As Passed by the Senate

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
Sub. S. B. No. 42

Senator Schaffer 

Cosponsors: Senators Wagoner, Gibbs, Coughlin, Stewart, Hughes, Grendell, Fedor, Patton, Turner, Widener, Wilson 

To amend sections 2950.02, 2950.034, and 2950.04 of 1
the Revised Code to specify that the restriction 2
against offenders convicted of a sexually 3
oriented offense or child-victim oriented offense 4
establishing or occupying a residence near 5
school, preschool, or child day-care premises 6
generally applies regardless of when the offense 7
was committed or the offender began living in the 8
residence, to provide an exemption from the ban 9
for offenders who occupy residential premises they 10
or their spouse own at the time of occupancy and 11
also owned prior to the ban's effective date, and 12
to specify that a registration requirement for 13
children adjudicated delinquent for a sexually 14
oriented offense and classified a juvenile 15
offender registrant applies regardless of when the 16
offense was committed.17


       Section 1. That sections 2950.02, 2950.034, and 2950.04 of 18
the Revised Code be amended to read as follows:19

       Sec. 2950.02.  (A) The general assembly hereby determines and 20
declares that it recognizes and finds all of the following:21

       (1) If the public is provided adequate notice and information 22
about offenders and delinquent children who commit sexually 23
oriented offenses or who commit child-victim oriented offenses, 24
members of the public and communities can develop constructive 25
plans to prepare themselves and their children for the offender's26
or delinquent child's release from imprisonment, a prison term, or 27
other confinement or detention. This allows members of the public 28
and communities to meet with members of law enforcement agencies 29
to prepare and obtain information about the rights and 30
responsibilities of the public and the communities and to provide 31
education and counseling to their children.32

       (2) Sex offenders and child-victim offenders pose a risk of 33
engaging in further sexually abusive behavior even after being 34
released from imprisonment, a prison term, or other confinement35
or detention, and protection of members of the public from sex 36
offenders and child-victim offenders is a paramount governmental37

       (3) The penal, juvenile, and mental health components of the39
justice system of this state are largely hidden from public view,40
and a lack of information from any component may result in the41
failure of the system to satisfy this paramount governmental42
interest of public safety described in division (A)(2) of this43

       (4) Overly restrictive confidentiality and liability laws45
governing the release of information about sex offenders and 46
child-victim offenders have reduced the willingness to release47
information that could be appropriately released under the public48
disclosure laws and have increased risks of public safety.49

       (5) A person who is found to be a sex offender or a 50
child-victim offender has a reduced expectation of privacy 51
because of the public's interest in public safety and in the 52
effective operation of government.53

       (6) The release of information about sex offenders and 54
child-victim offenders to public agencies and the general public55
will further the governmental interests of public safety and56
public scrutiny of the criminal, juvenile, and mental health57
systems as long as the information released is rationally related58
to the furtherance of those goals.59

       (B) The general assembly hereby declares that, in providing60
in this chapter for registration regarding offenders and certain61
delinquent children who have committed sexually oriented offenses 62
or who have committed child-victim oriented offenses, for a 63
limited restriction on the locales at which offenders who have 64
committed any such offenses may reside, and for community65
notification regarding tier III sex offenders/child-victim 66
offenders who are criminal offenders, public registry-qualified 67
juvenile offender registrants, and certain other juvenile 68
offender registrants who are about to be or have been released 69
from imprisonment, a prison term, or other confinement or 70
detention and who will live in or near a particular neighborhood 71
or who otherwise will live in or near a particular neighborhood, 72
it is the general assembly's intent to protect the safety and73
general welfare of the people of this state. The general assembly 74
further declares that it is the policy of this state to require 75
the exchange in accordance with this chapter of relevant 76
information about sex offenders and child-victim offenders 77
among public agencies and officials and, to authorize the release 78
in accordance with this chapter of necessary and relevant 79
information about sex offenders and child-victim offenders to 80
members of the general public as a means of assuring public 81
protection, and to provide a limited residency restriction and 82
other safeguards under this chapter from the potential acts of 83
sex offenders and child-victim offenders, and that the exchange 84
or release of that information is, and the residency 85
restriction and other safeguards, are not punitive.86

