As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 549

Representative Dyer 

Cosponsors: Representatives Harris, Murray 

To amend section 4710.01 and to enact sections 1
4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code to 2
establish licensing and regulation of debt 3
settlement services.4


       Section 1. That section 4710.01 be amended and sections 5
4710.20, 4710.21, 4710.22, 4710.23, 4710.24, 4710.25, 4710.26, 6
4710.27, 4710.28, 4710.29, 4710.30, 4710.31, 4710.32, 4710.33, 7
4710.34, 4710.35, 4710.36, 4710.37, 4710.38, 4710.39, 4710.40, 8
4710.41, 4710.42, and 4710.43 of the Revised Code be enacted to 9
read as follows:10

       Sec. 4710.01.  As used in this chapter:11

       (A) "Person" includes individuals, partnerships, 12
associations, corporations, trusts, and other legal entities.13

       (B) "Debt adjusting" means doing business in debt adjusting, 14
budget counseling, debt management, or debt pooling service, or 15
holding oneself out, by words of similar import, as providing 16
services to debtors in the management of their debts, to do either 17
of the following:18

       (1) To effect the adjustment, compromise, or discharge of any 19
account, note, or other indebtedness of the debtor;20

       (2) To receive from the debtor and disburse to the debtor's 21
creditors any money or other thing of value.22

       "Debt adjusting" does not include debt settlement service as 23
defined in section 4710.20 of the Revised Code.24

       (C) "Resides" means to live in a particular place on a 25
temporary or a permanent basis.26

       Sec. 4710.20.  As used in sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the 27
Revised Code:28

       (A) "Affiliate" means a person that controls, is controlled 29
by, or is under common control with the licensee.30

       (B) "Agreement" means an agreement between a provider and an 31
individual for the performance of debt settlement services.32

       (C) "Business address" means the physical location of a 33
business, including the name and number of a street.34

       (D) "Concessions" means assent to repayment of a debt on 35
terms more favorable to an individual than the terms of the 36
contract between the individual and a creditor.37

       (E) "Day" means a calendar day.38

       (F) "Debt settlement services" means the services as an 39
intermediary between an individual and one or more unsecured 40
creditors of the individual for the purpose of obtaining 41
concessions and without receiving money from the individual for 42
distribution of that money to the individual's creditor, but does 43
not include any of the following:44

       (1) Legal services provided in an attorney-client 45
relationship by an attorney licensed or otherwise authorized to 46
practice law in this state;47

       (2) Accounting services provided in an accountant–client 48
relationship by a certified public accountant licensed to provide 49
accounting services in this state; or50

       (3) Financial planning services provided in a financial 51
planner-client relationship by a member of a financial planning 52
profession who holds current certification by the certified 53
financial planner board of standards, inc.54

       (G) "Financial institution" means any national bank, any bank 55
doing business under authority granted by the superintendent of 56
financial institutions or the regulatory authority of another 57
state of the United States, any federal savings association, any 58
savings and loan association or savings bank doing business under 59
authority granted by the superintendent or the regulatory 60
authority of another state of the United States, or any credit 61
union regulated by a state or federal regulatory authority.62

       (H) "Good faith" means honesty in fact and the observance of 63
reasonable standards of fair dealing.64

       (I) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business 65
trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, 66
association, joint venture, or any other legal or commercial 67
entity. The term does not include a public corporation, 68
government, or governmental subdivision, agency, or 69

       (J) "Program" means a program or strategy in which a provider 71
furnishes debt settlement services, which contemplate that 72
creditors will settle debts for less than the full amount of debt 73
owed by an individual, and in which the individual makes payments 74
directly to the creditors.75

       (K) "Record" means information that is inscribed on a 76
tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium 77
and is retrievable in a perceivable form.78

       (L) "Sign" means, with present intent to authenticate or 79
adopt a record:80

       (1) To execute or adopt a tangible symbol; or81

       (2) To attach to or logically associate with the record an 82
electronic sound, symbol, or process.83

       (M) "State" means, except when the context indicates the term 84
is referring to the state of Ohio, a state of the United States, 85
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin 86
Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the 87
jurisdiction of the United States.88

       (N) "Settlement" means an arrangement under which a creditor 89
accepts concessions on an individual's account resulting from 90
negotiations conducted by a provider of debt settlement services 91
and money is paid to the creditor.92

       Sec. 4710.21.  (A) No person shall provide debt settlement 93
services for compensation without first having obtained a license, 94
from the director of commerce under sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of 95
the Revised Code, for each business location to be maintained by 96
the person for the transaction of business in this state. 97

       (B) Sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code do not 98
apply to the following persons or their employees when the person 99
or the employee is engaged in the regular course of the person's 100
business or profession:101

       (1) A judicial officer, a person acting under an order of a 102
court or an administrative agency, or an assignee for the benefit 103
of creditors;104

       (2) A financial institution, bank holding company, or the 105
subsidiary, agent, or affiliate of either;106

       (3) A title insurer, escrow company, or other person that 107
provides bill-paying services if the provision of debt settlement 108
services is incidental to the bill-paying services;109

