As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 229

Representative Buchy 

Cosponsors: Representatives Hall, Derickson, Thompson, Maag, Boose, Adams, R., Hayes 

To amend sections 121.04, 121.09, 307.204, 505.266, 1
901.08, 901.43, 903.02, 907.11, 923.41, 923.52, 2
924.52, 941.02, 941.041, 941.14, 942.02, 943.03, 3
943.031, 943.04, 943.05, 943.16, 953.23, 955.35, 4
959.14, 1711.50, 1711.51, 1711.55, 1711.57, 5
3717.22, and 4707.11 and to enact section 923.411 6
of the Revised Code to revise the laws governing 7


       Section 1.  That sections 121.04, 121.09, 307.204, 505.266, 9
901.08, 901.43, 903.02, 907.11, 923.41, 923.52, 924.52, 941.02, 10
941.041, 941.14, 942.02, 943.03, 943.031, 943.04, 943.05, 943.16, 11
953.23, 955.35, 959.14, 1711.50, 1711.51, 1711.55, 1711.57, 12
3717.22, and 4707.11 be amended and section 923.411 of the Revised 13
Code be enacted to read as follows:14

       Sec. 121.04.  Offices are created within the several 15
departments as follows:16

       In the department of commerce:17

Commissioner of securities; 18
Superintendent of real estate and professional licensing; 19
Superintendent of financial institutions; 20
State fire marshal; 21
Superintendent of labor; 22
Superintendent of liquor control; 23
Superintendent of unclaimed funds. 24

       In the department of administrative services:25

State architect and engineer; 26
Equal employment opportunity coordinator. 27

       In the department of agriculture:28

       Chiefs of divisions as follows:29

Administration; 30
Animal industry health; 31
Livestock environmental permitting; 32
Dairy; 33
Food safety; 34
Plant industry health; 35
Markets; 36
Meat inspection; 37
Consumer analytical protection laboratory; 38
Amusement ride safety; 39
Enforcement; 40
Weights and measures. 41

       In the department of natural resources:42

       Chiefs of divisions as follows:43

Mineral resources management; 45
Forestry; 46
Natural areas and preserves; 47
Wildlife; 48
Geological survey; 49
Parks and recreation; 50
Watercraft; 51
Recycling and litter prevention; 52
Soil and water resources; 53
Engineering. 54

       In the department of insurance:55

Deputy superintendent of insurance; 56
Assistant superintendent of insurance, technical; 57
Assistant superintendent of insurance, administrative; 58
Assistant superintendent of insurance, research. 59

       Sec. 121.09.  The director of agriculture shall be a person 60
actively identified with agriculture.61

       The chief of the division of animal industryhealth shall be 62
a graduate of a recognized college of veterinary medicine and 63
licensed to practice veterinary medicine and surgery in this 64

       Sec. 307.204.  (A) As used in this section:66

       (1) "Concentrated animal feeding facility" and "major 67
concentrated animal feeding facility" have the same meanings as in 68
section 903.01 of the Revised Code.69

       (2) "Facility" means a proposed new or expanded major 70
concentrated animal feeding facility.71

       (3) "Improvement" means the construction, modification, or 72
both of county infrastructure.73

       (B) A person who proposes to do any of the following shall 74
provide written notification as required under division (C) of 75
this section to the board of county commissioners of the county in 76
which a facility is or is to be located:77

       (1) Establish a new major concentrated animal feeding 78

       (2) Increase the design capacity of an existing major 80
concentrated animal feeding facility by ten per cent or more in 81
excess of the design capacity set forth in the current permit for 82
construction or modification of the facility or for installation 83
or modification of the disposal system for manure at the facility 84
issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of section 6111.03 of 85
the Revised Code, as applicable;86

       (3) Increase the design capacity of an existing concentrated 87
animal feeding facility by ten per cent or more in excess of the 88
design capacity set forth in the current permit for construction 89
or modification of the facility or for installation or 90
modification of the disposal system for manure at the facility 91
issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of section 6111.03 of 92
the Revised Code, as applicable, and to a design capacity of more 93
than ten times the number of animals specified in any of the 94
categories in division (H) of section 903.01 of the Revised Code.95

       (C) The person shall notify the board in writing by certified 96
mail of the proposed construction or expansion of the facility and 97
include the following information:98

       (1) The anticipated travel routes of motor vehicles to and 99
from the facility;100

       (2) The anticipated number and weights of motor vehicles 101
traveling to and from the facility.102

       (D) At the request of the board, the county engineer may 103
review the written notification and advise the board on both of 104
the following:105

       (1) Improvements and maintenance of improvements that are 106
reasonably needed in order to accommodate the impact on county 107
infrastructure that is anticipated as a result of the facility, 108
including increased travel or the types of vehicles on county 109

       (2) The projected costs of the improvements and maintenance.111

       Not later than ten days after receiving the written 112
notification, the board may request the person to provide 113
additional reasonable and relevant information regarding the 114
impact of the facility on county infrastructure. The person shall 115
provide the information not later than ten days after the request 116
is made.117

       (E)(1) Not later than thirty days after the initial written 118
notification is received by the board, the board shall submit to 119
the person its recommendations, if any, concerning the 120
improvements that will be needed as a result of the facility and 121
the cost of those improvements.122

       (2) Not later than fifteen days after receipt of the board's 123
recommendations, the person shall notify the board either that the 124
person agrees with the recommendations and will implement them or 125
that the person is submitting reasonable alternative 126
recommendations or modifications to the board. If the person 127
agrees with the recommendations, they shall be considered to be 128
the board's final recommendations.129

       (3) If the board receives alternative recommendations or 130
modifications under division (E)(2) of this section, the board 131
shall select final recommendations and submit them to the person 132
not later than thirty days after the receipt of the alternative 133
recommendations or modifications.134

       (F)(1) The board shall prepare a written, dated statement 135
certifying that the written notification required under this 136
section was submitted and that final recommendations were selected 137
regarding needed improvements and the costs of those improvements. 138
The board shall provide the person with the original of the 139
statement so that the person can include it with the application 140
for a permit to install for the facility as required under 141
division (C)(4) of section 903.02 of the Revised Code. The board 142
shall retain a copy of the statement for its records.143

       (2) If the board fails to prepare a written, dated statement 144
in accordance with division (F)(1) of this section within 145
seventy-five days of receiving the initial written notification by 146
certified mail from the person, the person instead shall file with 147
the application for a permit to install for the facility a 148
notarized affidavit declaring that the person has met the criteria 149
established in this section and that a written, dated statement 150
was not received by the person from the board.151

       (G) TheIf the person receives a written, dated statement 152
from the board as provided in division (F)(1) of this section, the153
person shall construct, modify, and maintain or finance the 154
construction, modification, and maintenance of improvements as 155
provided in the board's final recommendations and with the 156
approval and oversight of the county engineer. If the person fails 157
to do so, the board shall notify the person by certified mail that 158
the board intends to initiate mediation with the person if the 159
person remains out of compliance with the final recommendations.160

       The board shall allow sufficient time for the person to apply 161
for and proceed to obtain, for the purpose of financing the 162
construction, modification, or maintenance of the improvements, 163
exemptions from taxation under sections 5709.63, 5709.632, 164
5709.73, and 5709.78 of the Revised Code or state or federal 165
grants that may be available.166

       If the person remains out of compliance with the final 167
recommendations, the board may initiate mediation with the person 168
in order to resolve the differences between them. If mediation 169
fails to resolve the differences, the board and the person first 170
shall attempt to resolve the differences through any legal 171
remedies before seeking redress through a court of common pleas.172

       (H) If the person subsequently submits an application under 173
section 903.02 of the Revised Code for a permit to modify the 174
facility, or if the routes of travel to or from the facility 175
change for any reason other than road construction conducted by 176
the county, the board or the person may request that additional 177
information be provided in writing and shall proceed as provided 178
in this section for the notification and recommendation 179

       Sec. 505.266.  (A) As used in this section:181

       (1) "Concentrated animal feeding facility" and "major 182
concentrated animal feeding facility" have the same meanings as in 183
section 903.01 of the Revised Code.184

       (2) "Facility" means a proposed new or expanded major 185
concentrated animal feeding facility.186

       (3) "Improvement" means the construction, modification, or 187
both of township infrastructure.188

       (B) A person who proposes to do any of the following shall 189
provide written notification as required under division (C) of 190
this section to the board of township trustees of the township in 191
which a facility is or is to be located:192

       (1) Establish a new major concentrated animal feeding 193

       (2) Increase the design capacity of an existing major 195
concentrated animal feeding facility by ten per cent or more in 196
excess of the design capacity set forth in the current permit for 197
construction or modification of the facility or for installation 198
or modification of the disposal system for manure at the facility 199
issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of section 6111.03 of 200
the Revised Code, as applicable;201

       (3) Increase the design capacity of an existing concentrated 202
animal feeding facility by ten per cent or more in excess of the 203
design capacity set forth in the current permit for construction 204
or modification of the facility or for installation or 205
modification of the disposal system for manure at the facility 206
issued under section 903.02 or division (J) of section 6111.03 of 207
the Revised Code, as applicable, and to a design capacity of more 208
than ten times the number of animals specified in any of the 209
categories in division (M) of section 903.01 of the Revised Code.210

       (C) The person shall notify the board in writing by certified 211
mail of the proposed construction or expansion of the facility and 212
include the following information:213

       (1) The anticipated travel routes of motor vehicles to and 214
from the facility;215

       (2) The anticipated number and weights of motor vehicles 216
traveling to and from the facility.217

       (D) At the request of the board, the county engineer may 218
review the written notification and advise the board on both of 219
the following:220

       (1) Improvements and maintenance of improvements that are 221
reasonably needed in order to accommodate the impact on township 222
infrastructure that is anticipated as a result of the facility, 223
including increased travel or the types of vehicles on township 224

       (2) The projected costs of the improvements and maintenance.226

       Not later than ten days after receiving the written 227
notification, the board may request the person to provide 228
additional reasonable and relevant information regarding the 229
impact of the facility on township infrastructure. The person 230
shall provide the information not later than ten days after the 231
request is made.232

       (E)(1) Not later than thirty days after the initial written 233
notification is received by the board, the board shall submit to 234
the person its recommendations, if any, concerning the 235
improvements that will be needed as a result of the facility and 236
the cost of those improvements.237

       (2) Not later than fifteen days after receipt of the board's 238
recommendations, the person shall notify the board either that the 239
person agrees with the recommendations and will implement them or 240
that the person is submitting reasonable alternative 241
recommendations or modifications to the board. If the person 242
agrees with the recommendations, they shall be considered to be 243
the board's final recommendations.244

