(129th General Assembly)
(Substitute House Bill Number 277)

To amend sections 2915.01, 3772.01, 3772.11, 3772,15, 3772.23, 3772.27, 3772.31, 5751.01, and 5753.01 and to enact section 3772.34 of the Revised Code to make changes to the Casino Law, to make changes to skill-based amusement machine prizes, and to permit a horse-racing permit holder who is eligible to become a video lottery sales agent to apply to the State Racing Commission to move its track to another location, and to permit, under certain circumstances for two years, applications to conduct horse-racing meetings at locations where the meetings were not previously conducted.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio:

SECTION 1.  That sections 2915.01, 3772.01, 3772.11, 3772.15, 3772.23, 3772.27, 3772.31, 5751.01, and 5753.01 be amended and section 3772.34 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows:

Sec. 2915.01.  As used in this chapter:

(A) "Bookmaking" means the business of receiving or paying off bets.

(B) "Bet" means the hazarding of anything of value upon the result of an event, undertaking, or contingency, but does not include a bona fide business risk.

(C) "Scheme of chance" means a slot machine, lottery, numbers game, pool conducted for profit, or other scheme in which a participant gives a valuable consideration for a chance to win a prize, but does not include bingo, a skill-based amusement machine, or a pool not conducted for profit.

(D) "Game of chance" means poker, craps, roulette, or other game in which a player gives anything of value in the hope of gain, the outcome of which is determined largely by chance, but does not include bingo.

(E) "Game of chance conducted for profit" means any game of chance designed to produce income for the person who conducts or operates the game of chance, but does not include bingo.

(F) "Gambling device" means any of the following:

(1) A book, totalizer, or other equipment for recording bets;

(2) A ticket, token, or other device representing a chance, share, or interest in a scheme of chance or evidencing a bet;

(3) A deck of cards, dice, gaming table, roulette wheel, slot machine, or other apparatus designed for use in connection with a game of chance;

(4) Any equipment, device, apparatus, or paraphernalia specially designed for gambling purposes;

(5) Bingo supplies sold or otherwise provided, or used, in violation of this chapter.

(G) "Gambling offense" means any of the following:

(1) A violation of section 2915.02, 2915.03, 2915.04, 2915.05, 2915.06, 2915.07, 2915.08, 2915.081, 2915.082, 2915.09, 2915.091, 2915.092, 2915.10, or 2915.11 of the Revised Code;

(2) A violation of an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state or the United States substantially equivalent to any section listed in division (G)(1) of this section or a violation of section 2915.06 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to July 1, 1996;

(3) An offense under an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state or the United States, of which gambling is an element;

(4) A conspiracy or attempt to commit, or complicity in committing, any offense under division (G)(1), (2), or (3) of this section.

(H) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, "charitable organization" means any tax exempt religious, educational, veteran's, fraternal, sporting, service, nonprofit medical, volunteer rescue service, volunteer firefighter's, senior citizen's, historic railroad educational, youth athletic, amateur athletic, or youth athletic park organization. An organization is tax exempt if the organization is, and has received from the internal revenue service a determination letter that currently is in effect stating that the organization is, exempt from federal income taxation under subsection 501(a) and described in subsection 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), 501(c)(8), 501(c)(10), or 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code, or if the organization is a sporting organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under subsection 501(a) and is described in subsection 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code. To qualify as a charitable organization, an organization, except a volunteer rescue service or volunteer firefighter's organization, shall have been in continuous existence as such in this state for a period of two years immediately preceding either the making of an application for a bingo license under section 2915.08 of the Revised Code or the conducting of any game of chance as provided in division (D) of section 2915.02 of the Revised Code. A charitable organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under subsection 501(a) and described in subsection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and that is created by a veteran's organization, a fraternal organization, or a sporting organization does not have to have been in continuous existence as such in this state for a period of two years immediately preceding either the making of an application for a bingo license under section 2915.08 of the Revised Code or the conducting of any game of chance as provided in division (D) of section 2915.02 of the Revised Code.

(I) "Religious organization" means any church, body of communicants, or group that is not organized or operated for profit and that gathers in common membership for regular worship and religious observances.

(J) "Educational organization" means any organization within this state that is not organized for profit, the primary purpose of which is to educate and develop the capabilities of individuals through instruction by means of operating or contributing to the support of a school, academy, college, or university.

(K) "Veteran's organization" means any individual post or state headquarters of a national veteran's association or an auxiliary unit of any individual post of a national veteran's association, which post, state headquarters, or auxiliary unit is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation and either has received a letter from the state headquarters of the national veteran's association indicating that the individual post or auxiliary unit is in good standing with the national veteran's association or has received a letter from the national veteran's association indicating that the state headquarters is in good standing with the national veteran's association. As used in this division, "national veteran's association" means any veteran's association that has been in continuous existence as such for a period of at least five years and either is incorporated by an act of the United States congress or has a national dues-paying membership of at least five thousand persons.

(L) "Volunteer firefighter's organization" means any organization of volunteer firefighters, as defined in section 146.01 of the Revised Code, that is organized and operated exclusively to provide financial support for a volunteer fire department or a volunteer fire company and that is recognized or ratified by a county, municipal corporation, or township.

(M) "Fraternal organization" means any society, order, state headquarters, or association within this state, except a college or high school fraternity, that is not organized for profit, that is a branch, lodge, or chapter of a national or state organization, that exists exclusively for the common business or sodality of its members.

(N) "Volunteer rescue service organization" means any organization of volunteers organized to function as an emergency medical service organization, as defined in section 4765.01 of the Revised Code.

(O) "Service organization" means either of the following:

(1) Any organization, not organized for profit, that is organized and operated exclusively to provide, or to contribute to the support of organizations or institutions organized and operated exclusively to provide, medical and therapeutic services for persons who are crippled, born with birth defects, or have any other mental or physical defect or those organized and operated exclusively to protect, or to contribute to the support of organizations or institutions organized and operated exclusively to protect, animals from inhumane treatment or provide immediate shelter to victims of domestic violence;

(2) Any organization that is described in subsection 509(a)(1), 509(a)(2), or 509(a)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is either a governmental unit or an organization that is tax exempt under subsection 501(a) and described in subsection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and that is an organization, not organized for profit, that is organized and operated primarily to provide, or to contribute to the support of organizations or institutions organized and operated primarily to provide, medical and therapeutic services for persons who are crippled, born with birth defects, or have any other mental or physical defect.

(P) "Nonprofit medical organization" means either of the following:

(1) Any organization that has been incorporated as a nonprofit corporation for at least five years and that has continuously operated and will be operated exclusively to provide, or to contribute to the support of organizations or institutions organized and operated exclusively to provide, hospital, medical, research, or therapeutic services for the public;

(2) Any organization that is described and qualified under subsection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that has been incorporated as a nonprofit corporation for at least five years, and that has continuously operated and will be operated primarily to provide, or to contribute to the support of organizations or institutions organized and operated primarily to provide, hospital, medical, research, or therapeutic services for the public.

(Q) "Senior citizen's organization" means any private organization, not organized for profit, that is organized and operated exclusively to provide recreational or social services for persons who are fifty-five years of age or older and that is described and qualified under subsection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

(R) "Charitable bingo game" means any bingo game described in division (S)(1) or (2) of this section that is conducted by a charitable organization that has obtained a license pursuant to section 2915.08 of the Revised Code and the proceeds of which are used for a charitable purpose.

(S) "Bingo" means either of the following:

(1) A game with all of the following characteristics:

(a) The participants use bingo cards or sheets, including paper formats and electronic representation or image formats, that are divided into twenty-five spaces arranged in five horizontal and five vertical rows of spaces, with each space, except the central space, being designated by a combination of a letter and a number and with the central space being designated as a free space.

(b) The participants cover the spaces on the bingo cards or sheets that correspond to combinations of letters and numbers that are announced by a bingo game operator.

(c) A bingo game operator announces combinations of letters and numbers that appear on objects that a bingo game operator selects by chance, either manually or mechanically, from a receptacle that contains seventy-five objects at the beginning of each game, each object marked by a different combination of a letter and a number that corresponds to one of the seventy-five possible combinations of a letter and a number that can appear on the bingo cards or sheets.

(d) The winner of the bingo game includes any participant who properly announces during the interval between the announcements of letters and numbers as described in division (S)(1)(c) of this section, that a predetermined and preannounced pattern of spaces has been covered on a bingo card or sheet being used by the participant.

(2) Instant bingo, punch boards, and raffles.

(T) "Conduct" means to back, promote, organize, manage, carry on, sponsor, or prepare for the operation of bingo or a game of chance.

(U) "Bingo game operator" means any person, except security personnel, who performs work or labor at the site of bingo, including, but not limited to, collecting money from participants, handing out bingo cards or sheets or objects to cover spaces on bingo cards or sheets, selecting from a receptacle the objects that contain the combination of letters and numbers that appear on bingo cards or sheets, calling out the combinations of letters and numbers, distributing prizes, selling or redeeming instant bingo tickets or cards, supervising the operation of a punch board, selling raffle tickets, selecting raffle tickets from a receptacle and announcing the winning numbers in a raffle, and preparing, selling, and serving food or beverages.