       (4) An employee of a licensee who is working under the 110
supervision of the licensee at the place of business maintained 111
under a license issued pursuant to sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of 112
the Revised Code.113

       Sec. 4710.22.  (A) Application for an original or renewal 114
license to provide debt settlement services shall be in writing, 115
signed under oath, and in the form prescribed by the director of 116
commerce. The application form shall contain a statement informing 117
the applicant that a false or dishonest answer to a question may 118
be grounds for denial or subsequent suspension or revocation of 119
the applicant's license. The application for an original or 120
renewal license shall be accompanied by a license fee as 121
determined by the director by rule, and shall contain all of the 122

       (1) The applicant's name, principal business address and 124
telephone number, and all of the applicant's other business 125
addresses in this state, electronic mail addresses, and internet 126
web site addresses;127

       (2) All names under which the applicant conducts business;128

       (3) The address of each location in this state at which the 129
applicant will provide debt settlement services or a statement 130
that the applicant does not maintain a physical location in the 131

       (4) The name and home address of each officer and director of 133
the applicant and each person that owns at least ten per cent of 134
the applicant's business;135

       (5) A statement describing, to the extent it is known or 136
should be known by the applicant, any material civil or criminal 137
judgment relating to financial fraud or misuse, any material 138
violation of state or federal securities laws, and any material 139
administrative or enforcement action relating to financial fraud 140
or misuse by a governmental agency in any jurisdiction against the 141
applicant, any of its officers, directors, owners, or agents;142

       (6) A copy of each form of agreement that the applicant will 143
use with individuals who reside in this state;144

       (7) The schedule of fees and charges that the applicant will 145
use with individuals who reside in this state;146

       (8) A copy or description of any ownership interest of at 147
least ten per cent by a director, owner, or employee of the 148
applicant's debt settlement services;149

       (9) A description of any ownership interest of at least ten 150
per cent by a director, owner, or employee of the applicant in:151

       (a) Any affiliate of the applicant; or152

       (b) Any entity that provides products or services to the 153
applicant or any individual relating to the applicant's debt 154
settlement services.155

       (10) The identity of each director who is an affiliate of the 156

       (11) Evidence that the applicant has a resident agent in the 158
state recorded with the secretary of state;159

       (12) Any other information that the director reasonably 160
requires to perform the director's duties, which the director may 161
require by rule.162

       (B) The director may, upon receipt and review of an 163
application, request additional information that the director 164
reasonably requires to perform the director's duties.165

       (C) The term of any license issued pursuant to sections 166
4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code shall not be more than one 167
year. Licensees who wish to renew their license must submit an 168
application for renewal at least thirty days, but not more than 169
sixty days, before the license expiration date.170

       (D) If a person who provides debt settlement services holds a 171
license or certificate of registration in another state 172
authorizing it to provide debt settlement services, the person may 173
submit a copy of that license or certificate and the application 174
for it instead of the application in the form prescribed by this 175
section if all of the following apply:176

       (1) The application in the other state contains information 177
substantially similar to or more comprehensive than that required 178
in an application submitted in this state.179

       (2) The applicant provides the information required by 180
divisions (A)(1), (3), (6), and (7) of this section.181

       (3) The applicant certifies that the information contained in 182
the application is current, and to the extent it is not current, 183
supplements the application to make the information current.184

       Sec. 4710.23.  (A) The director of commerce shall issue an 185
original or renewal certificate of licensure to the applicant 186
unless the director finds any of the following:187

       (1) The applicant has not complied with the requirements of 188
section 4710.22 of the Revised Code.189

       (2) The application contains information that is materially 190
erroneous or incomplete.191

       (3) An officer, director, or owner of the applicant has been 192
convicted of a crime, or suffered a civil judgment, involving 193
dishonesty or the violation of state or federal securities laws.194

       (4) The application is not accompanied by the fee established 195
by the director.196

       (5) There is reasonable evidence to support the director's 197
opinion that the applicant will not provide debt settlement 198
services in a lawful, honest, and fair manner.199

       (B) The director shall approve or deny an initial license 200
within sixty days after an application is filed. In connection 201
with a request pursuant to division (B) of section 4710.22 of the 202
Revised Code for additional information, the director may extend 203
the sixty-day period for not more than forty-five days. 204

       (C) If a licensee has filed a timely and complete application 205
for license renewal, the license remains in effect until the 206
director notifies the applicant of a denial. 207

       (D) Within seven days after issuing an order denying an 208
application the director shall notify the applicant of the denial, 209
the grounds for the denial, and the applicant's opportunity for a 210
hearing pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. If the 211
application is denied, the superintendent shall return the annual 212
license fee.213

       (E) If the director has denied an application for a renewal 214
license, the licensee, within thirty days after receiving notice 215
of the denial, may appeal and request a hearing in accordance with 216
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. While an appeal is pending, the 217
licensee shall continue to provide debt settlement services to 218
individuals with whom the licensee has agreements. If the 219
licensee's appeal fails, the licensee may, with the approval of 220
the director, continue to provide debt settlement services to 221
individuals with whom it has agreements until the licensee 222
transfers the agreements to another licensee.223