       (3) If the board receives alternative recommendations or 245
modifications under division (E)(2) of this section, the board 246
shall select final recommendations and submit them to the person 247
not later than thirty days after the receipt of the alternative 248
recommendations or modifications.249

       (F)(1) The board shall prepare a written, dated statement 250
certifying that the written notification required under this 251
section was submitted and that final recommendations were selected 252
regarding needed improvements and the costs of those improvements. 253
The board shall provide the person with the original of the 254
statement so that the person can include it with the application 255
for a permit to install for the facility as required under 256
division (C)(4)(5) of section 903.02 of the Revised Code. The 257
board shall retain a copy of the statement for its records.258

       (2) If the board fails to prepare a written, dated statement 259
in accordance with division (F)(1) of this section within 260
seventy-five days of receiving the initial written notification by 261
certified mail from the person, the person instead shall file with 262
the application for a permit to install for the facility a 263
notarized affidavit declaring that the person has met the criteria 264
established in this section and that a written, dated statement 265
was not received by the person from the board.266

       (G) TheIf the person receives a written, dated statement 267
from the board as provided in division (F)(1) of this section, the268
person shall construct, modify, and maintain or finance the 269
construction, modification, and maintenance of improvements as 270
provided in the board's final recommendations and with the 271
approval and oversight of the county engineer. If the person fails 272
to do so, the board shall notify the person by certified mail that 273
the board intends to initiate mediation with the person if the 274
person remains out of compliance with the final recommendations.275

       The board shall allow sufficient time for the person to apply 276
for and proceed to obtain, for the purpose of financing the 277
construction, modification, or maintenance of the improvements, 278
exemptions from taxation under sections 5709.63, 5709.632, 279
5709.73, and 5709.78 of the Revised Code or state or federal 280
grants that may be available.281

       If the person remains out of compliance with the final 282
recommendations, the board may initiate mediation with the person 283
in order to resolve the differences between them. If mediation 284
fails to resolve the differences, the board and the person first 285
shall attempt to resolve the differences through any legal 286
remedies before seeking redress through a court of common pleas.287

       (H) If the person subsequently submits an application under 288
section 903.02 of the Revised Code for a permit to modify the 289
facility, or if the routes of travel to or from the facility 290
change for any reason other than road construction conducted by 291
the township, the board or the person may request that additional 292
information be provided in writing and shall proceed as provided 293
in this section for the notification and recommendation 294

       Sec. 901.08.  The director of agriculture shall appoint a 296
chief of the division of administration, a chief of the division 297
of animal industryhealth, a chief of the division of livestock 298
environmental permitting, a chief of the division of dairy, a 299
chief of the division of food safety, a chief of the division of 300
markets, a chief of the division of plant industryhealth, a chief 301
of the division of weights and measures, a chief of the division 302
of meat inspection, a chief of the division of consumer analytical303
protection laboratory, a chief of the division of enforcement, and 304
a chief of the division of amusement ride safety.305

       Sec. 901.43.  (A) The director of agriculture may authorize 306
any department of agriculture laboratory to perform a laboratory 307
service for any person, organization, political subdivision, state 308
agency, federal agency, or other entity, whether public or 309
private. The director shall adopt and enforce rules to provide for 310
the rendering of a laboratory service.311

       (B) The director may charge a reasonable fee for the 312
performance of a laboratory service, except when the service is 313
performed on an official sample taken by the director acting 314
pursuant to Title IX, Chapter 3715., or Chapter 3717. of the 315
Revised Code; by a board of health acting as the licensor of 316
retail food establishments or food service operations under 317
Chapter 3717. of the Revised Code; or by the director of health 318
acting as the licensor of food service operations under Chapter 319
3717. of the Revised Code. The director of agriculture shall adopt 320
rules specifying what constitutes an official sample.321

       The director shall publish a list of laboratory services 322
offered, together with the fee for each service.323

       (C) The director may enter into a contract with any person, 324
organization, political subdivision, state agency, federal agency, 325
or other entity for the provision of a laboratory service.326

       (D)(1) The director may adopt rules establishing standards 327
for accreditation of laboratories and laboratory services and in 328
doing so may adopt by reference existing or recognized standards 329
or practices.330

       (2) The director may inspect and accredit laboratories and 331
laboratory services, and may charge a reasonable fee for the 332
inspections and accreditation.333

       (E)(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the 334
animal and consumer analyticalprotection laboratory fund. Moneys 335
from the following sources shall be deposited into the state 336
treasury to the credit of the fund: all moneys collected by the 337
director under this section that are from fees generated by a 338
laboratory service performed by the department and related to the 339
diseases of animals, all moneys so collected that are from fees 340
generated for the inspection and accreditation of laboratories and 341
laboratory services related to the diseases of animals, all moneys 342
collected by the director under this section that are from fees 343
generated by a laboratory service performed by the consumer 344
analyticalprotection laboratory, all moneys so collected that are 345
from fees generated for the inspection and accreditation of 346
laboratories and laboratory services not related to weights and 347
measures, and all moneys collected under Chapters 942., 943., and 348
953. of the Revised Code. The director may use the moneys held in 349
the fund to pay the expenses necessary to operate the animal 350
industry laboratory and the consumer analyticalprotection351
laboratory, including the purchase of supplies and equipment.352

       (2) All moneys collected by the director under this section 353
that are from fees generated by a laboratory service performed by 354
the weights and measures laboratory, and all moneys so collected 355
that are from fees generated for the inspection and accreditation 356
of laboratories and laboratory services related to weights and 357
measures, shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit 358
of the weights and measures laboratory fund, which is hereby 359
created in the state treasury. The moneys held in the fund may be 360
used to pay the expenses necessary to operate the division of 361
weights and measures, including the purchase of supplies and 362

       Sec. 903.02.  (A)(1) Not later than one hundred eighty days 364
after March 15, 2001, the director of agriculture shall prepare a 365
program for the issuance of permits to install under this section. 366

       (2) On and after the date on which the director has finalized 367
the program required under division (A)(1) of this section, no 368
person shall modify an existing or construct a new concentrated 369
animal feeding facility without first obtaining a permit to 370
install issued by the director under this section. 371

       (B) The director or the director's authorized representative 372
may help an applicant for a permit to install during the 373
permitting process by providing guidance and technical assistance. 374

       (C) An applicant for a permit to install shall submit an 375
application to the director on a form that the director prescribes 376
and provides together with a fee in an amount established by rule. 377
The applicant shall include with the application all of the 378
following information: 379

       (1) The name and address of the applicant, of all partners if 380
the applicant is a partnership, of all members if the applicant is 381
a limited liability company, or of all officers and directors if 382
the applicant is a corporation, and of any other person who has a 383
right to control or in fact controls management of the applicant 384
or the selection of officers, directors, or managers of the 385
applicant. As used in division (C)(1) of this section, "control" 386
means the power, directly or indirectly, to direct the management 387
and policies of the applicant through the ownership of voting 388
securities, by contract, through a right of approval or 389
disapproval, or otherwise unless the power is held by a chartered 390
lending institution as a result of debt liability. 391

       (2) The type of livestock and the number of animals that the 392
concentrated animal feeding facility would have the design 393
capacity to raise or maintain; 394

       (3) Designs and plans for the proposed construction of the 395
concentrated animal feeding facility that include the proposed 396
location of the construction, design and construction plans and 397
specifications, anticipated beginning and ending dates for work 398
performed, and any other information that the director requires by 399
rule; 400

       (4) In the case of an application for a concentrated animal 401
feeding facility that meets the criteria established in sections402
section 307.204 and 505.266 of the Revised Code, one of the 403
following, as applicable:404

       (a) A written statementsstatement from the board of county 405
commissioners of the county and the board of township trustees of 406
the township in which the concentrated animal feeding facility 407
would be located certifying that, in accordance with those 408
sectionsthat section, the applicant has provided the boardsboard409
with the required written notification and that final 410
recommendations were selected regarding improvements, if any, to 411
county or township infrastructure that are needed as a result of 412
the new or expanded concentrated animal feeding facility and the 413
costs of those improvements; 414

       (5)(b) A notarized affidavit declaring that the applicant has 415
met the criteria established in section 307.204 of the Revised 416
Code and that a written, dated statement from the board of county 417
commissioners was not received by the applicant under that 418

       (5) In the case of an application for a concentrated animal 420
feeding facility that meets the criteria established in section 421
505.266 of the Revised Code, one of the following, as applicable: 422

       (a) A written statement from the board of township trustees 423
of the township in which the concentrated animal feeding facility 424
would be located certifying that, in accordance with that section, 425
the applicant has provided the board with the required written 426
notification and that final recommendations were selected 427
regarding improvements, if any, to township infrastructure that 428
are needed as a result of the new or expanded concentrated animal 429
feeding facility and the costs of those improvements;430

       (b) A notarized affidavit declaring that the applicant has 431
met the criteria established in section 505.266 of the Revised 432
Code and that a written, dated statement from the board of 433
township trustees was not received by the applicant under that 434

       (6) A statement of the quantity of water that the 436
concentrated animal feeding facility will utilize on an average 437
daily and annual basis, a detailed description of the basis for 438
the calculation utilized in determining the quantity of water 439
utilized, and a statement identifying the source for the water; 440

       (6)(7) Information concerning the applicant's past compliance 441
with laws pertaining to environmental protection that is required 442
to be provided under section 903.05 of the Revised Code, if 443
applicable; 444

       (7)(8) Any other information required by rule. 445

       Information required to be included in an application for the 446
modification of a permit to install, together with the applicable 447
fee amount, shall be established in rules. 448

       (D) The director shall issue permits to install in accordance 449
with section 903.09 of the Revised Code. The director shall deny a 450
permit to install if either of the following applies: 451

       (1) The permit application contains misleading or false 452
information. 453

       (2) The designs and plans fail to conform to best management 454
practices. 455

       Additional grounds for the denial of a permit to install 456
shall be those established in this chapter and rules. 457

       (E) A permit to install shall expire after a period specified 458
by the director unless the applicant has undertaken a continuing 459
program of construction or has entered into a binding contractual 460
obligation to undertake and complete a continuing program of 461
construction within a reasonable time. The director may extend the 462
expiration date of a permit to install upon request of the 463
applicant. 464

       (F) The director may modify, suspend, or revoke a permit to 465
install in accordance with rules. 466

       (G) Nothing in this chapter affects section 1521.16 of the 467
Revised Code. 468

       (H) The owner or operator of a concentrated animal feeding 469
facility who proposes to make a major operational change at the 470
facility shall submit an application for approval of the change to 471
the director in accordance with rules. 472

