As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 1

Senator Hughes 

To amend sections 133.52, 151.01, 151.09, and 151.40 1
of the Revised Code and to amend Sections 217.10, 2
217.11, 239.10, 241.10, 243.10, and 243.11 of Am. 3
Sub. H.B. 562 of the 127th General Assembly to 4
implement the additional debt authority for 5
conservation and revitalization programs provided 6
by Section 2q of Article VIII of the Ohio 7
Constitution, to authorize the issuance of that 8
debt, to make new appropriations for the purpose 9
of continuing programs established by Am. Sub. 10
H.B. 554 of the 127th General Assembly, the 11
Bipartisan Job Stimulus Act, and to declare an 12


       Section 1. That sections 133.52, 151.01, 151.09, and 151.40 14
of the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:15

       Sec. 133.52. A county, municipal corporation, or township may 16
issue or incur public obligations, including general obligations, 17
to provide, or assist in providing, grants, loans, loan 18
guarantees, or contributions for conservation and revitalization 19
purposes pursuant to SectionSections 2o and 2q of Article VIII, 20
Ohio Constitution.21

       Sec. 151.01.  (A) As used in sections 151.01 to 151.11 and22
151.40 of the Revised Code and in the applicable bond proceedings23
unless otherwise provided:24

       (1) "Bond proceedings" means the resolutions, orders,25
agreements, and credit enhancement facilities, and amendments and26
supplements to them, or any one or more or combination of them,27
authorizing, awarding, or providing for the terms and conditions28
applicable to or providing for the security or liquidity of, the29
particular obligations, and the provisions contained in those30

       (2) "Bond service fund" means the respective bond service32
fund created by section 151.03, 151.04, 151.05, 151.06, 151.07, 33
151.08, 151.09, 151.10, 151.11, or 151.40 of the Revised Code, and 34
any accounts in that fund, including all moneys and investments, 35
and earnings from investments, credited and to be credited to that 36
fund and accounts as and to the extent provided in the applicable 37
bond proceedings.38

       (3) "Capital facilities" means capital facilities or projects39
as referred to in section 151.03, 151.04, 151.05, 151.06, 151.07,40
151.08, 151.09, 151.10, 151.11, or 151.40 of the Revised Code.41

       (4) "Costs of capital facilities" means the costs of42
acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating,43
remodeling, renovating, enlarging, improving, equipping, or44
furnishing capital facilities, and of the financing of those45
costs. "Costs of capital facilities" includes, without limitation,46
and in addition to costs referred to in section 151.03, 151.04,47
151.05, 151.06, 151.07, 151.08, 151.09, 151.10, 151.11, or 151.4048
of the Revised Code, the cost of clearance and preparation of the49
site and of any land to be used in connection with capital50
facilities, the cost of any indemnity and surety bonds and51
premiums on insurance, all related direct administrative expenses52
and allocable portions of direct costs of the issuing authority,53
costs of engineering and architectural services, designs, plans,54
specifications, surveys, and estimates of cost, financing costs,55
interest on obligations from their date to the time when interest56
is to be paid from sources other than proceeds of obligations,57
amounts necessary to establish any reserves as required by the58
bond proceedings, the reimbursement of all moneys advanced or59
applied by or borrowed from any person or governmental agency or60
entity for the payment of any item of costs of capital facilities,61
and all other expenses necessary or incident to planning or62
determining feasibility or practicability with respect to capital63
facilities, and such other expenses as may be necessary or64
incident to the acquisition, construction, reconstruction,65
rehabilitation, remodeling, renovation, enlargement, improvement,66
equipment, and furnishing of capital facilities, the financing of67
those costs, and the placing of the capital facilities in use and68
operation, including any one, part of, or combination of those69
classes of costs and expenses. For purposes of sections 122.085 to 70
122.0820 of the Revised Code, "costs of capital facilities" 71
includes "allowable costs" as defined in section 122.085 of the 72
Revised Code.73

       (5) "Credit enhancement facilities," "financing costs," and74
"interest" or "interest equivalent" have the same meanings as in75
section 133.01 of the Revised Code.76

       (6) "Debt service" means principal, including any mandatory77
sinking fund or redemption requirements for retirement of78
obligations, interest and other accreted amounts, interest79
equivalent, and any redemption premium, payable on obligations. If 80
not prohibited by the applicable bond proceedings, debt service 81
may include costs relating to credit enhancement facilities that82
are related to and represent, or are intended to provide a source 83
of payment of or limitation on, other debt service.84

       (7) "Issuing authority" means the Ohio public facilities85
commission created in section 151.02 of the Revised Code for86
obligations issued under section 151.03, 151.04, 151.05, 151.07,87
151.08, 151.09, 151.10, or 151.11 of the Revised Code, or the 88
treasurer of state, or the officer who by law performs the 89
functions of that office, for obligations issued under section 90
151.06 or 151.40 of the Revised Code.91

       (8) "Net proceeds" means amounts received from the sale of92
obligations, excluding amounts used to refund or retire93
outstanding obligations, amounts required to be deposited into94
special funds pursuant to the applicable bond proceedings, and95
amounts to be used to pay financing costs.96

       (9) "Obligations" means bonds, notes, or other evidences of97
obligation of the state, including any appertaining interest98
coupons, issued under Section 2k, 2l, 2m, 2n, 2o, 2p, 2q, or 15 of 99
Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and pursuant to sections 151.01 100
to 151.11 or 151.40 of the Revised Code or other general assembly101