       Sec. 4710.24.  Not more than one license shall be issued 224
under sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code per single 225
place of business, but the director of commerce may issue 226
additional licenses for other places of business to the same 227
licensee upon compliance with those sections.228

        No change in the place of business of a licensee shall be 229
permitted under the same license. When a licensee wishes to change 230
the licensee's place of business the licensee shall give written 231
notice thereof in advance to the director who shall provide a 232
license for the new address, without cost.233

       Sec. 4710.25.  No person licensed under sections 4710.20 to 234
4710.43 of the Revised Code shall conduct business in this state 235
unless the licensee has obtained and maintains in effect at all 236
times a corporate surety bond issued by a bonding company or 237
insurance company authorized to do business in this state. The 238
bond shall be in favor of the director of commerce and in a penal 239
sum the director determines is warranted by the financial 240
condition and business experience of the licensee, the history of 241
the licensee in performing debt settlement services, the risk to 242
individuals, and any other factor the director considers 243
appropriate. The penal sum shall be at least ten thousand dollars 244
and not more than fifty thousand dollars.245

       The term of the bond shall coincide with the term of the 246
license. The licensee shall file a copy of the bond with the 247
superintendent. The bond shall be for the exclusive benefit of any 248
individual injured by a violation of or failure to comply with any 249
provision of sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code by a 250
licensee or an employee of a licensee.251

       Sec. 4710.26.  A licensee shall do all of the following:252

       (A) Act in good faith when engaging in the business of debt 253
settlement services;254

       (B) Maintain a toll-free communication system, staffed at a 255
level that reasonably permits an individual to speak to a customer 256
service representative, as appropriate, during ordinary business 257

       (C) Establish an internal formal complaint policy that 259
creates a process for the licensee to receive, review, and address 260
or resolve formal complaints internally. The availability of this 261
process shall be communicated in writing to individuals enrolled 262
in the licensee's program. This policy shall include a provision 263
that all consumers who file a formal complaint shall receive a 264
response from the licensee within a reasonable time from the 265
licensee's receipt of such complaint. The licensee shall maintain 266
a file for each such formal complaint that documents the 267
complaint, the licensee's actions in response to the complaint, 268
and if and how the complaint was resolved.269

       (D) Provide all disclosures and documents required by 270
sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code in English and in 271
any other language the licensee has or will use primarily to 272
communicate with the individual.273

       Sec. 4710.27.  (A) Before providing debt settlement services, 274
a licensee shall give the individual an itemized list of goods and 275
services and the charges for each. The list must be clear and 276

       (B) A licensee may not furnish debt settlement services 278
unless the licensee has prepared a financial analysis with respect 279
to the income and debts of the individual seeking service.280

       (C) Before an individual assents to an agreement to engage in 281
a program, a licensee shall do the following:282

       (1) Provide the individual with a copy of the financial 283
analysis required by division (B) of this section in a record that 284
identifies the licensee and that the individual may keep whether 285
or not the individual assents to the agreement;286

       (2) Inform the individual of the availability, at the 287
individual's option, of assistance by a toll-free communication 288
system or in person to discuss the financial analysis required by 289
division (B) of this section.290

       (D) Before an individual assents to an agreement to engage in 291
a program, the licensee shall inform the individual of the 292

       (1) Programs are not suitable for all individuals.294

       (2) Participation in a program may adversely affect the 295
individual's credit rating or credit scores.296

       (3) Nonpayment of debt may lead creditors to increase finance 297
and other charges or undertake collection activity, including 298

       (4) If a creditor settles for less than the full amount of 300
the debt, the program may result in the creation of taxable income 301
to the individual, even if the individual does not receive any 302

       (5) Specific results cannot be predicted or guaranteed and 304
the licensee cannot force negotiations or settlements with 305
creditors but will advocate solely on behalf of the individual.306

       (6) Programs require that individuals meet a certain savings 307
goal in order to maximize settlement results.308

       (7) The licensee does not provide accounting or legal advice 309
to individuals, unless the licensee is professionally licensed to 310
provide such advice.311

       (8) The licensee is the individual's advocate and may not 312
receive compensation from creditors, financial institutions, or 313
third-party collection agencies.314

       (9) The licensee does not make payments to the individual's 315

       (10) The name and business address of the licensee.317

       Sec. 4710.28.  (A) As used in this section:318

       (1) "Federal act" means the "Electronic Signatures in Global 319
and National Commerce Act," 114 Stat. 464, 15 U.S.C. 7001 et seq., 320
as amended.321

       (2) "Consumer" means an individual who seeks or obtains goods 322
or services that are used primarily for personal, family, or 323
household purposes.324

       (B) A licensee may satisfy the requirements of sections 325
4710.27, 4710.29, and 4710.35 of the Revised Code by utilizing the 326
internet or other electronic means if the licensee obtains a 327
consumer's consent in the manner provided for in the federal act.328

       (C) The disclosures and materials required by sections 329
4710.27, 4710.29, and 4710.35 of the Revised Code shall be 330
presented in a form that is capable of being accurately reproduced 331
for later reference.332