       Sec. 2950.034. (A) NoRegardless of whether the person 87
committed the offense prior to, on, or after the effective date of 88
this amendment, no person who has been convicted of, is convicted 89
of, has pleaded guilty to, or pleads guilty to a sexually 90
oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense shall 91
establishdo any of the following:92

       (1) Establish a residence or occupy residential premises93
within one thousand feet of any school premises or, provided 94
that this prohibition does not apply to a person who establishes a 95
residence by occupying residential premises within one thousand 96
feet of school premises if the person or the person's spouse is 97
the owner of record of those residential premises at the time of 98
the occupancy and also was the owner of record of those 99
residential premises prior to July 31, 2003;100

        (2) Establish a residence within one thousand feet of any101
preschool or child day-care center premises, provided that this 102
prohibition does not apply to a person who establishes a residence 103
by occupying residential premises within one thousand feet of 104
preschool or child day-care center premises if the person or the 105
person's spouse is the owner of record of those residential 106
premises at the time of the occupancy and also was the owner of 107
record of those residential premises prior to July 1, 2007;108

       (3) Regardless of whether the occupancy began prior to, on, 109
or after the effective date of this amendment, occupy residential 110
premises within one thousand feet of any school premises, provided 111
that this prohibition does not apply to a person who occupies 112
residential premises within one thousand feet of school premises 113
if the person or the person's spouse is the owner of record of 114
those residential premises at the time of the occupancy and also 115
was the owner of record of those residential premises prior to 116
July 31, 2003;117

        (4) Regardless of whether the occupancy began prior to, on, 118
or after the effective date of this amendment, occupy residential 119
premises within one thousand feet of any preschool or child 120
day-care center premises, provided that this prohibition does not 121
apply to a person who occupies residential premises within one 122
thousand feet of preschool or child day-care center premises if 123
the person or the person's spouse is the owner of record of those 124
residential premises at the time of the occupancy and also was the 125
owner of record of those residential premises prior to July 1, 126

       (B) If a person to whom division (A) of this section applies 128
violates division (A) of this section by establishing a residence 129
or occupying residential premises within one thousand feet of any130
school premises or any preschool or child day-care center 131
premises, an owner or lessee of real property that is located 132
within one thousand feet of those school premises or preschool or 133
child day-care center premises, or the prosecuting attorney, 134
village solicitor, city or township director of law, similar 135
chief legal officer of a municipal corporation or township, or 136
official designated as a prosecutor in a municipal corporation 137
that has jurisdiction over the place at which the person 138
establishes the residence or occupies the residential premises 139
in question, has a cause of action for injunctive relief against 140
the person. The plaintiff shall not be required to prove 141
irreparable harm in order to obtain the relief.142

       (C) As used in this section:143

       (1) "Child day-care center" has the same meaning as in 144
section 5104.01 of the Revised Code.145

       (2) "Preschool" means any public or private institution or 146
center that provides early childhood instructional or educational 147
services to children who are at least three years of age but less 148
than six years of age and who are not enrolled in or are not 149
eligible to be enrolled in kindergarten, whether or not those 150
services are provided in a child day-care setting. "Preschool" 151
does not include any place that is the permanent residence of the 152
person who is providing the early childhood instructional or 153
educational services to the children described in this division.154

       (3) "Preschool or child day-care center premises" means all 155
of the following:156

       (a) Any building in which any preschool or child day-care 157
center activities are conducted if the building has signage that 158
indicates that the building houses a preschool or child day-care 159
center, is clearly visible and discernable without obstruction, 160
and meets any local zoning ordinances which may apply;161

       (b) The parcel of real property on which a preschool or child 162
day-care center is situated if the parcel of real property has 163
signage that indicates that a preschool or child day-care center 164
is situated on the parcel, is clearly visible and discernable 165
without obstruction, and meets any local zoning ordinances which 166
may apply;167

       (c) Any grounds, play areas, and other facilities of a 168
preschool or child day-care center that are regularly used by the 169
children served by the preschool or child day-care center if the 170
grounds, play areas, or other facilities have signage that 171
indicates that they are regularly used by children served by the 172
preschool or child day-care center, is clearly visible and 173
discernable without obstruction, and meets any local zoning 174
ordinances which may apply.175

