As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 207

Senator Sawyer 

Cosponsors: Senators Turner, Cafaro, Schiavoni, Morano 

To amend sections 3301.0714 and 3314.013, to enact 1
sections 3301.94, 3314.23, and 3333.0410, and to 2
repeal section 3314.033 of the Revised Code to 3
lift the moratorium on Internet- or computer-based 4
community schools, to require the State Board of 5
Education to adopt by rule its recommended 6
standards for those schools and other electronic 7
educational courses, to permit the Department of 8
Education and the Chancellor of the Board of 9
Regents to establish a longitudinal student data 10
system and to declare an emergency. 11


       Section 1.  That sections 3301.0714 and 3314.013 be amended 12
and sections 3301.94, 3314.23, and 3333.0410 of the Revised Code 13
be enacted to read as follows:14

       Sec. 3301.0714.  (A) The state board of education shall adopt 15
rules for a statewide education management information system. The 16
rules shall require the state board to establish guidelines for 17
the establishment and maintenance of the system in accordance with 18
this section and the rules adopted under this section. The 19
guidelines shall include:20

       (1) Standards identifying and defining the types of data in21
the system in accordance with divisions (B) and (C) of this22

       (2) Procedures for annually collecting and reporting the data 24
to the state board in accordance with division (D) of this25

       (3) Procedures for annually compiling the data in accordance27
with division (G) of this section;28

       (4) Procedures for annually reporting the data to the public29
in accordance with division (H) of this section.30

       (B) The guidelines adopted under this section shall require31
the data maintained in the education management information system32
to include at least the following:33

       (1) Student participation and performance data, for each34
grade in each school district as a whole and for each grade in35
each school building in each school district, that includes:36

       (a) The numbers of students receiving each category of37
instructional service offered by the school district, such as38
regular education instruction, vocational education instruction,39
specialized instruction programs or enrichment instruction that is40
part of the educational curriculum, instruction for gifted41
students, instruction for students with disabilities, and 42
remedial instruction. The guidelines shall require instructional 43
services under this division to be divided into discrete 44
categories if an instructional service is limited to a specific 45
subject, a specific type of student, or both, such as regular 46
instructional services in mathematics, remedial reading 47
instructional services, instructional services specifically for 48
students gifted in mathematics or some other subject area, or 49
instructional services for students with a specific type of 50
disability. The categories of instructional services required by 51
the guidelines under this division shall be the same as the 52
categories of instructional services used in determining cost 53
units pursuant to division (C)(3) of this section.54

       (b) The numbers of students receiving support or55
extracurricular services for each of the support services or56
extracurricular programs offered by the school district, such as57
counseling services, health services, and extracurricular sports58
and fine arts programs. The categories of services required by the 59
guidelines under this division shall be the same as the categories 60
of services used in determining cost units pursuant to division 61
(C)(4)(a) of this section.62

       (c) Average student grades in each subject in grades nine63
through twelve;64

       (d) Academic achievement levels as assessed under sections 65
3301.0710, 3301.0711, and 3301.0712 of the Revised Code;66

       (e) The number of students designated as having a disabling 67
condition pursuant to division (C)(1) of section 3301.0711 of the 68
Revised Code;69

       (f) The numbers of students reported to the state board70
pursuant to division (C)(2) of section 3301.0711 of the Revised71

       (g) Attendance rates and the average daily attendance for the 73
year. For purposes of this division, a student shall be counted as 74
present for any field trip that is approved by the school 75

       (h) Expulsion rates;77

       (i) Suspension rates;78

       (j) Dropout rates;79

       (k) Rates of retention in grade;80

       (l) For pupils in grades nine through twelve, the average81
number of carnegie units, as calculated in accordance with state82
board of education rules;83

       (m) Graduation rates, to be calculated in a manner specified84
by the department of education that reflects the rate at which85
students who were in the ninth grade three years prior to the86
current year complete school and that is consistent with87
nationally accepted reporting requirements;88

