or more 254
of the following means:255

       (a) Mail or common carrier;256

       (b) Deposit at a local physical collection site that is open 257
and staffed on a continuing basis;258

       (c) Deposit at a periodic local collection event;259

       (d) Deposit at a retailer.260

       (4) The manufacturer of a covered computer provides to 261
consumers information on how and where to return a covered 262
computer, including, but not limited to, information on the 263
manufacturer's web site concerning the collection, recycling, and 264
reuse of a covered computer. The manufacturer also may include 265
information concerning the collection, recycling, and reuse of a 266
covered computer via a toll-free telephone number or in the 267
packaging for or with other materials that accompany the 268
manufacturer's covered computers when the covered computers are 269

       (5) The manufacturer of a covered computer provides to 271
consumers information on how to effectively destroy or sanitize 272
the data on the computer's hard drive and other memory storage 273
devices associated with the covered computer prior to delivery of 274
the covered computer to a computer take-back program. The 275
information shall consist of standard data destruction or 276
sanitization techniques of the computer industry, including, but 277
not limited to, the use of free or low-cost data sanitization 278
software available on the internet and the physical destruction of 279
a hard drive and other memory storage devices for those purposes. 280
As a part of a computer take-back program, a manufacturer may 281
provide data destruction or sanitization services to a consumer 282
for a fee not to exceed five dollars per hard drive or other 283
memory storage device. 284

       (6) The manufacturer recycles or arranges for the recycling 285
of the covered computers that are collected in accordance with 286
division (A)(1) of this section. 287

       (B) For purposes of divisions (A)(1) and (6) of this section, 288
a manufacturer may arrange for the collection and recycling of 289
covered computers by another person.290

       (C) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a 291
manufacturer may implement a covered computer take-back program in 292
conjunction with other manufacturers.293

       Sec. 3734.924. (A) Beginning April 1, 2011, a manufacturer of 294
a covered video display device shall establish a video display 295
device take-back program that satisfies all of the following:296

       (1) The manufacturer of a covered video display device or the 297
manufacturer's designee accepts from a consumer any covered video 298
display device that has reached the end of its useful life for the 299
consumer regardless of the type or brand. However, a manufacturer 300
is not required to accept more than seven covered video display 301
devices from a single consumer on a single day.302

       (2) Except as provided in this division, the manufacturer or 303
the manufacturer's designee does not charge a fee when a consumer 304
returns any covered video display device to the manufacturer. A 305
manufacturer or a manufacturer's designee may offer to charge a 306
fee when a consumer returns a covered video display device to the 307
manufacturer if in exchange for the fee the manufacturer or the 308
manufacturer's designee provides goods or services in an amount 309
equal to or greater than the amount of the fee that will be 310
charged and the consumer has the option to accept or reject the 311
offer. If the consumer accepts the offer, the manufacturer or the 312
manufacturer's designee may charge the fee and provide to the 313
consumer goods or services in an amount equal to or greater than 314
the amount of the fee charged. However, if the consumer rejects 315
the offer, the manufacturer or manufacturer's designee shall 316
accept the return of the covered video display device free of 317

       (3) The collection of a covered video display device is 319
reasonably convenient for, available to, and designed to meet the 320
needs of consumers in this state. Collection methods that alone or 321
in combination satisfy division (A)(3) of this section include 322
methods for a consumer to return a covered video display device by 323
one or more of the following means:324

       (a) Mail or common carrier;325

       (b) Deposit at a local physical collection site that is open 326
and staffed on a continuing basis;327

       (c) Deposit at a periodic local collection event;328

       (d) Deposit at a retailer.329

       (4) The manufacturer of a covered video display device 330
provides to consumers information on how and where to return a 331
covered video display device, including, but not limited to, 332
information on the manufacturer's web site concerning the 333
collection, recycling, and reuse of a covered video display 334
device. The manufacturer also may include information concerning 335
the collection, recycling, and reuse of a covered video display 336
device via a toll-free telephone number or in the packaging for or 337
with other materials that accompany the manufacturer's covered 338
video display devices when the covered video display devices are 339