(V) "Participant" means any person who plays bingo.

(W) "Bingo session" means a period that includes both of the following:

(1) Not to exceed five continuous hours for the conduct of one or more games described in division (S)(1) of this section, instant bingo, and seal cards;

(2) A period for the conduct of instant bingo and seal cards for not more than two hours before and not more than two hours after the period described in division (W)(1) of this section.

(X) "Gross receipts" means all money or assets, including admission fees, that a person receives from bingo without the deduction of any amounts for prizes paid out or for the expenses of conducting bingo. "Gross receipts" does not include any money directly taken in from the sale of food or beverages by a charitable organization conducting bingo, or by a bona fide auxiliary unit or society of a charitable organization conducting bingo, provided all of the following apply:

(1) The auxiliary unit or society has been in existence as a bona fide auxiliary unit or society of the charitable organization for at least two years prior to conducting bingo.

(2) The person who purchases the food or beverage receives nothing of value except the food or beverage and items customarily received with the purchase of that food or beverage.

(3) The food and beverages are sold at customary and reasonable prices.

(Y) "Security personnel" includes any person who either is a sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, deputy marshal, township constable, or member of an organized police department of a municipal corporation or has successfully completed a peace officer's training course pursuant to sections 109.71 to 109.79 of the Revised Code and who is hired to provide security for the premises on which bingo is conducted.

(Z) "Charitable purpose" means that the net profit of bingo, other than instant bingo, is used by, or is given, donated, or otherwise transferred to, any of the following:

(1) Any organization that is described in subsection 509(a)(1), 509(a)(2), or 509(a)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is either a governmental unit or an organization that is tax exempt under subsection 501(a) and described in subsection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;

(2) A veteran's organization that is a post, chapter, or organization of veterans, or an auxiliary unit or society of, or a trust or foundation for, any such post, chapter, or organization organized in the United States or any of its possessions, at least seventy-five per cent of the members of which are veterans and substantially all of the other members of which are individuals who are spouses, widows, or widowers of veterans, or such individuals, provided that no part of the net earnings of such post, chapter, or organization inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual, and further provided that the net profit is used by the post, chapter, or organization for the charitable purposes set forth in division (B)(12) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, is used for awarding scholarships to or for attendance at an institution mentioned in division (B)(12) of section 5739.02 of the Revised Code, is donated to a governmental agency, or is used for nonprofit youth activities, the purchase of United States or Ohio flags that are donated to schools, youth groups, or other bona fide nonprofit organizations, promotion of patriotism, or disaster relief;

(3) A fraternal organization that has been in continuous existence in this state for fifteen years and that uses the net profit exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals, if contributions for such use would qualify as a deductible charitable contribution under subsection 170 of the Internal Revenue Code;

(4) A volunteer firefighter's organization that uses the net profit for the purposes set forth in division (L) of this section.

(AA) "Internal Revenue Code" means the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 1, as now or hereafter amended.

(BB) "Youth athletic organization" means any organization, not organized for profit, that is organized and operated exclusively to provide financial support to, or to operate, athletic activities for persons who are twenty-one years of age or younger by means of sponsoring, organizing, operating, or contributing to the support of an athletic team, club, league, or association.

(CC) "Youth athletic park organization" means any organization, not organized for profit, that satisfies both of the following:

(1) It owns, operates, and maintains playing fields that satisfy both of the following:

(a) The playing fields are used at least one hundred days per year for athletic activities by one or more organizations, not organized for profit, each of which is organized and operated exclusively to provide financial support to, or to operate, athletic activities for persons who are eighteen years of age or younger by means of sponsoring, organizing, operating, or contributing to the support of an athletic team, club, league, or association.

(b) The playing fields are not used for any profit-making activity at any time during the year.

(2) It uses the proceeds of bingo it conducts exclusively for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of its playing fields of the type described in division (CC)(1) of this section.

(DD) "Amateur athletic organization" means any organization, not organized for profit, that is organized and operated exclusively to provide financial support to, or to operate, athletic activities for persons who are training for amateur athletic competition that is sanctioned by a national governing body as defined in the "Amateur Sports Act of 1978," 90 Stat. 3045, 36 U.S.C.A. 373.

(EE) "Bingo supplies" means bingo cards or sheets; instant bingo tickets or cards; electronic bingo aids; raffle tickets; punch boards; seal cards; instant bingo ticket dispensers; and devices for selecting or displaying the combination of bingo letters and numbers or raffle tickets. Items that are "bingo supplies" are not gambling devices if sold or otherwise provided, and used, in accordance with this chapter. For purposes of this chapter, "bingo supplies" are not to be considered equipment used to conduct a bingo game.

(FF) "Instant bingo" means a form of bingo that uses folded or banded tickets or paper cards with perforated break-open tabs, a face of which is covered or otherwise hidden from view to conceal a number, letter, or symbol, or set of numbers, letters, or symbols, some of which have been designated in advance as prize winners. "Instant bingo" includes seal cards. "Instant bingo" does not include any device that is activated by the insertion of a coin, currency, token, or an equivalent, and that contains as one of its components a video display monitor that is capable of displaying numbers, letters, symbols, or characters in winning or losing combinations.

(GG) "Seal card" means a form of instant bingo that uses instant bingo tickets in conjunction with a board or placard that contains one or more seals that, when removed or opened, reveal predesignated winning numbers, letters, or symbols.

(HH) "Raffle" means a form of bingo in which the one or more prizes are won by one or more persons who have purchased a raffle ticket. The one or more winners of the raffle are determined by drawing a ticket stub or other detachable section from a receptacle containing ticket stubs or detachable sections corresponding to all tickets sold for the raffle. "Raffle" does not include the drawing of a ticket stub or other detachable section of a ticket purchased to attend a professional sporting event if both of the following apply:

(1) The ticket stub or other detachable section is used to select the winner of a free prize given away at the professional sporting event; and

(2) The cost of the ticket is the same as the cost of a ticket to the professional sporting event on days when no free prize is given away.

(II) "Punch board" means a board containing a number of holes or receptacles of uniform size in which are placed, mechanically and randomly, serially numbered slips of paper that may be punched or drawn from the hole or receptacle when used in conjunction with instant bingo. A player may punch or draw the numbered slips of paper from the holes or receptacles and obtain the prize established for the game if the number drawn corresponds to a winning number or, if the punch board includes the use of a seal card, a potential winning number.

(JJ) "Gross profit" means gross receipts minus the amount actually expended for the payment of prize awards.

(KK) "Net profit" means gross profit minus expenses.

(LL) "Expenses" means the reasonable amount of gross profit actually expended for all of the following:

(1) The purchase or lease of bingo supplies;

(2) The annual license fee required under section 2915.08 of the Revised Code;

(3) Bank fees and service charges for a bingo session or game account described in section 2915.10 of the Revised Code;

(4) Audits and accounting services;

(5) Safes;

(6) Cash registers;

(7) Hiring security personnel;

(8) Advertising bingo;

(9) Renting premises in which to conduct a bingo session;

(10) Tables and chairs;

(11) Expenses for maintaining and operating a charitable organization's facilities, including, but not limited to, a post home, club house, lounge, tavern, or canteen and any grounds attached to the post home, club house, lounge, tavern, or canteen;

(12) Payment of real property taxes and assessments that are levied on a premises on which bingo is conducted;

(13) Any other product or service directly related to the conduct of bingo that is authorized in rules adopted by the attorney general under division (B)(1) of section 2915.08 of the Revised Code.

(MM) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code and includes any firm or any other legal entity, however organized.

(NN) "Revoke" means to void permanently all rights and privileges of the holder of a license issued under section 2915.08, 2915.081, or 2915.082 of the Revised Code or a charitable gaming license issued by another jurisdiction.

(OO) "Suspend" means to interrupt temporarily all rights and privileges of the holder of a license issued under section 2915.08, 2915.081, or 2915.082 of the Revised Code or a charitable gaming license issued by another jurisdiction.

(PP) "Distributor" means any person who purchases or obtains bingo supplies and who does either of the following:

(1) Sells, offers for sale, or otherwise provides or offers to provide the bingo supplies to another person for use in this state;

(2) Modifies, converts, adds to, or removes parts from the bingo supplies to further their promotion or sale for use in this state.

(QQ) "Manufacturer" means any person who assembles completed bingo supplies from raw materials, other items, or subparts or who modifies, converts, adds to, or removes parts from bingo supplies to further their promotion or sale.

(RR) "Gross annual revenues" means the annual gross receipts derived from the conduct of bingo described in division (S)(1) of this section plus the annual net profit derived from the conduct of bingo described in division (S)(2) of this section.