       (n) Results of diagnostic assessments administered to89
kindergarten students as required under section 3301.0715 of the90
Revised Code to permit a comparison of the academic readiness of91
kindergarten students. However, no district shall be required to92
report to the department the results of any diagnostic assessment93
administered to a kindergarten student if the parent of that94
student requests the district not to report those results.95

       (2) Personnel and classroom enrollment data for each school96
district, including:97

       (a) The total numbers of licensed employees and nonlicensed98
employees and the numbers of full-time equivalent licensed99
employees and nonlicensed employees providing each category of100
instructional service, instructional support service, and101
administrative support service used pursuant to division (C)(3) of102
this section. The guidelines adopted under this section shall103
require these categories of data to be maintained for the school104
district as a whole and, wherever applicable, for each grade in105
the school district as a whole, for each school building as a106
whole, and for each grade in each school building.107

       (b) The total number of employees and the number of full-time 108
equivalent employees providing each category of service used 109
pursuant to divisions (C)(4)(a) and (b) of this section, and the 110
total numbers of licensed employees and nonlicensed employees and 111
the numbers of full-time equivalent licensed employees and112
nonlicensed employees providing each category used pursuant to113
division (C)(4)(c) of this section. The guidelines adopted under114
this section shall require these categories of data to be115
maintained for the school district as a whole and, wherever116
applicable, for each grade in the school district as a whole, for117
each school building as a whole, and for each grade in each school118

       (c) The total number of regular classroom teachers teaching120
classes of regular education and the average number of pupils121
enrolled in each such class, in each of grades kindergarten122
through five in the district as a whole and in each school123
building in the school district.124

       (d) The number of lead teachers employed by each school 125
district and each school building.126

       (3)(a) Student demographic data for each school district,127
including information regarding the gender ratio of the school128
district's pupils, the racial make-up of the school district's129
pupils, the number of limited English proficient students in the 130
district, and an appropriate measure of the number of the school131
district's pupils who reside in economically disadvantaged132
households. The demographic data shall be collected in a manner to 133
allow correlation with data collected under division (B)(1) of134
this section. Categories for data collected pursuant to division135
(B)(3) of this section shall conform, where appropriate, to136
standard practices of agencies of the federal government.137

       (b) With respect to each student entering kindergarten,138
whether the student previously participated in a public preschool139
program, a private preschool program, or a head start program, and140
the number of years the student participated in each of these141

       (4) Any data required to be collected pursuant to federal 143

       (C) The education management information system shall include 145
cost accounting data for each district as a whole and for each 146
school building in each school district. The guidelines adopted 147
under this section shall require the cost data for each school 148
district to be maintained in a system of mutually exclusive cost 149
units and shall require all of the costs of each school district 150
to be divided among the cost units. The guidelines shall require 151
the system of mutually exclusive cost units to include at least 152
the following:153

       (1) Administrative costs for the school district as a whole.154
The guidelines shall require the cost units under this division155
(C)(1) to be designed so that each of them may be compiled and156
reported in terms of average expenditure per pupil in formula ADM157
in the school district, as determined pursuant to section 3317.03158
of the Revised Code.159

       (2) Administrative costs for each school building in the160
school district. The guidelines shall require the cost units under 161
this division (C)(2) to be designed so that each of them may be 162
compiled and reported in terms of average expenditure per163
full-time equivalent pupil receiving instructional or support164
services in each building.165

       (3) Instructional services costs for each category of166
instructional service provided directly to students and required167
by guidelines adopted pursuant to division (B)(1)(a) of this168
section. The guidelines shall require the cost units under169
division (C)(3) of this section to be designed so that each of170
them may be compiled and reported in terms of average expenditure171
per pupil receiving the service in the school district as a whole172
and average expenditure per pupil receiving the service in each173
building in the school district and in terms of a total cost for174
each category of service and, as a breakdown of the total cost, a175
cost for each of the following components:176