       (10) "Principal amount" means the aggregate of the amount as103
stated or provided for in the applicable bond proceedings as the104
amount on which interest or interest equivalent on particular105
obligations is initially calculated. Principal amount does not106
include any premium paid to the state by the initial purchaser of107
the obligations. "Principal amount" of a capital appreciation108
bond, as defined in division (C) of section 3334.01 of the Revised109
Code, means its face amount, and "principal amount" of a zero110
coupon bond, as defined in division (J) of section 3334.01 of the111
Revised Code, means the discounted offering price at which the112
bond is initially sold to the public, disregarding any purchase113
price discount to the original purchaser, if provided for pursuant114
to the bond proceedings.115

       (11) "Special funds" or "funds," unless the context indicates116
otherwise, means the bond service fund, and any other funds,117
including any reserve funds, created under the bond proceedings118
and stated to be special funds in those proceedings, including119
moneys and investments, and earnings from investments, credited120
and to be credited to the particular fund. Special funds do not121
include the school building program assistance fund created by122
section 3318.25 of the Revised Code, the higher education123
improvement fund created by division (F) of section 154.21 of the124
Revised Code, the highway capital improvement bond fund created by125
section 5528.53 of the Revised Code, the state parks and natural126
resources fund created by section 1557.02 of the Revised Code, the127
coal research and development fund created by section 1555.15 of128
the Revised Code, the clean Ohio conservation fund created by129
section 164.27 of the Revised Code, the clean Ohio revitalization130
fund created by section 122.658 of the Revised Code, the job ready 131
site development fund created by section 122.0820 of the Revised 132
Code, the third frontier research and development fund created by 133
section 184.19 of the Revised Code, the third frontier research 134
and development taxable bond fund created by section 184.191 of 135
the Revised Code, or other funds created by the bond proceedings136
that are not stated by those proceedings to be special funds.137

       (B) Subject to Section 2l, 2m, 2n, 2o, 2p, 2q, or 15, and138
Section 17, of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, the state, by the139
issuing authority, is authorized to issue and sell, as provided in140
sections 151.03 to 151.11 or 151.40 of the Revised Code, and in141
respective aggregate principal amounts as from time to time142
provided or authorized by the general assembly, general143
obligations of this state for the purpose of paying costs of144
capital facilities or projects identified by or pursuant to145
general assembly action.146

       (C) Each issue of obligations shall be authorized by147
resolution or order of the issuing authority. The bond proceedings 148
shall provide for or authorize the manner for determining the 149
principal amount or maximum principal amount of obligations of an 150
issue, the principal maturity or maturities, the interest rate or 151
rates, the date of and the dates of payment of interest on the 152
obligations, their denominations, and the place or places of 153
payment of debt service which may be within or outside the state. 154
Unless otherwise provided by law, the latest principal maturity 155
may not be later than the earlier of the thirty-first day of 156
December of the twenty-fifth calendar year after the year of157
issuance of the particular obligations or of the twenty-fifth158
calendar year after the year in which the original obligation to159
pay was issued or entered into. Sections 9.96, 9.98, 9.981, 9.982, 160
and 9.983 of the Revised Code apply to obligations. The purpose of 161
the obligations may be stated in the bond proceedings in general 162
terms, such as, as applicable, "financing or assisting in the 163
financing of projects as provided in Section 2l of Article VIII, 164
Ohio Constitution," "financing or assisting in the financing of 165
highway capital improvement projects as provided in Section 2m of 166
Article VIII, Ohio Constitution," "paying costs of capital167
facilities for a system of common schools throughout the state as168
authorized by Section 2n of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution,"169
"paying costs of capital facilities for state-supported and170
state-assisted institutions of higher education as authorized by171
Section 2n of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution," "paying costs of172
coal research and development as authorized by Section 15 of173
Article VIII, Ohio Constitution," "financing or assisting in the174
financing of local subdivision capital improvement projects as175
authorized by Section 2m of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution,"176
"paying costs of conservation projects as authorized by Section177
Sections 2o and 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution," "paying 178
costs of revitalization projects as authorized by SectionSections179
2o and 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution," "paying costs of 180
preparing sites for industry, commerce, distribution, or research 181
and development as authorized by Section 2p of Article VIII, Ohio 182
Constitution," or "paying costs of research and development as 183
authorized by Section 2p of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution."184

       (D) The issuing authority may appoint or provide for the185
appointment of paying agents, bond registrars, securities186
depositories, clearing corporations, and transfer agents, and may187
without need for any other approval retain or contract for the188
services of underwriters, investment bankers, financial advisers,189
accounting experts, marketing, remarketing, indexing, and190
administrative agents, other consultants, and independent191
contractors, including printing services, as are necessary in the192
judgment of the issuing authority to carry out the issuing193
authority's functions under this chapter. When the issuing194
authority is the Ohio public facilities commission, the issuing195
authority also may without need for any other approval retain or196
contract for the services of attorneys and other professionals for197
that purpose. Financing costs are payable, as may be provided in198
the bond proceedings, from the proceeds of the obligations, from199
special funds, or from other moneys available for the purpose.200

       (E) The bond proceedings may contain additional provisions201
customary or appropriate to the financing or to the obligations or202
to particular obligations including, but not limited to,203
provisions for:204