(SS) "Instant bingo ticket dispenser" means a mechanical device that dispenses an instant bingo ticket or card as the sole item of value dispensed and that has the following characteristics:

(1) It is activated upon the insertion of United States currency.

(2) It performs no gaming functions.

(3) It does not contain a video display monitor or generate noise.

(4) It is not capable of displaying any numbers, letters, symbols, or characters in winning or losing combinations.

(5) It does not simulate or display rolling or spinning reels.

(6) It is incapable of determining whether a dispensed bingo ticket or card is a winning or nonwinning ticket or card and requires a winning ticket or card to be paid by a bingo game operator.

(7) It may provide accounting and security features to aid in accounting for the instant bingo tickets or cards it dispenses.

(8) It is not part of an electronic network and is not interactive.

(TT)(1) "Electronic bingo aid" means an electronic device used by a participant to monitor bingo cards or sheets purchased at the time and place of a bingo session and that does all of the following:

(a) It provides a means for a participant to input numbers and letters announced by a bingo caller.

(b) It compares the numbers and letters entered by the participant to the bingo faces previously stored in the memory of the device.

(c) It identifies a winning bingo pattern.

(2) "Electronic bingo aid" does not include any device into which a coin, currency, token, or an equivalent is inserted to activate play.

(UU) "Deal of instant bingo tickets" means a single game of instant bingo tickets all with the same serial number.

(VV)(1) "Slot machine" means either of the following:

(a) Any mechanical, electronic, video, or digital device that is capable of accepting anything of value, directly or indirectly, from or on behalf of a player who gives the thing of value in the hope of gain;

(b) Any mechanical, electronic, video, or digital device that is capable of accepting anything of value, directly or indirectly, from or on behalf of a player to conduct bingo or a scheme or game of chance.

(2) "Slot machine" does not include a skill-based amusement machine or an instant bingo ticket dispenser.

(WW) "Net profit from the proceeds of the sale of instant bingo" means gross profit minus the ordinary, necessary, and reasonable expense expended for the purchase of instant bingo supplies.

(XX) "Charitable instant bingo organization" means an organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under subsection 501(a) and described in subsection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a charitable organization as defined in this section. A "charitable instant bingo organization" does not include a charitable organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under subsection 501(a) and described in subsection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and that is created by a veteran's organization, a fraternal organization, or a sporting organization in regards to bingo conducted or assisted by a veteran's organization, a fraternal organization, or a sporting organization pursuant to section 2915.13 of the Revised Code.

(YY) "Game flare" means the board or placard that accompanies each deal of instant bingo tickets and that has printed on or affixed to it the following information for the game:

(1) The name of the game;

(2) The manufacturer's name or distinctive logo;

(3) The form number;

(4) The ticket count;

(5) The prize structure, including the number of winning instant bingo tickets by denomination and the respective winning symbol or number combinations for the winning instant bingo tickets;

(6) The cost per play;

(7) The serial number of the game.

(ZZ) "Historic railroad educational organization" means an organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under subsection 501(a) and described in subsection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that owns in fee simple the tracks and the right-of-way of a historic railroad that the organization restores or maintains and on which the organization provides excursions as part of a program to promote tourism and educate visitors regarding the role of railroad transportation in Ohio history, and that received as donations from a charitable organization that holds a license to conduct bingo under this chapter an amount equal to at least fifty per cent of that licensed charitable organization's net proceeds from the conduct of bingo during each of the five years preceding June 30, 2003. "Historic railroad" means all or a portion of the tracks and right-of-way of a railroad that was owned and operated by a for-profit common carrier in this state at any time prior to January 1, 1950.

(AAA)(1) "Skill-based amusement machine" means a mechanical, video, digital, or electronic device that rewards the player or players, if at all, only with merchandise prizes or with redeemable vouchers redeemable only for merchandise prizes, provided that with respect to rewards for playing the game all of the following apply:

(a) The wholesale value of a merchandise prize awarded as a result of the single play of a machine does not exceed ten dollars;

(b) Redeemable vouchers awarded for any single play of a machine are not redeemable for a merchandise prize with a wholesale value of more than ten dollars;

(c) Redeemable vouchers are not redeemable for a merchandise prize that has a wholesale value of more than ten dollars times the fewest number of single plays necessary to accrue the redeemable vouchers required to obtain that prize; and

(d) Any redeemable vouchers or merchandise prizes are distributed at the site of the skill-based amusement machine at the time of play.

A card for the purchase of gasoline is a redeemable voucher for purposes of division (AAA)(1) of this section even if the skill-based amusement machine for the play of which the card is awarded is located at a place where gasoline may not be legally distributed to the public or the card is not redeemable at the location of, or at the time of playing, the skill-based amusement machine.

(2) A device shall not be considered a skill-based amusement machine and shall be considered a slot machine if it pays cash or one or more of the following apply:

(a) The ability of a player to succeed at the game is impacted by the number or ratio of prior wins to prior losses of players playing the game.

(b) Any reward of redeemable vouchers is not based solely on the player achieving the object of the game or the player's score;

(c) The outcome of the game, or the value of the redeemable voucher or merchandise prize awarded for winning the game, can be controlled by a source other than any player playing the game.

(d) The success of any player is or may be determined by a chance event that cannot be altered by player actions.

(e) The ability of any player to succeed at the game is determined by game features not visible or known to the player.

(f) The ability of the player to succeed at the game is impacted by the exercise of a skill that no reasonable player could exercise.

(3) All of the following apply to any machine that is operated as described in division (AAA)(1) of this section:

(a) As used in this section, "game" and "play" mean one event from the initial activation of the machine until the results of play are determined without payment of additional consideration. An individual utilizing a machine that involves a single game, play, contest, competition, or tournament may be awarded redeemable vouchers or merchandise prizes based on the results of play.

(b) Advance play for a single game, play, contest, competition, or tournament participation may be purchased. The cost of the contest, competition, or tournament participation may be greater than a single noncontest, competition, or tournament play.

(c) To the extent that the machine is used in a contest, competition, or tournament, that contest, competition, or tournament has a defined starting and ending date and is open to participants in competition for scoring and ranking results toward the awarding of redeemable vouchers or merchandise prizes that are stated prior to the start of the contest, competition, or tournament.

(4) For purposes of division (AAA)(1) of this section, the mere presence of a device, such as a pin-setting, ball-releasing, or scoring mechanism, that does not contribute to or affect the outcome of the play of the game does not make the device a skill-based amusement machine.

(BBB) "Merchandise prize" means any item of value, but shall not include any of the following:

(1) Cash, gift cards, or any equivalent thereof;

(2) Plays on games of chance, state lottery tickets, bingo, or instant bingo;

(3) Firearms, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages; or

(4) A redeemable voucher that is redeemable for any of the items listed in division (BBB)(1), (2), or (3) of this section.

(CCC) "Redeemable voucher" means any ticket, token, coupon, receipt, or other noncash representation of value.

(DDD) "Pool not conducted for profit" means a scheme in which a participant gives a valuable consideration for a chance to win a prize and the total amount of consideration wagered is distributed to a participant or participants.

(EEE) "Sporting organization" means a hunting, fishing, or trapping organization, other than a college or high school fraternity or sorority, that is not organized for profit, that is affiliated with a state or national sporting organization, including but not limited to, the Ohio league of sportsmen, and that has been in continuous existence in this state for a period of three years.

(FFF) "Community action agency" has the same meaning as in section 122.66 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 3772.01. As used in this chapter:

(A) "Applicant" means any person who applies to the commission for a license under this chapter.

(B) "Casino control commission fund" means the casino control commission fund described in Section 6(C)(3)(d) of Article XV, Ohio Constitution, the money in which shall be used to fund the commission and its related affairs.

(C) "Casino facility" means a casino facility as defined in Section 6(C)(9) of Article XV, Ohio Constitution.

(D) "Casino gaming" means any type of slot machine or table game wagering, using money, casino credit, or any representative of value, authorized in any of the states of Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia as of January 1, 2009, and includes slot machine and table game wagering subsequently authorized by, but shall not be limited by, subsequent restrictions placed on such wagering in such states. "Casino gaming" does not include bingo, as authorized in Section 6 of Article XV, Ohio Constitution and conducted as of January 1, 2009, or horse racing where the pari-mutuel system of wagering is conducted, as authorized under the laws of this state as of January 1, 2009.

(E) "Casino gaming employee" means any employee of a casino operator or management company, but not a key employee, and as further defined in section 3772.131 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Casino operator" means any person, trust, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, association, limited liability company, or other business enterprise that directly or indirectly holds an ownership or leasehold interest in a casino facility. "Casino operator" does not include an agency of the state, any political subdivision of the state, any person, trust, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, association, limited liability company, or other business enterprise that may have an interest in a casino facility, but who is legally or contractually restricted from conducting casino gaming.

(G) "Central system" means a computer system that provides the following functions related to casino gaming equipment used in connection with casino gaming authorized under this chapter: security, auditing, data and information retrieval, and other purposes deemed necessary and authorized by the commission.