       (D) With respect to disclosure by means of an internet web 333
site, the disclosure of the information required by division (D) 334
of section 4710.27 of the Revised Code must appear on one or more 335
screens that contain no other information, and the individual must 336
indicate that the individual has seen the information before 337
proceeding to assent to formation of a program.338

       (E) At the time of providing the materials and agreement 339
required by divisions (C) and (D) of section 4710.27, and sections 340
4710.29 and 4710.35 of the Revised Code, a licensee shall inform 341
the individual that upon electronic, telephonic, or written 342
request, it will send the individual a written copy of the 343
materials and shall comply with a request as provided in division 344
(F) of this section.345

       (F) If a licensee is requested, before the expiration of 346
ninety days after a program is completed or terminated, to send a 347
written copy of the materials required by divisions (C) and (D) of 348
section 4710.27, and sections 4710.29 and 4710.35 of the Revised 349
Code, the licensee shall send them at no charge within three 350
business days after the request is made, but the licensee need not 351
comply with a request more than once per calendar month or if it 352
reasonably believes the request is made for purposes of 353
harassment. If a request is made more than ninety days after a 354
program is completed or terminated, the licensee shall send within 355
a reasonable time a written copy of the materials requested.356

       (G) A licensee that maintains an internet web site shall 357
disclose on the home page of its web site or on a page that is 358
clearly and conspicuously connected to the home page by a link 359
that clearly reveals its contents all of the following:360

       (1) Its name and all names under which it does business;361

       (2) Its principal business address, telephone number, and 362
electronic mail address, if any.363

       (H) Subject to division (I) of this section, if a consumer 364
who has consented to electronic communication in the manner 365
provided by section 101 of the federal act withdraws consent as 366
provided in the federal act, a licensee may terminate its 367
agreement with the consumer.368

       (I) If a licensee wishes to terminate an agreement with a 369
consumer pursuant to division (H) of this section, it shall notify 370
the consumer that it will terminate the agreement unless the 371
consumer, within thirty days after receiving the notification, 372
consents to electronic communication in the manner provided in 373
section 101(c) of the federal act.374

       (J) This section modifies, limits, and supersedes the federal 375
act, but does not modify, limit, or supersede section 101(c) of 376
that act or authorize electronic delivery of any of the notices 377
described in section 103(b) of that act.378

       Sec. 4710.29.  (A) An agreement must meet the following 379

       (1) Be in a record;381

       (2) Be dated and signed by the individual;382

       (3) Include the name of the individual and the address where 383
the individual resides;384

       (4) Include the name, business address, and telephone number 385
of the licensee;386

       (5) Be delivered to the individual immediately upon formation 387
of the agreement;388

       (6) Disclose all of the following:389

       (a) The services to be provided;390

       (b) The amount or method of determining the amount of all 391
fees, individually itemized, to be paid by the individual;392

       (c) How the licensee will comply with its obligations under 393
section 4710.35 of the Revised Code;394

       (d) That the individual may cancel the agreement as provided 395
in section 4710.30 of the Revised Code;396

       (e) That the individual may contact the director of commerce 397
with any questions or complaints regarding the licensee;398

       (f) The address, telephone number, and internet address or 399
web site of the director.400

       (B) For purposes of division (A)(5) of this section, delivery 401
of an electronic record occurs when it is made available in a 402
format in which the individual may retrieve, save, and print the 403
record, and the individual is notified that it is available.404

       (C) If the director supplies the licensee with any 405
information required under division (A)(6)(f) of this section, the 406
licensee may comply with that requirement only by disclosing the 407
information supplied by the director.408

       (D) An agreement must provide that the individual has a right 409
to terminate the agreement at any time by giving the licensee 410
written or electronic notice, in which event all powers of 411
attorney granted by the individual to the licensee are revoked and 412

       (E) In accordance with section 4710.30 of the Revised Code, 414
an agreement must be accompanied by a form that contains the 415
following in boldface type, surrounded by bold black lines:416

       "Notice of right of cancellation:417

       You may cancel this agreement, without any penalty or 418
obligation, at any time before midnight of the third business day 419
after the day you agree to it by electronic communication or by 420
signing it.421

       To cancel this agreement during this period, send an e-mail 422
to [e-mail address of licensee] or mail or deliver a signed, dated 423
copy of this notice, or any other written notice to [name of 424
licensee] at [address of licensee] before midnight of the third 425
business day after the day you execute this agreement.426

       If you cancel this agreement within the 3-day period, we will 427
refund all money you already have paid us.428

       I cancel this agreement,429


       Print your name431





       (F) An agreement may confer on a licensee a power of attorney 436
to settle up to fifty per cent of an individual's debt. An 437
agreement may not confer a power of attorney to negotiate with 438
creditors of the individual on behalf of the individual. An 439
agreement must state that the licensee will obtain the assent of 440
the individual after a creditor has assented to a settlement for 441
more than fifty per cent of the amount of the individual's debt.442

       (G) An agreement may not do the following:443

       (1) Provide for application of the law of any jurisdiction 444
other than the United States and this state;445

