As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 211

Senator Hughes 

Cosponsors: Senators Carey, Miller, D., Seitz 

To amend sections 4510.31 and 4510.311 of the Revised 1
Code to permit a judge to elect not to suspend 2
the probationary driver's license of certain 3
juvenile repeat traffic violators.4


       Section 1. That sections 4510.31 and 4510.311 of the Revised 5
Code be amended to read as follows:6

       Sec. 4510.31.  (A)(1) Except as provided in division (C) of7
this section, the registrar of motor vehicles shall suspend the8
probationary driver's license, restricted license, or temporary9
instruction permit issued to any person when the person has been10
convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated in juvenile11
court of having committed, prior to the person's eighteenth12
birthday, any of the following:13

       (a) Three separate violations of section 2903.06, 2903.08,14
2921.331, 4511.12, 4511.13, 4511.15, 4511.191, 4511.20, 4511.201,15
4511.202, 4511.21, 4511.22, 4511.23, 4511.25 to 4511.48, 4511.5716
to 4511.65, 4511.75, 4549.02, 4549.021, or 4549.03 of the Revised17
Code, section 4510.14 of the Revised Code involving a suspension18
imposed under section 4511.191 or 4511.196 of the Revised Code,19
section 2903.04 of the Revised Code in a case in which the person20
would have been subject to the sanctions described in division (D)21
of that section had the person been convicted of the violation of22
that section, former section 2903.07 of the Revised Code, or any23
municipal ordinances similarly relating to the offenses referred24
to in those sections;25

       (b) One violation of section 4511.19 of the Revised Code or a 26
substantially similar municipal ordinance;27

       (c) Two separate violations of any of the Revised Code28
sections referred to in division (A)(1)(a) of this section, or any29
municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to any of those30

       (2) Any person whose license or permit is suspended under32
division (A)(1)(a), (b), or (c) of this section shall mail or33
deliver the person's probationary driver's license, restricted34
license, or temporary instruction permit to the registrar within35
fourteen days of notification of the suspension. The registrar36
shall retain the license or permit during the period of the37
suspension. A suspension pursuant to division (A)(1)(a) of this38
section shall be a class C suspension, a suspension pursuant to39
division (A)(1)(b) of this section shall be a class D suspension,40
and a suspension pursuant to division (A)(1)(c) of this section41
shall be a class E suspension, all for the periods of time42
specified in division (B) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code.43
If the person's probationary driver's license, restricted license,44
or temporary instruction permit is under suspension on the date45
the court imposes sentence upon the person for a violation46
described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section, the suspension47
shall take effect on the next day immediately following the end of48
that period of suspension. If the person is sixteen years of age49
or older and pleads guilty to or is convicted of a violation50
described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section and the person51
does not have a current, valid probationary driver's license,52
restricted license, or temporary instruction permit, the registrar53
shall deny the issuance to the person of a probationary driver's54
license, restricted license, driver's license, commercial driver's55
license, or temporary instruction permit, as the case may be, for56
six months beginning on the date the court imposes sentence upon57
the person for the violation. If the person has not attained the58
age of sixteen years on the date the court imposes sentence upon59
the person for the violation, the period of denial shall commence60
on the date the person attains the age of sixteen years.61

       (3) The registrar shall suspend the person's license or 62
permit under division (A) of this section regardless of whether 63
the disposition of the case in juvenile court occurred after the64
person's eighteenth birthday.65

       (B) The registrar also shall impose a class D suspension for 66
the period of time specified in division (B)(4) of section 4510.02 67
of the Revised Code of the temporary instruction permit or68
probationary driver's license of any person under the age of69
eighteen who has been adjudicated an unruly child, delinquent70
child, or juvenile traffic offender for having committed any act71
that if committed by an adult would be a drug abuse offense or a72
violation of division (B) of section 2917.11 of the Revised Code.73
The registrar, in the registrar's discretion, may terminate the74
suspension if the child, at the discretion of the court, attends75
and satisfactorily completes a drug abuse or alcohol abuse76
education, intervention, or treatment program specified by the77
court. Any person whose temporary instruction permit or78
probationary driver's license is suspended under this division79
shall mail or deliver the person's permit or license to the80
registrar within fourteen days of notification of the suspension.81
The registrar shall retain the permit or license during the period82
of the suspension.83