       (1) The redemption of obligations prior to maturity at the205
option of the state or of the holder or upon the occurrence of206
certain conditions, and at particular price or prices and under207
particular terms and conditions;208

       (2) The form of and other terms of the obligations;209

       (3) The establishment, deposit, investment, and application210
of special funds, and the safeguarding of moneys on hand or on211
deposit, in lieu of the applicability of provisions of Chapter212
131. or 135. of the Revised Code, but subject to any special213
provisions of sections 151.01 to 151.11 or 151.40 of the Revised214
Code with respect to the application of particular funds or215
moneys. Any financial institution that acts as a depository of any 216
moneys in special funds or other funds under the bond proceedings 217
may furnish indemnifying bonds or pledge securities as required by 218
the issuing authority.219

       (4) Any or every provision of the bond proceedings being220
binding upon the issuing authority and upon such governmental221
agency or entity, officer, board, commission, authority, agency,222
department, institution, district, or other person or body as may223
from time to time be authorized to take actions as may be224
necessary to perform all or any part of the duty required by the225

       (5) The maintenance of each pledge or instrument comprising227
part of the bond proceedings until the state has fully paid or228
provided for the payment of the debt service on the obligations or229
met other stated conditions;230

       (6) In the event of default in any payments required to be231
made by the bond proceedings, or by any other agreement of the232
issuing authority made as part of a contract under which the233
obligations were issued or secured, including a credit enhancement234
facility, the enforcement of those payments by mandamus, a suit in235
equity, an action at law, or any combination of those remedial236

       (7) The rights and remedies of the holders or owners of238
obligations or of book-entry interests in them, and of third239
parties under any credit enhancement facility, and provisions for240
protecting and enforcing those rights and remedies, including241
limitations on rights of individual holders or owners;242

       (8) The replacement of mutilated, destroyed, lost, or stolen243

       (9) The funding, refunding, or advance refunding, or other245
provision for payment, of obligations that will then no longer be246
outstanding for purposes of this section or of the applicable bond247

       (10) Amendment of the bond proceedings;249

       (11) Any other or additional agreements with the owners of250
obligations, and such other provisions as the issuing authority251
determines, including limitations, conditions, or qualifications,252
relating to any of the foregoing.253

       (F) The great seal of the state or a facsimile of it may be254
affixed to or printed on the obligations. The obligations255
requiring execution by or for the issuing authority shall be256
signed as provided in the bond proceedings. Any obligations may be 257
signed by the individual who on the date of execution is the258
authorized signer although on the date of these obligations that259
individual is not an authorized signer. In case the individual260
whose signature or facsimile signature appears on any obligation261
ceases to be an authorized signer before delivery of the262
obligation, that signature or facsimile is nevertheless valid and263
sufficient for all purposes as if that individual had remained the264
authorized signer until delivery.265

       (G) Obligations are investment securities under Chapter 1308.266
of the Revised Code. Obligations may be issued in bearer or in267
registered form, registrable as to principal alone or as to both268
principal and interest, or both, or in certificated or269
uncertificated form, as the issuing authority determines. 270
Provision may be made for the exchange, conversion, or transfer of271
obligations and for reasonable charges for registration, exchange,272
conversion, and transfer. Pending preparation of final273
obligations, the issuing authority may provide for the issuance of274
interim instruments to be exchanged for the final obligations.275

       (H) Obligations may be sold at public sale or at private276
sale, in such manner, and at such price at, above or below par,277
all as determined by and provided by the issuing authority in the278
bond proceedings.279

       (I) Except to the extent that rights are restricted by the280
bond proceedings, any owner of obligations or provider of a credit281
enhancement facility may by any suitable form of legal proceedings282
protect and enforce any rights relating to obligations or that283
facility under the laws of this state or granted by the bond284
proceedings. Those rights include the right to compel the285
performance of all applicable duties of the issuing authority and286
the state. Each duty of the issuing authority and that authority's 287
officers, staff, and employees, and of each state entity or 288
agency, or using district or using institution, and its officers, 289
members, staff, or employees, undertaken pursuant to the bond 290
proceedings, is hereby established as a duty of the entity or291
individual having authority to perform that duty, specifically292
enjoined by law and resulting from an office, trust, or station293
within the meaning of section 2731.01 of the Revised Code. The294
individuals who are from time to time the issuing authority,295
members or officers of the issuing authority, or those members'296
designees acting pursuant to section 151.02 of the Revised Code,297
or the issuing authority's officers, staff, or employees, are not298
liable in their personal capacities on any obligations or299
otherwise under the bond proceedings.300

       (J)(1) Subject to Section 2k, 2l, 2m, 2n, 2o, 2p, 2q, or 15, 301
and Section 17, of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution and sections 302
151.01 to 151.11 or 151.40 of the Revised Code, the issuing303
authority may, in addition to the authority referred to in304
division (B) of this section, authorize and provide for the305
issuance of:306

