As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 18

Senator Gibbs 

Cosponsors: Senators Schuler, Grendell, Schaffer 

To enact section 3745.25 of the Revised Code to 1
require the proceeds of fines paid by certain 2
political subdivisions under environmental laws to 3
be expended by the state in the county that 4
incurred the fine or in which the political 5
subdivision that incurred the fine is located and 6
to require the proceeds of fines paid by private 7
entities under environmental laws to be deposited 8
in the General Revenue Fund.9


       Section 1. That section 3745.25 of the Revised Code be 10
enacted to read as follows:11

       Sec. 3745.25. (A) As used in this section, "environmental 12
laws" means Chapters 3704., 3714., 3734., 3745., 3746., 3750., 13
3751., 3752., 3753., 6109., and 6111. of the Revised Code; any 14
federal counterparts of those chapters; rules adopted under those 15
chapters or federal counterparts; and terms and conditions of 16
orders, permits, permit renewals, licenses, license renewals, 17
variances, exemptions, or plan approvals issued under those 18
chapters or federal counterparts.19

        (B) Notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code to the 20
contrary, the director of environmental protection in consultation 21
with the director of budget and management shall ensure that money 22
collected as the result of the imposition of a fine levied against 23
a county, municipal corporation, or township under any 24
environmental law shall be expended by the state in the county 25
that incurred the fine or in the county in which the municipal 26
corporation or township that incurred the fine is located. The 27
director of environmental protection and the director of budget 28
and management jointly shall take actions and may adopt policies 29
that are necessary to ensure that state expenditures comply with 30
this division.31

       (C) All money collected by the environmental protection 32
agency as the result of the imposition of a fine against a private 33
entity under any environmental law shall be credited to the 34
general revenue fund. The director of environmental protection in 35
consultation with the director of budget and management shall take 36
actions and adopt policies that are necessary to ensure compliance 37
with this division. The requirements of this division apply 38
notwithstanding any provision of the Revised Code that requires 39
money collected as a result of the imposition of a fine under an 40
environmental law to be credited to a fund other than the general 41
revenue fund.42