       Sec. 2950.04. (A)(1)(a) Immediately after a sentencing 176
hearing is held on or after January 1, 2008, for an offender who 177
is convicted of or pleads guilty to a sexually oriented offense 178
and is sentenced to a prison term, a term of imprisonment, or any 179
other type of confinement and before the offender is transferred 180
to the custody of the department of rehabilitation and correction 181
or to the official in charge of the jail, workhouse, state 182
correctional institution, or other institution where the offender 183
will be confined, the offender shall register personally with the 184
sheriff, or the sheriff's designee, of the county in which the 185
offender was convicted of or pleaded guilty to the sexually 186
oriented offense.187

       (b) Immediately after a dispositional hearing is held on or 188
after January 1, 2008, for a child who is adjudicated a delinquent 189
child for committing a sexually oriented offense, is classified a 190
juvenile offender registrant based on that adjudication, and is 191
committed to the custody of the department of youth services or to 192
a secure facility that is not operated by the department and 193
before the child is transferred to the custody of the department 194
of youth services or the secure facility to which the delinquent 195
child is committed, the delinquent child shall register personally 196
with the sheriff, or the sheriff's designee, of the county in 197
which the delinquent child was classified a juvenile offender 198
registrant based on that sexually oriented offense.199

       (c) A law enforcement officer shall be present at the 200
sentencing hearing or dispositional hearing described in division 201
(A)(1)(a) or (b) of this section to immediately transport the 202
offender or delinquent child who is the subject of the hearing to 203
the sheriff, or the sheriff's designee, of the county in which the 204
offender or delinquent child is convicted, pleads guilty, or is 205
adjudicated a delinquent child.206

       (d) After an offender who has registered pursuant to division 207
(A)(1)(a) of this section is released from a prison term, a term 208
of imprisonment, or any other type of confinement, the offender 209
shall register as provided in division (A)(2) of this section. 210
After a delinquent child who has registered pursuant to division 211
(A)(1)(b) of this section is released from the custody of the 212
department of youth services or from a secure facility that is not 213
operated by the department, the delinquent child shall register as 214
provided in division (A)(3) of this section.215

       (2) Regardless of when the sexually oriented offense was 216
committed, each offender who is convicted of, pleads guilty to, 217
has been convicted of, or has pleaded guilty to a sexually 218
oriented offense shall comply with the following registration 219
requirements described in divisions (A)(2)(a), (b), (c), (d), and 220
(e) of this section:221

       (a) The offender shall register personally with the sheriff, 222
or the sheriff's designee, of the county within three days of223
the offender's coming into a county in which the offender 224
resides or temporarily is domiciled for more than three days.225

       (b) The offender shall register personally with the sheriff, 226
or the sheriff's designee, of the county immediately upon coming 227
into a county in which the offender attends a school or 228
institution of higher education on a full-time or part-time basis 229
regardless of whether the offender resides or has a temporary 230
domicile in this state or another state.231

       (c) The offender shall register personally with the sheriff, 232
or the sheriff's designee, of the county in which the offender is 233
employed if the offender resides or has a temporary domicile in 234
this state and has been employed in that county for more than 235
three days or for an aggregate period of fourteen or more days 236
in that calendar year.237

       (d) The offender shall register personally with the sheriff, 238
or the sheriff's designee, of the county in which the offender 239
then is employed if the offender does not reside or have a 240
temporary domicile in this state and has been employed at any 241
location or locations in this state more than three days or for 242
an aggregate period of fourteen or more days in that calendar 243

       (e) The offender shall register with the sheriff, or the 245
sheriff's designee, or other appropriate person of the other 246
state immediately upon entering into any state other than this 247
state in which the offender attends a school or institution of 248
higher education on a full-time or part-time basis or upon being 249
employed in any state other than this state for more than three 250
days or for an aggregate period of fourteen or more days in that 251
calendar year regardless of whether the offender resides or has 252
a temporary domicile in this state, the other state, or a 253
different state.254

       (3)(a) EachRegardless of when the sexually oriented offense 255
was committed, each child who is adjudicated a delinquent child256
for committing a sexually oriented offense and who is classified a257
juvenile offender registrant based on that adjudication shall258
register personally with the sheriff, or the sheriff's designee, 259
of the county within three days of the delinquent child's coming 260
into a county in which the delinquent child resides or temporarily 261
is domiciled for more than three days.262

       (b) In addition to the registration duty imposed under 263
division (A)(3)(a) of this section, each public 264
registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant shall comply with 265
the following additional registration requirements:266