       Sec. 907.11.  The director of agriculture or histhe 473
director's authorized agent may:474

       (A) Enter any public or private place of business during 475
regular business hours in order to gain access to any seed or 476
records subject to sections 907.01 to 907.17 of the Revised Code 477
or the rules and regulations adopted thereunder;478

       (B) In conformity with sections 907.01 to 907.17 of the 479
Revised Code and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder, 480
take samples of the seed or make copies of the records of anyone 481
who sells seed;482

       (C) Issue a written or printed stop-sale order to the owner 483
or custodian of any lot of seed, requiring it to be held at a 484
designated place if found to be in violation of sections 907.01 to 485
907.17 of the Revised Code or any rules adopted thereunder. The 486
seed shall be held until a release is issued in writing by the 487
director or histhe director's authorized agent. A release shall 488
not be issued until sections 907.01 to 907.17 of the Revised Code 489
and the rules and regulations adopted thereunder have been 490
complied with. The owner or custodian may appeal the stop-sale 491
order in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.492

       Sec. 923.41.  As used in sections 923.41 to 923.55 of the 493
Revised Code:494

       (A) "Director" means the director of agriculture.495

       (B) "Animal" means any animate being, other than mana human.496

       (C)(B) "Commercial feed" or "feed" means all materials, 497
except unmixed whole seeds or physically altered entire unmixed 498
seeds, that are not adulterated and that are distributed for use 499
as feed or for mixing in feed for animals. The director, by rule, 500
may exempt from these definitions or from specific provisions of 501
sections 923.42 to 923.55 of the Revised Code agricultural 502
commodities including, but not limited to, hay, straw, stover, 503
silage, cobs, husks, and hulls when such commodities are not mixed 504
with other materials, and individual chemical compounds or 505
substances, when those commodities, compounds, or substances are 506
not intermixed or mixed with other materials."Commercial feed" or 507
"feed" does not include drugs that are not incorporated into feed 508
and that are not distributed to be mixed in feed. "Commercial 509
feed" and "feed" also does not include negligible amounts of feed 510
ingredients added to a drug solely for the purpose of facilitating 511
administration of the drug to an animal.512

       (D)(C) "Feed ingredient" means each of the constituent 513
materials used to make a commercial feed.514

       (E)(D) "Customer-formula feed" means a commercial feed that 515
consists of a mixture of commercial feeds, feed ingredients, or 516
both, each batch of which is manufactured according to the 517
specific instructions of the final purchaser.518

       (F)(E) "Mineral feed" means a commercial feed intended to 519
supply primarily mineral elements or inorganic nutrients.520

       (G)(F) "Drug" means any article intended for use in the 521
diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of 522
infectious disease in animals or any article other than feed 523
intended to affect the structure or any function of the animal's 524

       (H)(G) "Brand name" means any word, name, symbol, or device, 526
or any combination thereof identifying the commercial feed of a 527
distributor and distinguishing it from that of others.528

       (I)(H) "Product name" means the name of the commercial feed 529
which identifies it as to kind, class, or specific use.530

       (J)(I) "Federal act" means the "Federal Food, Drug and 531
Cosmetic Act," 52 Stat. 1040 (1938), 21 U.S.C. 301, as amended.532

       (K)(J) "Official sample" means a sample of commercial feed 533
taken by the director of agriculture or histhe director's agent 534
in accordance with the provisions of section 923.47 of the Revised 535
Code and rules adopted under that section.536

       (L)(K) "Ton" means a net weight of two thousand pounds 537

       (M)(L) "Per cent" or "percentage" means the percentage by 539

       (N)(M) "Manufacture" means to grind, mix, blend, or further 541
process a commercial feed for distribution. A "manufacturer542
Manufacturer" means any person who manufactures.543

       (O)(N) "Person" includes an individual, partnership, 544
association, firm, or corporation.545

       (P)(O) "Distribute" means to offer for sale, sell, exchange, 546
or barter commercial feed or to supply, furnish, or otherwise 547
provide commercial feed for animals.548

       (Q)(P) "Distributor" means any person who distributes.549

       (R)(Q) "Label" means a display of written, printed, or 550
graphic matter on or affixed to the container in which a 551
commercial feed is distributed or on the invoice, delivery slip, 552
or other shipping document with which a commercial feed is 553

       (S)(R) "Labeling" means all labels or any other written, 555
printed, or graphic matter that accompanies commercial feed.556

       (T)(S) "Exempt buyer" means a person to whom commercial feed 557
is distributed who is required by rule under division (A)(2) of 558
section 923.44 of the Revised Code to pay the semiannual 559
inspection fee required under that section.560

       (U)(T) "Misbranded" has the same meaning as in section 923.49 561
of the Revised Code.562

       (V)(U) "Adulterated" has the same meaning as in section 563
923.48 of the Revised Code.564

       Sec. 923.411.  The director of agriculture may adopt rules in 565
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to exempt both of 566
the following from sections 923.41 to 923.55 of the Revised Code:567

       (A) Agricultural commodities, including hay, straw, stover, 568
silage, cobs, husks, and hulls, when those commodities are not 569
mixed with other materials;570

       (B) Individual chemical compounds or substances when those 571
compounds or substances are not mixed with other materials.572

       Sec. 923.52.  The director of agriculture may issue and 573
enforce a written withdrawal from distribution order to the 574
manufacturer or distributor of any lot of commercial feed 575
requiring it to be held at a designated place when the director 576
has reasonable cause to believe that the commercial feed is 577
offered or exposed for distribution or distributed in violation of 578
any of the provisions of sections 923.41 to 923.55 of the Revised 579
Code or any rule adopted under those sections. The commercial feed 580
shall be held until a release in writing is issued by the 581
director. A release shall not be issued until sections 923.41 to 582
923.55 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted under those 583
sections are complied with and until all costs and expenses 584
incurred in connection with the violation have been paid by the 585
manufacturer or distributor. If compliance is not obtained within 586
thirty days of receipt of the withdrawal from distribution order, 587
the director may begin, and shall begin upon request by the 588
manufacturer or distributor, proceedings for condemnation under 589
section 923.53 of the Revised Code.590

       The manufacturer or distributor may appeal the withdrawal 591
from distribution order in accordance with Chapter 119. of the 592
Revised Code.593

       Sec. 924.52.  (A) The Ohio grape industries committee may:594

       (1) Conduct, and contract with others to conduct, research, 595
including the study, analysis, dissemination, and accumulation of 596
information obtained from the research or elsewhere, concerning 597
the marketing and distribution of grapes and grape products, the 598
storage, refrigeration, processing, and transportation of them, 599
and the production and product development of grapes and grape 600
products. The committee shall expend for these activities no less 601
than thirty per cent and no more than seventy per cent of all 602
money it receives from the Ohio grape industries fund created 603
under section 924.54 of the Revised Code.604

       (2) Provide the wholesale and retail trade with information 605
relative to proper methods of handling and selling grapes and 606
grape products;607

       (3) Make or contract for market surveys and analyses, 608
undertake any other similar activities that it determines are 609
appropriate for the maintenance and expansion of present markets 610
and the creation of new and larger markets for grapes and grape 611
products, and make, in the name of the committee, contracts to 612
render service in formulating and conducting plans and programs 613
and such other contracts or agreements as the committee considers 614
necessary for the promotion of the sale of grapes and grape 615
products. The committee shall expend for these activities no less 616
than thirty per cent and no more than seventy per cent of all 617
money it receives from the fund.618

       (4) Publish and distribute to producers and others 619
information relating to the grape and grape product industries;620

       (5) Propose to the director of agriculture for adoption, 621
rescission, or amendment, pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised 622
Code, rules necessary for the exercise of its powers and the 623
performance of its duties;624

       (6) Advertise for, post notices seeking, or otherwise solicit 625
applicants to serve in administrative positions in the department 626
of agriculture as employees who support the administrative 627
functions of the committee. Applications shall be submitted to the 628
committee. The committee shall select applicants that it wishes to 629
recommend for employment and shall submit a list of the 630
recommended applicants to the director.631

       (7) For the purpose of promoting the grape industry, provide 632
to producers and persons that grow grapes in this state grape 633
plants, grape vines, equipment, and material to assist in the 634
production of grapes and grape products.635

       (B) The committee shall:636

       (1) Promote the sale of grapes and grape products for the 637
purpose of maintaining and expanding present markets and creating 638
new and larger intrastate, interstate, and foreign markets for 639
grapes and grape products, and inform the public of the uses and 640
benefits of grapes and grape products;641

       (2) Perform all acts and exercise all powers incidental to, 642
in connection with, or considered reasonably necessary, proper, or 643
advisable to effectuate the purposes of this section.644

       Sec. 941.02.  (A) The chief of the division of animal 645
industryhealth, appointed by the director of agriculture under 646
sections 121.04 and 121.05 of the Revised Code, shall be a 647
veterinarian accredited and licensed to practice in this state.648

       (B) The chief shall promote and protect the livestock, 649
poultry, and other animal interests of the state, prevent the 650
spread of dangerously contagious or infectious disease, provide 651
for the control and eradication of such disease, and cooperate 652
with the United States department of agriculture in such work.653

       Sec. 941.041.  No person shall do any of the following:654

       (A) Fail to stop histhe person's vehicle or conveyance when 655
directed to do so in accordance with section 941.04 of the Revised 656

       (B) Import, carry, transport, or bring an animal into this 658
state unaccompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection, 659
animal health certificate, waybill, yarding receipt, sale ticket, 660
or other document required by this chapter and rules adopted under 661

       (C) Fail to present any document identified in division (B) 663
of this section when requested to do so by the director of 664
agriculture or histhe director's authorized representative;665

       (D) Fail to permit the director or histhe director's666
authorized representative to inspect any vehicle or means of 667
conveyance in accordance with section 941.04 of the Revised Code;668

       (E) Violate the seal placed on the vehicle or means of 669
conveyance by the director or histhe director's authorized670

       (F) Violate or fail to comply with the terms of the permit 672
issued under division (C) of section 941.01941.07 of the Revised 673

       Sec. 941.14.  (A) The owner shall burn the body of an animal 675
that has died of, or been destroyed because of, a dangerously 676
infectious or contagious disease, bury it not less than four feet 677
under the surface of the ground, dissolve it by alkaline 678
hydrolysis, remove it in a watertight tank to a rendering 679
establishment, or otherwise dispose of it in accordance with 680
section 953.26 or 1511.022 of the Revised Code within twenty-four 681
hours after knowledge thereof or after notice in writing from the 682
department of agriculture.683

