(C) The department of administrative services, every other | 26 |
state agency authorized to enter into contracts for construction | 27 |
or contracts for purchases of equipment, materials, supplies, | 28 |
insurance, or services, and every port authority shall file a | 29 |
report every ninety days with the equal employment opportunity | 30 |
coordinator. The report shall be filed at a time and in a form | 31 |
prescribed by the coordinator. The report shall include the name | 32 |
of each minority business enterprise that the agency or port | 33 |
authority entered into a contract with during the preceding | 34 |
ninety-day period and the total value and type of each such | 35 |
contract. No later than thirty days after the end of each fiscal | 36 |
year, the coordinator shall notify in writing each state agency | 37 |
and port authority that has not complied with the reporting | 38 |
requirements of this division for the prior fiscal year. A copy of | 39 |
this notification regarding a state agency shall be submitted to | 40 |
the director of budget and management. No later than thirty days | 41 |
after the notification, the agency or port authority shall submit | 42 |
to the coordinator the information necessary to comply with the | 43 |
reporting requirements of this division. | 44 |
If, after the expiration of this thirty-day period, a state | 45 |
agency has not complied with the reporting requirements of this | 46 |
division, the coordinator shall certify to the director of budget | 47 |
and management that the agency has not complied with the reporting | 48 |
requirements. A copy of this certification shall be submitted to | 49 |
the agency. Thereafter, no funds of the agency shall be expended | 50 |
during the fiscal year for construction or purchases of equipment, | 51 |
materials, supplies, contracts of insurance, or services until the | 52 |
coordinator certifies to the director of budget and management | 53 |
that the agency has complied with the reporting requirements of | 54 |
this division for the prior fiscal year. | 55 |
If any port authority has not complied with the reporting | 56 |
requirement after the expiration of the thirty-day period, the | 57 |
coordinator shall certify to the speaker of the house of | 58 |
representatives and the president of the senate that the port | 59 |
authority has not complied with the reporting requirements of this | 60 |
division. A copy of this certification shall be submitted to the | 61 |
port authority. Upon receipt of the certification, the speaker of | 62 |
the house of representatives and the president of the senate shall | 63 |
take such action or make such recommendations to the members of | 64 |
the general assembly as they consider necessary to correct the | 65 |
situation. | 66 |