(H) "Commission" means the Ohio casino control commission.

(I) "Gaming agent" means a peace officer employed by the commission that is vested with duties to enforce this chapter and conduct other investigations into the conduct of the casino gaming and the maintenance of the equipment that the commission considers necessary and proper and is in compliance with section 109.77 of the Revised Code.

(J) "Gaming-related vendor" means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, trust, or any other group of individuals, however organized, who supplies gaming-related equipment, goods, or services to a casino operator or management company, that are directly related to or affect casino gaming authorized under this chapter, including, but not limited to, the manufacture, sale, distribution, or repair of slot machines and table game equipment.

(K) "Holding company" means any corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, trust, or other form of business organization not a natural person which directly or indirectly owns, has the power or right to control, or holds with power to vote, any part of an applicant, casino operator, management company, or gaming-related vendor license.

(L) "Initial investment" includes costs related to demolition, engineering, architecture, design, site preparation, construction, infrastructure improvements, land acquisition, fixtures and equipment, insurance related to construction, and leasehold improvements.

(M) "Institutional investor" means any of the following entities owning one per cent or less, or a percentage between one and ten per cent as approved by the commission through a waiver on a case-by-case basis, ownership interest in a casino facility, casino operator, management company, or holding company: a corporation, bank, insurance company, pension fund or pension fund trust, retirement fund, including funds administered by a public agency, employees' profit-sharing fund or employees' profit-sharing trust, any association engaged, as a substantial part of its business or operations, in purchasing or holding securities, or any trust in respect of which a bank is trustee or cotrustee, investment company registered under the "Investment Company Act of 1940," 15 U.S.C. 80a-1 et seq., collective investment trust organized by banks under Part Nine of the Rules of the Comptroller of the Currency, closed-end investment trust, chartered or licensed life insurance company or property and casualty insurance company, investment advisor registered under the "Investment Advisors Act of 1940," 15 U.S.C. 80 b-1 et seq., and such other persons as the commission may reasonably determine to qualify as an institutional investor for reasons consistent with this chapter.

(N) "Key employee" means any executive, employee, or agent of a casino operator or management company licensee having the power to exercise significant influence over decisions concerning any part of the operation of such licensee, including:

(1) An officer, director, trustee, or partner of a person that has applied for or holds a casino operator, management company, or gaming-related vendor license or of a holding company that has control of a person that has applied for or holds a casino operator, management company, or gaming-related vendor license;

(2) A person that holds a direct or indirect ownership interest of more than one per cent in a person that has applied for or holds a casino operator, management company, or gaming-related vendor license or holding company that has control of a person that has applied for or holds a casino operator, management company, or gaming-related vendor license;

(3) A managerial employee of a person that has applied for or holds a casino operator or gaming-related vendor license in Ohio, or a managerial employee of a holding company that has control of a person that has applied for or holds a casino operator or gaming-related vendor license in Ohio, who performs the function of principal executive officer, principal operating officer, principal accounting officer, or an equivalent officer or other person the commission determines to have the power to exercise significant influence over decisions concerning any part of the operation of such licensee.

The commission shall determine whether an individual whose duties or status varies from those described in this division also is considered a key employee.

(O) "Licensed casino operator" means a casino operator that has been issued a license by the commission and that has been certified annually by the commission to have paid all applicable fees, taxes, and debts to the state.

(P) "Majority ownership interest" in a license or in a casino facility, as the case may be, means ownership of more than fifty per cent of such license or casino facility, as the case may be. For purposes of the foregoing, whether a majority ownership interest is held in a license or in a casino facility, as the case may be, shall be determined under the rules for constructive ownership of stock provided in Treas. Reg. 1.409A-3(i)(5)(iii) as in effect on January 1, 2009.

(Q) "Management company" means an organization retained by a casino operator to manage a casino facility and provide services such as accounting, general administration, maintenance, recruitment, and other operational services.

(R) "Ohio law enforcement training fund" means the state law enforcement training fund described in Section 6(C)(3)(f) of Article XV, Ohio Constitution, the money in which shall be used to enhance public safety by providing additional training opportunities to the law enforcement community.

(S) "Person" includes, but is not limited to, an individual or a combination of individuals; a sole proprietorship, a firm, a company, a joint venture, a partnership of any type, a joint-stock company, a corporation of any type, a corporate subsidiary of any type, a limited liability company, a business trust, or any other business entity or organization; an assignee; a receiver; a trustee in bankruptcy; an unincorporated association, club, society, or other unincorporated entity or organization; entities that are disregarded for federal income tax purposes; and any other nongovernmental, artificial, legal entity that is capable of engaging in business.

(T) "Problem casino gambling and addictions fund" means the state problem gambling and addictions fund described in Section 6(C)(3)(g) of Article XV, Ohio Constitution, the money in which shall be used for treatment of problem gambling and substance abuse, and for related research.

(U) "Promotional gaming credit" means a slot machine or table game credit, discount, or other similar item issued to a patron to enable the placement of, or increase in, a wager at a slot machine or table game.

(V) "Slot machine" means any mechanical, electrical, or other device or machine which, upon insertion of a coin, token, ticket, or similar object, or upon payment of any consideration, is available to play or operate, the play or operation of which, whether by reason of the skill of the operator or application of the element of chance, or both, makes individual prize determinations for individual participants in cash, premiums, merchandise, tokens, or any thing of value, whether the payoff is made automatically from the machine or in any other manner.

(V)(W) "Table game" means any game played with cards, dice, or any mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic device or machine for money, casino credit, or any representative of value. "Table game" does not include slot machines.

(W)(X) "Upfront license" means the first plenary license issued to a casino operator.

(X)(Y) "Voluntary exclusion program" means a program provided by the commission that allows persons to voluntarily exclude themselves from the gaming areas of facilities under the jurisdiction of the commission by placing their name on a voluntary exclusion list and following the procedures set forth by the commission.

Sec. 3772.11. (A) A person may apply to the commission for a casino operator, management company, or holding company license to conduct casino gaming at a casino facility as provided in this chapter. The application shall be made under oath on forms provided by the commission and shall contain information as prescribed by rule, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(1) The name, business address, business telephone number, social security number, and, where applicable, the federal tax identification number of any applicant;

(2) The identity of every person having a greater than five per cent direct or indirect interest in the applicant casino facility for which the license is sought for publicly traded companies or greater than three per cent for privately held companies;

(3) An identification of any business, including the state of incorporation or registration if applicable, in which an applicant, or the spouse or children of an applicant, has an equity interest of more than five per cent;

(4) The name of any casino operator, management company, holding company, and gaming-related vendor in which the applicant has an equity interest of at least five per cent;

(5) If an applicant has ever applied for or has been granted any gaming license or certificate issued by a licensing authority in Ohio or any other jurisdiction that has been denied, restricted, suspended, revoked, or not renewed and a statement describing the facts and circumstances concerning the application, denial, restriction, suspension, revocation, or nonrenewal, including the licensing authority, the date each action was taken, and the reason for each action;

(6) If an applicant has ever filed or had filed against it a civil or administrative action or proceeding in bankruptcy, including the date of filing, the name and location of the court, the case caption, the docket number, and the disposition;

(7) The name and business telephone number of any attorney representing an applicant in matters before the commission;

(8) Information concerning the amount, type of tax, the taxing agency, and times involved, if the applicant has filed or been served with a complaint or notice filed with a public body concerning a delinquency in the payment of or a dispute over a filing concerning the payment of a tax required under federal, state, or local law;

(9) A description of any proposed casino gaming operation and related casino enterprises, including the type of casino facility, location, expected economic benefit to the community, anticipated or actual number of employees, any statement from an applicant regarding compliance with federal and state affirmative action guidelines, projected or actual admissions, projected or actual gross receipts, and scientific market research;

(10) Financial information in the manner and form prescribed by the commission;

(11) If an applicant has directly made a political contribution, loan, donation, or other payment of one hundred dollars or more to a statewide office holder, a member of the general assembly, a local government official elected in a jurisdiction where a casino facility is located, or a ballot issue not more than one year before the date the applicant filed the application and all information relating to the contribution, loan, donation, or other payment;

(12) Any criminal conviction; and

(13) Other information required by the commission under rules adopted by the commission.

(B) Any holding company or management company, its directors, executive officers, members, managers, and any shareholder who holds more than five per cent ownership interest of a holding company or management company shall be required to submit the same information as required by an applicant under this section.

Sec. 3772.15. (A) Unless a license issued under this chapter is suspended, expires, or is revoked, the license shall be renewed for not more than three years, as determined by commission rule, after a determination by the commission that the licensee is in compliance with this chapter and rules authorized by this chapter and after the licensee pays a fee. The commission may assess the license renewal applicant a reasonable fee in the amount necessary to cover the commission's costs associated with the review of the license renewal application.

(B) A licensee shall undergo a complete investigation at least every three years, as determined by commission rule, to determine that the licensee remains in compliance with this chapter.