       (2) Except as permitted by Section 2 of the "Federal 446
Arbitration Act," 61 Stat. 669, 9 U.S.C. 1, et seq., as amended, 447
contain a provision that modifies or limits otherwise available 448
forums or procedural rights, including the right to trial by jury, 449
that are generally available to the individual under law;450

       (3) Contain a provision that restricts the individual's 451
remedies under sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code, or 452
other law;453

       (4) Contain a provision that does the following:454

       (a) Limits or releases the liability of any person for not 455
performing the agreement or for violating sections 4710.20 to 456
4710.43 of the Revised Code;457

       (b) Indemnifies any person for liability arising under the 458
agreement or sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code.459

       (H) All rights and obligations specified in division (D) of 460
this section and section 4710.30 of the Revised Code apply even if 461
not recited in the agreement.462

       Sec. 4710.30.  An individual may cancel an agreement before 463
midnight of the third business day after the individual assents to 464
it, unless the agreement does not comply with section 4710.29 or 465
4710.34 of the Revised Code, in which event the individual may 466
cancel the agreement within thirty days after the individual 467
assents to it. To exercise the right of cancellation, the 468
individual must give notice in a record to the licensee. Notice by 469
mail is given when mailed.470

       Sec. 4710.31.  (A) A licensee may not impose, directly or 471
indirectly, a fee or other charge on an individual or receive 472
money from or on behalf of an individual for debt settlement 473
services, except as permitted by this section.474

       (B) A debt settlement service fee or charge must be derived 475
from a settlement between a creditor and debtor, negotiated by the 476
licensee. The total fee or charge may not exceed fifteen per cent 477
of the principal amount of the debt being settled in the 478
settlement. The fee or charge shall be collected at a rate of not 479
more than one per cent per month, or if the payment plan included 480
in the settlement is less than fifteen months in length, in equal 481
monthly payments for the term of the settlement. The debtor may 482
voluntarily accelerate or prepay any unpaid installment fee or 483
charge, and the licensee may collect the fee or charge on a pro 484
rata basis once the licensee has a finalized settlement from the 485
creditor. The licensee may charge an additional fee not to exceed 486
five per cent of the amount equal to the principal amount of the 487
debt being settled minus the amount to be paid under the 488

       (C) A licensee may not impose fees or charges or receive 490
payment for debt settlement services until a settlement has been 491
executed in the form required under division (C) of section 492
4710.35 of the Revised Code. If the settlement calls for money to 493
be paid to the creditor in installments, the licensee may collect, 494
at the time the installment payment is made, a debt settlement 495
service fee or charge for each installment payment, provided that 496
the total fee or charge is proportionally distributed equally 497
among the total number of installment payments.498

       (D) A licensee may not impose fees or charges or receive 499
payment for debt settlement services until the licensee and the 500
individual have signed an agreement that complies with sections 501
4710.29 and 4710.34 of the Revised Code.502

       (E) A licensee may impose a reasonable charge to the 503
individual, plus any amount passed on from a financial institution 504
for each check, negotiable order of withdrawal, share draft, or 505
other negotiable instrument returned or dishonored for any reason, 506
provided that the terms and conditions upon which such 507
insufficient funds charges will be charged to the individual are 508
set forth in the agreement.509

       (F) A licensee may not solicit or accept a voluntary 510
contribution from an individual or on behalf of an individual.511

       Sec. 4710.32.  (A) If a licensee imposes a fee or other 512
charge or receives money or other payments not authorized by 513
section 4710.31 of the Revised Code, the individual may void the 514
agreement and recover as provided for in section 4710.41 of the 515
Revised Code. 516

       (B) If a person providing debt settlement services is not 517
licensed as required by section 4710.21 of the Revised Code when 518
an individual assents to an agreement, the agreement is voidable 519
by the individual.520

       (C) If an individual voids an agreement under this section, 521
the licensee or person providing debt settlement services without 522
a license does not have a claim against the individual for breach 523
of contract or for restitution.524

       Sec. 4710.33.  If an individual who has entered into a fee 525
agreement fails for sixty days to make payments required by the 526
agreement, a licensee may terminate the agreement.527

       Sec. 4710.34.  (A) A licensee may not do any of the 528

       (1) Settle a debt on behalf of an individual for more than 530
fifty per cent of the amount of the debt owed a creditor, unless 531
the individual assents to the settlement after the creditor has 532

       (2) Take a power of attorney that authorizes the licensee to 534
settle a debt, unless the power of attorney expressly limits the 535
licensee's authority to settle debts for not more than fifty per 536
cent of the amount of the debt owed a creditor;537

       (3) Exercise or attempt to exercise a power of attorney after 538
an individual has terminated an agreement;539

       (4) Initiate a transfer of money from an individual's account 540
at a financial institution or with another person, unless the 541
transfer is one of the following:542

       (a) A return of money to the individual;543

       (b) Before termination of an agreement, properly authorized 544
by the agreement for payment of a fee;545

       (c) In payment of a creditor to fund a negotiated settlement 546
authorized by an individual under division (A)(1) of this section 547
or through a power of attorney under division (A)(2) of this 548