       (a) The cost of each instructional services category required 177
by guidelines adopted under division (B)(1)(a) of this section 178
that is provided directly to students by a classroom teacher;179

       (b) The cost of the instructional support services, such as180
services provided by a speech-language pathologist, classroom181
aide, multimedia aide, or librarian, provided directly to students182
in conjunction with each instructional services category;183

       (c) The cost of the administrative support services related184
to each instructional services category, such as the cost of185
personnel that develop the curriculum for the instructional186
services category and the cost of personnel supervising or187
coordinating the delivery of the instructional services category.188

       (4) Support or extracurricular services costs for each189
category of service directly provided to students and required by190
guidelines adopted pursuant to division (B)(1)(b) of this section.191
The guidelines shall require the cost units under division (C)(4)192
of this section to be designed so that each of them may be193
compiled and reported in terms of average expenditure per pupil194
receiving the service in the school district as a whole and195
average expenditure per pupil receiving the service in each196
building in the school district and in terms of a total cost for197
each category of service and, as a breakdown of the total cost, a198
cost for each of the following components:199

       (a) The cost of each support or extracurricular services200
category required by guidelines adopted under division (B)(1)(b)201
of this section that is provided directly to students by a202
licensed employee, such as services provided by a guidance203
counselor or any services provided by a licensed employee under a204
supplemental contract;205

       (b) The cost of each such services category provided directly 206
to students by a nonlicensed employee, such as janitorial207
services, cafeteria services, or services of a sports trainer;208

       (c) The cost of the administrative services related to each209
services category in division (C)(4)(a) or (b) of this section,210
such as the cost of any licensed or nonlicensed employees that211
develop, supervise, coordinate, or otherwise are involved in212
administering or aiding the delivery of each services category.213

       (D)(1) The guidelines adopted under this section shall214
require school districts to collect information about individual215
students, staff members, or both in connection with any data216
required by division (B) or (C) of this section or other reporting217
requirements established in the Revised Code. The guidelines may 218
also require school districts to report information about219
individual staff members in connection with any data required by220
division (B) or (C) of this section or other reporting221
requirements established in the Revised Code. The guidelines shall 222
not authorize school districts to request social security numbers 223
of individual students. The guidelines shall prohibit the224
reporting under this section of a student's name, address, and225
social security number to the state board of education or the226
department of education. The guidelines shall also prohibit the227
reporting under this section of any personally identifiable228
information about any student, except for the purpose of assigning229
the data verification code required by division (D)(2) of this230
section, to any other person unless such person is employed by the231
school district or the information technology center operated 232
under section 3301.075 of the Revised Code and is authorized by 233
the district or technology center to have access to such234
information or is employed by an entity with which the department 235
contracts for the scoring of assessments administered under 236
section 3301.0711 of the Revised Code. The guidelines may require237
school districts to provide the social security numbers of238
individual staff members.239

       (2) The guidelines shall provide for each school district or240
community school to assign a data verification code that is unique241
on a statewide basis over time to each student whose initial Ohio242
enrollment is in that district or school and to report all243
required individual student data for that student utilizing such244
code. The guidelines shall also provide for assigning data245
verification codes to all students enrolled in districts or246
community schools on the effective date of the guidelines247
established under this section.248

       Individual student data shall be reported to the department249
through the information technology centers utilizing the code but, 250
except as provided in sections 3310.11, 3310.42, 3313.978, and 251
3317.20 of the Revised Code, at no time shall the state board or 252
the department have access to information that would enable any253
data verification code to be matched to personally identifiable254
student data.255

       Each school district shall ensure that the data verification256
code is included in the student's records reported to any257
subsequent school district or, community school, or state 258
institution of higher education, as defined in section 3345.011 of 259
the Revised Code, in which the student enrolls. Any such 260
subsequent district or school shall utilize the same identifier 261
in its reporting of data under this section.262