(C) Notwithstanding division (B) of this section, the commission may investigate a licensee at any time the commission determines it is necessary to ensure that the licensee remains in compliance with this section.

(D) The holder of a license shall bear the cost of an investigation, except key employees and casino gaming employees who are employed by a casino operator, in which case the casino operator shall pay the investigation cost.

Sec. 3772.23. (A) All tokens, chips, or electronic cards that are used to make wagers shall be purchased from the casino operator or management company while at a casino facility that has been approved by the commission. Chips, tokens, tickets, electronic cards, or similar objects may be used while at the casino facility only for the purpose of making wagers on casino games.

(B) Casino operators and management companies may provide promotional gaming credits to their patrons. Promotional gaming credits shall be subject to oversight by the commission.

(C) Casino operators and management companies shall not do any of the following:

(1) Obtain a license to operate a check-cashing business under sections 1315.01 to 1315.30 of the Revised Code;

(2) Obtain a license to provide loans under sections 1321.01 to 1321.19 of the Revised Code;

(3) Obtain a license to provide loans under sections 1321.35 to 1321.48 of the Revised Code.

Sec. 3772.27.  (A) Each initial licensed casino operator of each of the four casino facilities shall make an initial investment of at least two hundred fifty million dollars for the development of each casino facility.

(B) If a casino operator has made an initial investment of at least one hundred twenty-five million dollars at the time a license is issued, the casino operator shall spend the remainder of the minimum two-hundred-fifty-million-dollar total required initial investment within thirty-six months after the issuance of that license. If a casino operator who has opened an initial location is making substantial progress, as determined by the commission, on a substitute casino facility on constitutionally approved parcels within the same city, the commission shall include amounts spent by the casino operator to develop such parcels, and shall grant an additional thirty-six-month extension to the casino operator who is developing on such parcels. The commission, upon the request of the casino operator, may also approve up to twenty-four months of transitional operations by the casino operator on multiple noncontiguous constitutionally approved parcels while transitioning from the initial location to the new facility, provided such facilities are connected by property and structures, owned, leased, or under the exclusive control of the casino operator.

(C) A licensed casino operator may open a casino facility in phases and may have gaming areas in one or more buildings, facilities, rooms, or areas that together constitute a single casino facility within the boundaries of one or more of the properties described in Section 6(C)(9) of Article XV, Ohio Constitution, and, if located on more than one of those properties, is connected by one or more of the following:

(1) Property owned by the casino operator or any of its affiliates;

(2) Property leased by the casino operator or any of its affiliates;

(3) Access over property under the right of the casino operator or any of its affiliates, whether it be by skyways, walkways, roadways, easements, or rights of way;

(4) Nongaming amenities.

Sec. 3772.31.  (A) The commission, by and through the executive director of the commission and as required under section 125.05 of the Revised Code, may enter into contracts necessary to ensure the proper operation and reporting of all casino gaming authorized under this chapter. The commission may determine it to be necessary and adopt rules to authorize shall not require use of a central system by a casino operator if the casino operator is in compliance with this chapter. If the commission determines, after written notice to the casino operator and a hearing under section 3772.04 of the Revised Code, that a casino operator is not in compliance with this chapter, the commission may determine it is necessary to require the casino operator to install and implement a central system under such conditions as the commission may require. Before any such hearing, the commission shall provide the casino operator with written notice that the casino operator is not in compliance with a specific requirement of this chapter, describe the requirement, and provide the casino operator at least thirty days to cure the noncompliance or, if the cure cannot be reasonably rectified within thirty days, require the casino operator to demonstrate to the commission's satisfaction that the casino operator is diligently pursuing the required cure. The system shall be operated by or under the commission's control. If the commission determines that a central system is necessary and adopts rules authorizing a central system, casino operators shall be responsible for the costs of the central system as it relates to casino facilities.

(B) The commission shall certify independent testing laboratories to scientifically test and technically evaluate all slot machines, mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic table games, slot accounting systems, and other electronic gaming equipment for compliance with this chapter. The certified independent testing laboratories shall be accredited by a national accreditation body. The commission shall certify an independent testing laboratory if it is competent and qualified to scientifically test and evaluate electronic gaming equipment for compliance with this chapter and to otherwise perform the functions assigned to an independent testing laboratory under this chapter. An independent testing laboratory shall not be owned or controlled by, or have any interest in, a gaming-related vendor of electronic gaming equipment. The commission shall prepare a list of certified independent testing laboratories from which independent testing laboratories shall be chosen for all purposes under this chapter.

Sec. 3772.34.  There is hereby created in the state treasury the casino operator settlement fund. The fund shall receive any money paid to the state by the operators of casino facilities in excess of any licenses or fees provided by this chapter or by Section 6(C) of Article XV, Ohio Constitution, and in excess of any taxes as provided by Title LVII of the Revised Code. Moneys in the fund may be used for activities related to workforce development, economic development, job creation, training, education, food banks, and expenses.

Sec. 5751.01.  As used in this chapter:

(A) "Person" means, but is not limited to, individuals, combinations of individuals of any form, receivers, assignees, trustees in bankruptcy, firms, companies, joint-stock companies, business trusts, estates, partnerships, limited liability partnerships, limited liability companies, associations, joint ventures, clubs, societies, for-profit corporations, S corporations, qualified subchapter S subsidiaries, qualified subchapter S trusts, trusts, entities that are disregarded for federal income tax purposes, and any other entities.

(B) "Consolidated elected taxpayer" means a group of two or more persons treated as a single taxpayer for purposes of this chapter as the result of an election made under section 5751.011 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Combined taxpayer" means a group of two or more persons treated as a single taxpayer for purposes of this chapter under section 5751.012 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Taxpayer" means any person, or any group of persons in the case of a consolidated elected taxpayer or combined taxpayer treated as one taxpayer, required to register or pay tax under this chapter. "Taxpayer" does not include excluded persons.

(E) "Excluded person" means any of the following:

(1) Any person with not more than one hundred fifty thousand dollars of taxable gross receipts during the calendar year. Division (E)(1) of this section does not apply to a person that is a member of a consolidated elected taxpayer;

(2) A public utility that paid the excise tax imposed by section 5727.24 or 5727.30 of the Revised Code based on one or more measurement periods that include the entire tax period under this chapter, except that a public utility that is a combined company is a taxpayer with regard to the following gross receipts:

(a) Taxable gross receipts directly attributed to a public utility activity, but not directly attributed to an activity that is subject to the excise tax imposed by section 5727.24 or 5727.30 of the Revised Code;

(b) Taxable gross receipts that cannot be directly attributed to any activity, multiplied by a fraction whose numerator is the taxable gross receipts described in division (E)(2)(a) of this section and whose denominator is the total taxable gross receipts that can be directly attributed to any activity;

(c) Except for any differences resulting from the use of an accrual basis method of accounting for purposes of determining gross receipts under this chapter and the use of the cash basis method of accounting for purposes of determining gross receipts under section 5727.24 of the Revised Code, the gross receipts directly attributed to the activity of a natural gas company shall be determined in a manner consistent with division (D) of section 5727.03 of the Revised Code.

As used in division (E)(2) of this section, "combined company" and "public utility" have the same meanings as in section 5727.01 of the Revised Code.

(3) A financial institution, as defined in section 5725.01 of the Revised Code, that paid the corporation franchise tax charged by division (D) of section 5733.06 of the Revised Code based on one or more taxable years that include the entire tax period under this chapter;

(4) A dealer in intangibles, as defined in section 5725.01 of the Revised Code, that paid the dealer in intangibles tax levied by division (D) of section 5707.03 of the Revised Code based on one or more measurement periods that include the entire tax period under this chapter;

(5) A financial holding company as defined in the "Bank Holding Company Act," 12 U.S.C. 1841(p);

(6) A bank holding company as defined in the "Bank Holding Company Act," 12 U.S.C. 1841(a);

(7) A savings and loan holding company as defined in the "Home Owners Loan Act," 12 U.S.C. 1467a(a)(1)(D) that is engaging only in activities or investments permissible for a financial holding company under 12 U.S.C. 1843(k);

(8) A person directly or indirectly owned by one or more financial institutions, financial holding companies, bank holding companies, or savings and loan holding companies described in division (E)(3), (5), (6), or (7) of this section that is engaged in activities permissible for a financial holding company under 12 U.S.C. 1843(k), except that any such person held pursuant to merchant banking authority under 12 U.S.C. 1843(k)(4)(H) or 12 U.S.C. 1843(k)(4)(I) is not an excluded person, or a person directly or indirectly owned by one or more insurance companies described in division (E)(9) of this section that is authorized to do the business of insurance in this state.