       (d) In payment of a creditor to fund a negotiated settlement 550
of which both the settlement and transfer of money had been 551
authorized by the debtor.552

       (5) Structure a settlement in a manner that would result in a 553
negative amortization of any of an individual's debts;554

       (6) Settle a debt or lead an individual to believe that a 555
payment to a creditor is in settlement of a debt to the creditor 556
unless, at the time of settlement, the individual receives a 557
certification or confirmation by the creditor that the payment is 558
in full settlement of the debt, or is part of a payment plan that 559
is in full settlement of the debt;560

       (7) Represent that:561

       (a) The licensee will furnish money to pay bills or prevent 562

       (b) Payment of a certain amount will guarantee satisfaction 564
of a certain amount or range of indebtedness; or565

       (c) Participation in a program will or may prevent 566
litigation, garnishment, attachment, repossession, foreclosure, 567
eviction, or loss of employment.568

       (8) Represent that the licensee is authorized or competent to 569
furnish legal advice or perform legal services, unless such advice 570
or services is provided by a licensed attorney working with the 571

       (9) Represent that it is one of the following:573

       (a) A not-for-profit entity, unless it is organized and 574
properly operating as a not-for-profit entity under the laws of 575
this state;576

       (b) A tax-exempt entity, unless it has received certification 577
of tax-exempt status from the federal internal revenue service.578

       (10) Take a confession of judgment or power of attorney to 579
confess judgment against an individual;580

       (11) Employ an unfair, unconscionable, or deceptive act or 581
practice, including the knowing omission of any material 582

       (B) If a licensee furnishes debt settlement services to an 584
individual, the licensee may not do any of the following, directly 585
or indirectly:586

       (1) Purchase a debt or obligation of the individual;587

       (2) Receive from or on behalf of the individual any of the 588

       (a) A promissory note or other negotiable instrument other 590
than a check or a demand draft;591

       (b) A post-dated check or demand draft.592

       (3) Lend money to provide credit to the individual, except as 593
a deferral of a fee payment at no additional expense to the 594

       (4) Obtain a mortgage or other security interest from any 596
person in connection with the services provided to the individual;597

       (5) Disclose the identity or identifying information of the 598
individual or the identity of the individual's creditors, except 599
in the following circumstances:600

       (a) To the director of commerce, upon proper demand;601

       (b) To a creditor of the individual, to the extent necessary 602
to secure the cooperation of the creditor in a program;603

       (c) To the extent necessary to administer the program;604

       (d) As permitted by federal law.605

       (6) Except as otherwise provided in section 4710.31 of the 606
Revised Code, provide the individual less than the full benefit of 607
a compromise of a debt arranged by the licensee;608

       (7) Furnish legal advice or perform legal services, unless 609
the person furnishing that advice to, or performing those services 610
for, the individual is licensed to practice law;611

       (8) Advise individuals to stop payment on any of the accounts 612
being handled by the licensee;613

       (9) Receive compensation from creditors, financial 614
institutions, or third-party collection agencies, as a result of 615
providing debt settlement services to an individual.616

       (C) A licensee that advertises debt settlement services shall 617
not make statements that are misleading or deceptive, and the 618
advertisements shall not conflict with the information specified 619
in divisions (D)(2), (3), and (5) of section 4710.27 of the 620
Revised Code.621

       Sec. 4710.35.  (A) A licensee shall provide the accounting 622
required by division (B) of this section in accordance with the 623
following requirements:624

       (1) At the following times while the agreement is in effect:625

       (a) After each settlement of debt with a creditor on behalf 626
of the individual;627

       (b) Within five business days after a request by an 628
individual, but the licensee need not comply with more than one 629
request in any calendar month.630

       (2) Upon cancellation or termination of an agreement.631

       (B) If a creditor has agreed to accept as payment in full an 632
amount less than the full amount of the debt owed by an 633
individual, the licensee shall document in a record an accounting 634
of all of the following:635

       (1) The amount the creditor accepts as settlement in full of 636
the debt;637

       (2) Any other terms of the settlement;638

       (3) The amount of the debt when the creditor agreed to the 639

       (4) For licensees using fee agreements that calculate any 641
portion of the fee based on a percentage of savings the individual 642
realizes from a settled debt, the calculation of that fee.643

       (C) A settlement must be in writing, indicate the assent of 644
the creditor and the debtor or the debtor's attorney in fact 645
through endorsement, and clearly set forth the original amount of 646
the debt, the amount the creditor has agreed to accept as payment 647
in full of the debt, and the difference between these amounts 648
which shall be the amount of debt forgiven.649

       (D) A licensee shall maintain records for each individual for 650
whom it provides debt settlement services for four years after the 651
final payment made by the individual and produce a copy of them to 652
the individual within a reasonable time after a request is made 653
for them. The licensee may use electronic or other means of 654
storage of the records.655

       Sec. 4710.36.  (A) The director of commerce may do the 656

       (1) Act on the director's own initiative or in response to 658
complaints and may receive complaints regarding, or take action to 659
obtain voluntary compliance with, sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of 660
the Revised Code;661

       (2) Seek or provide remedies as provided for in section 662
4710.38 of the Revised Code.663