       (a) Obligations in the form of bond anticipation notes, and307
may provide for the renewal of those notes from time to time by308
the issuance of new notes. The holders of notes or appertaining309
interest coupons have the right to have debt service on those310
notes paid solely from the moneys and special funds that are or311
may be pledged to that payment, including the proceeds of bonds or312
renewal notes or both, as the issuing authority provides in the313
bond proceedings authorizing the notes. Notes may be additionally314
secured by covenants of the issuing authority to the effect that315
the issuing authority and the state will do all things necessary316
for the issuance of bonds or renewal notes in such principal317
amount and upon such terms as may be necessary to provide moneys318
to pay when due the debt service on the notes, and apply their319
proceeds to the extent necessary, to make full and timely payment320
of debt service on the notes as provided in the applicable bond321
proceedings. In the bond proceedings authorizing the issuance of322
bond anticipation notes the issuing authority shall set forth for323
the bonds anticipated an estimated schedule of annual principal324
payments the latest of which shall be no later than provided in325
division (C) of this section. While the notes are outstanding326
there shall be deposited, as shall be provided in the bond327
proceedings for those notes, from the sources authorized for328
payment of debt service on the bonds, amounts sufficient to pay329
the principal of the bonds anticipated as set forth in that330
estimated schedule during the time the notes are outstanding,331
which amounts shall be used solely to pay the principal of those332
notes or of the bonds anticipated.333

       (b) Obligations for the refunding, including funding and334
retirement, and advance refunding with or without payment or335
redemption prior to maturity, of any obligations previously336
issued. Refunding obligations may be issued in amounts sufficient337
to pay or to provide for repayment of the principal amount,338
including principal amounts maturing prior to the redemption of339
the remaining prior obligations, any redemption premium, and340
interest accrued or to accrue to the maturity or redemption date341
or dates, payable on the prior obligations, and related financing342
costs and any expenses incurred or to be incurred in connection343
with that issuance and refunding. Subject to the applicable bond344
proceedings, the portion of the proceeds of the sale of refunding345
obligations issued under division (J)(1)(b) of this section to be346
applied to debt service on the prior obligations shall be credited347
to an appropriate separate account in the bond service fund and348
held in trust for the purpose by the issuing authority or by a349
corporate trustee. Obligations authorized under this division350
shall be considered to be issued for those purposes for which the351
prior obligations were issued.352

       (2) Except as otherwise provided in sections 151.01 to 151.11 353
or 151.40 of the Revised Code, bonds or notes authorized pursuant 354
to division (J) of this section are subject to the provisions of355
those sections pertaining to obligations generally.356

       (3) The principal amount of refunding or renewal obligations357
issued pursuant to division (J) of this section shall be in358
addition to the amount authorized by the general assembly as359
referred to in division (B) of the following sections: section360
151.03, 151.04, 151.05, 151.06, 151.07, 151.08, 151.09, 151.10, 361
151.11, or 151.40 of the Revised Code.362

       (K) Obligations are lawful investments for banks, savings and363
loan associations, credit union share guaranty corporations, trust364
companies, trustees, fiduciaries, insurance companies, including365
domestic for life and domestic not for life, trustees or other366
officers having charge of sinking and bond retirement or other367
special funds of the state and political subdivisions and taxing368
districts of this state, the sinking fund, the administrator of369
workers' compensation subject to the approval of the workers'370
compensation board, the state teachers retirement system, the371
public employees retirement system, the school employees372
retirement system, and the Ohio police and fire pension fund, 373
notwithstanding any other provisions of the Revised Code or rules 374
adopted pursuant to those provisions by any state agency with 375
respect to investments by them, and are also acceptable as376
security for the repayment of the deposit of public moneys. The377
exemptions from taxation in Ohio as provided for in particular378
sections of the Ohio Constitution and section 5709.76 of the379
Revised Code apply to the obligations.380

       (L)(1) Unless otherwise provided or provided for in any381
applicable bond proceedings, moneys to the credit of or in a382
special fund shall be disbursed on the order of the issuing383
authority. No such order is required for the payment, from the384
bond service fund or other special fund, when due of debt service385
or required payments under credit enhancement facilities.386

       (2) Payments received by the state under interest rate hedges387
entered into as credit enhancement facilities under this chapter 388
shall be deposited to the credit of the bond service fund for the 389
obligations to which those credit enhancement facilities relate.390

       (M) The full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of391
the state are and shall be pledged to the timely payment of debt392
service on outstanding obligations as it comes due, all in393
accordance with Section 2k, 2l, 2m, 2n, 2o, 2p, 2q, or 15 of 394
Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and section 151.03, 151.04, 395
151.05, 151.06, 151.07, 151.08, 151.09, 151.10, or 151.11 of the 396
Revised Code. Moneys referred to in Section 5a of Article XII, 397
Ohio Constitution, may not be pledged or used for the payment of 398
debt service except on obligations referred to in section 151.06 399
of the Revised Code. Net state lottery proceeds, as provided for 400
and referred to in section 3770.06 of the Revised Code, may not be 401
pledged or used for the payment of debt service except on 402
obligations referred to in section 151.03 of the Revised Code. The403
state covenants, and that covenant shall be controlling404
notwithstanding any other provision of law, that the state and the405
applicable officers and agencies of the state, including the406
general assembly, shall, so long as any obligations are407
outstanding in accordance with their terms, maintain statutory408
authority for and cause to be levied, collected and applied409
sufficient pledged excises, taxes, and revenues of the state so410
that the revenues shall be sufficient in amounts to pay debt411
service when due, to establish and maintain any reserves and other412
requirements, and to pay financing costs, including costs of or413
relating to credit enhancement facilities, all as provided for in414
the bond proceedings. Those excises, taxes, and revenues are and415
shall be deemed to be levied and collected, in addition to the416
purposes otherwise provided for by law, to provide for the payment417
of debt service and financing costs in accordance with sections418
151.01 to 151.11 of the Revised Code and the bond proceedings.419