       The director of health shall request and receive, pursuant to 263
sections 3301.0723 and 3701.62 of the Revised Code, a data 264
verification code for a child who is receiving services under 265
division (A)(2) of section 3701.61 of the Revised Code. 266

       (E) The guidelines adopted under this section may require267
school districts to collect and report data, information, or268
reports other than that described in divisions (A), (B), and (C)269
of this section for the purpose of complying with other reporting270
requirements established in the Revised Code. The other data,271
information, or reports may be maintained in the education272
management information system but are not required to be compiled273
as part of the profile formats required under division (G) of this274
section or the annual statewide report required under division (H)275
of this section.276

       (F) Beginning with the school year that begins July 1, 1991,277
the board of education of each school district shall annually278
collect and report to the state board, in accordance with the279
guidelines established by the board, the data required pursuant to280
this section. A school district may collect and report these data281
notwithstanding section 2151.357 or 3319.321 of the Revised Code.282

       (G) The state board shall, in accordance with the procedures283
it adopts, annually compile the data reported by each school284
district pursuant to division (D) of this section. The state board 285
shall design formats for profiling each school district as a whole 286
and each school building within each district and shall compile 287
the data in accordance with these formats. These profile formats 288

       (1) Include all of the data gathered under this section in a290
manner that facilitates comparison among school districts and291
among school buildings within each school district;292

       (2) Present the data on academic achievement levels as293
assessed by the testing of student achievement maintained pursuant 294
to division (B)(1)(d) of this section.295

       (H)(1) The state board shall, in accordance with the296
procedures it adopts, annually prepare a statewide report for all297
school districts and the general public that includes the profile298
of each of the school districts developed pursuant to division (G)299
of this section. Copies of the report shall be sent to each school 300

       (2) The state board shall, in accordance with the procedures302
it adopts, annually prepare an individual report for each school303
district and the general public that includes the profiles of each304
of the school buildings in that school district developed pursuant305
to division (G) of this section. Copies of the report shall be306
sent to the superintendent of the district and to each member of307
the district board of education.308

       (3) Copies of the reports received from the state board under 309
divisions (H)(1) and (2) of this section shall be made available 310
to the general public at each school district's offices. Each 311
district board of education shall make copies of each report312
available to any person upon request and payment of a reasonable313
fee for the cost of reproducing the report. The board shall314
annually publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the315
school district, at least twice during the two weeks prior to the316
week in which the reports will first be available, a notice317
containing the address where the reports are available and the318
date on which the reports will be available.319

       (I) Any data that is collected or maintained pursuant to this 320
section and that identifies an individual pupil is not a public 321
record for the purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code.322

       (J) As used in this section:323

       (1) "School district" means any city, local, exempted324
village, or joint vocational school district and, in accordance 325
with section 3314.17 of the Revised Code, any community school. As 326
used in division (L) of this section, "school district" also 327
includes any educational service center or other educational 328
entity required to submit data using the system established under 329
this section.330

       (2) "Cost" means any expenditure for operating expenses made331
by a school district excluding any expenditures for debt332
retirement except for payments made to any commercial lending333
institution for any loan approved pursuant to section 3313.483 of334
the Revised Code.335

       (K) Any person who removes data from the information system336
established under this section for the purpose of releasing it to337
any person not entitled under law to have access to such338
information is subject to section 2913.42 of the Revised Code339
prohibiting tampering with data.340

       (L)(1) In accordance with division (L)(2) of this section and 341
the rules adopted under division (L)(10) of this section, the 342
department of education may sanction any school district that 343
reports incomplete or inaccurate data, reports data that does not 344
conform to data requirements and descriptions published by the 345
department, fails to report data in a timely manner, or otherwise 346
does not make a good faith effort to report data as required by 347
this section.348

       (2) If the department decides to sanction a school district 349
under this division, the department shall take the following 350
sequential actions:351