       (B) The director may investigate and examine, by subpoena or 664
otherwise, the activities, books, accounts, and records of a 665
licensee, or a person to which a licensee has delegated its 666
obligations under an agreement, to determine compliance with 667
sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code. Information that 668
identifies individuals who have agreements with the licensee shall 669
not be disclosed to the public. In connection with the 670
investigation, the director may do the following:671

       (1) Charge the person the reasonable expenses necessarily 672
incurred to conduct the examination;673

       (2) Require or permit a person to file a statement under oath 674
as to all the facts and circumstances of a matter to be 675

       (C) The director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 677
119. of the Revised Code to implement the provisions of sections 678
4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code.679

       (D) The director may enter into cooperative arrangements with 680
any other federal or state agency having authority over licensees 681
and may exchange with any of those agencies information about a 682
licensee, including information obtained during an examination of 683
the licensee.684

       Sec. 4710.37.  (A) As used in this section, "consumer price 685
index" means the consumer price index prepared by the United 686
States bureau of labor statistics (U.S. city average for urban 687
wage earners and clerical workers: all items, 1982-1984=100) or, 688
if that index is no longer published, a generally available 689
comparable index.690

       (B) The director of commerce, by rule adopted in accordance 691
with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall establish reasonable 692
fees to be paid by licensees for the expense of administering 693
sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code. All fees, 694
charges, and penalties collected under sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 695
of the Revised Code shall be paid to the director and shall be 696
deposited by the director into the state treasury to the credit of 697
the debt settlement services fund, which is hereby created. Funds 698
in the debt settlement services fund shall be used for 699
administering sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code.700

       (C) The director, by rule adopted in accordance with Chapter 701
119. of the Revised Code, shall establish the dollar amounts for 702
license fees under section 4710.22 of the Revised Code and shall 703
establish that license fees under section 4710.22, and penalties 704
collected under section 4710.38 of the Revised Code, shall adjust 705
to reflect inflation, as measured by the consumer price index. The 706
director shall adopt a base year and adjust the dollar amounts, 707
effective on July 1 of each year, if the change in the index from 708
the base year, as of December 31 of the preceding year, is at 709
least ten per cent. The dollar amount must be rounded to the 710
nearest ten dollars.711

       (D) The director shall notify licensees of any change in 712
dollar amounts made pursuant to division (C) of this section and 713
make that information available to the public.714

       Sec. 4710.38.  (A) The director of commerce shall enforce 715
sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code and any rule 716
adopted pursuant to section 4710.36 of the Revised Code by taking 717
one or more of the following actions:718

       (1) Ordering a licensee or a director, employee, or other 719
agent of a licensee to cease and desist from any violations;720

       (2) Ordering a licensee or a person that has caused a 721
violation to correct the violation or that has failed to comply 722
with those sections to correct the failure, including making 723
restitution of money or property to a person aggrieved by a 724
violation or failure to comply;725

       (3) Imposing on a licensee or a person that has caused a 726
violation or has failed to comply a civil penalty not exceeding 727
one thousand dollars for each violation or failure to comply;728

       (4) Prosecuting a civil action to do either of the following:729

       (a) Enforce an order;730

       (b) Obtain restitution or an injunction or other equitable 731
relief, or both.732

       (5) Intervening in an action brought under section 4710.39 of 733
the Revised Code.734

       (B) If a person violates or fails to comply with, or 735
knowingly authorizes, directs, or aids in the violation of or 736
failure to comply with, a final order issued under division (A)(1) 737
or (2) of this section, the director may impose an additional 738
civil penalty not exceeding one thousand dollars for each 739
violation or failure.740

       (C) The director may maintain an action to enforce sections 741
4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code in any county.742

       (D) The director may recover the reasonable costs of 743
enforcing divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section, including 744
attorney's fees based on the hours reasonably expended and the 745
hourly rates for attorneys of comparable experience in the 746

       (E) In determining the amount of a civil penalty to impose 748
under division (A) or (B) of this section, the director shall 749
consider the seriousness of the violation or failure, the good 750
faith of the person committing the violation or failure, any 751
previous violations or failures by the person, the deleterious 752
effect of the violation or failure on the public, and any other 753
factor the director considers relevant to the determination of the 754
civil penalty.755

       (F) No enforcement action or adjudication order made by the 756
director under this section shall be valid unless an opportunity 757
for a hearing is afforded in accordance with Chapter 119. of the 758
Revised Code. Such opportunity for a hearing shall be given before 759
taking the enforcement action or making the adjudication order 760
except in those situations where section 119.06 of the Revised 761
Code provides otherwise.762

       Sec. 4710.39.  The director of commerce shall publish and 763
maintain, on the department of commerce internet web site, a 764
current list of all providers licensed under sections 4710.20 to 765
4710.43 of the Revised Code. 766

       Sec. 4710.40.  (A) As used in this section, "insolvent" 767

       (1) Having generally ceased to pay debts in the ordinary 769
course of business other than as a result of a good-faith dispute;770

       (2) Being unable to pay debts as they become due;771

       (3) Being insolvent within the meaning of the federal 772
bankruptcy law.773

       (B) The director may suspend, revoke, or deny renewal of a 774
license if any of the following apply:775