       (N) The general assembly may from time to time repeal or420
reduce any excise, tax, or other source of revenue pledged to the421
payment of the debt service pursuant to Section 2k, 2l, 2m, 2n,422
2o, 2p, 2q, or 15 of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and sections 423
151.01 to 151.11 or 151.40 of the Revised Code, and may levy, 424
collect and apply any new or increased excise, tax, or revenue to 425
meet the pledge, to the payment of debt service on outstanding 426
obligations, of the state's full faith and credit, revenue and 427
taxing power, or of designated revenues and receipts, except fees,428
excises or taxes referred to in Section 5a of Article XII, Ohio429
Constitution, for other than obligations referred to in section 430
151.06 of the Revised Code and except net state lottery proceeds431
for other than obligations referred to in section 151.03 of the432
Revised Code. Nothing in division (N) of this section authorizes433
any impairment of the obligation of this state to levy and collect434
sufficient excises, taxes, and revenues to pay debt service on435
obligations outstanding in accordance with their terms.436

       (O) Each bond service fund is a trust fund and is hereby437
pledged to the payment of debt service on the applicable438
obligations. Payment of that debt service shall be made or439
provided for by the issuing authority in accordance with the bond440
proceedings without necessity for any act of appropriation. The441
bond proceedings may provide for the establishment of separate442
accounts in the bond service fund and for the application of those443
accounts only to debt service on specific obligations, and for444
other accounts in the bond service fund within the general445
purposes of that fund.446

       (P) Subject to the bond proceedings pertaining to any447
obligations then outstanding in accordance with their terms, the448
issuing authority may in the bond proceedings pledge all, or such449
portion as the issuing authority determines, of the moneys in the450
bond service fund to the payment of debt service on particular451
obligations, and for the establishment and maintenance of any452
reserves for payment of particular debt service.453

       (Q) The issuing authority shall by the fifteenth day of July 454
of each fiscal year, certify or cause to be certified to the455
office of budget and management the total amount of moneys456
required during the current fiscal year to meet in full all debt457
service on the respective obligations and any related financing458
costs payable from the applicable bond service fund and not from459
the proceeds of refunding or renewal obligations. The issuing460
authority shall make or cause to be made supplemental461
certifications to the office of budget and management for each462
debt service payment date and at such other times during each463
fiscal year as may be provided in the bond proceedings or464
requested by that office. Debt service, costs of credit465
enhancement facilities, and other financing costs shall be set466
forth separately in each certification. If and so long as the467
moneys to the credit of the bond service fund, together with any468
other moneys available for the purpose, are insufficient to meet469
in full all payments when due of the amount required as stated in470
the certificate or otherwise, the office of budget and management471
shall at the times as provided in the bond proceedings, and472
consistent with any particular provisions in sections 151.03 to 473
151.11 and 151.40 of the Revised Code, transfer a sufficient474
amount to the bond service fund from the pledged revenues in the475
case of obligations issued pursuant to section 151.40 of the476
Revised Code, and in the case of other obligations from the477
revenues derived from excises, taxes, and other revenues,478
including net state lottery proceeds in the case of obligations479
referred to in section 151.03 of the Revised Code.480

       (R) Unless otherwise provided in any applicable bond481
proceedings, moneys to the credit of special funds may be invested482
by or on behalf of the state only in one or more of the following:483

       (1) Notes, bonds, or other direct obligations of the United484
States or of any agency or instrumentality of the United States,485
or in no-front-end-load money market mutual funds consisting486
exclusively of those obligations, or in repurchase agreements,487
including those issued by any fiduciary, secured by those488
obligations, or in collective investment funds consisting489
exclusively of those obligations;490

       (2) Obligations of this state or any political subdivision of491
this state;492

       (3) Certificates of deposit of any national bank located in493
this state and any bank, as defined in section 1101.01 of the494
Revised Code, subject to inspection by the superintendent of495
financial institutions;496

       (4) The treasurer of state's pooled investment program under497
section 135.45 of the Revised Code.498

       The income from investments referred to in division (R) of499
this section shall, unless otherwise provided in sections 151.01500
to 151.11 or 151.40 of the Revised Code, be credited to special501
funds or otherwise as the issuing authority determines in the bond502
proceedings. Those investments may be sold or exchanged at times503
as the issuing authority determines, provides for, or authorizes.504

       (S) The treasurer of state shall have responsibility for505
keeping records, making reports, and making payments, relating to506
any arbitrage rebate requirements under the applicable bond507

       Sec. 151.09. (A) As used in this section:509

       (1) "Costs of conservation projects" includes related direct510
administrative expenses and allocable portions of the direct costs511
of those projects of the department of agriculture, the department512
of natural resources, or the Ohio public works commission.513

       (2) "Obligations" means obligations as defined in section514
151.01 of the Revised Code issued to pay costs of projects for515
conservation purposes as referred to in division (A)(1) of Section516
2o of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution and division (A)(1) of 517
Section 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.518

