As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 208

Senator Grendell 

Cosponsors: Senators Seitz, Hughes 

To enact sections 2915.25 and 3770.211 of the Revised 1
Code to require criminal records checks of certain 2
persons involved in the operation of casino 3
facilities or video lottery terminals and to 4
prohibit any person convicted of a felony from 5
being involved in these operations.6


       Section 1.  That sections 2915.25 and 3770.211 of the Revised 7
Code be enacted to read as follows:8

       Sec. 2915.25.  (A) The casino control commission created 9
under Article XV, Section 6(C) of the Ohio Constitution shall 10
request the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, 11
the department of public safety, or any other state, local, or 12
federal agency to supply the commission with the criminal records 13
of any applicant for a license to become any of the following:14

       (1) An operator of, or a management company retained by an 15
operator of, a casino facility;16

       (2) A manager or key employee employed in a casino facility;17

       (3) A gaming-related vendor providing goods or services to a 18
casino facility.19

       (B) The commission shall also request the bureau of criminal 20
identification and investigation, the department of public safety, 21
or any other state, local, or federal agency to supply the 22
commission with the criminal records of any person who directly or 23
indirectly owns five per cent or more of an operator or management 24
company that is described in division (A)(1) of this section and 25
that is an applicant for a license.26

       (C) The commission may periodically request the criminal 27
records of any licensee or other person described in division (B) 28
of this section.29

       (D) At or prior to making a request described in division 30
(A), (B), or (C) of this section, the commission shall require a 31
person listed in division (A) or (B) of this section to obtain 32
fingerprint impressions on fingerprint cards prescribed by the 33
superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and 34
investigation at a qualified law enforcement agency, and the 35
commission shall cause those fingerprint cards to be forwarded to 36
the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, to the 37
federal bureau of investigation, or to both bureaus.38

       (E) The commission may adopt uniform rules specifying time 39
periods after which an applicant described in division (A) of this 40
section may be issued a license.41

       (F)(1) The commission shall refuse to grant a license to, and 42
shall revoke the license of, an operator, a management company, a 43
manager or key employee, or a gaming-related vendor described in 44
division (A) of this section if the applicant or licensee has been 45
convicted of a felony.46

       (2) The commission shall refuse to grant a license to, and 47
shall revoke the license of, an operator or a management company 48
described in division (A)(1) of this section if a person who 49
directly or indirectly owns five per cent or more of the operator 50
or the management company has been convicted of a felony.51

       Sec. 3770.211.  (A) The state lottery commission shall 52
request the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, 53
the department of public safety, or any other state, local, or 54
federal agency to supply the commission with the criminal records 55
of any applicant for a license to become a video lottery terminal 56
agent pursuant to sections 3770.03 and 3770.21 of the Revised 57

       (B) The commission shall also request the bureau of criminal 59
identification and investigation, the department of public safety, 60
or any other state, local, or federal agency to supply the 61
commission with the criminal records of any of the following:62

       (1) A person who directly or indirectly owns five per cent or 63
more of an applicant for a video lottery terminal agent license or 64
a management company retained by a video lottery terminal agent;65

       (2) A manager or key employee employed by a video lottery 66
terminal agent;67

       (3) A vendor providing gaming-related goods or services to a 68
video lottery terminal agent.69

       (C) The commission may periodically request the criminal 70
records of any licensed video lottery terminal agent or other 71
person described in division (B) of this section.72

        (D) At or prior to making a request described in division 73
(A), (B), or (C) of this section, the commission shall require a 74
person listed in division (A) or (B) of this section to obtain 75
fingerprint impressions on fingerprint cards prescribed by the 76
superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and 77
investigation at a qualified law enforcement agency, and the 78
commission shall cause those fingerprint cards to be forwarded to 79
the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, to the 80
federal bureau of investigation, or to both bureaus.81

       (E) The commission may adopt uniform rules specifying time 82
periods after which an applicant described in division (A) of this 83
section may be issued a license.84

       (F) The commission shall refuse to grant a license to an 85
applicant for a video lottery terminal agent license, and shall 86
revoke the license of a video lottery terminal agent, who has been 87
convicted of a felony or if any of the following has been 88
convicted of a felony:89

       (1) A person who directly or indirectly owns five per cent or 90
more of the video lottery terminal agent or a management company 91
retained by the video lottery terminal agent;92

       (2) A manager or key employee employed by the video lottery 93
terminal agent;94

       (3) A vendor providing gaming-related goods or services to 95
the video lottery terminal agent.96