       (C)(1) Except as provided in division (C)(3) of this section,84
for any person who is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is85
adjudicated in juvenile court of having committed a second or86
third violation of section 4511.12, 4511.13, 4511.15, 4511.20 to87
4511.23, 4511.25, 4511.26 to 4511.48, 4511.57 to 4511.65, or88
4511.75 of the Revised Code or any similar municipal ordinances89
and whose license or permit is suspended under division (A)(1)(a)90
or (c) of this section, the court in which the second or third91
conviction, finding, plea, or adjudication resulting in the92
suspension was made, upon petition of the person, may grant the93
person limited driving privileges during the period during which94
the suspension otherwise would be imposed under division (A)(1)(a)95
or (c) of this section if the court finds reasonable cause to96
believe that the suspension will seriously affect the person's97
ability to continue in employment, educational training,98
vocational training, or treatment. In granting the limited driving 99
privileges, the court shall specify the purposes, times, and 100
places of the privileges and may impose any other conditions upon101
the person's driving a motor vehicle that the court considers 102
reasonable and necessary.103

       A court that grants limited driving privileges to a person104
under this division shall retain the person's probationary105
driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction106
permit during the period the license or permit is suspended and107
also during the period for which limited driving privileges are108
granted, and shall deliver to the person a permit card, in a form109
to be prescribed by the court, setting forth the date on which the 110
limited driving privileges will become effective, the purposes for111
which the person may drive, the times and places at which the112
person may drive, and any other conditions imposed upon the113
person's use of a motor vehicle.114

       The court immediately shall notify the registrar, in writing,115
of a grant of limited driving privileges under this division. The116
notification shall specify the date on which the limited driving117
privileges will become effective, the purposes for which the118
person may drive, the times and places at which the person may119
drive, and any other conditions imposed upon the person's use of a120
motor vehicle. The registrar shall not suspend the probationary121
driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction122
permit of any person pursuant to division (A) of this section123
during any period for which the person has been granted limited124
driving privileges as provided in this division, if the registrar125
has received the notification described in this division from the126

       (2) Except as provided in division (C)(3) of this section, in128
any case in which the temporary instruction permit or probationary129
driver's license of a person under eighteen years of age has been130
suspended under division (A) or (B) of this section or any other131
provision of law, the court may grant the person limited driving132
privileges for the purpose of the person's practicing of driving133
with the person's parent, guardian, or other custodian during the134
period of the suspension. Any grant of limited driving privileges135
under this division shall comply with division (D) of section136
4510.021 of the Revised Code.137

       (3) A court shall not grant limited driving privileges to a138
person identified in division (C)(1) or (2) of this section if the139
person, within the preceding six years, has been convicted of,140
pleaded guilty to, or adjudicated in juvenile court of having141
committed three or more violations of one or more of the divisions142
or sections set forth in divisions (G)(2)(b) to (g) of section143
2919.22 of the Revised Code.144

       (4) In a case in which a person is convicted of, pleads 145
guilty to, or is adjudicated in juvenile court of having committed 146
a second or third violation of section 4511.12, 4511.13, 4511.15, 147
4511.20 to 4511.23, 4511.25, 4511.26 to 4511.48, 4511.57 to 148
4511.65, or 4511.75 of the Revised Code or any similar municipal 149
ordinances and the court is required to suspend the person's 150
license or permit under division (A)(1)(a) or (c) of this section, 151
the court in which the second or third conviction, finding, plea, 152
or adjudication resulting in the suspension was made may elect not 153
to impose the suspension. The court may do so if the person, prior 154
to the date the court imposes sentence upon the person for the 155
second or third violation, submits to the court a petition 156
requesting the court not to impose the prescribed suspension and 157
describing the reasons why the person believes the suspension 158
would seriously affect the person's ability to continue in 159
employment, educational training, vocational training, or 160
treatment and also submits to the court satisfactory proof showing 161
that the person successfully completed an advanced juvenile driver 162
improvement program approved by the registrar under division (B) 163
of section 4510.311 of the Revised Code after the date the person 164
committed that second or third violation.165