       (5) The manufacturer recycles or arranges for the recycling 341
of the covered video display devices that are collected in 342
accordance with division (A)(1) of this section. As a nonbinding 343
goal, a manufacturer who is required to conduct a video display 344
device take-back program shall recycle annually sixty per cent of 345
the total weight of covered video display devices sold by the 346
manufacturer in this state during the previous state fiscal year. 347
Information that is compiled for the purposes of division (A)(5) 348
of this section is not subject to section 149.43 of the Revised 349
Code unless required by a court order.350

       (B) For purposes of divisions (A)(1) and (5) of this section, 351
a manufacturer may arrange for the collection and recycling of 352
covered video display devices by another person.353

       (C) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a 354
manufacturer may implement a covered video display device 355
take-back program in conjunction with other manufacturers.356

       Sec. 3734.925.  (A) Not later than thirty days after the end 357
of the state's fiscal year, a recycler who operates in this state 358
shall register with the director of environmental protection on a 359
form prescribed and provided by the director. The registration 360
form shall require a recycler to provide all of the following:361

       (1) The name, address, telephone number, and, if applicable, 362
e-mail address of the recycler;363

       (2) An identification of each location where the recycler 364
accepts or processes covered electronic devices;365

       (3) The types of covered electronic devices accepted at each 366
location where the recycler accepts or processes covered 367
electronic devices;368

       (4) The name of each manufacturer, if any, from which the 369
recycler receives covered electronic devices as part of a covered 370
electronic device take-back program; 371

       (5) The total weight of covered electronic devices received 372
for processing during the preceding fiscal year;373

       (6) The name of each nationally recognized electronic 374
recycling certification held by the recycler;375

       (7) A certification that the recycler will comply with all 376
applicable state and federal laws and rules adopted under them 377
governing the storage, transportation, processing, and exportation 378
of a covered electronic device.379

       (B) Until October 1, 2016, a recycler shall include with a 380
registration submitted under this section an annual fee of three 381
hundred dollars. The director shall transmit the money from the 382
fees collected under this section to the treasurer of state who 383
shall deposit the money in the state treasury to the credit of the 384
electronic waste recycling fund created in section 3734.926 of the 385
Revised Code.386

       (C) A registration is effective on receipt by the director, 387
provided that the registration is complete and includes the fee 388
required in division (B) of this section. If a recycler's 389
registration does not satisfy the requirements of this section, 390
the director shall notify the recycler of the deficiency. If the 391
recycler fails to correct a deficiency within sixty days after 392
notice of the deficiency is sent by the director, the director may 393
deny or revoke the recycler's registration.394

       (D) A recycler operating in this state shall do all of the 395
following: 396

       (1) Comply with all applicable state and federal laws and 397
rules adopted under them governing the storage, transportation, 398
processing, and exportation of a covered electronic device;399

       (2) Use procedures accepted by the computer industry for the 400
destruction or sanitization of data on a hard drive or other 401
memory storage device;402

       (3) Advise a person who delivers a covered computer to the 403
recycler that the person may destroy or sanitize the data on the 404
computer's hard drive and other memory storage devices associated 405
with the covered computer or that the person may pay the recycler 406
a fee not to exceed five dollars per hard drive or other memory 407
storage device for such destruction or sanitization;408

       (4) Maintain for a minimum of three years records that do 409
both of the following:410

       (a) Identify the type and quantity of covered electronic 411
devices received;412

       (b) Identify the type, quantity, and destination of covered 413
electronic devices that are transferred to a different location.414

       (5) Make available for review records that are required under 415
division (D)(4) of this section when requested by the director for 416
purposes of determining the recycler's compliance with applicable 417
state and federal laws and rules adopted under them.418

       Sec. 3734.926.  The electronic waste recycling fund is 419
created in the state treasury. All fees collected under sections 420
3734.92 to 3734.925 of the Revised Code shall be credited to the 421
fund. Investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to the 422
fund. Money in the fund shall be used by the director of 423
environmental protection to administer and enforce sections 424
3734.92 to 3734.927 of the Revised Code.425

       Sec. 3734.927. (A) There is created the electronic waste 426
advisory council consisting of the following members:427

       (1) The director of environmental protection or the 428
director's designee;429

       (2) Four members appointed by the president of the senate as 430

       (a) One member representing manufacturers of covered video 432
display devices;433