       (B)(1) The issuing authority shall issue general obligations519
of the state to pay costs of conservation projects pursuant to520
division (B)(1) of Section 2o of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, 521
division (B)(1) of Section 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution,522
section 151.01 of the Revised Code, and this section. The issuing523
authority, upon the certification to it by the Ohio public works524
commission of amounts needed in and for the purposes of the clean525
Ohio conservation fund created by section 164.27 of the Revised526
Code, the clean Ohio agricultural easement fund created by section 527
901.21 of the Revised Code, and the clean Ohio trail fund created 528
by section 1519.05 of the Revised Code, shall issue obligations in 529
the amount determined by the issuing authority to be required for 530
those purposes. Not more than twofour hundred million dollars 531
principal amount of obligations issued under this section for 532
conservation purposes may be outstanding at any one time. Not more 533
than fiftyone hundred million dollars principal amount of 534
obligations, plus the principal amount of obligations that in any 535
prior fiscal year could have been, but were not issued within the 536
fiftyone hundred-million-dollar fiscal year limit, may be issued 537
in any fiscal year.538

       (2) In making the certification required under division539
(B)(1) of this section, the Ohio public works commission shall540
consult with the department of agriculture and the department of541
natural resources. The commission shall certify amounts that542
correspond to the distribution of the net proceeds of obligations543
provided in division (C) of this section.544

       (C) Net proceeds of obligations shall be deposited as545

       (1) Seventy-five per cent into the clean Ohio conservation547
fund created by section 164.27 of the Revised Code;548

       (2) Twelve and one-half per cent into the clean Ohio549
agricultural easement fund created by section 901.21 of the550
Revised Code;551

       (3) Twelve and one-half per cent into the clean Ohio trail552
fund created by section 1519.05 of the Revised Code.553

       (D) There is hereby created in the state treasury the554
conservation projects bond service fund. All moneys received by555
the state and required by the bond proceedings, consistent with556
section 151.01 of the Revised Code and this section, to be557
deposited, transferred, or credited to the bond service fund, and558
all other moneys transferred or allocated to or received for the559
purposes of that fund, shall be deposited and credited to the bond560
service fund, subject to any applicable provisions of the bond561
proceedings, but without necessity for any act of appropriation.562
During the period beginning with the date of the first issuance of563
obligations and continuing during the time that any obligations564
are outstanding in accordance with their terms, so long as moneys565
in the bond service fund are insufficient to pay debt service when566
due on those obligations payable from that fund, except the567
principal amounts of bond anticipation notes payable from the568
proceeds of renewal notes or bonds anticipated, and due in the569
particular fiscal year, a sufficient amount of revenues of the570
state is committed and, without necessity for further act of571
appropriation, shall be paid to the bond service fund for the572
purpose of paying that debt service when due.573

       Sec. 151.40. (A) As used in this section:574

       (1) "Bond proceedings" includes any trust agreements, and any 575
amendments or supplements to them, as authorized by this section.576

       (2) "Costs of revitalization projects" includes related577
direct administrative expenses and allocable portions of the578
direct costs of those projects of the department of development or579
the environmental protection agency.580

       (3) "Issuing authority" means the treasurer of state.581

       (4) "Obligations" means obligations as defined in section582
151.01 of the Revised Code issued to pay the costs of projects for583
revitalization purposes as referred to in division (A)(2) of584
Section 2o of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution and division (A)(2) 585
of Section 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution.586

       (5) "Pledged liquor profits" means all receipts of the state587
representing the gross profit on the sale of spirituous liquor, as588
referred to in division (B)(4) of section 4301.10 of the Revised589
Code, after paying all costs and expenses of the division of590
liquor control and providing an adequate working capital reserve591
for the division of liquor control as provided in that division,592
but excluding the sum required by the second paragraph of section593
4301.12 of the Revised Code, as it was in effect on May 2, 1980,594
to be paid into the state treasury.595

       (6) "Pledged receipts" means, as and to the extent provided596
in bond proceedings:597

       (a) Pledged liquor profits. The pledge of pledged liquor598
profits to obligations is subject to the priority of the pledge of599
those profits to obligations issued and to be issued pursuant to 600
Chapter 166. of the Revised Code.601

       (b) Moneys accruing to the state from the lease, sale, or602
other disposition or use of revitalization projects or from the603
repayment, including any interest, of loans or advances made from604
net proceeds;605

       (c) Accrued interest received from the sale of obligations;606

       (d) Income from the investment of the special funds;607

       (e) Any gifts, grants, donations, or pledges, and receipts608
therefrom, available for the payment of debt service;609

       (f) Additional or any other specific revenues or receipts610
lawfully available to be pledged, and pledged, pursuant to further611
authorization by the general assembly, to the payment of debt612

       (B)(1) The issuing authority shall issue obligations of the614
state to pay costs of revitalization projects pursuant to division615
(B)(2) of Section 2o of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, division 616
(B)(2) of Section 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, section617
151.01 of the Revised Code as applicable to this section, and this618
section. The issuing authority, upon the certification to it by619
the clean Ohio council of the amount of moneys needed in and for620
the purposes of the clean Ohio revitalization fund created by621
section 122.658 of the Revised Code, shall issue obligations in622
the amount determined by the issuing authority to be required for623
those purposes. Not more than twofour hundred million dollars 624
principal amount of obligations issued under this section for 625
revitalization purposes may be outstanding at any one time. Not 626
more than fiftyone hundred million dollars principal amount of 627
obligations, plus the principal amount of obligations that in any 628
prior fiscal year could have been, but were not issued within the 629
fiftyone hundred-million-dollar fiscal year limit, may be issued 630
in any fiscal year.631