       (B) The owner of premises that contain a dead animal shall 684
burn the body of the animal, bury it not less than four feet 685
beneath the surface of the ground, dissolve it by alkaline 686
hydrolysis, remove it in a watertight tank to a rendering 687
establishment, or otherwise dispose of it in accordance with 688
section 953.26 or 1511.022 of the Revised Code within a reasonable 689
time after knowledge thereof or after notice in writing from the 690
department or from the township trustees of the township in which 691
histhe owner's premises are located.692

       (C) Notwithstanding division (A) or (B) of this section, the 693
director of agriculture, in written notice sent to the owner of a 694
dead animal, may require the owner to employ a specific method of 695
disposition of the body, including burning, burying, rendering, or696
composting, or alkaline hydrolysis, when that method does not 697
conflict with any law or rule governing the disposal of infectious 698
wastes and, in the director's judgment, is necessary for purposes 699
of animal disease control. No person shall fail to employ the 700
method of disposition required under this division.701

       (D) The director, in written notice sent to the owner of a 702
dead animal, may prohibit the owner from transporting the body of 703
the dead animal on any street or highway if that prohibition does 704
not conflict with any law or rule governing the transportation of 705
infectious wastes and, in the director's judgment, is necessary 706
for purposes of animal disease control. No person shall fail to 707
comply with a prohibition issued under this division.708

       (E) As used in this section, "infectious wastes" has the same 709
meaning as in section 3734.01 of the Revised Code, and "street" or 710
"highway" has the same meaning as in section 4511.01 of the 711
Revised Code.712

       Sec. 942.02.  (A) No person shall feed on the person's 713
premises, or permit the feeding of, treated garbage to swine 714
without a license to do so issued by the department of 715

       (B) An application for a license to feed treated garbage 717
shall be made in writing on a form prescribed by the director of 718

       (C) A license shall be renewed before the thirty-first day of 720
December of each year, and an application for renewal shall be 721
filed before the thirtieth day of November of each year.722

       (D) The fee for the license shall be one hundred dollars per 723
annum. A late fee of fifty dollars shall be paid for each 724
application that is received after the thirtieth day of November 725
each year.726

       (E) All money collected under this section shall be credited 727
to the animal and consumer analyticalprotection laboratory fund 728
created in section 901.43 of the Revised Code.729

       Sec. 943.03.  (A)(1) Application for a license as a dealer or 730
broker shall be made in writing to the department of agriculture. 731
The application shall state the nature of the business, the 732
municipal corporation, township, and county, and the post-office 733
address of the location where the business is to be conducted, the 734
name of any employee authorized to act in histhe dealer's or 735
broker's behalf, and such additional information as the department 736

       The applicant shall satisfy the department of histhe 738
applicant's character and good faith in seeking to engage in such 739
business. The department shall issue to the applicant a license to 740
conduct the business of a dealer or broker at the place named in 741
the application. Licenses, unless revoked, shall expire annually 742
on the thirty-first day of March and shall be renewed according to 743
the standard renewal procedure of sections 4745.01 to 4745.03 of 744
the Revised Code.745

       (2) No license shall be issued by the department to a dealer 746
or broker having weighing facilities until the applicant has filed 747
with the department a copy of a scale test certificate showing the 748
weighing facilities to be in satisfactory condition, a copy of the 749
license of each weigher employed by the applicant, and a 750
certificate of inspection by the department showing livestock 751
market facilities to be in satisfactory sanitary condition.752

       No(3) Except as provided in division (A)(4) of this section, 753
no license shall be issued by the department until the applicant 754
has furnished proof of financial responsibility. Except as 755
provided in division (C) of this section, such proof may be in the 756
following forms:757

       (1)(a) A bond of a surety company authorized to do business 758
in this state in the form prescribed by and to the satisfaction of 759
the department, conditioned for the payment of a judgment against 760
the applicant furnishing the bond and arising out of the failure 761
of such dealer or broker to pay for the livestock purchased for 762
histhe dealer's or broker's own or for the accounts of others or 763
to pay when due to the person entitled thereto the gross amount, 764
less lawful charges, for which all of the livestock is sold. The 765
amount of bond required, the termination of the bond, and the 766
limitation on filing claims against the dealer or broker or their 767
surety shall be the same as prescribed in division (B) of this 768

       (2)(b) A deposit with a trustee acceptable to the department 770
of the required amount in money or negotiable bonds of the United 771
States or of this state or of a political subdivision of this 772
state of that par or face value, or any combination thereof, for 773
the purpose of securing the payment of a judgment against the 774
dealer or broker furnishing the deposit and arising out of the 775
failure of the dealer or broker to pay for the livestock purchased 776
for histhe dealer's or broker's own or for the accounts of 777
others, or to pay when due to the person entitled thereto the 778
gross amount, less lawful charges, for which all of the livestock 779
is sold. The deposit shall be made under a deposit agreement 780
acceptable to the department. The deposit is not subject to 781
attachment for any other claim or levy of execution upon a 782
judgment based on any other claims.783

       (4) An applicant for a license as a dealer or broker of 784
poultry is not required to maintain financial responsibility or 785
furnish proof of financial responsibility.786

       (B) Any person damaged by failure of a dealer or broker to 787
pay for the livestock purchased for histhe dealer's or broker's788
or for the accounts of others or to pay when due to the person 789
entitled thereto the gross amount, less lawful charges, for which 790
all of the livestock is sold may maintain an action against the 791
broker or dealer and the sureties on the bonds, or the trustee, 792
provided for in this section. The aggregate liability of the 793
sureties or trustee for all such damage shall not exceed the 794
amount of the bond or deposit.795

       Unless the person damaged files hisa claim with the dealer 796
or broker and the sureties or trustee within sixty days from the 797
date of the transaction on which the claim is based, hethe person798
shall be barred from maintaining an action on the bond or for the 799
application of the deposit. Upon the filing of a claim, the 800
claimant shall notify the department of histhat action.801

       The amount of the bond or deposit shall not be less than the 802
nearest multiple of one thousand dollars above the average daily 803
value of livestock sold by the dealer or broker for the accounts 804
of others and livestock purchased by the dealer or broker for his805
the dealer's or broker's or for the accounts of others on histhe 806
dealer's or broker's ten largest business days during the 807
preceding twelve months or such part thereof as the dealer or 808
broker was purchasing, selling, or exchanging livestock. In no 809
case shall the amount of the bond or deposit total less than ten 810
thousand dollars.811

       Whenever the amount of bond or deposit calculated as above 812
specified exceeds fifty thousand dollars, the amount of the bond 813
shall be fifty thousand dollars plus ten per cent of the valuation 814
in excess of fifty thousand dollars.815

       In no case shall the bond or deposit covering the business of 816
the dealer or broker be less than the amount specified above or 817
such higher amount as may be specified by the "Packer and 818
Stockyards Act of 1921," 42 Stat. 159, 7 U.S.C.A. 181, as amended.819

       Whenever in the judgment of the department the business 820
volume of the licensee is such as to render the bond or deposit 821
inadequate, the amount of the bond or deposit shall be adjusted, 822
upon thirty days' notice, to meet sections 943.01 to 943.18 of the 823
Revised Code and rules adopted under them. All of the bonds or 824
deposit agreements shall contain a provision requiring that at 825
least thirty days' prior notice in writing be given to the 826
department and the packers and stockyards administration of the 827
United States department of agriculture by the party terminating 828
the bonds or deposit agreements in order to effect termination, 829
except that a bond may be terminated as of the effective date of a 830
replacement bond.831

       The termination of a bond shall not release the parties from 832
any liability arising out of facts or transactions occurring prior 833
to the termination date.834

       The termination of a deposit agreement shall neither release 835
the party furnishing the deposit from any liability arising out of 836
acts or transactions occurring prior to the termination date, nor 837
shall the trustee permit the withdrawal of the deposit until after 838
sixty days after the termination date, and then only if no claims 839
under the agreement have been filed with the trustee. If any 840
claims have been filed with the trustee, the withdrawal of the 841
deposit shall not be permitted until the claims have been 842
satisfied or released and evidence of the satisfaction or release 843
filed with the trustee.844

       (C) If approved by the director of agriculture, in lieu of 845
the bond or deposit required in division (A)(3) of this section, a 846
broker or dealer subject to the "Packers and Stockyards Act of 847
1921," 42 Stat. 159, 7 U.S.C.A. 181, as amended, may furnish proof 848
in a manner and form acceptable to the director that hethe broker 849
or dealer has an irrevocable letter of credit on file with the 850
packers and stockyards administration under regulations adopted by 851
the packers and stockyards administration in 9 C.F.R. 201.35, as 852

       (D) No licensed livestock dealer or broker shall employ as an 854
employee a person who, as a dealer or broker, previously defaulted 855
on contracts pertaining to the purchase, exchange, or sale of 856
livestock until the licensee does allboth of the following:857

       (1) Appears at a hearing before the director or his designee 858
conducted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code 859
pertaining to that person;860

       (2) Increases the value of histhe dealer's or broker's bond, 861
deposit, or letter of credit, in addition to the amount of any 862
other bond, deposit, or letter of credit required by this section, 863
by an amount equal to that owed by such person for the purchase, 864
exchange, or sale of livestock prior to being employed by the 865

       (3)(2) Signs and files with the director an agreement that 867
guarantees, without condition, all contracts pertaining to the 868
purchase, exchange, or sale of livestock made by such person while 869
in the employ of the licensee. The agreement shall be in addition 870
to any other proof of financial responsibility required by this 871
section. The director shall prescribe the form and content of the 872

       (E) No licensed livestock dealer or broker shall employ a 874
person whose dealer's or broker's license was revoked or is 875

       Sec. 943.031.  (A) Application for a license as a small 877
dealer shall be made in writing to the department of agriculture. 878
The application shall state the nature of the business, the 879
municipal corporation or township, county, and post-office address 880
of the location where the business is to be conducted, the name of 881
any employee who is authorized to act in the small dealer's 882
behalf, and any additional information that the department 883

       (B) The applicant shall satisfy the department of the 885
applicant's character and good faith in seeking to engage in the 886
business of a small dealer. The department then shall issue to the 887
applicant a license to conduct the business of a small dealer at 888
the place named in the application. Licenses, unless revoked, 889
shall expire annually on the thirty-first day of March and shall 890
be renewed according to the standard renewal procedure established 891
in sections 4745.01 to 4745.03 of the Revised Code.892