For the purposes of division (E)(8) of this section, a person owns another person under the following circumstances:

(a) In the case of corporations issuing capital stock, one corporation owns another corporation if it owns fifty per cent or more of the other corporation's capital stock with current voting rights;

(b) In the case of a limited liability company, one person owns the company if that person's membership interest, as defined in section 1705.01 of the Revised Code, is fifty per cent or more of the combined membership interests of all persons owning such interests in the company;

(c) In the case of a partnership, trust, or other unincorporated business organization other than a limited liability company, one person owns the organization if, under the articles of organization or other instrument governing the affairs of the organization, that person has a beneficial interest in the organization's profits, surpluses, losses, or distributions of fifty per cent or more of the combined beneficial interests of all persons having such an interest in the organization;

(d) In the case of multiple ownership, the ownership interests of more than one person may be aggregated to meet the fifty per cent ownership tests in this division only when each such owner is described in division (E)(3), (5), (6), or (7) of this section and is engaged in activities permissible for a financial holding company under 12 U.S.C. 1843(k) or is a person directly or indirectly owned by one or more insurance companies described in division (E)(9) of this section that is authorized to do the business of insurance in this state.

(9) A domestic insurance company or foreign insurance company, as defined in section 5725.01 of the Revised Code, that paid the insurance company premiums tax imposed by section 5725.18 or Chapter 5729. of the Revised Code based on one or more measurement periods that include the entire tax period under this chapter;

(10) A person that solely facilitates or services one or more securitizations or similar transactions for any person described in division (E)(3), (5), (6), (7), (8), or (9) of this section. For purposes of this division, "securitization" means transferring one or more assets to one or more persons and then issuing securities backed by the right to receive payment from the asset or assets so transferred.

(11) Except as otherwise provided in this division, a pre-income tax trust as defined in division (FF)(4) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code and any pass-through entity of which such pre-income tax trust owns or controls, directly, indirectly, or constructively through related interests, more than five per cent of the ownership or equity interests. If the pre-income tax trust has made a qualifying pre-income tax trust election under division (FF)(3) of section 5747.01 of the Revised Code, then the trust and the pass-through entities of which it owns or controls, directly, indirectly, or constructively through related interests, more than five per cent of the ownership or equity interests, shall not be excluded persons for purposes of the tax imposed under section 5751.02 of the Revised Code.

(12) Nonprofit organizations or the state and its agencies, instrumentalities, or political subdivisions.

(F) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (F)(2), (3), and (4) of this section, "gross receipts" means the total amount realized by a person, without deduction for the cost of goods sold or other expenses incurred, that contributes to the production of gross income of the person, including the fair market value of any property and any services received, and any debt transferred or forgiven as consideration.

(1) The following are examples of gross receipts:

(a) Amounts realized from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of the taxpayer's property to or with another;

(b) Amounts realized from the taxpayer's performance of services for another;

(c) Amounts realized from another's use or possession of the taxpayer's property or capital;

(d) Any combination of the foregoing amounts.

(2) "Gross receipts" excludes the following amounts:

(a) Interest income except interest on credit sales;

(b) Dividends and distributions from corporations, and distributive or proportionate shares of receipts and income from a pass-through entity as defined under section 5733.04 of the Revised Code;

(c) Receipts from the sale, exchange, or other disposition of an asset described in section 1221 or 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code, without regard to the length of time the person held the asset. Notwithstanding section 1221 of the Internal Revenue Code, receipts from hedging transactions also are excluded to the extent the transactions are entered into primarily to protect a financial position, such as managing the risk of exposure to (i) foreign currency fluctuations that affect assets, liabilities, profits, losses, equity, or investments in foreign operations; (ii) interest rate fluctuations; or (iii) commodity price fluctuations. As used in division (F)(2)(c) of this section, "hedging transaction" has the same meaning as used in section 1221 of the Internal Revenue Code and also includes transactions accorded hedge accounting treatment under statement of financial accounting standards number 133 of the financial accounting standards board. For the purposes of division (F)(2)(c) of this section, the actual transfer of title of real or tangible personal property to another entity is not a hedging transaction.

(d) Proceeds received attributable to the repayment, maturity, or redemption of the principal of a loan, bond, mutual fund, certificate of deposit, or marketable instrument;

(e) The principal amount received under a repurchase agreement or on account of any transaction properly characterized as a loan to the person;

(f) Contributions received by a trust, plan, or other arrangement, any of which is described in section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, or to which Title 26, Subtitle A, Chapter 1, Subchapter (D) of the Internal Revenue Code applies;

(g) Compensation, whether current or deferred, and whether in cash or in kind, received or to be received by an employee, former employee, or the employee's legal successor for services rendered to or for an employer, including reimbursements received by or for an individual for medical or education expenses, health insurance premiums, or employee expenses, or on account of a dependent care spending account, legal services plan, any cafeteria plan described in section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, or any similar employee reimbursement;

(h) Proceeds received from the issuance of the taxpayer's own stock, options, warrants, puts, or calls, or from the sale of the taxpayer's treasury stock;

(i) Proceeds received on the account of payments from insurance policies, except those proceeds received for the loss of business revenue;

(j) Gifts or charitable contributions received; membership dues received by trade, professional, homeowners', or condominium associations; and payments received for educational courses, meetings, meals, or similar payments to a trade, professional, or other similar association; and fundraising receipts received by any person when any excess receipts are donated or used exclusively for charitable purposes;

(k) Damages received as the result of litigation in excess of amounts that, if received without litigation, would be gross receipts;

(l) Property, money, and other amounts received or acquired by an agent on behalf of another in excess of the agent's commission, fee, or other remuneration;

(m) Tax refunds, other tax benefit recoveries, and reimbursements for the tax imposed under this chapter made by entities that are part of the same combined taxpayer or consolidated elected taxpayer group, and reimbursements made by entities that are not members of a combined taxpayer or consolidated elected taxpayer group that are required to be made for economic parity among multiple owners of an entity whose tax obligation under this chapter is required to be reported and paid entirely by one owner, pursuant to the requirements of sections 5751.011 and 5751.012 of the Revised Code;

(n) Pension reversions;

(o) Contributions to capital;

(p) Sales or use taxes collected as a vendor or an out-of-state seller on behalf of the taxing jurisdiction from a consumer or other taxes the taxpayer is required by law to collect directly from a purchaser and remit to a local, state, or federal tax authority;

(q) In the case of receipts from the sale of cigarettes or tobacco products by a wholesale dealer, retail dealer, distributor, manufacturer, or seller, all as defined in section 5743.01 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to the federal and state excise taxes paid by any person on or for such cigarettes or tobacco products under subtitle E of the Internal Revenue Code or Chapter 5743. of the Revised Code;

(r) In the case of receipts from the sale of motor fuel by a licensed motor fuel dealer, licensed retail dealer, or licensed permissive motor fuel dealer, all as defined in section 5735.01 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to federal and state excise taxes paid by any person on such motor fuel under section 4081 of the Internal Revenue Code or Chapter 5735. of the Revised Code;

(s) In the case of receipts from the sale of beer or intoxicating liquor, as defined in section 4301.01 of the Revised Code, by a person holding a permit issued under Chapter 4301. or 4303. of the Revised Code, an amount equal to federal and state excise taxes paid by any person on or for such beer or intoxicating liquor under subtitle E of the Internal Revenue Code or Chapter 4301. or 4305. of the Revised Code;

(t) Receipts realized by a new motor vehicle dealer or used motor vehicle dealer, as defined in section 4517.01 of the Revised Code, from the sale or other transfer of a motor vehicle, as defined in that section, to another motor vehicle dealer for the purpose of resale by the transferee motor vehicle dealer, but only if the sale or other transfer was based upon the transferee's need to meet a specific customer's preference for a motor vehicle;

(u) Receipts from a financial institution described in division (E)(3) of this section for services provided to the financial institution in connection with the issuance, processing, servicing, and management of loans or credit accounts, if such financial institution and the recipient of such receipts have at least fifty per cent of their ownership interests owned or controlled, directly or constructively through related interests, by common owners;

(v) Receipts realized from administering anti-neoplastic drugs and other cancer chemotherapy, biologicals, therapeutic agents, and supportive drugs in a physician's office to patients with cancer;

(w) Funds received or used by a mortgage broker that is not a dealer in intangibles, other than fees or other consideration, pursuant to a table-funding mortgage loan or warehouse-lending mortgage loan. Terms used in division (F)(2)(w) of this section have the same meanings as in section 1322.01 of the Revised Code, except "mortgage broker" means a person assisting a buyer in obtaining a mortgage loan for a fee or other consideration paid by the buyer or a lender, or a person engaged in table-funding or warehouse-lending mortgage loans that are first lien mortgage loans.

(x) Property, money, and other amounts received by a professional employer organization, as defined in section 4125.01 of the Revised Code, from a client employer, as defined in that section, in excess of the administrative fee charged by the professional employer organization to the client employer;

(y) In the case of amounts retained as commissions by a permit holder under Chapter 3769. of the Revised Code, an amount equal to the amounts specified under that chapter that must be paid to or collected by the tax commissioner as a tax and the amounts specified under that chapter to be used as purse money;

(z) Qualifying distribution center receipts.