       (D) If a person who has been granted limited driving166
privileges under division (C) of this section is convicted of,167
pleads guilty to, or is adjudicated in juvenile court of having168
committed, a violation of Chapter 4510. of the Revised Code, or a169
subsequent violation of any of the sections of the Revised Code170
listed in division (A)(1)(a) of this section or any similar171
municipal ordinance during the period for which the person was172
granted limited driving privileges, the court that granted the 173
limited driving privileges shall suspend the person's permit card. 174
The court or the clerk of the court immediately shall forward the 175
person's probationary driver's license, restricted license, or 176
temporary instruction permit together with written notification of 177
the court's action to the registrar. Upon receipt of the license 178
or permit and notification, the registrar shall impose a class C179
suspension of the person's probationary driver's license,180
restricted license, or temporary instruction permit for the period 181
of time specified in division (B)(3) of section 4510.02 of the182
Revised Code. The registrar shall retain the license or permit183
during the period of suspension, and no further limited driving 184
privileges shall be granted during that period.185

       (E) No application for a driver's or commercial driver's186
license shall be received from any person whose probationary187
driver's license, restricted license, or temporary instruction188
permit has been suspended under this section until each of the189
following has occurred:190

       (1) The suspension period has expired;191

       (2) A temporary instruction permit or commercial driver's192
license temporary instruction permit has been issued;193

       (3) The person successfully completes a juvenile driver194
improvement program approved by the registrar under division (A) 195
of section 4510.311 of the Revised Code;196

       (4) The applicant has submitted to the examination for a197
driver's license as provided for in section 4507.11 or a198
commercial driver's license as provided in Chapter 4506. of the199
Revised Code.200

       Sec. 4510.311. (A) The registrar of motor vehicles shall201
establish standards for juvenile driver improvement programs and202
shall approve any programs that meet the established standards.203
The standards established by the registrar shall require a minimum204
of five hours of classroom instruction, with at least three hours205
devoted to driver skill requirements and two hours devoted to206
juvenile driver information related to the driving records of207
drivers under eighteen years of age, driver perceptions, and the208
value of the traffic laws. The standards also shall require a209
person whose probationary driver's license was suspended under210
section 4510.31 of the Revised Code to undertake and pass, as211
successful completion of an approved juvenile driver improvement212
program, the driver's license examination that a person who holds213
a temporary instruction permit is required to undertake and pass214
in order to be issued a probationary driver's license. The person215
shall pay the applicable fee that is required to accompany an216
application for a driver's license as prescribed in division (E)217
of section 4507.23 of the Revised Code. The registrar shall218
prescribe the requirements for the curriculum to be provided as219
well as other program directives. Only those programs approved by220
the registrar shall be acceptable for reinstatement of the driving221
privileges of a person whose probationary driver's license was222
suspended under section 4510.31 of the Revised Code.223

       (B) The registrar shall establish standards for advanced 224
juvenile driver improvement programs and shall approve any 225
programs that meet the established standards. The standards 226
established by the registrar shall require a minimum of two hours 227
of classroom instruction with a focus on driving physics, vehicle 228
dynamics, proper vision techniques, and teen driver statistics. 229
The standards also shall require a minimum of four hours of 230
emergency driving skills development through "behind-the-wheel" 231
driving exercises with a focus on vehicle control in emergency and 232
adverse weather driving situations. The driving exercises shall 233
include vehicle control in inclement weather conditions, emergency 234
transition maneuvers, and spin and skid control. The driving 235
exercises shall take place in a suitable closed-course facility 236
that is safe and controlled and has adequate run-off areas. The 237
registrar shall prescribe the requirements for the curriculum to 238
be provided as well as other program directives and the 239
requirements and score necessary to pass the course. A person who 240
attends an advanced juvenile driver improvement program for the 241
purpose specified in division (C)(4) of section 4510.31 of the 242
Revised Code that meets the standards and requirements prescribed 243
in this division for such courses and successfully completes the 244
course shall receive a certificate of completion from the program.245

       Section 2. That existing sections 4510.31 and 4510.311 of the 246
Revised Code are hereby repealed.247