       (C) No license shall be issued by the department to a small 893
dealer having weighing facilities until the applicant has filed 894
with the department a copy of a scale test certificate showing the 895
weighing facilities to be in satisfactory condition, a copy of the 896
license of each weigher employed by the applicant, and a 897
certificate of inspection by the department showing livestock 898
market facilities to be in satisfactory sanitary condition.899

       (D) No licensed small dealer shall employ as an employee a 900
person who, as a small dealer, dealer, or broker, previously 901
defaulted on contracts pertaining to the purchase, exchange, or 902
sale of livestock until the licensee does both of the following:903

       (1) Appears at a hearing before the director of agriculture 904
or the director's designee conducted in accordance with Chapter 905
119. of the Revised Code pertaining to that person;906

       (2) Signssigns and files with the director an agreement that 907
guarantees, without condition, all contracts pertaining to the 908
purchase, exchange, or sale of livestock made by the person while 909
in the employ of the licensee. The director shall prescribe the 910
form and content of the agreement.911

       (E) A licensed small dealer is not required to maintain 912
financial responsibility or furnish proof of financial 913

       Sec. 943.04. (A) Fees for the initial issuance of any license 915
issued pursuant to sections 943.02, 943.03, and 943.031 of the 916
Revised Code, shall be paid to the department of agriculture.917

       (B) All annual renewal fees for the licenses shall be paid by 918
the applicant for the renewal of a license on or before the 919
thirty-first day of March of each year to the treasurer of state. 920
Except for license fees for small dealers, the fees shall be based 921
on the number of head of livestock purchased, sold, or exchanged, 922
in this state, whichever is the greatest, during the preceding 923
calendar year. Those fees for dealers or brokers shall be as 924

       Less than 1,000 head .......... $50.00 per annum;926

       For 1,001 to 10,000 head .......... $125.00 per annum;927

       For more than 10,000 head .......... $250.00 per annum.928

       In the event a dealer or broker operates more than one place 929
where livestock is purchased, sold, or exchanged, a fee shall be 930
paid for each place, but only the original purchase, sale, or 931
exchange shall be counted in computing the amount of the fee to be 932
paid for each place operated by the dealer or broker. Shipment 933
between yards owned or operated by the dealer or broker shall be 934

       A late fee of one hundred dollars shall be paid for each 936
dealer or broker license renewal application that is received 937
after the thirty-first day of March each year.938

       (C)(1) A fee of twenty-five dollars shall be paid by each 939
small dealer.940

       If a small dealer operates more than one place where 941
livestock is purchased, sold, or exchanged, a fee shall be paid 942
for each place, but only the original purchase, sale, or exchange 943
shall be counted in computing the amount of fee to be paid for 944
each place operated by the small dealer. Shipment between yards 945
owned or operated by the small dealer shall be exempt.946

       (2) A late fee of twenty-five dollars shall be paid for each 947
small dealer license renewal application that is received after 948
the thirty-first day of March each year.949

       (D) A fee of twenty dollars shall be paid by each employee 950
that is appointed by a small dealer, dealer, or broker as provided 951
in section 943.02 of the Revised Code.952

       (E) A fee of ten dollars shall be paid by each licensed 953

       (F) All money collected under section 943.03 of the Revised 955
Code and under this section shall be credited to the animal and 956
consumer analyticalprotection laboratory fund created in section 957
901.43 of the Revised Code.958

       Sec. 943.05.  (A) The director of agriculture may refuse to 959
grant or may suspend a small dealer's, dealer's, or broker's 960
license, without prior hearing, after determining from evidence 961
presented to the director that there is reasonable cause to 962
believe any of the following situations exist:963

       (1) Where the applicant or licensee or an employee has 964
violated the laws of the state or official regulations governing 965
the interstate or intrastate movement, shipment, or transportation 966
of animals, or has been convicted of a crime involving moral 967
turpitude or convicted of a felony;968

       (2) Where there have been false or misleading statements as 969
to the health or physical condition of the animals with regard to 970
official tests or quantity of animals, or the practice of fraud or 971
misrepresentation in connection therewith or in the buying or 972
receiving of animals or receiving, selling, exchanging, 973
soliciting, or negotiating the sale, resale, exchange, weighing, 974
or shipment of animals;975

       (3) Where the applicant or licensee acts as a small dealer, 976
dealer, or broker for a person attempting to conduct business in 977
violation of section 943.02 of the Revised Code, after the notice 978
of the violation has been given to the licensee by the department 979
of agriculture;980

       (4) Where the applicant or licensee or employee fails to 981
practice measures of sanitation, disinfection, and inspection as 982
required by sections 943.01 to 943.18 of the Revised Code, or 983
prescribed by the department, of premises or vehicles used for the 984
yarding, holding, or transporting of animals;985

       (5) Where there has been a failure to keep records required 986
by the department or where there is a refusal on the part of the 987
applicant or licensee or employee to produce records of 988
transactions in the carrying on of the business for which the 989
license is granted;990

       (6) Where the applicant or licensee providing weighing 991
facilities used for, in connection with, or incident to the 992
purchase or sale of livestock for the account of the licensee or 993
others, fails to maintain and operate the weighing facilities in 994
accordance with sections 943.08 and 943.10 of the Revised Code;995

       (7) Where the applicant or licensee in the conduct of the 996
business covered by the license fails to maintain and operate 997
weighing facilities in accordance with sections 943.08 and 943.10 998
of the Revised Code or fails to cause its livestock to be weighed 999
by licensed weighers as provided in those sections;1000

       (8) With regard to a dealer or broker licensee, where the 1001
licensee fails to maintain a bond or deposit, or letter of credit, 1002
if applicable, or fails to adjust the bond or deposit upon thirty 1003
days' notice or refuses or neglects to pay the fees or inspection 1004
charges required to be paid;1005

       (9) Where the licensee has been suspended by order of the 1006
secretary of agriculture of the United States department of 1007
agriculture under provisions of the "Packers and Stockyards Act of 1008
1921," 42 Stat. 159, 7 U.S.C.A. 181, as amended;1009

       (10) With regard to a dealer or broker licensee, where the 1010
surety company, trustee, or issuer of a letter of credit of the 1011
licensee issues a notice of termination of the licensee's bond 1012
agreement, deposit agreement, or letter of credit;1013

       (11) Where the applicant has had a small dealer's, dealer's, 1014
or broker's license revoked or has had a small dealer's, dealer's, 1015
or broker's license suspended two or more times in the previous 1016
five years.1017

       (B) When the director refuses to grant or suspends a small 1018
dealer's, dealer's, or broker's license, the director or the 1019
director's designee may hand deliver the order. The licensee to 1020
whom a suspension order is issued shall be afforded a hearing in 1021
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, after which the 1022
director shall reinstate, revoke, or suspend for a longer or 1023
indefinite period the suspended license.1024

       Sec. 943.16.  All fines imposed and collected under section 1025
943.99 of the Revised Code shall be credited to the animal and 1026
consumer analyticalprotection laboratory fund created in section 1027
901.43 of the Revised Code.1028

       Sec. 953.23.  (A) Application for a license shall be made to 1029
the department of agriculture on a form prescribed by the 1030

       (B) Each application shall include all of the following:1032

       (1) The name and address of the applicant;1033

       (2) The applicant's proposed place of business;1034

       (3) A detailed statement of the method that the applicant 1035
intends to use to dispose of, pick up, render, or collect raw 1036
rendering material or to transport it to a composting facility;1037

       (4) Such other relevant information as the department may 1038

       (C) Each applicant shall submit the annual license fee with 1040
the application.1041

       (1) The license fee for a person applying for an annual 1042
license to pick up or collect raw rendering material and dispose 1043
of the material to a licensee or in accordance with divisions (B) 1044
and (C) of section 953.26 of the Revised Code, or to transport raw 1045
rendering material to a composting facility, is twenty-five 1046
dollars per conveyance that is used to pick up or collect and 1047
dispose of or to transport raw rendering material. A late fee of 1048
ten dollars per conveyance shall be charged for each application 1049
that is received after the thirtieth day of November each year.1050

       (2) The license fee for a person applying for an annual 1051
license to pick up or collect raw rendering material and to 1052
operate one or more rendering plants is three hundred dollars for 1053
each such plant. A late fee of one hundred dollars shall be 1054
charged for each application that is received after the thirtieth 1055
day of November each year.1056

       (D) On receipt of an application and fee, under this section, 1057
the department shall inspect the means of conveyance and premises 1058
that the applicant proposes to use to dispose of, collect, pick 1059
up, or render raw rendering material or to transport it to a 1060
composting facility for profit.1061

       (E) If the department finds that the applicant's means of 1062
conveyance, premises, and operation meet the requirements of this 1063
chapter and rules adopted thereunder, the department shall issue a 1064
license to the applicant to dispose of, pick up, render, or 1065
collect for profit raw rendering material or to transport it to a 1066
composting facility for profit.1067

       (F) Each license issued under this section shall expire on 1068
the thirty-first day of December of each year. Each person 1069
licensed under this section shall make application for renewal of 1070
the person's license no later than the thirtieth day of November 1071
of each year.1072

       (G) Application for renewal shall be in accordance with the 1073
requirements of this section for initial application for a license 1074
and the standard renewal procedure of sections 4745.01 to 4745.03 1075
of the Revised Code.1076

       (H) All money collected under this section shall be credited 1077
to the animal and consumer analyticalprotection laboratory fund 1078
created in section 901.43 of the Revised Code.1079

       Sec. 955.35.  The board of county commissioners, at the next 1080
regular meeting after claims in accordance with section 955.29 of 1081
the Revised Code have been submitted, shall examine the same and 1082
may hear additional testimony or receive additional affidavits in 1083
regard thereto and may allow the amount previously certified by 1084
the dog warden, or a part thereof, or any amount in addition 1085
thereto, as it may find to be just, but in no event shall the 1086
amount allowed exceed the lesser of five hundred dollars per 1087
animal or the uninsured amount of the loss or injury. The board 1088
shall make the final determination of the fair market value of an 1089
animal that is the subject of a claim.1090