       (a) Notify the district in writing that the department has 352
determined that data has not been reported as required under this 353
section and require the district to review its data submission and 354
submit corrected data by a deadline established by the department. 355
The department also may require the district to develop a 356
corrective action plan, which shall include provisions for the 357
district to provide mandatory staff training on data reporting 358

       (b) Withhold up to ten per cent of the total amount of state 360
funds due to the district for the current fiscal year and, if not 361
previously required under division (L)(2)(a) of this section, 362
require the district to develop a corrective action plan in 363
accordance with that division;364

       (c) Withhold an additional amount of up to twenty per cent of 365
the total amount of state funds due to the district for the 366
current fiscal year;367

       (d) Direct department staff or an outside entity to 368
investigate the district's data reporting practices and make 369
recommendations for subsequent actions. The recommendations may 370
include one or more of the following actions:371

       (i) Arrange for an audit of the district's data reporting 372
practices by department staff or an outside entity;373

       (ii) Conduct a site visit and evaluation of the district;374

       (iii) Withhold an additional amount of up to thirty per cent 375
of the total amount of state funds due to the district for the 376
current fiscal year;377

       (iv) Continue monitoring the district's data reporting;378

       (v) Assign department staff to supervise the district's data 379
management system;380

       (vi) Conduct an investigation to determine whether to suspend 381
or revoke the license of any district employee in accordance with 382
division (N) of this section;383

       (vii) If the district is issued a report card under section 384
3302.03 of the Revised Code, indicate on the report card that the 385
district has been sanctioned for failing to report data as 386
required by this section;387

       (viii) If the district is issued a report card under section 388
3302.03 of the Revised Code and incomplete or inaccurate data 389
submitted by the district likely caused the district to receive a 390
higher performance rating than it deserved under that section, 391
issue a revised report card for the district;392

       (ix) Any other action designed to correct the district's data 393
reporting problems.394

       (3) Any time the department takes an action against a school 395
district under division (L)(2) of this section, the department 396
shall make a report of the circumstances that prompted the action. 397
The department shall send a copy of the report to the district 398
superintendent or chief administrator and maintain a copy of the 399
report in its files.400

       (4) If any action taken under division (L)(2) of this section 401
resolves a school district's data reporting problems to the 402
department's satisfaction, the department shall not take any 403
further actions described by that division. If the department 404
withheld funds from the district under that division, the 405
department may release those funds to the district, except that if 406
the department withheld funding under division (L)(2)(c) of this 407
section, the department shall not release the funds withheld under 408
division (L)(2)(b) of this section and, if the department withheld 409
funding under division (L)(2)(d) of this section, the department 410
shall not release the funds withheld under division (L)(2)(b) or 411
(c) of this section.412

       (5) Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, 413
the department may use its own staff or an outside entity to 414
conduct an audit of a school district's data reporting practices 415
any time the department has reason to believe the district has not 416
made a good faith effort to report data as required by this 417
section. If any audit conducted by an outside entity under 418
division (L)(2)(d)(i) or (5) of this section confirms that a 419
district has not made a good faith effort to report data as 420
required by this section, the district shall reimburse the 421
department for the full cost of the audit. The department may 422
withhold state funds due to the district for this purpose.423

       (6) Prior to issuing a revised report card for a school 424
district under division (L)(2)(d)(viii) of this section, the 425
department may hold a hearing to provide the district with an 426
opportunity to demonstrate that it made a good faith effort to 427
report data as required by this section. The hearing shall be 428
conducted by a referee appointed by the department. Based on the 429
information provided in the hearing, the referee shall recommend 430
whether the department should issue a revised report card for the 431
district. If the referee affirms the department's contention that 432
the district did not make a good faith effort to report data as 433
required by this section, the district shall bear the full cost of 434
conducting the hearing and of issuing any revised report card.435

