As Passed by the Senate

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
Am. S. B. No. 7

Senator Wagoner 

Cosponsors: Senators Gibbs, Buehrer, Fedor, Miller, D., Morano, Niehaus, Schaffer, Schuler, Turner, Faber, Patton, Hughes, Schiavoni, Wilson, Strahorn, Sawyer, Harris, Schuring, Stewart, Husted, Cates 

To amend section 124.341 and to enact section 117.103 1
of the Revised Code to require the Auditor of 2
State to establish a fraud-reporting system for 3
residents and public employees to file anonymous 4
complaints of fraud and misuse of public funds by 5
public offices or officials.6


       Section 1. That section 124.341 be amended and section 7
117.103 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:8

       Sec. 117.103. (A) The auditor of state shall establish and 9
maintain a system for the reporting of fraud, including misuse and 10
misappropriation of public money, by any public office or public 11
official. The system shall allow Ohio residents and the employees 12
of any public office to make anonymous complaints through a 13
toll-free telephone number, the auditor of state's web site, or 14
the United States mail to the auditor of state's office. The 15
auditor of state shall review all complaints in a timely manner.16

       Any complaint resulting in an audit report will be a public 17
record upon the issuance of the audit report in accordance with 18
section 117.26 of the Revised Code, subject to any applicable 19
privileges, including, but not limited to, the attorney-client 20

        (B)(1) A public office shall provide information about the 22
Ohio fraud-reporting system and the means of reporting fraud to 23
each new employee upon employment with the public office. Each 24
new employee shall confirm receipt of this information within 25
thirty days after beginning employment. The auditor of state 26
shall provide a model form on the auditor of state's web site to 27
be printed and used by new public employees to sign and verify 28
their receipt of information as required by this section. The 29
auditor of state shall confirm, when conducting an audit under 30
section 117.11 of the Revised Code, that new employees have been 31
provided information as required by this division.32

       (2) On the effective date of this section, each public office 33
shall make all its employees aware of the fraud-reporting system 34
required by this section.35

       Sec. 124.341.  (A) If an employee in the classified or 36
unclassified civil service becomes aware in the course of 37
employment of a violation of state or federal statutes, rules, or38
regulations or the misuse of public resources, and the employee's39
supervisor or appointing authority has authority to correct the40
violation or misuse, the employee may file a written report41
identifying the violation or misuse with the supervisor or42
appointing authority. In addition to or instead of filing a 43
written report with the supervisor or appointing authority, the 44
employee may file a written report with the office of internal 45
auditing created under section 126.45 of the Revised Code or file 46
a complaint with the auditor of state's fraud-reporting system 47
under section 117.103 of the Revised Code.48

       If the employee reasonably believes that a violation or49
misuse of public resources is a criminal offense, the employee, in50
addition to or instead of filing a written report or complaint51
with the supervisor, appointing authority, or the office of 52
internal auditing, or the auditor of state's fraud-reporting 53
system, may report it to a prosecuting attorney, director of law, 54
village solicitor, or similar chief legal officer of a municipal 55
corporation, to a peace officer, as defined in section 2935.01 of 56
the Revised Code, or, if the violation or misuse of public 57
resources is within the jurisdiction of the inspector general, to 58
the inspector general in accordance with section 121.46 of the 59
Revised Code. In addition to that report, if the employee 60
reasonably believes the violation or misuse is also a violation 61
of Chapter 102., section 2921.42, or section 2921.43 of the 62
Revised Code, the employee may report it to the appropriate 63
ethics commission.64

       (B) Except as otherwise provided in division (C) of this65
section, no officer or employee in the classified or unclassified 66
civil service shall take any disciplinary action against an 67
employee in the classified or unclassified civil service for 68
making any report or filing a complaint as authorized by division 69
(A) of this section, including, without limitation, doing any of 70
the following:71

       (1) Removing or suspending the employee from employment;72

       (2) Withholding from the employee salary increases or73
employee benefits to which the employee is otherwise entitled;74

       (3) Transferring or reassigning the employee;75

       (4) Denying the employee promotion that otherwise would have76
been received;77

       (5) Reducing the employee in pay or position.78

       (C) An employee in the classified or unclassified civil 79
service shall make a reasonable effort to determine the accuracy 80
of any information reported under division (A) of this section. 81
The employee is subject to disciplinary action, including 82
suspension or removal, as determined by the employee's appointing 83
authority, for purposely, knowingly, or recklessly reporting false 84
information under division (A) of this section.85

       (D) If an appointing authority takes any disciplinary or86
retaliatory action against a classified or unclassified employee87
as a result of the employee's having filed a report or complaint88
under division (A) of this section, the employee's sole and 89
exclusive remedy, notwithstanding any other provision of law, is 90
to file an appeal with the state personnel board of review within 91
thirty days after receiving actual notice of the appointing 92
authority's action. If the employee files such an appeal, the 93
board shall immediately notify the employee's appointing authority 94
and shall hear the appeal. The board may affirm or disaffirm the 95
action of the appointing authority or may issue any other order as 96
is appropriate. The order of the board is appealable in accordance97
with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.98

       (E) As used in this section:99

       (1) "Purposely," "knowingly," and "recklessly" have the same100
meanings as in section 2901.22 of the Revised Code.101

       (2) "Appropriate ethics commission" has the same meaning as102
in section 102.01 of the Revised Code.103

       (3) "Inspector general" means the inspector general appointed 104
under section 121.48 of the Revised Code.105

       Section 2. That existing section 124.341 of the Revised Code 106
is hereby repealed.107