As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 26

Senator Schaffer 

Cosponsors: Senators Gibbs, Grendell 

To enact section 718.17 of the Revised Code to1
require municipal corporations with more than $1002
million in annual income tax collections to 3
provide a tax credit to nonresident taxpayers.4


       Section 1. That section 718.17 of the Revised Code be enacted5
to read as follows:6

       Sec. 718.17. (A) As used in this section: 7

       (1) "Nonresident taxpayer" means an individual whose8
compensation for personal services performed in a municipal9
corporation is subject to a tax on income imposed by that10
municipal corporation and who is not domiciled in that municipal11
corporation at the time the personal services are performed.12

        (2) "Tax liability" means the municipal income tax liability 13
of an individual taxpayer for the taxpayer's taxable year computed 14
without regard to the credit provided under this section.15

       (3) "Taxable income" means the measure of an individual16
taxpayer's income upon which the rate of a municipal corporation's17
income tax is applied to compute the taxpayer's municipal income 18
tax liability for the taxpayer's taxable year.19

        (B) This section applies to any municipal corporation that20
collects taxes on income from all taxpayers, whether individuals21
or otherwise, in a total amount exceeding one hundred million22
dollars in any calendar year after 2007. Once applicable, this 23
section continues to apply regardless of the amount of the 24
municipal corporation's annual income tax collections.25

       Each such municipal corporation shall allow a credit against 26
the tax liability of each nonresident taxpayer. The amount of the 27
credit shall be not less than the greater of the following for the 28
taxpayer's taxable year:29

       (1) Ten per cent of the nonresident taxpayer's tax liability;30

       (2) The amount by which the nonresident taxpayer's tax31
liability exceeds two per cent of the nonresident taxpayer's32
taxable income.33

       The credit shall apply to taxable years beginning in the 34
later of 2008 or the calendar year following the first calendar 35
year for which the municipal corporation's income tax collections 36
exceed one hundred million dollars.37

       If the amount of the credit exceeds the amount of the tax38
otherwise due after applying all remittances from employer39
withholding, estimated tax payments, or other payments by or on40
behalf of the taxpayer, the taxpayer is entitled to a refund of41
the excess or, upon election of the taxpayer, a credit equal to42
the excess against the amount due for the following taxable year.43