       (i) The public registry-qualified juvenile offender 267
registrant shall register personally with the sheriff, or the 268
sheriff's designee, of the county immediately upon coming into a 269
county in which the registrant attends a school or institution of 270
higher education on a full-time or part-time basis regardless of 271
whether the registrant resides or has a temporary domicile in 272
this state or another state.273

       (ii) The public registry-qualified juvenile offender 274
registrant shall register personally with the sheriff, or the 275
sheriff's designee, of the county in which the registrant is 276
employed if the registrant resides or has a temporary domicile in 277
this state and has been employed in that county for more than 278
three days or for an aggregate period of fourteen or more days in 279
that calendar year.280

       (iii) The public registry-qualified juvenile offender 281
registrant shall register personally with the sheriff, or the 282
sheriff's designee, of the county in which the registrant then is 283
employed if the registrant does not reside or have a temporary 284
domicile in this state and has been employed at any location or 285
locations in this state more than three days or for an aggregate 286
period of fourteen or more days in that calendar year.287

       (iv) The public registry-qualified juvenile offender 288
registrant shall register with the sheriff, or the sheriff's 289
designee, or other appropriate person of the other state 290
immediately upon entering into any state other than this state in 291
which the registrant attends a school or institution of higher 292
education on a full-time or part-time basis or upon being 293
employed in any state other than this state for more than three 294
days or for an aggregate period of fourteen or more days in that 295
calendar year regardless of whether the registrant resides or has 296
a temporary domicile in this state, the other state, or a 297
different state.298

       (c) If the delinquent child is committed for the sexually299
oriented offense to the department of youth services or to a300
secure facility that is not operated by the department, this duty301
begins when the delinquent child is discharged or released in any302
manner from custody in a department of youth services secure303
facility or from the secure facility that is not operated by the304
department if pursuant to the discharge or release the delinquent305
child is not committed to any other secure facility of the306
department or any other secure facility. 307

       (4) Regardless of when the sexually oriented offense was308
committed, each person who is convicted, pleads guilty, or is 309
adjudicated a delinquent child in a court in another state, in a 310
federal court, military court, or Indian tribal court, or in a 311
court in any nation other than the United States for committing a 312
sexually oriented offense shall comply with the following 313
registration requirements if, at the time the offender or314
delinquent child moves to and resides in this state or temporarily315
is domiciled in this state for more than three days, the offender 316
or public registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant enters 317
this state to attend a school or institution of higher 318
education, or the offender or public registry-qualified juvenile 319
offender registrant is employed in this state for more than the 320
specified period of time, the offender or delinquent child has a321
duty to register as a sex offender or child-victim offender under322
the law of that other jurisdiction as a result of the conviction, 323
guilty plea, or adjudication:324

       (a) Each offender and delinquent child shall register 325
personally with the sheriff, or the sheriff's designee, of the 326
county within three days of the offender's or delinquent child's 327
coming into the county in which the offender or delinquent child 328
resides or temporarily is domiciled for more than three days.329

       (b) Each offender or public registry-qualified juvenile 330
offender registrant shall register personally with the sheriff, or 331
the sheriff's designee, of the county immediately upon coming 332
into a county in which the offender or public registry-qualified 333
juvenile offender registrant attends a school or institution of 334
higher education on a full-time or part-time basis regardless of 335
whether the offender or public registry-qualified juvenile 336
offender registrant resides or has a temporary domicile in this 337
state or another state.338

       (c) Each offender or public registry-qualified juvenile 339
offender registrant shall register personally with the sheriff, or 340
the sheriff's designee, of the county in which the offender or 341
public registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant is employed 342
if the offender resides or has a temporary domicile in this state 343
and has been employed in that county for more than three days or 344
for an aggregate period of fourteen days or more in that calendar 345

       (d) Each offender or public registry-qualified juvenile 347
offender registrant shall register personally with the sheriff, or 348
the sheriff's designee, of the county in which the offender or 349
public registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant then is 350
employed if the offender or public registry-qualified juvenile 351
offender registrant does not reside or have a temporary domicile 352
in this state and has been employed at any location or locations 353
in this state for more than three days or for an aggregate 354
period of fourteen or more days in that calendar year.355