       (7) If the department determines that any inaccurate data 436
reported under this section caused a school district to receive 437
excess state funds in any fiscal year, the district shall 438
reimburse the department an amount equal to the excess funds, in 439
accordance with a payment schedule determined by the department. 440
The department may withhold state funds due to the district for 441
this purpose.442

       (8) Any school district that has funds withheld under 443
division (L)(2) of this section may appeal the withholding in 444
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.445

       (9) In all cases of a disagreement between the department and 446
a school district regarding the appropriateness of an action taken 447
under division (L)(2) of this section, the burden of proof shall 448
be on the district to demonstrate that it made a good faith effort 449
to report data as required by this section.450

       (10) The state board of education shall adopt rules under 451
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to implement division (L) of this 452

       (M) No information technology center or school district shall 454
acquire, change, or update its student administration software 455
package to manage and report data required to be reported to the 456
department unless it converts to a student software package that 457
is certified by the department.458

       (N) The state board of education, in accordance with sections 459
3319.31 and 3319.311 of the Revised Code, may suspend or revoke a 460
license as defined under division (A) of section 3319.31 of the 461
Revised Code that has been issued to any school district employee 462
found to have willfully reported erroneous, inaccurate, or 463
incomplete data to the education management information system.464

       (O) No person shall release or maintain any information about 465
any student in violation of this section. Whoever violates this 466
division is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.467

       (P) The department shall disaggregate the data collected468
under division (B)(1)(n) of this section according to the race 469
and socioeconomic status of the students assessed. No data 470
collected under that division shall be included on the report 471
cards required by section 3302.03 of the Revised Code.472

       (Q) If the department cannot compile any of the information473
required by division (C)(5) of section 3302.03 of the Revised Code474
based upon the data collected under this section, the department475
shall develop a plan and a reasonable timeline for the collection476
of any data necessary to comply with that division.477

       Sec. 3301.94.  The superintendent of public instruction and 478
the chancellor of the Ohio board of regents may enter into a 479
memorandum of understanding under which the department of 480
education, on behalf of the chancellor, will receive and maintain 481
copies of data records containing student information reported to 482
the chancellor for the purpose of combining those records with the 483
data reported to the education management information system 484
established under section 3301.0714 of the Revised Code to 485
establish an education data repository that may be used to conduct 486
longitudinal research and evaluation. The memorandum of 487
understanding shall specify the following:488

       (A) That the chancellor shall submit all student data to be 489
included in the repository to the independent contractor engaged 490
by the department to create and maintain the student data 491
verification codes required by division (D)(2) of section 492
3301.0714 of the Revised Code. For each student included in the 493
data submitted by the chancellor, the independent contractor shall 494
determine whether a data verification code has been assigned to 495
that student. In the case of a student to whom a data verification 496
code has been assigned, the independent contractor shall add the 497
code to the student's data record and remove from the data record 498
any information that would enable the data verification code to be 499
matched to personally identifiable student data. In the case of a 500
student to whom a data verification code has not been assigned, 501
the independent contractor shall assign a data verification code 502
to the student, add the data verification code to the student's 503
data record, and remove from the data record any information that 504
would enable the data verification code to be matched to 505
personally identifiable student data. After making the 506
modifications described in this division, the independent 507
contractor shall transmit the data to the department.508

       (B) That the superintendent and the chancellor jointly shall 509
develop procedures for the maintenance of the data in the 510
repository and shall designate the types of research that may be 511
conducted using that data. Permitted uses of the data shall 512
include, but are not limited to, the following:513

       (1) Assisting the department, superintendent, or state board 514
of education in performing audit and evaluation functions 515
concerning preschool, elementary, and secondary education as 516
required or authorized by any provision of law, including division 517
(C) of section 3301.07 and sections 3301.12, 3301.16, 3301.53, 518
3301.57, 3301.58, and 3302.03 of the Revised Code;519