(i) For purposes of division (F)(2)(z) of this section:

(I) "Qualifying distribution center receipts" means receipts of a supplier from qualified property that is delivered to a qualified distribution center, multiplied by a quantity that equals one minus the Ohio delivery percentage.

(II) "Qualified property" means tangible personal property delivered to a qualified distribution center that is shipped to that qualified distribution center solely for further shipping by the qualified distribution center to another location in this state or elsewhere. "Further shipping" includes storing and repackaging such property into smaller or larger bundles, so long as such property is not subject to further manufacturing or processing.

(III) "Qualified distribution center" means a warehouse or other similar facility in this state that, for the qualifying year, is operated by a person that is not part of a combined taxpayer group and that has a qualifying certificate. However, all warehouses or other similar facilities that are operated by persons in the same taxpayer group and that are located within one mile of each other shall be treated as one qualified distribution center.

(IV) "Qualifying year" means the calendar year to which the qualifying certificate applies.

(V) "Qualifying period" means the period of the first day of July of the second year preceding the qualifying year through the thirtieth day of June of the year preceding the qualifying year.

(VI) "Qualifying certificate" means the certificate issued by the tax commissioner after the operator of a distribution center files an annual application with the commissioner. The application and annual fee shall be filed and paid for each qualified distribution center on or before the first day of September before the qualifying year or within forty-five days after the distribution center opens, whichever is later.

The applicant must substantiate to the commissioner's satisfaction that, for the qualifying period, all persons operating the distribution center have more than fifty per cent of the cost of the qualified property shipped to a location such that it would be sitused outside this state under the provisions of division (E) of section 5751.033 of the Revised Code. The applicant must also substantiate that the distribution center cumulatively had costs from its suppliers equal to or exceeding five hundred million dollars during the qualifying period. (For purposes of division (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) of this section, "supplier" excludes any person that is part of the consolidated elected taxpayer group, if applicable, of the operator of the qualified distribution center.) The commissioner may require the applicant to have an independent certified public accountant certify that the calculation of the minimum thresholds required for a qualified distribution center by the operator of a distribution center has been made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The commissioner shall issue or deny the issuance of a certificate within sixty days after the receipt of the application. A denial is subject to appeal under section 5717.02 of the Revised Code. If the operator files a timely appeal under section 5717.02 of the Revised Code, the operator shall be granted a qualifying certificate, provided that the operator is liable for any tax, interest, or penalty upon amounts claimed as qualifying distribution center receipts, other than those receipts exempt under division (C)(1) of section 5751.011 of the Revised Code, that would have otherwise not been owed by its suppliers if the qualifying certificate was valid.

(VII) "Ohio delivery percentage" means the proportion of the total property delivered to a destination inside Ohio from the qualified distribution center during the qualifying period compared with total deliveries from such distribution center everywhere during the qualifying period.

(ii) If the distribution center is new and was not open for the entire qualifying period, the operator of the distribution center may request that the commissioner grant a qualifying certificate. If the certificate is granted and it is later determined that more than fifty per cent of the qualified property during that year was not shipped to a location such that it would be sitused outside of this state under the provisions of division (E) of section 5751.033 of the Revised Code or if it is later determined that the person that operates the distribution center had average monthly costs from its suppliers of less than forty million dollars during that year, then the operator of the distribution center shall be liable for any tax, interest, or penalty upon amounts claimed as qualifying distribution center receipts, other than those receipts exempt under division (C)(1) of section 5751.011 of the Revised Code, that would have not otherwise been owed by its suppliers during the qualifying year if the qualifying certificate was valid. (For purposes of division (F)(2)(z)(ii) of this section, "supplier" excludes any person that is part of the consolidated elected taxpayer group, if applicable, of the operator of the qualified distribution center.)

(iii) When filing an application for a qualifying certificate under division (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) of this section, the operator of a qualified distribution center also shall provide documentation, as the commissioner requires, for the commissioner to ascertain the Ohio delivery percentage. The commissioner, upon issuing the qualifying certificate, also shall certify the Ohio delivery percentage. The operator of the qualified distribution center may appeal the commissioner's certification of the Ohio delivery percentage in the same manner as an appeal is taken from the denial of a qualifying certificate under division (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) of this section.

Within thirty days after all appeals have been exhausted, the operator of the qualified distribution center shall notify the affected suppliers of qualified property that such suppliers are required to file, within sixty days after receiving notice from the operator of the qualified distribution center, amended reports for the impacted calendar quarter or quarters or calendar year, whichever the case may be. Any additional tax liability or tax overpayment shall be subject to interest but shall not be subject to the imposition of any penalty so long as the amended returns are timely filed. The supplier of tangible personal property delivered to the qualified distribution center shall include in its report of taxable gross receipts the receipts from the total sales of property delivered to the qualified distribution center for the calendar quarter or calendar year, whichever the case may be, multiplied by the Ohio delivery percentage for the qualifying year. Nothing in division (F)(2)(z)(iii) of this section shall be construed as imposing liability on the operator of a qualified distribution center for the tax imposed by this chapter arising from any change to the Ohio delivery percentage.

(iv) In the case where the distribution center is new and not open for the entire qualifying period, the operator shall make a good faith estimate of an Ohio delivery percentage for use by suppliers in their reports of taxable gross receipts for the remainder of the qualifying period. The operator of the facility shall disclose to the suppliers that such Ohio delivery percentage is an estimate and is subject to recalculation. By the due date of the next application for a qualifying certificate, the operator shall determine the actual Ohio delivery percentage for the estimated qualifying period and proceed as provided in division (F)(2)(z)(iii) of this section with respect to the calculation and recalculation of the Ohio delivery percentage. The supplier is required to file, within sixty days after receiving notice from the operator of the qualified distribution center, amended reports for the impacted calendar quarter or quarters or calendar year, whichever the case may be. Any additional tax liability or tax overpayment shall be subject to interest but shall not be subject to the imposition of any penalty so long as the amended returns are timely filed.

(v) Qualifying certificates and Ohio delivery percentages issued by the commissioner shall be open to public inspection and shall be timely published by the commissioner. A supplier relying in good faith on a certificate issued under this division shall not be subject to tax on the qualifying distribution center receipts under division (F)(2)(z) of this section. A person receiving a qualifying certificate is responsible for paying the tax, interest, and penalty upon amounts claimed as qualifying distribution center receipts that would not otherwise have been owed by the supplier if the qualifying certificate were available when it is later determined that the qualifying certificate should not have been issued because the statutory requirements were in fact not met.

(vi) The annual fee for a qualifying certificate shall be one hundred thousand dollars for each qualified distribution center. If a qualifying certificate is not issued, the annual fee is subject to refund after the exhaustion of all appeals provided for in division (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) of this section. The fee imposed under this division may be assessed in the same manner as the tax imposed under this chapter. The first one hundred thousand dollars of the annual application fees collected each calendar year shall be credited to the commercial activity tax administrative fund. The remainder of the annual application fees collected shall be distributed in the same manner required under section 5751.20 of the Revised Code.

(vii) The tax commissioner may require that adequate security be posted by the operator of the distribution center on appeal when the commissioner disagrees that the applicant has met the minimum thresholds for a qualified distribution center as set forth in divisions (F)(2)(z)(i)(VI) and (F)(2)(z)(ii) of this section.

(aa) Receipts of an employer from payroll deductions relating to the reimbursement of the employer for advancing moneys to an unrelated third party on an employee's behalf;

(bb) Cash discounts allowed and taken;

(cc) Returns and allowances;

(dd) Bad debts from receipts on the basis of which the tax imposed by this chapter was paid in a prior quarterly tax payment period. For the purpose of this division, "bad debts" means any debts that have become worthless or uncollectible between the preceding and current quarterly tax payment periods, have been uncollected for at least six months, and that may be claimed as a deduction under section 166 of the Internal Revenue Code and the regulations adopted under that section, or that could be claimed as such if the taxpayer kept its accounts on the accrual basis. "Bad debts" does not include repossessed property, uncollectible amounts on property that remains in the possession of the taxpayer until the full purchase price is paid, or expenses in attempting to collect any account receivable or for any portion of the debt recovered;

(ee) Any amount realized from the sale of an account receivable to the extent the receipts from the underlying transaction giving rise to the account receivable were included in the gross receipts of the taxpayer;

(ff) Any receipts for which the tax imposed by this chapter is prohibited by the Constitution or laws of the United States or the Constitution of Ohio.

(gg) Amounts realized by licensed motor fuel dealers or licensed permissive motor fuel dealers from the exchange of petroleum products, including motor fuel, between such dealers, provided that delivery of the petroleum products occurs at a refinery, terminal, pipeline, or marine vessel and that the exchanging dealers agree neither dealer shall require monetary compensation from the other for the value of the exchanged petroleum products other than such compensation for differences in product location or grade. Division (F)(2)(gg) of this section does not apply to amounts realized as a result of differences in location or grade of exchanged petroleum products or from handling, lubricity, dye, or other additive injections fees, pipeline security fees, or similar fees. As used in this division, "motor fuel," "licensed motor fuel dealer," "licensed permissive motor fuel dealer," and "terminal" have the same meanings as in section 5735.01 of the Revised Code.

