As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 256

Senators Carey, Turner 

Cosponsors: Senators Widener, Stewart, Niehaus, Coughlin, Faber, Morano, Cafaro, Strahorn, Miller, R., Schiavoni 

To amend sections 3333.38 and 3345.32 and to enact 1
sections 3333.46 and 3333.47 of the Revised Code 2
to establish the Career Training Workforce 3
Development Grant Program and to allocate a 4
portion of casino license fees to finance the 5


       Section 1. That sections 3333.38 and 3345.32 be amended and 7
sections 3333.46 and 3333.47 of the Revised Code be enacted to 8
read as follows:9

       Sec. 3333.38.  (A) As used in this section:10

       (1) "Institution of higher education" includes all of the 11

       (a) A state institution of higher education, as defined in 13
section 3345.011 of the Revised Code;14

       (b) A nonprofit institution issued a certificate of 15
authorization under Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code;16

       (c) A private institution exempt from regulation under 17
Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code, as prescribed in section 18
3333.046 of the Revised Code;19

       (d) An institution of higher education with a certificate of 20
registration from the state board of career colleges and schools 21
under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code.22

       (2) "Student financial assistance supported by state funds" 23
includes assistance granted under sections 3315.33, 3333.12, 24
3333.122, 3333.21, 3333.26, 3333.28, 3333.372, 3333.391, 3333.46,25
5910.03, 5910.032, and 5919.34 of the Revised Code, financed by an 26
award under the choose Ohio first scholarship program established 27
under section 3333.61 of the Revised Code, or financed by an award 28
under the Ohio co-op/internship program established under section 29
3333.72 of the Revised Code, and any other post-secondary student 30
financial assistance supported by state funds.31

       (B) An individual who is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or 32
is adjudicated a delinquent child for one of the following 33
violations shall be ineligible to receive any student financial 34
assistance supported by state funds at an institution of higher 35
education for two calendar years from the time the individual 36
applies for assistance of that nature:37

       (1) A violation of section 2917.02 or 2917.03 of the Revised 38

       (2) A violation of section 2917.04 of the Revised Code that 40
is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree;41

       (3) A violation of section 2917.13 of the Revised Code that 42
is a misdemeanor of the fourth or first degree and occurs within 43
the proximate area where four or more others are acting in a 44
course of conduct in violation of section 2917.11 of the Revised 45

       (C) If an individual is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or is 47
adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a violation of 48
section 2917.02 or 2917.03 of the Revised Code, and if the 49
individual is enrolled in a state-supported institution of higher 50
education, the institution in which the individual is enrolled 51
shall immediately dismiss the individual. No state-supported 52
institution of higher education shall admit an individual of that 53
nature for one academic year after the individual applies for 54
admission to a state-supported institution of higher education. 55
This division does not limit or affect the ability of a 56
state-supported institution of higher education to suspend or 57
otherwise discipline its students.58

       Sec. 3333.46.  (A) As used in this section, "eligible 59
student" means a student who meets both of the following 60

       (1) The student has an expected family contribution, as 62
defined by the chancellor of the Ohio board of regents under 63
section 3333.122 of the Revised Code, of two thousand one hundred 64
ninety dollars or less.65

       (2) The student is enrolled, in a bachelor's or associate's 66
degree program or course of study in the fields of business 67
administration or management, finance, information technology or 68
application, health care, or hospitality, at either:69

       (a) A private institution that holds a certificate of 70
registration from the state board of career colleges and schools 71
under Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code; 72

       (b) A private institution exempt from regulation under 73
Chapter 3332. of the Revised Code as prescribed in section 74
3333.046 of the Revised Code. 75

       (B) The career training workforce development grant program 76
is hereby established. The director of development shall 77
administer the program and shall award grants, in amounts 78
determined by the director, to eligible students using moneys from 79
the career training workforce development grant fund established 80
in section 3333.47 of the Revised Code. 81

       (C) The director shall prescribe, by rule adopted in 82
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, procedures 83
necessary to carry out this section, including, but not limited 84
to, the following:85

       (1) Application procedures for a grant;86

       (2) Conditions and terms under which an eligible student may 87
receive a grant;88

       (3) Limitations on a grant award, including a maximum period 89
of time for which an eligible student may receive a grant;90