       (2) Assisting the chancellor in performing audit and 520
evaluation functions concerning higher education as required or 521
authorized by any provision of law, including sections 3333.04, 522
3333.041, 3333.047, 3333.122, 3333.123, 3333.16, 3333.161, 523
3333.374, 3333.72, and 3333.82 of the Revised Code.524

       (C) That the superintendent and the chancellor, from time to 525
time, shall enter into written agreements with entities for the 526
use of data in the repository to conduct studies to improve 527
instructional quality or for any other purpose permitted by law. 528
The agreements may permit the disclosure of personally 529
identifiable student information to the entity named in the 530
agreement, provided that disclosure complies with the "Family 531
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974," 88 Stat. 571, 20 532
U.S.C. 1232g, as amended, and regulations promulgated under that 533
act prescribing requirements for such agreements.534

       (D) That the data in the repository submitted by the 535
department shall remain under the direct control of the department 536
and that the data in the repository submitted by the chancellor 537
shall remain under the direct control of the chancellor;538

       (E) That the data in the repository shall be managed in a 539
manner that complies with the "Family Educational Rights and 540
Privacy Act of 1974," 88 Stat. 571, 20 U.S.C. 1232g, as amended.541

       Sec. 3314.013.  (A)(1) Until July 1, 2000, no more than542
seventy-five contracts between start-up schools and the state543
board of education may be in effect outside the pilot project area544
at any time under this chapter.545

       (2) After July 1, 2000, and until July 1, 2001, no more than546
one hundred twenty-five contracts between start-up schools and the547
state board of education may be in effect outside the pilot548
project area at any time under this chapter.549

       (3) This division applies only to contracts between start-up550
schools and the state board of education and contracts between551
start-up schools and entities described in divisions (C)(1)(b) to552
(f) of section 3314.02 of the Revised Code.553

       Until July 1, 2005, not more than two hundred twenty-five554
contracts to which this division applies may be in effect at any555
time under this chapter.556

       (4) This division applies only to contracts between start-up 557
schools and entities described in divisions (C)(1)(b) to (f) of 558
section 3314.02 of the Revised Code.559

       Except as otherwise provided in section 3314.014 of the 560
Revised Code, after July 1, 2005, and until July 1, 2007, the 561
number of contracts to which this division applies in effect at 562
any time under this chapter shall be not more than thirty plus the 563
number of such contracts with schools that were open for operation 564
as of May 1, 2005.565

        (5) This division applies only to contracts between a 566
conversion school that is an internet- or computer-based community 567
school or a start-up school and the board of education of the 568
school district in which the school is or is proposed to be 569

       Except as otherwise provided in section 3314.014 of the 571
Revised Code, until July 1, 2007, the number of contracts to which 572
this division applies in effect at any time under this chapter 573
shall be not more than thirty plus the number of such contracts 574
with schools that were open for operation as of May 1, 2005.575

       (6) Until the effective date of any standards enacted by the 576
general assembly governing the operation of internet- or 577
computer-based community schoolsJuly 1, 2011, no internet- or 578
computer-based community school shall operate unless the school 579
was open for instruction as of May 1, 2005. No entity described in 580
division (C)(1) of section 3314.02 of the Revised Code shall enter 581
into a contract to sponsor an internet- or computer-based 582
community school, including a conversion school, between May 1, 583
2005, and the effective date of any standards enacted by the 584
general assembly governing the operation of internet- or 585
computer-based community schools, except as follows:586

       (a) Any entity described in division (C)(1) of that section 587
may renew a contract that the entity entered into with an 588
internet- or computer-based community school prior to May 1, 2005, 589
if the school was open for operation as of that date.590

       (b) Any entity described in divisions (C)(1)(a) to (e) of 591
that section may assume sponsorship of an existing internet- or 592
computer-based community school that was formerly sponsored by 593
another entity and may enter into a contract with that community 594
school in accordance with section 3314.03 of the Revised Code.595