       (2) The provisions and authorizations in section 151.01 of 632
the Revised Code apply to the obligations and the bond proceedings 633
except as otherwise provided or provided for in those obligations 634
and bond proceedings.635

       (C) Net proceeds of obligations shall be deposited in the636
clean Ohio revitalization fund created in section 122.658 of the637
Revised Code.638

       (D) There is hereby created the revitalization projects bond639
service fund, which shall be in the custody of the treasurer of640
state, but shall be separate and apart from and not a part of the641
state treasury. All money received by the state and required by642
the bond proceedings, consistent with section 151.01 of the643
Revised Code and this section, to be deposited, transferred, or644
credited to the bond service fund, and all other money transferred645
or allocated to or received for the purposes of that fund, shall646
be deposited and credited to the bond service fund, subject to any647
applicable provisions of the bond proceedings, but without648
necessity for any act of appropriation. During the period649
beginning with the date of the first issuance of obligations and650
continuing during the time that any obligations are outstanding in651
accordance with their terms, so long as moneys in the bond service652
fund are insufficient to pay debt service when due on those653
obligations payable from that fund, except the principal amounts654
of bond anticipation notes payable from the proceeds of renewal655
notes or bonds anticipated, and due in the particular fiscal year,656
a sufficient amount of pledged receipts is committed and, without657
necessity for further act of appropriation, shall be paid to the658
bond service fund for the purpose of paying that debt service when659

       (E) The issuing authority may pledge all, or such portion as661
the issuing authority determines, of the pledged receipts to the662
payment of the debt service charges on obligations issued under663
this section, and for the establishment and maintenance of any664
reserves, as provided in the bond proceedings, and make other665
provisions in the bond proceedings with respect to pledged666
receipts as authorized by this section, which provisions are667
controlling notwithstanding any other provisions of law pertaining668
to them.669

       (F) The issuing authority may covenant in the bond670
proceedings, and such covenants shall be controlling671
notwithstanding any other provision of law, that the state and672
applicable officers and state agencies, including the general673
assembly, so long as any obligations issued under this section are674
outstanding, shall maintain statutory authority for and cause to675
be charged and collected wholesale or retail prices for spirituous676
liquor sold by the state or its agents so that the available677
pledged receipts are sufficient in time and amount to meet debt678
service payable from pledged liquor profits and for the679
establishment and maintenance of any reserves and other680
requirements provided for in the bond proceedings.681

       (G) Obligations may be further secured, as determined by the682
issuing authority, by a trust agreement between the state and a683
corporate trustee, which may be any trust company or bank having a 684
place of business within the state. Any trust agreement may 685
contain the resolution or order authorizing the issuance of the 686
obligations, any provisions that may be contained in any bond 687
proceedings, and other provisions that are customary or 688
appropriate in an agreement of that type, including, but not689
limited to:690

       (1) Maintenance of each pledge, trust agreement, or other691
instrument comprising part of the bond proceedings until the state692
has fully paid or provided for the payment of debt service on the693
obligations secured by it;694

       (2) In the event of default in any payments required to be695
made by the bond proceedings, enforcement of those payments or696
agreements by mandamus, the appointment of a receiver, suit in697
equity, action at law, or any combination of them;698

       (3) The rights and remedies of the holders or owners of699
obligations and of the trustee and provisions for protecting and700
enforcing them, including limitations on rights of individual701
holders and owners.702

       (H) The obligations shall not be general obligations of the703
state and the full faith and credit, revenue, and taxing power of704
the state shall not be pledged to the payment of debt service on705
them. The holders or owners of the obligations shall have no right706
to have any moneys obligated or pledged for the payment of debt707
service except as provided in this section and in the applicable708
bond proceedings. The rights of the holders and owners to payment709
of debt service are limited to all or that portion of the pledged710
receipts, and those special funds, pledged to the payment of debt711
service pursuant to the bond proceedings in accordance with this712
section, and each obligation shall bear on its face a statement to713
that effect.714

       Section 2. That existing sections 133.52, 151.01, 151.09, and 715
151.40 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.716

       Section 3. Except as otherwise provided in this act, all717
appropriation items in this act are appropriated out of any moneys 718
in the state treasury to the credit of the designated fund that 719
are not otherwise appropriated. For all appropriations made in 720
this act, the amounts in the first column are for fiscal year 2010 721
and the amounts in the second column are for fiscal year 2011.722

       Section 4. BOR BOARD OF REGENTS723

General Revenue Fund724

GRF 235441 Co-Op/Internship Program $ 50,000,000 $ 50,000,000 725
TOTAL GRF General Revenue Fund $ 50,000,000 50,000,000 726
TOTAL ALL BUDGET FUND GROUPS $ 50,000,000 $ 50,000,000 727


General Revenue Fund730

Facilities Establishment Fund Group731

7008 195698 Logistics & Distribution Infrastructure $ 25,000,000 $ 25,000,000 732
TOTAL 037 Facilities Establishment Fund Group $ 25,000,000 $ 25,000,000 733

Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Fund Group734

5Z30 195694 Jobs Fund Bioproducts $ 20,000,000 $ 10,000,000 735
5Z30 195695 Jobs Fund Biomedical $ 40,000,000 $ 20,000,000 736
TOTAL TSF Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Fund Group $ 60,000,000 $ 30,000,000 737
TOTAL ALL BUDGET FUND GROUPS $ 85,000,000 $ 55,000,000 738