       (5) An offender or a delinquent child who is a public 356
registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant is not required to 357
register under division (A)(2), (3), or (4) of this section if a 358
court issues an order terminating the offender's or delinquent 359
child's duty to comply with sections 2950.04, 2950.041, 2950.05, 360
and 2950.06 of the Revised Code pursuant to section 2950.15 of the 361
Revised Code. A delinquent child who is a juvenile offender 362
registrant but is not a public registry-qualified juvenile 363
offender registrant is not required to register under any of those 364
divisions if a juvenile court issues an order declassifying the 365
delinquent child as a juvenile offender registrant pursuant to 366
section 2152.84 or 2152.85 of the Revised Code.367

       (B) An offender or delinquent child who is required by368
division (A) of this section to register in this state personally 369
shall obtain from the sheriff or from a designee of the sheriff a 370
registration form that conforms to division (C) of this section, 371
shall complete and sign the form, and shall return the completed 372
form together with the offender's or delinquent child's 373
photograph, copies of travel and immigration documents, and any 374
other required material to the sheriff or the designee. The 375
sheriff or designee shall sign the form and indicate on the form 376
the date on which it is so returned. The registration required 377
under this division is complete when the offender or delinquent 378
child returns the form, containing the requisite information, 379
photograph, other required material, signatures, and date, to the380
sheriff or designee.381

       (C) The registration form to be used under divisions (A) and382
(B) of this section shall include or contain all of the following 383
for the offender or delinquent child who is registering:384

        (1) The offender's or delinquent child's name and any aliases 385
used by the offender or delinquent child;386

       (2) The offender's or delinquent child's social security 387
number and date of birth, including any alternate social security 388
numbers or dates of birth that the offender or delinquent child 389
has used or uses;390

       (3) Regarding an offender or delinquent child who is 391
registering under a duty imposed under division (A)(1) of this 392
section, a statement that the offender is serving a prison term, 393
term of imprisonment, or any other type of confinement or a 394
statement that the delinquent child is in the custody of the 395
department of youth services or is confined in a secure facility 396
that is not operated by the department;397

       (4) Regarding an offender or delinquent child who is 398
registering under a duty imposed under division (A)(2), (3), or 399
(4) of this section as a result of the offender or delinquent 400
child residing in this state or temporarily being domiciled in 401
this state for more than three days, the current residence 402
address of the offender or delinquent child who is registering, 403
the name and address of the offender's or delinquent child's 404
employer if the offender or delinquent child is employed at the 405
time of registration or if the offender or delinquent child knows 406
at the time of registration that the offender or delinquent child 407
will be commencing employment with that employer subsequent to408
registration, any other employment information, such as the 409
general area where the offender or delinquent child is employed, 410
if the offender or delinquent child is employed in many 411
locations, and the name and address of the offender's or public 412
registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant's school or 413
institution of higher education if the offender or public 414
registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant attends one at the 415
time of registration or if the offender or public 416
registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant knows at the time 417
of registration that the offender or public registry-qualified 418
juvenile offender registrant will be commencing attendance at 419
that school or institution subsequent to registration;420

       (5) Regarding an offender or public registry-qualified 421
juvenile offender registrant who is registering under a duty 422
imposed under division (A)(2), (3), or (4) of this section as a 423
result of the offender or public registry-qualified juvenile 424
offender registrant attending a school or institution of higher 425
education in this state on a full-time or part-time basis or 426
being employed in this state or in a particular county in this 427
state, whichever is applicable, for more than three days or for 428
an aggregate of fourteen or more days in any calendar year, the 429
name and current address of the school, institution of higher 430
education, or place of employment of the offender or public 431
registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant who is 432
registering, including any other employment information, such 433
as the general area where the offender or public 434
registry-qualified juvenile offender registrant is employed, if 435
the offender or public registry-qualified juvenile offender 436
registrant is employed in many locations;437

        (6) The identification license plate number of each vehicle 438
the offender or delinquent child owns, of each vehicle 439
registered in the offender's or delinquent child's name, of each 440
vehicle the offender or delinquent child operates as a part of 441
employment, and of each other vehicle that is regularly available 442
to be operated by the offender or delinquent child; a 443
description of where each vehicle is habitually parked, stored, 444
docked, or otherwise kept; and, if required by the bureau of 445
criminal identification and investigation, a photograph of each 446
of those vehicles;447