       (c) Any entity described in division (C)(1)(f) of that 596
section may assume sponsorship of an existing internet- or 597
computer-based community school in accordance with division (A)(7) 598
of this section and may enter into a contract with that community 599
school in accordance with section 3314.03 of the Revised Code.600

       If a sponsor entered into a contract with an internet- or 601
computer-based community school, including a conversion school, 602
but the school was not open for operation as of May 1, 2005, the 603
contract shall be void and the entity shall not enter into another 604
contract with the school until the effective date of any standards 605
enacted by the general assembly governing the operation of 606
internet- or computer-based community schools.607

        (7) Until July 1, 2005, any entity described in division 608
(C)(1)(f) of section 3314.02 of the Revised Code may sponsor only 609
a community school that formerly was sponsored by the state board 610
of education under division (C)(1)(d) of that section, as it 611
existed prior to April 8, 2003. After July 1, 2005, any such 612
entity may assume sponsorship of any existing community school, 613
and may sponsor any new community school that is not an internet- 614
or computer-based community school. Beginning on the effective 615
date of any standards enacted by the general assembly governing 616
the operation of internet- or computer-based community schools, 617
any such entity may sponsor a new internet- or computer-based 618
community school.619

       (8) Nothing in division (A) of this section prohibits a 620
community school from increasing the number of grade levels it 621

       (B) Within twenty-four hours of a request by any person, the623
superintendent of public instruction shall indicate the number of624
preliminary agreements for start-up schools currently outstanding 625
and the number of contracts for these schools in effect at the 626
time of the request.627

       (C) It is the intent of the general assembly to consider628
whether to provide limitations on the number of start-up community629
schools after July 1, 2001, following its examination of the630
results of the studies by the legislative office of education631
oversight required under Section 50.39 of Am. Sub. H.B. No. 215 of 632
the 122nd general assembly and Section 50.52.2 of Am. Sub. H.B.633
No. 215 of the 122nd general assembly, as amended by Am. Sub. H.B.634
No. 770 of the 122nd general assembly.635

       Sec. 3314.23.  (A) The state board of education shall adopt 636
as rules, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the 637
standards for the operation of internet- or computer-based 638
community schools and other educational courses delivered 639
primarily via electronic media that were initially recommended by 640
the state board to the general assembly, pursuant to former 641
section 3314.033 of the Revised Code, as item number 16 on the 642
agenda of the state board's meeting held on September 8 and 9, 643
2003. The board shall adopt the rules so that they take effect not 644
later than ninety days after the effective date of this section. 645
It is the intent of the general assembly that the rules adopted 646
under this division shall be in effect so that new internet- or 647
computer-based community schools may open beginning with the 648
2011-2012 school year. Any new internet- or computer-based 649
community school may open only in accordance with the provisions 650
of this chapter.651

       (B) The state board, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the 652
Revised Code, may amend the rules adopted under division (A) of 653
this section anytime after its initial adoption of the rules.654

       (C) Each internet- or computer-based community school 655
operating on or after July 1, 2011, shall comply with all 656
provisions of the rules adopted or amended under this section.657

       Sec. 3333.0410.  The chancellor of the Ohio board of regents 658
shall require each state institution of higher education, as 659
defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, when reporting 660
student data to the chancellor under any provision of law, to use 661
the student's data verification code assigned under division 662
(D)(2) of section 3301.0714 of the Revised Code, if that code was 663
included in the student's records submitted to the institution by 664
the student's high school or by another state institution of 665
higher education.666

       Section 2.  That existing sections 3301.0714 and 3314.013 and 667
section 3314.033 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.668

       Section 3. This act is hereby declared to be an emergency 669
measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public 670
peace, health, and safety. The reason for such necessity is to 671
accelerate implementation of measures designed to satisfy 672
essential elements in criteria used to award competitive federal 673
education funding. Therefore, this act shall go into immediate 674