(hh) In the case of amounts collected by a licensed casino operator from casino gaming, amounts in excess of the casino operator's gross casino revenue. In this division, "casino operator" and "casino gaming" have the meanings defined in section 3772.01 of the Revised Code, and "gross casino revenue" has the meaning defined in section 5753.01 of the Revised Code.

(3) In the case of a taxpayer when acting as a real estate broker, "gross receipts" includes only the portion of any fee for the service of a real estate broker, or service of a real estate salesperson associated with that broker, that is retained by the broker and not paid to an associated real estate salesperson or another real estate broker. For the purposes of this division, "real estate broker" and "real estate salesperson" have the same meanings as in section 4735.01 of the Revised Code.

(4) A taxpayer's method of accounting for gross receipts for a tax period shall be the same as the taxpayer's method of accounting for federal income tax purposes for the taxpayer's federal taxable year that includes the tax period. If a taxpayer's method of accounting for federal income tax purposes changes, its method of accounting for gross receipts under this chapter shall be changed accordingly.

(G) "Taxable gross receipts" means gross receipts sitused to this state under section 5751.033 of the Revised Code.

(H) A person has "substantial nexus with this state" if any of the following applies. The person:

(1) Owns or uses a part or all of its capital in this state;

(2) Holds a certificate of compliance with the laws of this state authorizing the person to do business in this state;

(3) Has bright-line presence in this state;

(4) Otherwise has nexus with this state to an extent that the person can be required to remit the tax imposed under this chapter under the Constitution of the United States.

(I) A person has "bright-line presence" in this state for a reporting period and for the remaining portion of the calendar year if any of the following applies. The person:

(1) Has at any time during the calendar year property in this state with an aggregate value of at least fifty thousand dollars. For the purpose of division (I)(1) of this section, owned property is valued at original cost and rented property is valued at eight times the net annual rental charge.

(2) Has during the calendar year payroll in this state of at least fifty thousand dollars. Payroll in this state includes all of the following:

(a) Any amount subject to withholding by the person under section 5747.06 of the Revised Code;

(b) Any other amount the person pays as compensation to an individual under the supervision or control of the person for work done in this state; and

(c) Any amount the person pays for services performed in this state on its behalf by another.

(3) Has during the calendar year taxable gross receipts of at least five hundred thousand dollars.

(4) Has at any time during the calendar year within this state at least twenty-five per cent of the person's total property, total payroll, or total gross receipts.

(5) Is domiciled in this state as an individual or for corporate, commercial, or other business purposes.

(J) "Tangible personal property" has the same meaning as in section 5739.01 of the Revised Code.

(K) "Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C. 1, as amended. Any term used in this chapter that is not otherwise defined has the same meaning as when used in a comparable context in the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes unless a different meaning is clearly required. Any reference in this chapter to the Internal Revenue Code includes other laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes.

(L) "Calendar quarter" means a three-month period ending on the thirty-first day of March, the thirtieth day of June, the thirtieth day of September, or the thirty-first day of December.

(M) "Tax period" means the calendar quarter or calendar year on the basis of which a taxpayer is required to pay the tax imposed under this chapter.

(N) "Calendar year taxpayer" means a taxpayer for which the tax period is a calendar year.

(O) "Calendar quarter taxpayer" means a taxpayer for which the tax period is a calendar quarter.

(P) "Agent" means a person authorized by another person to act on its behalf to undertake a transaction for the other, including any of the following:

(1) A person receiving a fee to sell financial instruments;

(2) A person retaining only a commission from a transaction with the other proceeds from the transaction being remitted to another person;

(3) A person issuing licenses and permits under section 1533.13 of the Revised Code;

(4) A lottery sales agent holding a valid license issued under section 3770.05 of the Revised Code;

(5) A person acting as an agent of the division of liquor control under section 4301.17 of the Revised Code.

(Q) "Received" includes amounts accrued under the accrual method of accounting.

(R) "Reporting person" means a person in a consolidated elected taxpayer or combined taxpayer group that is designated by that group to legally bind the group for all filings and tax liabilities and to receive all legal notices with respect to matters under this chapter, or, for the purposes of section 5751.04 of the Revised Code, a separate taxpayer that is not a member of such a group.

Sec. 5753.01.  As used in Chapter 5753. of the Revised Code and for no other purpose under Title LVII of the Revised Code:

(A) "Casino facility" has the same meaning as in section 3772.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) "Casino gaming" has the same meaning as in section 3772.01 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Casino operator" has the same meaning as in section 3772.01 of the Revised Code.

(D) "Gross casino revenue" means the total amount of money exchanged for the purchase of chips, tokens, tickets, electronic cards, or similar objects by casino patrons, less winnings paid to wagerers. "Gross casino revenue" does not include the issuance to casino patrons or wagering by casino patrons of any promotional gaming credit as defined in section 3772.01 of the Revised Code. When issuance of the promotional gaming credit requires money exchanged as a match from the patron, the excludible portion of the promotional gaming credit does not include the portion of the wager purchased by the patron.

(E) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 3772.01 of the Revised Code.

(F) "Slot machine" has the same meaning as in section 3772.01 of the Revised Code.

(G) "Table game" has the same meaning as in section 3772.01 of the Revised Code.

(H) "Tax period" means one twenty-four-hour period with regard to which a casino operator is required to pay the tax levied by this chapter.

SECTION 2. That existing sections 2915.01, 3772.01, 3772.11, 3772.15, 3772.23, 3772.27, 3772.31, 5751.01, and 5753.01 of the Revised Code are hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. (A) Notwithstanding sections 3769.04 and 3769.13 of the Revised Code, for a period of two years after the effective date of this section, a permit holder who is eligible to become a video lottery sales agent may apply to the State Racing Commission to move its track to another location using the following approval procedure:

(1) The permit holder shall submit, for the consideration of the State Racing Commission in its determination on whether to approve the transfer, its proposal to the State Racing Commission and shall specify the location of the new track and the incremental economic benefits the permit holder is willing to provide to the state.

(2) The State Racing Commission shall approve or deny the transfer.

(3) The permit holder may apply to the State Lottery Commission for a video lottery sales agent license at the new track location.

(B) The State Racing Commission, subject to division (D) of this section, shall give preference to transfer proposals involving moves to locations in which neither horse-racing meetings nor casino gaming have been authorized before July 1, 2011. A permit holder that is authorized to transfer its track under this section and that is a video lottery sales agent may operate at a temporary facility at its new location while constructing or otherwise preparing its new track at that location. A temporary facility shall meet any minimal capital investment and structure requirements established by the State Racing Commission.

(C) The state may discuss and negotiate with parties regarding the transferring of racing permits to new track locations and may, in its discretion, enter into agreements regarding the transfer of permits to new locations in advance of the process set forth in this section.

(D) A permit holder who is located on property owned by a political subdivision may move its track to a new location within twenty miles of its current location. Such a permit holder shall not be charged any fee by the state in exchange for applying for a move, for having its move approved, or for moving its existing track as specified under this division. The State Racing Commission shall give a preference greater than the preference given under division (B) of this section to such a permit holder as part of the approval procedure.

(E) Chapter 2915. of the Revised Code does not apply to, affect, or prohibit lotteries or video lotteries conducted under this section and Chapter 3770. of the Revised Code. The State Racing Commission may not adopt rules regarding the operation of lotteries or video lotteries conducted under Chapter 3770. of the Revised Code.

(F) The State Racing Commission may adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to effectuate this section and to establish fees to relocate tracks for applicants under this section.

(G) As used in this section:

(1) "Permit holder" means a person that has been authorized by the State Racing Commission to conduct one or more horse-racing meetings under Chapter 3769. of the Revised Code.

(2) "Track" means any place, track, or enclosure where a permit holder conducts live horse racing for profit at a racing meeting. "Track" includes facilities or premises contiguous or adjacent to those places, tracks, or enclosures.

(3) "Video lottery sales agent" means a person who is a permit holder and holds a current license issued by the State Lottery Commission to assist the Commission in conducting video lotteries through the use of video lottery terminals at a track.

SECTION 4.  Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in Chapter 3769. of the Revised Code, for a period of two years after the effective date of this section, any person holding a permit under that chapter to conduct live horse-racing meetings at a facility owned by a political subdivision may apply for, and the State Racing Commission may grant, a permit to conduct horse-racing meetings at a location at which such meetings have not previously been conducted. The Commission may only grant such an application if the proposed location is in the same or a contiguous county and is within fifty miles of the current location associated with the permit, but is not in the same county as another location at which live horse-racing meetings are conducted.

SECTION 5.  The items of law contained in this act, and their applications, are severable. If any item of law contained in this act, or if any application of any item of law contained in this act, is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other items of law contained in this act and their applications that can be given effect without the invalid item of law or application.