       If the animal that is the subject of a claim dies as a result 1091
of the injuries that it received from a dog, the amount of 1092
indemnity is the fair market value of the animal on the date of 1093
its death subject to the limit established in this section. If the 1094
animal that is the subject of a claim does not die as a result of 1095
the injuries that it received from a dog, the amount of indemnity 1096
is the fair market value of the animal on the date on which it 1097
received its injuries subject to the limit established in this 1098
section. If the animal that is the subject of a claim is 1099
registered or eligible for registration as described in section 1100
955.32 of the Revised Code, the amount of indemnity is one hundred 1101
twenty-five per cent of the fair market value of the animal on the 1102
date on which the animal was killed or injured subject to the 1103
limit established in this section. If the date of death or injury 1104
of an animal cannot be determined, the amount of indemnity shall 1105
be based on the fair market value of the animal on the date on 1106
which the death or injury was discovered by its owner. A fetus 1107
that is aborted by an animal because of stress inflicted by a dog 1108
and that does not, on that account, survive shall be considered to 1109
have been killed by the dog regardless of the stage of pregnancy 1110
at which the abortion occurs. In the case of any such alleged 1111
cause of death, the warden, as part of the warden's investigation, 1112
may request the chief of the division of animal industryhealth in 1113
the department of agriculture to have a state veterinarian certify 1114
the cause of death. The chief shall promptly comply, and the 1115
veterinarian shall send the certification to the board of county 1116

        The claims shall be paid out of the dog and kennel fund or 1118
out of the general fund of the county, as provided in section 1119
955.14 of the Revised Code. Such claims as are allowed in whole or 1120
in part shall be paid by voucher issued by the county auditor five 1121
days after the approval of the board of county commissioners has 1122
been entered. If the claim is to be paid out of the dog and 1123
kennel fund and the funds therein are insufficient to pay the 1124
claims, they shall be paid in the order allowed at the close of 1125
the next calendar month in which sufficient funds are available in 1126
the fund.1127

       Sec. 959.14.  No owner or person having the custody, control, 1128
or possession of a horse, mare, gelding, foal, or filly, nor an 1129
agent or employee of such owner or custodian, shall cut off or 1130
cause to be cut off or amputated the skin, flesh, muscles, bone, 1131
or integuments of the dock or tail thereof,of the horse in order 1132
to shorten its natural length or proportions; nor shall any such 1133
owner, person, or the agent or employee of either pull.1134

       No person shall pull out the hairs of the foretop, mane, or 1135
withers thereofof a horse except minimum quantities required for 1136
medical testing. This1137

       This section does not prohibit the cutting or amputation of 1138
the dock or tail of a horse, mare, gelding, foal, or filly when 1139
necessary because of accident, malformation, or disease affecting 1140
such dock or tailor as a proactive measure to prevent injury if 1141
performed by a veterinarian that is licensed under Chapter 4741. 1142
of the Revised Code or in another state.1143

       Sec. 1711.50.  As used in sections 1711.50 to 1711.57 of the 1144
Revised Code:1145

       (A) "Amusement ride" means any mechanical device, aquatic1146
device, or inflatable device, or combination of those devices that 1147
carries or conveys passengers on, along, around, over, or through 1148
a fixed or restricted course or within a defined area for the 1149
purpose of giving its passengersproviding amusement, pleasure, or 1150
excitement. "Amusement ride" includes carnival rides, bungee 1151
jumping facilities, and fair rides but does not include passenger 1152
tramways as defined in section 4169.01 of the Revised Code or 1153
amusement rides operated solely at trade shows for a limited 1154
period of time. For purposes of division (A) of this section, 1155
"trade show" means a place of exhibition not open to the general 1156
public where amusement ride manufacturers display, promote, 1157
operate, and sell amusement rides to prospective purchasers.1158

       (B) "Temporary amusement ride" means an amusement ride that 1159
is relocated at least once per year with or without disassembly.1160

       (C) "Permanent amusement ride" means an amusement ride that 1161
is erected to remain a lasting part of the premises.1162

       (D) "Owner" means any person who owns or leases and controls 1163
or manages the operation of an amusement ride, and includes 1164
individuals, partnerships, corporations, both profit and 1165
nonprofit, and the state and any of its political subdivisions and 1166
their departments or agencies.1167

       (E) "Operation" means the use or operation, or both, of an 1168
amusement ride with riders.1169

       (F) "Rider" means any person who sits, stands, or is 1170
otherwise conveyed or carried as a passenger on an amusement ride, 1171
but does not include employees or agents of the owner of the 1172
amusement ride.1173

       (G) "Amusement ride operator" means any person causing the 1174
amusement ride to go, stop, or perform its function.1175

       (H) "Reassembly" means the installation, erection, or 1176
reconstruction of the main mechanical, safety, electrical, or 1177
electronic components of an amusement ride following 1178
transportation or storage and prior to operation. Replacement of 1179
mechanical, safety, electrical, or electronic components of an 1180
amusement ride for the purpose of repairingrepair or maintenance 1181
is not reassembly.1182

       (I) "Repair" means to restore an amusement ride to a 1183
condition equal to or better than original design specifications.1184

       (J) "Maintenance" means the preservation and upkeep of an 1185
amusement ride for the purpose of maintaining its designed 1186
operational capability.1187

       (K) "Inspection" means a physical examination of an amusement 1188
ride by an inspector for the purpose of approving the application 1189
for a permit. "Inspection" includes a reinspection.1190

       (L) "Accident" means an occurrence during the operation of an 1191
amusement ride which results in death or injury requiring 1192
immediate hospital admission.1193

       (M) "Serious injury" means an injury that does not require 1194
immediate hospital admission but does require medical treatment, 1195
other than first aid, by a physician.1196

       (N) "First aid" means the one-time treatment or subsequent 1197
observation of scratches, cuts not requiring stitches, burns, 1198
splinters, and contusions or a diagnostic procedure, including 1199
examinations and x-rays, which does not ordinarily require medical 1200
treatment even though provided by a physician or other licensed 1201
professional personnel.1202

       (O) "Advisory council" means the advisory council on 1203
amusement ride safety created by section 1711.51 of the Revised 1204

       (P) "Safe operation" means, except as provided in section 1206
1711.57 of the Revised Code, the practical application of 1207
maintenance, inspection, and operational processes, as indicated 1208
by the manufacturer, owner, or advisory council, that secures a 1209
rider from threat of physical danger, harm, or loss.1210

       (Q) "Private facility" means any facility that is accessible 1211
only to members of the facility and not accessible to the general 1212
public, even upon payment of a fee or charge, and that requires 1213
approval for membership by a membership committee representing the 1214
current members who have a policy requiring monetary payment to 1215
belong to the facility.1216

       (R) "Bungee jumping" means a fall or jump from a height by an 1217
individual who is attached to an elastic cord that prevents the 1218
individual from hitting the ground, water, or other solid, 1219
semi-solid, liquid, or elastic surface.1220

       (S) "Bungee jumping facility" means a device or structure 1221
utilized for bungee jumping.1222

       Sec. 1711.51.  There is hereby created within the department 1223
of agriculture an advisory council on amusement ride safety to 1224
consist of the director of agriculture or the director's designee, 1225
the general manager of the Ohio state fair or the general 1226
manager's designee, plus eleven appointed members, of whom one 1227
shall be a representative of temporary amusement ride owners, one 1228
shall be a representative of the greater Ohio showmen's 1229
association and the owner of a ride, three shall be 1230
representatives of owners of amusement parks, one shall be a 1231
representative of the Ohio fair managers' association, one shall 1232
be a representative of the insurance industry, one shall be an 1233
engineer, who has an academic degree in engineering and who is 1234
knowledgeable in the amusement ride industry, one shall be a 1235
representative of the Ohio festivals and events association, and 1236
two shall be representatives of the general public. One member of 1237
the council shall be designated annually by the governor as 1238
chairperson. The appointed members not representing the general 1239
public shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and 1240
consent of the senate. One member representing the general public 1241
shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives 1242
and the remaining member representing the general public shall be 1243
appointed by the president of the senate. The council shall select 1244
from its membership a vice-chairperson to act as chairperson in 1245
the chairperson's absence.1246

       Of the members first appointed by the governor, four shall be 1247
appointed for terms of two years, three for terms of four years, 1248
and two for terms of six years. The members appointed initially by 1249
the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of 1250
the senate shall each serve terms of six years. All members 1251
appointed thereafter shall serve six-year terms. Any member 1252
appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of 1253
the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall 1254
hold office for the remainder of that term. Any member shall 1255
continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the 1256
member's term until the member's successor takes office, or until 1257
a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.1258

       Members of the council shall be residents of this state and 1259
shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in 1260
attending meetings of the council and in the performance of their 1261
official duties.1262

       Sec. 1711.55.  (A) The owner of an amusement ride shall 1263
maintain a current maintenance, repair, and inspection record for 1264
each amusement ride in accordance with rules prescribed under 1265
division (B) of section 1711.53 of the Revised Code. The records 1266
shall contain information on the date and nature of all 1267
inspections of the amusement ride made by the department of 1268
agriculture or the owner, and a record of all violations of the 1269
rules issued by the department and actions taken by the owner to 1270
correct such violations. The owner shall keep inspection and 1271
maintenance records and make them available to the department upon 1272

       The owner of a temporary amusement ride shall inspect that 1274
ride in accordance with rules prescribed under division (B) of 1275
section 1711.53 of the Revised Code each time that there is a 1276
reassembly of the ride.1277

       (B) The owner of an amusement ride shall maintain records of 1278
all serious injuries involving riders, containing such information 1279
as the department prescribes, on forms prescribed by the 1280
department. These records shall be made available for inspection 1281
by the department on request. In the case of an accident, the 1282
owner of an amusement ride shall immediately notify the department 1283
by telephone or in person and subsequently file a written report 1284
with the department within twenty-four hours of the accident.1285

       (C) The owner of a temporary amusement ride shall provide the 1286
department with a tentative schedule of events at which histhe 1287
owner's ride will operate during the upcoming season. Rules of the 1288
director shall establish timetables and procedures for the 1289
providing and updating of the schedules to the department.1290

       (D) An amusement ride operator shall be at least sixteen 1291
years of age, shall be in attendance whenever the ride is in 1292
operation, and shall operate no more than one ride at a time. The 1293
owner or amusement ride operator may deny any person entrance to 1294
the amusement ride if hethe owner or operator believes the entry 1295
may jeopardize the safety of the person desiring entry, riders, or 1296
other persons.1297

       (E) In addition to the annual inspection or reinspection of 1298
an amusement ride for a permit or other reason required by the 1299
rules adopted under division (B) of section 1711.53 of the Revised 1300
Code, the department may inspect any amusement ride after the 1301
report of an accident or in response to a complaint filed with the 1302

       (F) The director may order in writing a temporary cessation 1304
of the operation of an amusement ride that the department finds by 1305
inspection to be unsafe by reason of a violation of the rules 1306
adopted under division (B) of section 1711.53 of the Revised Code. 1307
The operation of that amusement ride shall not resume until the 1308
condition causing the violation has been corrected and the 1309
amusement ride is reinspected. Any reinspection under this 1310
division shall take place within twenty-four hours after notice to 1311
the department by the owner that the condition causing the 1312
violation has been correctedif the operation violates this 1313
chapter or any rules adopted under it. The director shall adopt 1314
rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that 1315
provide for the issuance and enforcement of orders issued under 1316
this section.1317

