As Introduced

128th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. B. No. 98

Senator Patton 

To enact sections 3964.01, 3964.02, 3964.05 to 1
3964.07, 3964.10 to 3964.12, 3964.15 to 3964.17, 2
3964.21 to 3964.24, and 5111.0210 of the Revised 3
Code to establish standards for physician 4
designations by health care insurers.5


       Section 1.  That sections 3964.01, 3964.02, 3964.05, 3964.06, 6
3964.07, 3964.10, 3964.11, 3964.12, 3964.15, 3964.16, 3964.17, 7
3964.21, 3964.22, 3964.23, 3964.24, and 5111.0210 of the Revised 8
Code be enacted to read as follows:9

       Sec. 3964.01. As used in this chapter:10

       (A) "Health care insurer" means an entity that offers a 11
policy, contract, or plan for covering the cost of health care 12
services for individuals who are beneficiaries of or enrolled in 13
the policy, contract, or plan, to the extent that the entity and 14
the policy, contract, or plan are subject to the laws of this 15
state. "Health care entity" includes all of the following:16

       (1) A sickness and accident insurance company authorized to 17
do the business of insurance in this state;18

       (2) A health insuring corporation that holds a certificate of 19
authority issued under Chapter 1751. of the Revised Code;20

       (3) An entity that offers a multiple employer welfare 21
arrangement, as defined in section 1739.01 of the Revised Code;22

       (4) The state, a political subdivision, or any other 23
government entity that offers a public employee health benefit 24

       (B) "Physician" means an individual authorized under Chapter 26
4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery or 27
osteopathic medicine and surgery.28

       (C) "Physician designation" means a grade, star, tier, or any 29
other rating used by a health care insurer to characterize or 30
represent the insurer's assessment or measurement of a physician's 31
cost efficiency, quality of care, or clinical performance. 32
"Physician designation" does not include either of the following:33

       (1) Information derived solely from satisfaction surveys or 34
other comments provided by individuals who are beneficiaries of or 35
enrolled in a policy, contract, or plan offered by a health care 36

       (2) Information for a program established by a health care 38
insurer to assist individuals with estimating a physician's 39
routine fees for providing services.40

       Sec. 3964.02. If a health care insurer operates a system for 41
making physician designations, all of the following apply with 42
respect to each physician designation that is made:43

       (A) The health care insurer shall include a quality-of-care 44
component in making the physician designation. Inclusion of the 45
quality-of-care component may be satisfied by incorporating one or 46
more practice guidelines or performance measures pursuant to 47
division (F) of this section. The resulting designation shall 48
include a clear description of the weight given to the 49
quality-of-care component in comparison to other factors used in 50
making the designation.51

       (B) The health care insurer shall use statistical analyses 52
in making the physician designation. The insurer shall use 53
statistical analyses that are accurate, valid, and reliable. 54
Where reasonably possible, the insurer shall use statistical 55
analyses that have been appropriately adjusted to reflect known 56
statistical anomalies, including factors pertaining to patient 57
population, case mix, severity of condition, comorbidities, and 58
outlier events.59

       (C) The health care insurer shall make a physician 60
designation only after completing a period of assessment of data 61
pertinent to the designation. The insurer shall update the data 62
at appropriate intervals.63

       (D) If data from claims for payment are used in making the 64
physician designation, the health care insurer shall use accurate 65
claims data and attribute the data appropriately to the physician. 66
If reasonably available, aggregated claims data shall be used to 67
supplement the insurer's claims data.68

       (E) The health care insurer shall make the physician 69
designation in a manner that recognizes the physician's 70
responsibility for making health care decisions and the financial 71
consequences of those decisions. The financial consequences of the 72
physician's health care decisions shall be attributed to the 73
physician in a manner that is accurate and fair to the physician.74

       (F) If practice guidelines or performance measures are used 75
in making the physician designation, the health care insurer shall 76
use guidelines or measures that are evidence-based, whenever 77
possible; consensus-based, whenever possible; and pertinent to the 78
physician's area of practice, location, and patient-population 79
characteristics. To the maximum extent possible, the insurer shall 80
use practice guidelines or performance measures that have been 81
established by nationally recognized health care organizations, 82
including the national quality forum or its successor, or the AQA 83
alliance or its successor.84