       (b) One member representing recyclers of covered computers or 434
covered video display devices;435

       (c) One member representing an association of computer 436
manufacturers and video display device manufacturers;437

       (d) One member who is a member of the senate.438

       (3) Four members appointed by the speaker of the house of 439
representatives as follows:440

       (a) One member representing manufacturers of covered 441

       (b) One member representing retailers of covered computers or 443
covered video display devices;444

       (c) One member representing a single county solid waste 445
management district established under Chapter 3734. of the Revised 446

       (d) One member who is a member of the house of 448

       (4) One member appointed by the governor who represents a 450
statewide conservation organization.451

       (B) Appointments to the council shall be made not later than 452
thirty days after the effective date of this section. If a vacancy 453
occurs on the council, the vacancy shall be filled in the same 454
manner as the original appointment. A member of the council may be 455
removed by the person who appointed the member for malfeasance, 456
misfeasance, nonfeasance, or any other good cause.457

       The council members who are members of the senate and of the 458
house of representatives shall serve as co-chairpersons. The 459
council shall elect from its members any other officers that it 460
considers necessary or appropriate. A majority of the members of 461
the council constitutes a quorum for any matter that is before the 462

       The co-chairpersons shall call the first meeting of the 464
council. The council shall meet at least quarterly or more often 465
at the call of the co-chairpersons or if requested by two or more 466
members of the council.467

       Members of the council shall serve without compensation.468

       Serving as a member of the council does not constitute 469
holding a public office or position of employment under the laws 470
of this state and does not constitute grounds for removal of 471
public officers or employees from their offices or positions of 472

       (C) The council shall prepare a report that evaluates 474
computer take-back programs and video display device take-back 475
programs and make recommendations to improve the recycling of 476
covered electronic devices. In addition, the report shall evaluate 477
and make recommendations concerning all of the following:478

       (1) Whether a manufacturer's market share should be used to 479
determine the amount of video display devices that a manufacturer 480
is required to recycle annually;481

       (2) Whether a manufacturer that is implementing a take-back 482
program and recycles electronic waste in an amount greater than an 483
applicable amount that is provided for in sections 3734.92 to 484
3734.924 of the Revised Code should be granted credits, and, if 485
credits should be granted, a determination of the lifespan of a 486
credit, a determination of the transferability of a credit, and a 487
description of how a credit system will operate;488

       (3) Whether the nonbinding annual recycling goal that is 489
established in section 3734.924 of the Revised Code for 490
manufacturers of covered video display devices should be changed 491
and whether such a goal should be mandatory;492

       (4) The items that should be included in a mandatory 493
take-back program, and, if new items are recommended, the 494
recycling rates or amounts for each of the new items;495

       (5) Whether and how a manufacturer should be fined or 496
sanctioned for a violation of sections 3734.92 to 3734.924 of the 497
Revised Code;498

       (6) Whether the funding for the administration of sections 499
3734.92 to 3734.926 of the Revised Code is appropriate;500

       (7) Whether a program should be established to recognize a 501
manufacturer that implements a recycling program that recycles 502
products in addition to covered electronic devices that are 503
required to be recycled under sections 3734.92 to 3734.924 of the 504
Revised Code or that recycles covered electronic devices in an 505
amount greater than an amount that is established in those 506

       (8) Whether a system should be developed to collect covered 508
electronic devices that otherwise are not collected by a 509

       (9) Whether recycling data, such as the amount of covered 511
electronic devices collected by collectors, the identification of 512
the type and quantity of covered electronic devices received, and 513
the type, quantity, and destination of covered electronic devices 514
that are transferred to a different location, should be 515

       (10) Whether a grant program should be established to expand 517
recycling and recovery programs for covered electronic devices and 518
to provide consumer education for such recycling and recovery 519

       (11) Whether a ban on the disposal of covered electronic 521
devices in solid waste landfills in this state is appropriate.522

       (D) Not later than April 1, 2013, the council shall submit 523
the report to the governor, the president of the senate, and the 524
speaker of the house of representatives.525

       Section 2.  That section 3734.927 of the Revised Code is 526
hereby repealed, effective July 1, 2013.527