As Introduced

129th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. B. No. 354

Representative Uecker 

Cosponsors: Representatives O'Brien, Lundy, Letson, Grossman, Gonzales, Brenner, Derickson, Reece, Blair, Combs 

To amend section 4503.546 of the Revised Code to 1
redefine eligibility for issuance of a "Gold Star 2
Family" license plate.3


       Section 1. That section 4503.546 of the Revised Code be 4
amended to read as follows:5

       Sec. 4503.546. (A) Any member of the immediate family of a 6
person who died in a combat zone while serving as a member of any 7
branch of the armed forces of the United States or a reserve 8
component of the armed forces of the United States or the Ohio 9
national guard, or who died as a direct result of such service 10
after an honorable discharge, may apply to the registrar of motor 11
vehicles for the registration of any passenger car, noncommercial 12
motor vehicle, motor home, or other vehicle of a class approved by 13
the registrar that the family member owns or leases and for 14
issuance of "gold star family" license plates for that motor 15
vehicle. The application for "gold star family" license plates may 16
be combined with a request for a special reserved license plate 17
under section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code. Upon receipt 18
of the completed application and compliance with division (B) of 19
this section, the registrar shall issue to the applicant the 20
appropriate vehicle registration, a set of "gold star family" 21
license plates with a validation sticker, or a validation sticker 22
alone when required by section 4503.191 of the Revised Code.23

       In addition to the letters and numbers ordinarily inscribed 24
on the license plates, "gold star family" license plates shall be 25
inscribed with a gold star and the words "gold star family." "Gold 26
star family" license plates shall bear county identification 27
stickers that identify the county of registration by name or 28

       (B) "Gold star family" license plates and a validation 30
sticker or, when applicable, a validation sticker alone shall be 31
issued upon submission by the applicant of an application for 32
registration of a motor vehicle under this section, payment of the 33
regular license tax as prescribed under section 4503.04 of the 34
Revised Code, any applicable motor vehicle tax levied under 35
Chapter 4504. of the Revised Code, and any applicable additional 36
fee prescribed by section 4503.40 or 4503.42 of the Revised Code, 37
and compliance with all other applicable laws relating to the 38
registration of motor vehicles.39

       (C) No person who is not a member of the immediate family of 40
a person who died in a combat zone while serving as a member of 41
any branch of the armed forces of the United States or a reserve 42
component of the armed forces of the United States or the Ohio 43
national guard, or who died as a direct result of such service 44
after an honorable discharge, shall willfully and falsely 45
represent that the person is such a family member for the purpose 46
of obtaining license plates under this section.47

       (D) As used in this section, "member of the immediate family" 48
of a person who died in a combat zone while serving as a member of 49
any branch of the armed forces of the United States or a reserve 50
component of the armed forces of the United States or the Ohio 51
national guard, or who died as a direct result of such service 52
after an honorable discharge, means all of the following:53

       (1) A spouse;54

       (2) A parent, stepparent, or other person who acted in loco 55

       (3) A sibling, whether of the whole or half-blood, or by 57

       (4) A child, including those by adoption, or a stepchild;59

       (5) A grandparent.60

       Section 2. That existing section 4503.546 of the Revised Code 61
is hereby repealed.62