       Sec. 3964.05.  Except as provided in section 3964.06 of the 85
Revised Code, a health care insurer may disclose any or all of its 86
physician designations to any of the following:87

       (A) A physician;88

       (B) A patient or potential patient;89

       (C) An individual who is or may become a beneficiary of or 90
enrolled in a health care policy, contract, or plan offered by the 91

       (D) Any other individual.93

       Sec. 3964.06. (A) When a health care insurer makes a 94
physician designation, including a change in a designation, the 95
insurer shall notify the physician before disclosing the 96
designation to the public. The notice shall be provided in writing 97
and shall inform the physician of both of the following:98

       (1) The process by which the physician may request 99
information under sections 3964.10 and 3964.11 of the Revised 100
Code regarding the method and data used in making the 101

       (2) The opportunity to request an appeal of the designation 103
pursuant to section 3964.15 of the Revised Code.104

       (B) After providing the written notice required under 105
division (A) of this section, the health care insurer shall not 106
disclose the physician designation until the latest occurring of 107
the following:108

       (1) Forty-five days after providing the notice;109

       (2) Fifteen days after fulfilling any request for information 110
under section 3964.10 of the Revised Code;111

       (3) Fifteen days after fulfilling any request for information 112
under section 3964.11 of the Revised Code;113

       (4) The date that the designation is in compliance with a 114
final decision made pursuant to an appeal requested under section 115
3964.15 of the Revised Code.116

       Sec. 3964.07. (A) When a health care insurer discloses a 117
physician designation under section 3964.05 of the Revised Code, 118
the insurer shall include with the disclosure a statement 119
specifying all of the following:120

       (1) That physician designations are intended to be used only 121
as a guide in selecting a physician;122

       (2) That physician designations should not be the sole factor 123
used in selecting a physician;124

       (3) That physician designations have a risk of error;125

       (4) That individuals should discuss physician designations 126
with a physician before a selection is made.127

       (B) The statement required by this section shall accompany 128
the disclosure of the physician designation in a conspicuous 129
manner, shall be provided in writing, and shall be printed in 130
boldface type.131

       Sec. 3964.10. (A) Any of the following may submit a request 132
to a health care insurer asking that the insurer provide a 133
description of the method used by the insurer in making a 134
physician designation and, for a particular designation, a 135
description of all data used in making the designation:136

       (1) The physician who is the subject of the designation;137

       (2) A representative of the physician who is the subject of 138
the designation;139

       (3) The superintendent of insurance.140

       (B) Not later than forty-five days after receiving a request 141
under this section, the health care insurer shall provide the 142
requested information to the person who submitted the request. In 143
providing the information, the insurer is subject to all of the 144

       (1) The description of the method used in making the 146
physician designation shall be sufficiently detailed to allow the 147
person who submitted the request to determine the effect of the 148
method on the data used in making the designation. As applicable, 149
the description shall include an explanation of the use of 150
algorithms or studies, the assessment of data, and the application 151
of practice guidelines or performance measures.152

       (2) The description of the data used in making the physician 153
designation shall be made in a manner that is reasonably 154
understandable and allows the person who submitted the request to 155
verify the data against the person's records.156

       (3) If the health care insurer has a contract with another 157
person that prevents the insurer from disclosing all or part of 158
the data used in making the physician designation, the insurer 159
may withhold the data but shall provide sufficient information to 160
allow the person who submitted the request to determine how the 161
withheld data affected the designation.162

       Sec. 3964.11. After receiving a description of a health care 163
insurer's method used in making a physician designation pursuant 164
to a request submitted under section 3964.10 of the Revised Code, 165
the recipient may submit a request to the insurer asking that the 166
insurer provide the complete method used by the insurer in making 167
the physician designation.168

       Not later than thirty days after receiving a request under 169
this section, the health care insurer shall provide the requested 170
information to the person who submitted the request.171