       The foregoing appropriation item 195698, Logistics and 740
Distribution Infrastructure, shall be used for eligible logistics 741
and distribution projects as defined in section 166.01 of the 742
Revised Code.743


       The foregoing appropriation item 195694, Jobs Fund 745
Bioproducts, shall be used for the Ohio Bioproducts Development 746
Program established in section 184.25 of the Revised Code.747

       JOBS FUND BIOMEDICAL The foregoing appropriation item 748
195695, Jobs Fund Biomedical, shall be used for the Ohio 749
Biomedical Development Program established in section 184.26 of 750
the Revised Code.751

       Section 6. That Sections 217.10, 217.11, 239.10, 241.10, 752
243.10, and 243.11 of Am. Sub. H.B. 562 of the 127th General 753
Assembly be amended to read as follows:754

       Sec. 217.10. The items set forth in this section are hereby 755
appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury to the 756
credit of the Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund (Fund 7003) that are 757
not otherwise appropriated:758



C19500 Clean Ohio Revitalization $ 32,000,000 72,000,000 760
C19501 Clean Ohio Assistance $ 8,000,000 18,000,000 761
Total Department of Development $ 40,000,000 90,000,000 762
TOTAL Clean Ohio Assistance Fund $ 40,000,000 90,000,000 763

       Sec. 217.11. CLEAN OHIO REVITALIZATION765

       The Treasurer of State is hereby authorized to issue and 766
sell, in accordance with SectionSections 2o and 2q of Article 767
VIII, Ohio Constitution, and pursuant to sections 151.01 and 768
151.40 of the Revised Code, original obligations in an aggregate 769
principal amount not to exceed $40,000,000$90,000,000 in 770
addition to the original issuance of obligations heretofore 771
authorized by prior acts of the General Assembly. These 772
authorized obligations shall be issued and sold from time to 773
time, subject to applicable constitutional and statutory 774
limitations, as needed to ensure sufficient moneys to the credit 775
of the Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund (Fund 7003) to pay costs of 776
revitalization projects.777

       Sec. 239.10. The items set forth in this section are hereby 778
appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury to the 779
credit of the Clean Ohio Conservation Fund (Fund 7056) that are 780
not otherwise appropriated.781



C15060 Clean Ohio Conservation $ 30,000,000 67,500,000 783
Total Public Works Commission $ 30,000,000 67,500,000 784
TOTAL Clean Ohio Conservation Fund $ 30,000,000 67,500,000 785

       The foregoing appropriation item C15060, Clean Ohio 786
Conservation, shall be used in accordance with sections 164.20 to 787
164.27 of the Revised Code. If the Public Works Commission 788
receives refunds due to project overpayments that are discovered 789
during the post-project audit, the Director of the Public Works 790
Commission may certify to the Director of Budget and Management 791
that refunds have been received. If the Director of Budget and 792
Management determines that the project refunds are available to 793
support additional appropriations, such amounts are hereby 794

       Sec. 241.10. The items set forth in this section are hereby 796
appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury to the 797
credit of the Clean Ohio Agricultural Easement Fund (Fund 7057) 798
that are not otherwise appropriated. 799



C70009 Clean Ohio Agricultural Easements $ 5,000,000 11,250,000 801
Total Department of Agriculture $ 5,000,000 11,250,000 802
TOTAL Clean Ohio Agricultural Easement Fund $ 5,000,000 11,250,000 803

       Sec. 243.10. The items set forth in this section are hereby 805
appropriated out of any moneys in the state treasury to the 806
credit of the Clean Ohio Trail Fund (Fund 7061) that are not 807
otherwise appropriated. 808



C72514 Clean Ohio Trail - Grants $ 5,000,000 11,250,000 810
Total Department of Natural Resources $ 5,000,000 11,250,000 811
TOTAL Clean Ohio Trail Fund $ 5,000,000 11,250,000 812

       Sec. 243.11. The Ohio Public Facilities Commission is hereby 814
authorized to issue and sell, in accordance with SectionSections815
2o and 2q of Article VIII, Ohio Constitution, and pursuant to 816
sections 151.01 and 151.09 of the Revised Code, original 817
obligations of the state in an aggregate principal amount not to 818
exceed $40,000,000$90,000,000 in addition to the original 819
issuance of obligations heretofore authorized by prior acts of 820
the General Assembly. These authorized obligations shall be 821
issued and sold from time to time, subject to applicable 822
constitutional and statutory limitations, as needed to ensure 823
sufficient moneys to the credit of the Clean Ohio Conservation 824
Fund (Fund 7056), the Clean Ohio Agricultural Easement Fund 825
(Fund 7057), and the Clean Ohio Trail Fund (Fund 7061) to pay 826
costs of conservation projects.827

       Section 7. That existing Sections 217.10, 217.11, 239.10, 828
241.10, 243.10, and 243.11 of Am. Sub. H.B. 562 of the 127th 829
General Assembly are hereby repealed.830

       Section 8. This act is hereby declared to be an emergency 831
measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public 832
peace, health, and safety. The reason for such necessity is to 833
make appropriations pursuant to the Bipartisan Job Stimulus Act of 834
2008 and Article VIII, Section 2q of the Ohio Constitution in 835
order to revive Ohio's economy and create jobs. Therefore, this 836
act shall go into immediate effect.837