       (1) A fact or condition exists that, if it had existed when 776
the licensee applied for a license, it would have been a reason 777
for denial.778

       (2) The licensee has committed a material violation of or 779
failure to comply with any provision of sections 4710.20 to 780
4710.43 of the Revised Code or a rule or order of the director.781

       (3) The licensee is insolvent.782

       (4) The licensee or an employee or affiliate of the licensee 783
has refused to permit the director to make an examination 784
authorized by section 4710.36 of the Revised Code, failed to 785
comply with an order to file a statement pursuant to division 786
(B)(2) of section 4710.36 of the Revised Code within thirty days 787
after the request, or made a material misrepresentation or 788
omission with regard to such statement.789

       (5) The licensee has not responded within a reasonable time 790
and in an appropriate manner to communications from the director.791

       (C) If the director suspends or revokes a license, the 792
licensee may appeal and request a hearing pursuant to Chapter 119. 793
of the Revised Code.794

       Sec. 4710.41.  (A) If an individual voids an agreement 795
pursuant to section 4710.32 of the Revised Code, the individual 796
may recover in a civil action all money paid by or on behalf of 797
the individual pursuant to the agreement, in addition to the 798
recovery under division (B)(3) of this section.799

       (B) Subject to division (C) of this section, an individual 800
with respect to whom a licensee or a person providing debt 801
settlement service without a license violates or fails to comply 802
with any provision of sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised 803
Code may recover in a civil action all of the following from the 804
licensee or person that caused the violation or failure:805

       (1) Compensatory damages for economic injury caused by the 806
violation or failure;807

       (2) Except as otherwise provided in division (C) of this 808
section and subject to adjustment of the dollar amount pursuant to 809
section 4710.37 of the Revised Code, with respect to a failure to 810
comply with division (D) of section 4710.26, a violation of 811
divisions (A) and (B) of section 4710.34, and a violation of or 812
failure to comply with sections 4710.27, 4710.29, 4710.30, and 813
4710.31 of the Revised Code, the greater of the amount recovered 814
under division (B)(1) of this section or one thousand dollars;815

       (3) Reasonable attorney's fees and costs.816

       (C) In a class action, the minimum damages provided in 817
division (B) of this section do not apply.818

       (D) In addition to the remedies available under division (B) 819
of this section, if a licensee fails to comply with an 820
individual's right to cancellation under section 4710.30 of the 821
Revised Code, the individual may recover in a civil action all 822
money paid by or on behalf of the individual pursuant to the 823
agreement, except for amounts paid to creditors.824

       (E) A licensee is not liable under this section for a 825
violation or failure to comply with any provision of sections 826
4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code if the licensee proves that 827
the violation or failure was not intentional and resulted from a 828
good-faith error notwithstanding the maintenance of procedures 829
reasonably adapted to avoid the error. If, in connection with a 830
violation or failure, the licensee has received more money than 831
authorized by an agreement or sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the 832
Revised Code, the defense provided by division (E) of this section 833
is not available unless the licensee refunds the excess within 834
three business days after learning of the violation or failure.835

       (F) If a licensee or a person providing debt settlement 836
service without a license violates or fails to comply with any 837
provision of sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code, an 838
individual may recover under this section or pursuant to section 839
4710.43 of the Revised Code, but not both for the same act or 840

       Sec. 4710.42.  (A) An action or proceeding brought pursuant 842
to division (A), (B), or (C) of section 4710.38 of the Revised 843
Code must be commenced within four years after the conduct occurs 844
that is the basis of the director's complaint.845

       (B) An action brought pursuant to section 4710.41 of the 846
Revised Code must be commenced within two years after the latest 847
of the following:848

       (1) The individual's last transmission of money to the 849

       (2) The date on which the individual discovered or reasonably 851
should have discovered the facts giving rise to the individual's 852

       (3) Termination of actions or proceedings by the director 854
with respect to a violation or failure to comply with any 855
provision of sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code.856

       (C) The period prescribed in division (B)(2) of this section 857
is tolled during any period during which the licensee or, if 858
different, the defendant, has materially and willfully 859
misrepresented information required by sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 860
of the Revised Code to be disclosed to the individual, if the 861
information so misrepresented is material to the establishment of 862
the liability of the defendant under sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 863
of the Revised Code.864

       Sec. 4710.43. Any violation or failure to comply with 865
sections 4710.20 to 4710.43 of the Revised Code by a licensee or a 866
person providing debt settlement service without a license is 867
deemed an unfair or deceptive act or practice in violation of 868
section 1345.02 of the Revised Code. A person injured by such a 869
violation has a cause of action and is entitled to the same relief 870
available to a consumer under section 1345.09 of the Revised Code, 871
and all the powers and remedies available to the attorney general 872
to enforce sections 1345.01 to 1345.13 of the Revised Code are 873
available to the attorney general to enforce sections 4710.20 to 874
4710.43 of the Revised Code.875

       Section 2.  That existing section 4710.01 of the Revised Code 876
is hereby repealed.877