       Sec. 3964.12. Neither sections 1333.61 to 1333.69 of the 172
Revised Code nor any other provision of the Revised Code 173
pertaining to trade secrets excuses a health care insurer from 174
complying with sections 3964.10 and 3964.11 of the Revised Code.175

       Sec. 3964.15. A health care insurer that operates a system 176
for making physician designations shall afford a physician who is 177
subject to the physician designation system an opportunity to 178
appeal the insurer's decision regarding the physician's 179
designation, including a decision by the insurer to change a 180
previous designation or to make no designation. In appealing the 181
decision, the physician may be assisted by a representative.182

       Sec. 3964.16. A health care insurer shall establish 183
procedures for the conduct of appeals under section 3964.15 of the 184
Revised Code. At a minimum, the procedures established by the 185
insurer shall include all of the following:186

       (A) A reasonable method for a physician or a physician's 187
representative to provide notice to the insurer that an appeal is 188
being sought;189

       (B) Consideration of any information obtained by the 190
physician or the physician's representative pursuant to section 191
3964.10 or 3964.11 of the Revised Code;192

       (C) If requested by the physician or the physician's 193
representative, consideration of an explanation of the decision 194
regarding the physician designation, with the explanation supplied 195
by the person or persons identified by the health care insurer as 196
being responsible for making the designation decision;197

       (D) With respect to the data and method used by the insurer 198
to make the physician designation decision, an opportunity for 199
the physician or the physician's representative to submit to the 200
insurer corrected data for the insurer's consideration and to have 201
the appropriateness of the method evaluated by the insurer;202

       (E) Disclosure of the name, title, qualifications, and 203
relationship to the health care insurer of the person or persons 204
designated by the insurer as responsible for conducting the 205
appeal proceedings and making the final decision;206

       (F) If requested by the physician or the physician's 207
representative, an opportunity to meet with the person or persons 208
responsible for conducting the appeal proceedings and making the 209
final decision, either by meeting in person at a location 210
reasonably convenient to the physician or the physician's 211
representative or by teleconference.212

       (G) Completion of the appeals process not later than 213
forty-five days after the physician or physician's representative 214
provides notice that an appeal is being sought, unless another 215
time is agreed to by the physician or the physician's 216

       (H) Issuance of a written final decision that states the 218
reasons for upholding, modifying, or rejecting the physician 219
designation decision subject to the appeal.220

       Sec. 3964.17. If the final decision regarding an appeal 221
under section 3964.15 of the Revised Code is in favor of the 222
physician, the health care insurer shall modify its designation 223
of the physician in accordance with the final decision. In 224
modifying the designation, the insurer is subject to both of the 225
following: 226

       (A) If the designation was disclosed to the public before the 227
appeal was made, the insurer shall make the necessary changes to 228
the designation not later than thirty days after the final 229
decision regarding the appeal is made.230

       (B) If the designation was not disclosed to the public before 231
the appeal was made, the insurer shall make the necessary changes 232
to the designation before the designation is disclosed to the 233
public. 234

       Sec. 3964.21. A health care insurer shall not fail to comply 235
with sections 3964.02 to 3964.17 of the Revised Code.236

       Sec. 3964.22. In the case of a health care insurer that is 237
regulated by the department of insurance, a series of violations 238
of section 3964.21 of the Revised Code that, taken together, 239
constitutes a pattern or practice of violating that section shall 240
be considered an unfair and deceptive act or practice in the 241
business of insurance under sections 3901.19 to 3901.26 of the 242
Revised Code.243

       Sec. 3964.23. A physician who is adversely affected by a 244
violation of section 3964.21 of the Revised Code has a cause of 245
action against the health care insurer and may seek a declaratory 246
judgment, an injunction, or other appropriate relief.247

       Sec. 3964.24. Any provision of a contractual arrangement 248
between a health care insurer and physician that limits any of the 249
physician's rights granted by this chapter or that is otherwise 250
contrary to the provisions of this chapter is unenforceable.251

       Sec. 5111.0210. Chapter 3964. of the Revised Code applies to 252
the medicaid program in the same manner that the chapter applies 253
to a health care insurer, as defined in section 3964.01 of the 254
Revised Code.255