       (7) If the offender or delinquent child has a driver's or 448
commercial driver's license or permit issued by this state or any 449
other state or a state identification card issued under section 450
4507.50 or 4507.51 of the Revised Code or a comparable 451
identification card issued by another state, the driver's license 452
number, commercial driver's license number, or state 453
identification card number;454

       (8) If the offender or delinquent child was convicted of, 455
pleaded guilty to, or was adjudicated a delinquent child for 456
committing the sexually oriented offense resulting in the 457
registration duty in a court in another state, in a federal court, 458
military court, or Indian tribal court, or in a court in any 459
nation other than the United States, a DNA specimen, as defined in 460
section 109.573 of the Revised Code, from the offender or 461
delinquent child, a citation for, and the name of, the sexually 462
oriented offense resulting in the registration duty, and a 463
certified copy of a document that describes the text of that 464
sexually oriented offense;465

       (9) A description of each professional and occupational 466
license, permit, or registration, including those licenses, 467
permits, and registrations issued under Title XLVII of the 468
Revised Code, held by the offender or delinquent child;469

       (10) Any email addresses, internet identifiers, or telephone 470
numbers registered to or used by the offender or delinquent child;471

       (11) Any other information required by the bureau of criminal 472
identification and investigation.473

       (D) After an offender or delinquent child registers with a474
sheriff, or the sheriff's designee, pursuant to this section, the 475
sheriff, or the sheriff's designee, shall forward the signed, 476
written registration form, photograph, and other material to the 477
bureau of criminal identification and investigation in 478
accordance with the forwarding procedures adopted pursuant to 479
section 2950.13 of the Revised Code. If an offender registers a 480
school, institution of higher education, or place of employment 481
address, or provides a school or institution of higher education 482
address under division (C)(4) of this section, the sheriff also 483
shall provide notice to the law enforcement agency with 484
jurisdiction over the premises of the school, institution of 485
higher education, or place of employment of the offender's name 486
and that the offender has registered that address as a place at 487
which the offender attends school or an institution of higher 488
education or at which the offender is employed. The bureau shall 489
include the information and materials forwarded to it under this 490
division in the state registry of sex offenders and child-victim 491
offenders established and maintained under section 2950.13 of the 492
Revised Code.493

       (E) No person who is required to register pursuant to494
divisions (A) and (B) of this section, and no person who is 495
required to send a notice of intent to reside pursuant to division 496
(G) of this section, shall fail to register or send the notice of 497
intent as required in accordance with those divisions or that 498

       (F) An offender or delinquent child who is required to500
register pursuant to divisions (A) and (B) of this section shall501
register pursuant to this section for the period of time specified502
in section 2950.07 of the Revised Code, with the duty commencing 503
on the date specified in division (A) of that section.504

       (G) If an offender or delinquent child who is required by505
division (A) of this section to register is a tier III sex 506
offender/child-victim offender, the offender or delinquent child 507
also shall send the sheriff, or the sheriff's designee, of the 508
county in which the offender or delinquent child intends to 509
reside written notice of the offender's or delinquent child's 510
intent to reside in the county. The offender or delinquent child 511
shall send the notice of intent to reside at least twenty days 512
prior to the date the offender or delinquent child begins to513
reside in the county. The notice of intent to reside shall 514
contain the following information:515

       (1) The offender's or delinquent child's name;516

       (2) The address or addresses at which the offender or517
delinquent child intends to reside;518

       (3) The sexually oriented offense of which the offender was519
convicted, to which the offender pleaded guilty, or for which the520
child was adjudicated a delinquent child.521

       (H) If, immediately prior to January 1, 2008, an offender or 522
delinquent child who was convicted of, pleaded guilty to, or was 523
adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a sexually oriented 524
offense or a child-victim oriented offense as those terms were 525
defined in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code prior to January 526
1, 2008, was required by division (A) of this section or section 527
2950.041 of the Revised Code to register and if, on or after 528
January 1, 2008, that offense is a sexually oriented offense as 529
that term is defined in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code on 530
and after January 1, 2008, the duty to register that is imposed 531
pursuant to this section on and after January 1, 2008, shall be 532
considered, for purposes of section 2950.07 of the Revised Code 533
and for all other purposes, to be a continuation of the duty 534
imposed upon the offender or delinquent child prior to January 1, 535
2008, under this section or section 2950.041 of the Revised Code.536

       Section 2. That existing sections 2950.02, 2950.034, and 537
2950.04 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.538