       (4) Calculations of the amount of a grant awarded to an 91
eligible student;92

       (5) Disbursement of grants to eligible students.93

       Sec. 3333.47.  The career training workforce development 94
grant fund is hereby established in the state treasury. The fund 95
shall consist of twenty per cent of the proceeds from the upfront 96
license fees paid for the casino facilities authorized under 97
division (C) of Section 6 of Article XV, Ohio Constitution. The 98
fund shall be used by the director of development to award grants 99
under section 3333.46 of the Revised Code.100

       Sec. 3345.32.  (A) As used in this section:101

       (1) "State university or college" means the institutions 102
described in section 3345.27 of the Revised Code and the 103
northeastern Ohio universities college of medicine.104

       (2) "Resident" has the meaning specified by rule of the 105
chancellor of the Ohio board of regents.106

       (3) "Statement of selective service status" means a statement 107
certifying one of the following:108

       (a) That the individual filing the statement has registered 109
with the selective service system in accordance with the "Military 110
Selective Service Act," 62 Stat. 604, 50 U.S.C. App. 453, as 111

       (b) That the individual filing the statement is not required 113
to register with the selective service for one of the following 114

       (i) The individual is under eighteen or over twenty-six years 116
of age.117

       (ii) The individual is on active duty with the armed forces 118
of the United States other than for training in a reserve or 119
national guard unit.120

       (iii) The individual is a nonimmigrant alien lawfully in the 121
United States in accordance with section 101 (a)(15) of the 122
"Immigration and Nationality Act," 8 U.S.C. 1101, as amended.123

       (iv) The individual is not a citizen of the United States and 124
is a permanent resident of the Trust Territory of the Pacific 125
Islands or the Northern Mariana Islands.126

       (4) "Institution of higher education" means any eligible 127
institution approved by the United States department of education 128
pursuant to the "Higher Education Act of 1965," 79 Stat. 1219, as 129
amended, or any institution whose students are eligible for 130
financial assistance under any of the programs described by 131
division (E) of this section.132

       (B) The chancellor shall, by rule, specify the form of 133
statements of selective service status to be filed in compliance 134
with divisions (C) to (F)(E) of this section. Each statement of 135
selective service status shall contain a section wherein a male 136
student born after December 31, 1959, certifies that the student 137
has registered with the selective service system in accordance 138
with the "Military Selective Service Act," 62 Stat. 604, 50 U.S.C. 139
App. 453, as amended. For those students not required to register 140
with the selective service, as specified in divisions (A)(2)(b)(i) 141
to (iv) of this section, a section shall be provided on the 142
statement of selective service status for the certification of 143
nonregistration and for an explanation of the reason for the 144
exemption. The chancellor may require that such statements be 145
accompanied by documentation specified by rule of the chancellor.146

       (C) A state university or college that enrolls in any course, 147
class, or program a male student born after December 31, 1959, who 148
has not filed a statement of selective service status with the 149
university or college shall, regardless of the student's 150
residency, charge the student any tuition surcharge charged 151
students who are not residents of this state.152

       (D) No male born after December 31, 1959, shall be eligible 153
to receive any loan, grant, scholarship, or other financial 154
assistance for educational expenses granted under section 3315.33, 155
3333.12, 3333.122, 3333.21, 3333.22, 3333.26, 3333.391, 3333.46,156
5910.03, 5910.032, or 5919.34 of the Revised Code, financed by an 157
award under the choose Ohio first scholarship program established 158
under section 3333.61 of the Revised Code, or financed by an award 159
under the Ohio co-op/internship program established under section 160
3333.72 of the Revised Code, unless that person has filed a 161
statement of selective service status with that person's 162
institution of higher education.163

       (E) If an institution of higher education receives a 164
statement from an individual certifying that the individual has 165
registered with the selective service system in accordance with 166
the "Military Selective Service Act," 62 Stat. 604, 50 U.S.C. App. 167
453, as amended or that the individual is exempt from registration 168
for a reason other than that the individual is under eighteen 169
years of age, the institution shall not require the individual to 170
file any further statements. If it receives a statement certifying 171
that the individual is not required to register because the 172
individual is under eighteen years of age, the institution shall 173
require the individual to file a new statement of selective 174
service status each time the individual seeks to enroll for a new 175
academic term or makes application for a new loan or loan 176
guarantee or for any form of financial assistance for educational 177
expenses, until it receives a statement certifying that the 178
individual has registered with the selective service system or is 179
exempt from registration for a reason other than that the 180
individual is under eighteen years of age.181

       Section 2. That existing sections 3333.38 and 3345.32 of the 182
Revised Code are hereby repealed.183