       Sec. 1711.57.  Sections 1711.511711.50 to 1711.57 of the 1318
Revised Code do not apply to any of the following:1319

       (A) A private facility, to any;1320

       (B) A single-passenger coin-operated ride,that is manually, 1321
mechanically, or electrically operated, whichis customarily is1322
placed,either singly or in groups, in a public location, and 1323
which does not normally require the supervision or services of an 1324
amusement ride operator, or to any nonmechanized;1325

       (C) Nonmechanized playground equipment, including swings, 1326
stationary spring-mounted animal features, rider-propelled 1327
merry-go-rounds, climbers, slides, rock climbing walls,1328
trampolines, and swinging gates, and physical fitness devices1329
except where an admission fee is charged for usage or an admission 1330
fee is charged to areas where such equipment is located;1331

       (D) Inflatable devices regulated or licensed by the federal 1332
aviation administration or the federal railroad administration in 1333
the United States department of transportation, the department of 1334
transportation, or the bureau of motor vehicles in the department 1335
of public safety;1336

       (E) Vessels regulated by the department of natural resources 1337
under Chapters 1547. and 1548. of the Revised Code or under the 1338
jurisdiction of the United States coast guard;1339

       (F) Tractors, trucks, or similar vehicles at competition 1340

       (G) Automobiles or motorcycles at competition events;1342

        (H) Animals ridden in competitive events or shows;1343

        (I) Physical fitness devices;1344

        (J) Devices to which the definition of "safe operation" in 1345
section 1711.50 of the Revised Code does not apply as determined 1346
by the director of agriculture, including mechanized bulls, 1347
surfboards, zip lines, vertical wind tunnels, skateboard or 1348
bicycle rodeo devices, cable wakeboard or ski facilities, or other 1349
devices that are not intended or manufactured to secure the rider 1350
from threat of physical danger, harm, or loss.1351

       Sec. 3717.22.  (A) The following are not retail food 1352

       (1) A food service operation licensed under this chapter, 1354
including a food service operation that provides the services of a 1355
retail food establishment pursuant to an endorsement issued under 1356
section 3717.44 of the Revised Code;1357

       (2) An entity exempt under divisions (B)(1) to (9) or (11) to 1358
(13) of section 3717.42 of the Revised Code from the requirement 1359
to be licensed as a food service operation and an entity exempt 1360
under division (B)(10) of that section if the entity is regulated 1361
by the department of agriculture as a food processing 1362
establishment under section 3715.021 of the Revised Code;1363

       (3) A business or that portion of a business that is 1364
regulated by the federal government or the department of 1365
agriculture as a food manufacturing or food processing business, 1366
including a business or that portion of a business regulated by 1367
the department of agriculture under Chapter 911., 913., 915., 1368
917., 918., or 925. of the Revised Code.1369

       (B) All of the following are exempt from the requirement to 1370
be licensed as a retail food establishment:1371

       (1) An establishment with commercially prepackaged foods that 1372
are not potentially hazardous and contained in displays, the total 1373
space of which equals less than two hundred cubic feet;1374

       (2) A person at a farmers market that is registered with the 1375
director of agriculture pursuant to section 3717.221 of the 1376
Revised Code that offers for sale only one or more of the 1377

       (a) Fresh unprocessed fruits or vegetables;1379

       (b) Products of a cottage food production operation;1380

       (c) Maple syrup, sorghum, or honey that is produced by a 1381
maple syrup or sorghum producer or beekeeper described in division 1382
(A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code;1383

       (d) Commercially prepackaged food that is not potentially 1384
hazardous, on the condition that the food is contained in 1385
displays, the total space of which equals less than one hundred 1386
cubic feet on the premises where the person conducts business at 1387
the farmers market.1388

       (3) A person who offers for sale at a roadside stand only 1389
fresh fruits and fresh vegetables that are unprocessed;1390

       (4) A nonprofit organization exempt from federal income 1391
taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1392
1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 1, as amended, that raises 1393
funds by selling foods and that, if required to be licensed, would 1394
be classified as risk level one in accordance with rules 1395
establishing licensing categories for retail food establishments 1396
adopted under section 3717.33 of the Revised Code, if the sales 1397
occur inside a building and are not potentially hazardous for not 1398
more than seven consecutive days or more than fifty-two separate 1399
days during a licensing period. This exemption extends to any 1400
individual or group raising all of its funds during the time 1401
periods specified in division (B)(4) of this section for the 1402
benefit of the nonprofit organization by selling foods under the 1403
same conditions.1404

       (5) An establishment that offers food contained in displays 1405
of less than five hundred square feet, and if required to be 1406
licensed would be classified as risk level one pursuant to rules 1407
establishing licensing categories for retail food establishments 1408
adopted under section 3717.33 of the Revised Code, on the 1409
condition that the establishment offers the food for sale at 1410
retail not more than six months in each calendar year;1411

       (6) A cottage food production operation, on the condition 1412
that the operation offers its products directly to the consumer 1413
from the site where the products are produced;1414

       (7) A maple syrup and sorghum processor and beekeeper 1415
described in division (A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code, 1416
on the condition that the processor or beekeeper offers only maple 1417
syrup, sorghum, or honey directly to the consumer from the site 1418
where those products are processed;1419

       (8) A person who annually maintains five hundred or fewer 1420
birds, on the condition that the person offers the eggs from those 1421
birds directly to the consumer from the location where the eggs 1422
are produced or at a farm product auction to which division 1423
(B)(11) of this section applies;1424

       (9) A person who annually raises and slaughters one thousand 1425
or fewer chickens, on the condition that the person offers dressed 1426
chickens directly to the consumer from the location where the 1427
chickens are raised and slaughtered or at a farm product auction 1428
to which division (B)(11) of this section applies;1429

       (10) A person who raises, slaughters, and processes the meat 1430
of nonamenable species described in divisions (A) and (B) of 1431
section 918.12 of the Revised Code, on the condition that the 1432
person offers the meat directly to the consumer from the location 1433
where the meat is processed or at a farm product auction to which 1434
division (B)(11) of this section applies;1435

       (11) A farm product auction, on the condition that it is 1436
registered with the director pursuant to section 3717.221 of the 1437
Revised Code that offers for sale at the farm product auction only 1438
one or more of the following:1439

       (a) The products described in divisions (B)(8) to (10) of 1440
this section that are produced, raised, slaughtered, or processed, 1441
as appropriate, by persons described in divisions (B)(8) to (10) 1442
of this section;1443

       (b) Fresh unprocessed fruits or vegetables;1444

       (c) Products of a cottage food production operation;1445

       (d) Maple syrup, sorghum, or honey that is produced by a 1446
maple syrup or sorghum producer or beekeeper described in division 1447
(A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code.1448

       (12) An establishment that, with respect to offering food for 1449
sale, offers only alcoholic beverages or prepackaged beverages 1450
that are not potentially hazardous;1451

       (13) An establishment that, with respect to offering food for 1452
sale, offers only alcoholic beverages, prepackaged beverages that 1453
are not potentially hazardous, or commercially prepackaged food 1454
that is not potentially hazardous, on the condition that the 1455
commercially prepackaged food is contained in displays, the total 1456
space of which equals less than two hundred cubic feet on the 1457
premises of the establishment;1458

       (14) An establishment that, with respect to offering food for 1459
sale, offers only fountain beverages that are not potentially 1460

       (15) A person who offers for sale only one or more of the 1462
following foods at a festival or celebration, on the condition 1463
that the festival or celebration is organized by a political 1464
subdivision of the state and lasts for a period not longer than 1465
seven consecutive days:1466

       (a) Fresh unprocessed fruits or vegetables;1467

       (b) Products of a cottage food production operation;1468

       (c) Maple syrup, sorghum, or honey if produced by a maple 1469
syrup or sorghum processor or beekeeper as described in division 1470
(A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code;1471

       (d) Commercially prepackaged food that is not potentially 1472
hazardous, on the condition that the food is contained in 1473
displays, the total space of which equals less than one hundred 1474
cubic feet;1475

       (e) Fruit butter produced at the festival or celebration and 1476
sold from the production site.1477

       (16) A farm market on the condition that it is registered 1478
with the director pursuant to section 3717.221 of the Revised Code 1479
that offers for sale at the farm market only one or more of the 1480

       (a) Fresh unprocessed fruits or vegetables;1482

       (b) Products of a cottage food production operation;1483

       (c) Maple syrup, sorghum, or honey that is produced by a 1484
maple syrup or sorghum producer or beekeeper described in division 1485
(A) of section 3715.021 of the Revised Code;1486

       (d) Commercially prepackaged food that is not potentially 1487
hazardous, on the condition that the food is contained in 1488
displays, the total space of which equals less than one hundred 1489
cubic feet on the premises where the person conducts business at 1490
the farm market;1491

       (e) Cider and other juices manufactured on site at the farm 1492

       (f) The products or items described in divisions (B)(8) to 1494
(10) of this section, on the condition that those products or 1495
items were produced by the person offering to sell them, and 1496
further conditioned that, with respect to eggs offered, the person 1497
offering to sell them annually maintains five hundred or fewer 1498
birds, and with respect to dressed chickens offered, the person 1499
annually raises and slaughters one thousand or fewer chickens.1500

       Sec. 4707.11. (A) Except as provided in division (B) of this 1501
section, each application for a license issued under this chapter 1502
shall be accompanied by proof of financial responsibility in the 1503
form of either an irrevocable letter of credit or a cash bond or a 1504
surety bond in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars. If the 1505
applicant gives a surety bond, the bond shall be executed by a 1506
surety company authorized to do business in this state.1507

       A bond shall be made payable to the department of agriculture 1508
and shall include a condition that requires the applicant to 1509
comply with this chapter and rules adopted under it, including a 1510
requirement that the person refrain from conduct described in 1511
section 4707.15 of the Revised Code. All bonds shall be on a form 1512
approved by the director of agriculture.1513

       A licensee shall maintain proof of financial responsibility 1514
for three years following the date of initial licensure. After the 1515
three-year period, a licensee who has not engaged in conduct 1516
described in section 4707.15 of the Revised Code and has not 1517
otherwise violated this chapter or rules adopted under it during 1518
that period shall no longer be required to maintain proof of 1519
financial responsibility except as otherwise provided in this 1520

       A licensee whose license expires without being renewed under 1522
section 4707.10 of the Revised Code or is suspended under section1523
4707.15 or 4707.30 of the Revised Code shall give proof of 1524
financial responsibility in accordance with this section in order 1525
to obtain reinstatement or reactivation of the license.1526

       (B) Division (A) of this section does not apply to any of the 1527

       (1) A licensee whose license was issued prior to July 1, 1529
2003, provided that the license continues to be renewed under 1530
section 4707.10 of the Revised Code and is not suspended under 1531
section 4707.15 or 4707.30 of the Revised Code;1532

       (2) An apprentice auctioneer licensee whose license was 1533
issued under section 4707.09 of the Revised Code prior to July 1, 1534
2003, and who applies for an auctioneer's license under section 1535
4707.07 of the Revised Code on or after July 1, 2003, provided 1536
that the apprentice auctioneer's license is not suspended under 1537
section 4707.15 or 4707.30 of the Revised Code, and, if necessary, 1538
continues to be renewed under section 4707.10 of the Revised Code, 1539
prior to the issuance of the auctioneer's license to the 1540

       (3) An auction firm license that is issued under section 1542
4707.074 of the Revised Code.1543

       Section 2.  That existing sections 121.04, 121.09, 307.204, 1544
505.266, 901.08, 901.43, 903.02, 907.11, 923.41, 923.52, 924.52, 1545
941.02, 941.041, 941.14, 942.02, 943.03, 943.031, 943.04, 943.05, 1546
943.16, 953.23, 955.35, 959.14, 1711.50, 1711.51, 1711.55, 1547
1711.57, 3717.22, and 4707.11 of the Revised Code are hereby 1548

       Section 3. On the effective date of this section, the 1550
Division of Animal Industry in the Department of Agriculture is 1551
renamed the Division of Animal Health. The Division of Animal 1552
Industry's functions, and its assets and liabilities, are 1553
transferred to the Division of Animal Health. The Division of 1554
Animal Health is successor to, assumes the obligations and 1555
authority of, and otherwise continues the Division of Animal 1556
Industry. No right, privilege, or remedy, and no duty, liability, 1557
or obligation, accrued under the Division of Animal Industry is 1558
impaired or lost by reason of the renaming and shall be 1559
recognized, administered, performed, or enforced by the Division 1560
of Animal Health.1561

       Business commenced but not completed by the Division of 1562
Animal Industry or by the Chief of the Division of Animal Industry 1563
shall be completed by the Division of Animal Health or the Chief 1564
of the Division of Animal Health in the same manner, and with the 1565
same effect, as if completed by the Division of Animal Industry or 1566
the Chief of the Division of Animal Industry.1567

       All of the Division of Animal Industry's rules, orders, and 1568
determinations continue in effect as rules, orders, and 1569
determinations of the Division of Animal Health until modified or 1570
rescinded by the Division of Animal Health.1571

       Subject to the layoff provisions of sections 124.321 to 1572
124.382 of the Revised Code, all employees of the Division of 1573
Animal Industry continue with the Division of Animal Health and 1574
retain their positions and all benefits accruing thereto.1575

       The Director of Budget and Management shall determine the 1576
amount of unexpended balances in the appropriation accounts that 1577
pertain to the Division of Animal Industry and shall recommend to 1578
the Controlling Board their transfer to the appropriation accounts 1579
that pertain to the Division of Animal Health. The Chief of the 1580
Division of Animal Industry shall provide full and timely 1581
information to the Controlling Board to facilitate the transfer.1582

       Whenever the Division of Animal Industry or the Chief of the 1583
Division of Animal Industry is referred to in a statute, contract, 1584
or other instrument, the reference is deemed to refer to the 1585
Division of Animal Health or to the Chief of the Division of 1586
Animal Health, whichever is appropriate in context.1587

       No pending action or proceeding being prosecuted or defended 1588
in court or before an agency by the Division of Animal Industry or 1589
the Chief of the Division of Animal Industry is affected by the 1590
renaming and shall be prosecuted or defended in the name of the 1591
Division of Animal Health or the Chief of the Division of Animal 1592
Health, whichever is appropriate. Upon application to the court or 1593
agency, the Division of Animal Health or the Chief of the Division 1594
of Animal Health shall be substituted.1595

       Section 4. On the effective date of this section, the 1596
Division of Plant Industry in the Department of Agriculture is 1597
renamed the Division of Plant Health. The Division of Plant 1598
Industry's functions, and its assets and liabilities, are 1599
transferred to the Division of Plant Health. The Division of Plant 1600
Health is successor to, assumes the obligations and authority of, 1601
and otherwise continues the Division of Plant Industry. No right, 1602
privilege, or remedy, and no duty, liability, or obligation, 1603
accrued under the Division of Plant Industry is impaired or lost 1604
by reason of the renaming and shall be recognized, administered, 1605
performed, or enforced by the Division of Plant Health.1606

       Business commenced but not completed by the Division of Plant 1607
Industry or by the Chief of the Division of Plant Industry shall 1608
be completed by the Division of Plant Health or the Chief of the 1609
Division of Plant Health in the same manner, and with the same 1610
effect, as if completed by the Division of Plant Industry or the 1611
Chief of the Division of Plant Industry.1612

       All of the Division of Plant Industry's rules, orders, and 1613
determinations continue in effect as rules, orders, and 1614
determinations of the Division of Plant Health until modified or 1615
rescinded by the Division of Plant Health.1616

       Subject to the layoff provisions of sections 124.321 to 1617
124.382 of the Revised Code, all employees of the Division of 1618
Plant Industry continue with the Division of Plant Health and 1619
retain their positions and all benefits accruing thereto.1620

       The Director of Budget and Management shall determine the 1621
amount of unexpended balances in the appropriation accounts that 1622
pertain to the Division of Plant Industry and shall recommend to 1623
the Controlling Board their transfer to the appropriation accounts 1624
that pertain to the Division of Plant Health. The Chief of the 1625
Division of Plant Industry shall provide full and timely 1626
information to the Controlling Board to facilitate the transfer.1627

       Whenever the Division of Plant Industry or the Chief of the 1628
Division of Plant Industry is referred to in a statute, contract, 1629
or other instrument, the reference is deemed to refer to the 1630
Division of Plant Health or to the Chief of the Division of Plant 1631
Health, whichever is appropriate in context.1632

       No pending action or proceeding being prosecuted or defended 1633
in court or before an agency by the Division of Plant Industry or 1634
the Chief of the Division of Plant Industry is affected by the 1635
renaming and shall be prosecuted or defended in the name of the 1636
Division of Plant Health or the Chief of the Division of Plant 1637
Health, whichever is appropriate. Upon application to the court or 1638
agency, the Division of Plant Health or the Chief of the Division 1639
of Plant Health shall be substituted.1640

       Section 5. On the effective date of this section, the 1641
Division of Consumer Analytical Laboratory in the Department of 1642
Agriculture is renamed the Division of Consumer Protection 1643
Laboratory. The Division of Consumer Analytical Laboratory's 1644
functions, and its assets and liabilities, are transferred to the 1645
Division of Consumer Protection Laboratory. The Division of 1646
Consumer Protection Laboratory is successor to, assumes the 1647
obligations and authority of, and otherwise continues the Division 1648
of Consumer Analytical Laboratory. No right, privilege, or remedy, 1649
and no duty, liability, or obligation, accrued under the Division 1650
of Consumer Analytical Laboratory is impaired or lost by reason of 1651
the renaming and shall be recognized, administered, performed, or 1652
enforced by the Division of Consumer Protection Laboratory.1653

       Business commenced but not completed by the Division of 1654
Consumer Analytical Laboratory or by the Chief of the Division of 1655
Consumer Analytical Laboratory shall be completed by the Division 1656
of Consumer Protection Laboratory or the Chief of the Division of 1657
Consumer Protection Laboratory in the same manner, and with the 1658
same effect, as if completed by the Division of Consumer 1659
Analytical Laboratory or the Chief of the Division of Consumer 1660
Analytical Laboratory.1661

       All of the Division of Consumer Analytical Laboratory's 1662
rules, orders, and determinations continue in effect as rules, 1663
orders, and determinations of the Division of Consumer Protection 1664
Laboratory until modified or rescinded by the Division of Consumer 1665
Protection Laboratory.1666

       Subject to the layoff provisions of sections 124.321 to 1667
124.382 of the Revised Code, all employees of the Division of 1668
Consumer Analytical Laboratory continue with the Division of 1669
Consumer Protection Laboratory and retain their positions and all 1670
benefits accruing thereto.1671

       The Director of Budget and Management shall determine the 1672
amount of unexpended balances in the appropriation accounts that 1673
pertain to the Division of Consumer Analytical Laboratory and 1674
shall recommend to the Controlling Board their transfer to the 1675
appropriation accounts that pertain to the Division of Consumer 1676
Protection Laboratory. The Chief of the Division of Consumer 1677
Analytical Laboratory shall provide full and timely information to 1678
the Controlling Board to facilitate the transfer.1679

       Whenever the Division of Consumer Analytical Laboratory or 1680
the Chief of the Division of Consumer Analytical Laboratory is 1681
referred to in a statute, contract, or other instrument, the 1682
reference is deemed to refer to the Division of Consumer 1683
Protection Laboratory or to the Chief of the Division of Consumer 1684
Protection Laboratory, whichever is appropriate in context.1685

       No pending action or proceeding being prosecuted or defended 1686
in court or before an agency by the Division of Consumer 1687
Analytical Laboratory or the Chief of the Division of Consumer 1688
Analytical Laboratory is affected by the renaming and shall be 1689
prosecuted or defended in the name of the Division of Consumer 1690
Protection Laboratory or the Chief of the Division of Consumer 1691
Protection Laboratory, whichever is appropriate. Upon application 1692
to the court or agency, the Division of Consumer Protection 1693
Laboratory or the Chief of the Division of Consumer Protection 1694
Laboratory shall be substituted.1695

       Section 6.  The Consumer Protection Laboratory Fund created 1696
in section 901.43 of the Revised Code, as amended by this act, is 1697
a continuation of the Consumer Analytical Laboratory Fund created 1698
in section 901.43 of the Revised Code prior to its amendment by 1699
this act.1700

       Section 7.  Section 1711.50 of the Revised Code is presented 1701
in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Sub. 1702
H.B. 535 and Sub. H.B. 670 of the 121st General Assembly. The 1703
General Assembly, applying the principle stated in division (B) of 1704
section 1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be 1705
harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds 1706
that the composite is the resulting version of the section in 1707
effect prior to the effective date of the section as presented in 1708
this act.1709